hollandbabesblog · 5 years
Awww wow this was so angst and then fluffy. I LOVED IT SO MUCH
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Pairing: Zendaya  x Female! Reader
Warning: Angst, Angst, Angst with a little bit of fluff.
Summary:  Hate comments is what you receive daily being the girlfriend of Zendaya, what happens when one day Z replys to it  and you can’t hold back anymore.
Word count: 1797
A/N: I’m so awful and this is so late. I’m sorry, Jess! This is for @underoosbws 3k celebration! Please check her out, her writing is amazing. Especially Untitled!
My prompt btw was: “You’re my boyfriend/girlfriend, I shouldn’t be trying this hard to get your attention.”
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hollandbabesblog · 5 years
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hollandbabesblog · 5 years
hey guys! I saw one of these the other day in my feed and it was honestly so helpful and i loved almost all the ones i read. so, I thought i’d swoop in and recommend some of my favorite reader insert fics i’ve read in the past couple months. all the authors are incredible so shoutout to them.
if for any reason your work is featured on here and you’d like me to remove it, don’t hesitate to ask and i’ll take it down !! also if any of the links are broken or aren’t working, let me know and i’ll see what i can do to fix it.
p.s i’m stucky’s whore so majority, if not all of these fics are steve or bucky and the [*] means smut, enjoy :)
- c
YOU AND ME - @youngmoneymilla
infinity war angst at it’s finest :’(
* IN SECRET - @bionic-buckyb
here comes the secret relationship smut to save the day !
SOFT AND SLEEPY - @borkingbarnes
soft, wholesome buck = the best buck
* CHERRY STEM KISSES - @borkingbarnes
#time2sin #imhorny #andlonley #plsdateme
SUNSHINE - @borkingbarnes
soft, wholesome buck round two :’)
* EXPOSED - @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan
this fic will always have a soft spot in my heart
* HELP - @theycallmebucky
okay, this was HOT. read if you’re in the mood for some quality sexual tension. i recommend any of the fics in her masterlist, they’re all really good !! :)
* COCKBLOCKED - @borkingbarnes
i swear the anticipation nearly killed me this one, but very worth it in the end ;)
CLEANSE - @avasparks
protective!bucky never fails to make me melt
* RIDE - @marvelfic
i enjoyed this more than i anticipated ;)
* DRESSED FOR WAR - @bucketbarneslove
love this one !!
* FAR PAST HEAVEN - @abovethesmokestacks
this was hooooooooootttt
* NEON SIGNS - @tropicalcap
i think i have a thing for motel room sex???? …hope i’m not the only one…
MARKS - @marvelfic
ik this is a bucky fic but this got me in the pietro feels man !! ugh, i miss him :’(
я люблю тебя -  @marvelfic
the sexual/romantic tension had me dYING IT WAS SO GOOD AND CUTE UGH I LOVE THIS ONE SM
HIJACKED - @captain-rogers-beard
bRo this one made me have a sook it was so soft and angsty at the same time i loved every second of it !!
THE FOUR TIMES - @pietrotheavenger
this was so cute, i’m pretty sure it added at least 12+ years to my life.
WE BOTH DO - @angelkurenai
i wanted to curl up into a ball and stay there for the rest of eternity after reading this
* COLD SHOWER - @redgillan
bucky’s lil cameo made me soft + some good smut
* REGRET - @captain-rogers-beard
such a cool concept for the reader’s powers !! a good mix of angst, fluff and smut :))
GHOST OF YOU - @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan
dUde i almost cried !! i read the title and i was like “omg i need to listen to ghost of you while i read” and so i did and it only made me want to cry moRE
* WOUNDED - @fvckingavengers
i must have a thing for shower sex,,, idk??
LIGHT DUTY - @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz
love this onnnnnnnneeee
STUPID - @sweetboybucky
soft steve and y/n hours
* CARING COMPANY - @marvelfic
soft stevie + some smut,,, IM SOLD
* NONE OF MY FEARS ARE AS DEAR TO ME - @youngmoneymilla
okay but i loved this one. like, i’m a sucker for worried/protective steve and this one really came through with it, plus the smut was just as enjoyable.
UNDERCOVER - @buckyslightsaber
i’m a sucker for fics like this so if you ever come across one that’s good… feel free to send em my way ;)
SUSPENDED - @marvhellove
i love a bit of relationship angst and this one supplied, plus part two has some really good smut. read it here
* TENDER - @evanstarff
okay, okay, stop what you’re doing and READ THIS. oh my god, every part was such a pleasure to read. i really, truly felt like i was there as i was reading, i could read this over and over and still enjoy it just as much as i did the first hundred times.
* INVASION OF PRIVACY - @tropicalcap
based off the warnings, i wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as i did but here we are, there’s also a part two so you can find that here if you’re interested :)
* TWO FOR ONE - stucky x reader @captain-rogers-beard
love this series sO MUCH !! it has the perfect amount of smut, fluff, angst and protective stucky - what more could i ask for?
* BABY MAKES FOUR - stucky x reader @buckfics
oKay so i’m kinda a slow reader but i zoomed through this series because i enjoyed it so much. so, if you’re a slut for stucky like myself i think you’ll enjoy this.
REMEDY - bucky x reader @avasparks
this made me so soft. bucky being concerned for the reader as much as he is is just about the sweetest thing ever.
HEART SKIP - steve x reader @after-avenging-hours
okay, not to be dramatic, but i would die for this series. it is so well thought out and different to any other soulmate au i’ve read in ages. 100% recommend.
* FIFTY SHADES OF BUCKY - bucky barnes x reader @captain-rogers-beard
just some classic smut, feat. soft and dom buck :’)
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hollandbabesblog · 5 years
“Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.”
— William Shakespeare
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hollandbabesblog · 5 years
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Welcome to Build-a-Frog!
Click here to enter
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hollandbabesblog · 5 years
What Happens in Sakaar - Excerpt
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Fandom: Thor - Marvel
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Request: No
Summary: (Y/n) is Sif’s best friend but she doesn’t get well with the princes, especially certain raven haired one. After the break up with Fandral (y/n) decides to forget everything in Saakar. There she finds Loki, who had argued with his father again. After a fun and drunken night, they wake up and discover they are married. But before they got divorced Odin wants them to prove they could make each other better, this obligates both to live together.
Warnings: Eventually will have smut; OOC (out of character); probably will have fights too; Kind of alternative universe;
Notes: Based on that movie ‘What Happens in Vegas’ with Cameron Diaz. Sorry any grammar mistake, English isn’t my first language and I don’t have anyone to correct them before posting.
Taglist: @malanix 
As I had promised, here is the excerpt. I’ll warm you all when the first chapter be posted. 
(Y/n) = Your name; (L/n) = your last name; (N/n): Your nickname;
You are a good asgardian. You live around the castle, after all your best friend is a warrior for the real family. Your best friend is the only female fighter, her name is Sif. It was Sif who introduced you to Fandral, one of the best warriors of Asgard. After one year of dating between trainings Fandral proposed to you, of course you said yes to him.
Fandral is a good man. He is strong, beautiful and caring. He is everything you ever wanted for a husband and maybe future father of your children. That’s why you want to celebrate Fandral’s birthday. Sif and you are arranging a surprise party for him.
In the assembly room of the castle, here Odin uses to official ceremonies, stand Thor, Hogun, Volstagg, Sif and you. Volstagg and Thor, as always thinks that everything is fine, while Hogun is quiet in a corner while Sif tries to calm you, who is walking for a side to the other while messing with your hair, down.
“Everything should be perfect for this party!” You scream suddenly stopping your walking. Everyone in the room looks at you. You are looking to the ceiling with your eyebrows raised and your head slightly tilted to the left. “Something is missing…” You turn in Thor’s direction with a puppy dog eyes that could be read ‘help’ in them.
“Relax, (N/n). Fandral will love this.” Thor says in his soft voice and walks in your direction. You are way too short compared with the prince. And feel so uncomfortable when he hugs you. After all Thor is Sif’s friend not yours. You consider yourself more friend of Hogun or Volstagg because Thor is always busy when you hang out together.
“(N/n), how about you going to relax and prepare yourself while the boys and I finish here?” Sif asks in her sweet voice, the voice that no one besides you knows. She smiles her brightness smile to you who only sighs.
“Please, don’t do anything I wouldn’t.” You ask before turning in the doors direction. “I’m serious Sif.” You scream over your shoulder while exiting the room. Outside the assembly room you sigh audibly and it echoes in the golden corridor.
“It is too tiring being Fandral’s fiancée? Or are you tired of his dumb friends?” Asks that voice you hate so much. You lower your eyes from the painted ceiling to find that blue greenish eyes already in you.
“You are the dumb one Loki.” You answer while walking in the direction of the castle exit. You pass by his side and cold fingers hold your wrists. You look over your shoulders just to see a smirk in Loki’s lips.
“I’m a lot of things (Y/n) but dumb isn’t one of them.” His voice isn’t in his usual sarcastic tone, it is deeper. He truly is angry and offended by you. You pull your arm in your direction, successfully releasing your wrist for his strong hold. “Are you afraid of me (L/n)?” He asks while his smirk returns.
“I would never be afraid of a fool like you!” You scream in his face. And them your heart stops a beat when you see his hand in the air. You close you eyes waiting for the pain of the slap. Being the fiancée of one of the warriors is not an excuse for you to treat your prince with disrespect.  
“Prince Loki, All-Father wants to see you.” Says a new voice in the corridor. You open only one eye and see the angry burning in Loki’s eyes. You turn in the guard direction and he smiles shyly at you.
“In a moment.” Says Loki’s through his teeth.  His eyes burning your neck. You really messed up big this time. Your heart is beating so fast that you are sure the guard in the other side of the corridor is listening to it.
“He demands you in the throne room now sir.” Loki lets a sigh escape his lips. “Please.” Asks the guard, who is afraid of the raven haired prince. Truth be said, everyone is afraid of Loki.
Everyone but you. Even if he scares this isn’t a fear similar to that other felt.                  
“The next time you won’t be spared. Understood?” Whispers Loki in you ear when he passes by your side. The look he gives the guard makes the young boy jump to the side. The green cape being the last thing you see exiting the corridor.
“Are you ok?” You and the guards ask at the same time. What makes both of you laugh a little.
“Don’t be scared of him. He is just another spoiled son.” You say hoping Loki could still hear you, but he probably is already too far away of this corridor.
“Now I see why sir Fandral is in love with you lady (Y/n).” The young boy smiles at you.
“I’m not a lady. I’m a normal person, just like you.”
“Of course not. You will be in all the ceremonies just as lady Sif or any other import warrior.” Just them you realize that he is right. You will be living with Fandral inside the castle and going to all official ceremonies.
Are you really ready for all the attention? After all your fiancé is just as famous as the princes… Shaking this away of your head you smile at the young guard and exit by the same doors Loki went. You need to rest in your small home before the party starts.
                              ~~~~~~~~In the throne room~~~~~~~~
Loki enters the throne room with the face as red as Thor’s cape of angry, his blue greenish eyes burning like the fire from Muspelheim, his strong steps echoes in the corridors like a march of an entire army even when it is only him. Odin turns in the door’s direction when he hears it opening and when he sees the state his younger son is a little smile appears in his serene face.
“What is it now dad?” Loki screams stopping in front of All-Father, who seats in his throne without reaction to the angry on Loki’s tone. “What have I done this time? Am I not good enough? Am I not like Thor? Am I not having my coronation because I’m the youngest? Yeah, you have already told me all of this.”
“Loki, my son, calm down please.”
“Why? You only call me here to say how I’m not what you wanted.”
“You know this is not truth Loki. And I called you here for other reason. “Loki opens his mouth to respond his father with another sarcastic response but Odin is faster and explain. “(Y/n)’s wedding.”
“What?” Loki’s eyes changes from angry for confusion. And then he laughs hysterically. “I know. You want me to marry some princess you choose for me. Is it, isn’t it?”
“No.” Odin lowers his head and his hands shake a little. He knows how his son felt about the girl. “You know (Y/n)’s family can’t participate for the ceremony. I though you could accompany and hand her to Fandral on the day.”
“Wait. You want me to be their best man?” Loki asks in disbelief. “Fandral don’t consider me as a friend!”
“I know son. But you could do it because of (Y/n).”
“She hates me! She hates me more than him do, dad. “Odin shakes his head in a ‘no’ motion. He already expected this reaction for his younger son. He knew his feeling for (Y/n) would make him answer like this. He hated her as much as she hated him. “Why don’t you ask Thor instead?”
“Because he already accompanying Sif and you know this!”
“My answer is still no. Find another one!”
“I can’t. I already promised Fandral that would be you.”
“You…Couldn’t… Have… Done… This…” Loki’s scream shakes the columns of the throne room. If Loki didn’t already know that he is a Jotun he would be scared of the ice that appears in the room. “That should be my own choice.”
“YOU’RE DOING IT! LIKING IT OR NOT!” Odin shouts back as angry as his son. The heat escaping from the All-Father melts the ice around the raven haired boy.
“So you called me here not to ask me but to warn me that I doing it.” Loki says and turns his back to his father. His blue skin and red eyes turning back to his normal pale skin and blue greenish eyes.
“Don’t turn your back to me!” Odin shouts but Loki already is in the golden corridor.
Slowly Frigga approaches Odin. She puts a tender hand on his shoulder. Her long hair falls in front of her light eyes. She is shaking her head disappointed seeing the water in the shining floor.
“I have warned you that it wasn’t a god idea asking Loki.” Frigga whispers to herself but Odin listen and gets up from the throne.
“I didn’t though his hate was that strong!” Odin says angry. Frigga just bit her lower lip watching her husband exiting the room.
“If only it was really hate…” She looks one more time to the door where her son stormed out before exit the room herself.
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hollandbabesblog · 5 years
Reblog if you will still write and/or read fanfiction no matter what happens or who dies in the next few weeks of Endgame and Game of Thrones.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
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You’re So Punny
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Peter Parker x Reader
WC: 3655
Warnings: maybe one bad word if you squint?
Notes: This is for @sweetlysilent 6k writing challenge!! Congratulations, that’s a HUGE number!!!! Holy cow. Thank you to @starksnack @spidermanstrash and @uselesspileofstressandsadness for helping me!!!!!! ILY ALL!!!!! Anyhoo, the prompt is bold. Kinda cheesy. Whatever. My first one-shot. Forgive me. Fluff galore. Enjoy.
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“Peter, you have to quit. That’s so stupid!”
Shoulder to shoulder, best friends Peter Parker and Ned Leeds walked down the emptying halls of the Midtown School of Science and Technology on their way to Monday’s academic decathlon practice. Classes were done for the day and students not in clubs were clearing out.
“No way, man. She likes it!” Peter told his friend. There was a girl - not just a girl to Peter, however - on the decathlon team. She was a new student that year and to say that Peter had fallen hard and fast would be an understatement. In fact, he knew the instant he fell; it was when he heard her laugh.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
I have stretch marks.
Reblog if you do too. Just to prove that it is more normal than what people actually think.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
In My Way (OC): Chapter 5
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In My Way (Peter Parker x Female!OC)
Words: 6071
Warnings: a few swear words! nothing serious
Notes: things are getting interesting!! I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think!
Summary: Charlotte gears up for her first day of school and makes friends more easily than she expected. The one person she struggles to be friends with, however, is Peter himself.
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Beep. Charlotte’s eyes shot open.
Beep. She didn’t recognize this room; this wasn’t the dormitory.
Beep. It wasn’t all a dream.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
Hey love!! I'm your valentine and I actually had some family issues occupying my time this week and was wondering if i could give you your imagine on Saturday?! So sorry for the hold up!
Of Course!
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
Wow Omg you are seriously such a talented and amazing and mind blowing write this Is THE BEST SMUT I HAVE EVER READ
Surprise Visit | Tom Holland | #DollarValentine (Smut)
Authors Note: This is my fic for @dtftomholland and @thelazypangolin ‘s Dollar Valentine, so Happy Valentine’s Day to my Dollar Valentine, @hollandbabesblog , I hope you enjoy!!
Summary: when Tom decides to surprise you back home after months of filming, it’s safe to say it’s harder to control yourselves that originally thought.
Warnings: smut; kissing, teasing, swearing, foreplay, oral (both recieving), unprotected sex [wrap it before you tap it kids], fluffy fluffy fluffy!
Word Count: 4,355
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Everything was becoming too much to handle. You were drowning in your own darkened thoughts and you didn’t know how much longer you’d be able to go on pretending you were winning a losing battle.
You’d only just caught up with your assignments, and while you hoped it would relieve some of your stress, it didn’t. If anything, it made it worse. You were now free of school work and classes for five days, which meant your mind would be eating you away with nothing to distract it.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
    Hi @spiderquy this is my valentines gift to you please don’t judge because i am really new to this but i hope you like it. 💖
                Toms fist connected with the worn down leather punching bag once again. His curly hair fell onto his forehead, as sweat made his face shine. The pain in his knuckles helped him as he tried to focus his mind on anything but you, ever since he saw you at the small coffee shop in London you had not left his mind for a single second. He knew that he couldn't have you in his head during his meeting with the Russian mob boss and he knew he had to be focused, he grunted in frustration when he realized that you had intruded his thoughts again. Right punch, straight. Backfist. He repeated these starting slowly and speeding up each time until his fist were touching the punching bag every second. THe slaps echoing through the gloomy warehouse. The wooden boxes filled with drugs clacked gently every time he changed his stance.
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    “Tom?” Harrison shouted from somewhere between the boxes. Tom couldn't hear the clicking of his Prada leather shoes over the impact sound his fists made. 
“What is it ?!” Tom shouted, not once faltering. Harrison stepped up behind one of the wooden crates. HIs golden hair glinted in the sun emitted by the high windows. His sleek black suit was stainless and clean compared to toms sweaty tank top and loose sweatpants. Harrison looked as if he had stepped out of a Armani Catalog.
    “You're still at it? Last time i checked was an hour ago” Harrison observed tom as he kept on punching. “Something must really be on your mind,” he started walking around tom in a small circle observing his stance. “ something must really be on your mind.” Tom watched his best mate out of the corner of his eyes. Harrison momentarily scrunched his eyebrows together before his face morphed into a smug smirk. “wait… it's that girl from the Café right?”
    “I have no idea what you are talking about” Tom replied trying to seem oblivious. He did a sidekick and punched the bag with his right fist again.
    “That cute girl at the… what was the coffee shop called?” He stopped pacing in front of tom again and scrunched his face together trying to recall the name of the shop again.”The Calidium!” Harrison flicked a piece of flint of his shoulder and waited for toms reaction. Tom remained reactionless and did a roundhouse kick.
    “The one that told you that a depresso would fit our mood besser than the expresso you ordered. What was her name?..... Y/N?”
    “I just have to try to get her out of my head before the meeting.” He stopped punching and dropped his arms to his sides, realizing his confession. “Oh, she's in your head?” Harrison smiled at his discovery.
    “You know what, I really feel like some coffee right now.” Tom said sighing in resignation. That was how the tradition started. Tom came in with Harrison every single day flirted with you and left. You knew of his dangerous position in the mob, but every time you met him he was sweeter than any other guy you had met, and the huge tips he gave you of course helped to like him even more. But even though he flirted with you every day he never tried asking you out, even though you had made your interest in him quite obvious. So obvious that at times Harrison giggled the moment you left the table to make their coffee.
    “Same thing as Always boys?” You asked the two. It was a beautiful crisp cold day. Tom and Harrison sat on the plush velvet chairs facing the wind as soft February rain splattered against the windows in front of them.
        “Yes” Harrison replied quickly after Tom just stared at you like a small puppy, his warm chocolate eyes seemingly aimed at your lips, his hair curled at his forehead and lips slightly apart. You realized that you were also rudely staring at him and turned around to walk to the coffee station when Steve walked in. He wore a thin white t-shirt which stretched perfectly over his muscular chest.
    “ Good morning” Steves starry blue eyes gleamed when he greeted you and his bright red lips stretched into a smile and you grinned back.
“So what it gonna be?”You asked. You went behind the counter and started heating the water for the coffee and observed Steve as he played with the strings of his blue zip up jacket. You felt a burning gaze on the side of your face and instinctively looked at the window seats close to the windows. Instead of flinching away when he realized he had been caught but just looked back at you, his face slowly softening. you tried to subconsciously fill hot water into the coffee filter.
    “Ouch!” You flinched as some drops of the hot water splattered onto your hand burning you. A loud squeak followed as tom immediately stood up when he heard little scream of pain. Tom stood rigidly straight jaw clenched but as soon as he met your eyes he sat back down again quietly muttering a apology to the other customers. You tried to finish Harrisons and Toms order and trying to keep your thoughts to wandering how good toms looked through his shirt when he had stood. You slid past several chairs carrying two black coffees. You carefully set down the coffees.
    “Did you hurt your hand darling” He asked, while shivers traveld down your spine. You nervously licked your lips as the though of you imagine him shirtless invaded your head. His warm hands slid over yours examining them burns. You slowly slid your fingers into his intertwining both of your hands. You realized what you were doing and quickly slid your hands away.
    “No. Well yes, but I'm absolutely fine, it's really nothing.” You tried to reply in a steady voice, but his burning gaze on your face made you blush and you couldn't help but continually let your eyes flit down to his lips, after realizing that Harrison was smirking at the both of you, you twirled around and rushed back to the coffee bar.
    “Yeez , what the fuck just happened” Harrison laughed and watched as tom's face turned red. “Did you burn your hand darling,” He cooed. “What was that supposed to be, flirting? You are seriously awful at this, call yourself king of the mob but get flustered when talking to a girl!” He giggled.
    “I.. I don't like Her!” Tom replied curling his fists.
    “Good for you because someone else does and they aren't afraid to talk to her.” Harrison jutted his chin at Steve who was grinning at you right now. You smiled back at him and bit your lip. You heard a screech and watched as tom started walking towards the door after dropping cashing on the table. You tried to grab him but missed his arm and your fingers brushed over the cotton fabric of his jacket. Harrison shot you a apologetic smile and muttered something about it just being work.
        “You know when i came in here today I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go out on valentine's day tomorrow but after seeing that interaction I have the feeling you have another valentine in mind.”You smiled at Steve hoping that he understood your silent thank you.
“You know for that your coffees on the house.” He grinned at you and you smiled back in return, even if Tom wouldn't get over himself you would still had this angel.
“Mate you really can't keep doing this, Just ask her out its valentines day tomorrow for fucks sake.” Harrison was hastingly trying to tell his friend while keeping up with toms quick pace.
“Do you really think it's that fucking EASY! THE MOMENT I ASK HER TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND, NOT JUST A SIMPLE HOOKUP, SHE will be a TARGET for everyone trying to bring me down! And i don’t think that’s it would be right to put her in that kind of danger.” He stopped in disbelief of what he just said.
“You see she has already changed, I have A FUCKING MORAL COMPASS NOW! Harrison frowned at his friend .
The rest evening tom sat in the black leather armchair next to the marble fireplace in his apartment. Thoughts about you couldn’t leave his mind, he could only imagine holding you in his arms his hot lips meeting yours, brushing each other sensually, his warm breath fanning over your neck, biting at it and marking you as his. He couldn't live like this anymore.
“HARRISON YOU BETTER GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!” He shouted staring at the fireplace intently. If everything went to plan maybe you would be here watching the flames with him tomorrow, or him.
“ WHAT IS IT ASSHOLE” Harrison asked out of breath leaning forward on his knees, he had just run all the way to Tom after his abrupt shout.
“ I will ask Y/N out tomorrow” He stood up and looked at Harrison
“But I thought you said that, you couldn't, for her safety” Harrison looked at him in confusion.
“ I'm giving up the mob, I have been doing this for long enough and i think it is just time for me to stop. I think she the one and i can't let that opportunity pass up on me” He patted Harrison on the back and walked out of the room slamming the heavy oak door shut behind him , as he felt joy flood his body.
The sun was shimmering through the cafes windows as you setup the vanilla frosted Valentine's day muffins in their glass display when you heard a faint knock on the shut glass door. Tom was standing outside holding the biggest bouquet of white roses you had ever seen ,in his arms. You quickly unlocked the door and held it open as tom stepped inside trying to not crush the roses. You quickly shut the door again and looked at tom as he hid behind the bouquet.
“ For you”  He said while delicately placing the bouquet on one of the metal tables nearby. You smiled at him awkwardly.
“Thanks” You felt a blush rise to your cheeks. He scanned over your body staring at his lips. He stepped closer to you until he closed all the space between the both of you until he was pressed against you. You could feel his muscular abs through his shirt and felt yourself heating up. His right hand carefully slipped up to your face until he was carefully holding your face, his left one wrapped around your waist holding your tightly to him.
“Do you know how long i've wanted to do this?” He whispered, his hot breath fanning your lips.
“Knowing myself and my astounding charm probably since the day you met me.” You cringed at yourself. “Sorry I ruined the moment.” His eyes wandered to your lips again before he whispered:
“Can I kiss you?” You saved a response and connected your lips. He kissed you softly and sensualy at first gradually speeding up. Your teeth scraped his bottom lip. The kiss got hotter and you started slowly grinding against him. Lips brushed over each other softly. Lips met teeth and tongue. He grabbed your waist and lifted you onto one of the stools at the coffee bar, pushing himself between your legs, once you were seated. Grinding against you softly.
“Tommy!” You moaned. You wrapped your legs around his torso pulling him as close as possible. His kisses wandered down your jawline, sucking and nibbling at your collar bones and a breathy moan escaped your mouth. You pushed him away and he instantly tried to get back to you, you let your lips meet his but still guided him to one of the chairs next to the bouquet of roses and sat him down. Driven by lust you climbed on top of him, nibbling on his collar bones and fanning your warm breath against the side of his neck intentionally earning a rewarding groan from tom. Who would have thought that you could turn the King of the mob into putty. He grabbed your chin and pulled your lips to his again with his right hand and sliding his left to the small of your back slowing grinding you against him.
“ You-” You panted trying to slow down the kiss. “ We-- should stop. “ His soft lips were brushing against the side of your mouth again, and you let his warmth flow over you. There was a loud knock. You flinched and slid off jons lap instantly smirking at the bulge formed in his pants.. YOu tried fixing your completely wild hair and opened the door to the first couple of customers who eyed you and then Tom judgingly. They probably had a good idea of what had happened.
You watched the customers sit down and took their orders. Tom followed you behind the counter.as you started preparing coffee. He moved behind you and wrapped his muscular arms around your stomach before brushing his lips against you neck. You giggled as you tried not to shiver in pleasure while filling coffee into the filters. You finally turned around feeling the customers burning stares on you.
“Hey what do we say we meet up late to finish what we started earlier.”Tom whispered in his husky voice.
“That sounds perfect” You replied with a dopey smile and winked at him.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
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“I see this bark in you. It’s amazing. Whatever you choose to do with it, you’ll be great.”
- Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse 
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU FOR POSTING!!! I like the oc name. Honestly though I need the next part💖💫😍
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In My Way (Peter Parker x Female!OC)
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: none
Notes: this is my first attempt at writing so I hope you enjoy it! Thank you to @hollandbabesblog for her help!
Summary: Charlotte spends her days devoted to learning both in and out of class. She’s grown accustomed to this lifestyle and even accepted that she’ll grow up there. So when an unnamed man calls and wants to adopt her, she’s nothing short of intrigued.
Sunlight crawled along the old wood floor, slowly reaching creeping up her bed and onto her face. Closing her eyelids a little tighter, Charlotte rolled over in her twin cot for just one more breath before the day began. She inhaled deeply as she sat up and reached for the ceiling, a monstrous yawn escaping from her lips despite her long night of sleep. Slowly twisting around to stretch her back next, she stole a glance at the clock - 6:28 am. Two minutes before her alarm would go off - right on time.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
Aww this is so goddamn cute💖
A little closer by the end of the night [t.h.]
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(gif not mine and also kinda unrelated but i dont care anymore)
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1260
Warnings: mild swearing, FLUFF
Submission: @hazsterfield ’s writing challenge
Prompt: “The night is still young.”
I had two story lines for this prompt but I, being me, deleted both of them and pulled an all-nighter on this new plot. It’s not my best, but I’m a sucker for the haters to lovers trope so I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. Hope you like it!!
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
Devil bats Holiday Bonanza
Authors note: this is probably absolute crap but I am proud of it! I have wanted to write more and now that I have I absolutely love it. Hope you like it too
The smell of cookies drafted through the apartment creeping under the closed doors until the entire house smelled of Christmas. The Christmas music that was playing in the background only added to the cozyness. You sat in bed under several blankets leaning into Peters chest. His slow breathing helped you relax as both of you enjoyed the calm before the extravagant party your father was throwing later this evening. Tony knew that the both of you were dating,however he didn’t know that you had moved in together and although you were 18 now in his eyes you were still his little girl. You and peter had only been dating for 5 months but with him everything went quick. You met when he had just turned 18 after your father decided to introduce you both at his birthday party. Within a mont h you were friends. After a second you were best friends.
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You remembered the day he asked you out and smiled to yourself. It had been warm and both of you had decided that it would be the perfect day to go swimming at one of the various pools at your place. You had felt especially courages due to acing your biology exams the day before and decided to put on a rather revealing two piece that Natascha had given you for your 18 birthday. When tony saw it he got mad but in the end Natascha had managed to convince him by talking about how you were a grown woman now and if he was allowed to give you your own apartment for your birthday a cute swimming suit would not be important.
Although you had your own apartment now you still spent a lot of your time at the stark mansion because of the several entertainment opportunities you had here. Mainly peter. What would he say when he sees you in this. You never thought you would wear it but when you tried it on today it somehow gave you a sense of pride and confidence.
“Y/n!” Are you coming ?” You heard peter calling you from outside.
“Just wait a sec I’ll be right there Pete! You can go ahead I’ll meet you at the pool!”
“Fine but I swear, if you leave me there to wait again for 30 minutes I will push you in again with clothes and all” you heard him say before you heard him walk away. You smiled to yourself before throwing on a light blue summer dress and slipping into your bright red flip flops. Just before you left your room you tied your hair into a messy bun.
The hallway was cold and the air conditioning blew winds over your skin. When you stepped out at the pool area the heat instantly made you sweat.
“Wow 5 minutes that’s a new record” he said teasingly. Once you had walked over to him.
“ oh shut up Pete!” You said punching him in the arm jokingly.
“ So you wanna just stand around or actually go swimming.” He said pulling of his shirt. For a short moment you stared at his perfectly toned abs. Before you felt his stare on you.
“ Or you could just stare at my abs all day while I whine about how hard it is to get Mr. Starks approval all day.”
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You blushed at his words before replying “ let’s go swim” in a voice that was slightly higher then your usual one.
You pulled the dress over your head and threw it onto one of the tanning mats that stood on the border of the pool area. You looked back up at Peter seeing him stare at you, his mouth gaping wide open.
“Hey stop staring!” You said smiling at his reactions towards your new clothing piece.
“I What no I...” he stuttered.
Quickly you darted forward pushing against his chest with your shoulder. He fell into the water with a big splash just like you had intended. However you hadn't taken I count that he was freaking Spider-Man with super reflexes. Quickly he pulled your arm towards him and pulled you under water with him. Laughing and gasping both of you resurfaced. You turned to face before.realizing how close you were. Your noses brushed and you tried to step back before realizing your back was against the pool wall.
His warm breath grazed your lips. Your heartbeat quickened and then he blushed. His cheeks turned bright red.
“Uh y/n I know this is kinda random but would you ... ummm. Like to go onadatewithme?”
“What?”You stuttered.
“ would you like to go on a date withme ?” He breathed out.
For a moment you stared at him expressionless before breaking into a huge grin.
“ I would love to go on a date with you Peter”
And so the both of you went out together. Your father wasn’t thrilled if you dating peter but the idea of having a avenger around to guard you at all times softened him up to the idea quickly. The rest of the avengers team was completely on board. Saying how you were such a adorable couple and talking about young love. Then again things went quick. You kissed after your first date. After a month of dating he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. Personally you thought that he had just waited so long because he was still scared of your father. In the your third month of dating was unintentionally the first time he spent the night because of rainstorm in which the first I love yous had been exchanged. After four months it was your first time together . In the fifth ? He moved in. You had been living together for the past 5 weeks now with no one knowing except Mj and it had been the best time of your life.
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“ hey c’mon y/n we need to get ready!” You were pulled out of your thoughts as peter pushed the point aims of blankets of the both of you.
“Agh can’t we just stay home and cuddle we can say I’m sick and you wanted to take care of me” You murmered while you rubbed your eyes. He shot you a look and you quickly got dressed in a beautiful red gown.
“God you look amazing” Peter gasped when he saw you.
“You don’t look to bad yourself you said as you admired him. He wore a crisp white shirt which showed of his sculpted chest. The jacket and pants were in a dark red bringing out his chocolate curls.
“You were momentarily distracted by a loud pound. You turned to Peter seeing a apologetic smile on his face.
“Oh no Pete what did you do?” You frowned at him before running towards the door. Peter felt his heart warm as you opened the door greeting your parents and the other avengers. Instinctively he reached into his coat pocket and felt the small velvet box’s which lay hidden there. He was nervous, extremely nervous and although he had asked tony before and was sure that you would say yes there was still a small part of him that feared you would reject.
“Hey you okay?” Again his inside warmed up as he saw your worried smile. He nodded and watched how your expression turned into a slightly angry one.
“ when did you tell my father that we lived together! You know I hate surprises. “ Peter was about to answer when Natascha started shouting about being hungry. “I hope you have food ready” you said before hooking your arm with his and dragging him to the living room. Everyone was seated already so you moved to the last two seats available. You were surprised when you saw all of the dishes that were displayed on the oak table.
“When did you do this?” A smile spread across your face.
“Spider skills” A grin was plastered across his face and in that moment all you wanted to do was grab him and connect your lips.
“Now I know we are all hungry,” Peter said,” however before we started with the delicious food I prepared I would like to make a announcement: for all of those who don’t know yet me and y/n live together now!”
After dinner and several drunk outburst from Steve everyone had finally left leaving you and peter alone to yourselves.
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“Hey,” He said as he tugged the back of your dress. “ I got you a present” His hair was tosseled but his eyes shone bright.
“ I thought we weren’t doing Gifts!” You suddenly felt guilty.
“Hey no worries” Your insides warmed as he smiled at you. “Okay now close your eyes.” You obliged and squeezed them shut before holding your hands up to your face.
y/n you are the. The most beautiful, talented and kind person I have ever met. When I first saw you I knew that you were the one and only for me. Although we only met several months ago I cannot imagine life without you anymore and I... God I dont know what people usually say. I guess I'm just trying to tell you that I love. I love you more than anything in this world, I love you so much it hurts and I have loved you ever since the day I met you.” You felt heat rising up to your cheeks as your lips pulled into a smile.
“Open your eyes”. When you opened your eyes you let out a small shriek. Peter was kneeling in front of you a beautiful golden ring in a black box stood on his hand. His face was pulled into a worried smile and his lower lip was trapped between his perfect bottom teeth.
“ Y/n y/l/n will you marry me?” For a moment you were in shock then you grabbed his suit and pulled him up until he stood taller than you. Your hands snaked around his neck and you drew him close. You pulled him closer until your for heads touched before whispering “ Yes” against his lips.
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