jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Do you even understand this risk?
That for you I make my boat list
Until it’s about to tip and capsize
But I still treat you like a prize
Yet in return I can’t get a simple message
Even as I’m drifting through the wreckage
Of what my life could become
But still I refuse to run
There’s no turning back
Because hope is not something I lack
All I ask is a little effort
Right now it feels like I’m in a desert
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
“He whispered in my ear and told me he loved me; for the last time.”
— my broken heart
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
What’s In a Sad Song
I can tell something’s wrong
Because today you sent a sad song.
Hopefully you won’t take long
Because I’m really not that strong
The notes shimmered with sorrow
As I realized that my heart was only borrowed
You didn’t realize that it would still leave me hollow
Knowing that I would be alone tomorrow
The chorus sits heavy on my soul
Like a train ran out of control
Because it tells me that I no longer have a role
That I am a man no longer whole
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
i need more writing content in my feed so please comment/reblog/pm me if you’re running a writeblr thingy
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
“At least I knocked.
I didn’t just barge in on your life.
I knocked.
And you opened the door,
barely enough for me to peer into your world.
Although it was not enough for me to put a foot in the doorway,
I could see the surroundings.
The floor was covered in trash,
old memories of betrayal and lust that you thought was love.
Furniture covered in dust,
window glass shielded in stains.
Your eyebrows raised, as if asking why i had come by.
‘Can I come in? I promise I won’t break anything.’ I asked in hopes that you would give me a chance.
You shook your head, ‘I can’t let you in and trust that you will not harm everything that I have become.’”
- B.M.
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
I Don’t Really Dream Anymore
I don’t really dream anymore
Because dreams are for those with hope
it’s hard to get hope when all it does is pour
So while it pours I lie awake and try to cope
I can’t cope while wondering if there’s anything to care for
So I reach for that dusty old rope
The rope that will lift me off the floor
The same floor that I kneeled on promising to elope
But we didn’t elope because you said I was a chore.
A terrible chore that nobody would touch with soap
And that soap started the terrible war
The same brutal war that caused me to turn to dope
But while I snorted dope, you became a whore
A whore that anyone could grope
But Even with a grope you were still someone I adore
But you make it hard to adore, when you would cheat on me with the pope
And Even the pope wouldn’t be able to make me dream anymore
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Some people go through life searching and never find their soul mates. They never do. You and I did, we just happened to have them for a shorter period of time than we hoped for. It’s sad, but it’s life.
Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You (via books-n-quotes)
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
One that Got Away
I’m excited to be your “One that got away”
Because soon you’ll realize what you left behind
You’ll wake up and know that you loved me--one day
And I hope that you know  I’m still yours to find.
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Following Spree
Hey y'all, I’m Nathan and I’m looking to follow some more writblrs. My dash is looking pretty dead right now, so if you are a writer who posts about your personal writing or just writing in general please reblog this so I can follow you!
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
“They tell me that with my love I should be cautious,
But why would I ever hold my own heart hostage?
I would’ve missed my chance with you, and that makes me nauseous”
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Be a Man
“Be a man they said
before I bash in your head
imagine your blood running red
doesn’t that fill you with dread
so when I started to cry
I would wipe my eyes dry
before people saw that I wasn’t a guy
even when I wanted to die
so now with all this hurt
I can only stare at the dirt
and wish I was in the earth
but death doesn’t allow me to flirt
this pain inside
that I’ve always denied
in my heart it still resides
and makes me barely alive
so now I’m afraid to cry
and my eyes always stay dry
I would rather die and say goodbye
because I am a guy”
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Let me fill your ears
with warmth,
And your mind with thoughts of peace,
so that my words
can pluck a song from your heartstrings
and you will know that when we’re together
home is never far away
Let me fill your ears
With words,
And your heart with my poems,
So that my verses
Will reach the hidden corners of your heart,
And make it feel like home again.
- DG
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
On a cold fall day
I wake and get my coffee
The silence of dawn
Engulfs me
With my heart full of joy
I think back on
Past loves
And who they helped me become
Better able to feed
And care for myself
Trees need wind to grow
It makes their roots dig deeper
Helps them stand taller
Teaches them how to bend
And bow with grace
As I sit knowing I’ve found my one
I know I wouldn’t have the grace
To bend
The roots to feed or care properly
For my hopes and feelings
If it were not for past loves
That helped my heart grow tall
Helped it build roots that could
Nourish it
I look outside the window and see the trees
A beautiful red maple
Leaves a glow
Evergreens tall and straight
A gust of wind moves them
And my heart stands tall
I am thankful for them all
And wish them peace and grace
Hoping my winds helped them
As much as theirs helped me
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Tumblr media
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
reblog if you’re barely tolerable
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jssmiley-blog1 · 6 years
Will you love me in December as you do in May?
Jack Kerouac (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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