hayleesettee · 3 years
“Writing is something you do alone. It’s a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don’t wanna make eye contact while telling it.”
— John Green
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hayleesettee · 3 years
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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Went for a 3.8 km walk yesterday with my little one. Felt good to get out, although my toe wasn't a fan of being in my runners.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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Finally out for a walk
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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2 peice of toast, with peach jam and strawberries with blueberry activita yogurt.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
I fudged up my toe, and can barely walk.
Once healed and it stops raining here we will be back at the walking!
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hayleesettee · 4 years
Following my previous post of starting photos.
Today was the day I was supposed to start back at the gym. Turns out my old gym clothes that fit before my pregnancy, no longer fit. Therefore, I need to stop off somewhere and get some that do. Since my pregnancy a lot of my clothes do not fit. So, I can't even use others for gym clothes.
With the minor set back, I realize I cannot go and get clothes until after the kids go back to school, as all stores (Walmart, GT and others) are super busy. I still got my exercise in though. I took my baby on a 2.9 km walk today. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it was hot, humid and the wind was starting to pick up, making it difficult for my baby to breath. My plan to to walk everyday and aim for as many steps as possible, until I can get to the gym.
Even with attending the gym regularly, I still plan to walk with my daughter.
I posted some starting weight, full body pictures.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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Let's start here!
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hayleesettee · 4 years
Made a post yesterday using the # FTM. It has been brought to my attention that that actually means Female to Male transgrander 🤣
Well, in the mom world it means First Time Mom. That is what I was meaning.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
August 19, 2020
My beautiful baby girl turned 3 months old on Monday. With that came the wonderful early stages of....teething! 🦷
Her sleep schedule has been out of wack, she has redness around her mouth and is trying to chew on everything. Besides the random outbursts of hysterical crying, all has been manageable.
Weight Update
I have not weighed myself, nor have I been eating overly healthy. 2 reasons. 1) I have no healthy food. 2) I haven't been able to go and get any, plus stores are swamped because of back to school shopping. With Covid that creates long lines. We are in the middle of a heat wave and taking my daughter out is not a good idea.
Next week I will be going back to the gym. I have not been to the gym since before I started School. I was a full time student, working full time hours and I was pregnant. It was a crazy and exhausting time.
Now, my baby is 3 months and I have gotten her to sleep through the night. Therefore, I am ready to start focusing on getting healthy for her. Although, the biggest challenge proves to be her dad. He likes junk food (chips, cookies, cakes, pop, etc) and loves to eat out or cook really fatty meats. I want to get healthy and I know he complains about gaining a few pounds as well, but he isn't as motivated as I am for some reason. I hope that changes.
All in all, everything is going well, and I am planning to loosw weight and show what I eat in day with you guys! Like I use to do!
I wish you all a beautiful evening.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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Mom life.
Means giving up everything you ever enjoyed. From sleep, to hobbies, to going out. My life has been turned upside down. Its been 3 months and I am still adjusting.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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Mommas! Drop them late night momma pics!
Show how cute your baby is!
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hayleesettee · 4 years
If I hear "I need a break. I go to work, I worked 9 days in a row." One more time I might loose it.
Yes, you go to work for 8 hours. Yes you are on your feet for 7.5 hours. BUT
You get to leave the house (without a crying baby)
You get to talk to people (without being questioned about it)
You get a 30 minute all to yourself break.
You come home to a clean house, cooking, and a baby who has been taken care of all day.
You get to eat and just go to bed. And sleep the whole night through.
And you... are the one that needs a break?
Reality check. This ain't the 50s and I ain't no single mom.
Step up or step out. I am seriously almost done with this shit.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
The hardest thing is to have a partner in this parenting thing who is here...but doesn't help.
I feel so unappreciated 😞
I cleaned my whole house and took care of my baby, did a bunch of over the phone doctors apps for her as well. Not even a thank you. Instead I got repaid with being allowed to take a bath and coming out to having to clean up after him.
He has told me to just remind him to clean up after himself. Why should I have to do that?
I am alone, no family, no friends, no money because of mat leave and no idea what to do.
I have been sleeping on the couch since my daughter came home. He wants me to sleep in the bedroom, but she doesn't sleep well in there. She can't sleep in the bed and no matter what i do at night I am wrong according to him. I don't sleep every. And I asked him if I am sleeping and she is stirring can he check her... he said no becuase shes closer to me.. 😔
I am exhuasted, emotional and stressed. There's so much more, but I am to tired to type it. Lol.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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August 01, 2020
Lunch today is a salad! 🥗
Romain Lettuce 🥬
Cucumber 🥒
Cherry tomatoes 🍅
Snap peas 🟢
Red onion 🧅
Carrots 🥕
Topped with salsa, sour cream, jalapeno Heat shredded cheese, simulated bacon bits, French's crispy onions, and fresh chopped green onion.
I taught my salads with salsa because it's a nice break from salad dressing, and it adds an extra vegetable, it's lightweight and less calories then salad dressing, and it's delicious and comes in so many consistencies and flavours. I tried to go for a mild too spicy some days I go for a chunky salsa as well. The salsa queso style cheese also is good on top of salads. Although, not the healthiest option.
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hayleesettee · 4 years
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Baked potatoes with dill and green onion
Green beans
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