glitchedstars · 24 days
im so fucking serious when i say that no one is crueler to visibly disabled people than girlies with blue wolfcuts and sharp eyeliner wearing hundred dollar sweaters from shein.
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glitchedstars · 24 days
im so fucking serious when i say that no one is crueler to visibly disabled people than girlies with blue wolfcuts and sharp eyeliner wearing hundred dollar sweaters from shein.
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glitchedstars · 29 days
When I think of how I prefer to refer to myselves and how I want others to refer to me-us, my plurality takes precedence over any kind of gendering.
I don't want people to look at me and see a man, woman, or anything else. I want them to see a system. I want them to refer to me in the plural. I want my plurality to be explicit, up-front, bold and in your face each time you talk about me. Make it as casual, as undeniable, as sure as stone; I am a system and that is just as, if not more, important as anything related to my gender(s). It's a core part of who I am.
I'm not just a sibling, brother, or sister; daughter, son, or child; niece or nephew – I'm a system, and that colors my relationships with family. I'm not just a boyfriend, girlfriend, joyfriend, datemate, partner – I'm a system, and that colors my relationships with potential partners. I'm not just a miss, mister, mistrum, mixter, masteress, or any other kind of honorific – I'm a system, and that colors my relationships with everyone who crosses paths with me; with everyone who knows me well enough to refer to me in such ways. My plurality heavily impacts how I navigate the world, and how the world navigates its relationship with me – so why not reflect that?
If I could, I'd be requesting people use not just plural pronouns to refer to me, but an entire category of plural explicit language. There are some words like that here and there, but I hope in the future we'll be seeing more coined and built and carved from the languages we use, as systems become comfortable and confident enough in being openly themselves that they can push not just for acceptance, but explicit inclusion.
The future is plural. And that future includes language for systems like We-I, who – to put it lightly – are dissatisfied with our current options in how we are referred to.
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glitchedstars · 30 days
Zombie conlang made up mostly of gestures and sounds like growls and groans
Zombie conlang that’s more simplistic than the usual human language but also more complex than the languages of animals like dolphins or corvids
Zombie conlang with variant gestures/sounds for zombies with missing body parts or vocal cords that don’t work
Zombies working together via their own language
Zombies struggling to remember & relearn how to speak the language they spoke as a human
Zombies using limestone, charcoal, mud, and/or blood to write messages on abandoned buildings for their fellow undead
Zombies with decent eye-hand coordination writing journals
Living allies of non-hostile zombies picking up bits & pieces of the zombie conlang from their zombie friend mumbling to themselves or trying to communicate hard-to-translate ideas
Living allies realizing that their non-hostile zombie friend seems to have designated zombie-language nicknames for them
Zombie conlang <3
(I know in-universe it wouldn’t be a conlang, and that there are similar ideas in the real world of broadly understood languages, I’m just brainstorming with little research lol)
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glitchedstars · 30 days
Tips for baby systems (forbidden/evil/weirdly specific edition):
You are allowed to, and in fact should, "romanticise" plurality as much as you desire.
Wallowing in your trauma is one of the worst ways to deal with having it. Stay away from online DID spaces oriented towards "trauma recovery"-- these spaces tend to be the most toxic, and ironically "anti-recovery", DID-oriented spaces on the internet.
You can cuddle with your sysmate using a pillow (or a stuffed animal, if you're not a coward). Imagine the pillow is that sysmate. You're welcome.
Some plurals want to become more plural. There's nothing wrong with that.
Let your child sysmates swear.
Unless they insist otherwise, stop calling your sysmates "parts". Person-based language works quite well for a great number of systems, and you should at least try it.
If you don't have a headspace, learn to lucid dream with your sysmates.
If you can hear your sysmates as voices, and you ever doubt you're plural, mentally scream something really stupid-- e.g. "WHAT'S 9 PLUS 10??". You may hear a distant "You know that '21' joke died 10 years ago, right?" Boom. You're plural. Confidence restored.
If you hear your sysmates as voices in your head, it is possible you will never be able to meditate in the traditional way. You can, however, have one sysmate guide you through one, and have them talk so much that there's not enough RAM in your brain to be distracted by the ADHD I know you have.
Leave every single plural-oriented Discord server you are in, and do not join any others. Additionally, delete your Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram accounts, and never reinstate them.
If you are a kid, do not tell your peers that you are plural, unless you are thick-skinned. Especially do not tell your family members until you are no longer dependent on them.
If you're having trouble getting one of your sysmates to pilot, there is a ~45% chance that they will only learn to do so in reaction to the silliest, dumbest, most random event on earth.
Don't say "I'm 100 rats in a trenchcoat." Say "My name is Legion, for we are many" and refuse to elaborate.
Your system name doesn't have to carry 14 layers of deep personal meaning. Assuming you picked something not totally goofy, it will gain meaning to you over time.
I mean this with utmost kindness, but please stop making posts like "is it possible / valid if my system does [X]?" Yes. Case closed.
Being posted to a cringe subreddit is a rite of passage. Be proud.
Most of the people around you are never going to clock you as plural. Even if you're the world's most overt, obvious system, 80% of people will just think you're weird. This is a good thing. Embrace other peoples' "weirdness censor" and unmask a little.
The words "quoigenic" and "praesigenic" (a.k.a. "my system origin is none of your business") are your friends. Use these as your public system origin for at least a year after realising you're plural.
In your public bio, no-one needs to know about whether you're officially diagnosed with a dissociative disorder or not, and the people who you want to be around do not care.
Plurality is crazy shit. Accept that you are "crazy" by societal standards, and that there is nothing wrong with being crazy. Be cringe. Be weird. Be mad. Be a freak. Be unpalatable. Cause chaos. It's awesome.
Date your sysmates. Kiss your sysmates. Fuck your sysmates. The world is your oyster.
No matter what, do not forget to love your sysmates.
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glitchedstars · 1 month
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to all the robots out there
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glitchedstars · 1 month
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zombie AI / AI zombie request by anonymous
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[zombie AI / AI zombie flag id: a rectangular pride flag with 7 equal horizontal stripes. the 1st stripe has a brain texture with stitches on the bottom, and the left and bottom of the flag have a teal wire texture. the colors top down are: pink, dark blue, desaturated blue, teal, desaturated green, dark tealish green, and forest green.]
[banner id: a black banner with a white outline on a transparent background with black text with a white outline inside. in bigger text on top it reads "ANYBEING CAN INTERACT" and underneath in smaller text it reads "read pinned + IWC for more information". to the left is a sprite of reimu hakurei holding a talisman between two fingers that is glowing teal next to her face. /end id]
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glitchedstars · 2 months
tulpa appreciation post
if you're a tulpa, hi! i love you!
i think it's so wonderful that you can exist in this world. my tulpa makes me so happy, its so great that you can do the same for so many people.
it's such a lovely idea that you could love a character so much that you literally will them into existence through repeated interaction and attention and love. you are a being quite literally made of love!! thats so incredible!!
someone thought about you enough for you to become so important to them that they're willing to share an entire body with you. thats so lovely.
don't ever let anyone tell you that you arent worthy of being here. you're making so many people's lives better by simply just existing.
so i love you! i love my tulpas! i love every tulpa!
if you have some tulpas, please tell them hi and that you love them :)
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glitchedstars · 2 months
Someday the average experience for a system discovering their plurality is going to be joy and understanding. Someday it is going to be commonplace for systems to introduce themselves as systems. Someday it will be rare for a person to not know a single system in their community. Someday we are going to have so many role models that young plurals will be able to pick and choose their favorites for every field or hobby they express even a hint of interest in. Someday we are going to have grandparents reminiscing to their grandchildren about what it was like to be a system back in their day. Someday this community will look back and be astonished that we ever lived like we did now. Someday plurality will be so well-known it will be common knowledge and a casual topic. Someday systems will be able to talk about their plurality casually and without fear. Someday support will be given without hesitation, accomodations without hoops, and acceptance without question. Someday we are going to get that damn pride parade, those abstract murals on the walls, those colorful posters in the classrooms, that tacky jewelry with our symbols, those flags hung outside homes, and so many other shows of victory and progress, and plural pride week will be looked forward to by so, so many as a time of celebration and community.
The history we are creating today will be valued tomorrow. Thank you all for being part of this wonderful community; your presence alone makes a difference and is valued beyond what words can express. The future is plural!!!
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glitchedstars · 3 months
People used to comment on web comics.
People used to comment on fanfiction.
People used to comment on fanart.
People used to comment on OCs.
I hate "content" culture.
I hate "consuming content" and scrolling immediately to the next thing.
People used to be excited about the art that other people created.
People used to want to share that excitement with creators.
I hate this future.
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glitchedstars · 3 months
it's always "i don't judge !!" until a person is a therian or just nonhuman in general, their religion is something they don't agree with or don't see as a "real or valid" religion [like satanism or autotheism], they identify with xenogenders and use "weird" pronouns, they have a "cringy" style like emo, scene, goth, or harajuku fashion, they're disabled, they act childish and age regresses, they have extreme intrusive thoughts, they have "odd" interests, they don't have proper hygiene because of poor mental health, their identity "doesn't make any sense", they're "too fat" or "too skinny", or they're just "not attractive". stop cherry picking, you can't claim "you don't judge" when you can't accept these people. be better.
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glitchedstars · 3 months
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[pt: rabbitholic /end pt]
An identity connected to Rabbit Hole by Deco*27 and/or Rabbit Hole Miku.
This can be a gender but its not necessarily, as I made this for myself and I don't connect in a gendered way, but I can easily see this being a gender for others.
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without miku :3
[pt: without miku :3 /end pt]
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This took a lot of work and I really don't have it in me to make a simplified version, sorry. I'm a maximalist at heart.
The art is by @_CASTSTATION on twitter I mean X. The animation is suggestive so be aware of that. Link to the original post(link)
divider by @/muruffin
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[rabbitholic static flag id: a rectangular pride flag with 9 stripes. the first stripe is white and straight with rabbit ears poking out, the second is mostly obscured and light pink, the third is thin and is bright pink with a ribbon texture, the fourth is medium and light blue, and the 5th stripe has a thin light pink outline and is bright pink and very wide with a heart pattern going in and out of the edge, and inside it is a thick X pattern that is dark blue with black outlines. in the center of the flag is a large doughnut with white frosting and sprinkles, with Rabbit Hole's Miku popping out of the hole. She has a smug smile, and she has short blue twin tails with black bows. she is wearing white bunny ears and is wearing a black playboy bunny outfit her tie is bright pink and she is wearing a light pink harness. on one wrist she has a bow tied loosely, and on the other is cuff. she is poking out of the wall with cracks around her. /end id]
[rabbitholic gif id: same as previous but Miku is animated bobbing back and forth as it gets closer and her expression changes to express pleasure. /end id]
[rabbitholic miku-less flag id: same as first, but instead of Miku being in the center there is an X in the center of the doughnut. /end id]
[divider id: a divider with a transparent background of pastel pink bows /end id]
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glitchedstars · 3 months
The end of online privacy
Now, this isn't something I usually post about from my silly goofy k1nk account (reminder to minors to not follow or scroll this acount).
But I have more followers on here than main, and this is extremely important. Like, scary shit.
This applies to everyone. If you're reading this? It's going to effect you.
I'm sure perhaps some of you have seen around about a this thing going around... KOSA, is one of the ways it's being referred to.
If this shit passes, lemme tell you...
LGBTQ+ adults and minors seeking help and community,
people looking for abortions,
people organizing protests,
anyone using their free speech to voice concerns about injustices, 
Even people reading fan fiction...
And for the purposes of where I'm posting from... people sharing and enjoying their k1nks, wanting to post things with safety and privacy... smut artists and writers, people even LOOKING for smut...
It's all gone. No privacy.
They'll have your face, your name, your age, where you live.
You'll need an ID to use any US-based platform, even if you're NOT in the United States.
Instead of dooming, here's what you can do to stop this shit in it's tracks 👍
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Here is a website where you can sign a letter just by filling out a form, (it takes less than 30 seconds) and where you can call reps.
I HIGHLY suggest leaving calls if you're able, and if you have phone shyness, do this after 6pm, since it will leave messages instead.
I'm shy, but I did it!
Here's another letter to sign, takes less than 20 seconds.
Here is a form you can fill out sharing how the social media has POSITIVELY effected you.
Share all of this with as many people as you can. Our safety, freedom, joy, and protection online is at risk more than ever.
(Here is the thread where I found all of this information.)
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glitchedstars · 3 months
Reblog if
A) you're panromantic
B) you like cats
C) you wish you were a dragon
D) you're hanging on by a thred
But don't say which
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glitchedstars · 3 months
honestly I don't think we'll ever have a DNI Like sure we'll have a DNI on specific posts - but for our whole blog? no way Like if I coin a term, who am I to say that some people aren't allowed to use it? That would just be rude of me! But I make a post specifically about how m-spec monos are amazing or endo positivity (edit: or anything else that's relevant to mention here that we forgot)? I don't want exclusionists touching that post So yeah- not quite sure where I was going with this but uh yeah that kinda I suppose!
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glitchedstars · 3 months
yesterday, tumblr totally deleted the account of a prominent trans girl on this website because she was posting safe for work transition timeline photos. this is supposedly "the queerest place on the internet" but i haven't seen anybody but trans girls talking about this. why does nobody else give a fuck?
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glitchedstars · 3 months
Squeadstick - noun. A squip-flavored breadstick recently revealed to be containing functioning squips inside. Typically served at Squolive Garden.
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