This is the man writing the Man of Steel sequel!
While it's not technically a DC endorsed comment, still worthy of a little attention perhaps.
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Hitler Reacts to Diamond's Sales Charts for April 2014
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More Whitewashing from DC in First Contact, Teen Titans (SPOILERS)
` Earlier this week, we received a tip following up on our Has DC Done Something Stupid Today counter reset for the company publishing the fourth and final issue of their First Contact crossover before the delayed third issue. The tip was about the whitewashing of another character, Kaizen Gamorra, a villain from Wildstorm's The Authority. I'll let the tipster, who asked to remain anonymous, tell you all about it:
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DC To Air "First Contact" Out Of Order
` Taking a page from FOX's successful scheduling of such shows as Firefly and Almost Human, DC has decided that it doesn't really matter what order “First Contact” is read in.
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You'll Come When You See the Mangos on This Red Hood and the Outlaws Cover
` Are you embarrassed by your hobby? You are now.
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The 3DNado Returns: DC Announces Five Years Later Event Month
` DC announced that their latest gimmick month today at ComicPRO, a "Five Years Later" skip month that will tie into their Future's End weekly series. All the comics coming out in September will show characters existing in "the potential future" shown in Future's End, which may or may not come to pass. The event month will spin off yet another major event (probably similar to the still ongoing Forever Evil) that will start in October. Of course, this also marks the return of the infamous 3D covers, which first appeared on last year's "Villains Month" covers. These 3D covers marked a nightmare for retailers, with orders allocated at random due to shortages in the lenticular material needed to produce the covers, and final order cut off dates changed and ultimately dropped...
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DC is BACK, Baby! Presenting: Green Lantern, The Emerald Archer
` We were almost ready to believe DC had gotten their act together.
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With multiple users submitting this one today (thanks to everyone) Reset the Counter! --
DC Celebrates Black History Month by Whitewashing Black Characters
` Yesterday evening, Sue from DC Women Kicking Ass pointed out that this week's comics included the debut of New 52 versions of two Green Arrow characters.  In Earth 2 #20, Major Sato calls Red Arrow Connor Hawke. Connor was originally the son of Oliver Queen, and took over his father's role as Green Arrow after Queen was killed in a terrorist attack.  Red Arrow had previously been referred to in Earth 2 as Roy McQueen, so whether Connor is just an alias or his true name remains to be seen...
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That's a bummer, huh?
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Batman vs. Superman Release Delayed for Ten Months
` Rumor says Affleck gets injured and may delay shooting, update two hours later: Movie release date officially moved back to May 6th, 2016.
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DC Still Insists Wonder Woman Amazon Origin Story Is Too ComplIcated, Makes Her From Krypton Instead
DC has been adamant about not understanding Wonder Woman's Greek myth origins. At last they've figured out a way to fix her story for the upcoming Superman/Batman movie:
"The “Amazons” of this cinematic DCU will be descendants of those “ancient Kryptonians” who attempted to set up Kryptonian outposts throughout spacedom thousands and thousands of years ago. Furthermore, I say that Wonder Woman will be powered-down, if you will, relative to Superman because these Amazons have evolved and adapted to living on Earth for hundreds of centuries."
We Covered this as a normal rumor write-up yesterday 
But we try to stick to actual screw ups, not rumors that started b/c a guy on a site was just "thinking about how they might handle amazons" and none of this info actually came from WB/DC.  
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DC Hopes to Supercharge Aryan Nation with New Collectible
` Ah, the White Lanterns. Born out of the Blackest Night/Brightest Day super-mega-crossover events, the White Lanterns are a concept that must be handled carefully. No, we’re not talking about the nebulous and super-powerful “white energy” they wield, we’re talking about their “White Lantern Power Rings”. You see, when you use the words “White” and “Power” in the same phrase, terrible mistakes tend to happen...
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Merry Christmas :)
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Has Marvel done something stupid today?
DC isn't the sole owner of stupid editorial moves.
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7 Biggest 'Has DC Done Something Stupid Today' Stories of 2013
  If you haven't heard of it, The Outhouse maintains a benevolent public service website called HasDCDoneSomethingStupidToday.com and its purpose should be fairly easy to figure out.  It's a lot of work to keep track of how many times DC screws up, often in easily avoidable ways and usually in spectacular fashion. One morning, over a hot cup of black coffee in The Outhouse Newsroom, a plan was hatched to definitively track these blunders in the style of a workplace accident sign.  A few hours and some hastily written HTML and PHP later, HasDCDoneSomethingStupidToday.com was born, and legions of fans wondering how long its been since DC last committed an epic PR fail or drove beloved creators from the company have been able to find out with one click ever since.
Here are seven of the biggest stories of 2013 (in no particular order):
Read 'em here!  (not a slideshow, we don't do that crap)
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How DC Stole Detective Comics
. DC screws subscribers out of oversized issue
Every Fan Down in basements Like Batman a lot But Darth Didio With his head up his ass Did not Didio hated comics! The whole dam industry No one is sure why, its just his tendency It has been said that his brain was incomplete It has been said that his soul was obsolete But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his dick was two sizes too small. Yes, You understand the truth The Grinch is real Hating the fanboys is pretty much his whole deal And who could blame him Anyone whose met one would join in But worse, they take to the net and spread the word: Darth Didio, The Dinch, is a turd
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We didn't reset the counter on this one, but seriously?
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Red Lantern Supergirl
Have you seen this? Because I'd like to submit it calls for a counter reset.
After discussing it, we decided to hold off on a temporary status quo change an give them a chance to see how stupid it plays out.  But we don't disagree with the initial judgement that it's a bit stupid.
If you guys disagree, reblog and spread the word.  Share daggerpen's post.
Thanks for the submission.
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