incompleteself · 3 years
What sucks the most is everyone thinks so highly of me and I just wanna die.. I hate myself for letting you go... I hate that I couldn't be enough
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incompleteself · 3 years
Why did you have to go.... I miss you so much
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incompleteself · 3 years
I still sthink about you constantly... when will I be free from this? Am I really this broken? I haven't felt like myself in a long time and I can't shake you. Please
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incompleteself · 4 years
I feel damaged. Used. Unlikable. Worthless. Lost. Sad. Lonely. Nervous. Scared. Tired.... this is hell.
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incompleteself · 4 years
Alot of time has passed and I feel no better about this. I dont feel like I'm the same me that I loved before. I feel broken and used. I try to be normal but I know deep down I am far from it. How do you get back to yourself after trauma? I'm letting myself feel but it seems it's gonna go on and on forever. The pain I feel I never want to feel again and that scares me.
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incompleteself · 4 years
Sometimes I feel hate for myself. I was comfortable. I let myself relax. I thought I had it all figured out. I didnt do what I was supposed to be doing and now im hurting for it. I didnt give enough of myself and now your gone. I won't get over this just past it. Ill never again relax but never again will I be hurt. I loath myself and thats something I will work on.
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incompleteself · 4 years
Being told your leaving because you were so bad to me hurts even more. What happened this time? ..... im lost
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incompleteself · 4 years
I dont even know what is real anymore. I'm questioning everything. This is not me but I cant break it. It like im teetering the line of no one can be more real than myself and that love is beautiful and I have to give it a chance. This whole thing has completely changed me...
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incompleteself · 4 years
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From the song Bright
Listen here on spotify
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incompleteself · 4 years
I miss you every single day. They do not prepare you to lose loved ones. I barely can function without you in my life. Why did I become so dependent on your love and affection?
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incompleteself · 4 years
I really am all alone...
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incompleteself · 4 years
Take-take-take me with-with you when you go
Don't-don't-don't leave me out here on my own
Take-take-take me with-with you when you go
Fire away, fu-fu-fu-fuck this place that we call home -Skrillex
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incompleteself · 4 years
Can't quite understand how you can act like you are our family and then just disappear like we never even existed. From saying you loved me to leaving in a few short days. Nothing makes sense anymore. Was it even real?
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incompleteself · 4 years
Its so damn hard not texting you. If you wanted to talk you would. I cant believe after this long you can just up and leave and not even look back. You have to have your reasons that I am unsure of. You left me with so many questions. I am so mixed up that I dont know where to go from here. You taking time to find yourself is killing who I am. I do not feel the same and its not the person I wanted to be.
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incompleteself · 4 years
I have to keep thinking this is out of my control. I am suffering from feeling like I'm not good enough. That Noone can love me. You have given me demons to live with. And I am trying to deal with them. But I used to have you to count on to help guide me through and now I am alone. I keep replaying every moment in my head.
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incompleteself · 4 years
I'm still devastated just getting better at hiding it!
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incompleteself · 4 years
Seriously tired of crying.
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