imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine laying in bed all day with Sam.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
Alrighty, guys. So I put the finishing touches up on the new theme, and I’m curious what you guys think. Is it easy to navigate? Do you guys like it? Tell me all.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
Hi! This isn't really a request but I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog and all of your work is seriously amazing!
Thank you! I love you and I think you’re amazing!!!!! :) 
Totally made my day, you did :)
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Characters: Edward, Aro Words: 1,065 Based on this imagine from @imaginextwilight.
Imagine that during Edward’s rogue years, he fell into Aro’s hands.
A/N: Mentions of a dead body. Some dark elements.
The body in Edward’s hands provided more substance than anything Edward had had in his first ten years of life. The sweet blood was a nectar for the gods, for the same creatures Edward was, and the nectar was to be harvest when they became just ripe enough.
But Edward never preyed on the innocent. No, their blood didn’t taste as sweet, anyway. But the thoughts of an innocent person as they were dying stayed with him longer than a guilty man. Thoughts of heaven and hell, of what they had done to deserve this pain and torment.
But the guilty...
The guilty always had thoughts of their victims, of their thefts and wrongdoings. 
If Edward had the body of a God, why could he not act as one? Why had Carlisle forbidden the purging of humans that were not meant to roam this earth? 
Edward stiffened as he heard someone approaching, and dropped the body. It fell limply, the mind numb and the heart lifeless. Dead. The thoughts caught him next. 
Carlisle’s prodigal son... 
“I mean you no harm,” the voice that matched the thoughts spoke. Edward glanced towards the sound, to the front of the alleyway. He was dressed in long robes that did not match what any man wore in the 1930s. Black with a crimson trim that was the same shade as the blood on Edward’s own chin. 
The man’s eyes matched. A vampire. Wary, Edward straightened until he was at his full height, and his tongue lipped the excess blood from his lips. 
“What do you want?” Edward said with no room for curtesy. 
Not as polite as Carlisle, but I suppose that’s not entirely a learned trait for a poor boy. It was the second time he had mentioned Carlisle. 
“You know Carlisle?”
The man grinned. “Oh, yes, for many centuries.” He didn’t look old, but then again no one did. “So it’s true. You can read my thoughts?” Interesting. He does not even require physical contact.
“Why would I need physical contact?” Edward inquired.
“It’s how my gift works, you see,” the man admitted. “I am just like you. I read people’s minds, but only through touch.” Edward felt a wave of envy course through him. If he could make the constant chatter in his head stop, he could blend into the city well. He would be able to hunt more easily, and focus on his victims. “But you must forgive me. I have not even introduced myself.” The man took a step closer, making Edward take a step back, over the dead human’s legs. “My name is Aro, the King of the Volturi.”
“King,” Edward repeated slowly. His eyes narrowed. “We have kings?”
“It’s a shame Carlisle didn’t mention me to you, before you decided to go... rogue.” Aro grinned, but it was not kind. “Yes, our kind have three kings, and laws.” Aro’s head tilted as he glanced to the body at Edward’s feet. “Many laws.”
“So why are you here?”
Aro sucked in an unnecessary breath, turning slightly from Edward as he inspected the alley. A simple one in the Bronx, with two doors to a bar on either side, and a dumpster in the back Edward intended to place the body. “I’ve known Carlisle for many years, heard of his diet never faltering, even when he spent some time with me in Italy.” Italy. He was a far ways from home. Edward eyed him suspiciously, the man’s thoughts purposely jumbled and hard for Edward to decipher. A trick only a fellow mind-reader would know. “When we heard that his son, a companion changed not even fifteen years ago, had left in pursuit of a human diet... you can imagine our surprise. Did his philosophy not appeal to you?”
“I don’t understand why you’re here.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” Aro returned. “Nor have you given me your name. That’s quite rude.”
“Edward,” the near-newborn responded stiffly. “We aren’t human, we suffered for three days, and we woke up to this. So why should I care what I eat, when I’m helping people. When I’m getting rid of scum that only kill or hurt others?”
Aro considered it. “I don’t disagree. In fact, it’s the same logic I’ve been trying to press on Carlisle for three centuries.” He locked eyes with Edward. “But there is the matter of our laws. And our most important of laws is to protect our secret. When you go...” Aro waved his hand towards the corpse, “killing everyone you think deserves it, it sparks people’s imagination. A vigilante. A super-hero, as those childish comics say. It’s sloppy, and it brings unwanted attention to our kind. Threatening to expose us, our secret...” 
“So you’ve come to punish me?” Edward returned sharply, his eyes narrowing as he tried to figure out how much strength this vampire had. Edward was faster, always was faster than anyone, and so he could keep running for as long as he needed. But this vampire had power that Edward didn’t have. Influence.
“Punish you?” Aro laughed, high and wrong. “My dear boy, no. I’ve come to offer you a place to belong.” He took a step towards Edward, but Edward didn’t step back. Holding out a hand, he waited for Edward to take it. “That is, if you’ll work for me. I think there’s much we can learn from each other.”
Edward hesitated, glancing down at the hand. The man’s thoughts were difficult to decipher. But he caught a few words. Could be powerful.... would prove himself with training ... make us even more formidable... “What’s in it for me?”
“I won’t lecture you on your diet,” Aro smirked. “And you won’t lecture me on mine.” 
It already sounded better than Carlisle’s offer. Carlisle was a good man, but impractical in his lifestyle. Edward didn’t accept Aro’s hand. “I’ll see what it’s like, and then decide.”
Aro’s grin was triumphant. “Good. It would be foolish to agree to something blindly. I’m glad you’re not a fool, Edward.” Aro placed his hand once more at his side. “Come, the others are waiting. And there is so much to arrange. Demetri will take care of the body. Don’t worry about that messiness. You won’t have to worry about it any longer.” Edward followed, leaving the body behind. Already, he was being treated like royalty.
He could get used to this. 
Written by Admin Ana.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine that during Edward’s rogue years, he fell into Aro’s hands.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
New Things To Come...
It's been a while since we've been active here. And I sincerely apologize for that. Between finals, traveling, etc, I haven't been on this blog as I had hoped. BUT that's changing. I am devising a new system for this blog to make it better and more functional than before. The blog as it is will stay the same, but we'll be improving it. 
 The first of these improvements is that all imagine requests now will be written by our admins and posted as well. This is both as a thank you for everyone that has become apart of making this blog grow, and also because we want the imagine to be written for your reading pleasure, in case no one else writes it! 
 The second is that instead of daily imagines, we'll be doing three a week. And then there will be three one-shots or Drabble requests a week as well (to correspond to those imagines). This is to make sure there's always content available and queued in advance. 
 Thirdly, if we receive a lot of requests, or get ahead of schedule and have a lot of written things in the queue (including requested sequels for one shots and submissions from you guys), there will be more posts a week. 
 Lastly, due to the fact that they take a lot of time, we will no longer be doing aesthetic boards (like that one time). We're rather focus on imagines and the writing aspect of the blog to maximize both our time and yours. We hope you understand, and like these changes! Remember that requests are always open and the new posting schedule will begin tomorrow :)
 Much love! ❤️ ImaginexTwilight
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine catching Jake talking to your baby belly while you’re sleeping.
Submitted by Anon.
424 notes · View notes
imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine Liam and Siobhan saving you from an attacker.
Submitted by Anon.
129 notes · View notes
imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine being caught by surprise when Jared proposes.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine running through the woods when giant wolves cross your path.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine hooking the Cullens up with Snapchat and sending them ridiculous things, but they love how human you are.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
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Imagine watching horror movies with Jasper and him helping you go to sleep when you have nightmares.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 8 years
NomadicSteps → ImaginexTwilight
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imaginextwilight · 9 years
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Imagine being the one Leah goes to when she imprints, ranting about how awful her imprint is.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 9 years
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Imagine staring the Volturi down after months of Demetri tracking you.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 9 years
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Imagine phasing for the first time.
Submitted by Anon.
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imaginextwilight · 9 years
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Imagine convincing Carlisle to adopt a stray cat you found.
Submitted by Anon.
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