iamther0t · 11 days
Hey, guys!
So, im switching main blogs. My new main will be @batterypoweredpiano !!
I’ll post my works to Wattpad and possibly ao3 (both accounts linked in pinned post) some old works will maybe be posted to my new main too!
Be excited for new projects coming soon! Cya on the new main!
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iamther0t · 1 month
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Don't you love being a bit cringe?
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iamther0t · 1 month
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Tim and masky :D
We love Tim here, poor man needs therapy 🙏
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iamther0t · 1 month
Everything Is Fine -- [ Marble Hornets Oneshot ]
Basically, a bit of the aftermath from after entry 87, from Tims pov! its very short T_T
Word Count: 530
Warnings: Pills, sort of vague gore, mentions of murder
Genre: Angst
POV: Tim Wright
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Dealing with the aftermath of…everything had become quite the challenge for Tim.
He had a vague idea of how to deal with some of it; drowning himself in pills and trying to remind himself it’s over now were two things he’d grown comfortable doing.
Sometimes, they worked to help him, even if it’s just a little bit, but other times they just aren’t enough.
He’d resorted back to bad habits some nights where nothing else helped. But even that just numbed him, if anything.
He hadn’t had another night where he woke up in an unspecified location with a mask strapped to his face in a few months. Sure, it was great that it hadn’t happened in so long, but the on-edge feeling of not knowing when, or if it was gonna happen again was like a ticking time bomb; or a disaster waiting to happen.
Despite the constant worrying and anxiety, things felt normal for Tim.
Too normal.
It felt like every night he was curled up in the corner of his room, clutching whatever weapon was closest to him and just waiting for that thing to come back, things got both increasingly less, yet more normal.
His new doctor tried reassuring him that so long as he kept taking his medication, it wouldn’t come back. It wouldn’t just show up out of the blue.
While that helped with the paranoia of The Operator coming back, he didn’t have anyone to reassure him that Alex Kralie was truly dead.
Not Jay.
Not Brian.
Not Jessica.
Not even himself.
When he said that phrase over and over, Alex is dead. He’s not coming back, he felt it starting to work.
And when he started calming down, and feeling just the slightest bit safer in his apartment, he felt the blood on his hands.
His knuckles turning white from his grip on the tiny pocket knife as he plunged it deep into Alex’s chest.
Alex’s corpse laying there unconscious.
Passing out on the stairs.
That’s why he moved.
A fresh start, where he wouldn’t be swarmed with old memories and people that he wished he’d never met, for his sake and theirs.
Where, maybe, everything could be normal.
Tim had got his wish.
Everything was normal.
But he was still the same.
A new town wouldn’t erase his past and what he did.
He knows Alex deserved it. He knows it was his only choice. He knew the moment he saw Jay bleeding out on the floor, a bullet wound pierced through him.
Alex was dangerous, and so was The Operator.
Tim just wished he wasn’t the one to have finished the job.
These thoughts haunted him at night, and even at day, too. An increased heart rate, sweaty palms, hyperventilating as he tried to get out, get out, get out–
He’d grown to know the feeling all too well.
So, as he kept a normal routine, living in his apartment in a normal town while he worked a normal job and was surrounded by normal people, he had technically gotten what he wanted.
He wanted normal.
He wanted everything to be fine.
And, it was.
It is.
Everything is fine.
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iamther0t · 1 month
୨⎯ what I do/don't write, etc ⎯୧
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୧ ‧₊˚ I will write:
Legal ships
Non-ship oneshots/drabbles
PLATONIC Parental/Older sibling dynamic between (insert character) and Y/N/OC
Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Reader of any gender
(Insert character) x Reader/Y/N
(Insert character) x OC (please provide lots of details about the OC tho!)
୧ ‧₊˚ I won't write:
Illegal ships/Proships/Darkships/Otherwise "weird" ships
Huge age gap ships
If there's anything you have questions about (regarding what I will/won't write) send in an ask or dm :)
⋆·˚ ༘ * Fandoms I write for:
Marble Hornets
Spooky Month
Once Upon a Time
Detroit: Become Human
Five Nights at Freddy's
Stranger Things
(There may be more that I'll add eventually, but for now, these are the main ones!)
(PLEASE NOTE: I am a minor, please do not send in NSFW requests. I may upload oneshots/drabbles that I write on here to other sites like AO3 and/or Wattpad. If you would like me to upload it to Tumblr only, please specify in your request!)
I'll add a master list soon!
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iamther0t · 7 months
but do i wanna be with them or be them
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iamther0t · 8 months
Wednesday, January 17.
No time to waste
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iamther0t · 9 months
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Say hello to my new Spooky Month OC, Herman *insert last name here bc I can't think of anythinf*!
This is just a little doodle I did of him! Again it's messy bc I currently am having to draw w/ my fingers on my phone and I have shaky hands!
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iamther0t · 9 months
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(Gif isn't mine)
Nightmares (Bernard The Elf x Fem!Reader)
Request from @zero-spacee ♥︎
(sorry if it's not the best, I'm a beginner writer and am still learning! i ended up getting this one out quicker than I anticipated ^^)
Word Count: 900+
Y/N L/N; Santa's daughter, the only human besides her father to live in the North Pole.
She couldn't say it wasn't odd, being surrounded by elves for all her life. It was most certainly not bad, per se, just a little strange, her and Santa being the only of her kind.
It wasnt particularly lonely-- She made friends with plenty of the elves, as they got along with her and enjoyed her company.
But, there was one that had caught her eye in particular; Bernard, the head elf. They started off acquaintances, Bernard asking Y/N to help out with simple little tasks every now and then, and she'd oblige.
One special Christmas, when the two were left alone, a strange mistletoe had appeared above their heads.
After that, they'd gotten closer and closer, falling in love each passing second they spent in each other's presence.
When they'd earned the title of dating, all the elves were overjoyed to hear.
Well, except for Curtis.
"Goodbye, Santa!" A group of elves called out in unison as Santa waved goodbye, the sleigh floating upward into an abyss that lead him to the real world. A large, velvet bag that carried gifts rested beside him, snugly tucked out of vision and nuzzled against his calf.
Once he left, all the elves talked amongst themselves for a little while, the jolly spirit of Christmas lingering in the air, even when the main source was gone.
Y/N smiled, glad that everything had been going smoothly so far. She'd worried about the holiday season, moreso about her dad and boyfriend overworking themselves.
She searched amongst the bustling crowd for Bernard, though he was nowhere to be found. Her heart ached; all she wanted to do was curl up in her sweet elf's arms, the crackling fire filling the soundless room.
But it seems that wouldn't be happening as of currently.
With a defeated sigh, she yawned, suddenly realizing how tired she was.
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Y/N crawled into her bed, the fuzzy green and red blankets tangled into a mess. They smelled sweet, like peppermint, while the pillows smelled--and tasted-- like marshmallows. She laid her head down, eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment. Tomorrow was Christmas, the best day of the year; what could go wrong?
Y/N shot up, chest heaving up and down with each swift breath that escaped her lips. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead, her shirt sticking to her chest. Her heartbeat elevated as distinct, vague memories of a gut-wrenching dream flooded her mind. The room was spinning and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears. It felt as if the unwanted knowledge of living throughout such a nightmare was overflowing, pouring out her mouth into a hopeless mess.
Y/N was used to having nightmares, as she used to have them all the time--nights similar to these stacking into a pile of horror, and though she was all too farmiliar with the situation, it still felt worse and worse each time.
But, no night terror she'd mustered through could compare to the one she'd awoken from just now.
Bernard had fallen off a cliff, inevitably dying.
*Her* Bernard had died.
In a panicked mess, she jumped out of bed; blankets that were wrapped around her legs securely had fallen to the floor. Tears pricked at her eyes, threatening to fall.
Running out of her room, she called for Bernard with fear laced in her voice. She'd checked the bakery; nothing.
The room filled with hot chocolate and marshmallow cluttered cabinets; nothing.
Y/N choked on a quiet sob. She sniffled, for she'd checked everywhere.
Everywhere except...
She raced to the stalls, her H/C hair breezing behind her as she ran.
She halted to a stop, noticing Bernard and Curtis.
Bernard's head perked up upon hearing footsteps enter the room. Noticing it was Y/N, he smiled for a moment, until he saw the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Y/N!-" He rushed to her, and she didn't hesitate to jump into his arms. He enveloped her in a warm hug, and the farmiliar smell of peppermint that often lingered on him comforted Y/N.
"Hey, hey, sweetheart, what's wrong? What happened?" He cupped Y/N's cheek with his hand, one arm still wrapped around her waist. Curtis peeked over Bernard's shoulder curiously, to which he shooed him off.
"I- h-had another nightmare...where y-" She choked on a sob. Bernard pressed a soft kiss to her temple, pulling her back into a warm hug. "Shh..you're alright, Y/N/N.."
He let her stain his clothes with tears; normally, he'd mind if it were with anyone else, but he'd always had a soft spot for Y/N.
"I'm not going anywhere, doll," He carded his fingers through Y/N's Y/H/L hair as she leaned her head on his chest.
"I l-love you.." She stifled words in between quiet sobs.
"I love you too.." He planted another kiss to her forehead. "Hey, what do you say we head back to my room with some hot coco?" The couple stood there in each other's arms comfortably, thankfully alone since Curtis had left the room, most likely going to check up on the workshop.
Y/N nodded, gazing up at Bernard. He wiped her tears, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Alright, honey.." He picked her up bridal style, somewhat catching her off guard, but once it had settled in what he was doing, she obliged happily.
(The End :D)
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iamther0t · 10 months
but do i wanna be with them or be them
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