#charles cuevas x reader
haisuu · 1 month
I wanted to request charles, whit, xander and david with a crush that avoids them because rhe reader likes them to??
Of Course! Hope it’s worth the wait!
Did I Do Something?
OK SUMMARYY: You’ve always been someone who didn’t know how to deal with affection or attention, so a love life has been hard for you. There’s this guy you really like, but you’ve decided just to avoid him in order to protect your heart. How does he feel about this?
p.s: you’re the Ultimate Music Enthusiast (I was originally gonna do the ultimate simp but decided not too lol)
Charles Cuevas!
Your crush on him was instantaneous, but it led to you barely interacting with him, much to Charles’ dismay. His crush may have occurred slower, but it was a lot more intense!
He saw you, and he couldn’t stand you. If there was one thing he liked about you from the start, it was the fact you never talked to him. It was clear that he didn’t think that the Ultimate Music Enthusiast was a true talent.
But something about the way you talked so little with some people, yet were so outspoken with your friends drew him in. He saw how you always had something snarky to say to anyone who didn’t like you.
Eventually, he noticed the little things, how he noticed your eye bags, and how they hung no matter how noticeable or unnoticeable they were. When you waved to people by only using one finger, or the top half of your hand down to your friends.
Yet, when he actually wanted to get to know you, he found his efforts were in vain. Whenever he walked up to you, you’d always give him a specific look, one he didn’t see you give to anyone else. It wasn’t the warm, tired one you gave to your friends, or the disgusted, avoidant ones you gave to people you didn’t like.
This look, it was mixed with nervousness and something else, something he couldn’t place. Was it happiness? Terror? Disgust? He didn’t know and it killed him inside. He has observed you for so long yet can’t recognize a simple look on your face? He felt so stupid.
This cycle repeated for a few days. He would seek, you two would meet, then, you would fleet, and it would all repeat. It wasn’t until Whit told him the words he’d been waiting to hear for so long as you scurried away.
“They really like you y’know?” Whit told him. His heart stopping as he said that. But, he wanted to hear it from you, that was all he wanted. So, he stood up, and he walked to your room, his shoes clicking against the flooring. He knocked and you answered, he finally had the chance, and he wasn’t gonna miss it.
“..I really like you, do you like me back?” His confession was a lot like him, straight to the point, no shortcuts, just the truth. And by the way you looked, he knew that you liked him back. But when you nodded, it was like he just ascended into heaven. No, it was exactly like heaven.
Whit Young!
He always knew about your crush on him, how could he not? The way you immediately took your eyes away when he looked at you, or how your lips curved upwards if you ever heard his voice. He noticed those things, somehow. But he noticed them.
It was quite endearing, really. He’s had people crushing on him before, but, this was different. This time, he actually reciprocated the feeling. But, for some reason, he didn’t know what to do.
He’s technically never had a crush on someone before. He was always the one making sure couples were formed. He never wanted to be in a relationship, or rather, he never thought about being in one until now.
Whenever he looked at you, he saw someone who was the perfect blend of chaos and empathy. Someone he could admire from afar and up-close at the same time.
He thought he could just chatterbox his way up into your heart, but when you were nowhere to be found, he was heartbroken!
He didn’t want to just jump in on the conversation, he wanted to actually get to know you. To spend time with you, and only you. Something he wasn’t used to doing, he usually just talked and talked and he would become close with people at the drop of a hat!
He’d walk, and walk, and walk, but there was never a moment where you’d be alone. You always had someone tagging along with you. Not to mention, you had your room always locked, and were always “too busy” to open it up and let him in! Yet whenever one of your friends asked, they were let in right away!
He was so hurt! He just wanted to confess his undying love to you! He constantly ended up venting about this to Charles, much to his annoyance. (wow im sooo creative, using whit and charles in each others headcanons..)
“I just want to tell them that my love for them is larger than life! Is that really so wrong!” “Yes, absolutely.” “You’re not helping!” Was practically becoming a classic conversation between them.
After what felt like years, (it was only a few days), he finally got the chance to speak with you! With no one else around, he vent his heart out, laying everything on the floor.
“I love you! I-I don’t know how else to put it. But, I really want to be with you!” He did it..he finally did it. He confessed to you! When you accepted his confession, he hugged you with all his might, placing his lips on yours!
Xander Matthews!
As soon as Xander laid eyes on you, he felt a spark buzz around in his chest, he had to go talk to you!
At your first interaction, you were so jittery, and the conversation ended after only exchanging names and ultimates before you ran off somewhere else!
Xander was…disappointed to say the least. You seemed like such a sweet person! Especially in the following weeks when he saw you laughing like a maniac with your friends! If you were able to laugh with them so easily, why were you so nervous around him?
Then, it hit him…he was probably just startling you, right? Maybe if he just took off his brown coat, and spoke in a less energetic tone, you’d talk to him, right?
…No. It didn’t work, of course it didn’t! Because that wasn’t the reason you didn’t talk to him, but he didn’t know that, of course. He just thought he had to take a different approach.
After a few days of unsuccessfully trying to talk to you, he eventually took a moment to lie down on his bed, Teruko beside him. The brunette’s face was clearly annoyed at Xander’s efforts. “You’re acting like they’re the love of your life, y’know?” Teruko said.
Xander took a moment to think about her words. Then, he realized, she was right. He was acting like he was in love with you. “That’s because I am!” He said, his words flowing like water. “Why do you think I’m trying so hard to talk to them? There’s something so…beautiful about them.” He told Teruko, his words were completely serious. Something about you made his heart flutter.
Yet, he knew so little about you. He only knew your name, and your ultimate. Yet, if that was all he figured out about you for the rest of his life, he’d be at peace with that.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try. Xander stood up, and walked to your dorm. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on your door. When you opened it, his heart gave a flutter, but he didn’t dare utter a word (CAUSE THAT WOULD BE ABSUUURD BEHAVIOR). He immediately grabbed the door in order to keep it open. Especially since at one point, you slammed the door on him when he tried to talk to you.
“Y-Y/n! I want to talk to you!” He said, taking another deep breath as you stood there, hands behind your back due to nervousness. “I really, really like you. Like, more than I thought I would. And, I was hoping you’d allow me to be your..boyfriend?”
David Chiem
Oh, David…what a polarizing figure he was to you.. You could immediately tell something was slightly off with him. How could someone be so positive and uplifting their whole life?
As a result of this, you tended to avoid him, most of it was unintentional, but there were times when you’d purposefully avoid him. Something about his vibe was both…alluring yet also…unsettling? You just couldn’t explain it.
For David, meeting you was like a meeting your new pet rock. Something that was weirdly sentimental for no real reason. He just couldn’t stop staring at you, his eyes always glazing over your figure.
In his eyes, however, he saw something more…he saw a light. He saw someone he could trust, someone he could hold and cherish in his arms for all of eternity.
But, he couldn’t, the most he was spared was a glance across the hallway before you went on your day. It was insufferable, honestly. To watch your pretty face walk around for a few fleeting moments before you crawled up into your room for what felt like hours. He just could never confront you about this new sensation.
So, he waits, and waits, and waits for hours sitting at the dining table until you come out for your 3am snack. As soon as you do, his eyes widen and he jumps up. He immediately walks over to you, his eyes widening as he takes you in. You looked so beautiful, even if you were drowned in eye bags and groans, you still looked like heaven.
He finally spoke up. Although you made him question many things, he knew one thing for sure. He wanted to take this slow… “..Do you mind if I accompany you to the kitchen? I’m sure you’d like some company!” He said, the smile on his face clear despite the room’s dark setting.
Well…it’s been a bit! But I always do my best to finish any requests! I’ll open up requests in probably a month or two to be realistic, but nobody knows lol. But, anyways, I hope you enjoyed my comeback request! Remember that someone out there cares about you! Goodbye!!!
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How do you think the drdt boys are during make out sessions,do they love it? Do they hate it?
Ooh, this'll be interesting to write. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: none
Gn! Reader
DRDT boys and their make out preferences
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-With Whit, the way he kisses depends on the moment
-When you're out an about, or doing something high energy, he prefers his kisses to be short and sweet. As much as he loves PDA, he's not big on making out in public
-In private however, he's more than happy to have a make out session!
-His kisses are full of energy and can be quite intense, but if you would like to slow down he's fine with that
-Kissing him is often interlaced with giggles and sweetness, Whit's a lighthearted person and that doesn't change when you make out
-He might tickle you while kissing just because he thought it would be funny, you two ended up laughing so hard you had to take a break
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-I don't think he would like making out too much actually
-Charles isn't much of a kisser in my opinion, I think most of the time he prefers to show his love through actions rather than physical affection
-When he does kiss you, it lasts for a few seconds before he breaks away, not too long but not to short either
-If you really want to try making out, he's ok with doing so but it's not his preference
-Idk he just likes showing his love in different ways
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-He LOVES making out, but he always waits for you to initiate it
-They make him feel loved, something he doesn't often think he can be
-He gets super smug about it, boasting about how he's too good to resist or some other ego boosting statement
-When it comes down to it though he gets kind of shy, he's a blushing mess and it's adorable
-But he eventually gets really into it the more you go on
-He lets you take the lead, he's less of a leader and more of a follower during your make out sessions
-You'll never see him more quiet than he is after you make out, he's to busy catching his breath and thinking about how lucky his is to have you
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-He likes making out a lot more than some might think
-Levi isn't a super big fan of short kisses, he prefers to take him time showing you he loves you
=Oftentimes he's the one initiating make outs, but he loves it when you start them too
-His kisses are slower but very deep and loving, he usually initiates them while the two of you are cuddling
-Like Whit, he prefers to kiss you in private, but he doesn't mind if you want to kiss him in public
-He's the type of dude to rest his forehead on yours when you break apart
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-He's another one who doesn't prefer make outs
-He doesn't really get the point, he believes his regular kisses are enough to tell you how much he loves you
-Arturo only ever initiates make outs if he's feeling jealous, which isn't all that rare now that I think about it
-When that happens, his kisses are more intense and possessive, you can definitely pick up on his jealousy lol
-He won't admit to it if you point it out though
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-He loves them and he does NOT hold back
-He's more possessive than the other boys and it's very oparent from the way he kisses you
-Make outs with him are very intense, very deep, very possessive, he can't get enough of you so he'll kiss you for as long as you let him
-He enjoys seeing you flustered so he'll figure out what makes you blush and incorporate it into your make outs
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-Honestly, a lot of his make out habits align with Whit's
-He doesn't mind making out in public though, he will kiss you anywhere as long as you're comfortable with it
-His kisses are super energetic and loving, he often smiles while the two of you are kissing
-He has hard time going slower if that's what you prefer, but he certainly tries
-He loves to cuddle you while you two make out, it makes him feel more connected to you
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lotusflowersimagines · 10 months
If your still doing requests can you do one where Arturo,David or Charles from DRDT dating a Girlfriend who just like Carrie who suffers mistreatment from bullies and her mother and suffers the blood prank when crowned Prom Queen only difference the girlfriend didn't kill anyone and doesn't have powers like Carrie
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This was a difficult one because I don't know much about Carrie (I have honestly not seen it in YEARS) and it sounds like you wanted a minific for it. I hope I can make up for it by including all of the characters and turning it into hcs/scenario instead as i'd hate to otherwise screw up your request because of my lack of knowledge. I hope you are still happy with this!
NOTES: Non-Despair AU, romantic Character/Reader relationship, Fem reader, hurt-comfort, David isn't "good" or "evil" he's just a guy going through things, cw for bullying; public humiliation and a bad home life for the reader, cw mentioned blood, cw briefly mentioned vomit on Charles', cw Charles going through an episode
~ David C., Charles C. and Arturo G. with a Fem s/o who suffers the 'blood prank' during Prom!
David Chiem
To David you meant absolutely everything, he must have trusted you a lot to get into a relationship with you- so in turn you probably trust him just as much; meaning he probably already knew about what you go through on a day to day basis
He hates that someone as wonderful as you has to suffer through such horrible treatment from the people around you and silently wishes they'd get whats coming to them
He's absolutely making sure to be around whenever he can, because while he isn't the most intimidating person in the world- his social status is no joke, and he even flocks some people towards him as fans who he's quick to brush off; he knows what they did to you and he refuses to pretend he doesn't
It actually does keep some of the heat off of you and although it's not a lot, you're still thankful he's around and make sure to tell him how appreciative you are of him
You do remind David that you don't just keep him around to feel safe from bullying, and that he means a lot to you no matter what, to which he's very thankful for because even if he knows it's still nice to be reassured!
When you told David you wanted to attend Prom this year, he had his doubts and made sure to voice his concerns. It's not that he didn't want to see his star shine, he just didn't want to see you 'fall'
However when he saw that determined look in your eyes and how hopeful you were- he just couldn't say no to you; you could say you inspired him in a way
David was happy to help you get ready for Prom if you'd let him, you even invited him as a +1 to attend!
He made sure to look his best for you, but took into consideration that you wanted him to look the way he wanted; since you've always told him how you love him for him being himself and not someone putting up an overly positive front
On the night of prom David was there to help you sneak out of your house, when he saw your outfit for the first time he was left starstruck, but you had to drag him out of it because you were on a time-crunch for attendance!
So far so good, people only spared a few glances at the two of you.. but the night was left unbothered as the two of you went to town! David knew he'd be longingly remembering these moments with you for a long time
As you were crowned Prom Queen, David was looking at you from below the stage with such adoration and love in his eyes. He was so happy for you in this moment but.. David of all people knew good things never lasted long
The second the blood fell onto you he was in complete shock. When everyone around him started laughing at you, he was overwhelmed with rage- he snapped and began yelling at people, running to your side as he shoved people aside
He knew he couldn't do anything in this moment, not about them, but he could do something about you. He had to get you away from there
Watching you just except your fate on that stage, covered in blood.. thats going to haunt him for a bit, it really irked him; but he understood how you felt in a way
It's part of the reason it was easier to comfort you, he made sure to assure you wholeheartedly that he wouldn't let you get in trouble with your mother or anything like that..
Instead, he snuck you back to his dorm at Hopes Peak, making sure to get you something to change into even if he had to dig through his wardrobe, or show up to at Levi's door for the key to the Ultimate Fashion lab and "borrow" some clothes for you
He made sure to respect your privacy and leave the room while you got cleaned up, but afterwards he was very adamant on you staying the night at the very least.. he didn't want you to have to go through your mother's scolding after the night you just had
David planned to have a long discussion with you about leaving your school, or at the very least a possible method of helping you. He couldn't stand seeing someone like you getting hurt like this over and over again.. and he wasn't going to.
"Y/N, this can't possibly go on. I can't stand seeing you laughed at and bullied anymore, please at least consider what I have to say, even if it's not what you want to hear…"
Charles Cuevas
Charles was honestly new to this whole "love" thing, but he was certain that he cared very very deeply for you and seeing you hurt frustrated him to no end
He's a bit… ignorant of your struggles at first, not intentionally- he just couldn't quite grasp it in full, until he saw what you had to go through for himself
He couldn't believe your mother could be so? unnecessarily cruel to you- and for what?! Then ontop of that, seeing you being subject to teasing and harassment at your school that was honestly completely unwarranted? He was royally pissed
He wasn't quite sure how to help you though. He's not very good at comforting you and he's not exactly in any position of power to stop these things from occurring
Of course, he would still try; going to your principal or teachers and informing them of the intense bullying that students go through and how they should be taking responsibility but they do lackluster PSA's that honestly.. don't change a thing for your situation
You might reassure Charles as best you can, saying things like "I'm fine, really." or "It's nothing new, i'll get through it." but he isn't buying it whatsoever, not that he blames you for thinking that way.. he knows it's just how the people around you have shaped your mindset
Charles found himself seeking Whit for help on how to comfort you, since he's not very good at it really; he'll try his best to at least be there for you to help you through these struggles knowing that it makes you feel even a little bit better
Now the day you told him you wanted to attend prom at your school, he thought you might be "joking" or something
When you informed him you were actually very serious about this and were asking for his help, he was both concerned and conflicted on how to approach this
On one hand, he thought you were out of it to be asking this of him- you knew what would happen, didn't you? But on the other hand, he wanted to fulfill your wishes and at least give it a try; longing to see you happy and at peace for once
With a bit of convincing he caved and decided he'd help you, but only if you brought him aswell as he wanted to keep an eye on you
He seemed quite irritated a lot of the time, but truly it was out of care for you- he just didn't want to see you in a constant state of hurting like this. You thought this would be a good opportunity for the both of you to let loose a little, maybe nobody would even notice you were there
Charles probably helped you pick out your outfit, insisting you wore something that didn't stain easily as a preemptive measure against any disasters that may occur, which ended up proving useful in the end to some extent
However, the night he helped you sneak out of your home, he was still left in awe with a large blush on his face seeing you dressed fancy. He was at a loss for words, but tried his best to let you know how amazing you looked in your outfit
Arriving to prom, you could tell he was nervous just from the way he was gripping your hand- honestly just as nervous as you might have been- but you both were somewhat prepared for anything that might happen and that you would look out for eachother
And what do you know? Nobody had even said a word to you the whole night, you two were able to spend prom wordlessly pouring your hearts out to eachother, despite your shared anxieties
When you were crowned as Prom Queen, Charles was not only shocked, and happy.. but concerned? I mean, didn't most of the students in your school think lesser of you?
He didn't really have time to wonder, because in his eyes time seemed to slow when the bucket of blood was spilled over your head, soaking you in it
Charles wasn't even sure what happened at first, he felt sick to his stomach and immediately hurled. It was honestly horrible, he didn't even hear everyone laughing at you and started going through an episode
You were honestly more concerned for him, you probably didn't know of his phobia of blood until just now; you didn't even want to get near him because you were covered in the stuff, but you had to get the two of you out of there ASAP
You wiped your hand on some table cloth and covered his eyes, running out of there in tears. This couldn't have gone more wrong, and all at the last second no less
You were unsure of what to do, you might not have even had any experience in this sort of thing- not that you could help Charles anyways since you were soaked in blood. You ended up fishing out his phone and calling Teruko to come pick him up
However when she saw you there she immediately understood what happened, bringing you both to Hopes Peak and escorting Charles back to his room
She gave you the key to her room and told you that you could clean yourself up and borrow some of her clothes, she had to at least.. attempt to help Charles through his condition
After all was said and done, you were just about ready to leave and just go home.. wanting tonight to be over. You were surprised to see Charles, still quite shaken up, but asking you to stay the night
You agreed, as you felt you had quite a lot to apologize for; but when you and him were alone in his room, all he wanted to do was apologize to you and try to plan some way to make it up to you, even if he wasn't thinking straight enough to know what exactly he'd do
"Y-Y/N.. I apologize for my.. reaction. I-I don't know what happened, truthfully. But.. it's not your fault, and I w-want to make it up to you. Please stay the night, you shouldn't have to go home after that."
Arturo Giles
Arturo loves you as his girlfriend very deeply and makes sure you absolutely know it, which is why when he was informed of your bullying, he was absolutely livid.
He couldn't possibly understand why anyone would ever treat you with anything but respect! They should be bowing to you as you walk by, so what gave them the right?
Unfortunately Arturo isn't the best at shielding you from the bullying, but he will stand up to your defense if it happens in front of him and tear into your bullies' physical appearence until you either pulled him away or he got you away from them
He probably knew the mistreatment didn't stop in school, he may not seem like it but he's more aware of the little things about a person when he sees them as a person, and he definitely views you as such even if his obsessive tendancies still get the best of him sometimes
He himself doesn't have the best home life either, so it's not as if he can swoop you off your feet and take you away from there, no matter how much he would love to
When he heard you would be attending Prom this year, he was quite excited for you! He wanted so badly to see you in a beautiful dress and living out your dream as the Prom Queen!
But he had his doubts. No matter how much he had already seen you as a queen, he knew better than to assume everyone else in your school would; Arturo isn't one to give people like your bullies a second chance or even a first
You knew your mother was against the idea of this, but she didn't have to know you were going right? It didn't take much for Arturo to buckle under and help you, he only had one condition: that he'd attend as your +1
And so he did, he helped you find the most beautiful dress that fit you- or if you already had one in mind, he'd try and help you with accessorizing! He wanted to get a sneak peak at your outfit so he could dress similarly, but also wanted to be surprised with what you'd wear
He was just so excited to see you that he was practically seeing stars when he saw you fancied up; he was left tumbling over his words and praising you all the way to your destination
So far the Prom went smoothly, it seemed as though your bullies had finally learned their place! He had hope that it'd continue on like this for the rest of the night
And it did! Words couldn't describe how happy he was to see you crowned as Prom Queen, the smile you had made it seem like time had slowed down just for him to savor the moment until..
Everything just went wrong right before his eyes. He wanted to scream when he saw the blood spilling down- but it was already too late and you were soaked in it
As soon as people started laughing he absolutely lost it, lashing out at everyone and anyone no matter who it was. He couldn't believe it when you stood there and accepted it
Your perfect moment was ruined right before his very eyes and he simply couldn't stand for it, he felt even angrier at the situation when YOU were the one comforting him and telling him to calm down.. of course the anger was never directed at you though
He dragged you away from the party, he could tell how upset you were and he was just as devastated; both of you knowing your mother would punish you severely for returning home like this.. so he made sure that didn't happen
He assured you that he was not letting you suffer through this treatment tonight, he would not stand for this any longer; and he snuck you into his dorm at Hopes Peak
He let you change and shower there, making sure to give to you fresh clothing (he was going to do give it to you as a gift but that didn't matter to him now, he just wanted you to be clean and happy) and when you were done he immediately went at it; pleading with you to switch schools even if you wanted to stay because of how good the school was
He helped you as best he could that night, and made up for the crown you lost by telling you how much he sincerely loved you and promised he'd do whatever he possibly could to make you happier
After that night, he started saving money up that he got from his surgery work to get you enrolled in the reserve course by roughly next year even if that meant you'd attend for only a year or two, he would not let you suffer like that again and he would pay any price for that- because to him you were priceless
"Y/N, my beautiful, perfect angel.. They may not see you for who you are, but I certainly do. To me, you are everything; and I will prove it to you."
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vkeimadgame · 1 year
Can I request charles with a s/o that is not rlly all that affectionate like him and tries to learn with him or smth like that
like for example: s/o gets easily flustered and doesn't have the balls to be affectionate or smth or they're cold or distant and is trying (like charles)
U can choose the personality of s/o if u want for this
also can s/o sercretly simp for charles at the very back of they're head but never admits it and it kinda connects to the other stuff I said?
anyways hope you have a great day/afternoon/night!!
You got it anon! Gonna try and get some x reader posts out today!~🩷
Charles with a s/o who also struggles to show affection and learns alongside him!
As always headcanons are below the gif!
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💜 ~ You thought to yourself, 'How can I find my way into this man's heart even more?'. What if you were to cuddle with him? Charles loves hugs but doesn't ask or give any due to fear so whenever you gather up the courage to give him a quick hug he always cherishes it.
💜 ~ Since Charles can't cook, you both tend to order cooking boxes and help each other out with making dinner and other foods. He will never do baking with you however because he believes it's childish :( [Knock some sense into him, baking is fun!]
💜 ~ "Me? In love with Charles? Oh god no... Well.. maybe a little.. or even a lot..."
💜 ~ When falling asleep you guys will be on the other sides of the bed but during the night either you or Charles will end up cuddling one another by in the morning.
💜 ~ Whit matched you both up and he arranged dates for you both as a request from someone special!~ (That someone being Charles)
Sorry these were a little short and not to your liking I tried my best!
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webraciszekbastion · 9 months
Requests Opens !
One Shot - Cup of Tea 🍵
Headcanons - Cup of Coffee ☕
My thoughts on games or characters - Bubble Tea 🧋(NO request)
Fluff - Chocolate Cookie 🍪| Hurt/Comfort - Dark Chocolate 🍫| Angst - Sour Lemon Cupcake 🧁| Suggestive - Angel Food Cake 🍰| Platonic - Piece of Pie 🥧
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
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Yuma Kokohead:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Kurumi Wendy:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yakou Furio:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
👻 Yakou Furio x Reader who is a Horror Fanatic 💀☕🍪
Vivia Twilight:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
📖 Vivia Twilght x Baker!Reader 🥐☕🍪
📖 Vivia Twilight x Artist!Male!Reader 🎨☕🍪
Halara Nightmare:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Fubuki Clockford:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Desuhiko Thunderbolt:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zilch Alexander:
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Pucci Lavmin:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Aphex Logan:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Melamie Goldmine:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Zange Eraser:
☔ Some Headcanons from Rain Code ☔☕
Yomie Hellsmile:
Martina Electro:
Seth Burroughs:
Guillaume Hall:
Makoto Kagutsuchi:
All Master Detectives:
All Peacekeepers:
All Characters:
Project Eden's Garden
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Damon Maitsu:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Cassidy Amber:
Desmond Hall:
Diana Venicia:
Eloise Taulner:
Eva Tsunaka:
Grace Madison:
Ingrid Grimwall:
Jean DeLamer:
Jett Dawson:
Kai Monteago:
Mark "Mayhem" Berskii:
Toshiko Kayura(Only Platonic):
Ulysses Wilhelm:
Wolfgang Akire:
All Characters:
Danganronpa Despair Time
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Teruko Tawaki:
Xander Matthews:
Charles Cuevas:
Ace Markey:
Arei Nageishi:
Rose Lacroix:
Hu Jing:
Eden Tobisa:
Levi Fontana:
📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
Arturo Giles:
Min Jeung:
Veronika Grebenshchikova:
J Rosales:
Whit Young:
Nico Hakobyan:
All Characters:
Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope
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📖 Fem s/o Ultimate Novelist who works non-stop, without taking breaks. 📖 ☕🍪
All Characters:
My suggestions for the real names of the characters 🧋
Super Danganronpa Another
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Yuki Maeda/Utsuro:
Akane Taira:
Ayame Hatano:
Haruhiko Kobashikawa
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
Kanata Inori:
Kinji Uehara:
Kiyoka Maki:
Kizuna Tomori:
Mikako Kurokawa:
Mitsuhiro Higa:
Rei Mekaru:
Satsuki Iranami:
Teruya Otori:
Tsurugi Kinjo:
Yamato Kisaragi:
All Characters:
Super Danganronpa Another 2
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Emma Magorobi:
Hajime Makunouchi:
Hibiki Otonokoji:
Iroha Nijiue:
Kanade Otonokoji:
Kokoro Mitsube:
Mikado Sannoji:
Nikei Yomiuri:
Setsuka Chiebukuro:
Shinji Kasai:
Shobai Hashimoto:
Teruya Otori V2:
Yoruko Kabuya:
Yuki Maeda:
Yuri Kagarin:
All Characters:
Danganronpa (He)Artless Deceit
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Akira Hayasaka:
Chiemi Hattori:
Chou Yoshida:
Hideyoshi Kurosawa:
Itsumi "Bani" Yoko:
Izanami Hoshimiya:
Katsuhiko Minamoto:
Kiyoshi Fujioka:
Kyouran Murashita:
Otome Hanayama:
Rei Fukuno:
Satoru Tachibana:
Shion Morita:
Takeshi Yamamoto:
Tomoya Morita:
Yumeo Arakawa:
Denshi Shigenobu:
All Characters:
Your Turn to Die
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Sara Chidouin:
Joe Tazuna:
Keiji Shinogi:
Kanna Kizuchi(Only Platonic):
Q-taro Burgerberg:
Sou Hiyori:
Reko Yabusame:
Nao Egokoro:
Kai Satou:
Gin Ibushi(Only Platonic):
Kazumi Mishima:
Alice Yabusame:
Ranmaru Kageyama:
Hinako Mishuku(Only Platonic):
Naomichi Kurumada:
Mai Tsurugi:
Anzu Kinashi:
Shunsuke Hayasaka:
Sue Miley:
Tia Safalin:
Rio Ranger:
All Characters:
All Floor Masters:
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(Replycons by @minorinrinz)
SOURCES: Fanganronpas (project: edens garden, heartless deceit, despair time, the another series, shattered hope, brave dr, will be writing for lapse soon too, mauve, burdens of change.), canonronpa, project sekai, jojos bizarre adventure (right now I'm finishing part 3, so up until there), Persona (3-5), Romantic Killer, MILGRAM, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
-CHARACTERS: Ace Markey, Levi Fontana, Eden Tobisa, Charles Cuevas, Teruko Tawaki, Xander Matthews, Damon Maitsu, Eva Tsunaka, Tomoya Morita, otome Hanayama (I keep forgetting her last name), Bani, Pocket, Enigma, Hiroto Akagi, Hibiki Kotobuki, Honoka Onizaki, Daisuke Shiriaki, Kazuichi Souda, Caesar Zeppeli, Jonathan Joestar, Ichika Hoshino, Kanade Yoisaki, Tsukasa Tenma, Kotone Shiomi, Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker, Ryuuji Sakamoto, Anzu Hoshino, Junta Hayami, Byleth Eisner, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Shez, Fuuta Kajiyama.
-AUS: Coffee shop AU, Non-Despair AU, Fantasy AU and my own aus so far.
-SHIPS: Acevi, Xanruko, Xanvid, Xandvi/Xanvi, Areden, Charuko, Charwhit, Maitsunaka, Akimoya, Hirosuke, Kazuroto, Honobiki, Pocket x Enigma, Fuuta x Mahiru, Shez x Sylvain, Dimitri x Claude, selfshipping and character x reader. Also platonic ships too.
-CHARACTERS: Arturo Giles (my own writing of him), AI!Mikado, Mitsuhiro Higa, Hifumi Yamada, Mikoto Kayano, Es.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Kanade x Iroha, Kazuichi x Sonia (unless platonic, I can do that), Hifumi x anyone, Jonathan x Dio, Es x anyone, Miklan x anyone (unless platonic or familial) Flayn x anyone
-CHARACTERS: Haiji Towa, the Warriors of Hope, Junko Enoshima, Yukana Kishi, Matthias Raoul Gautier, Rhea.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Haiji x anyone, the WOH x anyone, Junkan, Mukuro x Junko, Tsukasa x Saki and Shiho x Shizuku and Akito x Ena (although idk why I should put these here because anyone knows shipping siblings is gross, same with adults x minors), any main hd cast x side cast ship (unless Denshi and Ryuuji, as the creator said that the HD main cast and Denshi and Ryuuji are young adults), romantic Misa x anyone, Rhea x anyone.
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noticedbynotix · 9 months
("Careless") CHAPTER 1 part 3.
David chiem x reader.
I bit my cheek as I put my hands in my pockets.
Seeing the two people talk before going up to everyone one by one. I listened in to everyone's conversations and learned their names.Hu jing, David chiem, J moreno, Arei nageishi, Veronika grebenshchikova, Levi fontana, Ace markey, Arturo giles, Charles cuevas, Nico hakobyan, Min Jeung, Rose lacroix, Eden tobisa, Whit young, Till finally. They walked up to me,
``Hello.`` I respond to them walking towards me
"Hello! I am Xander Matthews! The ultimate rebel." The red haired guy greets
"I'm Teruko Tawaki. The ultimate lucky student." The brown to gray haired female responded
``I'm (First name) (Last name).`` I responded. In a slightly cold tone. I just met them. Why would I trust them?
"What's your talent, Ms. (Last name)?" Xander asks politely
``I'm not from hopes peak.`` I respond. Looking down, I didn't wanna make eye contact. I'd only do it if I have to
"Excuse me?" Xander asks. A bit confused
``Look. I don't know either. But I'm in a bad mood right now, if you want information. Ask the others.`` I groaned. I put my hands back in my pockets and walked away.
The two people didn't follow me. Good. I stood there, staring at an wall and regretting my actions. Why was I such an trashy IDIOT?!.
But before I even knew it. I heard a noise. There was some sort of robotic cat.. wait no. A robotic dog?? I don't know what the hell it is. But I just know that I don't trust it. I looked around and see everyone else was definitely thinking the same thing as me.
(Time skip since the whole part is a long explanation, You all probably heard this before.)
(Summary: they're all in a killing game that is broadcasted live to the entire world. The robotic cat/dog with an TV head is an robot (MonoTV) controlled by the host of the killing game. They will have to kill someone in order to escape the killing game. And if they get caught they will have to get an talent-themed execution. There will be a class trial everytime a murder happens. Which they have to discuss who the murderer is.)
I was honestly shocked at what that stupid robot was telling me. It seemed so happy telling us all the rules.
"And that's it with my explanation. You are all free to explore the building! Farewell!" MonoTV said
"Wait. I have just one more question before you go." Levi asked, crossing his arms
"Hm?" MonoTV hummed in confusion
"Are you the one controlling this killing game? Are you the host of this game?" Levi asks
"Yea! I'm the host. This killing game is broadcasted by me! With ads appearing every 30 seconds! You'd need a subscription to skip those!" MonoTV said happily
"Is that so? Well then.."
"Stop talking." Levi's face suddenly turned dark. And before we all knew it. Levi GRABBED monoTV and put it in the air
"If I destroy you. Would this killing game be stopped? You are the root of this problem. You are the host." Levi said coldly
"No! Don't! Otherwise you'd be..."
"Punished." The screen on monoTV's turned red and it's face smiled creepily
``Huh?!`` I didn't know what to do. I just stood there in confusion
All of the sudden. Teruko screamed"LEVI WATCH OUT!!!" Before we knew it. Large spikes came out of the floor. Levi had barely managed to dodge it. He had survived. But he fell down and got a scar on his shoulder from one of the spikes
I screamed in shock. And before I knew it. I ran to the door. Escaping the room. I don't know what happened next. I just ran. Running back to my dorm and hiding in there, I was terrified.
Sorry I haven't posted much. Been really busy with school lately. Finally I posted!!! I'm in school rn while typing this
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drdt character x character and character reader requests
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1cKGD2f
by magthesquirtmaster69420
hi! leave a request if u want
Words: 77, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: all the drdt fellas
Relationships: Min Jeung/Teruko Tawaki, Teruko Tawaki/Xander Matthews, Min Jeung/Xander Matthews, Min Jeung/Teruko Tawaki/Xander Matthews, Xander Matthews/Whit Young, Charles Cuevas/Whit Young, Arei Nageishi/J Rosales, Xander Matthews/reader, Arei Nageishi/reader, J Rosales/reader
Additional Tags: Request book, One Shot, Smut, Fluff, Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1cKGD2f
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orangedodge · 3 years
@dannybagpipesarecalling​ replied to your text post:
I didn't realize those were Destiny's diaries either. If you would be so kind, can you explain how Emma knows? Unfortunately I haven't read enough comics to know this backstory.
I am glad you asked about this, because it gives me an excuse to post about it while hopefully not sounding like a conspiracy blog. I've been slightly obsessed with this idea since Emma first turned up in House of X, so I'm rather excited that “maybe Destiny's Diaries still exist” isn't just my weird crack canon any longer.
Emma was, in short, the last person who can be established to have control over the whereabouts of the diaries. And as one of the top five telepaths in the world, who has expressly defended that secret from the likes of Exodus and Mr. Sinister, she is capable of preventing Professor X from just taking the information from her. So barring new retcons, if Moira has the diaries now, they had to have been obtained directly from Emma.
That's not enough to say that she turned them over to Moira specifically. She could have given them to Charles or Er—okay, no, she wouldn't give them to Charles. There could be a circumstance where she'd trust them to Erik though. But in that contingency, I think there's enough context to support Emma knowing why they'd want them and for who. To be clear though, I would be less confident about making that assertion if Emma hadn't just opened the “Dr. Moira MacTaggert Memorial Public Hospital” expressly to freak out Charles and Erik, and if HoxPox hadn't already linked them by showing Moira to be worried about what Emma was up to.
(This got kind of long so I thought it'd be helpful to say the important part up front before spiraling down the continuity rabbit hole)
The origins and resulting chain of custody for Destiny's Diaries are as follows: One January, decades ago, Destiny began recording visions of the future in a series of diaries. Filling one book per month, she continued writing for thirteen months. This process was described as auto-writing, and Destiny herself did not have a complete memory of what she had written, nor did she understand the meaning of much of what she wrote.
Nonetheless, the July diary contained a recording of the events leading up to the defeat of Apocalypse, and another diary contained information on the life of Hope Summers, so they've been very relevant to the events of the modern era. It's not explicit yet that Krakoa's founding is also in the diaries, but because we know Destiny had at least one separate vision of Krakoa, and because Moira is interested in reading them, it seems fairly likely that whatever Moira, Charles, and Erik have been doing behind the scenes is also in there.
In the decades since Destiny authored them, most of these diaries were lost, except for five that Mystique kept hold of, and a sixth that Irene hid away herself. After Mystique killed 'Moira,' she sent her five diaries to Professor X, hoping that the temptation of using them would consume his life and lead him toward a ruinous fate. Destiny meanwhile had entrusted the sixth diary to Shadowcat (who Destiny met in 1936, while she was time traveling and having an affair with Moira's grandfather don't worry about it), who eventually became so freaked out by something she read in it that she vanished on a mission, let her friends believe her dead for weeks, and had herself deleted from Cerebro, while leaving the diary to Rogue for safekeeping while she was away.
(That last chain of events isn't incredibly important, I just think it becomes kind of lol in light of current canon)
Rogue went on to take that diary and the research that had been done on it to Storm. Storm and Rogue then formed a splinter team of X-Men, to journey the world searching for the lost diaries, believing Professor X could not be trusted. Along the way a seventh book turned up with a treasure hunter named Vargas (don't worry about him), and an eighth was found by Gateway and given to Rogue in a dream. Eventually Storm tried to get Phoenix to collect Professor X's diaries for her, but they discovered that they had already been stolen (Shadowcat did it).
The rest of the diary hunt isn't really important, just that Kitty eventually ended up retrieving the full set, before she rejoined the X-Men, which only happened after Xavier had left Scott and Emma to run the school. This timeline is important for establishing that Xavier has never possessed the full set of diaries himself, and was not involved in collecting the lost books at any point, nor was he present at the time the diaries were brought to the school and fell under Emma's protection. This rules out the possibility that the set of diaries we've previously seen were somehow forged by Xavier.
Xavier would not return to the school until after losing his mutant powers, whereupon he departed for space on an adventure to another galaxy. He was unavailable, therefore, to have undertaken any telepathic shenanigans, so what happens next actually happened, and is not a psychic illusion. While Xavier was gone, Mr. Sinister recruited Exodus and Mystique, and began a campaign of hunting down precognitive psychics, time travelers, and any other sources of information on the future. Scott, Emma, and Kitty meanwhile predicted that they were going to be next, and came up with a bananas plan to keep the books safe.
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X-Men volume 2 no. 203 by Mike Carey (Writer), Humberto Ramos (Penciler), Carlos Cuevas (Inker), Studio F’s Edgar Delgado (Colorist), Virtual Calligraphy’s Cory Petit (Letterer), Will Panzo (Assistant Editor), Nick Lowe (Editor), Joe Quesada (Editor in Chief), Dan Buckley (Publisher)
First they hid the diaries somewhere in parts unknown. Emma then altered the minds of “all of us” (everyone who lived at the mansion at that time) to perceive a bunch of decoy books as the real thing. She then erased Kitty's memory, and her own, so that no telepath would be able to extract the information by force, before they gave each other a series of post-hypnotic triggers so they could restore one another's memories if they ever needed the books again. When eventually Exodus attacked the school looking for the books, they restored their memories, and decided to send another team to the hidden location where they'd buried a mystery box. Emma gave this location to Sam and Bobby, who dug up the box, which was never opened, and which was destroyed by Gambit during a firefight with Sinister's forces before anyone could confirm its contents.
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This was intended by author Mike Carey to be the end of Destiny's Diaries, a dropped plot from a previous creative run, that was vaguely useful at building up to the Messiah Complex crossover, but was a lot more trouble than it was worth to an author who was writing about the X-Men trying to avert a bad future. But there's a lot of room in the story he wrote for the diaries to have survived after all.
I think it's actually really suspicious that the box was accessible to Bobby and Sam at all. Why not drop it under a mountain? Why not bury it under the ocean? Why not keep it phased in a tree? And it's a big red box with a big red 'X' on it. I know the X-Men love their branding and all, but that's going pretty far.
No one actually opens the box before Gambit blows it up either. It could have contained more decoys, or nothing at all. 
And when talking among themselves, Emma and Kitty never actually say that they're sending the X-Men to retrieve the diaries. They say that they know where the diaries are, and then send the X-Men to a place where they've buried something. The intent of the author is clear, but there's room in the dialogue for a later writer to decide that this just was another plan to keep the books hidden.
So for the entire period of time between assembling the complete collection of thirteen diaries, and their seeming destruction, they are never unaccounted for. Only Emma and Kitty knew the full extent of what they did to hide them, and where they were hidden. If fakes were destroyed instead of the real thing, no one would have known.
We could just be in retcon territory, but I don't think so, because it's fine on its own without any direct changes to canon. And really, faking the destruction of the books to cover up their real location makes a lot more sense than believing Emma Frost actually sent Sam to retrieve the incredibly suspicious looking red box that contained the most important object in the world, while half the super villains on the planet were chasing him.
Believing the diaries weren't really destroyed just requires the reader to accept that Emma would lie to the other X-Men, and keep lying to them for years, and that she'd be willing to put Sam and Bobby's lives at risk to protect that lie. Which she was already doing in that story anyway. She was already lying to everyone when she changed everyone's memories. And she—and Scott and Kitty—was already fine with risking everyone's lives when setting up a decoy trap in a school. So that's why I think this works better as a continuation of the existing, known, story of the diaries, and not a direct retcon to what happened.
In conclusion I think Emma knows about Moira because Moira got the diaries from somewhere, and Emma is the person she could have gotten them from. Nothing proves a direct hand-off in, like, a formal standard of proof or anything, but Emma having access to the diaries for so long, and having been wrapped up in this whole weird plot thread—which involves Moira and most of the Quiet Council—is enough to imply the connection in a story sense.
(ETA - For completion’s sake, there is also a weird story I didn’t go into called Chaos War that was published in 2011 where Moira is resurrected and finds a book in the ruins of the Xavier School that may or may not be one of the diaries, and touching it causes her soul to merge with Destiny’s, who then possesses her and guides her through a quest to destroy an evil god. This was an odd story to place in continuity at the time, and has only gotten stranger, given  1. that couldn’t be the real Moira, 2. Destiny is not merged with her soul. If this is in continuity (it’s been suggested that Moira’s golem was the character in this event), and all of the characters are who they say they are, and if the book in question was actually one of the thirteen diaries (and not some other book that Irene also wrote), then it requires Emma to have deliberately left one of the thirteen books behind for “Moira” to find, which if anything only adds to the likelihood that she knows what’s up)
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haisuu · 8 months
Hello^^ May I request headcanons for Charles x reader, where reader comforts him after the first trial?
Sure thing! Here you go!
Comfort? Only For You
a/n: constant uploads? who is she? OK BUT FR THO SORRRRYYYYYY LIFE JS SUCKKSSSS
Summary: Charles could barely think about Xander’s body without throwing up. But watching Min’s execution? Too much to handle for him. You, who’s “friends” with him, try to comfort him to the best of your ability.
“Charles?” You said, peering into the chemist’s room. You could see him, sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands in his face, it wasn’t the most exciting thing to see to say the least. “You okay? You seemed pretty frazzled at the..well, trial and stuff.” He looked, still not looking at you, he probably wasn’t able to even look at someone without envisioning what happened.
“I’m fine, Y/n. I’m just..surprised.” He didn’t sound like himself, his tone was different, and his voice lacked the snarky attitude it usually held. “No, you’re not Charles, you’re not fine, I can tell.” You took a seat next to him, putting your hand on his back, rubbing it gently. You didn’t know how to comfort others that well, but you felt as if you needed to try. You could feel that he was very tense and stiff, understandable, considering the circumstances.
“Why do you feel so strong about being friends with me?” Charles asked suddenly. For a moment, you didn’t know yourself. Until you thought about it more. “Because I care about you. I want you to feel safe. Im sorry if that sounds weird, but that’s truly how I feel about you.”
You babysat Charles for the rest of the week, comforting him inside room, and making him food since he couldn’t do it himself.
As much as it was difficult for him, he tried to show his appreciation without directly telling you.
This was with his body language, as well as with the small smile that was on his face.
But, he felt like he had to say his appreciation outright, feeling guilty that you were doing this without a proper thank you.
“Hey, I truly do appreciate this. I couldn’t be more grateful for you, Y/n.” He would say, a smile tugging on his lips.
Hello! Thank you for your patience, by now you’ve likely forgot about your request..but I’d feel too guilty giving up now! Hope you have a great day! Remember I care about you! Bye!
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Charles Cuevas anything, I’ll cry please I need any content at all I will thank you forever and ever
Ok, personally I'm a sucker for crush headcannons (hence the haikyuu ones I did like a week ago) So that's what I'm gonna do here!
Warnings: brief mentions of death
gn! reader
Charles Cuevas with a crush in the killing game
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-In the beginning, Charles is just as annoyed with you as he is with everyone else
-He has no desire to get to know any of you better, instead sticking to himself most of the time
-But during his few interactions with the others, his attention gravitates towards you far more often than the other participants
-He's not sure why, maybe it's your laughter, maybe it's how eager you are to befriend everyone, maybe it's your voice
-Either way, you have his attention and he's not too pleased about it
-You're distracting him, and in his eyes, distractions are a nuisance
-Before the first trial, he tries to avoid seeing you as much as possible, but you somehow end up everywhere he goes
-He's snappy with you when this happens, not because you've done anything wrong but because you're a distraction in his solitary life and he's not having it
-Then the first trial rolls around and he begins to think differently
-He notices and (begrudgingly) admires how you weren't afraid to stand up for Teruko when everyone else was against her, and how logical you were when piecing together evidence
-You know how after the first trial he begins to open up and become more social?
-Well, the trial shifted his behavior towards you too
-He still doesn't understand why he's so captivated by you specifically, but he figures he might as well get to know you now that he understands why working together is so important
-He's still... stiff around you, but he's not used to being friendly so give him some credit!
-Most of his time is spent with you and Whit who, by the way, is not oblivious to his friends little crush on you
-Whit tries to make Charles aware of his feelings, but Charles is oblivious and inexperienced with romance so he doesn't catch on
-Thus, Whit makes it his life's mission to get you two together no matter the cost
-Suddenly, the you and Charles are often left alone in a room together, with everyone making excuses for why they have to leave (Yes Whit got everyone else in on it, but what else was he supposed to do?)
-This leads to the two of you talking one on one more often, bringing you closer together
-While he's still a little rough around the edges, Charles is far nicer to you than he is to anybody else
-If you express your fears about the killing game, he'll attempt to comfort you
-Although his comfort isn't the greatest, since his brain is better at dealing with logic rather than emotions
-He'll still try though, often sitting with you in silence or offering you a few awkward words of reasurrance
-During investigations, the two of you work together as often as possible
-He lets you handle anything regarding the body though because of his blood phobia
-He also defends you whenever you're accused during a trial
-Anyone who dares to accuse you is met with Charles scoffing, followed by a detailed argument of why it couldn't be you and finally, calling the accuser a low life moron
-He keeps an eye on you for the rest of the game, he trusts your judgement but he wants to keep you safe in such a dangerous environment
-He eventually figures his feeling out, but he won't act on them
-I imagine he doesn't want to confess until you're both safely out of the game, but if he does confess during the game it's most likely during or after a high stress moment
-He fully plans to get you two out of there though, so you'll get that confession on day!
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Can you do Danganronpa Despair Time Boys Hcs with a Lover who from a large family like the Loud House and introduce There boyfriend to there large family for first time
Sure! Reader in this is gonna have both younger and older siblings so if you're the oldest/youngest, sorry!
DRDT boys meeting S/O's large family for the first time
Warnings: mentions of Xander's eye injury
Gn! reader
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-Xander ADORES your family
-He was a little nervous going into meeting them for the first time, but you reassure him that they'll love him (he's super charismatic, he really has nothing to worry about)
-He's really good with little kids given the amount of energy he has, so your younger siblings take a liking to him immediately. Two seconds into the meeting and he's already playing with them, letting them run around him and climb over him like he's a tree. They also think his hair is super cool which is a plus
- He does worry that they'll pull off his eyepatch and become scared after seeing his eye socket, so you make sure they all know not to touch it or pull at it beforehand
-Your older siblings can tell he's a good guy from the way he clicks with the younger family members so easily, so they don't give him as much flack as they were planning (some of them may still tease him though)
-He's more nervous when interacting with your older siblings and parents, but he loosens up a little the more he talks with them. Although, he gets really nervous if they start questioning him even slightly aggressively, he really wants to make a good impression but he thinks he'll mess it up
-Xander may be a rebel, but he's super respectful to your family. He addresses your parents as "sir" or "ma'am" and he helps with anything needed, like carrying food to the table or rounding the kids up for dinner. He really does his best to make a good impression on your family (He's aware that having a sibling/kid who's dating the ultimate rebel may be a bit off-putting)
-He assures you family that you're in good hands and that he'd never dream of hurting you, and who wouldn't believe him? He's proven to be an honest guy (ignore chapter one he was just being silly and goofy) and they respect you're decision to date him
-Your parents tell you later that they think he's a respectable young man and they'd love to have him for dinner again sometime, so it would appear you're family approves of him!
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-Oh boy
-You're uhhh... you're gonna have to wait a bit before introducing Arturo to you're family
-You're also going to have to drill it into his skull that he can't insult, snark, or do anything rude whilst visiting your family, which he begrudgingly agrees to
-To be honest, he doesn't really care what you're family thinks. he loves you and you love him, so why should their opinion matter? But he understands it's important to you, so he'll try to be on his best behavior (he does tell you this though)
-Once the meeting date rolls around, he does put effort into looing nice for the occasion, you can even see him try to set his face into a less disapproving look
-Meeting you're parents is the easy part, he shakes their hands and is fairly respectful to them, trying to answer all their questions to the best of his ability. It's a bit awkward, but the real challenge is your siblings.
-He's noticeably uncomfortable with you're younger siblings trying to touch him, but when questioned about it he apologizes and says he's a bit of a germaphobe, that's all. He does try to be nice to them, but he's not great with kids so half the time he doesn't know what to say
-Your older siblings can tell somethings up with him. They fully notice his politeness is unnatural, and some of them begin asking him questions about himself, sometimes making little jabs here and there. Their suspicion makes Arturo a bit defensive, but he tries to keep his snark under control so he he'll match their energy and make little comments back at them.
-It's kinda like a game to them. Who can make digs at the other without being broken first? Stick around to find out!
-He's fairly quiet during dinner, he pretty much only speaks when spoken to, but your parents think he's the more silent type
-He thanks your parents for dinner afterwards and then he takes his leave, but he does give you a quick peck on the mouth before he goes, it's mostly a fuck you to you're older siblings because he sirs afterwards.
-You're older siblings may not like him, but your parents think he's a good kid so they approve your relationship
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-Lowkey really excited but nervous to meet your family
-Levi was disowned by his own family, so he's happy he gets to experience the family dynamic again, but he’s also nervous, he really wants to make a good impression
-He’s the type to either take this super seriously and show up in a tuxedo with flowers and some homemade food for dinner or he pretends to be super chill
-Him? Nervous? Nooooo…maybe a little
-He’s surprisingly good with kids, he’s the type of guy to not know how to interact with kids but they still love him anyways
-He eventually gets used to them though, he’ll even start to join in on their little games once he feels he understands them well enough
-Hell totally let your younger siblings sit on his lap during dinner or while he’s talking to your parents, and he gives them piggy back rides if they’d like. He doesn’t mind much, he’s strong enough to carry them around and it’s one of the few ways he can bond with your siblings without it being totally awkward
-I can see him having tea parties with your younger siblings, imagine him in a big hat with a fluffy boa scarf around his neck sipping out a fake plastic teacup
-Your older siblings are a bit put off by him, not because he’s shady but because he responds to all their jokes and jabs completely seriously
-Your sibling: “I hope you take care of Y/N, it would be a shame if you hurt them and suddenly went missing one day.”
-Levi: “Of course I’ll take care of Y/N, I would never hurt them. But why would I go missing?”
-They know he’s a good guy though, he may be too serious sometimes, but he looks at you with stars in his eyes, it’s obvious to everyone in your family how much he loves you
-You’re parents love him, they see him as a respectable, quiet young man who they can have a intelligent conversation with. They hope he visits more often
-And he does! He loves your family, they’re practically his actual family at this point. He can’t wait until they legally become his in-laws!
-Levi’s the perfect gentleman to your whole family, 10/10 would introduce again
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-Ace is…reluctant to meet your family, not that he’d ever let you know that (he’s not very slick though, you can tell)
-Ace is a very insecure and anxious guy, he knows what people think of him and he’s been riddled with anxiety about your parents thinking the same once they meet him. Will they hate him? Will they think he’s rude? What if they refuse to let the two of you continue dating?
-As I said earlier though, he pretends nothings wrong, in fact he acts overly confident about the whole thing
-“Don’t worry babe, you’re parents will love me, who wouldn’t? Hahahaha…”
-He’s sweating bullets once you actually get there, he promised to behave but Ace is an impulsive guy, he’s very worried he’ll blurt something out by accident
-He’s very startled by your younger siblings, he has no idea how to interact with them and he’s a little bit freaked out by them suddenly jumping on him the second he walked in the door (he definitely screamed)
-He does try to be nice, but it’s very awkward, and not in the Levi sort of way
-He’s very intimidated by your older siblings, he tries to play it cool with them but the slightest bit of hostility or pressure from them gets him defensive
-He’s pretty respectful with your parents though, he responds to there questions as politely as he’s capable of, although he does stutter a lot when speaking to them
-After dinner he’ll awkwardly offer to help your family with the clean up, he doesn’t talk unless spoken to first, he’s still way too nervous
-It’ll take him awhile to loosen up around your family, give him a few more visits and he’ll eventually get there
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-Oh he’s so hyped to meet your family, you have no idea
-This man is one of the few drdt boys who’s not all that nervous to meet your family, sure he wants to make a good impression but he believes that if your truly meant to be it’ll work itself out eventually
-He’s all smiles the second he gets to the house, your entire family falls in love with him almost immediately
-The younger kids adore him, Whit’s super good with children so he has no problem engaging with them! He’ll give them piggyback rides (if they’re small enough, he’s not all that strong) and he’ll gladly participate in any games they come up with (he’s probably gonna come up with his own at some point)
-Your siblings are gonna beg for you to bring him back over after he leaves, he’s just so much fun!
-Your older siblings worry that he’s a player because of his talent and his laid back attitude, but it only takes a few minutes talking to him for them to realize that he really loves you
-His way of winning them over is to joke around with them, he’s got even the most stone faced of your siblings laughing by the end of the night
-Your parents adore him too, Whit loves to joke around but at the end of the day he’s still a respectful guy, especially to your parents
-Whit will loudly announce how much he loves you several times throughout the gathering, it’s really cute to everyone because he says it so casually but so full of affection
-He doesn’t even ask if your parents need help with the cleanup, he just starts cleaning immediately after everyone’s done
-He comes over a lot more after that, your family loves him to death and he loves spending time with them and you so it’s a win win for everyone!
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-Does David want to meet your family? No, not particularly. Will he because he loves you? Yes, although begrudgingly. He’s of the same mind as Arturo, he loves you and you love him so why should he care what your family thinks of him?
-But if there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s pretending to have a positive attitude, so he’ll just do what he does for his job: put on a smile and fake it
-When you get there he’s all smiles, greeting your parents with a handshake and telling them it’s a pleasure to finally meet them
-He does his best to be polite with your younger siblings. He’ll play with them and talk with them, but if any of them start climbing onto him like he’s a jungle gym he’ll gently shake them off and ask them to refrain from climbing on him, he’s not strong enough to hold them up you know?
-Your older siblings probably know who he is, so they have a lot a questions about how you two started dating and what his intentions are. Despite how nice he may be on screen, some of your siblings may be skeptical that he’s really like that
-No matter how rude they may be or how many questions they ask him though, he still answers all their questions with a bright smile and polite words
-He acts humble whenever anyone mentions his achievements or his fame, shrugging it off with a awkward smile while rubbing his neck, he hates talking about his career but your parents just think he’s embarrassed by all the attention
-He’ll help prepare/ clean up dinner even if he isn’t asked to
-Once he leaves he’ll try his best to refrain from making negative comments about your family, but he may let a snide comment about your older siblings slip
-It’ll take him awhile to get used to your family, but he begrudgingly becomes attached to them the more he visits
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-Charles takes this very seriously, probably the most seriously out of any of the other boys (not that they don’t think it’s serious, Charles is just a serious dude)
-He understands and appreciates the bond you have with your family, so he wants to make sure he doesn’t mess up your relationship by making a bad impression on them
-He’d show up to the dinner all dressed up, hands shaking as he says hello to your parents and gets invited in, he’s trying so hard to be polite but his voice is shaking and he’s visibly sweating so everyone can tell how nervous he is
-Charles does try to engage with the children present, but he’s very awkward and has no idea how to have a conversation with someone considerably younger than him
-He gets along decently well with your siblings, even when they make snide comments at him he refrains from resorting to his natural rude attitude, although he may act slightly colder towards those specific siblings if they do it enough
-During dinner he tries to keep conversation going by asking your parents about there jobs, what you were like when you were young, stuff like that. It comes across kinda uncomfortable sometimes but he’s trying
-Like some of the others, he helps out afterwords with cleanup without being asked, and then he thanks your parents for dinner before leaving
-It may have been nerve racking for him but your family loves him in all his awkward glory. He’s just glad he didn’t fuck anything up
I’m backkkkkk
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Hi hi! Would a Charles Cuevas or Whit Young comforting a reader through a depressive episode be ok to write? It’s alright if not, and I love your works by the way. Don’t push yourself to write too much, remember to take breaks and it’s always ok to write short and sweet :)
Of course it's ok! I hope you're doing alright, remember to take care of yourself!
Also, I appreciate the kind words! Sometimes I feel the need to rush to get requests done, so it's reassuring to now it's ok to take breaks!
Charles and Whit with an S/O going through a depressive episode
Warnings: Depression and mental health issues
Gn! Reader
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-Charles is pretty observant so he can tell somethings up almost immediately
-But he's not well versed with mental health and what it can look like, so he doesn't know exactly what it is that's causing you to act so different
-You'll either have to tell him directly, or he'll figure it out on his own once your depression gets to the point where you can't even leave your room
-Now, Charles is a bit emotionally constipated so at first he doesn't really know what to do
-He's very stiff when comforting you at first, he doesn't know what to say and physical affection isn't his strong suit
-So he focuses more on trying to help you instead
-Because despite how stone faced he seems at times, he does hate seeing you in such state, especially when he knows your suffering in a way he can't immediately fix
-Does a ton of research on depression, what can cause it, and what he can do to lessen its effect on you
-Upon finding out it comes in goes in episodes, he does all he can to help you ride this one out
-He'll try to get you out of the house if you have enough energy, he finds that going out helps clear his head so it might help you
-He tries to get you to eat more healthy meals because he knows junk food just makes you feel worse, but he can't cook for shit so he gets Whit to make your meals
-On days where you have enough energy to get up, he'll help you clean your room and your house, because a messy environment does actually have a negative impact on mental health
-He also tries to set you up with a therapist if you're up for it, because he knows as much as he can try, he's not a mental health professional and you need actual help
-He starts telling you he loves you more often, just so you know he's always going to be there for you, through thick and thin
-He sometimes worries that he's not doing enough, but you reassure him that you appreciate his effort
-He just wants you to be rid of your depression, and hopes you'll feel ok soon
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-Like Charles, Whit is very perceptive, so he can tell somethings up
-Unlike Charles, he knows a lot about depression and mental health in general, so he's quick to figure out why you're acting differently
-He's tones down his over-the-top, jokey personality, leaving a more soft, gentle Whit
-He understands that you aren't in the mood to joke around, so he settles for comforting you in a more silent way
-He'll cuddle you on you're bad days, every so often whispering complements and reassurances in your ear
-On days where you have more energy, he encourages you to get up and do something, it doesn't have to be super exciting, maybe just taking a 10 minute walk or going by the store
-He'll also cook for you and help clean your house, anything to help lighten up your envirenment
-He often asks if you would like to go out with him and/or friends as a way to cheer you up, but he understands if you aren't up for it
-He hates seeing you depressed but he knows it's not something he can fully fix
-So he highly encourages you to see a therapist and maybe get on medication, even if it's just seasonal depression are something along those lines
-He does still joke around with you, but if you aren't in the mood for it he'll immediately stop
-Expect constant reminders of how much he loves you and how proud he is of you for enduring your depression
-He plans to be there with you every step of the way, until you feel like your old self again
(Sorry Whit's is shorter, I wasn't sure what else to put for him)
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haisuu · 9 months
Can you do you write Hcs or scenarios with Arturo Ace Whit and Charles joining there lover father for a driving test just to get his blessing and this happen (Driving Test video is base on Phineas and Ferb Driving Test Watz)
I’ll Try My Best!
A (Driver’s) Test
Arturo; Ace; Whit; Charles x Reader (separate)
Summary: They’ve got to get your father’s blessing..shouldn’t be that hard right? Just a simple drivers test, and they’ll be done! But it turns out to be a bit more complex than expected…
a/n: I’m just trying to get back to a consistent posting schedule rn lol (it’s not happening)
Arturo Giles!
He must admit, your parents did not match up to your beauty at all! But he does need your father’s blessing…
When he hears about the idea of a drivers test, he becomes a bit skeptical though…
Oh, whatever! If they have any sense in them, then they should make it easy, right?
As soon as he saw the upcoming trip he’d have to endure, he instantly felt a sense of fear for a brief moment.
But, he’d do anything for you! So he’ll do it, just to get this over with and get your father’s blessing!
He was able to ace the test, flying colors! But he must admit, your family is quite..eccentric.
“Y/n, your family is..interesting, to say the least.” He said, as you chuckled alongside him.
Ace Markey!
He’s a scaredy cat, he’s not making it let’s be real..might as well try though, right? …right?
Yeah, before the test even starts he’s already muttering screaming at himself to get out of here..
But in the end, he can’t, he needs your father’s blessing and he’d do anything for you!
Yeah, he ended up crashing into the lake and had to be saved by your dad to make sure he didn’t drown..
Safe to say..he didn’t pass the test, but your dad still cut him some slack and gave him his blessing anyway, so..success?
On the way home, he rambled to you about how he both was not scared at all and how he felt like he’d piss his pants every single second that passed by.
“Your father practically tried to kill me, love! I don’t know what he’s thinking to be honest..”
Whit Young!
He’s..not too scared when he sees the following driving path. I mean sure he might die in the lake but he’ll be ok! Right?
He’s already met your father and he was a kind man, so it was perhaps unexpected to see a bit of a grueling task, but he wasn’t too worried.
I mean, he was sure he was going to pass, cracking a joke or too before the test started.
…he ended up crashing into the lake…he didn’t die though, so that’s good!
Your father decided to have mercy on him, recognizing the chemistry between you two!
And now, here Whit was, rambling over the fact he almost died, he seemed to have gotten over it quick though, since he was now teasing you as usual.
“Come on, Y/n! You totally were missing me while I was doing the test, weren’t you?”
Charles Cuevas!
To say Charles was skeptical about the test was understatement..he didn’t find the need for it quite frankly. It’s evident you two love each other, so there’s really no need, right?
Oh, but he’s absolutely head over heels for you, if he dies professing his love to you this way, he’ll die happy, so he’ll do it.
When your father first met him, he thought Charles was perfect for you in almost every way!
He was only concerned that Charles wouldn’t put in the effort or make you feel safe and comfortable in the relationship. Which is why he felt he needed Charles to take this test.
Charles had a few nerves going into it, mainly worried about the lake, and the sharp turns. But he knew he’d be able to do it.
Safe to say, he passed! He was very happy, but only let a small smile onto his face as he saw you smile with glee.
You two decided to walk home, your house wasn’t far anyway! And he needed a bit of a break.
“I told you I could do it, Y/n. Did you really doubt me?” He said in a both teasing yet serious tone to you.
Hey, Hey, Hey! Hope you enjoyed! Please know that I have huge mental/writer’s blocks when it comes to writing so please be patient! I do appreciate all the requests though! Please be safe, take care of yourself, and have fun! Bye!
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haisuu · 1 year
Can I have Nikei, Yoruko, Charles with a reader who’s oblivious to their affection?
Totally! Here it is!
Oh Oblivious, Oblivious..
Nikei; Yoruko; Charles x GN!Reader (separate)
You/Your Pronouns
Summary: Their crush is clearly obvious, right? Are you really gonna make them spell it out for you? (probably) Let’s see..
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Nikei With An Oblivious Reader!
The journalist is very persistent on not telling you his feelings. You’ll realize eventually, right?
Can’t you see his smile being ever so slightly more brighter whenever he’s talking to you?
Or the fact he always has your favorite drink ready to give you?
But your careless smile always leaves him weak in the knees…and he thinks your obliviousness is worth it to see you..
But one day, while you too are hanging out..you sneak a peak at one of his notebooks.
It just so happens to be one of the ones that he dedicates his love to you in..
He panics immediately when he realizes, until you say; “Why didn’t you say so..?” After you read one of his pages.
He stammers, blush rising to his face. And he realizes that his feelings were reciprocated all along.
“Y-You like me back..?! How unexpected! I love you too!”
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Yoruko With An Oblivious Reader!
Whenever someone asks the hostess on whether she has a crush on you..she always does the same thing…
Deny. Deny. Deny!
But deep down, she knows that she’s lying to herself, but could you blame her? (ofc not, ur hot asf)
She finds herself constantly looking for you for no reason..
Occasionally she asks you to hang out while making the “dates” as romantic as possible
But after all that, you’re still clueless!
So one day, she barges into your room and confesses on the spot!
“Okay..so…god this is so embarrassing, I like you!”
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Charles With An Oblivious Reader!
You believe that Charles and Whit are together, but Charles thinks that you and him are meant to be!
His attempts at confessing have usually been ruined by Ace, and partially ruined by Whit.
But, surely you’d realize that the blush on his cheeks isn’t from embarrassment and is from a crush, right? (no lol)
As he vents his frustrations to Whit about how he can’t understand how you could be so oblivious, Whit randomly shouts out that Charles has a crush on you!
As he stutters while trying to disprove Whit’s claim, he already finds your lips on top of his!
Blush arises to his face, and he kisses back, as you two soon pull away.
“…W-Wow..T-Thank you..!”
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Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoyed! Remember that somebody cares about you! No matter how alone you may feel! Goodbye!
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haisuu · 1 year
characters I want is:Nico, Ace, Charles and Maybe david
but if u want one you could go for nico
Comforting Comings
Nico; Ace; Charles; David x Reader (Seperate)
Hello! Thank you for requesting anon! I hope this lives up to your expectations!
Notes: This’ll sort of be friends to lovers I guess? Like you’re both great friends but want to be more. Also, This’ll take place in the killing game. I also don’t have much experience writing for transmasc or transfemme so sorry if this isn’t very accurate!
Extra: He/They pronouns; Friends to Lovers; Nickname of ‘Darling,’ ‘Love.’
Backstory: Growing up, you’ve never felt completely comfortable in your own body. So, after changing up how you express yourself, you started feeling more comfortable. You were even going to go further in your transition. But now, you’re stuck in this killing game, you’ll have to come out to someone, so why not your best friend! (and maybe more..)
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Nico with a Reader who’s coming out as Transmasc!
When you first come into they’re room to talk, they’re extremely a little worried!
But when you come out they’re SUPER supportive about it!
They feels a lot more closer to you knowing you both have a somewhat familiar experience regarding your identity!
I like to think that they occasionally messes up and then they stutter a lot trying to say an apology!
“A-Ahh! S-S-Sorry Y/n! I-I messed up again!”
(I’m a Nico Apologist don’t attack them)
If y’all do get into a relationship during this time, they’re even more careful/defensive than before.
“D-Darling? O-Oh um..May i call you darling? Rose and Levi have made breakfast, we should go eat, love..“
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Ace with a reader who’s coming out as Transmasc!
(I don’t know how to write ace help)
Lowkey, I feel like he wouldn’t completely understand the concept at first-
But once you explain it to him he’s a lot more understanding and supportive, but he doesn’t really show it
“Oh damn, that’s cool I guess.”
and then he proceeds to have a mid-life crisis because “loving someone the same gender as you is wrong!” (✨forbidden love✨)
but then he accepts his feelings and confesses then you two make out or something
After that, he’s VERY adamant on making sure people address you correctly!
“HEY?! They’re pronouns are He/They mind you!”
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Charles with a reader who’s coming out as Transmasc!
He’s taken aback, but overall not too surprised
“I thought so, I was wondering when you were going to talk about it. I’m glad you trust me enough with this.”
When you confess, he smiles, just a bit, not enough for you to notice though.
He’s very supportive and willing to do anything to make sure you feel comfortable.
At first, you think he’s just being a good friend, until you see the blush on his cheeks. That’s when you start thinking..
He notices your face, and then just confesses to you on the spot.
So congrats! Y’all are dating now!
“Y/n, I love you, and I know these are hard times, but I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
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David with a reader coming out as Transmasc!
Even if he’s a little insane, he makes you feel so loved!
As you talk to him, he listens very attentively.
Truthfully, in the back of his mind, he thinks about using this to manipulate you somehow.
But then, he decides against it. You’re too important to him. Wait, What?!
Oh no, he’s fallen in love! This wasn’t suppose to happen. But maybe, he can come to terms with this.
“Oh, Y/n, I love you no matter your gender. You’re beautiful!”
If you start feeling insecure, he’ll smother you with kisses and cuddle you like there’s no tomorrow.
“Y/n, I want you to know that there’s nothing that could change how I feel about you, absolutely nothing.”
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My first request! Thank you anon! Always remember to take care of yourself. Love ya!
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