individualist-infp · 6 days
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individualist-infp · 7 days
I'm like if a girl had the urge to scream and break something all the time but stays quiet instead
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individualist-infp · 10 days
Hi i'm stuck between infp and enfp and I wanted ur op on what u think I am? I'm actually kind of shy/quiet/awkward in social situations, but I think it's because I have some social anxiety? Either way, I always have a natural urge/tendency to be around people and try exciting things. I have a lot to say and feel like I only hold back because of my anxiety/fear. In truth, I'm actually quite spontaneous but also deep/internally focused at times. Do u think I might be an infp or enfp??
From that information I can't tell if you are an enfp, infp or other type. First of all you need to know if you are an introvert or an extrovert. There are extroverts who can have social anxiety or be shy and introverts who can be social. There's the stereotype that extroverts equal party animals or people with 100 friends that always have to be socializing, or that being an introvert equals shyness. Those are just confusing stereotypes.
The first letter of a physchological type is I or E , which stands for our primary attitude: Extraversion or Introversion.
Extroverts: emphasize the influence of outward circumstances. They interact with most situations in terms of the satisfactions possible to them—even if those satisfactions have no immediate relationship to their Introverted reflections.
Extraverts are stimulated by the claims, pleasures, and obligations of the outer world. The people, things, and events that constitute the external world.
Do you seek and collect energy from the world outside?
Are you energized by the outside world of people, objects, experiences, etc?
Do you act before reflecting?
Are you influenced by and gauge your worth by the expectations and attention of others?
Are you outgoing and highly expressive, and do you fail to recognize your own needs?
Are you straighforward, understandable, accesible?
Introverts: emphasize the inner viewpoint. They are most comfortable in situations that allow for sustained reflection and a certain amount of privacy. If the satisfactions possible in a situation aren’t well enough related to their needs, they may carve out a space for themselves that allows them to participate on their own terms.
Do you consider your own viewpoint the arbiter of reality and make decisions based on it?
Do you focus on and draw sustenance from a vivid and rich inner world of thoughts, ideas, feelings, impressions, facts?
Do you reflect before you act?
Do you defend yourself against the expectations of others?
Are you self-aware, sometimes passionately intense, but may not realize the effect you have on others?
The key here is to reflect on yourself and think were do you draw sustenance, the inside world or the external world? Extroverts can be reflective at times when they use their introvert functions but they still have the preference for extraversion.
Also, you need to take into account your cognitive functions to figure out your type accurately. There are 4 functions in each stack of each type, their order vary depending of the type.
It's not the same to have Fi in your dominant function or as the auxiliary function, the dynamic changes. When an INFP is presented with a new situation for example, he or she first needs to reflect on personal feelings or how she feels about the situation. If it aligns with her personal values she then goes for it. On the contrary an ENFP may easily jump to the new experience and seeks to exploit it's potential, and then reflects and internalizes feelings.
INFP: Internalizes feelings, then is open to new experiences.
ENFP: Experiences, then internalizes feelings.
(Fi) Introverted Feeling
(Ne) Extraverted Intuition
(Si) Introverted Sensing
(Te) Extraverted Thinking
(Ne) Extraverted Intuition
(Fi) Introverted Feeling
(Te) Extraverted Thinking
(Si) Introverted Sensing
First of all, there are the perceiving functions, which can be iNtuitive (N) or Sensation (S). We use those functions to perceive.
Types who prefer Sensation generally focus on direct sensory experience. They’re aware of appearances, facts, and details, and their surroundings have a direct impact on them.
Types who prefer Intuition generally ignore the material surface of things and consider the larger picture. They’re interested in meaning and future possibility, not facts and details. Intuitives may be so focused on a situation’s potential that they overlook present obstacles. They have great interest in symbols and the unseen, it's natural for them to read between the lines, they see what's behind the physical. Ex: When watching a movie an intutive interprets an old and decrepit manor where a tragic character lives like his underworld, a place of suffering and entrapment. A sensor just sees it as a manor, nothing more.
Then, there are the judging functions: Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Judging functions prompt us to note how things usually happen and to organize our behaviors accordingly. This is why Thinking and Feeling are considered rational functions. Rational behavior is always based on predictability—things we know to be true because they happen regularly in the same way.
When we use Thinking, we organize our behaviors in terms of general, impersonal predictability: rules, laws, principles, logical or numerical sequence, definition, hierarchy, and so forth.
 When we use Feeling, we organize our behaviors in terms of specific, personal criteria: the signs and rituals that convey our shared beliefs, values, moral sensibilities, identification with others, and social relationships.
Lastly, there are the Perceivers (P) or Judgers (J). These do not represent cognitive functions, but preferences.
As the title suggests, those with a J preference pair like to “judge” life’s outcomes. They’re careful calibrators and enjoy setting schedules and making plans. They prefer to know what comes next and like to have a sense of control over their surroundings. Overall, they like things the way they are and aren’t always open to change.
Perceivers see life as a spontaneous opportunity.Those with a P on their personality results are most likely seen as creative, curious, and open-minded. They can easily adapt to almost any situation and prefer flexible schedules. All in all, they come across as procrastinators with an outgoing approach on life.
I hope I haven't confused you with all of this information. This is the basics of the different type of functions and the difference between introversion and extraversion. There's a lot more to know with the functions, but I didn't wanted to overwhelm you. If you have more questions feel free to send me more messages. 😊 On my taglist I have many post on cognitive functions and typing tips, you can check them out.
I recommend you this test to figure out your type with precision:
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individualist-infp · 20 days
Hey, what are two things you love and hate about each type?
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I’m basing these on fictional characters for each type on the whole, so… don’t feel called out. I’m thinking of specific characters and no, I won’t say which. ;)
ESTJ: love how competent and driven they are, hate their low emotional awareness and tendency to expect everyone to have a high of a work ethic.
ISTJ: love their sarcasm and efficiency, hate how they tend to stay too long in a negative workplace due to ‘duty’ and their reluctance to change.
ESFJ: love how warm and hilarious they can be, hate how often they leap in and try to micro-manage or dictate other people’s lives.
ISFJ: love how loyal and compassionate they can be, hate their tendency to bottle up their emotions and then explode, and their apathy toward change.
ESTP: love how action-driven and spontaneous they can be, hate how careless they are with other people’s feelings and how they use insincerity to get ahead.
ISTP: love how they hang back and then engage with confidence, hate their negative fixations and how they solve problems with their fists.
ESFP: love their enjoyment of life and terrific fashion sense, hate how quick they fall in and out of relationships and never consider the consequences.
ISFP: love their strong sense of independence and compassionate nature, hate how they tend to buck authority for the hell of it and react emotionally.
ENTJ: love their visionary style and intense work ethic, hate their singular fixations and God complex, because it turns them into control freaks.
INTJ: love their foresight and emotional detachment, hate how their impulses flare up under stress and cause them problems and their superiority complex.
ENFJ: love their intensity for life and deep, probing insights, hate how they can become reactive and irrational, turning instead to manipulation and control.
INFJ: love their intelligence and visionary thinking, hate how single-minded and irrational they can be when they refuse to consider other perspectives.
ENTP: love their wit/humor and quick thinking, hate how ego-maniacal and elitist they can be, and how they often care little for others’ feelings.
INTP: love their logical precision and willingness to change tactics, hate how dismissive, socially alienated, and arrogant they can be.
ENFP: love their optimism and hilarity, hate their indecisiveness and how many of them live outside reality or abandon their significant other out of ‘boredom.’
INFP: love their sensitivity and intense imagination, hate their naivety and how ‘following their heart’ often leads to poor decisions.
- ENFP Mod
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individualist-infp · 20 days
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individualist-infp · 21 days
I want to be understood in the same way I easily see beyond people's façade and actions. But no one does. Ever. They aren't even remotely curious or try. There's so much pain and emotional distress inside of me and no one sees it or cares. I'm able to empathize with people thst seem unlovable or mean. I read their actions and behaviors like an open book. But no one sees me or reads me. Maybe I'm not good at expressing myself, but it's traumatic. They don't know what it's like to endure so much suffering and brush it off day by day like it's nothing, when it's actually devastating. If they live through that they will break, they wouldn't stand it, but I have to. INFP are not delicate flowers, we are able to endure so much sh*t that the average person won't survive.
I don't know why people choose to be parents when at the end of the day they're not going go be there for you or help you. Or most importantly have a relationship with you. That's the point of having kids, right? To connect with them and have a emotional bond of love. So what's the point? It's so dumb. Why am I even here?
I always feel alone in a desert island rotting forever. My emotionally absent INTP mom ruined me and continues to ruin me. She never tries to understand where I'm coming from. She'll never understand me. She just guts me over and over again with her indifference or anger. I'm rotting alone and she never lends me a hand. I should go away from her toxicity, but how and when? Even if I go away my heart will continue to have a missing piece, it will continue to be hollow. Her negligence did that to me. I wasn't fed by what I needed. Emotional nourishment. I had physical food but not emotional. So I continue to die of hunger because of it. That's why I feel hollow, why enneagrams 4 feel hollow.
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individualist-infp · 22 days
the idealized version of my tomorrow self will fix this
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individualist-infp · 22 days
"im gonna treat myself" says me, who has rarely, if ever, denied myself anything
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individualist-infp · 23 days
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individualist-infp · 23 days
my problem is that if i really like u, i want to spend every second of the day annoying u
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individualist-infp · 24 days
I’m such a lover girl (girl who’s yet to experience the love she’s yearned for her whole life)
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individualist-infp · 25 days
i am the neediest, clingiest, most detached and independent girl in the world
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individualist-infp · 25 days
the idealized version of my tomorrow self will fix this
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individualist-infp · 26 days
girls will be like hm this song reminds me of the most tragic thing that has happened to me I think I'll listen to it on loop
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individualist-infp · 27 days
they should invent a job that doesn't affect your schedule or energy level that you don't have to go to if you don't want but you still get paid
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individualist-infp · 29 days
girl has sooooooo many ambitions and ideas for projects but can only get 1.5 basic tasks done per day
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individualist-infp · 1 month
I guess life would be easier for me and filled with less dissapointments if I didn't had expectations, or if I just saw things as they are, not as what they could be. But it would be boring and monutonous and lame. But expectations can be dumb too, because why let myself be sorely dissapointed by expecting something that only has a small possibility of happening, or that only happens in my imagination. What is better? To accept things as they are and to never wish or expect something more, or to just see things as they are and be content with that? To never dream and just see things as they are with zero expectations, zero hopes?
But at the end of the day I'll always wish for something more with starry eyes even if the outcome is dissapointing most of the time...
I just can't be a realist, it would be more sensible but it's not enough. I always want something more, but not in a greedy way. I aspire for something more, I always want things to be better or more inspiring, or more meaningful than they are. It's the way I'm wired, after all I'm an idealist.
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