investathefuture · 1 year
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investathefuture · 2 years
I find it hard to keep people updated or just document my writing. Sorry to anyone that wants to hear about my WIPS. I am just a guy with adhd and forgetting things exist-
I have been working on something like a 'lit rpg' book because I'm a huge sucker for those Korean or Chinese "gate" or "dungeon" graphics. or just fantasy world has an rpg system.
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investathefuture · 2 years
Well I haven't really been working on Hero's King anymore; though I still love the idea I don't think I have the skill level to make it right now but I have plenty of other ideas that have come up! I've had a cool scifi idea that you could relate to identity issues and building your own identity or something like that. I dunno I'll be honest I don't really think about the moral of some of my stories I just think oooo cool idea eyes emoji
I also have a cool uhhh I dunno what to call it, mock non fiction? Like it's a fantasy book, but it's written in a way as if it was a non fiction book? It's essentially a compendium of someone's research in a fantasy world. It'll have lil drawings and all that and I'm p hype about it.
I've also wanted to work on an ancient idea I've had but never got around to doing. Thinking about the original version and reworked version. I reworked the original idea because I couldn't figure out how to make it work- it's something I have trouble with quite often where I have cool ideas but dunno how to make the puzzle fit.
And finally, I've got an idea for a mech book cause I realized that I CAN in fact write about mechs. The two things I love more than anything. Dragons and mechs. I bet that'll be what I'm known for.
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investathefuture · 2 years
I have realized that the perfect form of media must have a delicate balance between absolutely heart wrenching pure emotional devastation and the most ridiculous nonsense you have ever seen in your whole life
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investathefuture · 2 years
me designing OCs: "okay this one's a monster because she was born that way and doesn't know any other way to be. and this one's a monster because of circumstances out of his control and a lack of skills with which to cope. and this one's a monster because of her blind dedication to an unjust cause. and this one's a monster because she was complacent to a loved one's suffering. and th
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investathefuture · 2 years
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annoying disability tropes in media
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investathefuture · 2 years
"I have all this cool, complicated wordbuilding I want to use, but I don't want to slow the narrative to a crawl by constantly stopping to explain stuff" so just don't. Use made-up words without defining them. Let things pass without comment. Have the narrative voice remark on exceptions to the setting's norms without ever explicitly establishing what those norms are. Treat it like you're writing the fourth book in a series and the reader already knows all this shit, and if they can't figure it out from context, fuck 'em.
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investathefuture · 2 years
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take it.
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investathefuture · 2 years
For trans activism to move forward you have GOT to learn to accept that not everybody who uses She/Her pronouns is going to be some short, white, skinny, passing person.
You’ve got to accept that there are tall, hairy, and fat trans women who “havent done anything” and still deserve to be fucking gendered correctly.
I’m sorry you had to hear this from me, but not everybody is going to appeal to your UwU soft trans catgirl sensibilities.
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investathefuture · 2 years
You’ve been sentenced to 400 years for multiple murders. It’s been 399 years and your jailers are starting to get nervous.
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investathefuture · 2 years
i hate how you get desensitized to the cool stuff in your WIP if you've been writing it for a long time so when you read back over it you're like "this isn't as cool as i thought :(" but it still is! you just read it too many times
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investathefuture · 2 years
i know this is a hot take for writeblr but you should be able to start, pause, discontinue, and abandon WIPs without feeling guilty.
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investathefuture · 2 years
the only problem with scythes as a weapon is that you can't design one without some joyless realist deciding it's their duty to remind you how impractical they would actually be in combat. it's always "but a scythe would be useless in a real battle!!1!" and never How was the scythe the scythe looked fun it was fun.
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investathefuture · 2 years
Every writing advice thing ever: Don’t get bogged down in details on your first draft. Just write! ☺️
Me: How I begin this scene hinges on whether cheese sandwiches were served with mayo in the 50’s.
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investathefuture · 2 years
It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Foreshadowing
It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Just Something That They Opted Not to Spoon-feed You Because It Would Be Obvious If You Thought About It For 20 Seconds
It May Be a Plot Hole, But It Still Works In Terms of the Story’s Themes and Character Logic
Okay, It Is a Plot Hole, What Are You Going to Do, Cry about It?
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investathefuture · 2 years
Whole-heartedly BEGGING writers to unlearn everything schools taught you about how long a paragraph is. If theres a new subject, INCLUDING ACTIONS, theres a new paragraph. A paragraph can be a single word too btw stop making things unreadable
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investathefuture · 2 years
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