gobcorend · 3 days
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"But there’s a message there for everyone and it is that people can unite, that democracy from below can challenge oligarchy, that imprisoned migrants can be freed, that fascism can be overcome, and that equality is emancipatory.
-- Angela Y. Davis in her book 'Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement'
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gobcorend · 29 days
"But the city began spending on different things, turning away from social programs that help the poor and toward ones that help the rich—namely, subsidizing redevelopment."
-- Peter Moskowitz in 'How to Kill a City: Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood'
So if you guys didn’t know gentrification in Mexico is currently a big issue we are dealing with, from the “expats” raising prices of homes (expats my ass, call them what they are, illegal immigrants) to how now they are complaining that banda music should not be allowed in the beaches. It all came to a head when an hotel on the coast city of Mazatlan prohibited people from playing banda on “their” beach because it was ruining the experience for their gringo (Americans) residents.
Now here’s the thing, private beaches are not legal in Mexico, all coast lines are public and they can’t be blocked or regulated like that, so the hotel has legally no say.
That has not stopped them because money does make the world go round apparently, so the bandas are now demanding their right to play where they have for decades.
Now personally I do not like banda, I don’t hate it, but it is not my first choice of music, yet I fully support them because no gringo is going to come my country and try and control our culture.
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gobcorend · 1 month
"The silver trump of freedom had roused my soul to eternal wakefulness. Freedom now appeared, to disappear no more forever. It was heard in every sound, and seen in every thing. It was ever present to torment me with a sense of my wretched condition. I saw nothing without seeing it, I heard nothing without hearing it, and felt nothing without feeling it. It looked from every star, it smiled in every, calm, breathed in every wind, and moved in every storm."
-- Frederick Douglas in his book 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas'
Although the Council's resolutions are binding the States concerned often ignore them.
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gobcorend · 2 months
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Fragmento del poema 'Hombres necios...' de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.
Hombres necios que acusáis
a la mujer sin razón,
sin ver que sois la ocasión
de lo mismo que culpáis:
si con ansia sin igual
solicitáis su desdén,
¿por qué queréis que obren bien
si la incitáis al mal?
Con el favor y desdén
tenéis condición igual,
quejándoos, si os tratan mal,
burlándoos, si os quieren bien.
Siempre tan necios andáis
que, con desigual nivel,
a una culpáis por cruel
y a otra por fácil culpáis.
Bien con muchas armas fundo
que lidia vuestra arrogancia,
pues en promesa e instancia
juntáis diablo, carne y mundo.
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gobcorend · 2 months
Today, on International Women's Day, I would like to recommend a movie/documentary:
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"The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo". It is the story of a mother seeking justice for the femicide of her daughter.
In Mexico, at least 7 girls, adolescents or women disappear every day. In Mexico, 11 women are murdered every day...
On this day, let us be the voices of all the daughters, sisters, mothers, friends who have been taken from us. On this day and every day, let us fight. On this day, let's celebrate the resistance to continue standing up against a system that has long wanted us to kneel.
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gobcorend · 2 months
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Extracto del poema 'Desaparecidos' de Mario Benedetti:
Están en algún sitio / concertados desconcertados / sordos, buscándose / buscándonos bloqueados por los signos y las dudas contemplando las verjas de las plazas los timbres de las puertas / las viejas azoteas ordenando sus sueños, sus olvidos quizá convalecientes de su muerte privada
nadie les a explicado con certeza si ya se fueron o si no si son pancartas o temblores sobrevivientes o responsos ven pasar árboles y pájaros e ignoran a qué sombra pertenecen
Están en algún sitio / nube o tumba están en algún sintio / estoy seguro allá en el sur del alma
es posible que hayan extraviado la brújula y hoy, vaguen preguntando preguntando dónde carajo queda el buen amor porque vienen del odio
¿Por qué desaparecen las personas? ¿Quiénes son los responsables? ¿Qué haces cuando no tienes un cuerpo al cual llorar? Cuando solo nos queda el silencio del Gobierno, de la Justicia, es nuestro deber HACER TODO EL RUIDO QUE DEBEMOS, son más que cifras...
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gobcorend · 2 months
"Who am I now? I had a sister and then, all of a sudden, I had none. We were two and then, swiftly, there was only one of us. What kind of orphan are you when rendered sisterless?"
- Cristina Rivera Garza in her book 'Liliana's Invincible Summer: A Sister's Search for Justice'
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In Mexico, my country, 11 women disappear every day, and the government does nothing to find them.
They kill women, just because they are women. They are called FEMINICIDES.
Trans women suffer acts of hate, and are killed in TRANSFEMICIDES.
We, we are fed up.
The #8M is the only day of the year, where we take to the streets, and shout in the name of those who can no longer.
March 8 Day of women.
-every women in LATAM.
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gobcorend · 2 months
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Fragment of 'Who will pay for the 20 years we lost?' by Yousef Maher Dawas
In the morning, my father received a phone call. “Good morning,” he said. (...) Had he said it out of habit or perhaps because he was grateful that none of us had been killed that night?
“One moment and I’ll be right there,” he added, and without a moment’s hesitation leapt up and ran out of the house. (...)
After a few hours, he  came back. I was relieved to see him walking into the house again. But something wasn’t right. His body was hunched and he was walking like an old man. I could see dry tears in his sorry eyes.
“Our trees in the fields have been turned to ash.” His words were heavy and they fell from his mouth. An awkward silence gripped the house before he added, “I planted those trees, I nurtured them and watered them with my own hands. Week by week. Month by month. Year by year. I saw those leaves and branches grow.” He took a heavy breath and continued in a lower tone while trying to hold back his tears. “These trees were older than you, Yousef.”
My family will replace the trees destroyed by Israeli missiles, but we cannot reclaim the years spent nurturing them.
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gobcorend · 2 months
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"What draws me to Palestine, then, is neither nationalism not patriotism, but my sense of justice, my refusal to remain silent in the face of injustice, my unwillingness to just go on living my life -- and enjoying the privileges of a tenured university professor – while trying to block out and ignore what Wordsworth once called the still, sad music of humanity."
-- Saree Makdisi in 'Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation'
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gobcorend · 2 months
"Propaganda... Serves more to justify ourselves than to convince others; and the more reason we have to feel guilty, the more fervent our propaganda."
-- Eric Hoffer in 'The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
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gobcorend · 2 months
"We aren't human."
"Yes. We. Are." His voice turn fierce. "I don't give a shit what the something-something council of big important farts decreed, or how the geomests classify things, or any of that. That we're not human is just the lie they tell themselves so they don't have to feel bad about how they treat us."
-- N.K. Jemisin in 'The Fifth Season'
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gobcorend · 2 months
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"I looked at the pomegranate in my hand. How similar humanity was to pomegranates: one in sight, but a thousand arils in when you remove the peel. Though they are all a bit different from each other in shape and size, but all of them are pomegranate arils, and they live all together, in the same sphere"
-- Jeyhun Aliyev Silo in 'To Be Tried As A Jew'
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gobcorend · 3 months
"The teacher talks about reality as if it were motionless, static, compartmentalized, and predictable. Or else he expounds on a topic completely alien to the existential experience of the students. His task is to “fill” the students with the contents of his narration—contents which are detached from reality, disconnected from the totality that engendered them and could give them significance. Words are emptied of their concreteness and become a hollow, alienated, and alienating verbosity"
-- Paulo Freire in his book 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed'
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gobcorend · 3 months
"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
-- Robert F. Kennedy
from Dr Jennifer Cassidy, 26/Jan/2024:
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You do not have to agree with me. At all.
But this my view as an international diplomatic law scholar and a view which backed firmly my the South African prosecuting team. Listen to the words this morning of South Africa’s phenomenal Foreign Minister. She speaks in complete compliance with the view above.
We have big battles to fight very soon. The primary one being the UN Security Council and the US vote. And also getting Israel to even adhere to these measures.
But (and again it’s my opinion) I urge you to read the text and the findings of the court regarding what is being demanded of Israel right now. And see the very direct links between those detailed demands and what a ceasefire actually entails. I have worked on many cases before regarding genocide and crimes against humanity. And I personally consider this a huge victory for South Africa and thank them greatly.
Now we have lots more work to do. And we must stay United in this fight and plight. It’s the only way we will bring about change if we are United in numbers for the same true cause: freedom of all Palestinian people 🇵🇸🕊️🇿🇦
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gobcorend · 3 months
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"When one acts on pity against justice, it is the good whom one punishes for the sake of the evil; when one saves the guilty from suffering, it is the innocent whom one forces to suffer. There is no escape from justice, nothing can be unearned and unpaid for in the universe, neither in matter nor in spirit—and if the guilty do not pay, then the innocent have to pay it."
-- Ayn Rand in her book 'Atlas Shrugged'
ICJ rulling are legally binding, but no power to enforcment... It is not clear if Israel will comply.
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gobcorend · 3 months
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"It takes no compromise to give people their rights… it takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression"
-- Harvey Milk
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gobcorend · 3 months
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"Pandora's box had been opened and monsters had come out. But there had been something hidden at the bottom of Pandora's box. Something wonderful.
-- Lisa Marie Rice in her book 'Breaking Danger'
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