hookerpeach · 6 months
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hookerpeach · 6 months
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Artuš Scheiner
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hookerpeach · 1 year
He said 🫠
hayden man are you okay???
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hookerpeach · 1 year
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that LA ritual was crazy
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hookerpeach · 1 year
Shadow & Light Update
Hi! I am back. I had a lot of personal drama going on so I had to put this on the back burner. As of now things have calmed down so I can give this the attention it needs. :)
I will be rewriting the first few chapters because I noticed a LOT of mistakes and inconsistencies but I will leave the old chapters up.
I am also going to keep the title more consistent and not smoke weed before posting updates 🫠
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hookerpeach · 1 year
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Nameless Ghoul Mountain - Halloween 2023
{Halloween 2023 Series | More Artwork | Socials and Prints}
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hookerpeach · 2 years
Darkness & Light Update
Hi it’s me! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA I have a lot of mental health issues going on at the moment and both of my little ones are sick so I have had no time to write. I just didn’t want to leave anyone hanging 💜
Thank you so much to those of you who have given kudos/likes and comments! I originally started writing it as a form of therapy and I am blown away at how many of you have liked something I made. Thank you I will hopefully have something for you by next week. 💜💜
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hookerpeach · 2 years
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14 notes · View notes
hookerpeach · 2 years
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You keep a casket buried deep within You try to mask it but fall back in sin
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hookerpeach · 2 years
Chris Catalyst has a TikTok. Hide your edits now.
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hookerpeach · 2 years
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hookerpeach · 2 years
morning terzo skechin (im tired and sick and i need sleep) ;3;
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1K notes · View notes
hookerpeach · 2 years
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🎶Can't you see that you're lost?
Can't you see that you're lost without me?🎶🖤
274 notes · View notes
hookerpeach · 2 years
Your mountain fic is chefs kees hooker peesh
You anons are going to make this old lady cry 🥲
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hookerpeach · 2 years
What if instead of pumpkins, it was BUTTS
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A concept
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hookerpeach · 2 years
I just wanna say I’m really enjoying shadow & light, and can’t wait for more!!! 💚
Sweet anon thank you 💜
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hookerpeach · 2 years
Shadow & Light Part 3
Mountain GhoulXSister of Sin OC | Lots of words, Idk | Eventual smut
[Hi, Peachy here! I have some new followers, some of which I look up to (even though I am an old lady) so, like, if this is hot shit please tell me because it was the hardest chapter to write so far because of ~*t r a u m a *~ here is AO3 link if you'd rather read there: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44724052/chapters/112884583
Several months had gone by with Mountain visiting Leah in the garden almost every afternoon. She wondered if anyone had seen what the ghoul was doing or caught on to the weeds that had regrown every day, but most of the abbey was too busy with summer solstice preparations to pay attention to the courtyard.
“Can you grow anything other than weeds?” Leah asked Mountain playfully as she walked into the gardens after lunch. 
Once he heard her voice he jumped down, black tunic hanging loosely from his body and baggy trousers covered his long legs. The light was back in his eyes as he sauntered to Leah, leaves caught in his antlers, causing her to laugh. His tail whipped around behind his back and he strolled over to her, arms folded across his chest. 
“Come with me.” Mountain nodded to her, holding out his hand. 
Leah jumped at the sudden command, but took his hand anyway, her fingers gliding over his gray skin, feeling the callouses from his years of playing drums. He shuddered, but his fingers wrapped around Leah’s and he watched her for a moment.
“Do you trust me?” He asked. 
Leah blinked. “I- yes.” She said hesitantly.  
His hand gripped Leah’s and they were enveloped in a cloud of smoke and dust. 
She screamed and jumped into Mountain’s chest, gripping into his tunic with all her might, but by the time she opened her eyes they were in what Leah assumed to be the woods that surrounded the abbey. She looked up into Mountain's face and glowered. He responded with a wide grin. 
“You could have warned me.” Leah said as she let go of him and moved a more appropriate distance from the ghoul. 
“If I did you would have said “no”.” 
Leah opened her mouth to protest, but he was right. 
“Besides.” He shrugged. “It’s faster this way.” 
Leah looked around her in awe, in the small Glen he had brought her to there were thousands of different kinds of flowers in all the colors she could think of. She recognized some of them, daisies, roses and marigolds, but there were so many she had never seen or heard of before. 
“How far away from the abbey are we?” Leah asked. “It’s so quiet here.” 
“Only a few miles.” Mountain shrugged again. 
“Did you grow all of these?” She asked, turning back to where Mountain was getting comfortable in a sunny patch of grass. 
“Most of them, but some of them were here before me. I found it while taking a walk, shortly after I was summoned.”
She walked over to where a flower unlike any she had ever seen before came out of the ground and crouched down over it, admiring the beautiful deep purple color of all the little buds that sprang from the stalk almost like fireworks. “What is this one?” She asked almost breathlessly. 
Leah looked back to Mountain, who had laid down on the sunlit grass like he had the week before. His eyes were closed, but a small smile was still on his face. Despite him being a demon from hell, he looked almost… angelic laying there with the rays of sunlight on him. Leah leaned closer to him.
“What are you staring at, Parva Soror?” He was smirking now, his eyes still closed. 
A blush crept up Leah’s face and she looked away quickly. Her heart beat fast in her chest and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to expel the ghouls face from her mind. She huffed and turned back, finding Mountain propped up on his elbows, watching her with such intensity that her stomach dropped. 
“Why - why did you bring me here?” She breathed. His face was so close to hers she feared he could smell the unease radiating off her. 
“I wanted to be with you.” Mountain admitted. “Without anyone interrupting.” 
Leah’s heart threatened to jump out of her chest. “So you can-.” She didn’t finish the sentence before she was on her back, under the ghoul. 
His face was a mixture of rage and hurt and something else Leah didn’t know the name of. She pressed her head into the earth beneath her, feeling the hot breath of Mountain over her. 
“If I wanted anything from you -.” He paused, thinking. “Is it so hard -.” He stumbled, trying to find the right words and cursed in his native tongue before his blazing eyes were on hers again. “Is it so hard,” He finally said more calmly. “To believe that someone wants nothing more than your company?” 
Leah sobbed in answer, tears spilling from her eyes
Mountain seemed to break at the sound, his anger crumbling and nothing but concern filled his eyes. “Oh soror.” He whispered, loosening his grip on Leah’s shoulders. “I am so sorry.” He rested his forehead on hers. “I am so sorry.” 
Leah continued to sob, tears soaking her hair. Mountain sat up on his knees, wrapping his strong arms around her and pulling her into his lap. 
“Soror please.” He begged. “Don’t cry.” 
Leah only cried harder, all of the grief, rage and guilt came out of her in tears that spilled down her face. It wasn’t what he did, but what he had said. No one before the abbey had ever wanted Leah for anything other than what was between her legs. Even the man she had planned to marry had bragged about the fact that he would be the first to touch her. But Moutain, who may have been a demon from hell, who may have lusted after the prized blood that flowed in her veins, He legitimately just wanted to be with her. He brought her to this beautiful place and she assumed he had ulterior motives because of the way others had treated her. 
She wanted to tell him, and wanted to assure him that she didn’t think the worst of him, but all that came out of her mouth were broken sobs. 
“I’m here, nothing will hurt you while I am here.” He whispered, rocking her softly. 
By the time Leah was ready to face Mountain again, the summer solstice had come. 
The ghoul had held her through all the crying and whimpering she had done, as if it didn’t phase him, but Leah was embarrassed. Ashamed that the emotions she had kept hidden deep within her had spilled out and that she had allowed someone to see her in such a vulnerable state. She feigned sickness to hide in her room for a week, but she could only pretend to be sick for so long. 
She had told him everything through the incoherent sobs, not sure if he actually understood, but he held her to his chest, helping her work though the complicated feelings she had locked away for so long. 
“Do you trust me?” He had asked.
“I - yes.” She had lied, deep down, she still thought about their first encounter, about the feeling of that forked tongue on her finger, and about when he admitted that he could have drained her blood. She was disgusted with herself for lying and thinking the worst of her new friend, but found solace with the wine that was served at Solstice. 
Once she was on her third hefty goblet, Jas mentioned that she might want to slow down, but Leah ignored the warnings of Jas and the other siblings that expressed concern. 
‘Just one more, and then I can talk to him.’ Leah promised herself as she refilled the goblet for the fifth time that evening. 
Siblings and Ghouls alike danced by the bonfire, and even more gyrated on the lawn to the sound of music that blasted from the speakers and filled the abbey with beautiful songs. A woman’s voice sang through the crowd, breaking thought through the chatter and noise. 
“Lucifer,” The voice crooned. “My love.” 
Leah made her way through the throngs of siblings, ghouls and honored guests, spotting a familiar rack of antlers a few yards away. She weaved between the others until she stopped, mere feet between her, Mountain and several of his siblings. 
Mountain immediately stood from where he sat and walked directly to Leah. The eyes of his kin followed him to her, and they all craned their necks to see what had captured their brother’s attention. 
“Soror.” Mountain nodded to her. 
“I need to apologize to you.” She replied, a slight slur in her voice. Mountain’s back straightened, but she continued, softly. “Can you take me back to the-.” 
The ghoul that had interrupted them a few weeks ago, Swiss, swung a strong arm around Mountain’s shoulder. He grinned at Leah, smoke coming out of his nostrils and wiggled his thick eyebrows. 
“Ah.” Swiss’ orange eyes glowed, recognizing Leah. “Mountain’s beautiful distraction.” He passed the joint he carried to his brother, who took it without a word. 
“Come, decoris, the others want to meet you, too.” Swiss held out a clawed hand to Leah who looked between his hand and Mountain, who silently took a hit from the hand rolled cigarette and watched. 
Leah slowly took the hand that was offered to her, Swiss led her to where Mountain had been sitting, finding four other Ghouls waiting for her. Mountain followed close behind, though he was so quiet she wouldn’t have realized he was even there. 
They all had the same gray-ish skin tone like Mountain and Swiss but their eyes varied in color, except for the two feminine looking ghouls who shared the ram horns and same silver eyes. They all watched as the three of them approached, whatever conversation they had been in the middle of had stopped. 
“Mounty’s new playthi - OW!” Leah turned behind her to find swiss doubled over in pain. 
“Sister Leah.” Mountain corrected. 
She turned back to the group of Ghouls who looked either interested or unimpressed.
Mountain stepped forward next to Leah to gesture to each of the ghouls and ghulette’s. “Cirrus, Cumulus, Aether and Rain.” Each of them gave her a nod or a wave as their name was said. 
Cumulus was the first to speak; “Welcome, sister Leah.” She gestured to the spot next to her. “Please, come sit with us.”
Leah took a seat next to the ghoulette, Mountain sat next to Leah, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Swiss walked past Mountain, swiping the joint he had given him back and taking a seat next to Aether and Cirrus. There was an awkward pause for a moment, but the Ghoul with eyes so purple they were almost black, Aether, nodded to Leah.
“So, have you two…?”
“Aether.” Cumulus hissed, giving him a glare. The other siblings either rolled their eyes and sighed or covered their smiles with their clawed hands. 
Mountain’s arms tightened around Leah and she heard the almost silent growl that rumbled in his chest.
Leah felt the effects of all the wine she had downed that evening, her better judgment gone as she cocked her head to the side and slurred; “Not yet.” 
The group erupted into loud laughter, Swiss falling over, clutching his Sides. Aether’s face was dumbstruck for a moment before Rain elbowed him and said something Leah couldn’t understand. Mountain huffed a laugh and loosened his grip on her, lowering his arm to caress her back in soft circles. Leah smiled and leaned into the crook of his arm. 
The rest of the evening was spent much the same, the ghouls asking her innocent questions or filling her in on Mountain’s most embarrassing habits. 
One by one each of the siblings either left for trysts with nuns or other ghouls, leaving Mountain and Leah alone once again. 
Leah wasn’t sure how long she had sat next to him, feeling his fingers glide across her back but she knew she didn’t want him to stop. 
“What did you want me for earlier?” Mountain asked, resting his head on Leah’s. His other arm grazed her shoulder, but slowly slid down to her hand as she tried to remember. Their fingers wove together. 
“I wanted to apologize.” She said, turning to face him, their noses almost touching. “For the other day, in the woods.” 
He shook his head, letting his nose rub hers softly. “You have nothing to apologize for.” Mountain’s voice was a soft whisper. 
“I do, I made you think-.” Her voice wobbled. “And I don’t want you to think that, that I think you’re a monster, because you're not.” The words spilled from her lips. “You’re my friend.” 
“How much wine have you had, parvulus?” He chuckled, green eyes hazy.
“It’s not the wine, you are my friend.” 
“You let your friends hold you like this?” Mountain asked, Giving Leah’s shoulders a gentle squeeze. “I wish we had become friends sooner.” 
“I think you just feel good.” She whispered, her eyes meeting his. 
Mountain seemed to go stiff before he leaned his face to the side, his lips only a millimeter away from hers. “Leah.” He breathed. “Can I kiss you?” 
Sobriety washed over Leah and her eyes widened. Her mind seemed to stop working and her palms started to sweat. She had forgotten how to speak until the ghoul began to pull away, worry plain on his features before she finally answered him. 
“Please.” She nodded. 
Mountain let go of her hand, cupping Leah’s face and guiding her to him until their lips finally met. 
Leah had been kissed before, though she didn’t want it. The Preacher’s son at her previous church had cornered her, backed her into a wall and forced himself upon her. He had roughly pawed at her breasts and neck, forcing his knee between her thighs. 
Kissing Mountain was different. He was featherlight against her, as if he was still asking permission. Leah pulled him by the black button down he wore into her, wanting to feel more of him. He drew in a sharp breath before pressing his full, gray lips more firmly against hers. His lips opened slightly, allowing his forked tongue to graze over Leah’s lips. She sighed into him, allowing him into her mouth. Mountain’s hands pressed her lower back so she was flush against him. 
And before she knew it, it was over. He pulled away too fast, panting. 
“I’m sorry-.” She squeaked. “I’m not - I don’t have much experience with -.” 
A clawed finger pressed to her lips quieting her. “I don’t want to do this when you’re drunk.” Mountain explained. “Well, I do.” He admitted with a smile, raising an eyebrow. “But I would feel better about it if we were both sober.” 
Leah thought for a moment and nodded. 
“Come, Soror.” Mountain stood, holding out his arm for her to take. “Let me walk you back to your room.” 
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