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I needed something to push through art block so I decided just to do some pose/expression practice and I had this au I haven't worked on in like three years stuck in my head bc I randomly remembered it existed yesterday. so I guess all that to say, if any of you have been around long enough to remember Infighting of Ancient Gods this is a gift for you specifically and also you're entitled to a veteran's discount o7
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The bloody wrath 
of Tiny Gods 
Tear at me, tear at me 
Until I'm tame
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Hope y’all have been sitting in anticipation the last few weeks after I told you the other week I was working on a lore post because I’m finally almost done with it and it is very long and it has taken forever.
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Part 20
Tucker turned to Tom, “You’re still stuck on that idea? Really?”
“What, and you’re still stuck on the idea that this is all fine the way it is?” Tom looked towards Tucker judgingly, eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“I’m not saying that things are perfect or anything right now,” Tucker defended himself, “Just that I’m not particularly keen on having a rogue god, who can raise volcanoes from the ground and do who knows what else, roaming around without any restrictions.”
Jordan watched as the two argued. This was obviously something that had been weighing on both of them for quite some time now, and, considering their past arguments, Jordan suspected that the two of them had only dug themselves further into their positions on the subject over the last few days they had had to think things over rather than coming any closer to an understanding.
“Look, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, there are people back where he lives who care about him,” Tom stated, shaking Jordan from his thoughts, “And whether that’s something that matters to you or not, it’s something that matters to him and I think it’s kind of selfish of you to ignore that.”
Tucker was silent, looking shocked by what Tom had said. Jordan didn’t give him time to respond either, because a thought had just struck him.
“Shit, this is bad, very bad.” He stated, running his hand through his hair.
“What?” Tucker questioned, surprised by the sudden interruption of him and Tom’s argument.
“Tom’s exactly right,” Jordan stated, beginning to pace the floor, “Schlatt’s a very popular dude back in SMP. If he’s gone for too long people are bound to start asking questions. Connor, his investors, his friends; I mean he’s basically best friends with Carson and Carson basically runs the city. This could be really big trouble, and I don’t even know if he’s told anyone else about where he was going when he came here.”
“Okay, and? What’re they gonna do? It’s not like any of them could convince Mianite to do anything and if you’ve done as a good a job at hiding this as Schlatt makes it sound like you apparently do then it’s not like they could get here to do anything anyways.” 
“Yeah but if Schlatt mentioned anything about all this to anyone then I’m the one person connected to his disappearance. I could get in serious trouble for all of this and it’s not even my fault.” Jordan elaborated.
“Well, it’s a little bit your fault, having been the one keeping the secrets that led to him coming here.” Tom pointed out.
Jordan rolled his eyes, “Either way whether anyone knows I’m connected to this or not they’ll start asking questions, they’ll start looking for him, and at that point I don’t know how long I can keep all this a secret. You guys know I’m a terrible liar, and…  honestly I don’t really think I quite believe that Mianite’s handling this situation in the best way.”
“So you’re saying you’d tell everyone what’s happening? Exactly the thing you were just saying would be bad for you?” Tucker raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know, maybe!” Jordan responded defensively, “Either way I don’t know how long we'll be able to keep this quiet and when it does get out it could have big consequences for all of us. I have very little doubt in my mind that more than a few of Schlatt’s friends would be willing to go up against Mianite to help him, or anyone who stands with Mianite in all of this at that.” Jordan sighed, “I just think we need to find a way to solve this amicably before it becomes a big deal. I don’t want any of you guys or anyone back in SMP getting hurt because of this.”
Tucker looked to the side, obviously conflicted, before sighing and looking back towards Jordan, “Okay, so what do we do about this then? Because there’s no way you convince me to fight my god over something like this.”
“We need to convince Mianite to let Schlatt go back home, which means we need Schlatt to agree to do that without causing any more trouble here.” 
“I doubt you’ll have much trouble convincing Schlatt, as upset as he is about all this, I think he’s also just about ready to be back home. Mianite though… well, we all know how much of a stubborn bastard he can be with this kind of stuff; People challenging his authority and all that.” Tom remarked.
Tucker rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything about the comment.
“Well then, I suppose we have some convincing to do.” Jordan stated, “Luckily I think Mianite was expecting me to come see him anyways, so hopefully we can get closer to putting all of this to an end as soon as possible.”
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Part 19
Near the center of the city there was a tall, pristine office building; Modern looking with windows as tall as the walls. This was where Carson and Charlie spent most of their day, keeping things in the city organized and stopping any widespread chaos from taking hold of everything. There wasn’t any real structured government in SMP City, but Carson, having been the one with the original idea to found the city, had been keeping everything in check for as long as any of them could remember, Charlie working by his side to assist in whatever way he needed.
Carson was almost always the one to welcome newcomers to the city, organize any community events, handle any disputes people had over property or items, and take care of the upkeep of any public areas in the city. It was general knowledge in the community that if you had a problem you went to Carson and Charlie for help. Luckily for Connor, he and Schlatt were both fairly good friends with Carson, and even if they hadn’t exactly always been on the best terms with Charlie everything was fine between them now.
Connor walked through the glass doors, making sure they didn’t slam shut behind him. There was a running joke in the community about the glass doors of Carson’s offices and how often they broke. People had a bad habit of coming into the building in a hurry, or when they were upset, and either slamming the door shut behind them or letting it swing closed itself, eventually leading the doors to simply shatter when they closed. There was a poster up on the city's bulletin board that people used to keep track of how many days it had been since the doors last broke. The longest they had ever gone without breaking was three months. Charlie kept begging Carson to just replace them with less breakable doors, but Carson kept using the fact that they were the only doors that properly matched the aesthetic of the building as an excuse to keep the glass ones. Everyone was fairly sure that he actually just enjoyed the way the running joke of how often the doors break brought the community closer together.
Either way, Connor wasn’t looking to be the one who broke the doors this time around, so he did his best to be careful with them. Surprisingly, it was Grizzly who greeted him at the front desk of the building.
“Hey Connor.” He waved boredly. There wasn’t generally anyone sitting at the front desk unless Carson or Connor were waiting for someone to come in.
“Hey Grizz,” Connor returned the gesture, approaching the front desk, “What’re you up to?”
“Just kinda hanging out.” He sighed, “Charlie’s supposed to help me with some stuff for the animals today but I’ve gotta wait for him and Carson to finish looking over some stuff so I’m waiting here. What about you?”
“Ah, well I’ve gotta talk to Carson and Charlie about something important. Do you think you could point me towards what floor they’re on?” He questioned, nodding towards the elevator.
“I think they were up in Carson’s office.”
“Third floor then, thanks Grizz.” He started his way towards the elevator before a thought popped into his head and he turned back around to face Grizz. “Hey, you wouldn’t have happened to have heard from or seen Schlatt within the last few days, have you?”
Grizz thought for a second, “Uh, no, I don’t believe I have, sorry.” He seemed slightly concerned.
Connor knodded, “It’s cool, thanks anyways.” He waved, stepping into the elevator. He sighed as the doors closed behind him.
Connor exited the elevator onto the third floor directly into Carson’s office, where Carson and Charlie stood over Carson’s desk looking through a stack of papers which, judging from the handwriting alone, were most likely sent in by Tommy.
Carson and Charlie both glanced over their shoulders when he stepped in.
“Hey there.” He greeted both of them.
“Hey Connor!” Carson put down the papers he was holding and turned to face Connor, leaning against the desk, “What brings you our way?”
“Well, I was wondering if either of you had seen or heard from Schlatt within the last five days or so? Or maybe he told one of you anything about a business trip he was supposed to go on around that time?”
Carson tilted his head, “I can’t say I have, or that I remember him mentioning anything recently.” He turned to Charlie, “You know anything?”
Charlie had put down his papers and turned to join the conversation as well, “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen him, I didn’t even know he had gone on a business trip.”
Carson seemed concerned, “I’m assuming there’s something wrong if you came to ask. What’s up?”
“Last week Schlatt came to me to tell me he was going on a business trip the next day. He refused to tell me where he was going but he was adamant that it was a big opportunity and he assured me that he would be back in at most three days, so I let it slide.” Connor explained.
“And?” Charlie questioned.
“Well, now he’s been gone five days, I haven’t heard from him, and I have no idea where he went.”
“I mean, Schlatt has a tendency to disappear for days on end for his mysterious ‘business trips’.” Carson stated, “I don’t see what’s different here.”
“It might not seem like much to you but for me this is different.” Connor stated, “Schlatt always gives me a time limit for his trips. He’s only ever stayed out past that time limit once and that was on his first ever business trip, so the fact that he’s been gone for five days when he said he’d be back in less than three is worrying.” Connor explained further, “And to add on to that he almost always gives me at least a few days notice before his trips and this is the only time he’s ever refused to tell me where he was going. So I don’t know what exactly is going on but I know that something was off about this trip and now Schlatt’s missing and I have no leads on where he could possibly be.”
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You ever just watch Wilbur Soot and vibe?
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Business Bay exists as an extension of SMP City. The part of the city itself isn't huge, but TommyInnit built it practically all by himself with a bit of help from Schlatt (in the form of literally just straight money donations) and Wilbur (in the form of actual ligitamate help building everything). Tommy helps run a lot of the economy through Business Bay both through trade with other surrounding societies and also by having given the city a district through which businesses could flourish. Business Bay and Schlatt and Co. hold the majority of the power in the fairly unstructured SMP economy.
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Schlatt, while generally enjoying using his powers to screw around with his friends and such, often tries not to use his powers in larger ways, like, say, raising a volcano off the side of an island for example, because he has a tendency to get carried away in those situations whether that's what he was originally planning or not and it's not something he's particularly proud of both in the present and in his past.
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? 👀
Captain Capsize survived season 1 of Mianite in this AU! She's not particularly plot relevant to this specific story of the AU that's currently being posted, at least not in what I have planned out at this point, but she's out and about in the world doing pirate things and living her best life and I feel like she deserves that happiness and the knowledge of that fact is enough.
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? 👀
Although there's not any set structure of government in SMP City, Carson basically runs the city and everyone just kind of let's him seeing as he's the one who had the idea to found the city and he does a pretty good job of keeping everything in check despite not really having anything more than social power and a good reputation.
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Ianite has a large garden on one of the floating islands in the end. All of the plants that grow there are end specific plants that Ianite created and grew herself using her powers. Only those who she wants to be able to find it can find it. Jordan often goes to the garden to visit with Ianite or just relax, especially when he needs advice or just needs a generally calming area to think. It's quite a beautiful place.
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Ye haw
I'm gonna take that as a yes!
So, basically, send a question mark (?) In and I'll answer your ask with one random fact pertaining to the lore or stories of the Infighting of Ancient Gods AU. If you'd like, you can specify a specific series (Mianite, SMPLive, or SMPEarth) that you'd like the fact to pertain to, or even a specific character if you really want.
Also I want you all to know that I'm always open to answering just general questions about the AU you may have and asks in general. Anyways, have at it, send in some asks!
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Hey, hey, y'all want to do like an ask game type thing? I want to get more involved with you guys and I had an idea that may let that happen while also allowing you all to get some more info on the AU!
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Part 18
Tom knocked roughly on the old oak doors that opened into Tucker and Sonja’s house. The house itself was embedded into the side of the hill just inland from the bridge that led out to Mianite’s temple, and the hill was surrounded on one side by a large wall, almost as grand and defensive as that of a castle, which Tucker and Sonja had payed the wizards to build them back when Mianite and Dianite were still at odds and there had been much more infighting within their friend group.
It was Tucker who opened the door, seeming about as annoyed with Tom’s antics as ever. “Tom, what -” He paused as he spotted Jordan, “Oh, Jordan’s back!”
Tom walked right past Tucker into the foyer of the home without even asking and Tucker rolled his eyes but gestured for Jordan to follow, closing the door once they were both inside.
“Okay, we’ve put off this conversation for long enough, let’s deal with this,” Tom turned to Jordan, “You know a guy named Jschlatt, right? Businessman, you were annoyed that he kept trying to convince you to invest in his company? You mentioned him to us once or twice?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I suppose I remember mentioning that.” Jordan was still confused, but a pit began to grow in his stomach as he thought of why this could possibly be important now, and why Tom’s demeanor had changed so quickly, “Why do you ask?”
“Tom,” Tucker tried to chime in, but Tom continued, ignoring him.
“Did you ever think to mention the fact that he’s literally a god?”
Jordan froze, his heart dropping. He went silent for a few seconds before “Ah, so, uh, I’m assuming you met him then?” He stumbled over his words awkwardly, not quite knowing what else to say in the moment.
“Yeah, yeah, we met him.” Tom answered bluntly. He sighed, “Why didn’t you ever mention anything to us, dude? I mean, the fact that you knew there were other gods? The fact that you’ve been keeping us a secret from everyone back where you live?” His tone had softened, but Jordan could tell that Tom was still upset.
“Look, it’s just… it’s complicated, okay?” Jordan stated a bit defensively. Mianite was no doubt going to be angry with him for letting this information slip. The real question right now for him was how exactly had Schlatt learned about Mianite, how much had he let slip to his friends, and where exactly was he now?
“So, you did actually know then and legitimately just decided not to tell us?” Tucker questioned, “I really didn’t want to believe that when Tom told me. What the hell man? That would’ve been some good information to have the other day.”
“Look I-” He sighed, “Just, what happened after I left? How’d you learn about all this?”
“Well, I was gonna say we should wait for Sonja before we had this conversation, but I guess we’re already in it, so here we go.” Tucker sighed obviously annoyed, “A day or so after you left Jschlatt showed up, claiming to be a god of some kind.”
“Tucker refused to believe him so he created a volcano off the side of the beach to prove himself to actually be a god.” Tom butted in.
Jordan rolled his eyes, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“It was pretty cool in my opinion.”
“Oh yeah, it was so cool,” Tucker replied sarcastically, “Especially the part where I almost died.”
Tom’s face fell, “Okay, so it was cool up until that part.”
“Wait a second, back up, what happened?” Jordan asked quickly, “I feel like I’m missing something here.”
“Yeah, so after the whole ‘raising a volcano off the side of the island thing’ we all ended up on top of the volcano and had a whole… conversation with this dude about Mianite, Dianite, and Ianite, and all that jazz, and then the volcano shook and basically I tripped and me and Schlatt both fell into the volcano and I don’t know if he would’ve been fine or not considering he’s a god, but I was completely sure I was gonna die when we fell over the edge.” Tucker explained.
“Mianite ended up stepping in after they fell,” Tom continued the story, “Got rid of the volcano, saved Tucker, and teleported all three of us back to shore in the span of like two seconds, you know, as you do.”
“Okay, so this is explaining why you guys might’ve freaked out and wanted me to come back, but what happened to Schlatt?” Jordan asked hesitantly. ‘How did you guys learn all about my involvement in this? How did you know I was the one hiding things here?’ He wanted to ask but knew would be a bad idea to say.
“So impatient,” Tom scoffed jokingly, “You didn’t let me finish.” He continued, “Basically, after that Schlatt and Mianite got into a bit of an argument, Schlatt made some threats and refused to leave, and Mianite locked him up in the temple.”
“Wait, so Mianite still has him locked up?” Jordan questioned.
“Yeah.” Tom nodded, looking a bit upset, but for completely different reasons than he had earlier.
“Probably for the best.” Tucker added.
Tom shot Tucker a glare, but continued talking without acknowledging the comment. “Mianite said to stay out of the temple, but, you know, I’ve never really been one to listen to Mianite, so I’ve been going to see him every day or two.”
Tucker rolled his eyes.
“That’s how we found out about the whole connection between him coming here and you.” Tom continued, once more ignoring Tucker, “Basically, he came here looking for information on you to try and get you to invest in his company after he saw you go through whatever secret entrance you have to your path back here.”
“Ah, yep, don’t know how that happened but that sounds about right.” 
“Okay, we told you everything, now do you want to tell us why exactly you’ve been keeping secrets about all of this? Why you’re keeping us a secret from your other friends? Why you never told us there were other gods?” Tom prodded, masking his emotions too well for Jordan to tell exactly what he was thinking.
Jordan had never been the best liar, they all knew that, but if he was gonna keep Mianite from being any angrier than he must already be then Jordan was going to need to make up a lie on the spot and sell it well.
“Look, I just never really thought it was that important to mention, honestly I’m not even really sure I ever believed him when he said he was god.” He stated, trying to stay as calm as possible, “And really I just never really wanted to have to explain to everyone back in SMP about what’s going on over here, nor do I want to overwhelm you all with any number of them who would most definitely want to travel here on a regular basis and probably cause problems. It’s really just that simple, I’m sorry it ended up being a problem.”
Tucker sighed, “Well, at least we’ve got it all sorted out now. From now on let's keep things honest between all of us, whether you're keeping us a secret back home or not.”
Tom nodded but avoided eye contact. He was obviously unconvinced by the lie, but for once in his life he didn’t say anything about it.
“Okay, I can do that.” Jordan agreed with Tucker, trying not to acknowledge whatever Tom may be thinking about him, “But what do we do now?”
Tom was the one to speak up, the doubt he had showed moments ago hidden by a new sense of purpose in his voice, “We figure out how we’re gonna get Mianite to release Schlatt.”
“Excuse me, what?”
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Part 17
“We need to come up with a concrete plan for how we’re going to approach this.” Connor stated, having gone back to pacing, “Because if we just sit here thinking about everything without actually having a solid plan we’re gonna spend all our time worrying without actually getting anything done.”
“Okay, so what exactly are we going to do?” Ty asked, “We still don’t know where he was going, or really why for that matter, so… it’s not like we can go after him or anything.”
“He was excited about some big business opportunity, seemed pretty confident that whatever it was he was going after would be a lucrative endeavor. Whatever it was he had to have gotten the information about it from somewhere.” Connor continued, “We need to try and find out if anyone knows anything about where he might’ve gone or if anyone gave him any tips recently that might’ve led to this impromptu business trip.”
“What about Jordan?” Ty chimed in, “Maybe he knows something. I mean, there must’ve been some reason Schlatt wanted him distracted the day he left.”
“That’s… a really good idea actually.” Connor stopped pacing and turned to face Ty, “Okay, plan; I want you to go hunt down Jordan, tell him I need to talk to him about something important. While you go find him I’m going to go talk to Carson and Charlie, hopefully they’ll be able to help in one way or another.”
“Right now?”
“Right now. Try and meet me back here, preferably with Jordan, in an hour or two.”
And with that they made their way out of the building and started on their way into the city, both prepared to try their hardest to find a lead on what exactly could’ve happened to Schlatt.
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We are currently at the top of the Mianite tag 👀👀👀
And we're like the third blog under the Smpblr tag
So that's pretty fucking cool
Hey, hey guys, you want to see something cool?
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Hey, hey guys, you want to see something cool?
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