I don't have enough for rent this month and my school just told me I owe them another $3k, if anyone would be able to help me out I'd really really appreciate it, and reblogging helps too!
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woah, old relic
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am a trans femboy, do worship disco, 9/10 not enough phrog
i made another horrible quiz, come get assigned a niche lgbtq aesthetic such as “strapping young transmasc farmhand” or “morose bisexual sailor”
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this but that one frog hoodie
you know the exact one i’m talking about
Instagram ad: here’s a cute sweater with dinos on it :)
Me: I don’t need that??
Instagram ad: But it’s cute af tho
Me, buying it: I mean you got a point
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Did the maths, was conceived around my dad/sibling’s birthday (different people, birthdays are very close)
So either it was a birthday thing or they were very excited that my sibling made it to three?
imagine being named April or January or whatever & being confused bc that’s not when your birthday is and your parents say “oh we just liked the name it has nothing to do with your birth” but then you realize you were born 9 months after the month u are named for
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To figure out my gender you must figure out these riddles three!
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Melanated Female Inventors. Ten inventions that happened because of Black Women.
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can’t argue with the hard evidence
"i am gay and love men. i am saying this in canon right now." - aizawa shouta
oh yeah i have the screenshot of this
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Beautiful, now only if i could afford to spend that much on jeans when i know i only wear leggings 6/7 days a week
What’s your OTP (One True Pairing)?
Make a match today. You’re in charge of this love story. 
Shop Old Navy Now
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I’m urgently asking for help. Due to the whole coronavirus / quarantine situation my days and working hours have been shortened. I am only working two days a week and have searched and searched for another job but there just isn’t any. I am a Venezuelan girl living alone in Peru, all my current salary has been food for me and my family in Venezuela.
I have to pay my rent, and I’m already running out of food and cooking gas. please share this post and if you can help, please do so. I’m really desperate. tumblr closed my old account where my fundraiser had started, please don’t report this post, I can show you proof if you need it. used to be @mafgogh
My PayP*l is: PayPal.me/mafgogh
Please boost.
Please, please, I beg of you to help me.
・ ゚ *: ・
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Pinning this on my blog, so many people forget this and say this shit as a joke. It’s not funny
You’re not in a coma, what you’re experiencing right now isn’t a coma. No one is trying to wake you up, you’re awake and safe and here right now
You’re not dead, what you’re experiencing right now isn’t the afterlife or hell. You haven’t died, you’re still very much alive, everyone around you is alive, you’re safe and alive on earth right now
You’re not fake, what you’re experiencing right now isn’t a simulation. You’re flesh and blood and so is everyone around you, you’re safe and real and so are they
You aren’t being watched, no one is looking for you and no one can spy on you. You’re safe, no one is spying on you, there aren’t any hidden cameras
You aren’t going to be killed, there is no one trying to kill you or break into your house. You’re safe, everyone is safe, no one is going to hurt you
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does anyone have the link to the ash x pikachu blog who’s owner accidentally killed their grandpa, and set up a queue for when they went to prison?
this isnt a shitpost, i genuinely want to see it again.
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Wow! I love this post! Thank you for sharing, it’s so relatable :))
Y'all just hit reblog when you see "gay" and "bread"
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My gender is
Touch Starved
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If I may be so bold, you look like you're great at cuddling
aight see this here is that doodoo booboo nonsense. 
yes, i am fat. no, i do not want you to touch me. so stop it with the “good at cuddling” or “huggable” or “pillowy” or whatever kinda creepy touchy baloney “compliments” you wanna give. 
i’m a person, not a fucking mattress, learn some dang boundaries.
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Um, It Makes Total Sense We’re All Into Sea Shanties Now
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