Missing You - Caspar Lee Imagine
Hello, it’s been a very long time! I’m so sorry about that! I was watching my favourite TV show earlier and all of a sudden I got an idea for an imagine and I just had to write it, I felt so motivated. It didn’t entirely turn out the way I wanted, but I still hope you like it. It’s quite a heavy subject, I’m sorry about that too!
*Caspar’s P.O.V.*
With a lump in my throat I slowly stepped into the huge police building, after staring in front of me blankly on a bench outside for hours. I hesitated as I was about to reach the front desk, but it was too late, they had already seen me.
“- Hi, can I help you?” A middle-aged man stared at me from behind his desk.
“- Yeah,” I coughed before continuing, hoping it would made the lump go away. “I’d like to report a missing person,” I said almost whispering.
“- Alright, who are we talking about?”
“- My wife.”
“- How long has she been gone for?”
“- Since yesterday morning. She was supposed to attend a summer course in Birmingham, but she never got there.”
“- Have you tried to call her?”
“- Yes, I’ve done nothing else all day. She promised to phone me as soon as she got there, but she never did. I’ve even phoned the university and her hotel, but nobody has seen her. She never checked in.” I swallowed away my tears.
“- Okay. Is there any possibility she could be involved in any kind of accident?”
“- I suppose? But wouldn’t I have heard of it by now then?”
“- Yeah, of course. I’ll search for the paperwork.” The police officer opened a few drawers in his desk and picked up a bunch of papers. He was monotonous in his speech, as if he didn’t believe me.
“- What’s your wife’s name?”
“- Y/N. Y/N, Y/L/N.”
“- Age?”
“- 22.”
“- Have you got a recent photo on you?”
“- Yeah.” I handed him over a photo from our wedding day, the same one that’s hanging in our living room. The expression on his face changed, as if all of a sudden he was compassionate.
“- When was this taken?”
“- About four weeks ago.”
“- Are you alright, son?”
“- No.” My voice cracked and a tear streamed down my face.
“- Let’s sit down for a moment.” He leaded me to another room, with a desk and chair, as if I was about to be interrogated.
“- I just want to get this over with.”
~ Six weeks later ~
It had been six weeks, one day and five hours since I had last seen Y/N. Six weeks, one day and five hours since I waved her goodbye at the train station. I have been a train wreck ever since. My friends and family have tried to cheer me up, but nothing has helped. I have barely left our apartment and sleep with my phone in my hands. Every time it rings my hands get all sweaty and I pray it is her voice that I’ll hear on the other side of the line, yet it has never been. The police have been searching for her non-stop and each time they find a clue, it turns out to be a dead end.
I’ve lost all joy in life. Marrying Y/N at such a young age had been the best decision I had ever made. From the moment I met her, I knew she was the one. The beautiful smile on her face made me instantly fall head over heels, but it was her beautiful character that made me stick around. She was genuine, friendly, honest and had a great sense of humour. She was the light in my life, my source of happiness and even after six weeks I have no idea how to live without her. I don’t want to know what that is like. But with every week that passes, I lose a little more hope that I’ll ever see her again.
The doorbell rings and I drag myself to the front door.
“- Mate, you look terrible.” In normal circumstances I would pretend to be offended and throw a fake tantrum, but I couldn’t be bothered.
“- Joe, Josh.” I mumbled as I turned around and stumbled back to my couch.
“- Come on, Casp, you can’t stay in forever. She wouldn’t want it this way.”
“- She’s not dead. And you don’t know the first thing about her, Josh.” I snapped at him, but soon regretted it. “I’m sorry.”
“- It’s alright. We only want to see you happy again. This isn’t you.”
“- I’ll only ever be happy again if I hear from Y/N.” Joe and Josh looked at each other without saying a word.
“- I know what you’re both thinking. She’s not dead.”
“- Casp, maybe, you should start to accept that…” Joe’s sentence was interrupted by a knock on the door. When no one answered, there was another one. Josh eventually decided to open.
“- We’re looking for Mr. Caspar Lee?” I caught a glimpse of two police officers and practically ran to the door.
“- That would be me.”
“- We’ve found your wife. She’s currently in a hospital in Birmingham and is doing relatively well, seen what has happened to her. If you give us a moment, we’ll fill you in.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. Without saying a word I let the officers in and tell their story. Apparently Y/N had been abducted by a duo that claimed to be drivers from the university that were supposed to take her to her hotel. They took her and four other students to a barn outside the city where they were chained up and beaten for six weeks and treated as their slaves. They were able to find them because one of the girls succeeded to escape and warn the police. The abductors had been arrested.
“- Can I go and see her?”
“- Yes, you are allowed to go, but be prepared that she might not be the same person anymore as she was before. She has been through inhuman things.”
“- Of course, thank you, officers. Thank you so much for all your help.” I led them outside and closed the door behind them.
“- Joe, you’re driving.” I said as I threw my car keys into his hands and quickly went to put on a pair of shoes and grabbed my phone from the coffee table.
“- Come on, let’s go.” I impatiently shouted at my two friends who seemed to be unable to process what they had just heard. As soon as I opened the door they snapped out of it and followed me to my car.
The drive up to the hospital must have been the longest three hours of my life. Those six weeks faded to grey as soon as those officers spoke those words. On the way there I called Y/N’s parents and her mum started crying on the phone as I told her the news. In that moment I couldn’t fight back the tears. I would finally be seeing my wife back after six long weeks.
As soon as we got to the emergency department, I ran out of the car and into the hospital. I didn’t even give Joe a chance to properly stop.
“- Caspar, what the hell, we don’t need you in a hospital bed either!” He shouted after me. Josh followed me inside as Joe went to park the car.
“- Hi, my name is Caspar Lee and I’m here to see my wife, Y/N Lee. She was brought in this morning.”
“- Yes, hi, I’ll bring you to her. My name is Gabrielle, I’m her nurse. Let’s have a chat on the way up there, shall we?” Gabrielle had a friendly smile on her face.
“- How is she doing? Is she going to be okay?”
“- Yes, she will be. Is this a friend of yours?” She pointed to Josh.
“- Yeah, it’s okay, he knows her very well too.”
“- I’ll be waiting down here, I think she’d rather see you first.” He said as he patted me on my shoulder.
“- So, Caspar, your wife will be fine, but I don’t want you to scare when you see her. She’s covered in cuts and bruises and has lost a lot of weight. She’s underfed and dehydrated, so she will be in here for quite some time. Not to mention the psychological damage that has been done.”
“- Yeah, I understand. The officers have warned me.”
“- On the other hand I think she will be very pleased to see you. She refused to be treated until she had seen you.”
“- Really?”
“- Really. And by the looks of you, it seems like it will do both of you well to see each other.”
“- Caspar?!” I heard an oh-so-familiar voice shout behind me. I turned my head and saw my beautiful wife lying in a hospital bed. The saddened look on her face made room for that smile I fell in love with.
“- Y/N!” I said in disbelief and ran over to her while she made her way to me. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her, ready to never let her go again. We fell down on the floor and hugged each other crying. The tears were streaming down my face and all my worries of the past six weeks quickly faded away.
“- I love you so much.” I whispered in her ears. “You have no idea how much I missed you.” She sobbed in my shoulders.
“- We will get through this, I promise you. I will protect you with my own life, something I should’ve done before. We will get through this, together. I will be with you, every step of the way.” She let go off my embrace.
“- I love you, Caspar. I only got through this because you were on my mind every second of the day. I couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing you again. Please don’t ever leave me again.”
“- I won’t, I promise.” I said before kissing her softly and embracing her once again.
“- Come on, let’s get you back in bed.” Nurse Gabrielle said. I helped Y/N back in bed and sat down next to her as Josh and Joe entered. I was never leaving her side again.
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Aaaagh this feels so unreal! Thank you so much to everyone that follows, I truly appreciate it ❤ I promise that I'll try my best to have a new imagine up soon, but I've been quite a busy bee lately 🙈
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My first Joe imagine has 100 notes 😍
Thank you so so so much everyone for all the support ❤ I'm going to try and put a new imagine up very soon, but I'm just very busy! I'm so sorry about that, but I promise to make it up to you! ❤
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not sure if you do personals but could you potentially do an imagine with Jack or Joe where I'm a mental health nurse (or student nurse as I currently am) and stressed with shifts and additional work etc. my names Becki if you wanna do personal but if not i don't mind just something fluffy or whatever you think is best !! thank you ❤❤
I just posted this imagine on my blog. I really hope you enjoy it! I’m really sorry it took me so long to write, I haven’t been feeling to well lately, but I’m doing better again. I really enjoyed writing this for you, so I truly hope you like it.
Here’s a link to the imagine: https://itisjustmeandmyimagination.tumblr.com/post/163147200887/stressed-out-jack-maynard-imagine
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Stressed Out - Jack Maynard Imagine
Request (by @monavanderwaxl ) : not sure if you do personals but could you potentially do an imagine with Jack or Joe where I’m a mental health nurse (or student nurse as I currently am) and stressed with shifts and additional work etc. my names Becki if you wanna do personal but if not i don’t mind just something fluffy or whatever you think is best !! thank you ❤❤
A/N: Since it has been a while I’ve written a Jack imagine, I’ve decided to make this about him. I hope you don’t mind. Enjoy!
“Becki, there’s a new patient coming in next week and you’ll be looking after him. I want you to read through his history and stuff over the weekend, so that you know what to expect, okay?”
“Yeah, of course.” You tried your best to crack a soft smile as your boss handed you a file the size of a university syllabus. You let out a deep sigh as you walked out the door. Thankfully you had the weekend off.
The ride to your apartment seemed to last forever, with traffic jams making you even more stressed as you already where. People behind you were beeping their horn, making you clench your hands around the steering wheel. It was making you angry and the thought of having to read that enormous file over the weekend wasn’t exactly helping. After working three night shifts in a row, you were exhausted and all you wanted to do was crawl in bed and sleep.
Two hours later than expected you closed the door of your apartment behind you and dropped the file on your kitchen counter. You grabbed yourself a cup of coffee and sat down sighing.
“Hey, you’re late. What took you so long?” Your boyfriend Jack greeted you with a smile.
“Traffic.” You replied whispering, barely audible.
“You alright? You seem a bit sad.” For weeks you had managed to hide the stress work gave you, as you had promised yourself you would never take work home. Your boyfriend noticing that you weren’t feeling well was the last drop that made the cup run over.
“No, I’m not.” You said with the tears floating over your cheeks. “All these shifts and extra patients coming in are giving me so much stress that I don’t know what to do anymore. I have to read this huge file over the weekend and I don’t even know if I’ll manage to do it or not, and I feel so stupid for crying over it.” You buried your face in your hands as you tried to swallow more tears.
“Awh, baby, come here.” Jack whispered as he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you, or at least tried to. You know that I have huge respect for what you do and I love to hear all about it. Even when it’s not all roses. I don’t like seeing you upset.”
“I just didn’t want to bother you, you also have your own stuff to take care off.”
“Becks, there is not a moment in time that you cannot bother me. You’re the most important person in my life and all I want is for you to be happy. Even if that means you wake me up at three in the morning, because you need me. I’ll always be there for you.” He kissed you softly on your forehead. You looked him in the eye and saw nothing but love.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered.
“Don’t be. Here’s the deal: you are going to get changed right now, while I make you a nice cup of tea. Then, you’re going to let me pamper you for the rest of the day.”
“But the file…”
“No ‘but’. You still have tomorrow and Sunday to read it. You need to relax and I’m going to make sure you do.”
You smiled and pecked your boyfriend on the lips. You quickly changed into a comfy playsuit before going back to the living room, where Jack was welcoming you with a cup of tea. In the meantime he had closed the curtains and lit some candles, making your otherwise pretty basic apartment look like a romantic paradise.
“Welcome Miss, to Maynard Massages. Today we have for you a massage by our star masseur, Jack, followed by a home cooked meal, accompanied by a nice glass of wine. Afterwards we take you to our home cinema to watch one of those movies boyfriends usually don’t watch, but luckily for you, masseur Jack is all up for it. Take a seat.” You chuckled listening to his little speech.
As he started massaging your shoulders, you felt your whole body relax. For the first time in weeks you were feeling better again. You were finally able to take your mind of work and everything to do with it.
“How’s that feeling?”
“So much better. Thank you, Jack. You’re the best.” You said with a smile.
“Everything for my girl.” He whispered before kissing you on the lips and picking up right where he left off.
A/N: Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa finally a new imagine online! I really hope you liked it. Please do tell me if you don’t, I’ll write you a new one then. I’m sorry it took me so long to write this one, I haven’t been feeling very well lately. Luckily I’m doing better now and I’m back to writing again. I do hope you liked it.
That being said: my requests are still open, so anyone feel free to send in one and I’ll write you an imagine as well :)
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This is too me
Writing Problems
*types a word and then sees that it has the notorious red squiggly line* you wanna fight Google Docs I know I spelled that shit right"
 *types a word and it turns out it is not an actual word* WELL THAT SHOULD BE A WORD"
“I wrote the word ‘said’ in my work 124 times FUCK”
*makes inhumane screeching noise when someone interrupts my typing midsentence*
The blinking cursor of a blank word document
*spills beverage on notes*
*cat sits on laptop*
‘I’m in the middle of writing a good chapter and my laptop is about to die and the charger is on the other side of the room, why is my suffering so real’
*stares off into space for upwards of five minutes*
'Am I characterizing a character so well because I know the character or am I writing them as I would write myself’
“lol who needs sustenance when I’m IN THE  Z O N E
Feeling like you will never be able to write well again
Feeling relief when you get inspired and write like crazy
That feeling of inspiration that makes you shiver and makes your nerves buzz
oneshot? more like 'oh-shit-this-morphed-into-a-thirty-chapter-novel'shot
*more staring into space*
lol what’s dialogue
having to pee but can’t because I’m IN THE  Z O N E
being IN THE  Z O N E
Being OUT OF THE  Z O N E and crying about it
comparing myself to other writers (never do OK)
switching POV accidentally
*stares more intensely into space*
*computer starts whirring like crazy* babe I know this writing’s fire but you need to calm down
*looks into empty beverage mug* why
*sees a cliché* *cringes*
will the reader understand what I’m saying here lol I hope so
sleep? what’s that lol
*thinks about writing while at social events*
*gets inspired to write at the most inconvenient of times, such as at the dentist’s or in the shower*
*gets zero inspiration when actually has time to write*
B L A N K  W O R D  D O C U M E N T
*stares into space forevermore*
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Reblog if you are a safe person to talk to
You can message me or send me an anon anytime, ill listen! Even if you just want to come and talk about your life or your worries, ill be there.
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Sorry for (again) being so inactive! I haven't been feeling very well lately and didn't feel in the right spot to write. I'm doing slightly better again, so I hope to have an imagine up very soon! Feel free to send me in some requests, maybe that will help to give me that extra push!
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Do you do only certain imgines?
Not sure what you mean with this question, but I write imagines about all the people that are in my bio! As soon as I receive requests, I take a look at them and let the requester know whether I feel comfortable writing it or not. So far it hasn't happened yet that I can't write something, but never say never 😉 So feel free to send in a request! Sorry it took me so long to answer, didn't get a notification about your ask 🙈
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So do you think you could do an imagine like #38 about Alex McDonald, and Jack is your best friend and he's the one who keeps telling you he's bad news? Thank you.
Hello! Thank you so much for your request! This was just posted on my blog. I really hope you like it :)
Request are still open, so anyone can send in one if he’d like an imagine :)
Here’s a link to the imagine as well: https://itisjustmeandmyimagination.tumblr.com/post/162370201387/bad-reputation-alex-mcdonald-imagine
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Bad Reputation - Alex McDonald imagine
Request: So do you think you could do an imagine like #38 about Alex McDonald, and Jack is your best friend and he's the one who keeps telling you he's bad news? Thank you.
Writing prompt #38: “Everybody keeps telling me you’re the bad guy”
A/N: Here you go love! I had a really good time writing this story, so I do hope you like it!
“I can’t believe you made me watch this movie.”
“Come on, Jack, it’s a classic, you must see this at least once in your life.” After weeks of whining, you had finally persuaded your best friend Jack to watch your favourite movie with you on a lazy Sunday afternoon. You were both sitting on his couch staring at the credit titles.
“Yeah, but that still doesn’t take away it was a bad movie.” He laughed when you playfully slapped his upper arm.
“What time is it?”
“Crap, I have to get going…”
“Why? We were having so much fun.” Jack looked at you pouting.
“True, but, I’m going on a date tonight and I have to get ready. He’s picking me up at 7:30.”
“Alex, who else?”
“Alex? As in Alex McDonald?”
“Yes, that Alex. This is like our fifth date, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you.” Jack let out a deep sigh.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong? You’ve been acting like this every time I told you I was going out with him. What’s the problem?” Now it was your turn to sigh. You didn’t like that your best friend was acting all strange whenever you told him you were going out with Alex. After all you somehow felt like you needed his approval.
“I just don’t think he’s the right guy for you.”
“Why not?”
“He’s bad news, Y/N.”
“Why?! Isn’t he supposed to be a good friend of yours?” You had to withhold yourself from shouting. Jack was making you angrier every second. He sighed again, clearly agitated by your answers as well.
“He’s a first class player! Who knows how many other girls he’s having besides you!”
“Why, Jack? Why the hell are you telling me this now?! Couldn’t you have done that before we, I don’t know, went on our first date?!”
“Can you please not shout? I’m telling you this, because I know him longer than today, but I thought you would’ve figured out what he’s like by now. I don’t want you to get hurt.” As Jack’s voice lowered, yours did too and you managed to calm down again. You hated fighting with him.
“I really like him, Jack…” You said almost whispering.
“Just promise me you’ll be careful and won’t let him hurt you.” He replied while taking you in for a hug. Something in his embrace told you that there was more going on, but the clock was still ticking and you decided to go, leaving his apartment with a weird feeling in your stomach.
Going home and getting ready for your date, did not take the feeling away. Jack’s words kept spooking through the back of your head and all you could think of was the look he had in his eyes, yet you didn’t know how to define it. It bothered you, and unfortunately for you, your date had noticed.
“Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit distraught.” With a worried look in his blue puppy eyes, he looked straight into your soul. This guy was perfect for you, yet you couldn’t help but thinking about Jack’s words.
“Euhm, yeah, I’m fine.” You hesitated to tell him, because after all you didn’t want to hurt his feelings, nor create a feud between the two friends.
“Then how does it come that the sound of your voice is telling me the exact opposite?” He gently took your hand as you were walking back to his car after a dinner date. His piercing blue eyes looking into yours made you melt and therefore you gave in.
“Everybody keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” The smile on his face quickly faded and he let go of your hand. Clearly agitated he put his watch and jacket back in place. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, angry at yourself for ruining the date.
“No, don’t be. Who might this ‘everybody’ be?” His calm voice made you feel at ease again, and before you realised it, you were already pronouncing his name.
“Didn’t I know so, what a coincidence.” His reaction confused you. “You have to know that nothing of whatever he said about me is true.” He sighed, looking in your eyes, hoping to persuade you.
“How did you know it was him?”
“Because Conor told me last night that Jack fancies you. A lot. Normally that would be a reason for me to cancel this date tonight and simply keep seeing you as a friend, but I couldn’t. Not this time. I haven’t felt this comfortable with a girl in ages, and even though Jack is one of my closest friends, you give me the feeling that this is all worth it. I really like you, Y/N, and there’s no way I would ever give up on something that I believe could turn into something so much more beautiful.”
At this stage all kinds of emotions were running through your body. Happiness, because Alex actually felt the same way about you as you felt about him, surprise, because your best friend turned out to have the hots for you, and guilt, because your next move was about to ruin some friendships.
“I like you a lot too. And no matter what Jack may or may not be feeling for me, it won’t stop me from feeling what I feel for you. He’ll never be more than a friend to me. You’re the one that I want to be with.”
And as the smile returned on Alex’ face, he leaned in closer to you to make his soft lips touch yours and seal the deal with a kiss that you happily answered.
“What are we going to tell Jack?” He asked once you parted.
“I’ll talk to him. He’ll understand eventually, I hope.”
“He will. As I know Jack, he’ll forget you in no time.”
“Hey!” You said as you poked him in his stomach, making him laugh and pulling you in for another kiss under a sky full of stars.
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A/N: woooohhhhhhhhh another request finished! I really hope that you liked what I wrote for you. If any of my other readers want an imagine as well, don’t be afraid to send in a request in my ask box! I do personal requests as well :)
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Let’s Go To The Beach - Joe Sugg imagine
Request: Hey can I have a Joe imagine please? Can it be a cute fluffy summer one, thx. My name is Kate and I have blue eyes and blonde hair and I don't care how long it is and how long it takes to write it.
A/N: Here it is! I hope you enjoy what I wrote for you. It’s a rather short one, I do apologize for that! Nonetheless, I hope you still like it :)
“Joe? Are you ready? We have to go, or else we’ll miss our flight!” You yelled through the apartment you shared with your long term boyfriend Joe. You had been together for five years, and to celebrate you two had booked a luxurious holiday to Hawaii.
“We have plenty of time, don’t worry.” He said chuckling while coming out of the bedroom. He planted a soft kiss on your lips before picking up a bag and carrying it to the taxi waiting outside. You let out a deep sigh of contentment and closed the door behind you, ready to leave for the time of your life with the person you loved the most.
After a long and tiring journey, you made it to your holiday suite. Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open from amazement, as you had never seen something so beautiful before. The room looked out over what seemed to be a small private beach ending it the bluest of seas. It looked like a piece of paradise. The cabin you were staying was worth five stars. A huge king size bed, bubble bath, a balcony with huge lounge seats, simply everything that your heart had ever desired.
“This is so beautiful.” You whispered as Joe came up behind you and let his head rest on your shoulder.
“Yeah, it’s our piece of paradise for the next two weeks.” He gently kissed you on your cheek.
“Let’s get everything unpacked, shall we?” You suggested.
“Or, we could leave that for tomorrow and go to the beach first.” Joe tightened his grip on your waist, so you could impossibly escape.
“No ‘but’. We’re on a holiday, we’re going to enjoy ourselves. No obligations. So, let’s go to the beach. Look, the sun is going to set soon.” And as you looked outside the window, you gave in. Both of you quickly changed into swimwear and hand in hand walked to the private beach that started right in front of the cabin.
As the sky slowly coloured orange and the sun started going down, you and Joe enjoyed each other’s company on the beach. You stared at him with a smile when he carefully took a dip in the blue ocean water.
“Kate! You should join me! It’s so refreshing!” He shouted from a distance, trying to convince you to get into the water. He knew you hated ice cold water, so you kept refusing. You thought he slowly gave in as he ran back to you, but were caught off guard when he grabbed your hand and dragged you all the way to the water. As soon as both your feet were in the water, he lifted you up and threw you in.
“Joe!” You yelled before bursting out into laughter.
“See, I told you it wasn’t that bad.” He said chuckling, before pulling you in for a kiss.
“I love you, Sugg.” You whispered as you parted.
“I love you too.” He said, before locking his lips with yours once again. And as the sun was setting in the sea, two lovebirds started the most beautiful holiday they’d ever experience.
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A/N: Tadaaaaaaaa, I’m back! I hope everyone enjoyed reading this imagine, even though it was rather short. My requests are still open, so feel free to send in one if you’d like an imagine as well!
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Im here for you if you ever need to talk
Thank you so much ❤
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Hey dear, I just read you personal rant. I was just wondering if you are all right? If you need someone to talk to, I am here. I have been in a similar position, before and it sucks. I hope you can find back your concentration. Have faith in yourself. Good luck on your exams. Lots of love.
Thank you for your message ❤. I'm actually not okay. This is something that happened months ago, but people are still talking about it behind our backs. I finally came to a state where I was more or less over it and now I hear about this... I've actually cried over it, because there is nothing I can do about it and I hate it that people don't know the whole truth and I'm the bad guy in our class now, while it was actually not only my fault, the person in question did horrible things too, but she doesn't tell people that... and it just breaks me 😭 I'm really not such a bad person as everyone thinks now 😭
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Personal rant - I’m sorry, but I have to get it off my chest
It’s great to find out your whole class group talks behind your back about you and your friends, but you’re the only one that’s actually being hated for something that happened months ago. The world would be a much better place if people would actually listen to both sides of the story and not spread rumours that places others in a bad light that isn’t even true.
Yes, I put my feelings out on social media, but the person in question did too and started with it months before, referencing to my friends and me the whole time. But guess what? Our whole class only knows her side of the story and refuse to listen to ours, so they just talk behind our backs. She left out the part of her doing the same.
Great timing to find this out too, in the middle of my exams. Great timing to be seriously pissed off and lose all of my concentration.
You got what you want, I lost my concentration, will fail and everybody talks about me behind my back... happy now?
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Brad imagine reached 100 notes 😱😢
I'm so overwhelmed. Can't believe two of my imagines have reached 100 so far, thank you all so much ❤ I appreciate every single like, reblog and comment, thank you all so much for the love on my imagines and this blog. I love you ❤
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300 followers, whot? 😱
Guys, this is insane, I'm actually shook 😱 I'm not even active at the moment, yet I do keep gaining followers, which is honestly amazing! I'll be active again soon, I'm in the middle of my exams and as soon as they finish, I'll be writing more imagines again! I'll have loads of time then, as it will be summer holidays for me. Thank you for being patient! Requests are still open though, so feel free to send in one. It just might take about a week to finish it 🙈 Thank you all for supporting my imagines and being so patient. I love each and everyone of you ❤
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