Don't you wish you could record every conversation that a person denies the minute you use it against them?
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“Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep… wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in track pants, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you’re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU.”
— Harry Tottszer
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Reblog if you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend.
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fuck love
You know that feeling when you think you’ve found the right person but you’re completely wrong for more times than one? 
That feeling cannot be explained in words. When you’re sitting at home, crying to yourself, physically feeling the pain that the one you love caused you...
I know that I’d never do that to him, he probably knows it too. And God, he promised so many things. So why didn’t he fulfil them? Why didn’t he hesitate to hurt me? 
And so I question myself, over and over again. I think about everything that I’ve done wrong for him and I to be separated. Every moment, I think of every single thing that could’ve changed my current reality because now, I miss him and it’s tearing me apart. 
I cannot focus on anything but him. Memories come flooding back, the happiness, the love that we shared. I think of him all day, all night, I fall asleep with tears streaming down my cheeks...but the only words I get from him is a ‘sorry’, or maybe even less. Like an apology actually compensates for the hurt he inflicted. 
He probably doesn’t even want to see me, asks me how I am if I’m lucky... but there isn’t much luck in that either, since the only thoughts running through my head is ‘come back’ and ‘why are you so concerned now?’. But I can’t say that...not because I don’t want to, but because I’m scared that he won’t bother checking on me again, and I savour that only text from him, knowing that he has already left. 
And of course, the desperation starts to kick in, but I wouldn’t want him to know that. Because it would show him that I care, and I’d be a fool to...but I do.
So I cry for months...until one day, I decide that it’s time to move on. He’ll never care as much as I did but I still have the good memories. I need to pick myself up and find my self worth. 
Because through all this, I’ve learnt the most important lesson from life...to love and to let go. 
So I encourage everyone reading this that has been or is currently going through what I have been through, to comment, relate and most definitely find your self worth. Because there’s nothing better than self love xx ❤️
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Follow me on Pinterest💞: www.pinterest.com/Erica_1909 Source: www.pinterest.com  
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Follow me on Pinterest 💞: www.pinterest.com/Erica_1909
Source: www.pinterest.com
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Pretty simple, yet cute braids ❤️ 
Follow me on Pinterest 💞: www.pinterest.com/Erica_1909
Source: www.pinterest.com
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I never really realised it until I read this... We change so much when we become teenagers. Everything changes... People who you thought were your friends when you were 6, turn into your enemies. Mostly, people change and so do we. We get so caught up in being like everyone else that time flies past. We waste our teenage years on people who we aspire to be like and less on people that truly matter. So make the best of your teenage years because they will never come back xx 
Follow me on Pinterest 💞: www.pinterest.com/Erica_1909
Source: www.pinterest.com
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Relationships and love is tough... No matter how much you want it to work out, it may never be. However, you should never give up on a person that you love xx
Follow me on Pinterest 💞: www.pinterest.com/Erica_1909 
Source: www.pinterest.com
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Don’t waste another day... Difference is frowned upon by many but you should find the confidence in yourself to change that... Be who you are, not whatever other people want you to be xx
Follow me on Pinterest💞: www.pinterest.com/Erica_1909
Source: www.pinterest.com  
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We need to reach out to those who need our help... Teenagers commit suicide on a daily basis and we need to know that we have the power to change that. We can change so much by one small step that we take to start up their recovery process ❤️You’re never alone xx 
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13 Reasons Why... A motivational tv show sharing the harsh reality of a teenager’s everyday life 
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