iwasyouonce · 8 months
artists and creatives make the world a better place
they engage in thinking outside of the box, expressing thoughts and emotions with depth, connecting people etc.
they are SO IMPORTANT to society and culture. we need to stop acting like artists and creatives dont matter and that what they create is not worth any value because it is invaluable. its what makes culture rich and worth telling and retelling.
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iwasyouonce · 8 months
Yea definitely need to prepare them for the real world.
they need to have communities with other non-homeschooling kids (whether it be neighborhood or religious/social activities) to learn how to interact with others.
as someone who was homeschooled where homeschooling is very regulated, i think i have not experienced that kind of neglect and lack of preperation.
However, because the homeschooling community im a part of is very diverse and everyone is accepted, my view of the world/people is rather different. so I guess in that sense I would not "fit in" because I see things differently from others. But learning how people who have gone to school see the world and how their growing up has impacted them is something important for homeschoolers to learn as well.
Also im neurodivergent so even if i went to school i wouldnt have fit in anyway and homeschooling saved me from a lot of the bullying i would have experienced.
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Reddit’s homeschooling page saying they don’t want their kids to fit in with and be able to adjust to society.
That’s, um, quite bad? Tbh, I remember reading an article where they interviewed adults who’d been homeschooled and a few admitted that, while, they could never tell their parents, they felt it left them unprepared for the real world.
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iwasyouonce · 8 months
ive accepted that I will probably not get anywhere better than what i currently have. when i leave home i need to provide and fend for myself totally on my own. physically, financially. everything. im already tired right now, but somehow i need to hold on for the future.
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iwasyouonce · 9 months
“Is this good? You can say it’s bad”
What do people mean when they ask this? Do they want me to affirm that what they did was good? Would they get offended if I responded with something else? Are they looking for a simple answer, or a detailed explanation of the good and bad parts?
When I am studying and seeing something, I am taking that thing, and putting it in relation to myself. Whether it be my abilities, my opinions, my experience and what my ideal and standards are. When I pin that thing against all of that, it becomes extremely complicated. When they have created something, they have done that with their abilities, their opinions, their experiences and their ideals and standards. As I do not know all of that, I cannot judge and say if something is “good” or “bad” because it would be extremely biased and unfair from my point of view.
Essentially, in order to be able to critique something more accurately, I either need to have had similar experiences, a similar level of ability, share some of their opinions and keep similar ideals and standards. Maybe this is extremely black and white thinking of this question, but I feel like this question holds so much weight and can be misinterpreted so easily. It is not about how I think I’m better than others and that’s why I cannot respond directly, but how can you judge something that someone else has created/done when you’re not them? And when they get hurt when you say it’s bad, it’s somehow your fault and not because they asked for your opinion.
there is so much to read in between the lines, that I just sometimes have to say “you did a good job” and ask if they themselves like it. If they like what they have made, then I think that’s the best, and I will affirm that. Because I am someone that is not satisfied with something regardless if other people tell me that it’s amazing and awesome. Not because I don’t care about what they say, but it doesn’t change anything. If I don’t feel like what I’ve done is good, then it is not good to me.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
you know what, this is going to come off like I am complaining, and maybe i am.
i cant help but cry thinking about the people in my generation. we have gone thru so much and there's so much of the weight of the world to bear. while each generation has had struggles of their own, ours are so different and so new(?)
fucking bad economic times, having the world so interconnected that something somewhere else could change things so drastically here. higher costs of living, school debt, having to be above and beyond in order to get a moderate paying job in order to live and have a future. an aging population that we would have to take care of, not having children because of how fucked up we already are and not having enough money. cyber crimes, being bullied online by annonymous people. mental health just declining because of the capitalistic world we live in and literally having to work till we die in order to support ourselves and our families. things that give us quality of life are neglected because money matters are the most important. having to deal with climate change and needing to innovate to (hopefully) reverse damage that has been done and prevent more damage from happening. the ongoing in multiculturalism and fracturing of the internet as people group into niche communities online and tensions and disagreements those bring. having access to a plethora of knowledge and information but not having enough time to process it properly before we are bombarded with more. the expectation to be up to date with news, knowledge and skillsets. having multiple global health crises, political instability in many countries still, and corruption still rampant. history and its consequences are still being lived out, and new history is being made at speeds faster than ever. the world and its inhabitants moves faster than ever, and how are we supposed to keep up mentally, emotionally and even physically?
every new generation bears the weight and the consequences of the generations before them, while dealing with things happening in the present. im so sick and tired, and deathly worried for us. the only thing bringing us through is the shared experiences and knowing that we couldnt do it alone.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
#me on the daily
Stimming isn't enough, I need to fucking explode.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
since when did "in general people are this way" become "this is how everyone should be"
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
listening with an open mind and accepting differences does not equate to compromising on your values and abandoning your beliefs.
all i ask is that you understand that everyone is inherently different. we could live the same lives, and experience it differently. not everyone experiences and feels things the same.
by expecting other people to be the same as you and conform to your beliefs (which have been shaped and deepened by your lived experiences) you are projecting onto other people, and when you react to who they actually are and what they believe in with hatred and disgust, you are the 100% to blame.
100% to blame for your reactions, for all the things youve said, for the ways that youve discriminated and ostracized others, for the beliefs and expectations that youve projected onto them.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
as an able bodied person who undiagnosed my entire childhood, i seemed totally fine to ppl ard me.
unfortunately that also goes for the general public.
taking public transportation is hard for me. i have sensory needs and my headphones (has been a lifesaver) but doesn’t solve everything. traveling during rush hour is a nightmare. being packed against strangers is so uncomfortable physically and being able to smell everyone is just….not it. But i still have to travel. Thats not something i can avoid.
We immediately see the elderly, pregnant and those with mobility aids as those who need the empty seat (or giving up a seat for them!) and that doesn’t really apply to someone who looks “fine” on the outside. Most of the time i make it home so exhausted and faint because of prolonged standing, mental/emotional exhaustion (from wtv activities i took part in) and physical exhaustion (because i dont have very good eating habits)
invisible disabilities and awareness about it is lacking here. ignorance, coupled with the societal mindset of “every man for himself, don’t be nosy and go about your own business” makes asking/getting help hard because i dont want to explain/prove my disability to get help from others. i do not go up to people to ask for a seat, i just bear it as best as i can and try to make it home where i can safely deescalate a meltdown/sensory overload.
i live in a country that stresses speed and efficiency, and that is the attitude of people as well. your worth is inherently tied to not just your ability, but whether you can do it well, fast, and the most efficiently. this has caused me to be quite pessimistic about my future here. the cost of living is crazy high, and unless you have generational wealth, are married to someone who makes 5-6 figures annually (just like yourself) its near impossible to get a house and live.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
maybe this is an adhd autism thing but I love studying group dynamics. I've always had the habit of just sitting back in group settings and just observing everyone. not just to understand how I fit in the group and what to do and say, but also like how other people interact with each other, and just....i guess observing and learning.
in big groups there will be pairs or a couple ppl that gravitate towards one other. some in the physical sense, some in the "we have the same type of humor" when they laugh they glance at each other for affirmation sense. I love just sitting down and seeing people interact and try and read their body language and what that says about them.
Oh, also a another thing I love to do is look at the shoes of strangers that I walk by. I feel like you can get a feel of the person's personality and vibe from their shoes, and that in addition to their dressing.
Like you can tell where they're going, whether they like a neat lines or prioritize comfort, whether they like patterns or not, whether they are dressed for comfort or not. It's so fascinating to me.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
Having autism is like
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Having ADHD is like
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Having both Autism and ADHD is like
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
how do people do this "studying" and "preparing for exams" and "going to university soon" shit because i am THIS close to calling it quits and just idk wAstiNG away because I am not THRIVING as I should.
Why is thriving a privilege...I don't want to settle for just getting by and living day by day. I want to enjoy life, I want to be happy, I want to explore and learn and have fun. Why is it that once I became sentient the life grind started?!?!?
I was a kid but I was studying to get into the next grade. Rinse repeat for all your childhood years and then extra pressure to go to uni. Uni is studying so you can graduate with a degree. Then you (hopefully) use the degree to go find a job. Then you do the job till you have enough money (hopefully) and then retire. Then only when you retire you have time to sit around. But by that time you're prob old and frail and too sick and tired of life because your youthful desires and dreams were extinguished long ago.
seriously like fuck all of this. life is hard for people in general (except the rich and mega rich lets be honest) i have a literal disability and normal life is so much harder in general. the "light at the end of the tunnel" feels like it is said by people who made it to the end of the tunnel because they have support systems (family, money, opportunities, status) that sustained them through the tunnel to get to the end.
bro i am so tired, i don't want to walk through the tunnel. why is it a tunnel. some people are walking through the tunnel and some people have cars to get through it. like not everyone starts out at equal places, and "working harder" or "have a better mentality" won't cut it anymore.
It feels that my only goal in life is to earn money so I can live. "But life isn't just money" uhhh no shit it's not, but it IS all about money when you don't have any money anymore. And so much is dependent on you having a stable job/income. Like actually what-
Happiness shouldn't be a privilege.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
questions that are so vague irritate me so much. Like what do you mean "Which of the following statements best explains a limitation of the political map shown in conveying economic information?" and it's just a picture of a map with the EU countries shaded in.
And then all the MCQ options are talking about how certain things in the map are irrelevant (like borders)
Like....shouldn't it be "(some stuff) are not labeled and included in the map which makes (coming to some conclusion) hard/impossible"
WHY USE THE WORD LIMITATION if the mcq answers aren't talking about limitations? Also literally the only thing on the map were EU countries. Um....besides the economic information that they are countries that are part of the EU there is nothing else you can gather (strictly without outside knowledge) just from the map.
Like am I just understanding the question too literally or does the question just suck.
If the map had numbers (like the GDP) labeled on the countries or smth then yea I would know that economic information about the countries, but "you don't know what you don't know" so.....
It's so frustrating
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
new flash: children are their parent's responsibility.
You can't expect teachers (1 teacher to 30+ students mind you) and the fucking um idk government(?) internet(?) society(?) to ensure that your kids have good morals and don't die??
Like you had a kid, you're responsible for what goes in their brains. Society is going to be the way it is, and should not conform and change to just fit the ideal morals/values that you wanna teach your children.
Society IS going to continue to change and evolve and stuff on the internet will always be there. But like basic stuff like treating others nicely and learning critical thinking are all stuff that can (and should) be taught to children when they're young.
It just (again) baffles me that people want others to be responsible for their kids. Like first of all, as the parent, you're responsible for the kid, and you then teach your kid to become a responsible person period.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
Do yall believe that "intrinsic value" in people is a thing? Cos i personally do. Maybe it's my religious upbringing, maybe it's the fact that I am neurodivergent myself with a neurodivergent sibling so I've lived life rather differently from other people.
But it never fails to shock me when (some) people talk about others without any regard and acting in ways that make it seem that they perceive certain types of people, or people from certain areas as intrinsically "less than" because of something.
How could you legitimize the way you view yourself and your worth while completely stripping that from others as well? Maybe it's because my brain is just built different or wtv, but viewing yourself as "superior" than others just doesn't make sense to me. Whenever I look at social issues (on the large scale) or interpersonal differences (smaller scale), things are never so "clear cut."
Some people view others with a higher level education as more "worthy" than those who maybe just finished middle school. But that is just....fucking stupid. Everyone starts out at different places. The countries we are born in, the families we have, our race, the current economy, the presence (or lack of) natural disasters, the educational system, the political system, the type of social welfare provided - ALL VARY and differ. No one person is the accumulation of all their decisions (good and bad), and the routes that we take in life drastically differ based on external factors as well.
Judging people based on their family background, educational level and their current job is rampant in my culture. WE ARE TRYING TO SURVIVE IN THIS HELLSCAPE, IN THIS STUPID RAT RACE. The last thing ANYONE needs is an opinion that screams "bruh you suck. try harder. i one upped you"
Like...it's disgusting that in the current world we live in, all these differences override our shared humanity. All of us have been so busy upskill-ing ourselves and securing jobs to lead a stable life that we forget that human connection and empathy is just as important as basic needs such as food, water and shelter.
By wearing our achievements on our chest, climbing the social ladders and being obsessed with where we rank in relation to others, we view life in a linear way like a staircase going up, when it never was and never should be viewed that way. Placing people on linear scales and viewing things (esp social issues) through a black and white lens severely diminishes the ways in which people are multifaceted, and the opinions and solutions proposed would be likely to do more harm then good.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
@kaelynn_vp Tiktok Caption: The key to good communication with autistic people is to be direct. You'll always get a better response from us when we actually know what you want.
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iwasyouonce · 1 year
the anxiety i get when someone i love says theyre not okay and then they dissapear from the chat
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