haddley · 4 years
I've been gone for awhile and the reason for my absence has been my being busy, but this coming Summer I hope to be back. :)
Thank you to everyone for helping me reach over 800+ followers! I'll answer requests when I can get some free-time. Otherwise, have a great spring break!
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haddley · 4 years
Hey! It’s going to take me a bit to respond to all of your requests. I’ll be getting a computer soon so yay! Happy late Thanksgiving ❤️
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haddley · 4 years
Psst, I’m taking requests
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haddley · 4 years
hey, just wanted to say that your art is absolutely wonderful. The poses and facial expressions in your drawings always suit the characters personalities and how they act incredibly well. Not to mention, you've managed to capture Danny's iconic spiky messy hair wonderfully, especially in 'I could literally imagine some portals leading to dead a** nowhere' and 'Wulf helpin’ Danny Map out new parts of the Ghost Zone'. Thanks for sharing your lovely work, have a good day!
Late reply, but I just couldn’t leave this in my inbox and not say thank you ^^ It warms my heart to know there’s people who appreciate my art!
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haddley · 4 years
I just want you to know that every time your art pops up on my dash, I gain more meaning in life.
Just saw your latest Danny Phantom drawing,, and it made me really happy and I needed it, so thank you!!!
I’ve noticed you! Thank you so much ^o^ I’m really happy I can make life a little lighter~
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Much Love,
Haddley 💕
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haddley · 4 years
꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜ ꩜
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haddley · 4 years
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Au where jazz is a snitch
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haddley · 4 years
This is a super fun comic series I’ve been following for quite awhile, and right now it’s my favorite. I think you guys should check it out and give the author some love! ❤️
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UNITED - Chapter One
This is what I have been working on the last three months.
I love the Nicktoons crossover games, even if they are not great games themselves. Just like in the Marvel cinematic universe and Super Smash Bros I LOVE seeing characters from different franchises come together in one story, this idea has been in my mind for a long time and I finally decided to get started on it.
I’m not used to do stories with characters from TV series and I hope to not write them too OOC or make too much spelling mistakes (You are free to point those out if you wantT) , but in anyway I hope you can enjoy this story!
The comic will be updated every friday.  
As you can guess these characters are not mine and belongs to Nickelodeon. 
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haddley · 4 years
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Fog / Splatter
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haddley · 4 years
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Huntin’ in the Boo Zone
Day One: Ghost
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haddley · 4 years
I’ll be doing scattered October prompts!
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haddley · 4 years
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Major Danny Phantom details that may not be true
We all know Danny Phantom has a ton of fanon details people often confuse for canon. But there are also some significant details from the show itself that we readily accept as canon even though they might not be. Here are two of them.
1. Danny is half ghost.
We don’t actually know for certain that Danny is half ghost. Ghosts only say he is half ghost. Danny only ever claims this, but he has never tested this and is certainly no scientist. He’s not even good at math! For all we know, he could be sixty percent ghost or twenty percent ghost or maybe he’s not any percentage ghost. Maybe he’s entirely human but just has ghost powers. Maybe Danny’s actually just a mutant.
So what is true? All we know for sure is that ghosts think of him as being half ghost. We also know that he definitely has ghost powers and that he takes on a ghostly physiology when he transforms. We do not actually know what percentage of ghost he is or even if he is actually any percentage of ghost at all.
What about Vlad? Vlad is indeed a scientist and has probably done tests on himself, but he didn’t do any tests on Danny’s physiology until much later in the show (and we do not know if he cared to calculate this specific detail). He calls Danny a “hybrid.” Still no guarantee that he is definitely half ghost. Still no guarantee that he is indeed a hybrid; Vlad could’ve just been hypothesizing.
2. Dark Danny’s origin story.
The story of how Danny came to be his evil alter ego is only hearsay. Remember who told the story to Danny? Vlad. The most unreliable narrator there could possibly be. Doesn’t it seem incredibly suspicious that Vlad was apparently only kind to Danny and that Danny snapped for apparently no reason? Doesn’t it seem really out of character for Danny to just suddenly get that violent and not only rip out Vlad’s ghost half but also fuse with it? Doesn’t it seem odd that Danny could easily overpower Vlad like that when Vlad was absolutely stronger than Danny at that time? Doesn’t it sound unconvincing that Vlad just sat there and let Danny overpower him without a fight? Doesn’t it seem more likely that it was actually Vlad’s idea to rip out Danny’s ghost half and maybe even try to fuse with it for more power but Danny’s will ended up being too strong for him to control? Or that maybe Vlad had actually been torturing and experimenting on Danny for weeks and that this was an experiment gone wrong? And that maybe Danny “snapped” because he was in such emotional distress after the weeks of torture and pain and guilt?
Of course Vlad isn’t going to tell Danny that he was anything other than compassionate toward him. Even his tone during the whole story is very suspicious, very “ohhhhh, honey, you were just in so much pain and I was so kind to you and I tried so hard to help you but you just couldn’t handle it in the end and it was all your fault and not mine at all because I’m just such a good person (Mean Girls Gretchen Wieners sob).” Heartless sociopathic Vlad suddenly being so kind to Danny and sweet submissive Danny suddenly lashing out so violently are both very out of character.
So what is true? All we know for sure is that Dark Danny does exist, that his original existence was spurred by Danny’s family and friends dying, that he is a fusion of Danny’s and Vlad’s ghost personas, and that Danny does seem to be the one with conscious control of the form. We do not actually know what really happened because Danny did not actually experience the incident or see it himself; he only heard about it through a third party, and a very unreliable third party at that.
I tried to make these as short as possible, but if anyone wants me to elaborate more, I can.
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haddley · 4 years
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Hahah totoro scene but i suck
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haddley · 4 years
Danny Fenton appreciation post
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Danny as protagonist is a very interesting character. He’s a complex teenager with both virtues and flaws. Throughout the series he learns how to control his powers and the responsibility that comes with having them.
On the surface, Danny is your average teenager: He likes hanging out with his friends, wants to fit in, likes to have some fun every once in a while and is a bit impulsive.
One defining characteristic of Danny is how he’s struggles with his own insecurities. He’s not very popular at school and is often the target of bullying, specially from Dash who frecuently teases him in the series.
One of the reasons Danny is considered “weird” by his classmates is because of his parents: They are ghosts hunters. They sometimes embarrass Danny in front of his peers without meaning to. This has lead him to have a few arguments with his dad like it was shown in ‘A million dollar ghost’.
His own insecurities sometimes cause problems with his friends as well. For example, in “Attack of the Killer Garage Sale” he left his friends behind to hang out with the ‘popular kids’, who didn´t care too much abou him.
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Danny dumps on himself many times during the series, in 'My Brother’s keeper’ he describes himself as a “screw up” and believes he’s loser:
“Great, he (the ghost) got away again. Another ringing endorsement for the town screw-up.” (Blaming himself for not being able to catch the ghost)
He also has a complicated relationship with his ghost half. He thinks he’s a freak of nature because of his ghost powers.
Spectra: “What are you? A ghost trying to fit in with humans? Or some creepy little boy with creepy little powers?”
Danny: “Both! Uh…neither! I don’t know.”
Spectra: “You’re a freak! Not a ghost, not a boy! Who cares for a thing like you?”
He’s usually very afraid of people finding out about his secret identity as a ghost. Since ghosts are seen are evil in Amity Park he’s scared that they would not accept him or would try to hunting him.
One of his deepest fears is his parents finding out about his secret and trying to run experiments on him. He knows that his parents will “accept him no matter what” but he still can’t help being scared everytime he hears them talking about dissecting ghosts.
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'Identity crisis’, while a funny episode, it’s very important for understanding Danny.
In this episode Danny separates his superhero ghost half from his human half. In one scene we get this exchange between ghost Danny and human Danny:
Ghost Danny: “And that’s the sort of irresponsible attitude that makes you such a disappointment to our family”.
Human Danny: Uh.. hello. Not our family. My family. You’re the full time superhero, remember?
Keep in mind that they are both part of Danny’s personality which means:
1) He thinks he’s a “disappointment” to his own family.
2) He sees Phantom, his ghost half, as a different person. He thinks that 'he’ doesn’t belong to his family. This must come from the fact that his own parents don’t know about his ghost identity and thus, Danny doesn’t consider Phantom a Fenton until his parents accept him for who he is.
When it comes to be the hero, Danny thinks it’s job to protect Amity Park,even though no one asked him to carry the burden of such heavy task.
He sometimes blames himself for things that are out of his control or weren’t his fault to begin with. He thinks that its his responsibility to fight evil ghosts from harming any humans.
A few episodes focus on him learning how to use his powers with responsibility and not taking advantage of others. 'Reign Storm’ is mainly about him choosing to use his powers to stop the Ghost King instead of using them to get back to people he doesn’t like.
Danny:“All of my enemies. Everything I thought I could handle, but couldn’t.”
Tucker:“Dude, you can’t blame yourself for this. It’s not your fault.”
Danny:“Maybe not. But it is my responsibility.”
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Danny really cares about his family and friends. He would do everything he can to protect them from getting hurt. In the episode '13’ it was shown that he´s very over protective of her sister Jazz, as there was a ghost who was trying to trick her into falling in love with him.
Aside from learning to overcome his insecurities and becoming more responsible, overtime Danny learns that not every ghosts is completely evil and some of them can be friendly.
A good example of this is when he meets Cujo in 'Shades of Gray’ and helps him with finding his toy that he lost when he was alive. In 'Public Enemies’ he befriends Wulf, after freeing him from Walker, who was keeping him prisioner.
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It’s worth of pointing out that Danny knows there are times to talk and times to fight. At the start of the series he usually prefers using his fists first before asking questions but as he matures, he starts to see when it’s better to solve conflicts when fighting is not necessary.
Another flaw he has its that he’s a bit short tempered. He often lets he temper get the worst of him, which makes him have arguments with his friends and not think things straight. But,to be fair, his life is a bit difficult: having to fight ghosts at night, getting late for school, being bullied and not knowing how to manage his time must be exhausting for a teenager. It’s not suprising he’s bit moody in some episodes.
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For my last note i think it’s important to talk about talk about his rivalry with Vlad Plasmius as their relationship in the series is quite interesting.
In a way, Vlad exists to remind Danny of everything he shouldn’t be. Vlad prefers to use his ghost powers for his personal gain. He cares very little about how his actions affect others. He sees people as their pawns. He usually manipulates them into doing what he wants.
Vlad sometimes likes teasing Danny about how they very alike, and in part, that’s a bit true, they are both half ghosts who gained their powers after an lab accident. They are unique, since there are barely more halfas outside them.
Danny has shown to be manipulative when it comes to dealing with him. He knows that Vlad is very emotionally vunerable since he is desperate for Danny to become his ¨son¨. He takes advantage of this to trick Vlad and beat him in his own mind games.
In conclusion: Danny is complex character who grows into a confident superhero overcoming his own insecurities and flaws. He may not be perfect, nevertheless he cares about family and friends and it´s always going to be there to protect Amity Park.
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haddley · 4 years
Danny Phantom C3
i didnt know which one u wanted so i just picked the cute one uwu
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haddley · 4 years
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@letswonderspirit made some KILLER outfit designs for ember and I asked if I could do some fanart based off of them...
They said yes. Also please follow and support them, they make incredible work and I love it!
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haddley · 4 years
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i made this sweet boy for meh frand. took a shorter amount of time than expected
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