hisproudyang · 2 years
@hologramcowboy has sent me a private message betting that I’m the person sending them hate, presumably also via private messaging.
I don’t hide behind anonymous anything. I say it right here on my blog. But I’m completely unsurprised to learn that you get hate that way!
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hisproudyang · 2 years
The epitome of presumptuous fuckery. “CLEARLY” he’s “lost” and “alone in his struggles” and “CLEARLY” Danneel is an “unstable mess.” Daaaaaamn. You see so much! From far away! You FEEL and DISCERN and SENSE all of the things! You CLEARLY should join the FBI and help solve serious crime! 🤣🤣🤣
I watched Jensen's interrogation video, as well. At first I was put off by him telling stories or moments of what felt a little like his usual humble bragging at times, but I agree that I really think it was him just trying to cope with the situation. I think he felt out of control because of the whole situation, and when he got the chance to explain things he understood well, he probably felt more in control. When he got the chance to be a little lighter at times, he seized it. I think we should all remember that everyone reacts differently to dangerous or traumatic events and not judge him in this instance, because even just being a bystander at the tragedy would be so awful. Like you, I also noticed that he mentioned trying to talk about it with his wife, but she was too freaked out. That must have been isolating for him. I hope he had someone to talk to about the tragedy at some point. I also found it odd that Danneel's worry didn’t seem to be so much for Jensen as it was for zJJ potentially losing a father. That sounds a lot like she doesn’t value Jensen for himself nearly as much as what he is. The kids' dad. And the guy bringing home the money. I basically just feel more concerned for Jensen than ever. He seems lost.
I feel the same way, he's lost and, worst of all, he is clearly alone in his struggles and perhaps too proud to ask for help from the right people. Danneel is clearly an unstable mess and cannot provide him with the love and support he needs.
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hisproudyang · 2 years
I watched his “police interrogation” video, and Jensen said nothing of the sort. Danneel���s NAME wasn’t mentioned. He DID NOT say that he wanted to talk to her about that day but she said “I don’t want to hear it.” What he said was that this interview was the first time he’d really talked about the events of that day, and then he said, “My wife…” and then proceeded to tell them what happened on that set was her worst nightmare (paraphrasing), she gets really anxious in situations like that (where Jensen could be hurt), and that she cannot even watch gun violence on TV. She asks him to “please turn that off” if a gun violence scene is on TV. AND THAT WAS ALL.
I don’t know how people could watch this interview and STILL come to tumblr.com to write VILE speculations about this man’s wife. Cowards. They don’t have the guts to post this crap on their own blogs, and they don’t have to—all they have to do is find that one blog that will post their anonymous insults, and this blog is one of those. They’re all too happy to post all their anon doom predictions. TWELVE YEARS AND THREE KIDS. Keep telling yourselves their marriage is a fraud/failure/unhappy, and keep waiting for that divorce that will never happen. I’ll be over here laughing my butt off.
And I’d like receipts that prove Danneel has two nannies (we know about Yuli, but the second one is news to me), her constant complaints about the kids, and where she shipped her kids off to school during the pandemic. I’ll check back. If you have receipts, fair play to you.
I always thought that you were being too harsh on Danneel, but after hearing some of the things like when he had a problem with the final and he wanted to talk to To his wife she said go find someone else to talk to “ Kripke”. And now with the tragedy you can see he was shaking up about it and want to talk to his wife she said I don’t wanna hear it. I thought somehow she supports him or tries to but it feels like she’s just there not for him maybe she’s only there for the kids
Except she has two nannies and constantly complains about the kids and shipped them off to school during the pandemic because they were "too much". Kinda makes you wonder what she does with her time.
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hisproudyang · 2 years
Hi there:) Just wanted to wish you a happy new year. I think you're new to the fandom and I just wanted to say Welcome to the Jensen fandom!!!! I just wanted to caution you from following some of the anti Danneel blogs and some J2 blogs because most of the time they really don't like Jensen and will always throw him under the bus in favor of Jared or give a backhanded compliment to downgrade Jensen's achievement to make Jared shine. As for the anti Danneel blogs they rather believe that he cheats or make up rumors about him then his actually happily married and loves to spend time with his family. The truth is there aren't any Jensen blogs that actively talk about him. I just wanted to tell you not to believe everything you read, doesn't' matter how long they've been in the fandom. Good luck
Thanks for the warning hun! I'm just here to blog about Jensen, I'm not really active in the fandom. Don't worry, I know what's real and what's not! Happy New Year to you too! ❤
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hisproudyang · 3 years
This is just a mind-bogglingly stupid take.
i don't want to see jarpad's face when people boo the finale when he's up there. (i'm legit a little bit scared? like, is he going to get angry if people do that with him?? he's a big guy. i don't want to see him get angry at a room full of fangirls.)
I hope people do so maybe he can understand how he makes people feel and how people feel about the finale.
That it’s not this great thing he thinks it is.
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hisproudyang · 5 years
people who refuse to tag their negativity are more concerned with being above everyone else than caring about other people, they think they have more of a right to be a bitch than for you to enjoy something
cut those people out of your life. you will be better off for it. 
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hisproudyang · 5 years
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Bradley Creasser is apparently the gay faery on set.
He also is the guy we owe the Creasser dance to.
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More Supernatural Season Six Gag Reel Stuff
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hisproudyang · 6 years
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👆👆👆This is a “cannon.” Please make Destiel stand before it while I line up the “cannonball” and blow it to bits in the minds of every sad teenager on planet Earth.
Cc: sofitad
Why are you so vehemently opposed to Destiel? Also: what if the writers decide to make it cannon? Would you hate the idea of them in a relationship or do you just not see a romantic aspect to their friendship? I am actually curious about that
Because generally the shippers are entitled brats and a bunch of dicks. Note I said “generally” and not “all”. And lol, its not going to be canon. Because a) they’ve repeatedly said they’ve never put in any subtext and b) Dean is straight. And both. Cass has screwed with their lives at least once a season and also Supernatural is one of the only shows that DOESN’T have romance as a driving force to the plot. Its goddamn refreshing and I want it to stay that way.
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hisproudyang · 6 years
Then you don’t know your J2 history, Miss High Priestess of Tin Hats. And you don’t know much about the Lolly-gate ridiculousness, either. #fakenews
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I've heard of Jane Pook once, I just know she was a Jensen's stalker ... but who was she?
Never heard of this Jane person. The only serious stalker I’ve ever heard of involving the J’s (I believe specifically Jensen though?) was Stephanie Ware.
- K
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hisproudyang · 6 years
It’s embarrassing that the super-wiki got dragged into a slap fight with the most petty and spiteful slice of Tumblr Supernatural fandom in existence, but Donald Trump is also the president, and nothing matters anymore. 🤷🏽‍♀️
The future of Supernatural and Wayward Sisters (sort of)
There was no announcement of Supernatural’s renewal, or that of the other major CW shows, fat the Winter Television Critics Association Tour held over the last week. But in this case no news probably is good news! 
CW boss Mark Pedowitz repeated his now annual proclamation that Supernatural “will go on as long as it keeps going, the boys (stars Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles) keep doing it and the ratings keep holding.”   
Supernatural is currently ranking second behind The Flash on the CW - an incredible achievement for a 13 year old show - and holding its ratings. So no worries on that score! 
As to what Jensen and Jared’s plans for the future are - well that has to be seen. However as Pedowitz pointed out the next season would see  “Supernatural‘s 300th episode which is remarkable.”  It’s a safe bet that having come this far, it’s a milestone Jensen and Jared would like to achieve. Episode 300 would fall on the 13th episode next season, so I would call Season 14 a lock! Expect an announcement within the next few weeks. 
As to Wayward Sisters,   Pedowitz said “ “I’ve seen it, I like it but the fans determine,” Pedowitz said. While the first attempt at a Supernatural spinoff, Bloodlines, “did not work at all, this one has an opportunity to work,” he said. “Nothing is perfect but the real question is whether fans will go watch it if the boys aren’t in it. I don’t know but it works, the characters work, Kathryn Newton is a real star, the actress who plays Donna (Briana Buckmaster) is hilarious.”
The backdoor pilot for Wayward Sisters will air on January 18th. Support the show with lots of #wayward posts and tweets! 
I would expect an announcement about whether Wayward Sisters is picked up to occur at or around the Upfronts in May this year. 
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hisproudyang · 7 years
The “only reason their characters ended up together (in Ten Inch Hero) was because they got together irl”—think about that. I’m PRETTY SURE the script was written long before ANYONE was cast, Captain Clueless.
Also: Destiel isn’t going to be canon. Know why? BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! It has nothing to do with anyone else guest starring or not—IT 👏DOESN’T 👏EXIST. Except in your minds 🤪
Hi!!! I have two questions: 1. We had like 5 episodes when Cas was dead and Dean was depressed af but now it's like all forgotten and it rly bothers me :/ so do you think this'll be brought to the surface??? 2. I'm a little worried that Danneel will become dean's love interest do you think the writers will crush Destiel? like i'm super happy shes on the show now cuz i adore danneel and the work she's done (Ten inch hero!!!!!!!!!!3) but i'm just worried i guess :/ ; ;
Hi there! In answer to your first question, I personally think they could have handled that situation better than they did. I think and hope it might come up later because, why bring it up if you’re not going to follow through with it? If they aren’t going to address Dean’s problem, then they shouldn’t have brought it up, or for that matter continued it for so long. I hoping next years episodes will give us more insight for this, especially since they have run out of time this year with having Jack going missing and the Wayward thing being a two-parter. If you look at last season Cas didn’t contact the boys for 4 episodes and that situation is sort of paralleled, I think to this season. Dean talked to Cas in ep 19 which was practically the end of the season so I’m thinking they might do that again? If however they did it properly, they would address the situation after Cas is freed or saved from ‘Hell".
For your second question, trust me loads of people are worried….including me. See here’s the thing, most actors/actresses meet while filming and get together…well those who do, and some that are already together refuse to do a role with their partner if it involves being a love interest. We have previously had Jensen and Danneel act as love interests in “Ten Inch Hero”, but the only reason their characters ended up together was because they got together irl while filming. When I think of them and all the other cast, they don’t strike me as people who publically share their relationships, especially on screen, so for this it depends on whether either of them feel like ‘acting as lovers’ while being on screen. Personally, I don’t think they are like that, or any of the cast just because they like to keep work and home separate, like most people. Episode 13 is supposedly the next episode that Cas will be in and he supposedly makes a deal with Lucifer in it, so it makes you wonder what the episode will be about, considering Danneel is in it and is a faith healer. I feel like if the writers made ‘Sister Jo’ a love interest for Dean…they’d have to have a pretty good reason for this move, especially since Dean hasn’t been with anyone since..well forever ( If you don’t count hook-ups). I’m hoping that they aren’t just going to throw destiel out the window because Danneel is playing a character in SPN, I’d like to think that they wouldn’t destroy something that has been building up for season’s now just because they chose Danneel for this role. If they do…..well…that’s just mean, and cruel, and heartless, and baiting the fans for this long would sooooo incredibly wrong. This doesn’t mean that they have to go through with destiel, but creating a character to destroy the ship entirely is not the way to stop destiel from happening. They can just leave up to your interpretation, that is if they don’t go through with it…but lets be real, that would be a stupid move. I am still slightly worried but, I think the writers are smart enough not to do this, and also having this happen could piss off the wrong people…..like the hardcore destiel shippers who would then start hating on Danneel, and the fact that people already do that isn’t something you want to heighten.
I hope somewhere I answered your post, and thank you!
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hisproudyang · 7 years
I was here in the fall of 2012, and I didn’t see anybody saying Sam was great, Sam was perfect, Sam’s behavior was justified or amazing. I saw a lot of stunned Sam fans who were very upset by Carver’s ridiculous failed plotline, and who tried their best to understand why TPTB would write him in such an OOC way.
Five years later, I guess the Sam versus Dean bullshit is so deep, you guys are trying to rewrite history. But that’s not how it happened, and I don’t know any Sam stans who defend that stupid plot (remember how fast Amelia disappeared? There’s a reason for that.)
In season 7 finale, Dean and Cas disappeared in front of Sam. Sam didn’t know what happened to them, didn’t know if they were alive or dead, but instead of searching for answers, he simply quit. There was no reason for Sam to assume the worst, but he did anyway because it was convenient ( (remember Kevin?) for him to do so. 
In season 12 finale, Dean witnessed Castiel’s death, Dean saw his mother vanish in another dimension. There was no ambiguity, no reason for Dean to hope, to search. Cas was dead and Mary out of reach –resurrecting either of them would result in breaking the world.  
Okay now you are familiar with the premise, let us see how the show handled these sorta-similar situations? Let us compare and contrast. 
When Sam chose to abandon Dean it was presented as a sign of maturity. Sam didn’t know and didn’t care, but the narrative cited previously unheard agreements to support Sam’s moronic decisions. 
But now when Dean chooses to stop looking it’s being presented as a sign of anger and immaturity. Never-mind Dean has concrete evidence to stop looking, never-mind Dean has legitimate reasons to grieve and accept and  move on. 
To summarize: 
Sam does thing X. It doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t have good reasons to do X or react in a certain way. But since it’s Sam, reasons are invented by the narrative (aka that agreement no one knew), and Sam’s actions are praised. Sam’s reactions are seen as perfect bc he is mature and intelligent and compassionate etc etc. 
Dean does thing X. It makes sense within the context. Dean has legitimate reasons and sound logic to do X, to react in a certain way. But since it’s Dean, the show invalidates Dean’s reasons and dismisses Dean’s opinions because he’s too emotional and immature and angry. 
p.s. : This is also why I don’t accept the good victim v/s bad victim theory. The show is not that deep, they just operate according to one prime directive. Which is “Sam is always right even when he clearly is not” everything else is just accidental. 
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hisproudyang · 7 years
Oh man ! The hellers are loosing their minds over the new convention policy . This is great 🤣 . I’ll just be over here , loving life
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hisproudyang · 7 years
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If this isn’t love, then I don’t know what is
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hisproudyang · 7 years
Or, you know, he's just putting the phone back inside the inner coat pocket.
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1x04 -  This is John Winchester. I can’t be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean. 785-555-0179. He can help.
I can’t believe I got to the last thing in the episode before just driving before cracking and making gifs… 
I love the way after Dean hears John’s answerphone he pulls his jacket that much closer around his shoulders on the way to the car. It’s just really nicely symbolic of him knowing John put that burden on him even more and made it absolutely official that the job was now Dean’s, and everything that entailed. He already left Dean the journal, and Dean took the jacket for himself as he’s quite willingly accepting the job in some ways (as 1x02 showed)… But it has a weight on his shoulders still, and it’s more personal. In this episode Sam is the one who finds the exorcism in the journal and uses it to DO the exorcism while Dean’s freaking out about being on a plane. This episode reminds us Sam can be a perfectly competent hunter and they should be considered equals at it when sharing their strengths… But Dean is the one wearing this jacket, and carrying the emotional subplot about John’s expectations. So this little gesture is a great subtle thing here.
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hisproudyang · 7 years
a lot of gay fic written by gay men i've read also have bad unhealthy sex practices (no lube at all ever is very common) so wow i guess this shit might have more to do with bad education/lack of research in general rather than evil women authors not caring. like honestly most of the "bad woman author" shit could be fixed thru education instead of kicking em out. in fact disseminating safe sex info more so ppl don't apparently gotta learn from FUCKFICTION would be uh a good idea
but all people have weird ideas about sex and how it’s done, it’s not a limited population category thing. women are copping the brunt of this dumb discourse because the discoursees are applying some really shallow readings to content on two sites, where the content is generated by women by a huge margin over any other gender, and making some hogwild logical leaps to end up endlessly circling the mlm discourse echochamber.
occasionally you’ll luck out by bedding some fuck shaman who opens your third eye through the power of labe grinding your armpit or whatever, but Regular Guy and Population Median Woman probably know diddly shit beyond PIV and anal on birthdays. sex ed sucks beyond ‘don’t do it/this is a condom on a banana/from the front the uterus-womb-ovary complex looks like a buffalo kinda’, live action porn is stuck in a one-upmanship overton window shift (except, y’know, for sex), and sex positive material online is like a infinite house of mirrors except every reflection shows you erica moen advising you to stick a lamp up your ass
and that’s just the cisgender hets bumbling their way around. 
finding out info about what the hell to do and how to do it if you’re gay is hard, and damn near impossible if you’re not cis and probably juggling an extra course load of terminology, body perception, and having to do a 101 How Not To Talk About My Junk to every Brock and Chriss on Scruff.
when all the material out there is basically boiling down getting that dick into a hole as the ultimate goal, it’s a wonder that anyone is even writing anything other than ‘he shoved it in, he came’. 1-2-3-dick is formulaic but man, that it’s even around enough to become formulaic is new. 
‘straight girls write anal wrong! they don’t know anything about anal!’ well i mean without getting into the whole thing of yes it’s possible to have comfortable anal penetration with spit, yes it’s possible to have comfortable anal penetration with nil or extremely fast minor fingering, no your o-ring will not blow out and prolapse if you take a pounding without 40 minutes of getting tenderly fingered with free trade lube handmade by monks in the peruvian alps, etc etc etc (i.e. every thing some sanctimonious chucklefuck will grandly declare as absolutes) but lmao women absolutely know about anal. a quick glimpse at cosmo magazine will tell you that. a quick glimpse at fuckin’ pornhub will tell you that. straight women do anal, lesbians do anal. every population microselection you can name has been getting pleasure from the asshole for as long as human beings have had assholes!!!
‘straight girls only write about penetration! real gay people frot and grind!’ again: PIV/PIA is everywhere. EVERYWHERE! gay porn is penetration focused! straight porn is penetration focused! romance stories with a regulation fade to black cut imply penetration! the popular concept of what constitutes sex itself is based on penetration! you can’t get furious at someone for doing a thing when everything around them is doing the same thing!
everyone is stupid about sex. sometimes people get less stupid. sometimes people get brave enough to actually ask for what they want. i really can’t fault anyone for not having every intricacy of boning nailed down straight out of the gate but if the alternate is going ‘women are harming me by not faithfully depicting ultimate best practice safe sex in their fiction written for the purpose of hopefully getting the reader off, and for that sin they’re all b*tches who will never understand what it’s like to be sexualised or objectified :( :(*’ then god, just end it. 
anyway i got totally off track from your ask, but yes, 100% i am supportive of more sexual education that isn’t based solely around cis bodied reproduction and how to avoid it/recognise it, but amatuer erotica is not the venue to get educated and it’s unreasonable to demand that it should be en masse. that doesn’t mean people can’t strive for good practice and authenticity or whatever. if it works for you then shit yeah, make gloving up a feature, go nuts, the only way to normalise something is by including it, but the smarmy attitude of ‘if you don’t include items a through f, practices 1 through 4 and do my towers of hanoi puzzle to decode the Problematic Content Of The Day then you’re a homophobe who is actively hurting and fetishising smol mlm beans and you deserve to be hounded’ is just… nah. nah, nah. nah.
you know, this entire slashcourse could be cut off at the knees if every time someone said ‘but no REAL gay man writes x, y, z’ their browser was force directed to nifty.org with a posting ban until they do a book report on a randomly selected story.
*’women don’t understand sexual objectification’ is a phrase i read with my own gay eyes on a yaoicourse blog and i had to stare out of the window for a while to absorb the goddamn audacity of it.
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hisproudyang · 7 years
Because the thing that two gay, closeted men under 40 want more than anything is SIX KIDS UNDER THE AGE OF FIVE.
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