#doctor wut?
boy-in-red-dress · 1 month
So who wants to read the tragic back story of baby Bill while Bill does therapy in theraprism? Raise of hands 🖐️
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oreo102 · 5 months
I love 13 and I love her era and I also think her handing spymaster over to the nazi’s was SO FUCKED UP and SO OUT OF CHARACTER like holy fuck what were the writers thinking
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kissingagrumpygiant · 2 years
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them (applause)
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spookietrex · 6 months
Me filing for disability again: Hey guys, this time I can't leave my bed and my partner is literally doing everything for me. Like I can't walk more than 100 ft and that's with a mobility aid.
Disability: Prove it.
My therapist: Oh my God they're so miserable. They should NOT be working. Please let them focus on healing themselves because they had such a bad childhood.
My cardiologist: Yeah, that sounds smart. Let's work on managing stress first so we can manage your heart condition.
My neurologist(s): You should definitely not be working while you figure out what's causing these possible seizures.
My PCP: I don't know what they're talking about. They're making it all up. I know I diagnosed you with that heart condition, and that debilitating chronic illness (EDS) and fibromyalgia but NOW I'm going to edit your chart to make it look like you're making shit up. Hahaha you've never been diagnosed with PTSD! What are you talking about? I saw you walk once 8 months ago. You can totally walk without mobility aids now.
Disability: Clearly you just have anxiety and depression and are trying to get out of working.
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thelowerdecker · 8 months
POV: Causally Channel Surfing in March 2005:
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"Will I always wonder?"
( @sclfmastery sent a meme from here ) - ( H E L L O )
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There comes a sharp and startled exhalation of breath through flaring nostrils as that voice echoes through the corridor, the reverberations halting Theta where he stands, one trainer poised centimeters from where it was about to land on the grating. The scent of burned starlight and bittersweet metallic fills his senses and at once he is transported.
Red fields. The lake. A youth spent in the wilds of Gallifrey, twin suns burning too brightly to survive it.
Every syllable of his counterpart's utterance slices into his flesh like the cold edge of a blade, and even in the agony he cherishes the wounds. Theta curls up with them and allows himself to be baptized at the altar of fire and ash. Destruction is his birthright, and it sickens him how he perpetuates it so frequently. So willingly.
So pleasurably on the ones that he loves the dearest.
The memories fade, broken and strewn about in the darkness as his mind transfers control to what he's come to call the 'co-pilot' setting, every biological function reduced to naught more than an aesthetic choice. Respiratory bypass engages and every muscle is taut and frozen in place, the very picture of what one might find in a wax museum. But there is one subtle yet striking opposition.
This effigy has two hearts, and they are both thundering forward beyond any measure of control. The rumbling of them is sure to be heard just as audibly as that damned question. His hair trembles from the strain of his muscles being caught in the place between immobility and the strongest, most delicious urge to run.
Petrification in its totality only lasts for mere seconds before that trainer is plunking down onto the grating with a thud, the sound reminding him of defeat and shame and regret. He can feel it sinking into his flesh, into his muscle and tendon and bones until he wants to scream his throat raw and bloody.
Alternatively Theta turns slowly, every hair on the back of his neck prickling upward in unison as he meets the Master's silhouette with widened umber-eyes containing centuries of fortuitous and absolutely horrifying memories. He is unsure which memories to call upon, now, each one tainted with a veil of the darkness inside of him- obscured and untrustworthy.
"Yes," he says the word on a rush of breath as his respiratory bypass disengages and his lungs begin to function properly once more. His telepathic signature begins to seep out through the cracks of his defenses, dripping thick and viscous down the walls of his mental barriers before coiling outward, the colour a deep and inky navy-black that feels heavier as it floats like a specter through the air.
His words are uttered in a hushed tone that sounds more like a devout prayer than a damning curse.
"At least I hope that you will, because wondering is better. Wondering is safe, and warm and full of fantasies that you can curl up with at night, hoping they'll come true someday, but finding out? Gaining that knowledge? Ooh.. Now that is savagery…" His voice transforms throughout the maundering, taking on a rasp that it had not carried before. "Savagery beyond even your wildest imagination. An entire reality splitting apart and being sewn back together again and again until everything is ragged and torn and screaming..."
Theta's body shudders as the memories cascade over his head like an inky wave, staining him with madness. He turns away from the Master, from the memories and ghosts and voices hissing through the ventilation ducts and moves to hurry down the corridor without another word, his face locked in a pained expression and his umber eyes watery.
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hayleysayshay · 10 months
random video rec: 'i played every doctor who game'
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clairedelune-13 · 1 year
Why is Doctor Who trending? I’m not mad about it, just confused.
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britneyshakespeare · 11 months
i got all dressed for an afternoon day at the middle school and then i checked the sub software and saw my assignment was cancelled. so i got into some jeans and a sweatshirt
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snowy-bones · 2 years
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"I p-promised to be there... I h-hAVE to be there..."
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I truly do. But you can't throw yourself into danger because of that.
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The machine is now shut down, and I can bring him out. Just give me a moment. Please stay here...
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fallenfawnn · 2 years
oops been doin so well™️ this week guess it couldn’t last tho bc that wud be ridiculous
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infinityinakiss · 4 months
okay, so you know that theory that series 14 is a tv show, that's why there are so many fourth wall breaks, etc, etc. well, what if we had a weeping angels episode this season? it's the climax of the episode, ruby and the doctor are surrounded by angels when...nothing happens. they forcibly close their eyes just to check, but the angels aren't moving. the doctor does his signature rambling as he tries to figure out what happened, and then it dawns on him. he turns slowly, stares directly into the camera and says "oh. it's you. all of you. you're why they can't move." the doctor starts jumping around, shakes ruby for a bit (and ruby's just like wut the hell is going on), does a thing with the sonic screwdriver before starting to run when he suddenly stops and turns back. looking directly into the camera, he says "don't blink." and then he runs off to save the day.
couple minutes later, he tells ruby to stare at some angels that were out of frame by saying "babes, the camera angle's changed."
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fuqqet · 2 years
Guess who finally got Covid 19
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roseband · 2 years
if.... if biden’s extending the covid emergency... specifically for student loans....
do... do i get to stay on my essential 1 medicaid expansion?????
like technically i get to stay on it until emergency ends?? i don’t wanna have to change my cardio cuz she’s out of network for my work plan until i’ve seen genetics?????????
like if i can stay on it i’ll like cry of happiness???? 
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sparklingcid3r · 8 days
bc i like tb sad thinking about pony in college loving school and exceling but then coming home on holidays to see darry “getting old before his time” as the book says, and still working the same menial labor jobs he will forever. do u have hc for wut that was like for pony?
THISSSS oh my god you have no idea what you’ve done
Pony visiting home from college is probably such a bittersweet thing for him. He gets to show his brothers how well he’s doing, that their sacrifices are paying off in the best way possible. Soda’s thriving as well, splitting his time between the DX and maybe investing time toward getting his GED (upon Darry’s request, but it’s better than high school for him anyway).
Pony’s only gotten more observant since getting out of Tulsa and meeting people of so many different backgrounds. The first time he came home, he was shocked by how different Darry seemed, how he’d overlooked it growing up, or if it all simply accumulated over time, so quietly that he missed it. Now Pony sees it every time: the way Darry smiles seeing his brother outside the dorms as he picks Pony up, but his happiness has been eroded by long work days and an exhaustion that’s been ground into him over the course of years. It weighs his shoulders down and makes his steps fall heavy.
Pony does small assignments at the dinner table while Darry makes dinner. Sometimes he’ll look up, catch the way Darry’s hands have the most imperceptible shake to them as he handles the spaghetti in the strainer. Darry drops the ladle for the sauce and Soda pulls Pony aside before he can say anything, explains to him that they went to the doctor while he was at college, mentions carpal tunnel, most likely caused by the excessive hours spent hauling bundles of roofing around, working drills and other tools.
Everything becomes clear right before Pony’s eyes after that. The wisps of premature grays growing out right above Darry’s ears, his rough, calloused hands that press onto the wall or the table or the backs of chairs as he takes three, four, five seconds to orient himself once again.
Pony can’t stop the waves of guilt that crash into him whenever he glimpses that look Darry gets in his face when he thinks no one’s around to see. For just a moment, he sheds all the decades he’s yet to live but that have been iron-pressed into his body, and his eyes are young again, and they’re so tired.
Guilt gnaws at Pony’s bones, because he’s the reason for it, and because the only way he can escape it is by running from Darry all the way back to college, that dream that got pulled out right from underneath him.
Darry is the only one of them who is not where he wants to be. He’s twenty-four years old, and he’ll never truly be young again.
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discoonthegrass · 2 months
Rewatching “Amok Time” through a K/S shipper lens (though there really isn’t any other way to watch this episode), and here are my live thoughts:
Jim acts super concerned at Spock’s irrational, angry behavior, at first confronting him by revealing how well he knows Spock (finding it odd that he’s never asked for leave before), then softening once he realizes how under duress Spock is & immediately switching course to Vulcan
Bones, the literal doctor, not being able to get Spock to admit to pon farr, yet Kirk managing to
Also Kirk’s poorly hidden desperation that he wants Spock safe
Spock: “How do Vulcans mate? Haven’t you wondered?” Kirk: *surprised Pikachu guilty face that reads like yup he has*
Kirk instantly deciding that he’s going to get Spock to Vulcan no matter what & disobeying a direct Starfleet order to do so
“I can’t let Spock die. I owe him my life 10 times over, isn’t that worth my career? He’s my friend!”
Being a Starfleet captain is repeatedly shown as the most important thing to Kirk, but apparently not as much as his boyfriend
Spock requesting that Kirk (and Bones!) beam down with him to Vulcan as it is his right to bring his closest friends with him to the ceremony & Kirk being quite touched by the offer
Kirk’s “bruh wut” face at the reveal that Spock has a wife
Spock openly confessing to T’Pau that he trusts Kirk (and Bones!) with his life
Spock somehow overcoming the blood fever briefly to desperately beg T’Pau to stop Kirk from fighting him because Kirk is his friend; he would do anything he must except for fight him
He’s so desperate to not harm Kirk that he’s willing to betray his very nature, break the law, and even die
Kirk, meanwhile, deciding to fight him because Bones said that the other Vulcan would beat Spock, and Kirk can’t let that happen
Somehow Spock’s plak tow which requires him to mate being broken by rolling around in the sand with Kirk
He even says that as soon as he felt he had killed his captain, nothing else mattered anymore and his attraction to T’Pring dissolved 
[Live long and prosper.] “I shall do neither. I have killed my captain, and my friend.” (Essentially Spock’s life has no purpose without Jim)
Spock full-on grinning and grabbing Jim in pure joy after seeing him alive - the first time his emotional shields have shattered this strongly
In conclusion, they’re in love.
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