hellinredheels · 4 years
Ray Ban glasses wish you all a Happy New year! The price of a time-limited event is only $24.99.
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hellinredheels · 11 years
So I just had a sudden thought while researching for my fic (which is waaaay past it’s due date, sorry gaiz I’m still workin on it, but I’m gettin there! Got distracted by holidays).
Tasha Lem said in The Time of the Doctor that he cannot say his name because he will [bring back the Time Lords] if he did. And quoting from someone’s awesome explanation of the Cracks in the Universe [x], the Church of the Papal Mainframe/Silence devoted themselves “to keep Trenzalore protected, so that the Doctor’s hand is never forced”.
Though Madam Kovarian separated herself from the sect of the Papal Mainframe, she was part of that before deciding to rebel.
River knew his name…Kovarian must have said something to River or possibly River learned/overheard it.
When River told Ten that she’s gonna tell him his name in Silence in the Library, he said that it’s impossible, there’s only one time he could say his name. As she said in The Name of the Doctor, “I made him” and “it took a while” before the Doctor told River his real name.
Something very, very bad must have happened that River had to force the Doctor’s name out of him to bring back the Time Lords.
Tldr: River Song will come back later on in the future and when she does, it’s when the Doctor tells her his name to bring back the Time Lords because something very, very bad has happened and he’s down to his last resort.
Timeline-wise, this would most likely be before she goes to the Library.
This is one heck of an event so this will possibly happen in a Christmas Special, an Anniversary Special, when we hear news of the Time Lords coming back, or when we get a glimpse of River’s modified Sonic Screwdriver.
Dunno, just mah two cents.
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hellinredheels · 11 years
I know the feeling, dear @__@
there is nothing scarier than writing something for someone you know is a much better writer than you
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hellinredheels · 11 years
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thedoctorsinslytherin replied to your post “So…I have a bunch of mattex ideas in my notes and in my head but I...”
Mattex - AU High School fic? Matt's the jock who falls in love with Alex? Maybe teenage pregnancy?
Hmmm, still thinkin how I'll do that one but 'tis definitely on my list! Thank you lots for it! Shall start right after I finish the first prompt~
....and after I cry about Matt.
2 moar days..!!
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hellinredheels · 11 years
Erhm...the titanic prompt which I planned to write as a drabble became a full fic.
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...this might take a while.
BUT I got like 80% of it written down though! *twirls*
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hellinredheels · 11 years
YAY! I gots prompts!
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Actually did not expect getting any from you guys and so soon too but THANK YOUUUU! *hugs*
I shall get right to it!~
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hellinredheels · 11 years
So...I have a bunch of mattex ideas in my notes and in my head but I can't seem to find the motivation to write any of them. Personal goals don't seem to be enough atm -.- so I'm wondering and a little curious if anyone would like to suggest a prompt for me to write? I'll try me best!
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hellinredheels · 11 years
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i am legitimately sorry
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hellinredheels · 11 years
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hellinredheels · 11 years
Hahahahahahah. Yes.
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hellinredheels · 11 years
For 2014
I just really want
to work together/fight each other/geek out.
Like, I don’t even need a plot or anything, just any excuse to get them in the same room. The Doctor having a lightbulb moment about how one of them tried to kill him and then changed their mind and nearly destroyed the universe and is sexy and good with a gun and at escaping high security prisons and is obsessed with him and the other one is the Master.
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hellinredheels · 11 years
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hellinredheels · 11 years
Can whoever is posting Sherlock spoilers on Tumblr please stop - you’re ruining it for the fans.
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hellinredheels · 11 years
i’m just gunna put this here for a little while *whistles*
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hellinredheels · 11 years
I tried to walk off my feelings I had about the whole Caitlin Moran thing. I walked about four times as long as I normally walk, and lo and behold, I still had feelings about it.
Other people can address this from the standpoint of mocking fans; I’m not a veteran of the fandom...
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hellinredheels · 11 years
About time I whip out mah photoshop skillz to slap a Santa hat on my avatar! Geronimoooooooo!
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hellinredheels · 11 years
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The Doctor Games [x]
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