i-simp-to-much · 11 days
Reblogging bc I myself will probably need it, which means someone else might too.
becoming an adult cheat sheet!
learn to coupon
what to do when you can’t afford therapy
cleaning your bathroom
what to do when you can’t pay your bills
stress management
quick fix meals
find out if you’re paying too much for your cell phone bill
resume workshop
organize your closet
how to take care of yourself when you’re sick
what you should bring to a doctor’s appointment
what’s a mortgage?
how to pick a health insurance plan
hotlines list
your first gynecology appointment
what to do if the cops pull you over
things to have in your car in case of emergency
my moving out masterpost
how to make friends as an adult (video)
how to do taxes (video)
recommended reads for surviving adulthood (video)
change a flat tire (video)
how to do laundry (video)
opening a bank account (video)
laundry cheat sheet
recipes masterpost
tricks to help you sleep more
what the fuck should you make for dinner?
where should you go for drinks?
alcohol: know your limits
easy makeup tips
find seat maps for your flight
self-defense tips
prevent hangovers
workout masterpost
how to write a check
career builder
browse careers
birth control information
financial management software & app (free)
my mental health masterpost
my college applications masterpost
how to jumpstart a car
sex ed masterpost
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i-simp-to-much · 11 days
We need to go back to using sailing ships full time like immediately. Yes it would take longer to get places but the Aesthetic is unmatched
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Like there is nothing sexier hthan this
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i-simp-to-much · 11 days
Honestly occasional posts is pretty accurate for me…
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occasional posts from users
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i-simp-to-much · 23 days
Every king eventually brings out their own money. The Pendragon crest is naturally on one side, but the King's face normally goes on the other.
And Arthur does that, or intends to. But when he talks to the guy who is meant to get his profile, Arthur can't help but ask what kind of other symbols he could use. At first, he asks if he could put other people on it, then he figures that it would probably be too controversial if he put a face on the coin that isn't his own.
Then he asks if it could be a bird, like his mother's sigil. Originally, he wants to honor her, but then Merlin walks in to gather his clothes and it suddenly strikes him that Merlin has done so much for him, and never gotten any reward.
And Arthur doesn't mean his servant work, Merlin is rubbish at that. But what about his council? His advice? The fact that Merlin always speaks his mind, yet always has Arthur's and Camelot's best interest at heart. The fact that Merlin always goes out of his way to fight alongside Arthur, despite not being a knight.
In an emotional outburst, (after Merlin left again) Arthur orders the coin guy to make the other side of his coin a Merlin.
Right after that, he realizes what he's done and drowns his embarrassment in wine.
A couple weeks later, the money is created and put out into the kingdom. And everyone immediately connects the dots. The symbol is only on the golden one.
The day Merlin finds out is a normal day at first. Only that everyone is staring holes into his head and whispers about him. Merlin has been send to get Arthur's new shirts and hands the tailor a golden coin. He hands it to him, then stops and stares at the crest.
Merlin: Arthur???? What the fuck is this?
Arthur: *sweats* your salary?
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i-simp-to-much · 23 days
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i-simp-to-much · 23 days
I honestly need to continue reading the books bc they are so fun!!
The best part of the percy jackson books is that from percy's perspective hes just an easygoing funny cool guy who seems pretty harmless but the moment you see him from someone elses pov hes terrifying. Just a crazy good fighter, a force of nature killing machine, literally gets mistaken for a god in disguise. But he doesnt see that side of himself at all because hes too busy arguing with authority figures and respecting women. I love him
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i-simp-to-much · 23 days
Found this
I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. A guy asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight
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i-simp-to-much · 23 days
Some more upbeat stuff!!! I love these shrimpp, their DANCIN'. THEIR AN ADORABLE BAND OF DANCIN' SHRIMPP<3
Have a good timezone!!
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i-simp-to-much · 24 days
Cornald Maas: Fuck de EBU
Here is the video of Dutch commentator Cornald Maas saying "Fuck the ebu" on (live?) television, if anyone wants to watch it.
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i-simp-to-much · 24 days
Eurovision 2024 be like
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i-simp-to-much · 24 days
Netherlands refusing appear at all and forcing that Eurovision boss Martin guy to get booed by 9000 people is so fun and sexy
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i-simp-to-much · 24 days
Me, personally, as a dutch person, FUCK EBU!!! Joost did no actual harm, the reporters constantly harassing him outside his changing room even when he tells them to back off however did.
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i-simp-to-much · 7 months
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when your grammar accidentally transfers
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i-simp-to-much · 7 months
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i-simp-to-much · 8 months
wait people sleep with their doors closed????
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i-simp-to-much · 8 months
THIS IS AMAZING!!! Honestly, I love the dedication!
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i-simp-to-much · 9 months
This is so true, though I have seen snow last year but just a little bit and just one (1) day. I remember there being a lot of snow and natural ice in my childhood. We still have pictures of my brother pulling me on a sled as he was skating on the ice on the pond behind our grandparents house and there were a ton of other kids there. What the actual frick has happened to our weather
Climate denialism in the netherlands is so fucking funny like. Bro the floods. They’re coming
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