gutteeth · 7 years
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Endless Gravity // Alex Soloviev
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gutteeth · 7 years
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gutteeth · 7 years
tbh otherkins and therians are lovely valid and awesome beings
Reblog if you support this
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gutteeth · 7 years
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Void wolf
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gutteeth · 7 years
If he’s yours to adore, he’s yours to protect. His safety lies twisted around your claws, and you are to inflict pain, unimaginable agony, upon those who don’t heed your warning.
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gutteeth · 7 years
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gutteeth · 7 years
How Delicious...
Prompts by @prettyboygarroth ! (These were so awesome I just had to use them for writing practice!)
Prompt: “Did you just… eat that mouse…?”
Side by side, Michael and I paced down the cracked sidewalk, attempting not to trip and fall face first over every missing chunk of concrete. The bar was packed, and there was no where else to go, so it was in both of our best interests to just head home for the night.
Breaking the streetlight-lit silence, my stomach erupted in a series of angered growls.
“Woah man, if you’re that hungry, why don’t we just stop by McDonald’s, or something?” Michael turned, clearly startled by the sudden outburst.
I only shrugged in return, which wasn’t very unlike me, as the quiet type I am. Instead, I turned my head and peered down the varieties of alleyways as we passed them, my eyes rolling over metal trashbins and empty beer cans in search of movement. Besides, it wasn’t me who was hungry- it was Him.
At last, I spotted a rather small grey mouse, huddled close to a black garbage bag as it nibbled on an apple core. ‘It’ll have to do…’
Wandering off the sidewalk and into the alleyway, I follow the trail of the mouse without breaking eye contact on the small creature’s form.
“Hey, where are you going?” Michael called down the alleyway as he stepped towards me, but stopping a few a feet away.
The rodent’s tiny squeals broke the night air as it was lifted by it’s tail between my slender fingers. Lifting the hem of my shirt with my free hand, a long, dribbling tongue snakes it’s way out into the open air, wrapping around the rodent and, with a quick squeeze, silencing it. With that, it yanked the limp body back into the chasm where it came from, and I dropped my shirt over the opening.
The tall brunette stared for a moment in shock before clutching at his stomach in a mix of disbelief and disgust, “Oh my god, did you just… eat that mouse..?”
Silence enveloped the dim alleyway, aside from, of course, the obnoxious chomping sounds that were filtering through my shirt. I rubbed my hands over my abdomen, “Sorry, He was hungry.” The words drip from my tongue as if it were just another everyday conversation. Michael, however, was not as easily convinced.
“Who is He… what was that thing?”
Without another word, I lift my shirt again to reveal the wide mouth running horizontally along my gut region, sharp yellow teeth glistening under the flickering streetlights as he flicks his tongue at the male in front of me.
Michael stumbles a few feet back at the sudden sight of such an oddity. I mean, I can assume it’s not everyday you see a guy with a mouth on his abdomen.
Drops of sweat glistened on his forehead, even in the cold of the night. He was terrified, yet couldn’t seem to move.
“Well,” he gulped, his jaw shivering as he spoke, “Does it work like a regular mouth? Can it talk? How does-”
I put up my hands, the hem of the shirt drooping over the mouth’s tongue. “Don’t overwhelm me,” I chuckle softly, my voice echoing between the two buildings. I peer down and pull my shirt back up again, “You heard the man, speak up.”
And with that, a raspy, cold voice bellowed out into the night in a way that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “Of courssse I can sssspeak, ssstupid- oh yeah, and Missster Hollow Sssskull up there, have fun digesssting moussse boness, caussse there'sss no way in Hell I’m going through the effort of crushing them for you.” With that, I yank down my shirt again, muffling the growling trap.
“Well, I didn’t say he was nice…” I chuckled nervously, seeing as Michael was still standing stiffly, but had at least seemed to calm down a bit. “Now, with that out of the way, have any other questions?”
With his eyes glued to the moving lump under my shirt, Michael piped up again, “Yeah… can I feed it something?”
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gutteeth · 7 years
you know what’s super great? otherkin.
fictionkin discussing memories from their canons.
therians spending time in their environment to feel at home.
monsterkin going out in the dead of night and running until they feel like they’re flying.
mythkin reading old books about their kintypes, watching movies and laughing together at all the inaccuracies
deitykin telling fantastical tales about their old life over a campfire, captivating audiences and sparking imaginations
you know what’s beautiful? otherkin. if you believe otherwise, please take a step back, reevaluate your choices, and ask yourself how you sunk so low.
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gutteeth · 7 years
you know what’s super great? otherkin.
fictionkin discussing memories from their canons.
therians spending time in their environment to feel at home.
monsterkin going out in the dead of night and running until they feel like they’re flying.
mythkin reading old books about their kintypes, watching movies and laughing together at all the inaccuracies
deitykin telling fantastical tales about their old life over a campfire, captivating audiences and sparking imaginations
you know what’s beautiful? otherkin. if you believe otherwise, please take a step back, reevaluate your choices, and ask yourself how you sunk so low.
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gutteeth · 7 years
can i have a promo im hungry and gay
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gutteeth · 7 years
you know what’s super great? otherkin.
fictionkin discussing memories from their canons.
therians spending time in their environment to feel at home.
monsterkin going out in the dead of night and running until they feel like they’re flying.
mythkin reading old books about their kintypes, watching movies and laughing together at all the inaccuracies
deitykin telling fantastical tales about their old life over a campfire, captivating audiences and sparking imaginations
you know what’s beautiful? otherkin. if you believe otherwise, please take a step back, reevaluate your choices, and ask yourself how you sunk so low.
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gutteeth · 7 years
I was a spirit who loved the forest
And back then, the forest loved me back
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gutteeth · 7 years
you know what’s super great? otherkin.
fictionkin discussing memories from their canons.
therians spending time in their environment to feel at home.
monsterkin going out in the dead of night and running until they feel like they’re flying.
mythkin reading old books about their kintypes, watching movies and laughing together at all the inaccuracies
deitykin telling fantastical tales about their old life over a campfire, captivating audiences and sparking imaginations
you know what’s beautiful? otherkin. if you believe otherwise, please take a step back, reevaluate your choices, and ask yourself how you sunk so low.
4K notes · View notes
gutteeth · 7 years
you know what’s super great? otherkin.
fictionkin discussing memories from their canons.
therians spending time in their environment to feel at home.
monsterkin going out in the dead of night and running until they feel like they’re flying.
mythkin reading old books about their kintypes, watching movies and laughing together at all the inaccuracies
deitykin telling fantastical tales about their old life over a campfire, captivating audiences and sparking imaginations
you know what’s beautiful? otherkin. if you believe otherwise, please take a step back, reevaluate your choices, and ask yourself how you sunk so low.
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gutteeth · 7 years
Don’t be afraid of the creature standing in your yard under the moonlight. He is your scarecrow, and he is only here to keep you safe.
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gutteeth · 7 years
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gutteeth · 7 years
I am your monster and I will protect you.
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