izzytheninja · 6 months
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That old familiar body ache The snaps from the same little breaks in my soul I know when it's time to go
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izzytheninja · 7 months
Surprise Visit - Charlie Weasley
Summary: You visit Charlie at work and end up in a cage with three tiny dragons. The eventful night leads to a surprising confession.
Requested: yes
Pairing: witch!reader x Charlie Weasley
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izzytheninja · 7 months
Dragon Healer (Charlie Weasley)
Pairing: Charlie Weasley + fem!reader
Word count: 3923
Summary: You're the healer at Charlie's reserve. He constantly asks you out, but dating a co-worker is a recipe for disaster. However, who know what will happen when Charlie invites you to the Burrow for Christmas?
Warnings: Injuries, kissing, fluffy shit.
Hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist
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Romania was a great place to be most of the year excluding winter. During winter Charlie always felt frozen, but there’s someone who always made him feel warm on the inside; and sometimes even on the outside when a cute blush graced his cheeks.
That person was you. You were the healer in the reserve that Charlie worked in. He would never admit the fact that he sometimes was more careless around the dragons just so he can get you to patch him up. Only two things haven’t occurred to him; one, that everyone already knew that fact and that he did not need to admit it, and two, that being careless around the dragons could get him killed. When he gets killed he wouldn’t be able to experience the adorable flutter that he gets when you touch him to heal him, and then he would have died for no reason at all.
Currently, Charlie was getting his wounds tended to; and for someone who has multiple gashes across his chest, he definitely didn’t look like it. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs swinging in a childish manner and he had a bashful smile across his lips, that you were sure would make many girls -and boys- fall to their knees. When you thought of it, it probably has when you were at Hogwarts together.
Your hands were on your hips, looking at him disapprovingly. You observed the scars on his chest for a few seconds then you tutted and turned around to get a tower to clean the cuts. “You can’t keep doing this Charlie.”
Usually he would have said something along the lines of ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ However, today, he didn’t bother to hide the fact which he didn’t even bother hiding from the beginning. He opted to say the truth, “I just want to spend time with you.”
You put the tower near his chest and looked up at him for approval. He gave you a nod having been here long enough to know that this was the way you were telling him that it was going to sting. He let out a small hiss when you finally pressed the towel to his chest.
You furrowed your eyebrows, you didn’t want him to be in pain. A part of you wanted to tell him “You don’t need to be bleeding to do that” but then again you didn’t want to break your own heart in the process. Meaning, at first with Charlie it was a simple paper cut on his pinky and him coming to ask you if he was going to live. Then it evolved to cuts on his hands, and now it’s leaking scars on his chest. You can only hope that tomorrow he doesn’t come into the cabin half dead.
So you simply rolled your eyes at his statement, and he added, smile unwavering, “If you agreed to go out on a date with me then I would be able to spend time with you without the injuries.” You replied with the same thing you always do “What if we break up? It would be too messy and we work together.” and he replied with the same thing that he always did “But what if we don’t break up?”
Of course, you breaking up wasn’t the case, it only slightly was. Throughout all of your Hogwarts years together you had never talked to Charlie, you believe that the only conversation you’ve had was when he bumped into you in 5th year and he said “sorry.” without even glancing at your face. You, however, had a massive crush on him; as did most of Hogwarts. He was also the heartthrob of all the girls, he was head boy, smart, kind, and Quidditch captain. Who wouldn’t like him?! You would think that claiming that he wants to go out with you this much, he might have even slightly noticed you in Hogwarts.
Another thing that is on your mind is that what if he didn’t like you at all and it was just his hormones talking. It sounds crazy but think about it for a moment. He hasn’t dated any other girls since his last year in Hogwarts and it’s now two years after the battle of Hogwarts. Additionally every girl in the reserve is either taken, twice his age or half his age. Maybe he just wanted a girl to fuck around with. You were simply the only logical -and appropriate- option and you didn’t want to be a default. You wanted to be chosen.
“I can’t take that chance, Charlie.” You said, removing the towel from his cuts. You went to get the bandages and put the towel away. You sighed as you thought of your 7th year crush on Charlie, your feelings hadn’t been strong then -not having talked to charlie- but now you knew you really liked him. Maybe that was the reason you couldn’t go out with him. Maybe you just need reassurance that he actually truly likes you.
He huffed slightly, a frown found its way to his face. When you finished with the bandages he said “Thank you.” You took a step away from the bed allowing Charlie to stand up, when he did your chests were touching each other. You always underestimated Charlie’s height. He tilted your chin up and your face flushed brightly. He cupped your face and said “I… really like you-” he sighed, “and I want to go out with you so just think about it, okay?”
You couldn’t trust your vocal cords so you just nodded. He stepped away and said “Can I ask for a small favor?” You nodded while muttering ‘yes.’
“Christmas is coming soon-” He started and you cut him off saying “I know that.” You had a smile on your face hoping that he would mirror it, you didn’t like the frown on his face. He did.
His smile was fond when he rolled his eyes playfully “And-” he elongated the word “...I was wondering if you would like to spend Christmas with my family.”
You shook your head and backed away slightly “Charlie…”
Before you could protest any further he said “Before you immediately refuse my offer, I just want you to know that it will be purely platonic and I won’t even ask you out a single time. I will just say that you are the healer that so graciously heals me every time I get injured.”
You contemplated your choices. You were either going to spend Christmas alone watching a female dragon and a male dragon breeding or you could go spend Christmas with Charlie. Your parents were working so you couldn’t spend time with them and you had told him that a few days ago. You were just about to agree but then he interrupted you.
“I just…” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and you could see the blush creeping up his neck. “My parents want to meet the girl I’ve been talking about in all my letters. Besides, I wouldn't mind spending Christmas with you. You know, without the injuries” He put a small awkward and shy smile on his lips.
You blushed at his words but you didn’t let yourself indulge in the feeling -knowing his brothers- the last thing you needed was for this to be a prank. “Okay.” You said, softly. You didn’t notice how his smile widened and turned from meek to joyful. “I’ll go with you. But you need to help me pick out presents for your family.” You said the last sentence sternly but it came out much more light.
He quickly pulled you into a hug, spinning you around and saying loudly “This is great! THIS IS GREAT!” He laughed at the end of his words and then he paused. He placed you down on your feet gently and then cleared his throat while running a hand through his hair. He fixed his clothes downwards slightly and then raised his hands in mock surrender “Platonic, completely platonic.” You didn’t know that Charlie was only just now truly realizing how hard it was going to be at Christmas.
He spun on his heels and excited the cabin. When he returned back to his own cabin, he started jumping happily while saying “WOO HOO!” People could honestly mistake him for a child.
You were standing with Charlie in front of the Burrow three days after he asked you to come with him. You were fiddling with your fingers thinking of all the worst out-comes of this situation. If his mother, Molly -as he told you- asked you to help with dinner, you could easily burn the kitchen, as well as the entire house down; or they could hate you. Somehow the second option was worse.
Fingers interlocked with yours and gave you a reassuring squeeze. Charlie looked at you, saying “You don’t have to worry, they’ll love you.” You gave him an appreciative tight lipped smile, your nervousness wavering and he took his fingers away from yours. He looked at the floor before he said “right, platonic.” and he knocked on the door.
Then Molly -whose face you knew from the photos- opened the door quickly. “Charlie, dear. How many times do I have to tell you? You do not need to knock!” She brought him into a tight hug and kissed his head.
She turned to you and you said with a smile “Hello, Mrs. Weasley.” You only managed to get that sentence through before she gave you a hug. Your eyes widened and she said “No need for that, dear. Call me Molly.”
You could see that Charlie was trying to muffle his laughter from your reaction and from behind Molly’s back you flipped him off. She released you and walked back into the house and motioned for you both to come in. Everyone was already there and you were soon surrounded by the rest of his family. “Charlie! I haven’t seen you in ages.” said Ron. Internally you thanked the pictures that Charlie showed you or else you wouldn’t have known anyone. They all hugged him and greeted you while introducing themselves.
Then you ate dinner, and you all started getting ready for bed. Molly had insisted you all sleep well to be energized for tomorrow considering that it’s Christmas. You didn’t know when they all mutually agreed on the sleeping arrangement but you were sleeping with Charlie in his room. Bill and Fleur were going back to the shell cottage because Victoire was young and was uncomfortable when she slept in an unfamiliar place. Additionally there was only going to be one bed since Bill's bed was going to be in Ron's room for Harry.
You assured Molly that it wasn’t going to be a problem except for the fact that your heart was going to be beating wildly for the night which of course you couldn’t tell her. When everyone had already started heading to bed, you and Charlie were putting the plates back into the kitchen on the counter. You were about to put the last plate back when you were frozen in place. You looked to your side and you realized that Charlie was going through the same thing. You looked up and you saw an enchanted mistletoe above you both.
You didn’t see the not so discreet wink that Fred gave Charlie. He turned back to you and started “It’s tradition but it you don’t want to-”
You quickly placed his lips on his in a quick peck. The enchantment dissolved and you placed the last of the plates on the counter then running up stairs.
Charlie’s mouth was open in shock and George had to come to close it for him. “You’ll catch flies.” He said, teasingly. While he got rid of the expression on his face, his heart was still hammering through his chest.
You changed into your pajamas, you were taking your time but that changed when you heard footsteps near the door. You laid on the right side of the bed making sure to leave more than enough space for Charlie. As soon as the door opened you closed your eyes and you pretended to fall asleep, but you did as soon as you closed your eyes.
Charlie’s eyes fell on you as soon as he opened the door. He sighed heavily when he noticed you were sleeping, but he still checked. You were fast asleep. He changed into his pajamas and he slept in the space beside you. He made sure to keep a big enough space between you so this can be considered platonic. He cursed himself for making such a stupid ‘rule’.
He knew you sure as hell didn’t want to talk about the kiss. He knew you didn't like him, not in the way that he liked you. You probably just gave him the kiss just to get it over with. There was no other way to get rid of the enchantment, so he tried not to think much of it. But, Damn did he want to do it a hundred more times. You were laying so beautifully on the bed and he couldn’t help but admire you. That made his feelings even more intense.
He knew you couldn’t hear him but he leaned in next to your ear and whispered softly, hoping that you wouldn't wake up; “If I could kiss you for the rest of my life, I would.”
He drifted to sleep and hoped that his heart would stop accelerating so he could get some rest.
You woke up with the coldness of the room. It was still considered warm compared to Romania but it was still enough to wake you up. You almost gasped when you remembered that you were sleeping next to Charlie but when you turned to face him, no one was there.
You shrugged it off, and you got ready for the day. While heading downstairs you made sure to bring the presents that you bought for everyone. You put them all under the tree. You could smell food coming from the kitchen so you started heading there to help molly. Just when you were about to enter Ginny stood there with a smirk.
“Charlie woke up early.” She said and you nodded along with her statement. “Do you know why?” She asked and you shook your head. “Well I do and apparently he woke up early to help mum make your favorite breakfast.” You flushed and she continued “Do you know why he did that?”
You said “No, I don’t”
Ginny took a step closer to you and said “Because he’s smitten and you kissed him yesterday which meant that you like him too-” You opened your mouth to start protesting but she held her hand up to shut you up. “You wouldn’t have kissed him if you didn’t. So try not to break his heart cause he’s my brother and I’ll break your neck if you break his heart.” She added a sweet smile at the end to not intimidate you but that didn’t work.
“I don’t plan on breaking anyone’s heart. If anything, the only heart you should be worried about breaking is mine.” You said. She only smirked at your statement “You reallyyy like him.”
You flushed more and you headed inside the kitchen. When you entered you didn’t see Molly but actually Charlie wearing an apron. Half his face was covered in powder and he was mixing something. You smiled at the cute sight and said “You know there’s something called magic.”
His neck snapped to the sound of your voice and you leaned against the counter. He smiled shyly and said “I should be asking you the same question.”
You walked towards him and he motioned for another bowl that you picked up and started mixing. “What do you mean?”
“You’re the only healer that I’ve never seen heal with magic or potions.” He said, focusing more on you than the bowl. Spilling flour all over his hands. He looked at his hands and then looked at you. His smile widened, and he set the bowl down.
He walked closer to you, you didn’t notice his revelation because you were too busy trying to find an answer. Your train of thought was stopped when flour was thrown on your face. “You didn’t” you said looking at him.
He only smirked and threw more flour on your face. When you grabbed the bowl of flour and started to walk towards him, you saw an expression of panic spread across his face. The faster you walked, the faster he ran around the kitchen.
You were both covered in flour and Charlie an egg as well. -you were vicious in the fight- Your laughter ceased when Molly had her hands on her hips and cleared her throat, not happy from the mess you both made. You cleaned up the mess and your thoughts were changing ‘maybe the heartbreak could be worth it.’
Christmas was fun, and even your parents sent you gifts. You didn’t know what everyone was up to. You were sitting beside the window in Charlie’s room, watching the snow fall. You could describe the world in one way right now, magical. The heaps and heaps of snow covering the ground, and you decided that you would go out to jump in the snow tomorrow. You loved the snow and you were at peace watching snowflakes fall. It was sort of a tradition for you, thinking while watching the snow very late at night. You didn’t even know if anybody knew about this tradition, but it was fun keeping something completely to yourself. You wouldn’t mind sharing it with someone special.
The Weasleys were having a family moment and it seemed pretty intimate so you gave them privacy. They only started to head to bed at two in the morning. You heard murmurs of ‘goodnights’ and you looked at the door as it opened. Charlie was wearing his maroon sweater with the letter C. Molly had told you she was making one for you, but she didn’t get to finish it because she wasn’t sure if you would join them. He seemed both tired and awake; like he could fall asleep right on his feet and like he could go run a marathon. You didn’t think that was achievable.
His eyes skimmed the room and then landed on you. You pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders and your fingers tightened around your mug that was filled with peppermint tea. You had it filled with multiple spoons of honey. His eyes fell on your mug and he physically deflated; you then noticed the two mugs he had in his hands. He walked to you, saying "I guess you don’t need this anymore.” He lifted the mug in his right hand slightly, careful not to spill any of its contents.
He sat down and you replied “I always have room for more.” He smiled and handed you the cup while saying “Hot chocolate, with -how did you put it?-'' His eyebrows furrowed and slowly a fond smile appeared on his lips as he continued “...multiple spoons of honey.” You only smiled with a small giggle as a reply and you placed the peppermint tea on the ground beside the window seat. You looked out the window again and you sighed. You were enjoying this moment. Your heart fluttered at the fact that this was a perfect moment.
You turned to look at Charlie and your heart almost beat out of your chest when he was already looking at you with the most loving look you’ve ever seen. He never outwardly admired you like this, but you could say you were complaining. After thinking for a long time only a few moments before he came, you realised that you wanted to confess your feelings for him. You loved him and you already knew this, you cursed yourself several times in the past hour for being such a wuss.
He cleared his throat after a moment too long in his perspective. He couldn’t help but look at you; you’re just so beautiful and he adored every fibre of your being. Seeing you so deep in thought didn’t help him in containing his feelings. “Should’ve known you would’ve got back to your annual thingy you do.” You furrowed your eyebrows and he motioned between the window and you. “You know, you do it every year at Christmas. You just look out into the world and just think, contemplate life maybe.” He chuckled at the end and he rubbed his hands together. He hoped he didn't sound like a creep. All throughout today you were returning his affections, subtly but it was there. He believes he has a chance with you and the last thing he’d want to do is blow it.
You flushed and you looked at him slightly wide eyed. “You noticed?”
“Yeah, I mean it’s hard for me not to notice things about you. You’re just wow and you’re you and I don’t I’m rambling-” That’s the farthest your head could capture from his speech. Your heart was beating at an astronomical level and you couldn’t believe that he cares that much for you. “Platonic right! I’m sorry-” You heard the last part of his rant before you pressed your lips to his.
He responded to your action quickly and he placed his cup beside him on the seat. He cupped his face with his hands, pulling you closer to him. Butterflies swarmed your stomach. His lips were slightly chapped but you couldn’t have minded less. He was so warm despite not wearing anything besides a sweater, and you were bundled up in clothes and a blanket but you were still cold. You put your cup beside Charlie’s and you put hands on his chest as you continued to kiss him softly. You could taste the chocolate from his drink on his tongue and it just added to how wonderful this kiss was.
You pulled away from him slightly. You opened your eyes and you opened your mouth, but Charlie interrupted you. You could see a smile that you didn’t notice was there beginning to fade. He spoke quickly, “Before you say anything about breaking up, I just won’t let it happen okay? I know that it won’t be guaranteed but- but I’ll make it guaranteed. If you say you want to be with me, I won’t break up with you ever. I’ll be with you until I die. Before you add something about cheating, I want you to know that I would never do that to anyone much less you because I- I love you!”
You kissed him again with a wide smile on your face. It wasn’t a good kiss because of how you were smiling but you couldn’t care. You pulled away once again and you rested your forehead on his. “ I was gonna say I love you Charlie.”
He looked up at you with a smile wide enough to break his face and he kissed you feverishly. You giggled in the middle of the kiss, and you thought of one thing. This moment was perfect and if you do end up breaking up with Charlie in the end then so be it. At least you would’ve had the time of your life with him first.
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izzytheninja · 7 months
Taming the Dragon Tamer
Charlie returns to the Burrow for a short vacation only to find a new family has moved in just across the field from the Burrow.
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Words: 5.9K Author’s Note: Don’t pay attention to movie release dates. Just go with the flow.
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izzytheninja · 1 year
Just realized that the reason I love making friends on tumblr is because it’s exactly how you make friends on the playground as a six year old. No, I don’t know their name but they love mermaids too and built this awesome sand castle. No, I don’t know their age but their imaginary cheetah is friends with mine. You like this show? You like this character?? You can sing the theme song really loud??? Here is a flower crown. Here is a juice box. You can share my time and I might never see you again but part of you stays in my soul forever. In my mind we’re still on the swing set and the sky is blue and nothing will ever be wrong again.
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izzytheninja · 1 year
the point of life is petting little kitty cats
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izzytheninja · 1 year
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#same pedro, same
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izzytheninja · 1 year
it’s safe to assume that at any given moment i want to go back to bed
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izzytheninja · 2 years
i know this is just one post on tumblr but i am BEGGING people who can to be loud about strange world.
it is so fucking unfair for disney to not properly promote this movie at all and for it to bomb so badly in theaters like it’s doing just because it actually had genuinely good poc and queer rep! i am SEETHING about how they intentionally set it up to fail and i can’t imagine how the people who worked on the movie feel!
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please be loud about it! please go see it if you can, tell your friends to see it, post about it on social media, get it trending, get as many people to see it as possible!
let the idiots at the top know we WANT better representation in movies!
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izzytheninja · 2 years
Reblog if your tumblr url is the same one you started with.
This is a serious thing. Im curious how many people over the course of year(s) kept the same tumblr handle. A ton of the people I follow have changed their over time.
As far as I know Im one of the few who havent. Few being relative as there are millions of tumblr users. But yeah.
Social experiment.
If you HAVE changed your URL Click Here
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izzytheninja · 2 years
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if you dont have me on facebook you are probably not missing out on any posts but the comment section is important too lmao
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izzytheninja · 2 years
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Rest in peace, Robbie Coltrane 30 March 1950 – 14 October 2022
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izzytheninja · 2 years
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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izzytheninja · 2 years
Friendly reminder that fandom is ultimately a place of community, and that clear tags, warnings, and read-more cuts are tools we use to practice care for each other, not tools of censorship preventing your free creative expression.
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izzytheninja · 2 years
in case it hasn’t been clear, this blog is firmly and unwaveringly pro-choice.
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izzytheninja · 2 years
big fan of platonic expressions of devotion actually. yeah we're best friends of course i'd find you and hang out with you in every universe.
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izzytheninja · 2 years
life’s too short to be embarrassed you read x reader fan fiction. live ur life and date as many imaginary boys as u want
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