genderbendqueen · 1 day
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genderbendqueen · 1 day
Bruce: I know it’s hard, but you must remain forgiving and merciful, Jason.
Tim, who had to watch Bruce skin a man alive like a piece of salmon with a batarang for saying something rude about his then deceased son, throw him in the back of the Batmobile, and drive him to the hospital just to beat him up again:
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genderbendqueen · 1 day
Guess what.... Phantom find a new trick to traumatized his best friends 🤭
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genderbendqueen · 1 day
I’ve hinted at it in other posts I’ve made, but the idea that Danny is just a little to non-human for people’s comfort is a head cannon I love. Which is half the reason he ends up in Gotham.
Gotham is cursed. Like full on, cursed the land the city was built on it’s imbedded in the brick and mortar of the buildings, cursed. But it leaves all Gothamites with a certain level of tolerability.
So Danny, who had the police called on him 5 different times during a college visit in metropolis because he was just a little too uncanny and everyone felt a certain degree of uncomfortable around him, learned that gothamites still pick up on the uncanny, but they can ignore it. At most he kinda get’s side eyed when he passes by, but most of Gotham gives off an odd vibe so they take it at face value and move on. Danny is not a registered rogue and is also not actively holding them up and they have better places to be.
That doesn’t mean it’s always ignored though. After Danny is admitted to the aerospace engineering program at Gotham U a Twitter account pops up that’s just called “Local GU Cryptid sightings.” It’s just pictures of Danny sleeping in the weirdest fucking places or security footage of him that keeps bugging out because they learn that they can’t take pictures of the kid without the footage going a little buggy.
The students in Danny’s cohort use the account to gauge Danny’s sanity level. They were not afraid to ask what was up with him, and instead of saying he’s a ghost he admitted to essentially living above a radioactive portal that contaminated him. His eyes glow and he has sharper teeth and ears. Also digital anything cannot capture his likeness.
And this was fascinating to them. They started doing some research because they wanted to know why some images had more distortion than others. Turns out the more tired Danny is the more distorted the photo becomes. So every now and then you’ll see someone snap a photo of Danny and be like “go home!” (They refer it to it as Danny’s sanity level because one time he started laughing so hard they thought he’s been gassed, but turns out he hadn’t slept in a week).
Still, it’s sorta become a game. Like how there are accounts that post pictures of the campus squirrels. It’s just that but with absurd Danny sightings. Someone caught him asleep in a tree once. No one knows how he got up there but he was sleeping against a gargoyle in the middle of the night and for the life of them they couldn’t figure out why he wouldn’t just go home (he likes sleeping under the stars sometimes, even if he can’t see them through the smog). A teacher sent a student to retrieve something from storage. Danny was also down there, and can apparently see in the dark since said student turned the corner to a dark hall and glowing green eyes. (Geezus Danny you scared the shit out of me. Now don’t move. I need proof this happened or no one will believe me.)
It’s all pretty harmless. The first time Danny gets caught up in a rouge attack his teenage vigilante instincts kick in and he decks the leader in the face knocking him out cold.
Bruce is concerned because footage of the fight is distorted but both Jason and Tim take one look and laugh. “It’s just Danny. We already vetted him. He’s good,l. Remember the GCPD’s request about that kid who disarmed a bomb and disappeared? That was Danny. He was tired and likes to canabilize machines for his projects.”
Danny not a born Gothamite, but he certainly feels like one so they accept him into the fold easily enough.
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genderbendqueen · 12 days
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genderbendqueen · 15 days
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Deep sea benthic Miku
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genderbendqueen · 15 days
What is the saddest anime you've watched? Like I'm talking tears flowing, sobbing, nose running, life altering.
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genderbendqueen · 15 days
Dick: I fight demons everyday
Dick: and by demons I mean Damian and Jason
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genderbendqueen · 15 days
The Fellowship gets on the topic of their ages one night and Boromir comes to the dawning realization that he has absolutely no idea how old any of his companions are supposed to be at all
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genderbendqueen · 15 days
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genderbendqueen · 17 days
the thing about Dick Grayson is, he’s been watching Bruce and Clark interact since basically day 1 and has 100% perfected the art of going “yikes” from a safe distance and then moving on with his day.
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genderbendqueen · 17 days
Ftm Danny being held by the giw for months/years and raped multiple times by the for science.
JLA saves him and he ends up in batman/bruces care. Slowly danny starts to heal
Flash forward to a few months later and hes not feeling well constantly sick and exhausted. Bruce gets him checked out and low and behold dannys pregnant.
Learning this danny locks himself in his room and shuts down. Dick who heard danny locked himself in his room but not why ends up climbing up the balcony letting himself in and just sits with the ghost boy.
Dick learns the truth and decides to share his SA that hes never told anyone else about.
After a few hours the two leave the room and talk to Bruce. Together they discuss all options and confirm that no matter what they would support him and after thinking on things Danny decides he cant go through with it.
An appointment is made and followed through, just like promised bruce and dick and there to support him.
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genderbendqueen · 18 days
In the Infinite Realms, soul marriages are widely known and accepted. Some marriages are more famous than others.
Case in point, everyone who is anyone knows that Superman and Batman are married by Infinite Realms standards.
Constantine, who is one of those who know this, has opted to just. Not mention it.
It's not important.
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genderbendqueen · 24 days
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[My art, don't steal, tag if reposting]
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genderbendqueen · 24 days
Tim: You want to know a secret?
Jason, still texting: not really.
Tim: I don't really have a coffee addiction.
Jason: What? Tim: I just pretend to drink a lot of coffee, so when Bruce says "no more coffee," I don't have to stop drinking energy drinks Jason: You're lying. I see you with one of those stupid Batburger coffee cups like every day. Tim: There's no coffee in that. Tim: It's just red bull man. Jason: Why would you tell me this? Tim: Because no one will believe you.
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genderbendqueen · 25 days
Danny: Hey, is this Damian's number?
Jason: Yeah, that's his. How do you know it?
Danny: He sent me this text. "Your existence offends me." Figured it was him even if it was from an unknown number but doubled checked just in case
Jason wince: Sorry about that. He's a bit overprotective and territorial.
Danny: No worries. I think it's kinda of cute that he tries to shovel talk his big brother' boyfriend.
Jason: How did you respond to him?
Danny: I wrote back, "Good. Stay offended"
Jason: I love you
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genderbendqueen · 25 days
Tim: You look like every girls first mistake
Jason: You look like you remind teachers about homework when the bells about to ring.
Tim: You probably WERE that kid weren't you, nerd?
Jason: Rather be a nerd than illiterate, what's the last book you read, Timmy?
Tim: Fuck you. You look like you eat refrigerator magnets!
Jason: Bitch- you look like you lick unknown substances just to find out what they are!
Tim: That was one time!!
Jason: Little freak!
Bruce: Whoa whoa! What the hell? What are you two arguing about?
Tim: Huh? We aren't arguing?
Jason: We're bondin' go away!
Bruce: ..Okay
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