gladie-l · 4 years
i want to get a thing off my chest...
So I was so dumb that I didn’t know that playing with hair was female flirting at the start of the term. For the record, I don’t have any feelings for those people.  It all began at the start of the term. I come from an almost all girls school (when there’s 15 girls, there’s 1 boy. I swear, this is true.) And there are four classes in each grade. Two of them are all girls, the others have like 7 boys in a class of 34. For the last 4 years of my school life, I was assigned in all girls classes. This year, I was finally in a boys and girls class.  I was assigned in a seat where a boy sat right next to me. So, I said that I haven’t interacted with any boys at school for the last four years, so I casually started a conversation (not knowing it will drive the class crazy, yes, the girls in my school are really dramatic and jumpy, FYI, I am too.) “So, do you think it’s like awkward in a class mostly with girls?”, I asked. Then he looked at me and thought I was weird because not many girls actually start a conversation with a boy in my school, there is going to be so much heat and drama if you do, trust me. But he answered me, “Not really, you kinda get used to it in a matter of time.” “Oh.”, I replied. After that, I played with my hair because I do if 1. I was bored 2. I was thinking about something 3. I feel embarrassed. I was definitely thinking about what to say to him after that. But I didn’t notice much about him looking shocked at me, and confused at the same time.
My BFF saw me talking to him and they were all surprised and screaming, they pulled me away to a corner when the conversation started to get awkward, “What the heck?? You don’t talk to a boy. The whole class will ship you in the first second!!”, my friend “Audrey” said. “So what?”, I asked. I acted like I didn’t care, but I did, a lot. I didn’t like drama that much because it’s mostly rumours about relationships. “, Audrey pulled me by the shoulder and shook me, “Talking to him isn’t the main point! You just flirted with him.”
Please like and follow me if you want part 2.
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gladie-l · 4 years
Who’s part of the tumblr community and just wants to get likes and followers? 😉😂
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gladie-l · 4 years
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I love designing clothes, I wish that someone will make them real someday! These are my designs for #selfie and #prom. P.S.: These are my original designs. And btw, blonde will look best for #selfie.
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gladie-l · 4 years
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I’m actually a huge fan of Frozen 2!! I know that it’s May, 2020 but I still love rewatching it! I absolutely recommend this movie, the songs are amazing and the animations are fabulous!! Frozen 1 wasn’t as good as we thought but Frizen 2 is a whole new chapter! 
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gladie-l · 4 years
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My first childhood dream is to become a princess, lol! Now my dream is to be a performer. This is one of my drawings when I was little! What are your childhood dreams?
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gladie-l · 4 years
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My 2020 Resolutions!!
1. Get divine grades (I’m still in school, lol)
2. Achieve smth out of this world (I never got much attention, so yeah)
3. Be who you truly are (I’m 13 and I’m literally a follower. If you stand out in my school, you’re weird. I never got the chance so this is my third and final 2020 resolution!)
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gladie-l · 4 years
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Who doesn’t like buttery popcorn?! This brand is definitely worth a shot and guaranteed if you follow the steps correctly, you will get a salty buttery goodness!
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gladie-l · 4 years
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The amazing sunset!! 🌇 A golden sun setting into the mountains. The miserable feeling you get when the night falls and a silvery glow coming from the starry galaxy. A day has indeed past and the morrow will come when the golden fireball rises in the sky. As the beings on the earth wake, slowly, the day begins.
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gladie-l · 4 years
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Breakfast is my favourite meal!! It is because I can make lots of delicious food combinations! Like toast with jam, ham with sausages. These pictures are the breakfasts I had for the past two days! Day 1: raisin bread stick and fried sausages. Day 2: spaghetti and sausage bun fresh from the bakery!
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gladie-l · 4 years
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As you might already know, I love cooking and making desserts! This is my homemade mango ice cream! It’s a family recipe 🤫 
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gladie-l · 4 years
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I also like designing clothes, this is my design for a gown. I call it Midnight Ballgown. From head to toe, there are comfortable fabric and magical sparkles everywhere!
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gladie-l · 4 years
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I adore Harry Potter and I made an account on Pottermore! This is the results I got, Griffindor (even though I was secretly hoping for Ravenclaw, I answered honestly thought.), Hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 and a quarter inches and reasonably supple flexibility and a deerhound.
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gladie-l · 4 years
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Dreamcatchers are totally my thing! They are so pretty and can bring out your personality. Sometimes referred to as "Sacred Hoops," Ojibwe dreamcatchers were traditionally used as talismans to protect sleeping people, usually children, from bad dreams and nightmares. ... Good dreams pass through and gently slide down the feathers to comfort the sleeper below. P.S.: All copyright goes to creator of this amazing art!!
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gladie-l · 4 years
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I love cooking and I made myself breakfast today!! Blueberry muffin, hot chocolate and baloney! Sorry for the bad lightning...
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gladie-l · 4 years
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I’m starting to explore a new fandom, The Hunger Games. I love both the books and movies so much!! That’s a mockingjay and I think this watercolour picture is so pretty so I thought I’d share it here. P.S.: All copyright goes to the artist of the beautiful mockingjay!!
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gladie-l · 4 years
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My patronus!! (Me: a potterhead.)
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gladie-l · 4 years
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Stay at home!! 
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