itsjustamyy · 9 years
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Elmoooooo♡♡ I got him at a fair last weekend with my boyfriend and he's so cuteee
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itsjustamyy · 9 years
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Fresh mint tea<3 Tastes sooo good and is actually good for your health. I had this for the first time when I went to Texel with my friends and I got three small plants as soon as I came home. The thing is I don’t even like tea, in fact I hate tea. It’s the only tea I drink and I love it!
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itsjustamyy · 9 years
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Okaaaayy, this pic has no reason. This bunny is just unbelievably cute and badass at the same time I wanted to share it with you guys:D
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itsjustamyy · 9 years
Sognare l'impossible è il primo passo per realizzarlo
Dream the impossible and you’re already part way there ~ a quote I found a long time ago, can’t remember where
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itsjustamyy · 9 years
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This is so prettyyy!! Wish I could do that<3
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itsjustamyy · 9 years
This video makes me so happy! My day could be terrible and this still manages to cheer me up. Hope is does the same for you guys:D
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itsjustamyy · 9 years
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Just to remind each and everyone of you, being different is not a bad thing, it can be a beautiful thing, and if it’s what makes you happy, be different!! We don’t have to be the same. That would make the world a boring grey place. Our differences colour the world<3
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itsjustamyy · 9 years
Soooo, hi!, I guess? I'm completely new to this and I don't have a clue as to what in the world I'm doing. My name is Amy, I'm seventeen and I live in The Netherlands. Just in case you wanted to know(A) I dunno, I'm not good at this:')
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