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Literal interpretations of the myths will not give an accurate understanding of the Gods. With historical context, we can understand how ancient people understood the Gods, and we can see what their relationship was with them.
That does not mean Zeus is a r*pist. The world is not truly Ymir's skull. These are not literal truths, and they should never be treated as such. They are valuable resources for understanding their influence in the world as experienced by those who came before us.
Deities will be like the gods of hurricanes and storms and shit and ppl will be flabbergasted that the god in question is aggressive in their myths like WHAT DO YOU THINK HURRICANES DO?!
Expecting Gods to be absolutely perfect is a thing from Christianity that a lot of ppl need to unlearn instead of insulting deities all the time for being wrong in a myth they read once
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Oh wow! This is amazing!!
Me with lord Apollon!
I love being a Hellenic pagan <3 (any hate will be blocked and deleted)
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"...while Apollon plays his lure stepping high and featly and radiance shines around him, the gleaming of his feet and close-woven vest."
-Homeric Hymn 3 to Pythian Apollo (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th to 4th B.C.)
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Also, the idea that the Gods' influence extends into modern things. Odin, attributed as creator of runes, I believe, is also associated with coding and binary. I think of Hephaestus when I'm working on a car or soldering circuits.
it boggles my mind when people seem to think the gods are like boomers and don't understand or interact with modern things
i had a spiritual experience while on the metro. i feel the gods' hand in the beautiful city that i live in. the gods are in our modern shops, restaurants, on the public transport. they are in our tvs, our laptops, our electric pianos and guitars, our drawing tablets.
they are everything and everywhere, they are always with us. why would that be different with technology or other modern things?
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Persephone 👸🍂💀🦇
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I don't know who needs to hear this but it's ok if you can't hear your deities talking, whether physically or mentally
It's ok if you don't dream with them
It's ok if you can't feel their presence
It's ok, darling!
They still love you. They love you very dearly, just as much as you love them!
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• Cleanliness for the Gods •
Today, I wanted to talk about cleanliness when it comes to serving/approaching our gods.
While naturally things have changed from the practices used in ancient Greece, remembering that the gods we approach are still to be revered and respected will often lead us to a very simple but overlooked concept; are my hands dirty?
Aa always, I am a singular source! Please remember to always do your own individual research and I will attempt to cite sources as I can for convenience!
The Act of Cleanliness
When it comes to recerence of the gods, the ancient Greeks heavily valued the act of cleanliness when it came to providing offerings.
Designated hunters and gatherers were set to collect the animals and bloodless offerings (plants, herbs, etc). Not only were the collectors purified and cleansed, but their utilized tools and the collected offerings as well. This gives us some insight into how important cleanliness was seen in the eyes of the gods. [Greek Religion; Walter Burkert / Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth; Walter Burkert]
It is with this viewing that we begin to understand the importance of cleanliness when approaching the gods, and can act accordingly.
A commonly known impurity in hellenic polytheism is miasma, although there are some common heavy misconceptions of what it is and how it is collected.
Mia- is a known word group that encompasses the words of impurity it encompasses, miasma being the most common. It can be difficult at times to discern because the mia- word group is diverse. Robert Parker in Miasma Pollution and Purification in Early Greek Religion described the following:
"the mia- word group is applied to a diverse range of things, and if one isolates within it a category that seems to have real unity, the same criteria that have been applied in order to constitute it demand that phenomena described by different words should also be included, An English example will illustrate this simple point: 'innocent' thoughts associate better with a 'pure' mind than does 'pure' alcohol, Not merely words are involved, of course, but forms of behaviour - avoidance, expulsion, ablution, and the like."
With this, we understand that the mia- words - in their most basic sense - encompass words of defilement and impurity. This can be a dirtiness collected through physical defilement (miasma) or ideals and integrity (miaino). It should be known that while the two can be separated simply, they themselves are more complex, whereas miasma can be considered filthier than miaino as it refers to more physical acts and miaino refers to the act of BECOMING miasmic. However, miaino can also refer to impurities that are not physical, such as lying and injustices. These terms depend on context, and their exact definitions are not something I personally can be definitive on. However, for the sake of this post, I'll forgo miaino and refer to miasma as 2 sects; mortal and moral.
Mortal miasma refers the pollution of human and mortal existence. It is collected on a daily basis and is not inherently filthy nor evil nor disgusting. But rather, it is a separating factor between us and the divinity of the deathless gods. It is collected simply by us existing as mortals (using the bathroom, sex, giving birth, dying, etc). While not inherently evil it is impurity in itself that requires cleansing.
That said, while this is the most commonly known form of acquiring miasma, there is actually very little mention of miasma in this context in ancient texts (to my research).
Moral miasma, however, is far more referenced (such as by Homer), and is far more structured in how it is acquired.
Moral miasma is collected through injustices and crimes, as they are seen as acts of violations against Zeus. Murder, rape, incest, etc. These are afronting acts of filth. While all forms of miasma makes us ritually impure, it it moral miasma that requires ritual purification to be cleansed and deemed fit to kneel again before the gods.
Cleansing the Miasmic
The phrase "cleanliness is close to godliness" heavily applies to cleaning ourselves for the gods. It is an act that brings us closer to Them, as the action of being clean brings us closer to their divinity. Unlike us, the gods do not become miasmic or impure, and our need to cleanse ourselves for them is another factor that separates us from Them.
Khernips is another aspect of cleanliness that tends to be debated. The consideration and common acceptance is that it is purified water (adjacent to holy water) for cleansing oneself. Commonly this is done through "purification by fire." Burning herbs, using matches, etc.
With khernips, we wash our hands and feet or our bodies to cleanse ourselves and stand properly before the gods.
Cleansing can also be asking simple as washing our hands or taking showers and baths. That said, these sorts of cleansinga only apply to mortal miasma, not moral.
Because moral miasma is a violation against Zeus and dirties our very being, it cannot simply be washed away. Moral miasma requires ritual purification, which is far more complex and takes far longer than simply cleaning yourself.
This can include fasting, isolation, and other concepts that do not typically overlap with a state of normalcy. It is only through ritualistic purification that someone can become clean again before the gods after being stained with moral miasma.
Overall, I believe simple cleansing should become a part of any hellenic polytheist's normal life. And in a sense, it is. The act of washing your hands, taking showers, even your typical skincare routine. These are acts of cleansing, and setting the intention of cleansing for the gods, especially when done before offerings and devotional acts, is quite beautiful ♡
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Praise to Lord Hypnos
Than the ones need rest my find confort in your realm

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"Thryheim it is called
Where Thjazi lived,
The mighty giant.
But now Skaði,
Pure bride of the gods,
Lives in her father's old house."
- The Lay of Grimnir. II, Prose Edda: Gylfaginning. (Trans. Jesse L. Byock)
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Nazis will never be welcome in paganism. They have no space in our communities, we will have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to nazis. You have no right to the cultures, gods and religions you hijack to spread your disgusting ideologies. You will find no refuge or comraderie amongst pagans.
Reblog to let nazis know they’re not welcome here.
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Apollon is there.
When the sixty-something man picks up an instrument, because he never got to learn in his youth and discovered a new passion. He thinks he is too old to learn, but something tells him it is never too late.
Apollon is there.
When the lonely kid at the back of the class doodles on their desk to calm themselves. Their creative world is all they have, and that is okay.
Apollon is there.
When the parents are yelling and fighting, and all their child can do is adjust their headphones and turn the volume higher, hoping to drown it out. It'll be over soon, just focus on the music.
Apollon is there.
When a student pours over the chapter they've been studying for the past week or so, trying to dissect every piece of it. When it finally clicks, and it feels like the world lights up as everything they've read makes sense.
Apollon is there.
In the laughter of the children on a warm summer's day. Their fingers are sticky with the ice cold juice they drank earlier, their shoes are long forgotten for the grass is cool enough. Their lives are ahead of them, but they don't need to worry.
Apollon is there.
In the rage of a father, a mentor, an older brother—on behalf of someone younger that was not able to defend themselves when needed. Something can be done. Something will be done.
Apollon is there.
In the ink of the poet, scribbling down every word furiously. Their mind is full, they must get it all on paper. Their words will not stop. When they close their eyes, all they see is light.
Apollon is there.
In the steady beeping of the monitor, as a patient—old, young, somewhere in between—fights for their life. He is there as they make it, and He is there as they don't.
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"Hypnos, quietest of the gods, Hypnos, peace of all the world, balm of the soul, who drives care away, who gives ease to weary limbs after the hard day's toil and strength renewed to meet the morrow's tasks, bid now thy Dreams, whose perfect mimicry matches the truth, in Ceyx's likeness formed appear in Trachis to Alcyone and feign the shipwreck and her dear love drowned. So Hera orders."
-Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. 585 ff (trans. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.)
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My Altar
It's a couple of years in the making, and I'm glad I finally have the space and freedom for it. It's come a long way!
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"O holy blessed father, hear my prayer, disperse the seeds of life-consuming care, with favoring mind the sacred rites attend, and grant to life a glorious blessed end."
-Orphic Hymn 73 to the Daemon (Zeus)
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“Then all the Powers went to the thrones of fate, the sacrosanct gods, and considered this: which people had troubled the air with treachery or given Od’s girl to the giant race.”
-The Poetic Edda, (trans Carolyne Larrington, 1996)
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"The land is sacred which I see lying
Near the Aesir and elves;
But in Thrudheim Thor shall remain,
Until the Powers are torn asunder."
- Grímnisnál 4, 1996 (trans. Carolyne Larrington)
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If you aren't familiar with these, they're called God's eyes, or Ojos de Dios. I first made them at a Hispanic heritage festival. Now, I find them to be excellent crafts for protection and prayer. Often, as I make a prayer to one of my Gods, I also make of these (i have a bunch now lol).
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