The Muppets: Then and Now
The Muppets: Then and Now
Fandom: The Muppets Show
While looking back over my life, something occurred to me. In some shape or form, there has always been Muppets to entertain me. They have always been in my life, so it would be strange if they were to disappear. This got me thinking about the history of the Muppets. Where they started, where they are now, and where they could be in the future. And that is something I…
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Monthly Review: If Beauty Tutorials were this Hilarious
Monthly Review: If Beauty Tutorials were this Hilarious
Recently I’ve come across a video shared on facebook. It was of a beauty tutorial. But this wasn’t your average beauty tutorial. It was one titled “IF BEAUTY YOUTUBERS EXISTED IN 1999” This video was done by beauty vlogger Jamie French.  Most of her vlogs are pretty straight forward, and they tend to feature her pet bird. In this particular video, though, she takes a more hilarious approach and…
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Monthly Review: The Devil and Peter Tork
Monthly Review: The Devil and Peter Tork
The Devil and Peter Tork is, dare I say, one of the best episodes of The Monkees. It is so interesting for a couple reasons. The first reason is because, this is one of several stellar guest appearance by Monte Landis. Second, it has one of the more serious and emotional plots for the show in general.
Monte Landis as Mr. Zero
                Monte Landis made several guest appearance on The…
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The Incredible Mr. Tork
The Incredible Mr. Tork
Via IMDb
Last month, the music world lost one of its greats. An underrated talent, Peter Tork lost his battle with cancer just a little more than a week after his 77th birthday. February has become a difficult month for Monkees fans. That is because several members of the Monkees family have passed away during the month of February over the past few years. Most notably Davy Jones in 2012, and…
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Recipes of the Decades Experiment Two: Fondue
Recipes of the Decades Experiment Two: Fondue
Whenever I think about fondue, I laugh to myself. That is because scenes from an episode of That 70s Show come to mind. In this episode, Red, Kitty, Bob and Midge decide to have a fondue night, and naturally, comedy ensues. While this is a great episode, it is not what I am going to talk about. Once again, my family stepped back in time with a food experiment. This time, the decade was the 1970s,…
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vintage polly pockets ♡
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Remembering Peter Tork
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Who was your first music obsession? For me, it was the Monkees, sparking my love of the 1960s. Their music is still with me, often providing motivation or grounding. The profile picture I often use to promote my website has a record spinning in the background. That’s the Monkees Headquarters album, and if you look at the back, you’ll see that Peter Tork is credited for playing keyboards, banjo, and bass. Yes, Peter Tork was much more than the Monkees bass player, as he has often been memorialized this week. Peter passed away this week at the age of 77, and I’ll be spinning a lot of Monkees tunes this weekend in his memory. A talented musician, I’ll remember him for songs like Can You Dig it? Long Title: Do I have to Do This All Over Again, and For Pete’s Sake. But I’ll also remember Peter for his brilliantly played blissful imbecility on the show. Although the real Peter Tork was nothing like this character, his portrayal of a naive, happy-go-lucky, childlike hippie, brought me so much joy as a kid. Optimism in the world sometimes seems to be lacking when you’re a teenager. As the Devil in “The Devil and Peter Tork” says, “Innocence is at a premium.” Peter’s character provided me with a reminder that it’s okay to be imperfect, there is the potential for empathy in the world, there hope for this generation, and true friends are still going to love you if you call the Jolly Roger the Rolly Jogger. Thank you for the laughter, the hope, and the music, which will forever provide a soundtrack for my life. Rest in Peace Peter Tork.
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Review: Welcome Back Kotter 1st Episode; The Great Debate
Review: Welcome Back Kotter 1st Episode; The Great Debate
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Did I ever tell you what happened to my uncle in Miami? He and his secretary went to a convention and wrote the episode review for The Great Debate
Season One, Episode One
Title: The Great Debate
Original Air Date: September 9, 1975
Production # 104
Director: Bob LaHendro
Episode summary: Kotter wants to prove to the English teacher, Mr. Welles, that the Sweathogs are just as…
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playlist: the evolution of boybands
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Won’t You be Our Neighbor?
Won’t You be Our Neighbor?
Pretty much everyone in my generation grew up watching Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, or at least knew all about the show. Fred Rogers was such a sweet, soft-spoken man whose goal was to teach valuable life lessons to children everywhere. He was the king of wholesome, and a beloved part of American pop culture. He single-handedly changed and saved children’s programming with one…
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vintage polly pockets ♡
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Polly Pocket (1990)
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The Kids, and the Show are More Than Alright
The Kids, and the Show are More Than Alright
This television season I have been watching a couple new shows. Well one is a new show, the other started out as a reboot of an older show. I won’t get into the reboot just yet. That will be saved for another time. But for now, let me tell you about The Kids Are Alright.
Via SpoiledTV,com
 I fell in love with the concept of the show before I saw a single episode. It seemed right up my…
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I'm currently working on a new blog post. My monthly review for January will be posted in January I swear! Stay tuned.
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The Monkees and Fans Celebrate 50 years of HEAD
The Monkees and Fans Celebrate 50 years of HEAD
On November 1, 2018 The Monkees celebrated something that most bands never will get the chance to celebrate. It was the 50th anniversary of the theatrical release of their movie HEAD. This was celebrated in style at Hollywood’s American Cinematheque at the Egyptian Theatre. It included lots of fans and a special Q and A session with Mike Nesmith and Micky Dolenz. While I was unfortunately unable…
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