gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Success and fails of the sleepless nights - Tighnari x Student Reader
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"If you don't take care of yourself, there will be no paper that you can finish"
TW: University, sleep deprivation, self-doubt, good ending.
WC: 2 872
Summary: scenario about platonic Tighnari helping poor, sleep deprived student Reader. Slight angst to comfort I guess
Learning is exhausting.
Scratch that.
Learning is not exhausting in itself, you used to be very fond of it.
Academy is exhausting. And not even the institution itself, it's the people. Especially the current, oh so mighty, Sages.
Scratch that again.
It's not even solely about the Sages. It's about hierarchy. Everyone with a title higher than yours is entitled to treat you like air or lesser of a person than they are. Those who once have been treated this way now have taken over this "privilege".
Just push yourself a bit more, at least finish this paper and you will submit it again and then it all will be okay.
How weird. You really used to be curious about the world, willing to explore it and it's laws. Sit with the book you found interesting. And now you only hope to be done with this whole Academiya and never touch a book again.
Where did you go wrong?
Anyway, such thinking is for when there's time for it. Paper. Finished paper is all you need now. Just submit the paper and be done with this
Scratch this again and scratch that again
Submit the paper.
Only for it to be denied again, because your professor decided that his subject is so complicated and important that only ten percent of each year can pass it. With the lowest grade acceptable. Propably not even God of Wisdom would get the highest mark.
Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, scra...
"Be silent, do you think people come here to listen to you demolishing papers? I come here at night so the likes of you don't disturb up my studies" a shillouete appears on your paper and you look up at the man standing just before you. Another scholar. He's not even looking at you, his eyes gaze at your paper, reading, then he grimaces "They'd be better used in toilet anyway I see" he scoffes and before you can say anything, he makes his way out of here.
Ah, right.
You're still at library.
You sigh and fall back into your chair. Exhaustion and frustration finally let themselves be fully known to you after all those hours you've spent here. Your head and legs feel as numb as if they disappeared altogether. You grimace as you try to find another, comfortable position on that chair. It didn't do much. You're still exhausted and your drink has run cold a long time ago. You take one last sip of your coffee. Bitter and cold. But maybe you will visit those merchants near the Academiya to get yourself something to eat and a hot drink. You know you need to hand this paper tomorrow morning.
Just a few more lines until it's acceptable to be submitted. Then screw it all and wait for the verdict. Maybe the Celestial grace will take pity upon you and you will pass.
Or you will be forced to pay money for the retake like majority of this madman's students.
You grab your things and get ready to leave. You pass through the silent library and then the corridor. It's no surprise that these corridors seem more desolate than ever. It's middle of the night and even a thought of laying down on these cold tiles is tempting. Anything for a wink of sleep.
"Was that Tighnari?" you hear and stop to look at two students talking near you. That was a name you haven't heard in a while.
"Yeah, he was called here by the Sage to join them in their project, but he refused again" says other shocked student. First one sighs and shakes his head
"I can't believe it, if I were him, I'd be happily join them, even with no pay"
"And that's why you're not me" a voice sounds from behind you. Two students look shocked at Tighnari, he stood just beside you, at the doors. Tighnari narrows his eyes and crosses his arms
"M-master Tighnari...we didn't mean to insult you..." starts one of them
"You know what, do make yourself a favour and consider if you really would join them" says Tighnari with a frown "You'd happily wag your tail even if they told you to forsake your lives for their plans, wouldn't you?"
"B-but Academiya's projects are done to improve all of our lives...!"starts the other student, but under Tighnari's gaze, he retreats with his words.
"It's not my buisness. Neither are you, go and be a mindless zombie" he adds in harsh tone and two students hurry off as they glance behind themselves. Tighnari then looks at you and your sleep deprived form. "What? You too?"
You think of what does he mean but your brain feels mushy and your stomach decides to play the song of drums. The botanist sighs as he looks at cup of dried coffee in your right hand and papers in your left.
"...when will you fools understand that humans aren't machines. You don't pour coffee into yourself like you pour oil into some device and expect it to run for days" he says with an annoyed sigh.
Now, this is embarassing.
A senior of yours, a man who became a graduate at such young age, is looking at you struggling to even keep your position in the Academiya as a student. He talks about somethings, his tone not getting any gentler. But you don't hear him anymore.
People like him are far beyond your reach. You can't even get this fucking paper done. And now you can't even stop your tears from leaving your eyes as they stain your hard work. His face is a blur for you now, you can only see how one of his ears twitches, propably annoyed with your emotional outburst. Your hand turns into a fist as the papers get crumpled, something you already regret. You look shocked at the paper and open your mouth begging the paper to be okay.
"Is this why this all fuss is about?" asks Tighnari, in neutral tone. You shield the paper from him. Too ashamed of yet another person seeing your work as a disgrace to a research field. "Come on, show me that" he says, and you neither do give it to him or hold it to yourself.
You'd gladly melt into the background, along with all your worthless papers.
He takes it from your hand, and you don't stop him anymore. You just do as always, when you hand in your papers.
You look down, until he gives a silent verdict, tears the paper and tells you not to waste his time.
You used to take pride in your projects. And now at the thought of these projects from this man's lessons...you freeze.
"Ah, so you're a student of his" says Tighnari as he narrows his eyes to be able to read informations from the damaged paper "This bastard...which retake of yours is it, eh?" he asks as he looks at you. Struggle and tell which one it is and he will humm "So you've got to hand it tomorrow...tell me, [Name] do you think this paper will pass?" he asks as he looks at you.
Wait, how even did he know your name? You didn't personally know him, just heard of him.
And how did he know you had to hand it in tomorrow?
"I've read it on the paper, you lummox" he says as he waves the paper before your eyes.
Ah, right. There was your name and tomorrow's date.
Tighnari looks at you, as you try to race your thoughts through that sleep deprived brain of yours. He sighs as he crosses his arms.
"How about it then, I will submit it tomorrow on your behalf. And you will take some rest."
Thought of thanking him for that ran through your head. But what will happen then? The two of them will have the laugh of their lives?
Irresponsible. You are irresponsible.
"No, you're just exhausted" says Tighnari "I mean it" he waves the paper again "I will be here tomorrow morning, just in time to meet your teacher. I will hand it in for you. Don't worry about it, I know him."
Corruption? A word from another person for you to pass? If that makes you pass, you might as well take it. At this point you just want to get it over with.
You ask Tighnari why would he do it and he sighs
"I'm no random, I too learnt here I guess you know about it. And I guess I grew nostalgic, maybe I'm searching for a reason to talk to him" he says as he glances at the paper. "So? What do you say?"
You agree and he nods, hiding the paper in his bag. He glances at the window outside.
"Actually I was already leaving the Academiya. So let's leave together, okay? You look like you'd pass out any moment" he says and you follow him. He was a good observer, you really were in a bad shape. Random trip on the stairs, knocking your head into the lamp pole or almost walking off the path seemed to be your exact thing that night.
"So, you live in the Dormitory or somewhere else?" he makes sure and seeing your nod, he nods to himself "Good, it's near enough" he adds as you two see the familiar buildings with Akademiya's signs.
"Remember to have some sleep and drink a lot. No coffee, just water. While you're at it, get some medications and vitamins as well, okay?" he tilts his head as his one ear flops a bit and you've got to hold back from trying to tap his ear. He only blinks slowly. "Go and have some rest" he only adds and leaves you.
You wake up, feeling the hot rays of sun on your skin. You stretch your arms until you get a cramp in them and sharply roll to the side. You wait for the pain to pass and then get up, panicked as you see the hour. You woke up two hours after your lessons have started.
Lessons with that guy too. And you don't have your paper.
You barely remember your meeting with Tighnari. It's a memory foggy enough for you to consider it a hallucination because of your sleep deprivation. You were still in your school uniform as well. You might have just crashed here and made it all up.
Worst thing - there's no paper. You must have lost it somewhere. You're fucked.
You grab your bag and run off your dormitory, feeling the exhaustion set in again with each of your steps. Tears appear in the corners of your eyes as you rush through people and into the Akademiya.
But as you run towards the doors of your class, you see people walking out of it.
It's done. The final term passed and you didn't hand your paper. You might have made it, but now it's impossible.
"...haha yeah, that was amazing. I can't believe we don't have to look at that asshat anymore" laughs one of your classmates to another as they pass you.
You get in front of them and ask them questions. What the hell did they mean? Why is everyone so happy when they just quit his classroom?
They gave you weird looks and ask whether you're alright.
But it's no time to ask this!
"Chill [Name]" says one of the students "Ya see, we all passed. And we won't see that asshat anymore, it was the last lesson with him."
They passed? They just passed because they were present that day? You were present almost everyday and it never happened! What the fuck have you done
"Hey, I told you, chill. You passed too" he says and you look at him like at some idiot. "I mean...we passed thanks to you, mostly."
"Your paper was a joint project with Master Tighnari. He was the one defending the project"
"That guy was roasting mr Asshat nicely! Seriously can't believe he's round our age!" another student jumps in with a huge grin as they hook an arm around the other student's neck "Mr "Asshat was supposed to review us all in those two hours, but picked you first and then that fox kept talking and talking and asking him questions...he had him in there, defeated! Should have seen that...!" he starts
"Hey, if you're going to talk about me at least classify me correctly" the student's face dies a bit as he looks back and steps away, revealing Tighnari "I've got no connections with foxes. Valuka Shuna is a race that shares Large Desert Dog's features. Not fox." he narrows his eyes and the student chuckles a bit nervously.
"I'm...sorry sir Tighnari"
"Whatever, run off now" says Tighnari and the students cheer in excitement for their luck in classes and leave the Akademiya. "So...did you sleep well?" he looks at you
Man, this too is embarassing. So embarassing that you can feel the burning shame run through your back and arms...
Wait, that's no embarassment.
That's another muscle cramp
"For real?" Tighnari sighs as he grabs your arm and bends it a bit, you feel a little bit of pain and then relief. You sigh out as you thank him "As I thought, not only are you exhausted but dehydrated as well...take some care of yourself, seriously" he says.
You thank him now for helping you pass, you almost can't help the grin that tugs at your cheeks, despite tiredness.
"No problem, you see, I really did seek out the way to meet up with that teacher of yours. He has been Akademiya's scarecrow for some time by now. It annoys me how people like him treat students, people who are here willingly to learn, right? Besides, I've asked another researcher in that field and your paper was really alright" he looks at you and then thinks a bit "Since you've passed...Do you have any plans for the summer break?"
Summer break? Does he mean 'crash in your room for months and try not to think of yet another year of academic torment'?
But you answer him truthfully, you don't. He nods pleased.
"Good. You will help me"
You help him? How in the world?
"I have a shortage of Forest Watchers you see, I will gladly get someone into our team. You need not to worry about housing or food for that time. I don't really expect you to do more than you can. You will help my other trainee, what do you say?" he asks.
There goes your staying in the dormitory room. You almost sulk at the idea of having yet another scholar to answer to.
"What's with that face? It's not a life sentence. If you don't want to, just tell me" he says
And you can't push yourself to answer him in one way. You're good with writing papers just before the deadline and being stressed out. Will  you be able to do well as a Forest Watcher?
"Not the Forest Watcher but a trainee. You will just help around" he says and sighs "Personally I too think it would be best for you to rest from this place. Humans aren't used to living in such conditions...and no, I don't mean my kind. People. Overall. It's noisy, you have how little sleep now at your academic year? Five at most?" he scoffes and shakes his head as he looks outside the window, his one ear tilts
"You will understand once you stay a bit outside of here. If you decide to go back, I won't stop you. Just give yourself a chance to see how your mind will react to another environment, okay?" he looks back at you.
How could you say no? Not only did he save your ass, he also feels concerned about you. And being a scholar, he does know his stuff. Maybe he's right and this summer break will be a good rest for you?
You agree and he smiles at that. You two hear the footsteps and see the teacher you have been having so much headache about lately.
He was carrying some boxes with papers.
"Going on a break professor?" asks Tighnari with a hint of smugness
"Fuck you Tighnari." hisses the lecturer and walks out of the academiya.
"Interestingly enough, I too have offered him that summer break session" he says and you look at the fox man with horror. He grins amused at that "I'm just joking, don't worry. He too was long time burnt out. I know he's been only looking for an excuse to leave and go join his brother at a farm"
Farm? Is he joking?
That asshat? All crops are going to wither.
"In two weeks Collei will come to the city for some resources and she will collect you on her way back. Ah, right. Collei is a trainee Forest Watcher. Your soon to be colleague too. Take good care of her" he adds as he walks out. Call out to him and he will turn around
"What? Can't wait two weeks? Then make haste and come with me now."
This will be an interesting summer break.
A/N: And yes, I will propably make another one based briefly on this one. Something along the lines: "Tighnari oversees reader's reconvalescence and the two grow close".
If anyone wants to support sleep deprived student, here's my kofi:
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
If we didn't shout Venti's name would he have just let us die?
If I were to expand this story, I'd see this situation resolve in two different ways:
1)Venti decides to let the Traveler die, because of how much they betrayed his trust, tried to get away and even tricked him. He's a drunk, broke and lazy archon, but he's still an archon. He has some pride and he recognizes himself as a deity (E.g. voice line where he tells the Traveler they could be a better devotee of his if they wish for him to be a better archon).
If you're going to throw his affection and protection away, he might as well let it get back at you. He's all about freedom after all. So fall down and die.
And besides, he still can see and manage the souls, can't he? Like he did once (not to get spoiler-y). So he still can keep you by his side or to even trap you in some way, perhaps seal in an item if he can do so.
Didn't want to get along with him in life? Then you'll do so in death.
2) So the second scenario would be Venti getting disapointed by Traveler not calling for help. He'd use his powers but only to prevent death from happening. Some limbs still would be broken. Nothing that makes a person die, just few injuries that would keep you from climbing mountains and trying to run away.
Perhaps he'd put ruins of Decarabian's town to good use. You would be kept inside Old Mondstadt's capital, cut off from all by wind barriers. Perhaps Dvalin may take pity on you and involve you in a simple conversation. But other than that - wind remains as your sole companion.
I've decided to make the story less dramatic, but if I were to consider worst case scenario (Traveler refusing to acknowledge Venti's actions and trying to run away from him even if it means death) I'd certainly see Venti as a yandere that either lets them taste the freedom (and die in the process, so a threat he could save them from) or goes "looks like you're going to wind realm traveler, ehe. You've got nobody now and I still can keep an eye on you".
But truth be told I dunno which one of these two would be a better end to the story. Perhaps neither ehe~
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Pleaseeee.... Yandere Viktor with mage! Reader.... OwO
There you go
Not gonna lie, this was an interesting setting that I might explore once more in the future, thanks for that idea!
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Opportunity - Yandere Victor x Mage Reader
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"I've never encountered something...someone as miraculous as you."
TW: yandere, posessive behaviour, unhealthy relationship, imprisonment, health sabotage, slightly making up how magic would work with mages since Arcane hasn't covered this topic yet
WC: 2202
Victor knows that Hextech is just a tip of an iceberg. It took him and Jayce years to make it useful, and still it seems almost bland compared to Jayce's story from the past.
Mages. How absurd it would sound to him if he didn't encounter strange entities earlier in his life, like that creature from Singed's laboratory - Rio.
Even if he wished to discover abilities of those people who wielded magic like it's nothing, he didn't had the means to do so. Piltover was free of mages and even if it wasn't, he had a lot of things to take care of now.
That's why he was so reluctant when he has first heard about you.
Undercity's market was visited by him or James in secret. If there are some wonders to be found, they were surely not on surface of Piltover. Traders were used to these two scientists, that's why they spoke freely around them, sometimes hoping to catch their interest as they'd pay for informations or rare goods.
One night Victor paid a visit to a stall with rare plants, not really minding the conversation the trader before him had with the fish trader. But he didn't ignore their words either.
"A magician appeared at my stall last night" spoke the plant trader out of blue
"Magician? A druggie high on shimmer glowed his eyes at ya, and ya thought it's a bloody magician" laughs fish trader as he cuts some suspicious sea creature in half and puts it on sale. "I bet my left asscheek it was your mother"
"Shut it or I swear to...!"
"A magician?" asks Victor and they look at him
"Aye, a magician" says the man looking Victor dead in the eyes. These traders have seen many things in their life, not much could surprise them.
"Have you seen them use their powers?" Victor approaches him but the trader shakes his head as he puts the bundle with fresh flowers on the counter.
"Some weed you picked today" scoffes the other trader "What? Will you bring the magician out of flower stem? Like a rabbit from a hat?"
"You moron, these are the plants I got from sailing a month ago!" trader furiously hits his fist on the counter and the flowers jump a bit with the impact. He curses under his breath.
"They were dead. Withered. This magician came here and asked for them, told'em that they need to wait another month, as I only got the ones that withered for now. The damn freak told me to give them these ones, and they changed into these fresh plants right before my eyes! I lie not!" he hits his chest a few times with the most determined look he could make.
Victor observed these flowers, so fresh and full of life, even if they were almost completely withered the other day.
Would you be able to heal him with the same powers? Could he too come back to health like those withered flowers? With his health swaying, he knew that he needed to do something. And if that failed, he still can experiment on crystals.
"Is this magician going to come back?" Victor asks and the plant trader looks a bit suspiciously at the fish trader
"Doubt it, they saw his disgusting mug and left in a hurry"
"Disgusting?! I'll show you something disgusting asshole!" a fish has been thrown along with many insults. Victor decides to leave before things escalate too much.
"Oi, come here tomorrow, I have some plants I need help with" says the plant seller under his nose, but before Victor can ask him anything, he goes back to insulting the fellow trader.
Having nothing to lose, Victor appeared there the next day. He stayed in the shadows observing people, but no one seemed extraordinary.
Until he noticed your form out of the crowd, you approached the plant seller again. Despite trying to hide yourself in coat or dark clothes, you stood out. Once you were leaving, he started tailing you. As a magician you've noticed him. If you try to escape, he will call out saying he has no ill intentions. Confront him and he'll simply smile as he offers an introduction.
"My name is Victor. I'm sorry for going after you but...I'm afraid I need your help" he says, his eyes sadly trail to his weaker leg
"Of course, I will pay you for your services. I will do anything, I have nothing to lose anymore." he says as he looks at you. Determined, yet exhausted eyes bore into your own. You could feel the life leaving this man. A simple walk was enough for him to pant and some blood to run down out of his pale nose. He noticed it and immediately wiped, apologizing.
You've decided to help that man. To see whether you can heal his body like you've healed those plants. Whether you can stop that life which yearns to leave his sick body.
He makes a promise to never mention you to anyone, he's really sweet too. He amuses you with stories, mostly of his academic youth and failed experiments with hextech. It's refreshing for someone not to pry at your knowledge or abilities, but to share their own. Undercity was full of people who'd try to take advantage of your abilities and the upper part of Piltover would kick you out in best case scenario.
That's why spending time with Victor felt so much more than trying to heal him, it soon started to feel as if a friend has come to visit you.
"I've brought you some cakes. I'm not sure which one you'd like best so..." he crosses the doorstep of your current hideout. His pause made you look at him, and you didn't quite see his face.
"Can you help me put them down?" he asks, and once you do you can finally see his face. His carefree smile as he chuckles makes you remember that you've never see him so...carefree and happy. Even when he smiled, as he told you how he got send onto the wall by hextech's micro explosion, it was a smile with exhaustion hidden behind it.
"It really is...rather difficult to carry these boxes with one arm, but...I hope it's worth it." he says as he sits down. His condition didn't seem to improve yet, he still needed a cane and yet he looked much more at peace. If you ask him about this sudden upbeat attitude he's going to try and remain serious, but give up as he smiles again, acting out of character that you knew.
"I'm sorry it's just...I've managed to do something I was stressed about lately" he will dismissively wave his hand. If you ask him about it, he'll look expectantly at the boxes with cakes.
"I will share the happy news with you soon but how about we eat some cake first? I've heard that this one is especially good" he opens one of the boxes. It's difficult to ask him anything as he changes the topic and tells you that you'll know eventually. But it's nothing bad, he promises you that.
Healing Victor becomes more difficult lately. Your powers don't seem to do any difference, yet he seems very calm about it.
"You should have a bit of rest too...perhaps I've been coming here too often, I'm sorry about that. I don't want your help at the cost of your wellbeing" he says caringly as he puts his hand on your shoulder
"You look tired. Don't worry, we'll try tomorrow. Maybe you should eat something more healthy...I've got you lunch. I thought that...the amount of sugar and sweets might be a bit too much. Don't worry, it wasn't much. I've never even repaid you for your kindness anyway" he says with a soft smile.
Victor started visiting you everyday, bringing with him food and drinks. But you couldn't stop the feeling of doom at the back of your head. Your health seemed to decrease and the same happened to your magic. You wished you could still heal Victor, but you couldn't even heal yourself from this weakness that currently tormenting you.
"Don't worry, I'm here for you. I will be here tomorrow too. Do you want me to bring you something? Name anything." he tells you as he sits by your bedside.
"Don't be shy, I know how it is to...suddenly stop being able to do as much as you were able to do just yesterday. I've been getting better thanks to you and I want for you to get better as well"
Despite his heartfelt wishes your condition didn't improve. You've lost the feeling of time and many days became a blur for you. Sometimes you don't even remember Victor coming to your hideout and feeding you.
Your exhaustion casues you to fall asleep for much longer than you usually did.
"Do you hear me?" your senses pick up on Victor's voice as you open your eyes and finally wake up. You felt better. Not so hazy and not so weak. Victor smiles at you softly.
"Good morning, you've been asleep for quite some time. Do you feel better?" he asks, but you notice that the place you were in wasn't your place. It was some other room, with too much light for it to be in the Undercity.
"I apologize for that but...I believe you wouldn't come back to health in that place. Neither could I act if something were to happen to you. But you don't need to worry, you're in my house. You can stay here for as long as you wish." he explains. Stay there, listen to him and he'll smile gently as he sits back on the chair near the bed you're lying in. He picks up an apple and a knife as he starts peeling it.
"You don't really need to go back to Undercity you know? I...can always say my friend is here to visit me. No one has to hear about who you really are. I'll ask Jayce to help us make you a Piltover citizen, he can do that easily and he won't refuse me. We'll work on getting your magic back too" he says as he finishes peeling an apple and offers it to you.
"It'll be alright. We watch after ourselves, don't we?"
But let's say you don't appreciate him bringing you to his house. You want to exit this room, this house and this city altogether.
"Please calm down, you've yet to recover...hey, don't get up. You will hurt yourself" despite his protests, you get up and walk towards the doors. Only to find out that they've been locked.
"I've done it so no one enters and finds you...I don't think we want them to find out about you being a mage, right? I'm sorry it's just...a safety measure." he walks up to you. Demand him to open it and he will.
"Please calm down, you don't know how weak you are" he'll grab you by your arm. His hold being rather strong for his condition. You need to struggle with all your strenght to get out of his grasp. You hate to do it, but the only way for you to get out is to slow him down. You wish you were able to operate fully with your magic again.
You knock his cane out and immediately run towards an exit. But before you can even touch the damn doors - a grip on your arm appears again, this time tighter. But it's brief, you're thrown back as you fall onto the floor. You can see how surprised Victor is when he stares at his hand, the same one he just threw you with. But he quickly turns his attention back to you as he coughes a bit
"I'm sorry...I just want to keep you safe. You act way too...irrational. You're a mage. If anyone knows who you are, something bad can happen to you." he says, not meeting your eyes. He walks up to you perfectly fine without a cane. If you question it, he's going to sigh.
"Yes I've been getting better, thanks to you and some other events. I simply thought that if we spend some more time together you might let me help you" he says, his voice laced with honesty
"You're a mage. You can help this world so much with your power, we simply need them to see that. To see you as I do. What else do you want to do? Stay in the Undercity and wait for any of them to report you? Trust me" he says. Again, you might trust him or snap back, trying to use your magic.
Trying. Because you couldn't use your magic. At the sight of your stubborness Victor simply sighs and gets up
"I'm sorry about that but...you must understandt, I'm doing this for you too" he says as you can see some light coming from his pocket. Blue light. But before you could do anything to him, you felt lightheaded again.
"Everything will be okay. You'll just stay in this room for a while. And then we'll be happy again"
Kofi Donations
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
The Silco lost and found was absolutely amazing!
Thanks a lot!
This post is my pride and joy because I did my best to set up the world around the reader, which resulted in word count over 5k.
I really appreciate this message, especially since this post didn't get much attention from people compared to older Arcane posts.
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
I will post "Yan Victor x Mage Reader" request asap. I just need to change some part, because I don't like how it turned out. Sorry Anon for the wait
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Between freedom and life - Yandere Venti x Traveler Reader
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"People would kill to be loved and protected by a deity. And yet all you do is hurt me more and more."     TW: yandere, posessive behaviour, unhealthy relationship, imprisonment WC:1408
    Mondstad's breeze and green plains were the first things to welcome you into this world. A safe place to train and get ready for the next big steps in your adventure. Taking care of Mondstadt's troubles, fighting great battles for the dragon's freedom and helping the deity himself - it all felt as if it originated straight from the pages of some fairytale. But you still had to move forward, to reach your goal, no matter how idyllic this place was.
"You wish to leave?" asks Venti one day, unexpectedly. As if he knew what was going through your head lately. Perhpas you've been stocking too much on weapons and food.
"That'd be a shame" he sighs as he looks at you with those big, melancholic eyes, he turns his eyes somewhere else as he smiles a sadly.
"You know, there's a festival coming soon. I hoped you'd attend it with me. There'll be food, music and alcohol...not that the last part is the most important of course" his chuckle filled the air, but soon his eyes got this saddened glint again 
"Can't you really stay a bit more? Pretty please?"
And just like that, new events unfolded before your very eyes as Venti dragged you everywhere with him. Hanging off your shoulder, holding you as he drinks and laughs, pouring you yet another cup. Festival passes and yet the archon is still by your side. It looks like he took interest in adventuring, asking you to bring him to some comissions and huntings. Telling Venti that you're leaving next day always ended up the same, with him telling you that he hoped you'd stay just for a little longer. He has some trouble, you know? There's this hilichurl camp that needs to be taken care of and who'd be better for this, than the renowned hero of Mondstadt? He'll treat you to some fine cider after this too! Just help him out this last time, okay?
Day and day again, the same story kept happening. Your goal seemed to be more distant each time you spoke to anemo archon. So one time you decided to simply go and leave, no matter how guilty you felt doing this. You'd visit eventually anyway. With that thought in mind you crossed the green plains and kept marching until you saw massive lands of yellow trees and tall mountains. Wind blew gently in your face, bringing a cool aid from the long walk. As you took a step forward, it felt like a new adventure awaited you, and you shouldn't worry about a thing. That is until a wind changed direction and strenght, as it violently blew from behind you now.
"Are you okay?!" When you turn around, you see Venti running through the border as he quickly catches you, looking around for anyone or anything. Turquise light of anemo power leaves him as he takes his physical form
"Why are you here? What happened? Who brought you here?" His questions quickly spill out of his mouth as his grip on your arms tightens.
It felt wrong telling him that you need to go. As if you were abandoning him. Uncalm winds around you two will reflect on his demenaour as his fingers fidget, pressing further into your flesh.
"I...had no idea that you wish to leave so badly..." his eyes look away betraying his sadness, but soon they change into more determined look
"But it's dangerous now. Please just stay a bit longer and I will take care of it. I've promised I will help you after all." he looks at you, not even demanding an answer. Simply stating how things are going to be.
But still he refuses to mention what danger awaits you beyond Mondstadt's border. The more you dwell, the less he'll talk. Soon you won't even notice him around you at all, but you are aware of the winds that can carry his thoughts through the whole land. You couldn't mention to people Venti's weird behaviour. But it still didn't hurt to tell some of your friends about your fear of Liyue. Diluc seemed like the best person to talk about it as his people often cross the border with wine.
"Dangerous? Liyue? Why would it be?" he asks you as he wipes the cup and places it back on the counter of his bar
"My traders cross it weekly and so far they mentioned no trouble. So where did you get these informations?"
Diluc doesn't recognize any danger that would befall on anyone for crossing the border. Neither did other people. If you wanted to go further, you'd have to escape archon's gaze first, and to do that, you'd have to escape the wind itself.
You were free to roam his land, but you couldn't leave. Yelling out his name in the wind didn't make him appear before your very eyes, as it usually did. It was obvious, he was evading you. He must be aware that you know about his lie. Sometimes you even thought he abandoned his idea of protecting you at every step and let you go.
But whenever you got close to a border the winds wouldn't let you through, like an invisible barrier that pushed you away. The more you tried the further they threw you back, but there always was a gentle breeze on your back that'd ease the fall.
Perhaps it is that desperation that has led you to this situation. You thought you'll be able to climb that big mountain near the border, and then somehow try to fool the archon again. But now you were stuck on the mountain's wall, with barely to no strenght to even keep yourself on it and not fall down. If only your glider didn't get lost. If only you didn't made that archon want to protect you with such strenght.
This fall surely will be a fall to your death, no doubt about it.
"You wish to leave so badly?" a voice comes from the wind itself that formed near you.
"What is it that you wish for so much? Liyue?" this time you hear a scoff above you. There, on the rocky shelf sat Venti, looking down at you
"What else do you want from me? Have I not given you enough? You're protected, you need not to worry about a thing. How many people can live the life you live?" his eyes seem darker as he looks down at you, as if you should be thankful for being in this cage. Your fingertips started going numb from hanging onto the rocky wall for so long. He must have noticed it too, because he scoffes as he tears his eyes away from you 
"Well, it's not like I'm so awful" his voice changes to lighter tone, but it became more disturbing too
"Want to do as you please? Alright, I will not keep you safe anymore. From today on, you're on your own. That's what you wanted anyway. Now you're free to cross the border and go to Liyue or wherever you want. It's time for you to prove how you don't need me" he says and disappears in the wind.
Immediately the wind stilled. All became quiet and you could only hear your uneasy breathing and it's echo coming back to you from the mountain wall, you tried so desperately to cling onto.
And just like that your cold fingers stopped holding onto the wall's creak, and your whole body fell down. No more wind under your back, no more adventures and no more anything. Once your body falls, it's the end.
Out of pure fear, you reflexively called Venti for help.
You could see the trees near, meaning you've been very close to the ground.
A loud noise was heard underneath you as the whole hill cracked in half, getting rid of the ground that could kill you. Winds safely guide your fall onto the ground with your head on someone's lap. You saw Venti's face light up in a grin of satisfaction and the cracked hill walls above him.
"See? This is how things end when you're so stubborn and act so stupid. So eager to prove yourself" he smiles as he strokes your hair. Then he brings you closer with a dark chuckle as he hugs your form, his mouth next to your ear
"The only thing you've proved today is that you need me"
Kofi Donations
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Genshin Impact Masterlist
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Between freedom and life
Pairing: Yandere! Venti x Traveler! Reader
Type: Scenario
Summary: Once done with Mondstadt, Traveler wants to continue with their journey. Venti isn't so keen on this idea.
WC: 1 408
Success and fails of the sleepless nights
Pairing: Platonic! Tighnari x Student! Reader
Type: Scenario
Summary: Scenario about platonic Tighnari helping poor, sleep deprived student Reader. Slight angst to comfort I guess
WC: 2 872
Beidou x Reader x Ningguang
Yae Miko x Reader
Yandere Ayaka Kamisato x Reader
Yandere Ei x Reader
Wanderer x Reader
Yandere Candace x Reader
others incoming
Kofi Donations
12 notes · View notes
gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Lost and Found - Yandere Silco x GN Reader
Show: Arcane (contains some spoilers) Pairing: Yandere Silco x GN Reader Series: Lost and Found masterlist
TW: dark themes, yandere, unhealthy relationship, discrimination, poverty, agression, abuse of power, violence against reader, death, imprisonment, graphical descriptions, corruption, drugs
word count: 5269
Headcanon for Reader being reunited with Silco.
You started a new life.
Life you led away from the dirty streets that held only memories of the day it all went up in flames. Of bodies found among burnt down warehouse and bodies that were never found.
But it was in the past now. Your friends died and you had two choices, one of them was to continue grieving and wasting away in the remnants of the past. Second choice was presented to you by an accident. Some overheard conversation, some twists of luck and you were able to quit the darkness of Zaun and enter the Piltover.
Until now the past was dead and burried far in the lowest lows of the lower city.
If you only knew how often the "dead" come back to life.
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"How many times can you start all over again? Accept the fact that you have no place in this world, other than by my side."
Silco was well aware of you sticking with Vander's makeshift group of freaks. And he knew well that after their demise you would propably break down and wait in there, so that when he comes back to rebuild from what has been lost, you will join him. And with Hound of the Underground's death, he's been strolling into the Last Drop Bar with exactly this idea in his head, waiting to see you there.
Except you weren't there.
Silco didn't expect you to quit the Undercity and enter Piltover. Of course, at first he thought that something bad has happened to you, and decided to send his goons to search for you in the Undercity. Each alley, street, house and still not a trace of you was found. And then a person who fits the description a bit too well was brought up to his attention. A new Pilltover citizen with unbelievably clean past. It surprised him, he wouldn't expect you to enter Pilltover out of all places. And it seems like you managed to get yourself a place to stay and a job as well.
It seems that you moved on. Again. You seem to never learn. A long time ago you and Vander have moved on from the goal that the three of you had, you forsaken Silco and the vision of independent Undercity. But that's fine, the two of you were weak, trying to find any slightest trace of comfort in the most stupid ways. Helping out some kids, even going as far as scheming with the Enforcers to keep your little, false peace. You got comfortable. Silco knows how this feeling can spoil a person and make them blind to anything they wish not to see. So comfortable, blind and so full of one's self. His own people started getting just as comfortable lately.
So he will not act now, he will let you live that unshaken and untroubled surface life. He will wait until you get rid of that Undercity stench and take the clean air for granted. It might take years, but he knows that patience is often the key. So he will listen to the daily news about your life from his spies, sipping each word into his memory as if he read a newspaper with a morning coffee.
Until when will he be waiting? It depends. Might be a sudden promotion at your job, news about some people getting too close to you or even the events in the Undercity will make him discard his passivity. Silco will use his contacts to spread the rumours about your origins and create uneasiness targeted at you. These rumours will spread like fire in the time of tension between two fractions.
You soon begin to notice a slight difference in the air. People didn't smile anymore when they saw you, they didn't greet you like they used to and you were sure that you've overheard plenty of quiet conversations all around you. Your coworkers excused themselves just to escape a chat with you. Of course, there were some nice and kind people as well, but as the time passed, even they started to turn their backs on you. Your presence alone became a taboo.
But even if this suffocating atmosphere starts getting to you, you still try your best. You try to work and live a normal life. Surely if you just show them that you are one of them everything will be fine.
"I'm sorry [Name], but I need to make cuts" 
Your boss says, not even looking at you. Figure of your employer stands by the office's window, gazing somewhere far outside. You're unable to even see their face, only thing you can do is to stare at their back, as the light scattered around their form, almost blindingly. You were sure that this was a "I-noticed-things-and-I-will-help-you" kind of talk. But no. The cuts are being made and so you've got to be fired. No amount of pleas will change their mind. They also refuse to give you another reason for this decision, standing firmly with their lie, that you so painfully see through.
You can still work things out, right? You need to try. That's your only chance. You will get up everyday a bit earlier and go to various workplaces in the city. The boss gave you your last payment even if you hadn't finished your monthly work hours. But this amount of money, in best case scenario, will let you pay this and the next rent. But you will have barely enough food to keep yourself active. For the first time in years you've remembered your daily struggles back in the Undercity. But the memories of this place made you clench your teeth and try again.
But it seems like you're running low on hope. It's been a month and you still didn't manage to find yourself a job. Everyone's businesses seem to be full of employees nowadays. All talks seemed to loop into one, giant "No".
 "I'm sorry, we're full on staff right now. But we'll find you if we get any vacancy"
"We're not searching for anyone at the moment, sorry" "Did we post hiring posters? We're not looking for anyone"
"You're overqualified, sorry. Huh? Em, yeah, I said overqualified. I-i'm sure you will find something better! This work is shit anyway. Em...No. Seriously. We're not hiring, we've got plenty of people."
"Job interview? Em, yeah it seems like we forgot to take off that hiring poster heh, sorry."  "Why are you taking my time? We're not hiring"
"Can you start from tomorrow 8 a.m?"
You sighed and got up, ready to leave quickly to spare yourself even more grief. But then the meaning of this person's words got to you. They reacted to your surprised face with a kind smile and offered a glass of water.
"I'm not sure why you're so surprised...it's an odd job. We're always short-handed. So, can you start from tomorrow? We've just got a good client, so we need to start with the advertisements right away. But...I can't promise you it'll be a long-term job. Just a month, and then we'll see"
Your excitement has left you a bit, but you still thanked and left promising to be there tomorrow. An odd job. With a payment that is not even enough for you to pay your rent. And only for a month. You still got money for the next rent, but what then?
It seems like the idea of leaving your comfortable apartment didn't even seem like a valid option until now. But you knew that there's no other way out. With the money you got now, you can find yourself a bit smaller, maybe worse location-wise house, but it's doable. Anyway, one success at a time, you need to prepare for your new job.
Handing out leaflets, such an ungrateful work.
You'd stand there for some time, feeling as if everyone glanced or even stared at you. Your past month experiences didn't help either. But you got to do what you got to do. So you approach people with as little as a greeting and handing out a leaflet. There were people who simply passed you by, took a leaflet only to throw it in the trash as soon as they see one or simply throw it to the ground. There were some people who took and kept it, but it wasn't as common.
You used your time to hang around and look out for a new flat that you could live in. If it means a few another months of security, you will take it. Although the months of security might be too much of a stretch. The money is running low even if you try to save every single coin. Next step is surviving on leftovers or trash. It was frightening how quickly your brain ticked back to the old ways, proceeding to seek out for any way out, like a...
"Get away from my shop! I don't need no damn rats or beggars here!"
Man yells at you and as you turn around, you see his aggressive face turn into shock. You both have recognized one another. You knew who this man was. It was a baker that often visited your previous workplace, often smiling and offering free cupcakes to your boss and your colleagues. Congratulating you on your success, giving a nice word here and there, always smiling.
He's going to ask you what you're doing here, pestering you, unsatisfied with any answer you can come up with. It's best to leave. Leave and pretend you didn't hear a disapointed sigh and mutter about your origins.
Finding a new flat wasn't easier than finding a new job. Perhaps if you had a bit more money you could do something about it, but that's just a wishful thinking for now. With your next rent date coming in a few days, you had to find yourself a new place to live as soon as possible.
"There are some issues with water...you got to go outside for it" says the landlord as he just looks around the room, looking at scratched and dirty walls. "And you got to pay the rent in advance"
You knew that the price this man was coming up with was far from fair but the only alternative was staying on the streets. And provided how many Enforcers were patrolling the streets nightly, you knew that they'd always get the undesirable people away, so that they don't block the sidewalks.
You've gone yet again to hand out leaflets. You've been reading those papers so many times out of boredom that they've engraved themselves in your memory. It was about some new transport company that offered it's services to Pilltover and Undercity. Seems like they operate within these two fractions not minding the tension at all.But today a new set of leaflets came to your company. They were from the same transport company, but now it seems like they're searching for some employees. One of their preferred experiences and skills would match the ones you used in your previous work, so obviously it looks like a good chance to keep yourself going.
This transport company has ordered much less leaflets this time, so it looks like they'll bail from the advertising agency anytime now. If you let this chance slip, you will be left again without a stable source of income.
"Yes, your...em, experience seems fitting" says the man with the undercut as he nervously gazes through your papers. He seemed exhausted and lost. "S-so, we got a lot of staff here, in Pilltover department" he says as he looks at you. You've recognized this nervous look, one that comes before a polite rejection. His eyes look to the side, before shifting rapidly at your form.
"But!" says the man a bit too energetically, almost throwing something off the desk. His sudden movement made you feel some alcohol and soon you noticed a small stain on his sleeves. But there wasn't any alcohol smell from his breath, as far as you could tell. "We're lacking in people in the Undercity department...we've got only one place to fill now. So...what do you think?"
When he notices any pause or hesitation from your side, he'll fix the collar of his white shirt, almost holding his hand in a choking manner, before he smiles a bit nervously "B-but we got a worker in the Pilltover department who's...soon to leave. Yeah, he's changing jobs and moving out. So...if you're going to do well, we'll get you to Pilltover department"
The pay was good, you wouldn't really have to walk through the Undercity alleys each day, it was just on the opposite side of the bridge, few steps down and that's it. You can do it.
After agreeing to start your new work from tomorrow, you have left this nervous wreck of a man. Unknown to you, as soon as the doors have closed, a man has breathed out with relief, but not for long. The ear piercing wheeze has been heard in this small office-like room, as a blue haired girl walks out of the shadows, laughing and staring at him.
"We'Re lACkiNg iN pEOpLE. Nice one Chuck!" she laughs as she hits her fist on the desk, startling the man. Her chuckle dies a bit down, as she stares down at the paper on the desk "and then you say that as soon as the worker in Pilltover leaves, they're getting the place" she says amused "such a bad liar..." she looks up at him with a dangerous glint in her eyes
"It was you who dragged me out of the bar minutes ago" says Chuck, nervously "Why didn't you talk to them instead?" "O? You're curious, aren't you?"  "On the other hand, I'm not. This isn't my buisness" he gets up, as Jinx smirks. She marches over to the window, looking at you leaving the building.  "You don't wanna know?" mocks Jinx "You really don't?" she glances at him "Don't you know everything?"
"Just that we are to watch out for this person...is Boss planning to kill them?"
"If it was up to me, I'd just tie them up, stick a ribbon bow to their head and send them to the old man in a package. This whole wait is annoying."
"Cool? I'm...I've got to go back to the bar" he says as he quickly escapes the room.
You go through the bridge, being ready to give a long expanation as to why you decide to cross it. Enforcers were already getting ready to block the road away from you. Your explanation didn't seem to work. Job doesn't seem like a legit reason to cross a boarder of two conflicted fractions.
"[Name]?" you hear and turn to see an enforcer emerging from a crowd of his colleagues. "Are you [Name]?" he asks, as his mustache moves with each word he says. It doesn't matter whether you recognize him, Marcus will not talk to you much, he will simply tell others to let you go through, as the essential workers for goods shipping are allowed to go to the other side of the bridge. Apperently there was some list given out just today.
Enforcers have parted from your way as you saw the the other end of the bridge, one that you have left many years ago. But still, it's just for a moment, right? You're not going back. You just need to take care of this, do it a few days and you'll be able to go back to less troubling life.
Despite this place being one of the upper levels of Underity's part, it still made memories flush through your head, each alley and street you've crossed has been brought up by your memory. But at least here you didn't have to worry about people glaring and gawking at you like you're worse than them.
You found the building, knocked on the doors and yet, there was no response. When you decided to knock for the second time, the doors flew open, as some thin fingers grasped your wrist and pulled you inside. "Finally here, took you long enough!" says the person with a laugh as they immediately get behind you and start pushing you deeper inside the building "just how long do you think I can hold him in here?!" asks the person as they open some doors, still pushing you with their one arm. "Got something for ya!" and before you know it, you're sat on some chair. As you whip your head back, you only catch a glimpse of blue braid before the doors close.
"Jinx, what did you..." starts a voice you haven't heard in ages as the chair in front of you spins around. The man looks above the papers in his hand. "Oh" he says slightly surprised surprised "It is you" he adds "I take it that Jinx has brought you here" he muses as he looks at the papers in his hand again "Then [Name], just what are you doing back here again? Fell from grace?"
 If you get mad at him, calling him out for plotting against you, for all these things he has done to you and the rest, he will just sigh and put the papers down. Like a disappointed teacher, he will look at you, leaning back in his chair.
"Then we are even I assume. Do not forget it was you and Vander who betrayed me first" his eye will look at you darkly. Then he gets up and walks over to the window, seemingly just staring outside as you could catch his reflection on the glass. "Our revolution could mean so much for all the people and yet, you threw it aside. Wasn't it the two of you who betrayed me first?" he will ask and look at you in the reflection of the window "Of course, you're welcome to reason with me. I always have thought rather highly of you, so I hope you've got some excuse. And no, not for leaving me on Vander's mercy as he was ready to choke the life out of my lungs" he turns around to look down at you "Why did you run? You knew I'd be coming here, I'm sure you were. And yet, you ran away. Were you disapointed that I've made it out alive?" he asks as he walks over to some painting, examining it briefly "did you despise me?" even if you're not looking at him, you can hear his steps coming closer, as he stands behind you, pausing for a while and then leaning over so much that you could feel his breath on your neck "Or were you scared?"
Oh the opportunities that you might have in this exact moment.
You might stay quiet, listen to everything he says, as you hear him chuckle, his hands find their ways on your shoulders. Tight grip is soon replaced by a comforting, light pressure. "You've got no idea how lucky you are, I've killed for less. But I see you've learnt. Good" He will let go of you "Because no matter how far you are going to run, you will never find a place you can call home. People like us got no place they can call home. Now come with me, we are going back."
He will lead you back into lower parts of the Undercity, ones that brought all the memories back. If your breathing gets worse, he will offer you filtering mask, musing about how frail you've gotten. Your eyes don't even have to get used to the dark too much, as all sorts of neons soon lit up the dark atmosphere of this place. You will approach the Last Drop Bar that you once knew so well. And yet, this time it seemed different. Colourful lights flash through the glass of the building and the music's dull humm is heard across the street. You skip the line with Silco as one of the giant goons of his open the doors for you two. You walk inside, as the atmosphere slams into your face. Music seems to vibrate in the air, shaking your very bones and threatening to slam through your eardrums. Breathing gets slightly difficult as each beat hits more and you many smells linger in the air. This bracingly hazy and suffocatingly quick ambience could get to your head, overloading all your senses.
Thankfully, Silco is right there, to get his arm around your form and go through the mass of people with you. Talking to him will be of no use, it's too loud. It's difficult to make any standing out points in this place. There are some people inhaling purple gas, some man got thrown across the floor and a loud laugh erupted just somewhere behind you. You can see the bar, where the bartender nervously glances at you and his eyes widen with familiarity. But you can't make this eye contact any longer as he immediately looks down on the glass in his hands and continues to wipe it, even if it looks perfectly clean.
Silco leads you towards the stairs as you two go up and deeper into the building, as music became more muffled. A tall woman stood by the doors, you two were heading to, but her image was blocked by a face of some drunkyard's face twisting into a smile.
"Ayyy, ya new here? C'mon, let's get grab a drink..." he'll try to grab your hand, but before that, he will be send onto the floor, by the same woman you just saw seconds before.
"Get him out of here" Silco's harsh voice will be followed by her grabbing the drunkyard and simply walking away, musing at the man's demise and how he should have known better. "Finally" says Silco as he opens the doors, to what seemed like his office, once you're in, he will close the doors and take off his coat. "...you've come here for the job anyway, so let me tell you about your responsibilities" he says as he sits in his chair behind the desk. His hand grabs the crystal bottle with some alcohol in it, as he brings two glasses with his other hand, soon he fills them with amber liquid.
"When I'm away, you will be left with either Sevika or Jinx. Don't mention the past to Jinx, and don't call her Powder" he will motion for you to come near, as he hands you a glass, but before you can catch it, he takes it slightly away and waits for you to grab it again. Small push and you'll end up on his lap as he offers you a glass, without any tricks this time  "But when I'm here, I expect you to be here as well. I've waited too long for you to run off again. Don't disappoint me"
But you can end this reunion in a different way. Not only the job you assigned for was fake, you were now in a room with a man who has destroyed a life you once had. And life your friends once had as well.
So you decide not to go down without a fight. Yell, curse and even try to lay your hands on him and you'll be restrained in no time as the doors burst open. Jinx's knee on your back will keep you down as you can glare up at Silco all you want. He's going to look at you with merely a disapointment. "If you want to act like a brat, I will treat you like one" his voice gets colder as he grabs his coat and walks out. "Now you've done it. Great fuckin' job" says annoyed Jinx as she's going to knock you out.
You will wake up with a massive headache in a small, dark room. No screaming or fist pounding will get you out. Few times a day you will be given little portions of bland food with water, other than that - you're all by yourself. You notice that you start to crave food a bit more than you should. Almost as if you didn't wish for the food and water, but rather the Shimmer that was being added to your food in small quantities. Sometimes you have a feeling that the air in this room is not enough, that this gas is thick and warm, too warm. Perhaps breathing near that little crack in the wall is going to bring you some fresh air or at least some noise that your mind needs so badly. This silence was deafening.
When Silco decides that your punishment was enough, he will open the doors himself, just to look down at you and walk away, without closing the doors. Best thing you can do is to quickly follow him like a lost puppy. Even if you're out of that room, you still feel uneasy. The food you eat, even if it looks better, isn't as good as the one back there. That is until Silco spares you with a few droplets of Shimmer, that you understand where that weird thirst came from. Addiction was already building up in you for some time, ensuring Silco that you will be sitting near him like a loyal dog.You had a simple job, to follow him, no amount of talking or asking will make him answer you. You're simply a dog that is still in training.
But perhaps after some days he will spare you with a word or two. Perhaps you will try to build some kind of trust between you two again, acting obediently and be at his each word. Slowly he'll drop his guard, allowing you to stay near him, to eat with him, to be there when he makes important decisions. Perhaps the day will come when he will smile at you as you enter his office and ask you for your own opinion or tell you how tired he is, letting you hug him from behind as he brings your hand to his mouth and places a tender kiss on top of it.
  But you might as well use that trust you've built to run, just once more.
In the dead of the night you will grab a cloak and go near that damned bridge. Any other way out was guarded heavily by the gangs of Undercity. They'd let no one other than their people go through these paths. And you were sure that Silco had his contacts far and wide in this god forgotten Undercity. He'd know where you were in a second. Remembering that you were on a list of workers, who were allowed to pass through the Enforcers, you go to the bridge. Catching attention of a guard was easy. You remind him of your status as an essential worker for transport company and ask to be let through. You're lucky that this man remembers you, as you were one of the very few people who passed this bridge at the time. You'll be brought to a small building near the border as he asks you to sit in the waiting room so that he leaves to get the papers.
But the next person to walk into that room wasn't him, it was Marcus. He tells you to get up and follow him. Refusing will not result in anything more than him dragging you out of this building. You enter the dark alley, where the grip on you is lost, only to be replaced with much harsher one as someone slams you against the wall. Your body slams into the building, forcing any air in your lungs out. Slender fingers tighten themselves around your throat as you can't make up for the lack of oxygen you have lost just seconds ago. There's ringing coming from the back of your head that resonates through your whole skull, worsening the skull shattering pain. Despite the feeling of the skin on your head melting away, you will see Marcus standing near Silco as they talk about something, but the meaning of their words escape your understanding, you can only look at the Enforcer leave, as he soon turns into a blue stain getting smaller and smaller. Silco's face on the other hand is very well visible as he turns his eyes from leaving Marcus to you. He lets you go as you fall down.
"Do you despise me so much?" asks Silco "Save your breath, I don't care about your answer anymore. Get up" even if you wanted to follow his curt demand, your body will be unable to as the only thing you can compress is your subconsciousness screaming at you to escape this morbid situation. To run or crawl away. Silco will not lose his patience with repeating the command, his hand shoots at your arm as he forces you up and drags you with him. His quick and furious steps were no match for your stumbling feet as he had to pull you agressively a few times, so that you can keep up.
"I've given no one. NO ONE. So many chances as I gave you" his hiss will cut through the nightly, cold air as he guides you to a shore you knew so well. No plea will make him stop, try to struggle and lay the whole weight of your body down, before he can drag you into the river and he'll let go of you. Falling on a cold sand, you might try to run away, as your own body betrays your best efforts and you fall down time and time again. Struggle all you want, Silco will grab you by your feet, arm or hair and drag you down the shore's line. You can feel as your body starts descending down, into the cold river that smelt like chemicals. You try to stay above it's surface but when the first water pours down your throat and nose, you can't help but panic.
After few of attempts like this, when you're sure that you're going under the water's surface for the last time, you're being brought up by a pair of arms. Just enough for you to breathe and get rid of the water in your mouth. Maybe this is the punishment he has given you and now it's finally over. When the dizziness wears off your eyes a bit, you can see his face above yours as he stares down at you, as if he remembered something. You can do your  best to stay above the water's surface, but in the end it's up to him as he holds your torso just so your neck and head is untouched by the toxic river.
"Perhaps you're not who you used to be." Silco's voice was a pleasing change from hearing all that bubbling water and your own coughs. "What the hell do you want me to do?" his whisper will feel genuinely sad and lost, his hold felt forgiving "No, no matter what I do, you will be always looking for a way to escape" your arms will be squeezed by his hands as he brings you away from himself, as the cold water tickles your neck again. "If you can't stand being with me here, you will be with me in death"
And just like that you're slowly descending into the numbing water. Only your face stays above, as you can take your last breath in.
"Go rest with the Silco of the past, one who naively thought of us creating a better future for our people" his thumb caresses your cheek as he smiles softly "And I will join you as soon as I make it a reality. Until then, be sure to wait for me. I will find you everywhere, even after death" he sounds sickeningly glad with a faint smile, when he realizes that you will run no more. He cradles you, as he forces your head under the water. Using all strenght he had to keep you under, as you shake and try to fight, while his hand rests on your cheek. Silco needs not to worry anymore about you betraying him, and just like that, he forgives you in the end for all your past deeds.
You really are luckier than most.
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A/N: From now on I'll refer to Reader as "[Name]" in my stories. I've read that some people find "Y/N" annoying, since they tend to imagine their OC in a certain scenario. I guess "Y/N" is a leftover for me from the early 2010's fanfictions.
This time I've put more emphasis on Reader and their actions/where the life leads them, without much of their choice. That's propably why this fic is so long.
I've also made some changes, along with the Masterlist/Rules/Kofi links in my description.
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Arcane Masterlist
Lost and Found Masterlist
Characters: Vi x Reader; Jinx x Reader; Ekko x Reader; Silco x Reader (Yandere!Vi x GN!Reader; Yandere!Jinx x GN!Reader; Yandere!Ekko x GN! Reader; Yandere!Silco x GN! Reader
Type: Scenario
Summary: Gender Neutral Reader and Yandere!chosen character share a past. Now that the tragedy of Vander's group has happened, Reader quits Undercity and starts a new life. But the character finds them and reunites with them.
WC: Depends on the part
Character: Victor x Reader (Yandere!Victor x GN!Reader)
Type: Scenario
Summary: Yandere Victor takes interest in Gender Neutral Reader, denies it and gets even more fixated on them.
WC: 1538
Character: Victor x Reader (Yandere Victor x GN Mage Reader)
Type: Scenario
Summary: Victor meets Mage Reader and gets healed by them, but he gets too attached.
WC: 2202
Kofi Donations
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Genshin Impact
there'll be more soon
Kofi donations
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
I have a question do you take requests? I wanted to ask before sending one.
Sure thing Dear, just read these Rules and send me your request.
Sorry for such long wait, as I have mentioned in previous ask - life is a mess.
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Do you have any rules for requests?
Sorry for such late reply but life is a mess.
And thanks for pointing this out, I just made the post with Rules here
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gifted-cardinal · 2 years
Requests can be send through asks on Tumblr
You can only send in a request if you're an adult
Make sure your request includes name of the show/game + character(s) name that you want to pair with the reader. You can voluntary add a theme or set-up of the story and some additional info.
If character isn't from any show/game (e.g. characters from the folklore) just gimme their name
Once you send the Request in, I will take some time to write it, and once I do - I will post it and answer your ask with the link.
No full explicit smut. Suggestive themes are fine but only for adult characters
Bear with me.
Since English is my third language, I'll gladly take in any message that points out my linguistic mistakes. But of course, that is voluntary.
In case of any questions, feel free to send me an ask.
And if you feel like donating, here's my kofi
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gifted-cardinal · 3 years
I love your Yandere Victor 10/10 very detailed very creative I love the way you described what was going on in Victors head throughout all of it great job!
Thank you very much!
I love the fact that you paid attention to this, since it's the most important thing for me - get to know the character I'm writing for. How it'd start, if there are some things in their background/history that would influence their behaviour towards the reader etc.
For the same reason I tend to limit reader's actions/looks or make multiple choices for them (like with Jinx fic). After all I've got no idea who might be reading this, how alike or different from me they are. So I do my best to be the most descriptive about the characters I write for. You are here because of them after all.
Since I'm just starting and this is literally my first feedback, I thank you very much for this message.
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gifted-cardinal · 3 years
Can I order Yandere Viktor, please? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ask and you shall receive, my very first Anon.
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gifted-cardinal · 3 years
Addiction - Yandere Victor x GN Reader
Show: Arcane (contains spoilers for the show and slightly further story/LOL & Runeterra lore)
Pairing: Yandere Victor x GN Reader
TW: dark themes, yandere, posessive character, obsession, imprisonment, mentions of drugs' effects, sickness, manipulation.
word count: 1538
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"I no longer know whether you make me strong or weak."
Victor's life has never been easy. Difficult childhood, sickness, stress and soon the biggest problem of his life emerged - you.
Which appeared to be a ridiculous twist since spotting you for the first time has been nothing else but an accident. And yet, he can't escape the image of  your face ever since then.
At first you were that thought in the back of his head, resurfacing once a few days. Just one of the many thoughts he had, a subtle mention of your existence from his mind. Seeing you in the corner of his vision and feeling your presence all around became a new normality, whether he accepted it or not.
Victor values logic, that's why he was concerned by his sudden obsession with you. No, that's not an obsession, this is propably something he should pay more attention to. Maybe you're more of a problem than he wishes to admit. Maybe you're that one face in the crowd that seems to fit in and yet stands out. At least to him. His mind rarely plays tricks on him and he knew better than to ignore his gut feeling.
So he'll investigate you, as he does with his projects. Thanks to the Hextech success, he has enough of influence to gather informations about you. Jayce will take it seriously until he finds out that there's no reason to worry. He will ridicule Victor and suggest talking to you.
"You don't get it. Something's off about that person"
"Seems normal to me. Hey, maybe you did fall in love"
This sentence will make him scoff and call Jayce ridiculous. Something simply was off about you and he wants to know why. If Jayce isn't taking this seriously, he should not take part in this investigation. He will ignore any apology or remark from his partner and get out of the room. With the cane under his arm, he walked out and entered the streets of Piltover. Not minding the soaking rain, his feet guided him to a place where he saw you at for the first time.
Victor stood in front of the building where you worked or studied at, he wasn't even sure anymore. All informations about you mixed and blurred until he wasn't sure if yours and his lives hadn't already met.
The rain has brought him pleasant coolness and distraction of a white noise to his mind as he stood, not minding the exhaustion. Not quite sure why.
But it seems that the answer has come to him. A question from your lips regarding his well-being has brought his attention back to the present as he looks at you, his eyes widening. You stand in front of him, your image slightly blocked by the streaks of his wet hair sticking against his forehead.
If you treat him with kindness, offering him to get inside the building, he will politely decline. If you insist, he will decide to give into your request. He'll excuse his actions as an investigation. Letting your hands put a towel on his hair and dry them, he'll ask and talk as if he didn't know anything about you, as if he trully got here by an accident. Listening to the informations he already gathered will make him smile fondly, as much as he liked gathering new knowledge, confirming all of these brought him a strange peace.
Research is all about using the informations and tools you got to gather new knowledge.
So he decides to suggest a meeting. In his and Jayce's research building. It seems that you hold some kind of talent, oh he can notice this. He's the former Academy representative and assistant of the Heimerdinger.
"It's okay if you're overwhelmed. Just come tomorrow to the Hextech centre and we'll see if you like it or not."
He decides to withdraw, to make an excuse and leave you with your thoughts. In reality your scholar background or intellectual abilities have no meaning to him, he knows that his first tactic of staying away from you wasn't successful. His mind was finally at peace when he was next to you, so he needs to change his ways in order to get rid of that awful anxiousness eating his sanity away.
He isn't surprised when you come to the building, not much people would pass on such opportunity. Hextech was revolutionary, working in this building meant a stable job with profits that came from the government of Piltover.
Victor has expected your arrival, but it still made him feel satisfied. He walked you through the halls, answering your questions and shooing your doubts away. For now you will assist him in his research, there's not much people he can trust with certain tasks, not much people who have this spark that he recognizes. All you have to do is to sit in the same room as him and read the books on Hextech and technology to have a better understanding of it. If you're bored of this, you might as well read something else, that's alright. You need to get yourself comfortable at new place and he understands that.
He also understands that he needs you by his side in order to focus. When you sat at the desk, reading some book and simply being there, he was finally able to work.
But that was a temporary solution.
He was able to focus on his work thanks to your presence nearby, that's true. But once he exited the building, the anxiousness started to kick in again. The bigger the relief he felt, while seeing you in that place, the bigger the fear and panic filled his mind once the work hours ended. He has no idea whether you'll make it to work the next day. For all he knows you might end up dying or moving out of the city.
He'd follow you around, as you go home from work, but he knew that with his state getting worse each day, it'll be a difficult task. So he decided to cut this obsession with you short. His plan was to take "vacation", so that he doesn't have to see you for a longer period of time. Even if he didn't tell it to Jayce, the other scientist was worried about his friend
"Vacation? You never take vacations! What's wrong Victor?"
As much as Victor knew that he can trust Jayce, he knew that his feelings towards you weren't exactly the most healthy ones. He simply didn't wish to trouble neither you or Jayce with his problems.
Although the deepest corners of his mind were worried about him taking advantage of these informations. He could as well make a move on yo-
Jayce wasn't like that. Victor knew that he'd never do something like that. But even if he didn't, there was a possiblity that you yourself would go after him.
With that thought in mind, Victor was sure that he needed time away from you. Getting you here was the worst decision he could have made.
So he excuses his leave as a fear over his condition getting worse.
Victor goes back home with a new plan. He will focus his mind on other things, perhaps he'll visit Academy, work on a side project or do analysis of Hextech's future. As long as he stops thinking about you, it'll be enough. Your presence wasn't a remedy, it was a drug abuse and he needed a detox. He needed to get you out of his mind. Your face, your voice, the thought of your smile as you'd sit comfortably with him without a care in the world. He needed to quit this addiction.
The symptoms of this withdrawal were trully cruel.
Him going out anywhere resulted in mindlessly going back around Hextech tower or your place. If he tried to study something, he'd go back to his notes about you. No matter what he did, it had to be somehow connected to you. Restricting himself from these actions resulted in mental torment and even physical pain.
He knows that with his declining health, he doesn't have much time left. So either way the problem will resolve itself, either by his death or the change. A mechanized heart never misses a beat, and never falters with emotion after all.
Looking past at these thoughts he used to have, Victor does admit he was stupid.
His mind was never ready to give up on you. Neither back then, when he's been trying to run away from his emotions, nor now that he has brought you to a place that no one will ever find out about.
His heart might be mechanical now, but as long as he is a Victor, you will forever be a part of his soul. The most fragile part of his soul that he has to protect at all cost. No matter how much physical damage he faces, he will never falter as much as he does at the thought of losing you.
One day you will understand that the two of you are inseparable. Your minds and souls will overcome the mortal worries and barriers.
But for now all that matters is that you're safe with him.
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