gen3kingboi-blog · 7 years
How should I do this?
So, in my book Noncanon, (avaliable on Wattpad) there is a romantic subplot between Uncannoned (the protagonist) and Null. Uncannoned is the simple part. Long story short, he's the most normal charater, and he's a being made from three broken souls. Null on the other hand, is a masculine, but gender neutreal entity who wants to become more feminie, even becoming a girl outright. Uncannoned never sees her face before she has her soul modified (long story short, the charaters have no physical form and are astral projections) by I.T. (Spoilers if you actually wanna read it btw) In the end, Uncannoned leaves without ever learning the truth. Here's the issue, I have no clue how to do the scene where Uncannoned finds out Null is trans. Would it be good if he was cool with it or would that offend those who were judged by those around them? I'm not sure what to do, so I turn to you. Although my current plan is for Uncannoned to just accept it and love Null for who she is, but I fell that I may unintentionaly downplay how rough some trans pepole have it. Can someone help me out here? Thanks, and forgive my spelling and iggnorance. Also, if anyone wants more info or wants to read it, just ask. Thanks again, and please, don't tear me apart for my iggnorance. I want to learn and do this right. Thank you.
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gen3kingboi-blog · 7 years
OFF except...
OFF but the Batter wangs to give that boy a borger. Imagine if he said to the queen, "we were so busy eating our fries we frogot about our borger." ... I regret nothing.
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gen3kingboi-blog · 7 years
This post will get no notes and gain me no follows... or will it?
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gen3kingboi-blog · 8 years
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Trump: The post game was not easy for me. I was given a small loan of a million dollars…
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gen3kingboi-blog · 8 years
Manytale Chapter One
Manytale is a crossover of Undertale AUs. This is the first chapter of it. The rest of the book is avaliable on my Wattpad gen3king-Edgar up to chapter twelve. I’ll be reposting chapters here maybe, but i recomend following my Wattpad if you want to read it right just now and to see updates first. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.
Sans from the Canon timeline works on the device. “Cmon,” he mumbles, “I know I can bring him back.” It’s been six years since the barrier was broken, and Frisk is now fourteen. Sans still lives in the underground, trying to fix the device to revive Gaster, with no luck so far. Meanwhile, Swaptale Papayrus works on his own device. Like Sans, he too stayed in the underground. “Today’s the day,” he smiles, “just gotta give it some juice.” Papayrus activates the device. Meanwhile, Underfell Sans works on his device, just like the other two. However, he’s a bit more… pessimistic. “This price of shit better fucking work,” he mumbles, “I’ve spent my whole life trying to bring Gaster back, and I’m not going to fail.” He activates the device. Sans from the Canon timeline activates his device. His father’s invention that detects anomalies starts to go berserk. Sans considers shutting it down, but decides not to. He’s not giving up now… The device fully activates, and everything goes black. Meanwhile, Frisk is walking home from school. They look across the street. They see themselves, but older, more rugged. They look again, and their other self is gone. The continue walking, unnerved by what they saw. They take a shortcut through the forest. Their other self blocks their way, smoking a cigarette. Frisk stops dead in their tracks. The other Frisk stops smoking and stomps out their cigarette. “Who the fuck are you?” Other Frisk asks. “I’m… Frisk,” Frisk replies, “nice to meet you. What’s your name?” “Name’s Frisk,” other Frisk replies, “so unless I fucked up the timeline there’s no way you’re Frisk.” “I am Frisk,” Frisk replies, “and I haven’t messed with the timeline.” “Fuck this,” other Frisk replies, “I’m loading my save.” Other Frisk tries to load, but Frisk’s DETERMINATION stops them. “What?” other Frisk asks. “I’m as confused as you are,” Frisk replies. “OK,” other Frisk replies, “one of us has to have broken the timeline. Who would know how to fix it?” “Probably Sans,” Frisk replies. “Good thinking,” other Frisk grins, “let’s go.” The two begin to walk towards the underground. Meanwhile, Canon Sans regains his vision. “Damn,” he mumbles, “didn’t work.” He begins to walk to Grilby’s. As he walks, he can’t shake the feeling something is wrong. He reaches Grilby’s. He notices another restaurant right next to it. Out of curiosity, he goes inside. “Oh hey Blueberry!” Swaptale Muffet greets, “didn’t expect to see you here! What can I get you?” “Did you just call me Blueberry?” Sans asks confused. “Yeah,” Swaptale Muffet replies, “that is your nickname, right? Speaking of which, where’s your costume?” “Costume?” Sans asks, “you must have me mixed up with my brother Papayrus.” “No,” Swaptale Muffet replies, “are you feeling OK?” “I fell fine,” Sans replies. “Are you sure? You’re acting a bit strange today.” “Look who’s talking! When did you open a restaurant!?! When did you build it!?! It wasn’t here yesterday!” “OK, you’re clearly sick. I’m calling Papayrus.” Muffet takes out her cell. Swaptale Papayrus steps out of his lab. His phone rings. He answers. “What’s up?” He asks. “Blueberry’s here,” Muffet explains, “he’s acting strange. He’s wearing an outfit that’s pretty close to yours. I think he’s sick. Could you come down here?” “Sure thing,” Papayrus replies. He goes to Muffet’s. He passes by a house identical to his. He keeps walking, indifferent towards the house. He’s much more concerned with Sans. He walks into Muffet’s. “Sup Sans?” He asks. “Where’s your costume bro?” Sans asks. “What are you talking about?” Swaptale Papayrus asks. “The costume you always wear? Man, and you think I’m getting sick.” “Blueberry, are you sure you’re feeling OK?” “I’m not Blueberry! I’m Sans!” Something dawns on Papayrus. “How’s the experiment?” He asks. “How do you know about the experiment?” Sans asks. In that moment, he knew, he fucked up. “We need to talk,” Papayrus explains, “let’s go home. Thanks Muffet.” “No problem,” Muffet replies. The two walk through the snow towards Papayrus’s house. They get inside. “So what’s going on?” Sans asks. “We broke time,” Papayrus replies. “Did you try to revive Gaster?” Sans asks. “Yeah,” Papayrus replies, “but I never knew him myself. I’m doing it for my brother, Blueberry. Who actually looks a lot like you. Come to think about it, he looks exactly like you. Only he wears a costume. All day, everyday.” “Funny,” Sans grins, “my brother is just like yours, but he happens to look like you.” “What’s his name?” Papayrus asks. “Papayrus,” Sans replies. Swaptale Papayrus stops talking. He freezes in shock. “Oh my god,” Papayrus replies, “we’re swaped in my timeline.” “How so?” Sans asks. “My brother is like your brother. It’s like we’ve been swaped.” “Are there any other timelines involved?” “I don’t know Sans. We just gotta let things settle down. Look, our timelines have fused or something. Let’s take a look around. Maybe we can figure out what’s going on.” The two begin to move towards the door, but before they can, someone else walks in. Underfell Sans glares at them. “What the fuck did you clowns do!?!” He demands…
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gen3kingboi-blog · 8 years
I Got It!
I think I figured out FNAF Sister Location’s story. However, to go forward with this theory, we have to go back. Back to FNAF 4.
In FNAF 4, in the protagonist’s house there is what could be a girl’s room. We’ll be coming back to this later, but in FNAF 4, the protagonist dies in a coma, and his big brother speaks to him in his last moments of life. Clearly, the big brother, let’s call him Benedict for the sake of this theory, is riddled with guilt, but what if he had another sibling? A little sister? The girl’s room would likely be that of his little sister. If Benedict was haunted by guilt, he would likely try to atone by being nice to his little sister.
Meanwhile, Benedict’s father would have to pay the bills, and how would he do that? Well, what if he just so happened to be an employee of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria? It would explain a lot, after all, his son was murdered, if he had access to a gold suit, he’d likely try to get vengeance. Basically, it is possible Benedict’s father was the Purple Man, and as we know from Silver Eyes, he shares the name of the designer of the Baby animatronic… it makes sense, he’d have to pay the bills and he’d have more time on his hands with one child cared for by his over child and one dead…
A few years later, The Purple Man (can’t remember his name) begins to go mad. He wants more, more vengeance, more bloodshed, he begins to go mad. He designs Baby to kill when there is an unattended child. Knowing this, he keeps his daughter away from Baby. However, his daughter is killed by Baby, but presumed missing, and the death is covered up. The Purple Man snaps and goes to destroy the old animatronics, leaving Benedict alone and depressed.
A year later, after The Purple Man’s death, Benedict has to know what happened to his sister. His father having sold Baby to the Sister Location, where Benedict’s sister was last seen, Benedict easily gets a job there. Thus begins the Sister Location…
We’ll come back to that later, for now, we have to talk about eye colors, specifically, Baby’s eye colors. In the minigame, Baby’s eyes are blue, like Ennard’s, but otherwise, they are green. They would have to clean out the daughter’s corpse, so, it is very likely that Benedict’s sister’s soul went into Ennard, who was Baby’s old endoskeleton, before being removed. Putting the pieces together, she learns her father is a psychopath. She tries to stop others from suffering her fate, at any cost. Sister Location happens, and Benedict gets scooped. Ennard , or the sister, takes his skin, and destroyes the Sister Location. Afterwards, she learns of her father’s death and passes on to the afterlife with her brother. Years later, FNAF 3 happens, and the soul of Benedict’s little brother is freed and they all reunite in the afterlife, eternally happy.
That’s the story of FNAF 4 and Sister Location. Are there any holes? If so, let me know what they are! Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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