Wild: if you wake up much earlier than normal you feel secret emotions.
Twilight: one time i woke up at 6am and stared at the sunrise for an hour. don’t know what emotions those were but they sure were a lot.
Four: if you stay up late enough, you feel those same emotions, but the bad version of them.
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it’s like. theoretically fine that four isn’t a system, that wasn’t my personal headcanon, but uh.
as someone with DID the way jojo handled it is really pretty shitty! million better ways you coulda phrased that one, chief. why the fuck is system in quotes? what does that even mean?
and why so cut and dry? why not just, like, celebrate the fans who do HC it that way, say it wasn’t your intent to write him as a system but you’re glad people like that hc? why not encourage them to keep having those creative, beautiful headcanons? i’m honestly pretty hurt by it tbh. like literally none of what’s actually canon here is problematic, but homie WHY did you fucking phrase it that way. did you just. want to alienate half your fanbase???
idk weird fucking choice and pretty suspicious but jojo also did a whole concept piece making fun of otherkin back in the day so i’m not really shocked if it turns out she’s someone who looks down upon people who fit outside societal norms.
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Twilight: the "i want to be an animal" little kid to fucked up gender pipeline
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Wild: Sometimes Twilight will ask me, "what do you think you're doing?", but that just means stop. He didn't actually want to know my thought process.
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Hyrule: *walks around the corner*
Four: *screams*
Hyrule: AHH! Stop, I could have dropped my croissant!
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Wild: I have made a horrible mistake.
Legend: Does it effect me in some way?
Wild: Well, no.
Legend: Then suffer in silence.
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Wild: i’m telling you, molotov cocktails work. anytime i had a problem and i threw a molotov cocktail, boom! right away, i had a different problem.
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Legend: Oh, shut it, pretty boy
Warriors, tearing up: You think I’m pretty?
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Wild: finally cured myself of the curse of memory and now i can touch the burners on the stove as many times as i want with all the excitement of new discoveries and none of the knowledge of upcoming pain
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Legend: Oh, shut it, pretty boy
Warriors, tearing up: You think I’m pretty?
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Wind: babe your hand is so cold
Tetra, his pirate girlfriend: that me hook
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Wild: being gay isn't a choice. it's a game, and i'm winning
Warriors, yelling from a passing golf cart at full speed: THINK AGAIN TWINK
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Sky, burritoed in 3 comforters: I am the blanket taco. The beginning and the end of comfort. I am the couch potato, the king of sleepy and the superhero of watching cartoons all day.
Hyrule: You've been wrapped like that for 8 hours. You sure you're okay?
Sky: . . . I'm stuck and really have to pee.
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better yet; four teams up with wind to make their own totem to slap the doorway
Four: tall people think touching the top of the doorway is a personality trait
Warriors: you're just saying that because you can't
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Four: tall people think touching the top of the doorway is a personality trait
Warriors: you're just saying that because you can't
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Four: i am so small and bitter im like a human espresso
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Twilight: i'm not going to be mad, just tell me why you have a fake id.
Wild: [incoherent mumbling]
Twilight: what?
Wild: you have to be over 18 to hold the puppies at petco.
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