Snowed In
This is a story written for @devilbat​‘s marvel holiday challenge. 
Prompt 20. “So, we’re kind of snowed in.” with Loki
Warnings: Implied smut and touching, but mostly tooth-rotting fluff
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You woke to golden light streaming in through the windows. Yawning, you stretch until you are stopped by something heavy holding your waist. You snuggle in closer to the body. You enjoy the warmth of his chest against your bare back. Pieces of the previous night flood your memory - Tony’s party, a New Year’s kiss, and the long night that came afterward. You aren’t complaining though, waking up in a small mountain cabin next to your husband was amazing! It hadn’t been just the two of you for so long. Stressful missions and constant streams of questions and issues coming from every direction kept you from seeing much of each other recently. As part of the New Year celebration, your husband surprised you with a few days away. 
Suddenly needing to get up, you wiggle out of your husband’s grip. After cleaning yourself up a bit and putting on your robe, you made your way to the kitchen to start breakfast. You decided on pancakes, sausage, and strawberries. The fridge and pantry were stocked full of your favorite foods and snacks. It was enough to feed an entire army, even though you would be there less than a week. You shook your head. You are too good to me, my love, you sighed.
“No, you are too good to me.” A velvety voice replied, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Don’t sneak up on me like that. How many times do I have to tell you?” you gasped.
“But it is such fun, love. You make the cutest sound.”
Rolling your eyes you turned your attention back to the stove. “Breakfast is almost ready.”
“Hmm, I’d rather have something else,” your husband whispered in your ear before he gently nipped it.
You tried to stifle a moan. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but he knew exactly what his touch did to you. He rediscovered that last night. He smirked as his lips moved down the column of your neck, to rest at the base. You sucked in a breath as he attacked the nape of your neck with wet, open-mouthed kisses. This time you couldn’t hold back your moan. You felt your husband smirk again, knowing that you were weakening. He held you tighter and started playing with the tie of your robe. 
“So, we’re kind of snowed in,” he purred. “I thought we could pick up where we left off last night.”
You turned around to face the man behind you. He looked glorious. His pale chest was bare, but a pair of black silk pajama bottoms covered his lower half. Pity. His raven-colored hair was still mussed and his emerald eyes sparkled and were full of mischief. You bit your lip and stared up at him. 
“Oh, so because we are stuck in the house, you think you can have your way with me and just expect me to go along with it?” He nodded in response. “Well, you are going to have to earn it, Bub.” Before he could react, you ducked under his arm and grabbed the plates of food. “We will eat this food that I so graciously made for you, and go from there.” 
You turned to peck him on the lips. He growled and grabbed you again bringing you closer. “Loki!” you shrieked. He let go and followed you to the table. 
You two ate your meal in comfortable silence, occasionally stealing glances at one another.  After cleaning up, you looked at the god of mischief. 
“Well, my dear, have you thought of something to do?”
“How about I light a fire and then I can read to on the couch?” he mused. 
You smiled. You loved it when Loki read to you. His voice was rich and soothing and usually put you to sleep. You nodded with a smile. Several minutes later you and Loki were snuggled up on the couch, you laying between his legs with a blanket covering the both of you. Loki had chosen Romeo and Juliet. 
“Do you believe in love at first sight? Such a love at that age is foolish, could it truly be love?” you interrupted. 
Your husband put the book aside and grabbed your left hand. “I do,” he answered. He fiddled with the ring on your finger as he continued. “I fell in love with you the minute I saw you. I just didn’t want to admit it then. I don’t like being sentimental, but you bring out the best in me. What little of it there is. You stayed and believed in me when no one else did.” Loki smiled as he kissed the top of your head. “You chipped away at my walls and never gave up on me, no matter how hard I tried to push you away. I knew I wasn’t any good for you, but I loved you none the less. Sometimes it hurt so much, my heart felt like it would burst every time you came close.” His voice faltered at the end. 
You were so touched at his words. You turned around and sat on your knees in front of him. You saw that he was crying, so you took your thumb and wiped away the tears. Smiling at him, you knew he was telling you the truth. He only opened up to you, and even then it was hard for him to express his emotions. You figured that was why Loki read Shakespeare - the poet spoke the words he couldn’t. 
Your own heart felt like it would burst right then. His admission meant the world to you. Your hand lingered on his cheek and he leaned into the touch. 
“Oh Loki,” you began. “You don’t know what that means to me. You are my world. I fell in love with the minute I stepped off the elevator that day. You may have looked bored and bothered by everyone, but I could see you were hurting and lonely.” Loki raised his eyebrows in question. “Your eyes. Your beautiful eyes told the truth. I believed in you because I saw a good man, the man you could be if you would let people in. I stayed because I wanted to be that person. I wanted to know who you were.” You leaned forward and kissed your husband’s lips. Pulling back, your expression turned serious. “You must stop thinking so little of yourself, Loki. There is so much good in you. You just need to believe it. You must stop questioning your worth. You have a brother that loves you and would do anything for you. And…” you smiled. “You have a wife you loves you more than life itself.” 
A smile lit up Loki’s face at what your words. This time it was his turn to cup your cheek. He caressed your bottom lip before bringing you in for another kiss. You closed your eyes and lost yourself in the sensation. The kiss was tender and slow. Loki poured all his love and emotions into it. You both smiled at each other when you pulled away. He pulled you close to his body so your head rested against his chest. You snuggled your face into his shirt and breathed him in. 
“I love you, Y/N,” he said quietly. 
“I love you too, Loki.”
The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the afternoon, just enjoying the feeling of holding each other.
You must have fallen asleep because the next thing you remembered was Loki calling your name. You whimpered as you opened your eyes to look at him. “Hi,” he murmured.
Loki smiled down at you. You looked so cute all curled up against him. “Let’s find something for dinner, love. Then we can come back and cuddle.”
You nodded and got up, reaching out your hand for him to take. Loki made the meal, with your assistance this time. Well, actually, all you did was follow him around the kitchen. You weren’t normally a clingy person, but right now all you wanted was to touch your husband. You kept stealing kisses when you could. Loki didn’t mind, he loved that you wanted to be right next to him and shower him with affection. He would never admit it, but he loved it when you got this way. 
After dinner, you found yourselves back on the couch each with a mug of hot cocoa. You snuggled up against him as he searched for something on tv. Finally settling on a show, Loki put both arms around you and hugged you tight. Throughout the show, you felt your husband stroke your side and then your thigh. It was distracting. He wasn’t doing it on purpose, but your body was reacting to his touch. You huffed when he moved one of his hands to rest on your stomach. He began rubbing your silk robe. The sensation it created against your bare skin was delicious. You started squirming and sighed again. “Something bothering you, love?” Loki asked. 
“Ugh, yes.” You turned to face him. “You are!” Loki was shocked by your outburst. “You keep...touching me. An-and now I’m frustrated a-and needy,” you whined.
Now fully understanding you, he smirked. “Needy, hm? I suppose I should do something about it then.” He connects his lips with yours. The kiss started out slow, but as you feel his hands roam your body you deepen it. His hands fall to your butt and squeeze. You moan into his mouth, giving him the opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth. Finally breaking for air, you rest your forehead against his. Eyes closed, chests heaving.
“Take me to bed, my king.”
Loki shuddered with anticipation. He lifted you in his arms as he stood, bringing your legs to circle his waist. 
“Your wish is my command, my queen.” He kisses you again and carries you to bed, where he makes love to you for the rest of the night. 
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eurynome827 · 6 years
Calendar Girl Three - December - Love and The Weather
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1204
Summary: Steve and Sam join you and Bucky at one of your favorite Christmas traditions.
Warnings: cuteness and fluff
Author Note: Part Three of Calendar Girl - this is my entry for the Marvel Holiday Bonanza Writing Challenge hosted by @devilbat (thank you so much for the one day extension, xoxo) and my prompt was “Let’s see who can catch the most snowflakes with their tongue!“
"Moonlight romances have to take chances That's what I learned with the dawn Love and the weather can't be depended upon" Irving Berlin “Let’s see who can catch the most snowflakes with their tongue!”
You stood facing the sky, tongue out and giggling. Bucky grabbed your hands and tried to scoot you along.
“You’re standing in a parking lot, babe, think we can do this where a car won’t run you over?”
“I’m lucky I have you to look out for me, Buck,” you giggled and scrunched your nose at him, fat snowflakes melting on your face. You slid your mittened hand into his and noticed Steve and Sam far ahead of the two of you.
“BOYS, wait up, I have the tickets on my phone!”
“Well hurry up, slowpokes,” Steve yelled back and you pulled on Bucky to move him along.
Once again you found yourself out of Manhattan and on Long Island, sharing another of your childhood traditions with Bucky. Steve and Sam had invited themselves along and you were thrilled. It was time for Candlelight Christmas at Old Bethpage.
Outside the visitor center, you took a moment to adjust to the darkness as you led the way down the path to the village, lit only with fire pots along the dirt road. The snow had tapered off and once your eyes adjusted the light of the moon peeking through the clouds helped light the way.
Sam nudged you with his shoulder. “So we just wander around in the dark for a while?”
“NO,” you snickered at him, “We follow the path to the village and then you’ll see. You have to get into the spirit of this! Imagine what it was like 300 years ago! AND,” you pushed Sam’s arm, “if you even think of starting up with your old man jokes to these two, I’m going to make sure Santa puts coal in your stocking!”
It didn’t take long to see the torches and fires from the small cluster of buildings at the center of the restoration village. You chattered excitedly and pointed out the carolers in Victorian costumes and the brass band playing cheerful Christmas carols. Dragging Bucky by the arm with Steve and Sam trailing after you both, you smiled at the gentleman tipping his hat and greeting your group with a genial “Happy Christmas!” at the entrance to the general store. Inside Bucky stood still at the sight of the large front room, complete with Christmas tree and roaring fireplace, lit only by the fire and the candles throughout the room. He looked down at you with an understanding smile. “Yeah, I see why you like this so much.”
You stood on your tiptoes to kiss him. “I knew you would.”
Back out on the path and heading toward the village center a group of loud kids rushed past, yelling and shining flashlights in unsuspecting people’s eyes. You made a sound of disgust.
“I hate when people bring flashlights. The candles and fires are plenty of light and it ruins the mood.”
Bucky pulled you closer so he could whisper in your ear. “We would never let our kids run around here with flashlights.”
You shivered, and it wasn’t from the chilly night air. “Never,” you whispered back.
Once you reached the Noon Inn and the bonfire at the center of the village, you pushed the boys toward the fire. “You go get warm and I’ll get the treats.”
“I’ll stay with you.” Bucky wrapped his arms around you, but you gently pushed him back.
“I want you to have fun, not sit here on a line with me. I’ve seen this every year, this is your first time.” He acquiesced with a smile and walked off with Sam and Steve. It didn’t take long for the line to wind through the Inn and you collected the small bags of s’mores ingredients and 4 small cups of hot mulled cider. Stuffing the bags in your coat pockets you stacked the cups and walked out to the bonfire. You saw Sam right away – he had found a great spot. He helped you arrange the snacks on a bench as you asked, “where are the boys?”
“Steve saw the regiment and they went over to take a look.”
“Ah.” Makes sense. “Here, try some cider.” Sam took a big gulp and then sputtered at the heat and you tried not to laugh, “Careful, it’s hot!”
“NOW you tell me! It’s really good, though. Spicy!”
You were still giggling at Sam and didn’t notice Bucky and Steve walking up behind you. You took a sip of cider and answered Sam, “It’s mulled.”
Bucky stepped to your side smoothly and took your cup a little too forcefully. “Mulled wine?” he said suspiciously.
“No, silly, it’s cider,” you took your cup back and leaned up to kiss his cheek. It all happened so fast and before you even thought anything of it, you felt Steve and Sam’s eyes on you.
Trying to smooth over the moment before it became A Thing, you quickly passed out cups to Steve and Bucky and took another sip. But it was too late.
“What was that all about, Buck?” Steve asked Bucky, but his eyes were on you.
“Nothing.” You and Bucky answered in unison, too quickly.
“You guys….” Sam drawled it out, neither a question or an accusation, just a statement floating through the cold air.
“Okay, okay,” you looked at the ground, and then back up at Bucky, “this is all your fault, you know.”
“On several levels,” he replied. So cheeky.
“Guys, no one else knows.”
“Except Bruce,” Bucky interrupted.
“Yes, except Bruce, but that’s only because we needed to know for sure. It’s very, very new, like a couple of days new, but,” you looked away from Bucky to see Sam and Steve staring at you both with saucer eyes, “we’re having a baby.”
It was quiet for a moment, with Steve studying Bucky with eyes that may have been a little shiny – it was hard to tell in the firelight. Steve stepped forward and enveloped you and Bucky in a hug. “Congratulations, you two.”
You let yourself be held between the two big men, feeling your heart grow three or more sizes on this cold almost Christmas night. It was only a moment of this before Sam had to fall back to his usual jokester self.
"Slipped one past the goalie, Buck?"
You couldn’t help jumping in.
"Nope, we pulled the goalie at Halloween. This was an empty net goal. In the first period. Either I'm really fertile or he's really potent....or both?" "Doll...." Bucky was a mixture of embarrassed and proud and it was intoxicating. You wound your arms around his waist. He placed a protective hand over your stomach.
“So we’re obviously terrible at keeping secrets,” you teased.
“Well, we won’t say anything, right Sam?” Steve looked over at him.
Sam looked up from his phone. “Oh, we’re not supposed to tell anyone?”
You, Steve and Bucky glared at Sam. “It’s okay, I’ll just text Nat back and tell her not to tell anyone.”
Well, the New Year’s Eve party was going to be VERY interesting.
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smallmarvel · 6 years
Merry Christmas, Dear
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Pairing: Bruce Banner x reader
Summary: Spending Christmas with your best friend Bruce is one of the happiest times of the year. This year, Bruce has a surprise. 
WC: 1.2k
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my piece for @devilbat s Marvel Holiday Bonanza Writing Challenge! My prompt was I thought we weren’t doing gifts! Honestly I’m not what to think about it, so let me know! 
You bounced your foot up and down in anxiety as you sat in Bruce’s lab. The red and green and gold of Christmas was only highlighting your nerves as you waited. You were worried because Bruce is never late for anything, especially one of your Christmases with each other.  
You were a mutant with telepathy. After your parents died, every foster home you were put into kicked you out. Eventually you decided to run away when you were a young teen. Living on the streets was hard, especially when they were the streets of New York, but with your mutation, it wasn’t as difficult as it could be. At first, the others saw you as easy prey, thinking they could steal your stuff no problem. After using your powers to show them what was up, they learned not to mess with you. Then came the New York attack. Figuring what the hell, you ran out and did as much damage as you could, taking out aliens left and right, saving as many people as you could. This didn’t go unnoticed. You were immediately offered a job with the Avengers. A place to stay, free food, and basically unlimited spending power? It was the exact opposite of the way you’d been living for so many years. 
Being an Avenger was hard at first. Your social skills were more than rusty, you didn’t know how to dress, or how to make friends. With a little help from the girls (and Tony’s wallet let’s be real), your style improved. Every meal, every game night, every mission brought you closer to the Avengers. You felt they were family, but that you were still an outcast. You often felt alone. One person you grew particularly attached to was Dr. Bruce Banner. You often meandered down the halls meaninglessly when you’d first arrived, partly out of boredom and partly because you wanted to get acquainted with the space you’d now be living in. On one of those occasions, you bumped into Bruce on his way to his lab. You’d only met once, when you were being introduced to the team. Bruce didn’t often go on missions. The big guy was used for emergencies only. You’d only seen the Hulk once during the attack on New York. 
After finding out that you were wandering around aimlessly, Bruce offered you tea in his lab. You immediately hit it off, spending countless nights in his lab. Bruce was your closest friend. You held the same level of social awkwardness, felt comfortable in silence, and just enjoyed the company of each other. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t feel anything for the doctor. He was the most selfless and caring person you’d ever met. His soft voice and his kind personality were what drew you to him in the first place. 
You’d spent the last few Christmases with Bruce in his lab. Decorating was one of the most fun parts. There was a Christmas tree, garlands, and Christmas lights everywhere. It made you feel so warm inside. After being alone practically every Christmas in your life, it was amazing to finally spend it with someone. You’d made a pact that there were no gifts exchanged, it was too stressful to find something perfect for the other person with both of you being perfectionists and anxiety prone.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the door clanging shut. Bruce walked in, covered with snow. He was obviously freezing.
“Bruce!” you jumped up, immediately running over to him and helping him take his coat off. “Why were you outside?” 
He sighed and sat down with his head in his hands. “I was just running a few errands,” he said.
“Are you sure? It’s Christmas Eve! What store is even open?” you asked curiously while walking over to the Keurig and starting some hot chocolate to warm him up. You weren’t angry or upset with him for being late, you were just confused. 
“I just had to pick something up, I’m sorry I’m late,” he sounded incredibly stressed. You turned around and smiled at him.
“I’m not mad, Bruce,” you told him. “But I will be if you don’t turn some Christmas music on right now!”
He nodded and walked over to the stereo system as the Keurig signaled it was done with the hot chocolate. Picking it up and walking over to the table, you noticed Bruce still looked cold. You set the hot chocolate down and walked over to him, hugging him from behind and putting your head on his shoulder. To your surprise, he wasn’t cold at all, he was just tense. 
“Bruce, what’s wrong?” you stepped back, brows furrowed. Your mind started racing, coming up with hundreds of awful scenarios. He sighed and stood to meet you. 
“Nothing’s wrong, dear,” he wrapped his arms around you, pressing your head into his chest. You immediately relaxed, taking in his scent and closing your eyes. “Not really, anyway. But there’s something I have to do.” He released you and turned to the table, rummaging through his messenger bag to find a small box.
“I thought we weren’t doing gifts!” you protested, suddenly feeling both unprepared for the night and unappreciative of the man in front of you.
“I have to tell you something, (Y/N),” he dragged a hand through his hair, obviously agitated. He opened the box, revealing a beautiful opal ring set in gold and diamonds. Your hands immediately flew to your mouth in a gasp. “Let me start of by saying this isn’t a proposal. I just need to tell you that I’m in love with you and I have been for years. You’re my best friend and my other half, and I do believe that you’re my soulmate. I’ve never met anyone like you in my life, you’re so kind and sweet and gentle, but also strong. I want to be with you.” He choked out the last part, eyes welling up in tears. Your hands were still covering your mouth, tears running down them. “This is a promise ring, a promise that I’ll be here for you as I always have, that I’ll take care of you and give you everything you need and want. I love you.” He moved towards you, taking the ring out of the box. You held up your hand to him and he took your it in his shaking one gently, slipping it on and lacing his fingers through yours. He looked into your eyes before taking you once more into his arms. You held each other as you cried. You’d never felt this loved in your life, you’d never been this happy and content.
“I love you Bruce, Merry Christmas,” you whispered as he kissed your head, the soft jazz playing in the background. 
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tarithenurse · 6 years
Snow everywhere
Pairing: Sam Wilson x fem!(semi)OC Prompts: ”You murdered my snowman!” & “Snowball fight” Contents: THE FLOOOOF! Oh…and a little hint of sexy time if you squint and tilt your head just right, but nothing explicit. A/N: I apologize in advance for making the OC’s appearance specific, but I got an idea as I was writing this. So, without (much) further ado: here’s my contribution to @devilbat‘s Holiday Challenge/Celebration/Bonanza/Fun.
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Already before pulling the curtains aside, Sam knew today was the day. He didn’t even have to look, because the light was much brighter and there was a silence lying over the world that brought peace and comfort. Of course, the reason for coming out to the small town in the midwest was to enjoy the quiet compared to Washington where he lived, and his grandma’s hometown also served as a reminder of where he came from. His family. That’s what the holidays are all about, right?
Throwing the duvet aside, the veteran shivered against the cold air that suddenly surrounded his skin, eliciting eruptions of goosebumps and spurring him to get into the warm shower and figure out what to do with the day ahead.
Time off from missions and Avengers-duty isn’t the same as having nothing at all to do. It’s later in the afternoon on a day spent with revisiting old haunts, a bit of shopping, and more coffee than should be consumed in a day with the veterans at the local nursing home.
Sam loves their brazen sense of humour that he’s able to uncover under the old layers of dust and forgotten memories, and somehow, he’s got an easier time connecting with them than a lot of people his own age. Things get easier with his fellow generation if they’re veterans too, but they always know exactly who Sam is, the moment he introduces himself. It bothers him more than he likes to admit. The old folks just see him as another young punk.
But the coffee! Oh, man…the coffee. In an effort so run off the caffeine-jitters, the hero has pulled on layers and layers of soft training clothes and set off in a steady running-pace as the darkness battles fruitlessly with the electric lights reflecting off the snow. A few flakes are drifting from the heavy clouds above, making the town look like a holiday ornament in a snow globe.
Puffs of air form before him with each timed breath as his feet carry him down long forgotten paths of the summers spent visiting his granny. Past the old neighbourhood where newer buildings have replaced the old, single-story houses, making it hard for Sam to recognize where she was born, lived, and died. Granny spent her entire life in the same town, and now it’s changing so fast that she probably wouldn’t have recognized half of it.
Stride by stride, the runner’s carried to the park where he passes the new generation of inhabitants that are busy with their own games in the last moments available to them before their parents will tell them it’s time to head home and get ready for supper. A dog has mixed with them, joyfully yapping and running about, trying to catch the snowballs the kids toss at it. Each time it gets one the snow breaks apart, turning into a crumbling mess and it doesn’t understand where it went. In confusion, the animal looks around again and again in search of it to the onlookers’ amusement, Sam’s included. Still looking at the scene over his shoulder, the veteran doesn’t pay attention to where he’s going before it’s too late and the uneven, snow-covered ground makes him stumble and fall, crashing heavily into something and taking whatever it is down with him. Everything’s a swirl of white snow, yellow light, and dark shadows until he manages to sit up and brush the snow out of his face.
The first thing Sam notices is the broken carrot in his hand. The next thing is a clear voice coming from just a few feet away.
“You murdered my snowman!”
Blinking confused, he focuses on the shape of a woman with a bright blue scarf tugged partially into the grey coat. Cheeks and nose with a hectic pink from the cold…or indignation.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Sam pushes to his feet, realizing too late that he’s now stomping around on the remains of the snowman. “I’ll uhhm…I’ll rebuild it!”
Clear, blue eyes glitter ominously, making him think of ice crystals. “Oh, you better!”
Next second, she smiles brightly and pushes the white-blond hair out of her face. She’s not wearing gloves? Not being one for the cold, it seems like madness to Sam, but he doesn’t dare comment on it for fear of being the targeted of the wrath that had seemed like a frigid snowstorm. Instead, he begins dutifully to uphold his promise.
“To whom am I gonna dedicate this work?” Sam glances over at the slender figure.
The woman flashes him a crooked smile before busying herself with making snowballs. “You can call me Skadi.”
That name’s not from around here. “I’m Sam,” following her lead, he sticks to the first name only, “nice to meet you.”
Patching up the broken parts of the snowman proves simple enough. But as he’s wiggling the top on, it bothers the dutiful soldier in Sam that the structure isn’t stable, and so he begins to fortify it together with Skadi as the snow begins to fall gently from above, providing them with more of the building material while they make small talk.
She’s beautiful, Sam admit to himself. Clear ice is in her eyes; her skin is pale and rosy like the sunrise on snow; and somehow the cold crystals seem to weave around her, clinging to her hair and coat without seemingly bothering her. Slender, pale finger with turquoise-painted nails are moving quickly, expertly shaping the snow according to Skadi’s will and creating details in the figure they’re building together.
They’re the only people left in the park now, still she doesn’t seem in a rush to get out of there even as they step back to admire their handywork. It’s a prime example of a snowman. According to Sam it might even be the best, showing qualities that he’d otherwise only expect from actual sculptures. Circling the figure, he admires the pattern of swirls and cartoonish snowflakes Skadi’s traced on what looks like a knitted sweater on a plump, little man (with a very short carrot-nose).
“Damn, lady, you’re an artist with snow!” The words slip out before he’s thought them through but seeing her bright smile from the other side of the cold statue makes him relax. “I’d forgotten how great it is to play in the snow…”
“Then I guess…it’s a good thing I found you.”
A flurry whips her hair around her face, nearly obscuring the devious smile that precedes the perfect launch of a snowball hitting him square in the chest.
“Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be?” Bending down, Sam scoops up handfuls of snow, only to drop it when a new projectile crashes into his hands.
“Bring it, summer-boy.”
Skipping backwards, Skadi taunts him to try his best to get a hit in. Each time he misses, her laughter rings out clear like a bell in the winter night, while she on the other hand lands one snowy orb after the other, showering him in cold fluff that mixes with the puffs of air from each exhalation.
The first time one of his snowballs finds the intended target it hits her on the back of the head, effectively making her stumble, and for a moment Sam freezes, afraid that she might get upset. Suddenly, he feels the cold that’s soaked into his shoes and the numbness of his fingers…and just as quickly, he forgets it again. Clear laughter like a song long forgotten spurs him on a wild chase where neither of them care anymore whether the snowballs are fully formed or if it’s just loose avalanches pushed through the air, covering them in white powder that melts slowly wherever it’s near enough their skin. Still, Sam seems to be getting the worst of it. Changing tactics, he decides. Drawing on everything he’s learned since Steve’s started with the “on your left”-training, the man goes all in on a sprint, tackling Skadi into a soft mound of snow that’s been accumulating in a dip in the terrain. There they tumble around until the gentleman has ensured that the woman’s on top. His hands are resting on her hips beneath the silver-grey coat. Eyes like ice sparkle as they meet his warm gaze. So different and wild. Blond hair falls around their faces like a thin curtain that keeps the rest of the world away, hiding how their lips brush lightly and Skadi’s minty breath mixes with his.
“You’re cold, winter-princess.” This close Sam can see the tiny crystals caught in her lashes.
Taking time to place slow, cooling kisses along his jaw, the woman finally reaches his ear and whispers: “You can try to warm me up, summer-boy.”
Next morning when Sam wakes up, Skadi has already left and when he pulls the curtains aside he sees that the snow’s melting.
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hollandbabesblog · 6 years
Devil bats Holiday Bonanza
Authors note: this is probably absolute crap but I am proud of it! I have wanted to write more and now that I have I absolutely love it. Hope you like it too
The smell of cookies drafted through the apartment creeping under the closed doors until the entire house smelled of Christmas. The Christmas music that was playing in the background only added to the cozyness. You sat in bed under several blankets leaning into Peters chest. His slow breathing helped you relax as both of you enjoyed the calm before the extravagant party your father was throwing later this evening. Tony knew that the both of you were dating,however he didn’t know that you had moved in together and although you were 18 now in his eyes you were still his little girl. You and peter had only been dating for 5 months but with him everything went quick. You met when he had just turned 18 after your father decided to introduce you both at his birthday party. Within a mont h you were friends. After a second you were best friends.
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You remembered the day he asked you out and smiled to yourself. It had been warm and both of you had decided that it would be the perfect day to go swimming at one of the various pools at your place. You had felt especially courages due to acing your biology exams the day before and decided to put on a rather revealing two piece that Natascha had given you for your 18 birthday. When tony saw it he got mad but in the end Natascha had managed to convince him by talking about how you were a grown woman now and if he was allowed to give you your own apartment for your birthday a cute swimming suit would not be important.
Although you had your own apartment now you still spent a lot of your time at the stark mansion because of the several entertainment opportunities you had here. Mainly peter. What would he say when he sees you in this. You never thought you would wear it but when you tried it on today it somehow gave you a sense of pride and confidence.
“Y/n!” Are you coming ?” You heard peter calling you from outside.
“Just wait a sec I’ll be right there Pete! You can go ahead I’ll meet you at the pool!”
“Fine but I swear, if you leave me there to wait again for 30 minutes I will push you in again with clothes and all” you heard him say before you heard him walk away. You smiled to yourself before throwing on a light blue summer dress and slipping into your bright red flip flops. Just before you left your room you tied your hair into a messy bun.
The hallway was cold and the air conditioning blew winds over your skin. When you stepped out at the pool area the heat instantly made you sweat.
“Wow 5 minutes that’s a new record” he said teasingly. Once you had walked over to him.
“ oh shut up Pete!” You said punching him in the arm jokingly.
“ So you wanna just stand around or actually go swimming.” He said pulling of his shirt. For a short moment you stared at his perfectly toned abs. Before you felt his stare on you.
“ Or you could just stare at my abs all day while I whine about how hard it is to get Mr. Starks approval all day.”
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You blushed at his words before replying “ let’s go swim” in a voice that was slightly higher then your usual one.
You pulled the dress over your head and threw it onto one of the tanning mats that stood on the border of the pool area. You looked back up at Peter seeing him stare at you, his mouth gaping wide open.
“Hey stop staring!” You said smiling at his reactions towards your new clothing piece.
“I What no I...” he stuttered.
Quickly you darted forward pushing against his chest with your shoulder. He fell into the water with a big splash just like you had intended. However you hadn't taken I count that he was freaking Spider-Man with super reflexes. Quickly he pulled your arm towards him and pulled you under water with him. Laughing and gasping both of you resurfaced. You turned to face before.realizing how close you were. Your noses brushed and you tried to step back before realizing your back was against the pool wall.
His warm breath grazed your lips. Your heartbeat quickened and then he blushed. His cheeks turned bright red.
“Uh y/n I know this is kinda random but would you ... ummm. Like to go onadatewithme?”
“What?”You stuttered.
“ would you like to go on a date withme ?” He breathed out.
For a moment you stared at him expressionless before breaking into a huge grin.
“ I would love to go on a date with you Peter”
And so the both of you went out together. Your father wasn’t thrilled if you dating peter but the idea of having a avenger around to guard you at all times softened him up to the idea quickly. The rest of the avengers team was completely on board. Saying how you were such a adorable couple and talking about young love. Then again things went quick. You kissed after your first date. After a month of dating he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. Personally you thought that he had just waited so long because he was still scared of your father. In the your third month of dating was unintentionally the first time he spent the night because of rainstorm in which the first I love yous had been exchanged. After four months it was your first time together . In the fifth ? He moved in. You had been living together for the past 5 weeks now with no one knowing except Mj and it had been the best time of your life.
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“ hey c’mon y/n we need to get ready!” You were pulled out of your thoughts as peter pushed the point aims of blankets of the both of you.
“Agh can’t we just stay home and cuddle we can say I’m sick and you wanted to take care of me” You murmered while you rubbed your eyes. He shot you a look and you quickly got dressed in a beautiful red gown.
“God you look amazing” Peter gasped when he saw you.
“You don’t look to bad yourself you said as you admired him. He wore a crisp white shirt which showed of his sculpted chest. The jacket and pants were in a dark red bringing out his chocolate curls.
“You were momentarily distracted by a loud pound. You turned to Peter seeing a apologetic smile on his face.
“Oh no Pete what did you do?” You frowned at him before running towards the door. Peter felt his heart warm as you opened the door greeting your parents and the other avengers. Instinctively he reached into his coat pocket and felt the small velvet box’s which lay hidden there. He was nervous, extremely nervous and although he had asked tony before and was sure that you would say yes there was still a small part of him that feared you would reject.
“Hey you okay?” Again his inside warmed up as he saw your worried smile. He nodded and watched how your expression turned into a slightly angry one.
“ when did you tell my father that we lived together! You know I hate surprises. “ Peter was about to answer when Natascha started shouting about being hungry. “I hope you have food ready” you said before hooking your arm with his and dragging him to the living room. Everyone was seated already so you moved to the last two seats available. You were surprised when you saw all of the dishes that were displayed on the oak table.
“When did you do this?” A smile spread across your face.
“Spider skills” A grin was plastered across his face and in that moment all you wanted to do was grab him and connect your lips.
“Now I know we are all hungry,” Peter said,” however before we started with the delicious food I prepared I would like to make a announcement: for all of those who don’t know yet me and y/n live together now!”
After dinner and several drunk outburst from Steve everyone had finally left leaving you and peter alone to yourselves.
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“Hey,” He said as he tugged the back of your dress. “ I got you a present” His hair was tosseled but his eyes shone bright.
“ I thought we weren’t doing Gifts!” You suddenly felt guilty.
“Hey no worries” Your insides warmed as he smiled at you. “Okay now close your eyes.” You obliged and squeezed them shut before holding your hands up to your face.
y/n you are the. The most beautiful, talented and kind person I have ever met. When I first saw you I knew that you were the one and only for me. Although we only met several months ago I cannot imagine life without you anymore and I... God I dont know what people usually say. I guess I'm just trying to tell you that I love. I love you more than anything in this world, I love you so much it hurts and I have loved you ever since the day I met you.” You felt heat rising up to your cheeks as your lips pulled into a smile.
“Open your eyes”. When you opened your eyes you let out a small shriek. Peter was kneeling in front of you a beautiful golden ring in a black box stood on his hand. His face was pulled into a worried smile and his lower lip was trapped between his perfect bottom teeth.
“ Y/n y/l/n will you marry me?” For a moment you were in shock then you grabbed his suit and pulled him up until he stood taller than you. Your hands snaked around his neck and you drew him close. You pulled him closer until your for heads touched before whispering “ Yes” against his lips.
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jewels2876 · 6 years
A First of Many
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: implied smut, FLUFF
Word Count: 616
“Did we go overboard?”
He glanced around the living room at Tony’s question. The Christmas tree twinkled in the corner; presents were scattered all over the floor along with the discarded wrapping paper and gift bags. You lifted your head from Steve’s chest and groaned. “Tony, it looks like a few dozen kids had a party in here; as usual yes YOU went overboard.” You snuggled back into Steve’s chest. “But thank you,” you whispered.
Tony made a face behind your back; Steve chuckled at both of you. “Seriously Tony, thank you from both of us,” he looked down at you for a moment, “I couldn’t have had a better Christmas.” Steve wrapped his arms around you and winked at Tony.
Tony chuckled. “You bet Cap.”
You tried to ignore both men but they were talking too loudly for you to nap. “So Tony, does this mean you’ll scale back on the New Year’s Eve party?” You muttered as you sat up. You could hear Steve whine; you put your head down but turned towards Tony. “Not all of us are party animals like you, ya know?”
Tony smirked at you. “Nope! I plan to rival most major networks in my celebration. Who am I kidding? Most major networks will be HERE helping me celebrate.” He patted his stomach. “I need thirds; bye kids!”
You shook your head at Tony’s retreating form. “That man will never learn.”
Steve kissed the top of your head. “True. But at least we can cross another first off my list at that party.”
“Which one? Joining the mile high club?” Steve blushed as he let you go on. “No, wait. Car sex? Nah. Having a….”
“My first New Year’s kiss,” he finished for you.
“What?! You’ve never had a New Year’s kiss?” you stared at Steve for a moment. “How long were you under that ice again?”
Steve blushed then hugged you tight, grabbing your ass. “For your information, it was 70 years. And for another, I never really had anyone to share that with.” He loosened his grip slightly to pull you into his lap. You let your legs dangle on either side of his, feeling his erection stirring under you. “You have been the person I want to have all my firsts with; is that ok?” You leaned into his chest, placing a long hard kiss on his lips. “Yeah but we should get in some practice first.”
“How’d I do this time?”
“Over the top, as always!”
Tony glared at you pointing at Steve. “I don’t think your boyfriend would appreciate your snark y/n.”
“It’s half the reason I love her,” Steve smirked over the top of your head. He grabbed your ass; you chuckled as he moved his reach to settle on your hips. “You know she’s right of course; it’s still an awesome party though!” Tony rolled his eyes and walked away. 
The DJ put on a slow song. “May I have this dance?” You took Steve’s offered hand and let him pull you close. The song ended too quickly; the DJ announced the last 60 seconds of the year. “Steve, you ready for that New Year’s kiss?” You teased him with a smile. He kissed your cheek and whispered “Yes.”
“Fifteen! Fourteen! Thirteen!”
“I love you, y/n.”
“Eight! Seven! Six!”
“I love you, Steve.”
“One! Happy New Year!” Steve pulled you into a searing kiss while the rest of the crowd cheered and kissed around you. Your head felt light for just a moment; Steve looked smaller in your fuzzy vision.
“Y/n, make me even happier and marry me?” A beautiful solitaire came into focus and Steve’s mega-watt grin blinded you.
Tag list: @devilbat @jpat82 @lokiandbuckyaremine @woodworthti666 @lokilvrr @lokiandbuckylover @tarithenurse @thenormreedus @greenarrowhead @moonbeambucky @moondancewrites @thejemersoninferno @princess-evans-addict @halcyonrogers @caramell0w @patzammit
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