#reading between the lines
chefkids · 1 year
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"You love taking care of people" (me)
"You love taking care of me"
"You love me"
"Yeah, I guess." *stares directly into his eyes*
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creatingnikki · 3 months
having my last seen and read receipts off makes you want to call me a psychopath but the truth is it just helps me manage my overthinking and anxiety because lol I just turned these two features on after years and now I’m checking your last seen every 32 minutes which by the way is your current last seen.
we weren’t meant to live in a world with so much unnecessary information being thrown at us at all times. and these are tiny things I do to help cope with that. my heart is tender and my mind is sharp and that means I care too much and read between everything and demand answers. but no one likes the girl who asks too many questions or the woman who holds them accountable.
so I will just go back to turning the last seen and reads receipt off and pretend like you didn’t get the time to see your texts until after dinner time which is when you crave dessert.
no, I will double text you and tell you that I don’t want to wait around another day for your texts and for you to take care. and that’s my goodbye. I cannot hold you accountable until I hold myself accountable. and am I really going to let you dictate my mood instead of the moon? I think not.
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writingwife-83 · 10 months
I think it’s really interesting that according to Adam Driver, even after TLJ they were still sticking with the plan to keep Kylo Ren as a villain to the end. He said his character was still on the same track and in that scenario we’d never have seen “Ben Solo.” Can you imagine? 😟 I mean, yes TROS was a dumpster fire in a lot of ways, but I will always be grateful that they didn’t go the way they almost went. I’m grateful for what we got and for the fact that in some ways you could argue that they’ve now left it open for the possibility of more Ben Solo content.
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trinalwilliams · 1 month
"With perspicacious eyes, she sees beyond the veil”
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tiofrean · 11 months
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Anyone here for some hurt/comfort with Silverflint? (Dibs on that tiny spae between them!)
In all seriousness guys, I drew that months ago for Reading Between The Lines podcast for the episode "Cinnamon" which happens to be my fic. If you wanna give it a listen, links are below <3
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atsoraasayoma · 4 months
Hi! I just found your page, and as a Takari shipper, I really appreciate what you do!
I bring you a topic to analyze! Recently I've been thinking about something that I haven't seen discussed anywhere, and that is that if you look at the children of the chosen ones in the epilogue, the oldest ones are Yolei's and Ken's, and then Hikari's (???).
Taking into account that the epilogue takes place in 2027 and her daughter (or son?) looks about 10 years old maybe, then let's say she only has about 5 years left between '02 The Beginning' and the birth of her child to meet someone, fall in love, date and perhaps get married (I mean, it's not necessary to get married to have a child). That's a long time I know, and she could still meet someone between that time, date and then get married in a space of 3 years or so, but it sounds a bit accelerated. Could it be that by the time of the last movie, she's already meeting someone, going out to bars and fooling around? See where I'm going?
I would like to know what you think about it? :)
Hi there! Thanks for consulting with me about this topic friend. For one, I don’t really see Hikari going to bars by herself. She is very cautious unless going through emotional distress, but if one of her friends were there specifically Takeru or Miyako I think she would allow herself to get a little buzzed but not full on wasted and make those kinds of decisions.
To be perfectly honest I have a hard time seeing Hikari dating anyone because it takes a long time for her to feel comfortable. She’s great with children of course, but when it comes to romance I think that would prove to be difficult. She has to learn to confide in people. So if she has close friends and went to a mixer or something, maybe but she would have to have the approval of her friends first. She may be timid at times, but she is smart. With Takeru’s training I’m sure she could talk her way out of trouble what with how she seemed to learn how to tease from him.
Due to her past I think she’s better than before about making personal choices but this is usually in a group setting when it comes to decisions. I am sure she has learned from both Takeru and Miyako and the hearts of the kidnapped children in zero two. Oh, and Tailmon as well.
A part of me strongly believes that she would end up with Takeru and we are being played until the end of this. I spent quite sometime trying to analyze eye colors and heritage and how their kids could have blue eyes and the other has brown eyes which was disheartening…
…but then I remembered, hey this is anime. Does everything absolutely have to be in alignment for it to work? I don’t think so with a hint of salt.
We have to be realistic, but omission is neither evidence nor falsehood.
I try to look at trends, yet since we don’t know the names of most of the Digidestined spouses or seen them we’re not getting the full picture. So, we need to focus on what we can see.
That was just the introduction. So here are my thoughts.
Whoever Hikari dates would need some kind of approval from her brother. He’s still protective of her. He would also need to be approved by her other friends -especially Miyako who is her confidante. She would also like to know Takeru’s reaction since they were childhood friends.
So she would control her environment before she takes any hasty emotional decisions.
I think you’re right timing wise as far as the canonicity of the children being born.
Yet, even after considering what is highly likely I want to give proper credence to omission in the Takari case.
What’s fascinating about this pairing is what we can draw from their constantly being around each other. They grow, they support each other, they start to have feelings in Tri, and by the time we get to Kizuna they are in sync literally lockstep (from the limited time we see them.)
All of this is hammered down even further when we get to the 2nd dialogue script in 02 to the Beginning Movie where they literally are making up stories together on the spot with their Digimon and just literally leading Ken on with their wild stories.
(This also got me thinking maybe Hikari gave Takeru idea to write about for future novels)
Then in that same movie Hikari seems to have front passenger seat privileges, is extremely calm about Takeru’s erractic driving which tells me she is used to it, and lastly, and this is the most important point:
They are still extremely close. Even more so than their DNA digivolving partners. I can’t say the same for Ken and Daisuke.
If we take a step back and look at this from Digimon Adventure all the way through this new movie we can see a steady progression in the building of their relationship.
In the next movie then, I believe, so close to the ordained time of meeting their spouses, one of two things will happen.
They will be in good communication of course. But, what I can see is either Takeru will meet someone, introduce them to the group and Hikari will be supportive but heartbroken and then move on.
Or two, and this is my hope, that, they will finally cross that line to actually become lovers. It would have to be a truly desperate moment for them to see each other that way. They are both terrific at hiding their own feelings.
If we approach this canon wise the first option seems more likely.
But I have approached their relationship differently because so much of their relationship is based off those little details of expression, emotion, and proximity.
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This is the last scene I have seen of them from the new movie that I remember. They still seem quite close.
In my opinion after such an emotional travail from the previous conflict it seems that each Digidestined ended up playing with the ones they are closest to.
Hikari could have chosen Miyako.Takeru could have not prepared himself and taken a hit from Iori but he was ready to take it from her.
In response to the last part of your question, I think, should Hikari have been dating Takeru would have made some reaction or comment about it. The same with Takeru. Like in Tri?
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But, they didn’t. It wasn’t even brought up. And even if it was possible do you think another girl or guy would like their girl/boyfriend hanging out with their childhood friend in their car alone or at a restaurant?
Maybe it’s a cultural thing but you have to admit that can prompt all kind of misunderstandings.
So in summary I agree they could meet someone else by the time the last movie comes out and dash the hopes of the Takari faithful.
However, like in one of my previous posts I submit this picture as a reservation for Takari to be canon much as the vacant spot conspicuously behind Tentomon in front that seemed reserved for someone:
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Mirrored Daisuke appears to have mirrored the missing spot between Sora and Yamato. Yet Takeru seems to have stepped forward as if he was meant to have been in that hidden spot besides Hikari in the first picture.
My hopes for Takaridom are banked on such observations. There is a constant ‘why’ when it comes to these two and their relationship.
One of my biggest ones is why that gap? And as this final movie comes across our path hopefully in the next five years we’ll get some kind of final answer just how far their relationship goes.
I just know that if they are still that close which I believe they will be one or the other will somehow have the other in the back of their minds when it comes to any romance. Which, is a most curious thing, isn’t it?
Would that not lead to, ‘If I’m always considering you/confiding in you does that mean we are the best of friends or could we be more than that?
And I am eagerly waiting for those emerging of emotions to manifest that both of them will realize.
(For further understanding of how Takari can be canon I recommend to read my fanfiction series The Digital Record Series on fanfiction.net or archiveofourown.com under Atsoraasayoma.)
I know this has been quite the long response but to me I can’t give a short answer or even a medium one. Much like their relationship you might need to take my opinion with a grain of salt or go back through the series and read between the lines.)
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dailybehbeh · 10 months
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kitkasworld · 11 months
Cas, Cas…. I know you’re in there, I know you can here me (you have to be in there, I need you to be able to hear me). Cas it’s me (please don’t do this to me). We’re family (I care about you more than anything). We need you (as more then just a weapon). I need you (I love you).
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gnomemnemonic · 6 months
My contribution to WIP Wednesday comes from the marginalia of a sudoku book. This is from a BTVS fic I started about two years ago as a gift, and then because of the gremlins operating my brain I allowed it to go fallow. I just read the first chapter and a half of it, and am (with no promises) inspired to finally finish it. I'm so committed, I might have to destroy a book in the process.
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For those not able to decipher my scrawl, this reads:
J: Are you going to talk about intertextuality?
G: 😑 No... (as he ties his tie) Do you want me to?
J: No!
So the question is... will Jenny and Giles ever make it to Joyce's bookclub?
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
“Honestly? To be able to sell another tour. To be able to carry on touring. And that will be, ask me in three years, I doubt that will change. That’s the most important thing to me is to be able to have these amazing live moments. Because why I love tour, there’s so much, I don’t want to call it bullshit, but there’s so much mystery in my life. Let’s say a radio station will say, if you come in and do this interview for us, we might play your record. And then they don’t. Or whatever it might be, a press opportunity or a conversation with a record label. All these things where there is an element of mystery, and you’re hoping that people are gonna honor their word. Tour is black and white. What you see is what you get. If I come off stage at the end of that show and feel like I gave most of the people in there a good night, then I’ve done well. And it’s as simple as that. [...] I’m not trying to read between the lines. There’s a very very literal black and white example of a yes or no answer to the question. Did I have a good night? Did you guys have a good night? Yes, easy as that. Whereas sometimes conversations with radio or record label etc, you’re always reading between the lines.”
- What is the intention of this album? [Zach Sang Show, 9.27.22]
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tin-wufborf · 1 year
Now, I'm just speculating, but you know how there's that one image of the incident report for the Hale house fire and everyone is like "is it 7:15 AM or PM?" because that part isn't marked? Well, I finally actually looked at the damn thing while researching for a fic, and I realized that what is actually says is "07:15 a.m./p.m." which actually kind of does tell us when exactly it happened. Assuming the report is written in military time regardless of the use of a colon (which, it probably was because it was drafted by the Beacon Hills Fire Department, and most departments of that nature do use military time because it minimizes confusion like this), that would mean the fire occurred at 7:15 AM which would actually make sense when you consider that Derek says he and Laura were at school when the fire happened. They were probably there an hour or so early (assuming that school commenced between 8:00-8:30 AM) as opposed to being there hella late after hours because most schools in NorCal release between 2:00-3:00 PM, which means that it's pretty unlikely that they were still at school at 7:00 PM. Like, I had a weird high school that ran from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM which is a super long school day and ended up having to be changed after I graduated because it turned out to be, like, illegal or something, but even with a a club or practice scheduled after school, we were gone by no later than 6:00-6:30 at night.
Also, as for why it was so dark when the fire happened--well, it was winter time, guys, and the house is surrounded by trees. In these parts, it can sometimes be really dark until, like, 7:45-8:30 AM depending on the weather, and the trees around the house could block out the sun for a while depending on which direction the house is facing and whatnot. I think I read somewhere that the fire occurred between late 2005 and early 2006, so that definitely means it was winter at the time of the fire. And, again, trees.
I have no logical explanation for why Derek says that 11 people died in the fire when the report only says 8 outside of speculation (the fire burned so hot that only 8 people's remains were ID'd) and darker fan theories (there were some unborn Hales in there...), but I think I can say with relative certainty that the fire happened in the morning.
TL;DR: The Hale fire almost certainly occurred at 7:15 AM because the incident report is most likely written in military time.
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chefkids · 1 year
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"You still love to cook, right?" (with me)
"You still love to cook with me, right?"
"You still love me, right?"
*laughs* "Yeah."
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profile-found · 4 months
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Initial sketch:
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heyybeach · 3 months
Growing up is actually just enjoying the exact same things you enjoyed at 14 years old, but in a more gay way
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cultofarfri · 7 months
Reading Between The Lines 385
Acquired androphobia04, troupe18, naive10, darktact04, lifeguard08, route17, pragmatic01, genma09
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klaira · 9 months
Hey, I have been wondering for a long time now, what are we? You say things you never meant. You're really good at your words and you really know how to get me, or must I say, women. The words coming out of your mouth don't match your actions. Truly, I know what you really want from the beginning; and yet im still waiting for you to admit it to me and to yourself. What do you gain from lying? Or you're just trying to make a world where you're the one in control? I am amused by the things you've been doing up until now. Are you fascinated by how things are going? Are you feeling ecstatic by fooling someone? Oh I am deeply intrigued with what's going on in your mind. Is deceiving someone addicting? You must have mastered the art of enchanting a woman. How much longer should I wait for your confession? Or should I say, how much longer should I tolerate your lies? Will the universe be the one that will show your true intentions?
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