imjustkindafloating · 3 years
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charlie uwu
NO CHEATING: You’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?
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Oh boy
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 6
Summary: Lightning is supposedly dancing through Arteska. Virgil gets comforted by Logan, in more ways than one.
Pairings: Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical, Established Royality
Word Count: 827
Warnings: Cursing, kissing,
Notes: this ones a bit shorter. pls understand i am trying lmao
Taglist: @shitpost-sides @gothybubby @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff @justthatamount @judyismydog @star-crossed-shipper @high-ashell-hargrove @arodynamic-enby
Panic flashed through Virgil as he reached out for Logan. Electrical storm? The fuck was that?
"--gil. Virgil? Are you listening to me? I need you to breathe with me." Logan said clearly and put Virgil's head to his chest. Virgil could hear his heartbeat pitter-patter against his ribcage. Virgil wrapped his arms around Logan's waist and leaned into him.
"Are you able to hear me? Can you focus on me, Virgil?" Logan mumbled against the top of Virgil's head, where he set his own.
"Wus happenin'?" Virgil slurred together. His panic attack had worn him out.
"It's just a mere storm, I promise it will pass. People are usually unaffected by it but air pressure changes and it can sometimes crack the windows. You're not trapped here, I promise." Logan said as he started to sway Virgil, hoping to bring comfort. Virgil nodded seemingly unafraid now.
They stayed like that for a while. Swaying with each other, until Virgil stood on his tiptoes to hide in the crook of Logan's neck, mumbling; "M'tired."
"Then I'll leave you be--"
"Stay, please." He paused and then his eyes went wide as he stumbled backward slightly. "Not- not in that way I swear but I don't like the- the storm and I'd feel better if you stayed-- you don't have to, we have this weird thing going on and I know I might be pushing it--" Virgil said in quick succession, while Logan stood there with his hands on his hips in the middle of the darkroom.
Logan interrupted Virgil with a "Let me go retrieve my sleepwear. You can walk with me if you feel unsafe." Virgil opted to go with.
Sitting in the same bed as Logan would've been awkward. It should be, at least. Logan was sitting on the end of his bed, not unlike the first time they met, while Virgil was leaned against the headboard. Logan was talking in-depth about the stars while Virgil watched on. A warm feeling settled in his stomach and he smiled. A soft glow edged around his eyes and Virgil had yet to notice that his face was glowing. More specifically, the freckles littering his face glowed dimly as he listened to Logan go on and on about the stars. Logan, though, had noticed. You see, when an Arteskian is in love or in an intimate moment, they may or may not have the gene to glow, perse. Logan already knew this and decided, in a moment of true brilliance or stupidity, to say;
"Can I kiss you?" He said, interrupting his own rant. Virgil's eyes widened as he took in the information and it only took a moment before Virgil grabbed the collar of Logan's shirt and yanked.
Their lips crashed together in an explosion of a million galaxies, Virgil even tried to pull Logan impossibly closer. Logan had his hands on Virgils hips while Virgil had his hands in Logan's hair. Virgil kept pulling on it whenever Logan moved as if he'd pull away. Each time made Logan chuckle against the other's lips. A little whine escaped Virgil's lips when Logan pulled away. Both of their eyes were lidded and unfocused. Logan blinked a few times as Virgil gently yanked on his hair and whined.
"Logan," he said, drawing out the 'o'. Logan laughed once again. At this point, Virgil was in Logan's lap. Virgil, realizing it was the end of their first kiss, decided to set his head in the crook of Logan's neck.
"What made you ask that?" Virgil mumbled into his neck.
"Your face started to glow." Logan said with a laugh, nuzzling his face into Virgil's hair.
"Oh." He moved away from Logan's neck to yawn. Logan smiled.
"Are you tired?"
"Mmm. Yes, but I don't want this to end yet."
"I'll be here as long as you want me here." Logan said, smiling as he laid himself and Virgil on the bed.
"Ehhhh - mmm, nooooo, Logan."
"Virgil, I'll be here in the morning."
Virgil glared at him as Logan looked down at him from his position on the bed.
"Do you promise..?"
"Of course. I promise."
With that, they both made themselves comfortable under the sheets, and with Logan being the big spoon and Virgil the smaller, they drifted to sleep.
Logan was the first to awaken. He woke Virgil with a kiss on the forehead. When Virgils face scrunched up, Logan planted another on his cheek. Virgil, now half awake, started to giggle.
"Logan-" He said in between giggles. "Stop!" He whined though he didn't really mean it. Virgil smiled as Logan pulled away, possibly due to the fact that he said to stop.
"Good morning, Virgil."
"Mornin', Lo." Virgil said tiredly.
And with that, they got ready for the day, much to both of their reluctance. They both agreed they would rather stay in bed with each other, lazily.
They had a big day ahead of them, as per usual.
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
can I be added to the taglist mayhaps (i see you have alot, and if not thats okay too) I LOVE UR STORY!!! <3<3<3
I Just Keep Losing My Beat - Chapter 26
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4  - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14  - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17  - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19  - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21 - Chapter 22 - Chapter 23 - Chapter 24 - Chapter 25 -
wow hey look new content just dropped guys isn’t that pog.
Relationships: Platonic Creativitwins. Eventual Intrulogical. Do NOT tag as r*mr*m if u value ur molars.
Characters: Remus Sanders; Roman Sanders; kid!Deceit (called William) Sanders; kid!Virgil Sanders; OCs; Logan Sanders; kid!Patton Sanders; teen!Sleep/Remy (nb!Remy), Emile Picani.
Genre: Human AU, Single Dad AU, Slowburn, hurt/comfort, both angst & fluff
Chapter’s Wordcount: 1484 words [under the cut]
Chapter Warnings: Bullying (schoolyard type), a touch of swearing, let me know if i need to add.
Chapter 26/?
Chapter 26 hee hee
Remus spent an embarrassingly long amount of time every day just… thinking about Logan. Sometimes he’d be caught daydreaming, usually by Scarlett, who after the fourth time, demanded to know what he was thinking about.
“Oh,” Remus stammered, and the way he was turning red really didn’t help his case. “Nothing.”
“Nothing?” Scarlett teased, crossing her arms and shooting him a look. “No one turns that red unless romance is involved, Remus.”
Remus spluttered an incoherent response as Jamie stopped beside Scarlett, and folded her arms too. Remus pressed a hand to his face to hide the growing smile, embarrassed over how hot his face really was.
“It’s, uh, just, nothing, okay? Leave me alone!” he repeated, twisting his collar between his fingers. “It’s got nothing to do with him, okay?”
“Ohh, a him, is it?” Scarlett seized the information with glee, grinning as Remus cussed out his own mistake. He began pacing, he had to do something.
“I’m going to explode,” he declared, waving his hands about. “I’m going to spontaneously combust if we keep this up. You’ll have to scrape me off the walls, Scarlett.”
“At least I’ll get overtime,” she joked. “Tell us about him! Come on, Remus! Don’t leave us in the dark!”
“What if I want you to be in the dark?” Remus shot back, turning on his heel and doing his best to give her an authoritative stare. “It’s- look, we’ve only had one date, alright? It’s too soon to-”
“A date!” Jamie crowed, clapping her hands. “Oh, that’s marvellous, Remus!”
Keep reading
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
of course :DDD
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 5
Summary: Logan and Virgil explore the new planet.  (They go to a restaurant, basically.  We almost to the good shit, babes)
Pairings:  Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical, Established Royality 
Word Count: 1,419
Warnings:  Weird guy flirting (mentioned), Cursing, lmk if i need to add more.
Notes:  You’ve got a big storm coming.  ;)
Taglist: @shitpost-sides @gothybubby @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff @justthatamount @judyismydog @star-crossed-shipper @high-ashell-hargrove
Knock. Knock.
     No, thank you.  Virgil thought and rolled over.
     Knock. Knock. Knock.  Virgil groaned and rolled over to face the ceiling.  Wait.  Fuck!
     Virgil shot out of bed, quickly calling out a loud, “Come in!”.  Logan opened the door and leaned against the wall.  He raised an eyebrow.  
    “Are you alright?” Logan asked as he watches Virgil open his luggage bag and sift through the clothes.  “The drawers are full of specially made clothes.”  Virgil nodded as he held up a t-shirt, then shook his head.  Logan smirked and walked towards the drawers.  He pulled one open, found suitable clothes, and then handed them to a confused-looking Virgil.  Virgil dropped the t-shirt he was holding and took the clothes.  A dark purple shirt with small rips in it, a black jacket with purple patches… and.. black jeans.  Oh, yeah.  The new clothes. He thought as the sluggishness swept away.
    “Are you–” He paused to yawn.  “Sure I can have these?”  He mumbled from behind his hand.  It looked like he was trying to hide his whole body behind his arm.  Logan had half the mind to stop himself from chucking at the shorter male.  
    “Yes, Virgil.  Emile was very insistent on what you would like to wear, and I knew you wouldn’t want to answer him.  So I answered for you.  Sorry for the intrusion, I may have looked at the sizes of your clothes.”   Virgil blinked, not unlike the cats on earth.  
     Logan chuckled and hummed.  “I’ll leave you to get dressed, we have a long day ahead of us.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”  Then he proceeded to walk out of the lavish room.
Keep reading
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
white people who see "white people do harmful xyz things that affects abc marginalized groups" and go ballistic SPECIFICALLY if the original poster is a person of color. Well, surprise, you're part of the problem, the post is about you too, cracker.
It's a non-issue to you because you aren't affected by it.
white people who genuinely understand this reblog it.
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
ikr 👀😌
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 5
Summary: Logan and Virgil explore the new planet.  (They go to a restaurant, basically.  We almost to the good shit, babes)
Pairings:  Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical, Established Royality 
Word Count: 1,419
Warnings:  Weird guy flirting (mentioned), Cursing, lmk if i need to add more.
Notes:  You’ve got a big storm coming.  ;)
Taglist: @shitpost-sides @gothybubby @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff @justthatamount @judyismydog @star-crossed-shipper @high-ashell-hargrove
Knock. Knock.
     No, thank you.  Virgil thought and rolled over.
     Knock. Knock. Knock.  Virgil groaned and rolled over to face the ceiling.  Wait.  Fuck!
     Virgil shot out of bed, quickly calling out a loud, “Come in!”.  Logan opened the door and leaned against the wall.  He raised an eyebrow.  
    “Are you alright?” Logan asked as he watches Virgil open his luggage bag and sift through the clothes.  “The drawers are full of specially made clothes.”  Virgil nodded as he held up a t-shirt, then shook his head.  Logan smirked and walked towards the drawers.  He pulled one open, found suitable clothes, and then handed them to a confused-looking Virgil.  Virgil dropped the t-shirt he was holding and took the clothes.  A dark purple shirt with small rips in it, a black jacket with purple patches… and.. black jeans.  Oh, yeah.  The new clothes. He thought as the sluggishness swept away.
    “Are you–” He paused to yawn.  “Sure I can have these?”  He mumbled from behind his hand.  It looked like he was trying to hide his whole body behind his arm.  Logan had half the mind to stop himself from chucking at the shorter male.  
    “Yes, Virgil.  Emile was very insistent on what you would like to wear, and I knew you wouldn’t want to answer him.  So I answered for you.  Sorry for the intrusion, I may have looked at the sizes of your clothes.”   Virgil blinked, not unlike the cats on earth.  
     Logan chuckled and hummed.  “I’ll leave you to get dressed, we have a long day ahead of us.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”  Then he proceeded to walk out of the lavish room.
Keep reading
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 5
Summary: Logan and Virgil explore the new planet.  (They go to a restaurant, basically.  We almost to the good shit, babes)
Pairings:  Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical, Established Royality 
Word Count: 1,419
Warnings:  Weird guy flirting (mentioned), Cursing, lmk if i need to add more.
Notes:  You’ve got a big storm coming.  ;)
Taglist: @shitpost-sides @gothybubby @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff @justthatamount @judyismydog @star-crossed-shipper @high-ashell-hargrove
Knock. Knock.
     No, thank you.  Virgil thought and rolled over.
     Knock. Knock. Knock.  Virgil groaned and rolled over to face the ceiling.  Wait.  Fuck!
     Virgil shot out of bed, quickly calling out a loud, “Come in!”.  Logan opened the door and leaned against the wall.  He raised an eyebrow.  
    “Are you alright?” Logan asked as he watches Virgil open his luggage bag and sift through the clothes.  “The drawers are full of specially made clothes.”  Virgil nodded as he held up a t-shirt, then shook his head.  Logan smirked and walked towards the drawers.  He pulled one open, found suitable clothes, and then handed them to a confused-looking Virgil.  Virgil dropped the t-shirt he was holding and took the clothes.  A dark purple shirt with small rips in it, a black jacket with purple patches... and.. black jeans.  Oh, yeah.  The new clothes. He thought as the sluggishness swept away.
    “Are you--” He paused to yawn.  “Sure I can have these?”  He mumbled from behind his hand.  It looked like he was trying to hide his whole body behind his arm.  Logan had half the mind to stop himself from chucking at the shorter male.  
    “Yes, Virgil.  Emile was very insistent on what you would like to wear, and I knew you wouldn’t want to answer him.  So I answered for you.  Sorry for the intrusion, I may have looked at the sizes of your clothes.”   Virgil blinked, not unlike the cats on earth.  
     Logan chuckled and hummed.  “I’ll leave you to get dressed, we have a long day ahead of us.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”  Then he proceeded to walk out of the lavish room.
     Virgil slowly got dressed as he actually took in the room around him.  The walls were painted in a soft lavender color, while the trims were a solid black.  The bed had a large canopy, in black, although it was see-through.  The comforters were thick and soft.  Easy to sleep on.  He thought.  The floor was dark wood, one that he couldn’t identify because it was tinted... purple?  At the edge of the bed, there was a crate.  On the other half of the room was a large, paper-thin TV.  A weirdly shaped sofa and armchair.  There were floating balls of light floating around the whole room, almost like fairy lights, if they could levitate.  Everything looked a bit more round than back on earth.  At the end of the room, opposite the door, was a large window.  Virgil fully dressed now, went to the window.  Before he did, he smudged eye shadow under his eyes.  He pushed the curtain over slightly, just enough for a line of light to seep into the room.  
     Virgil’s eyes widened when he laid eyes on the city in front of him.  Cars, if you could call them that, zoomed through the air.  There was short grass everywhere, except for small roads, that Virgil assumed were technically sidewalks.  No cars drove there.  The roads bustled with people, while trees lined the sidewalks with grass beneath.  The buildings looked entirely natural and completely technological all at once.  
     “That is Arteska, Virgil.”  Logan’s voice said behind him.  Virgil spun around with his mouth hung open.  
     “Logan?! Fucking hell, dude... warn a dude next time.” Virgil muttered, his hand on his chest as he hunched over slightly.  
     “Apologies.  You took quite a long time, I began to get worried.  I knocked but you didn’t seem to hear me.”
     “I- it’s alright,”  Virgil whispered as he watched Logan run his eyes up and down his form. With a surge of confidence, Virgil shoved down the voices telling him not to, he said "You know, that's considered rude on earth."
Logan blinked before turning his head, a blueish blush creeping onto his face and pointed ears. "Again, my apologies." He murmured.
"I didn't mind it. It's alright, Lo." Virgil winked, as his face flushed a deep red. He coughed, "Let's go..?"
Logan fought a smile and nodded. "Let's."
Exiting the castle must've taken at least thirty minutes. The winding paths seemed to take forever to get out of. Thankfully, Logan seemed to know where he was going. Along the way, Virgil had drifted closer to Logan, as the hallways bustled with different people. Two people were carrying a large crate down the hall and suddenly, they dropped it, letting red and blue fruit topple out. Virgil jumped at this and grabbed Logan’s arm. He had yet to let go. Logan hadn't told him to let go yet and it seemed to make people stop staring. (Logan was really glaring at the people as to not make them gaze at them.)
After the short excursion to get out of the castle, they reached a huge open door.  People walked in and out, chatting and laughing as they passed. Logan started to lead Virgil out the front door while Virgil slowly saw the world emerge before him. Everything was the same but so much clearer. Shops lined the streets and the roads, now clearly a grey brick pattern was bustling with people. Smells filled Virgil’s nose and he smiled. For some reason, it smelt like home.
Logan and Virgil weaved through the streets until Logan decided it was time to eat. He stopped at a place called Patton-Cakes. Right next to the shop seemed to be another restaurant called J's Coffee.
"Y'all have coffee?"
"A sort. It serves the same purpose as coffee, though I doubt it will taste the same as on earth."
"Good, I hate coffee."
"When at your apartment on earth, you drank it every morning..?"
"I needed my bean juice, Lo."
"I'm not even going to attempt to understand what you just said."
They walked inside and a short, chubby man with strawberry blonde hair and freckles littering his face exclaimed, "Logan! I missed you so much!" he said as he shot his way out from behind the counter and launching himself at Logan, dislodging Virgil’s arm away from Logans. Virgil was more than just a little disappointed. Logan felt safe and he liked the security of it. Maybe something else too. He wasn't stupid, he knew what he felt, he just wasn't the kind the make the first move. Logan would have to do that. Until then, Virgil would just let it be known he was interested.
The small man pulled away and started to rock on his heels. "Sooooo... you're Sir Emile’s kiddo? I'm Patton!" He said brightly, as he held open his arms. Virgil slowly moved behind Logan and waved. He mumbled a small "No thank you, please." People were staring and Virgil could feel the pool of panic settle in his stomach. Patton smiled and seemed to understand, which for Virgil was a relief.
"Virgil, could you go find us a seat? You don't have to unless you don't want to. I can go with you if need be." Virgil nodded and said that 'I'm not a kid, Lo.'
He found a seat near the counter, not unlike the booths at waffle house back home. It was secluded more than the other ones and when he looked at Logan for an okay, he got a thumbs up and an awkward smile as Patton grinned knowingly back at Logan and then at Virgil.
Logan eventually came to sit at the table, with blue blush creeping up his face. Virgil felt a pit in his stomach. 'What did Patton say to Logan that made him blush?'
Leaving the restaurant with Logan’s arm around his waist was NOT apart or the plan, if Virgil was being honest.
When a man approached Virgil as he got up to get a refill from Patton, Logan had jumped in and put his arm around Virgil’s waist with a growled, "He's taken." Virgil didn't understand what made Logan say that, and he wasn't honestly complaining. What was more upsetting was the fact that Logan was now in front of him apologizing, bright blue, in his fucking bedroom.
"--gain, I'm incredibly sorry, the man was clearly being flirtatious with you and while you're new to the planet, people know who you are--" Virgil put his pointer finger over Logan’s lips. He was speaking a mile a minute.
"I don't care, L. I have trouble realizing when people are flirting with me at any rate, so thanks." Then he moved his finger away with a smile. Then the windows covered themselves in thick metal, while a loud robotic voice announced “Electrical storm, inbound.”
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
this is abt me, duh but it involves self harm, death, drug use and other things to be wary about. stay safe my friends.
the green person is @high-ashell-hargrove
red is @loud-anon
blue is @silvertsukuyomi
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
Put me on ur tag list daddi 🐎💨❤
I will son uwu
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
Hi could i be added to the starry eyed boy taglist?
of course!! <333
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imjustkindafloating · 3 years
Could I please be added to the taglist for Starry Eyed Boy? 🙂
yes, yes of course!!
0 notes
imjustkindafloating · 3 years
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 4
Summary: Virgil settles into his room. Roman joins the picture. Logan and Roman have a conversation.
Pairings:  Pre-Romantic Analogical / Eventual Analogical, Established Royality (if you squint)
Word Count: 1,055
Warnings:  Anxiety over small things, dissociation, if i need to add, lmk.
Notes:  Sorry that this took so long, family things happened.  I had a death in the family and i dont really have much motivation to do much.  thank you for sticking around <3.
Taglist: @shitpost-sides @gothybubby @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff @justthatamount 
     Emile was nice and somehow knew too much about cartoons from earth.  Once Virgil has asked his questions and only sometimes got his answers, he was shown to his room.  As the guard that escorted him to his chambers and he opened the door, Virgil let out a loud gasp.  
    “Is everything okay, sir?”  The guard asked.  The guard had ginger hair down to his shoulders emerald green eyes.  He was slightly tan and had markings on his face that seemed to glow red.  Virgil nodded and the taller man led Virgil into the room.  As Virgil looked around he mumbled, “Whats your name?” to the guard.
    “Mine?  Oh, my name is Roman P. Kingsleigh.  My purpose here is to make sure you and Logan are protected and safe as you adjust to Arteska.  Not that the kingdom is dangerous.  I am one of the head guards here, you see.  I’m positive that is why Emile appointed me this position.”
    “I thought Logan said he could protect us?”
    “He can, but that’s not his purpose as your tutor.  Emile didn’t think it fair for Logan to do multiple jobs when his first motivation should be your education on the planet, among other things.”  
    “Oh...”  Virgil said, as his eyes drooped slightly.  He didn’t have anything worthwhile to say and he felt a bit too sluggish to respond.  Roman seemed to understand, though.  
     “I’ll leave you be now, sir.  Please, get some sleep.  Tomorrow, you will get the tour of the palace and city.”  Roman said as he turned to the door and with one more, “Fairfarren!” he left the room and slowly closed the door. 
     Virgil only started to actually focus on how tired he was after he heard the click of the door shutting.  He thought it surprising how simplistic the castle was.  Maybe it was just old or maybe Emile liked the simpler things.  Virgil probably wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he was excited about the tour tomorrow.  Whether it was because he knew it would be Logan showing him the wonders or because of the actual city, he’ll never say.  
     Virgil found his luggage on the end of his bed.  He grabbed his suitcase and moved it to the dresser opposite his bed.  The dresser had a large, what Virgil assumed, TV on it.  The TV was paper thin and seemingly made of glass.  As Virgil opened the door, he found clothes already inside.  A thought shot through his skull.  What if Roman showed you to the wrong room?  Virgil quickly shut it down as he flicked through the clothes.  They seemed brand new, and Virgil found himself smiling at the colors of the clothes.  Purple, black, purple, black, gray, black and so on and so on.  Virgil assumed Logan had sent some sort of message to Emile on Virgil’s fashion choices.
     He decided to leave his other clothes in his bag and pulled out some pajamas from his suitcase, not willing to risk wearing something he wasn’t 100% was his.  He was 95% sure but not completely and he didn’t want to risk it.  The t-shirt had a few holes in it and the pants felt too small, but they were familiar.  They smelt like coconut and coffee body wash he used before he got onto the ship.  As he climbed into the too big bed, he thought of how odd it felt here.  It felt like home, and he hasn’t felt that since he was a kid.
     Logan stirred the drink in his hand around the glass.  A knock on the door.  Confirmation to enter.  Red and white sitting in front of him.  Two snaps.
     Wait.  Two?  He blinked twice and his eyes focused again.  Roman was sitting in front of him with his head slightly tilted.  
    “--gan.  Hey, hi.  Are you back?”  Roman asked, his eyebrows furrowed together.  Logan nodded once and slowly took a drink of his tea.  Roman leaned back against the chair and nodded as his eyes drifted around the room.
    “Well... how was it?  Earth?  Is it like Sir Emile says?”  Roman asked quietly, a glint in his eye, and the corner of his lips twitched upwards.  Logan smirked and said, “There were golden fields, the trains puffed out smoke from their engines and the city lights looked like artificial stars.  Before me and Virgil left, he showed me around his city.  It started to rain and we were making our way back to his living quarters.  The cars on the road made the puddles splash onto the sidewalk and when one splashed my shoe, I looked away from him.  When I looked back up, he had his arms out and he smiled at the sky.  I’m sure I looked strange, standing in the rain with sunglasses on.  He--” looked at me strange.  Logan coughed, and Romans eyes glinted with something other than curiosity.  “Earthlings are quite strange.  I’d love for you and Patton to go one day.”  
     “Logan, I’ve known you for years.  He is quite...”  Roman leaned forward, settling his elbows on his knees and holding his hands together.  “Cute?  Is he not?”
     Logan paused for a moment.  He blinked.  Virgil had once compared this to a ‘blue screen’.  He still didn’t understand what he had in common with a screen.  He blinked once more.
    “Oh.  That’s what that is.”  Logan mumbled.  He slumped into his sofa more.  He heard Romans deep chuckling but ignored it.  The corner of his smile quirked upwards.  He took a drink.  
     “Now, that’s quite the development.”  He spoke, as he pushed himself into a healthier sitting position.  Roman huffed out a laugh once more and nodded.  
    “Only two weeks, it took, to woo you.  Fate, perhaps.”
    “You know I don’t believe in your silly little work arounds to pure chance.  I will admit, maybe he did woo me... but fate doesn’t exist.”  Logan sipped at his drink.  Roman shrugged.
     “So what are you going to do about it?”  Roman inquired.  Logan took another, longer drink from his cup.
    “If he shows signs that he reciprocates feelings, I will let it be known how I feel, but I’d hate to force anything on him.  He’s already so worried about everything.  I don’t want to overwhelm him.”  Logan said, matter-of-factly.  Roman nodded.  
    “Still seems to me that it is fate.”
    “It’s not fate, you oaf.”
     Roman laughed.
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imjustkindafloating · 4 years
Hello!!!! I used 2 be the blog @aleiimm (i moved blogs awhile ago, but only have recently deleted the blog) i wanted 2 know if I could b added back 2 the starry eyed analogical fic :)?
of course friendo!!!
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imjustkindafloating · 4 years
i did this all in like four days ;-;
the story here is;
janus and remus are still hurt over the fact that virgil left and this is almost like a visual representation of they’re feelings and in some frames even how they reacted. yes i also posted this on youtube.
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imjustkindafloating · 4 years
thank u 🥺🥺
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 4
Summary:  Virgil meets someone special and Logan wonders whats happening to him
Pairings: Pre-romantic analogical / Eventual analogical
Word Count:  1,053
Warnings:  Slight panic, mentions of sickness, if I need to add more, PM me!
Notes:  Sorry that this took some time.  I have zero clue if when the next one will be out.  A lot of personal stuff has been going on so…
Taglist:  (if you want to be added or removed, don’t be afraid to ask!!!)  @shitpost-sides @aleiimm @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff
     Two weeks passed in a blur.  Logan showed Virgil how to pilot and Virgil taught Logan more Earth terms.  (Yes, Logan was very happy about that.)  When they had arrived at Arteska, that’s when Virgil could feel the anxiety start to bubble in his stomach.  As the ship landed, Virgil was looking out the small window.  Virgil could see golden fields and trees of all shades and colors, and a building coming into view… with a city right in front.  The buildings looked almost like they did back home, somewhere smaller and others were bigger.  Some places were clearly farmland but Virgil doubted he would know any of the food on this planet.  As he pushed his face against the glass he noticed that the sky was an odd shade of purple.  Almost lavender, but also blue.  The ship shook as it hit the ground and that’s when Virgil snapped out of his daze of looking at the sky.  Logan was already at the door with Virgil’s bags in his hands (He insisted that he take them all, this time.).  He typed something into the keypad before he stepped back and watched the door slide open.  
     Logan beckoned Virgil to follow with a wave of his free hand.  Virgil awkwardly followed behind, almost scared he wouldn’t be able to breathe in the air.  Virgil stepped off the vessel before Logan and he looked around.  They were clearly on top of a building of some kind.  It was very tall.  It made Virgil’s stomach twist.  Logan stepped off the ship and the door closed automatically.  Logan then led them across the roof to a door.  Before opening the door, Logan turned his head and said;
    “Welcome to Arteska, Virgil.”
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imjustkindafloating · 4 years
Hey I was wondering if I could be added to the starry-eyed boy taglist!
of course!!! thank u for asking ahdkkfja :)))
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imjustkindafloating · 4 years
Starry Eyed Boy, Part 4
Summary:  Virgil meets someone special and Logan wonders whats happening to him
Pairings: Pre-romantic analogical / Eventual analogical
Word Count:  1,053
Warnings:  Slight panic, mentions of sickness, if I need to add more, PM me!
Notes:  Sorry that this took some time.  I have zero clue if when the next one will be out.  A lot of personal stuff has been going on so...
Taglist:  (if you want to be added or removed, don’t be afraid to ask!!!)  @shitpost-sides @aleiimm @rainbowbowtie @hikarisakurariver @singularthoughtofstatic @supersoftsupersleep @gabrieldoesstuff
     Two weeks passed in a blur.  Logan showed Virgil how to pilot and Virgil taught Logan more Earth terms.  (Yes, Logan was very happy about that.)  When they had arrived at Arteska, that's when Virgil could feel the anxiety start to bubble in his stomach.  As the ship landed, Virgil was looking out the small window.  Virgil could see golden fields and trees of all shades and colors, and a building coming into view... with a city right in front.  The buildings looked almost like they did back home, somewhere smaller and others were bigger.  Some places were clearly farmland but Virgil doubted he would know any of the food on this planet.  As he pushed his face against the glass he noticed that the sky was an odd shade of purple.  Almost lavender, but also blue.  The ship shook as it hit the ground and that’s when Virgil snapped out of his daze of looking at the sky.  Logan was already at the door with Virgil's bags in his hands (He insisted that he take them all, this time.).  He typed something into the keypad before he stepped back and watched the door slide open.  
     Logan beckoned Virgil to follow with a wave of his free hand.  Virgil awkwardly followed behind, almost scared he wouldn’t be able to breathe in the air.  Virgil stepped off the vessel before Logan and he looked around.  They were clearly on top of a building of some kind.  It was very tall.  It made Virgil's stomach twist.  Logan stepped off the ship and the door closed automatically.  Logan then led them across the roof to a door.  Before opening the door, Logan turned his head and said;
    “Welcome to Arteska, Virgil.”
     Logan had stopped a person walking in the hallways and gave them Virgils bags.  Logan started talking to him about where they go, while Virgil looked around.  Virgil could practically feel himself shaking, and when he looked at his hands, he was indeed shaking.  He could feel every breath and he screwed his hands into fists and shoved them into his pockets.  While glaring at the floor, Logan had sent the person away with his bags and watched the struggle in the purple-haired boy's eyes.  He didn’t know how to properly ease his companion so he awkwardly held out his hand.  Virgil glanced at it and he slowly took one of his hands out of his pocket and grabbed the other man's hand.  Logan looked satisfied and started to walk again. 
     After five minutes, Logan stopped in front of a door.  A door with an actual handle, this time.  Logan knocked with is freehand and waited a moment.  Virgil unconsciously let go of Logan's hand and hid behind him instead.  When the door opened, a tall man with glasses, a vest, and a pink tie smiled at Logan.  
    “Hello, sir.”
    “Hey-a Logan!”  The man said, rolling on his toes.  He glanced behind Logan and saw the deep brown eyes staring curiously back at him.  With a glance at Virgils eyes, both knew who the other was.
    “Virgil?”  The man said, his smile becoming softer.
    “...Dad?  Emile?”  Virgil said, stepping slightly to the right.  Still touching Logan's shoulder, but more in eye line.  
    “Logan, can you leave us?”  Emile said, without looking at Logan.  Logan only nodded and gave Virgil a look;  “It’ll be alright.”  And he slowly walked away, down the way they came.  Without Logan, Virgil felt much colder and smaller.  
    “He is a very kind young man if I do say so myself.”  He said.  Before stepping out of the way and allowing Virgil into the room.  When Virgil stepped in, he noticed the tall armchairs in front of a fireplace.  While the fire crackled, Virgil heard Emile move to sit in the armchairs.  Virgil watched uncomfortably while he waited for direction.  Virgil was noticing now more than before that Logan wasn’t there.  Logan was a constant, he had been for two weeks.  
    “Hey, munchkin?  You can sit down.”  Emile said, gesturing to the chair.  Virgil hesitated for a moment before he slowly made his way to sit down on the chair.  It creaked as he sat down.
     Emile smiled, not at all resembling his mother’s smile, and deep down, Virgil could almost sense a small amount of familiarity.  “Want to tell me a little bit about yourself?”  Emile questioned with a small tilt of his head.  Virgil blinked and slowly shook his head and said, “You first.” as he pulled his legs in front of his torso and hid behind his knees.
     Emile chuckled, “That’s fair.” and he launched himself into the beginning of a long conversation.  
     Logan walked down the hallway with his hands behind his back.  The clack of his boots rattled off the walls and back into his slightly pointed ears.  He’s walked these halls hundreds-- no, thousands of times before, and not once has he felt like this.  The churning in his gut, sweaty palms, getting distracted...  was he ill?
    “Well, my name is Emile Picani, and uhm...”  he paused, and Virgil could almost feel his eyes on him.  “Are you okay?” He questioned.  Virgil only nodded.  Virgil had his eyes firmly fixed on the floor.  
    “Hey, munchkin, can you look at me?”  Virgil looked.  He didn’t really understand why, but he did.  Was it because the older man’s voice had changed from cheery and excited, to soft... concerned..?  Now looking at the older man, Virgil noted the fact that Emile had... blue, lightning blue eyes.  His skin was a light pink, almost the shade of blush.  Light grey freckles littered across his face.  White hair framed his face, and when Virgil blinked he could’ve sworn that some of the hair glittered a lavender color.  Virgil saw where he got his hair texture from the slightly wavy hair Emile adorned on his head.  
     Virgil smiled.  “Sorry, the past few weeks have been stressful.”
     Logan had made it to his room, which was luckily right next to Virgil’s.  He was stood in front of the mirror.  His skin wasn’t discolored, he didn’t feel particularly sick at the moment, and his stomach was settling.  He ran his hand through his hair, letting out a breath.  He was a smart man.  He could figure out what was happening to him.  ...Right?
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