janicekao · 1 month
No, Fuck You!
Pairing: Richie Jerimovich x Black oc (dark smut) Summary: Based off of season one of the series "The Bear." Carmen Berzatto, a culinary expert has to put his career on hold after his brother Michael's su1c1de being that Michael left the family's restaurant in Carmy's name. The restaurant is busted, in debt, and the staff is hardheaded. Carmy's "cousin" Richie is especially hardheaded. He's 45, doesn't like change in the restaurant, dabbles in illegal side hustles, thinks he's Italian, acts ghetto af, his attitude sucks, he's always cussing, and he is just a lot to deal with it. My addition to the story is an OC young lady who is hired at the restaurant to help with the finances and how badly her And Richie bump heads... until of course, they don't! Warnings: age gap, profanity, vi0lence, smut, fan fiction, public s3x,cr3am pi3, office siren aesthetic, submissive male, toxic, bwwm, fanfic, the bear, quickie, etc. 4038 words I also recommend viewing the story in Wattpad where I was able to use 20 photos in the story instead of tumblr's 10. Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 ------------------------------
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It's a chilly winter morning in Chicago, and instead of sleeping in snuggly in his warm bed, Richie Jerimovich pulls into his job smoking an early morning ciggie with his suspended license in the pocket of his jeans.
Having trouble sleeping at night pure usual, Richie decides to pop into his job at a restaurant called The Beef two hours early before opening... Before there is even daylight. Although he yawns, he'd rather work instead of staring up at his bedroom ceiling thinking about how his wife is divorcing him, his daughter is growing up without her dad, and how he hardly has enough money to make his own rent next week... Richie enters through the back door of the restaurant and takes off his favorite leather jacket as he places it in his locker.
He grabs his uniform, a white apron and his favorite Tshirt with "The Beef" plastered across the right corner of the fabric.
Staring into the tiny and incredibly dirty locker sized mirror, he takes his gold chain from the inside of his shirt and dangles it on the outside of it. He smooths down his uncombed hair and prickly beard as he begins to chuckle cockily at his reflection. "You suave motherfucker you."
As Richie closes the door of his locker, he nearly jumps out of his skin... Spooked suddenly by the new girl who quietly stands behind his locker.
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"Fucking hell!" He complains. "Lexie? Do I need to put a fucking bell on you or something? Don't ever sneak up on me! Make yourself known when you walk into a building!"
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"Or what?" She instigates. "You'll pop me with that stupid fucking gun you lug around the restaurant with?"
"Yeah, maybe!" He scoffs. "Maybe I fucking will! And before you start, don't give me shit about the fact that I carry heat on me! If you were smart, you'd care a little pussy-pink magnum in your purse... walking around Chicago like you're untouchable, are you fucking insane?"
Lexie rolls her eyes.
"All I'm saying is make yourself known when you walk in here." He continues. "You got me?"
Lexie widens her stance as if Richie who is nearly a foot taller than her couldn't bench press her weight if he felt like it. "No, fuck you! You are the one who should make yourself known... I've been here long before you have."
He becomes even more short-tempered... "Sweetie, I've been here before you were even born!"
"I am speaking of this morning!" Lexie continues. "I thought you were some hobo breaking in through the back... But, it seems that I wasn't too far off."
"Fuck you. Why are you even here?" Richie wouldn't be Richie without furthering an argument. "You can't count the receipts up during your shift?! O-Or complete the payroll from your own fucking house!?"
Lexie's fists tighten. "If it were up to me, your greasy ass wouldn't even be on the payroll."
Richie chuckles... a laugh that fills Lexie with rage. "Well good thing it isn't up to you!"
"Now sign my check and hand it here." He grabs at her arm full of paperwork.
"Not until Friday!" Gritting her teeth, Lexie snatches away with all of her might. "If you're so broke, try being more charming to the customers and maybe you could take home some nice tips at night!"
She continues. "—BUT! Welcoming a customer inside by calling him 'the man with the golden dick' will get you nothing! I mean, seriously Richie?!
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Richie had no idea Lexie pays so much attention to how he speaks to his regulars everyday... He feels that the people of Chicago love his charm and personality... Hell!— Arrogantly, he even believes that they come to The Beef just to see him!
Richie becomes offended. "Okay, first off— fuck you, and secondly— that's the best compliment a man could ever get!"
Lexie rolls her eyes once more before she turns to leave him.
—But, Richie just doesn't know how to quit. "Listen princess you're not here to teach us etiquette okay!? I seriously don't get why they hired you, Carmy's sister Sugar does all the paperwork here anyways!"
Lexie turns around, coming back to the argument as she reddens and continues to shout. "Because Sugar has a full time job and a husband, Richie! She can't spend all her time in this dump going through paperwork full of dust mites!"
"Fine, then why are you here at 4am?" Richie folds his arms, leaning against the lockers to stop Lexie from walking away. "I can't believe they gave you a fucking key."
"The feeling's mutual." Lexie nudges his forehead with her fingertips. "Giving you a key is as responsible as handing it to a bum on the metro. Now get out of my way!"
"You don't need to get nasty young lady." Richie's jaw clenches. He becomes terribly annoyed that the new girl can actually keep up with his banter— and the fact that she might just be better at it. "Take it back."
Lexie grins sarcastically. "Fuck you."
He flips her off. Using his fingertips under his chin, his favorite gesture when he's already said 'fuck you' enough.
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She rolls her eyes. "As if I don't see you do that a thousand times a day. Grow up Richie! You're such a fucking child."
Wanting to leave the locker room, Lexie can't help but become curious as well.
"My turn." She insists, placing her items in an opened locker. "Now, why are you here?"
Richie gulps... He rather not talk about the stress of his life with a girl he swears is the worst investment the restaurant has ever made...
He came to work to clear his head, not to express to some chick that he feels like a forty-five year old deadbeat with no purpose in life.
"I dunno— checking... supplies and shit." He lies.
"No..." Lexie doesn't buy it. "I am here checking supplies for a list of our expenses and doing some budgeting—"
"BUDGETING!?" Richie explodes on his last straw. "Okay fuck this, you twenty-something-year olds have already changed the budget ten times!!! How much more money do we need to save!? The restaurant has already cut out so many classic dishes from the menu and now you're gonna cut back more!?"
"Yes! And if you're so concerned about how much money we bring in, try selling more sandwiches instead of eating them all fucking day!" Lexie blinks her long lashes sarcastically, making Richie fume even more and lose all of his patience.
"Damn it! I've had it with you!" Standing over Lexie, Richie begins to threaten her with a strong finger point into her face. "I have tried to be a gentleman, but you've taken me up to here!" He hovers his hand high above his head, expressing that her attitude has got him through the fucking roof.
"First of all..." Richie continues as he immaturely picks at her looks. "—You look fucking ridiculous! Coming into The Beef looking like a fucking principal in a tight fucking pencil skirt! Put on a Tshirt, and get elbow deep in some fucking grease! That's what we need! Not some Mary Poppins-fucking-secretary!"
"It's called business casual." She chuckles. "And as if we need some forty-five year old washup who leaves cigarettes everywhere, and smokes a pack a day!"
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"You can't cook, you can't clean, and money comes up short every time you work the registers!"
"Fuck you, liar!" Becoming so unbelievably heated, strained veins of tension stands out of his neck each time he shouts. "I'd never mooch from this place! This place is my home, my family!"
"No?" She tilts her head in curiosity. "Well, what about you selling coke out of the back alley too! What would you call that!?"
"LABOR AND INVESTMENT." He shouts. "I'm making ends meet for this shit-hole because someone has to do it when the money gets fucking low! Tell me sweetheart, how the fuck do you think this place survived during Covid??? ME!"
Richie begins to insult her under his breath. "Maybe if your brains were half as big as your fat ass you'd understand better."
"EXCUSE ME!?" Lexie loses her calm.
For a moment there, she was able to keep up with Richie's attitude in a professional manner... However now, her fist down his throat would look pretty good to her.
Richie doesn't repeat himself...
"No! Fucking go ahead!" Lexie argues and begins to push against him, antagonizing a coming fight and nudging him for more. "You want to talk shit, then let's talk shit!"
"What are you doing? Now you wanna fucking fight me tough guy?" Richie rolls his eyes. "Listen, you're pressing your tits on me, you need to back off before we have a problem"
"YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!!" Lexie lets out her true feelings of hatred towards him. "Do you know how smoothly this restaurant could run without you constantly aggravating someone!? You stress Carmy out every fucking day! I don't understand why he doesn't just fucking fire you already!"
She continues. "Name one day Richie, ONE DAY that you haven't aggravated someone over their limits with your constant bullshit?"
He scoffs. "It's because you fucking Chicago-gentrifying-fucking-millennials are pussies!!! No backbone!! Upset over everything. You, Carmy, and Sydney!"
"For someone who isn't good at shit, you sure are good at pissing people off!" Lexie continues to bark. "For Christ sake! Sydney stabbed you the other day in your ass for being such a prick!"
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Embarrassed with his known behavior, Richie refuses to meet Lexie in her dagger like dark brown eyes.
"Syd said it was an accident..."His voice becomes meek like a baby.
"I wouldn't blame her if it wasn't!" Lexie shouts.
So used to being the one who annoys everyone else, Richie gets a taste of his own medicine as he continues to be annoyed by Lexie's presence. "Why the fuck were you even hired Lexie!? To keep up with the books and money because you're in Chicago's fucking community college taking up a finance class?"
He laughs. "We don't need you here! You're probably just fucking Carmy, aren't you!?"
The insult goes too far... Lexie winds her hand back and slaps Richie clean across the face.
His cheek heats red, yet he was raised to never lay a finger back on a woman. "Fine." He gulps. "I probably deserved that."
Her large brown eyes eat away at his heart as Richie notices the comment humiliated her into making tears form and glass over at the surface of her eyes.
"God damn right you deserved it." Lexie holds back her tears and ill intentions to cause Richie serious bodily harm.
Little does she know, in Richie's own sick and twisted way, he only brought it up because he's curious if she's already been snatched up by some other guy on the staff. Because if he had the chance, maybe he'd even be interested in her himself...
But he's sure no uppity bitch like Lexie would even look in his direction.
"This is what I mean." She scoffs. "You're disrespectful, and you're a piece of shit who just causes arguments."
Richie rolls his eyes. "And I always finish them too! So what the fuck do you want to do about it?"
The wrong thing to say to a woman who is suddenly about to lose herself. Lexie instantly shoves him against the locker... causing the metal material to ring and bang out loudly.
He gulps, fearing that the young cutie has been pushed far past her limits and that he's about to get his ass kicked.
"Okay, that was all you that time. I didn't say shit to you to deserve that!" Richie argues, attempting to strike fear in her heart. "But you listen... If you put your fucking hands on me again, I swear to god—"
"That you'll do what?!" Lexie entices.
Although comically smaller than the large man, she yanks him down to the wooden locker bench before them. "Sit down!"
He surrenders with his hands held high. "Okay baby chill, you're losing your shit right now, you need to take a chill—"
She grips his face as she stands over him. "DO YOU EVER JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!?"
A question that Richie knows not to answer...
Lexie finds herself staring at the pink puckered lips within her grasp and her thoughts become insane.
A glimmer in both of their eyes immediately changes the tension in the room into something far more worth the adrenaline.
Lexie slips out of the panties beneath her short pencil skirt...
"What— what are you doing?" Richie mumbles as his middle-aged heart beats harder than it ever has.
"Occupying your mouth to keep it from running so fucking much." Her panties slip down off of her heels and into Richie's lap as she tugs a brutal grip onto his short strands of hair... With her grip, Lexie forces Richie's head back and his mouth open as she places her cunt across his tongue.
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Shocked and confused, Richie puts in work anyway. His tongue glides through her folds that surprisingly have slicked during their entire morning spent arguing and he begins to devour her pussy... A cunt so fresh, fat, warm, and half of his age.
The baritoned groans of his voice heat her core like nothing she has ever felt before. Lexie instantly grabs hold onto Richie's shoulders before her weakening knees begin to fail her.
Her eyebrows furrow as she begins to sweetly complain. "Oh fuck Richie..."
Glad to see that Richie's mouth has a better use than just arguing, Lexies squeals lightly as her eyes roll backwards in pleasure. She continues to fuck his face and be teased sweetly by his prominent nose, prickly unshaven face, and wildly fat tongue.
Richie becomes painfully aroused within his jeans. He moans into her cunt as his strong fingers grip at her waist tightly, bringing her closer across his face so his tongue can explore the depths of her flesh even further.
Blessed, yet confused, he begins to pause during his every word from suckling and gently kissing on her tasty mound. "What—the fuck—" He continues. "Are we—doing?"
Lexie squeezes her eyes tightly shut, almost orgasming each time she notices his sky-blue eyes staring up at her.
She bites her lip. "Just don't stop."
Richie hums through her pussy. "Mmm, Okay baby, I won't not til you tell me too."
Hands beginning to reach up her hips to cup at her waist, Lexie's mouth hangs open ajar... infatuated with how his strong fingers nearly double over the tiny measurements of her waist. Richie's grip on her is so powerful, forcing her not to run from his probing tongue and the lewd suckling and squelching that sound sloppily between her thighs.
Her legs begin to shake... Richie feasts on her as if his job depends on it.
She drags her full bottom lip between her teeth, begging for mercy as her core tightens with butterflies. "Mmmm'oh my god!" She whines.
Looking towards the dusty clock in the kitchen that hasn't been cleaned in years, Lexie realizes how close it is to the beginning of everyone's shift... morning prep.
Although time is almost out, she refuses to finish without having Richie put in more work and hammer her with cock.
"Get up. She demands. "Fuck me."
Lexie watches as Richie stands and tears off his apron to get to his pants.
Inside his trousers, Richie reveals a handsome ten inch cock. Veins protruding and swollen hard as it stands erect towards his belly button, Lexie can't wait to have the peach toned dagger deep into her guts. She begins to grin, glad to have trusted her instincts about skinny, tall men, who aren't worth shit. Although maybe not material for a husband, always trust that they'll have a cock big and gorgeous enough that it makes it worth the price of dealing with the constant bullshit that comes along with it.
Lexie wraps her legs around Richie's waist as he unbuttons her top and kisses at her neck and the fullness of her breasts that bulge from out of the top of her bra.
He lifts her against the lockers with clear impatience as he reaches beneath her to direct his cockhead into her flesh.
She coos sweetly. The tip of his erection, bulbous and hot as it lubes itself through the lips of her cunt, sliding backwards until it meets her tight, however inviting opening. She hisses as Richie slowly bucks forward, sheathing himself into her body.
"Jesus, Lexie."He groans out. His member being choked perfectly by her tight pussy.
Richie's many inches continue to dig forward until his hips are flushed against hers. She winces in pain as she tucks her forehead into the crook of his neck.
Richie softly hushes her stress, kissing sweetly at the parts available on her pretty little face. "Just hold onto my neck, okay?"
Lexie agrees through a quickened nod. She wraps her arms around his neck, wincing as the strokes begin.
Richie pulls out half way and slowly returns back fully into her core for his first impale. The two synchronize in a lewd and guilty first moan.
Richie picks up his speed, hips beginning to snap against her spread opened thighs as her pussy sops sticky and wet for him.
Lexie weeps soft tears as she gets railed by someone that she loathes with her entire being.
As her breasts bounce and spill from out of her dress shirt, hair tangling from what was a perfect blowout this morning, she soon realizes that nothing could be more delicious than early morning hate sex.
Richie watches beneath them at how well the little minx can take his cock, her sweet begging and the banging of the old lockers up against them encouraging him to go stronger and make her take his cream.
He stares at her lips, trying his best not to kiss them being that he still is so confused on where they stand... not even fifteen minutes ago, he was a second away from getting his ass kicked by her, and now suddenly... he finds himself balls deep between her legs.
He gulps. "Tell me what you want."
"For you to shut the fuck up." Panting for air, Lexie's brain becomes mush and only wanting to think about their sex.
He chuckles softly, complimenting her under his breath. "You're so fucking beautiful..."
"Yes mama, I'll shut the fuck up." He obeys. "Now what else do you want?"
"Drill me." Her eyes become low and sinister like a siren, full of sinful desire and without any shame. "Fuck me harder."
He nods. "Whatever you want."
Lexie clenches tightly around his shaft as Richie suddenly picks up a dangerous speed, spasming and slapping into her cunt as if she needed to be disciplined.
Now fucked out of her heels, her toes curl within her stockings. She begins to push on his slim and toned stomach for space between them.
—but Richie won't allow it. "Move your fucking hands." He shoves them away.
Her cunt pulses around him. Brain circuit-shorting as she gets embarrassingly used like a cock sleeve by one of the most unrespectable men of this job.
Yet, she wouldn't have it any other way.
Her whimpers become strangled, lips wet with drool.
"Look at you." Richie teases as the corners of his mouth begin to quirk. "Talk so much shit all morning long, but get real quiet with a cock in you."
"Mmm." He continues, skin hot and flushed as he tries to talk himself away from cumming. "You like this shit baby?"
A sudden slow pace blows Lexie's mind as Richie's lower abdomen knocks into her sensitive pearl. The feeling sends her to the moon.
Her nails dig into Richie's forearms as her walls contract around him, pulling his cock deeper inside awaiting to drain him of all his cum.
Richie's jaw goes slack, hips locking in place as he lunges further into Lexie's pussy until their bodies are flushed together.
A choked groan exits the depths of his throat. "Oh my fucking—"
Lexie covers Richie'a mouth as she hears keys and morning conversation outside of the restaurant near the front entrance.
Richie's cock twitches as it sputters out with hot cum. Filling Lexie's cunt with his spend until it begins to web around him.
His pleads and moans are terribly loud as she uses a second hand over the first to silence him.
Lexie's eyes roll backwards as she bites her lip, enjoying the thrill of being stuffed with cum as he throbs and becomes limp inside of her.
"Richie..." she gulps, whispering tiredly. "You'll have to keep quiet."
Eyebrows furrowed as he becomes hooked on the sound of her soft and tired after-sex voice, he'll do whatever she asks him to.
He nods, obeying as a good boy does however nearly biting his tongue off to silence himself as she takes her hands away. "Fucking hell Lexie... Goddamn baby."
He finally calms from his explosive climax, helping Lexie to her feet as they quickly begin to redress.
Stunned, Richie can't help but to watch her (mostly in love) as she places the heels back onto her feet to continue about her day.
Still alone near the lockers, they hurry to prep themselves before the crew comes inside in a few seconds.
"Jesus!" Richie laughs in excitement. "That was the best fuck I've had in—in, well fuck! In my whole fucking life."
Lexie rolls her eyes as he becomes giddy like a schoolboy.
With romance on his mind, Richie nearly begins to plan a day for her to meet his mother, hell— a day for them to marry! "Listen, babygirl, there's this incredible Italian spot on West Avenue, let me take you out—"
"Richie, please. Just shut up." Lexie ignores him as she quickly rebuttons her top and grabs her belongings from the locker.
He frowns, suddenly becoming furious.
"Alright wait a minute!" Richie refuses. "I just gave you a raw fuck in the back of the locker room and now I'm getting the cold shoulder? Are you my girl or what?"
Lexie scoffs.
"Fucking old guys..."She sighs in a quiet whisper, speaking mostly to herself. "Give em pussy once and they get all clingy."
Their arguing comes back at full speed. "It's not old guys you little fucking slut! It's called class, and respect! I wanted to take you out. Lexie, what the fuck do you even want with me?"
"Exactly what we had." She shrugs.
"What?" He lashes back. "I piss you off and then you go all horny she-devil on me and fuck my brains out?"
Lexie freezes in thought. "...yes"
Richie can't believe what he's hearing.
He scoffs, beginning to laugh in disbelief. "You're bugging. You're fucking insane, you know that?"
Lexie sighs as she continues to hurry from what they just committed. "I like things to be simple, okay? Did you enjoy it or not?"
Richie rolls his eyes. Pissed as if he's been used like a two cent whore. "Of course I did, fuck you Lexie.Don't ask me no stupid shit like that, you know I did."
Out of breath as the door chimes begin to ring up front, Lexie smiles softly. "Good! So you just be Richie, I'll be Lexie, and maybe we'll do it again sometime."
"Understand?" She questions, setting boundaries with Richie who is clearly a romantic.
He pauses.
Lexie sighs. "Do I need to ask again?"
"No." He pouts, spoiled from a taste of good pussy.
"Good." Lexie nods and grins tightly as if they just shook hands over a business deal before she begins to walk away.
"Hey." Richie grabs her. "Wait. —Kiss me."
"I'm not going to kiss you." Lexie tugs at his grasp, yet she isn't able to get out of it.
He bears over her... forcing her eyes upon him as he demands for what he wants. "Damn it Lexie, I'm not asking. Kiss me before I start making a fucking scene in here."
Lexie rolls her eyes, knowing that denying him of this isn't worth outing what they've done together.
"Fine." She gives in.
Placing his hands at her waist, Richie pulls her against him. His right hand reaches towards her face where he watches her closely... sweetly brushing her baby hairs out of his view. The hand softly cups the side of her face... wide enough to caress her jaw and neck as he forces her unto her toes to meet his lips.
Their lips finally meet... And the kiss is unbelievably tender... Quickly expanding into something more as their mouths open and tongues tangle.
Richie presses her tighter towards him, hand now trailing from her waist to a smack and grip onto her ass. The other hand leaves her cheek to his digits pulling tightly at her long black tresses.
Their eyes continue to stay closed as their moans heat each other's mouths. Tongue fucking each other with more heat than their actual sex...
Lexie finds herself breath taken and begging for more as Richie pulls away with an intoxicating sexy bite and pull to her bottom lip.
Her eyes soon flutter open.. She gulps, unsure to why it was the most romantic kiss that she has ever had.
Richie grins as he notices the stunning blush that begins to heat her face.
"Now..." Richie bites his lip as he continues to stare at her beauty, smoothing her hair and tucking it behind her ears. "Now you can go."
Unsure of the butterflies in her stomach, she stares into Richie's eyes and slowly nods.
Slightly mad at herself for feeling a growing crush, she can't believe that it is what she's thinking it is... Hell!— She'd even have to beat her own ass if she were to begin falling for Richie Jerimovich...
"I-I have to go now." Lexie gulps.
"Mhm." He nods. "Have an excellent day, sweetie."
She stumbles lightly over her feet, still high off of Richie's kiss and he quietly begins to chuckle.
He's got her right where he wants her. Although Lexie claims to not want anything serious, he's determined to convince her otherwise.
The crew finally begins to pour inside and Richie wishes everyone a good morning.
He loves his job... He loves his family here.
A team of hard working Chicago locals, just trying to make it through day by day. Real people working real jobs.
The Beef is Richie's home. And if things go right... One day, Lexie could be that too.
As Carmy readies himself for the day and prepares himself to run a business he never expected to own... He shouts, wanting a minute alone with his cousin Richie as they dap each other up while they greet.
"Aye good morning, talk to me for a sec Cousin..." Carmy begins. "Listen Richie, when you and Michael began hiring for the restaurant, you hired people who quickly became like family. You have a knack for this Richie, and I trust your judgement."
Carmy continues. "I wanted to ask you, what do you think about this new girl on the books? Yeah, she's saved us a lot of money and things are running smooth as shit... but is she one of us? Can she keep up with the crew?"
Richie shrugs.
Reaching into the pockets of his jeans, his fingers rustle the lace fabric of Lexie's thong that he kept as a souvenir from their early morning quickie before the break of dawn.
The thought of their morning together alone suddenly makes Richie's heart flutter and eats wildly at his soul...
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"Yeah." He gulps. "She's a fucking bitch... but yeah, she's one of us. She's part of the family."
"So fuck it... she stays?" Carmy asks.
Richie chuckles. "Yeah.. if we're lucky."
A delivery man pops inside the restaurant as they continue to chat and Carmy signs a form on the man's clipboard before the man leaves again.
"What was that for?" Richie yawns. "Ordered more napkin supply or some shit."
"Nope! All good on supplies." Carmy pats Richie on the back. "Just signing the invoice on the security cameras we had installed last week."
A chill suddenly falls down Richie's spine.
He looks up at the ceiling, noticing the new cameras installed in every corner of the restaurant. The entrance, the counter, the kitchen, and the fucking locker room.
Richie freezes in absolute horror. "Oh fuck."
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28 notes · View notes
janicekao · 1 month
The Gods Allow It
Pairing: King Aegon II x Black oc (dark smut) Summary: Based off of the series "House Of The Dragon." During a day of sitting on the irone throne and listening to the requests of the people of King's Landing, the young King Aegon sits through it clearly bored and unamused until he lays eyes on a beautiful woman who he has never seen before... A girl who is the daughter of King's Landing’s finest Blacksmith, Lady Tabitha Atkins. Warnings: mideival fantasy, time piece, rough s3x, d0m&femsub, vi0lence, smut, v1rginity taking, mentions of !ncest, fan fiction, br33ding k1nk, praise k1nk, etc. 9438 words I also recommend viewing the story in Wattpad where I was able to use 20 photos in the story instead of tumblr's 10. Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 -----------------------------------
Our bodies glisten with sweat as I throb inside of her tightening cunt, so very deep in her core that my swollen cockhead brushes against her cervix each time she bucks.
She loves it.
Voice whiny and full of sweet whimpers as she reaches for her climax, biting her bottom lip, and infatuated with how full she feels as she impales her cunny on my every inch.
I've lost count of the days since she's been here, and I have no hopes of her ever leaving.
Tabitha Atkins of King's Landing, daughter of Sir Joseph Atkins, the town's finest Blacksmith.
The absolute love of my life.
A far cry from a year ago or so, I sat the iron throne listening to all of King's Landing who came to their King with requests. My people were starving, poor, and in need of help. Families complained of starvation, farmers wished to be paid for their livestock that are eaten by our dragons, and the Blacksmith wanted payment for the many swords he slaved over hot fires to make my knights gear and weapons for war.
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I honestly couldn't have cared less.
An elder half sibling of mine believes that she is the rightful heir to the iron throne, and because of this... War is now upon us.
I sat there that day lying to the faces of my people.
"You will be reimbursed for all that you have contributed for the sake of the crown." I yawned nonchalantly. "I, as King Aegon Targaryen II of all the seven kingdoms promise to take care of King's Landing first, after our victory in the Battle of Throne."
I knew it wasn't true, but I still said it. I am the King of Westeros, I'll forever take what is needed to protect my rights to the throne regardless of who may be affected in the long run. My dragons will be fed, and my men will be prepared for battle if any means necessary... The crown always comes first.
My dishonesty to the faces of the loyal people of King's Landing became easier said than done when the face of the Blacksmith, Joseph Atkins came along with the presence of an angel...
I lost focus. I wasn't able to lie any further, at least not to him and his company.
Each time this Blacksmith visits the throne with requests, he is covered in soot from working tirelessly near the scorching flames that burn and shape his metal... That day, the girl beside him was covered in it as well. Clearly a relative and I needed to know more about her.
Who was the girl with the shimmering brown flesh, long legged with full lips, and a breathtaking scowl?
I needed to know.
Sir Joseph Atkins began to speak about the reimbursement he required for the perfectly crafted steel he had produced for the crown's army.
I interrupted him without a single care of the words escaping his tongue. "Who is she?"
"Her?" He asked as I nodded with haste.
The gentleman stood with a proud chest. "May I present to you Your Grace, my daughter. Tabitha Atkins of King's Landing. My greatest gift from the Gods, and my trusty assistant in the Steel shop."
"Tabitha."I repeated the name with a wide smile as the word melted from my mouth like delicious cream... Gods, what a sight to see. The Hall quaked with gasps as I stood from my very own throne and bowed lightly to the tawny princess that needed to be mine.
An enchanting furrow in the brow from the nerves that fell upon her, clearly afraid of me, being that I am the King. She had obvious ill thoughts about me and my character... However gracefully, she bowed in return anyway.
It was unfair the way that she was making me feel. How much she made me come out of my usual corrupt comfort; I became determined to make her feel it too. I wanted her to be just infatuated with me as I suddenly was with her.
"The King's hand will prepare your payment, Sir Atkins." I immediately gave way to anything that would make Tabitha happy. If it was to pay her father for his labor, then so it be. "The crown appreciates your loyalty and skill."
A smile and a breath of fresh air released from the man. "Thank you my King!"
"—Under one circumstance." I interrupted. "Leave here Lady Tabitha. I'd like to familiarize myself with other youth of King's Landing... I am the King, as well as a young man."
Man to man, Sir Atkins knew exactly what I wanted with his daughter. He froze with an uneasy scowl, knowing good and well that if he left his child here with me, she'd be spent across my cock by nightfall.
But I had no plans to harm her. I gave my word. "Just for a small gathering. Lady Tabitha will be well taken care of here at the Red Keep. She will be returned, unharmed."
The elderly gentleman turned to his daughter. He waited for her permission even if it meant that denying me of her could have caused him his own head. Proud, and brave, Tabitha nodded in agreement. She wanted no issues with the crown... eager to do very much anything if it meant the safety and dignity of her family.
That evening for supper, an extremely long table divided us. Tabitha at the end, and I at the head of the dining table. The chambermaids had turned her prettier than a portrait, yet she still sat unhappy.
"Your Grace, you promised a gathering." She hesitated. "However, it is only you and I dining together."
Clearly I withheld the full truth... But why else would I had invited others when it was only her who captivated my attention, my entire being.
"The servants do not count?" Gently, I teased and waited for a laugh that never came.
"No, your Grace." Tabitha cleared her throat and frowned. "They do not."
I began to grow tired of her attitude. It was clear that she was not keen of her King and that she did not plan to make this evening any less difficult.
Being a considerably spoiled young man, it fumed me how bad I wanted her to accept me. As the King, I could do with her as I pleased. If I wanted to, I didn't need to wait a second more for her to embrace me, I could have taken her however I wanted.
Her dress enticed me. The chambermaids had dressed her in a low neckline and in my favorite shades... Colors that danced across her dark skin like velvet.
Although I smiled, my thoughts grew more wicked each second.
So used to women and whores falling at my feet and being far less difficult, my mind turned into impatient mush. My cock ached to be taken out of its confinements. I imagined masturbating over her until I could watch my seed drip down her face, breasts, and dinner plate.
... But instead, I sighed and kept my cuth. "Tell me about yourself." I insisted on conversation.
She paused.
"I am the daughter of a Blacksmith." Uninterested with where this could take us, Tabitha sighed as she began. "I take pride in taking care of my family, my community, and especially my younger siblings."
"How lovely!—" I went on to sweetly boast about her caring nature when I became rudely interrupted.
Tabitha continued abruptly. "—These are the very same people who starve daily as your loyal peasants. Yet, we still fill our every day catering to the likes of you, Your Grace. Giving our everything to the crown when we can hardly fill our own bellies. Livestock that our people raise big and strong for years just to be swallowed whole by your God awful dragons when that meat could be salted and last man an entire year of keeping King's Landing fed and surviving."
"People, children are sick and dying!" Tabitha shouted. "Eating fish from the surrounding waters for their every course because it is the only thing that is plentiful around here! Well, I can assure you one thing Sir... Guts from a fish is far from the daily nourishment that YOUR people need to survive..." That is what I can say about myself, Your Grace. I am your subject, not your friend."
"WINE." She demanded and the servants fetched it quickly.
She began to feed like a swine piglet. Gulping down rich wine and licking the bones of her lamb chops clean.
She was hungry, and she hated me.
The disrespect was unfathomable. I began to flame red, never had ever been spoken to in such way in my entire life. I couldn't tell in the very moment if I wanted to kill her, or fuck her senseless.
But what I did know is that I couldn't say my piece from far across the table.
I rose to my feet and the servants began to gasp. I shouted for their dismissal and Tabitha tensed when we became very alone in the dining hall.
She was the naughtiest thing I'd ever laid eyes on and I couldn't wait to take a bite.
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Sitting in a guest chair an inch away from her, I could smell Tabitha's fear. But if you were to look at her grimace... you'd have not an idea that she was afraid. I was pissed, but Gods... If she wasn't fit for a Queen, I wouldn't know who else could be.
"I welcome you to the Red Keep as an honorary guest, and you sit before me spitefully accusing me of things that are far over your head, Lady Atkins do you have a death wish?" I bit through my teeth as my face inched closely towards hers.
"I am honest." She gulped.
"And honesty will get you killed." I snapped.
My eyes enjoyed being able to watch her so closely.
"Look at you, complaining of being starved with not an inch of extra room in this dress!" I taunted her as I pinched at her deliciously full thighs.
Tabitha squealed at my touch, she swatted my hand as tears swole in her eyes. "I was forced here!"
"Forced?" I sarcastically chuckled. "Ah yes because you seem to be so mistreated with wine dripping down your lips that is more expensive than you are."
Her jaw ticked with rage. "I don't have a price, I cannot be bought. I am not a whore.
"I never expected you to be." I frowned, aggravated at her lack of eye contact as my fingers graced her chin and turned her gaze back to me.
"Your chamber maidens bathed me." Her voice became weak. She was embarrassed that I had called on her in front of her father, in front of all of King's Landing.
I loved how she stared at me for answers... Tabitha's large brown eyes swallowed me up as her tears continued to swell. "They styled my hair, forced me into expensive garments, and shaved my cunt bare."
A chill down my spine made me shudder at the thought of her being so soft and silky beneath her dress.
"I am here to be your whore, am I not?" She asked impatiently.
"No." I refused. "Not my whore, but you are here to be mine, yes. To be my whore I would've bedded you by now, without a care of getting to know you. When I met you today I became captivated by you, I want you to feel the same."
She immediately rolled her eyes with a rude ill-mannered scoff.
"Play immature games if you want to, Tabitha... But never in your life have you come to the iron throne with your father." I dug further into her true intentions as her chest rose and fell in anticipation. "Now what made you come this morning on the day of requests, hm? Answer me!Is it because you had a request yourself? Or maybe you wanted to see the rumored usurper king in the flesh? No— you came to let me lay eyes upon you, so you could play with my heartstrings. I believe you knew what you were doing all along, what do you think?"
Tabitha gulped, she turned away once more from my gaze as she continued with her supper. "I think perhaps you should leave my space and try the pudding, aren't you starved?"
"More than most." I snarled. "But not for fucking pudding."
Swiping the table clean, Tabitha's tray of royal cuisine met the ground.
I grabbed hold of her, lifting her onto the tabletop as I searched frantically beneath her skirt.
She gasped, immediately forgetting formalities as she shouted out my first name. "Aegon!"
"Hush." I demanded. "Let your King take care of you."
I ridded her small clothes as if I was a child unwrapping candy. I pressed her chest backwards, forcing her to lay against the table as the skirt of her dress crept above her waist.
Gods, she was as prepped and bare as she had promised. Between her thighs glossed over with the arousal she had been denying and her mound was bountiful like a deliciously ripe peach.
My mouth attacked at her without letting a drop of her nectar go to waste. The kisses I laid upon her clit made her jolt and whimper in desperation.
Tabitha's hands pushed away at me to the point of having to force her wrists to the table as I devoured my meal. I allowed her sweet digits back when they began to comb and grip lightly through my platinum-white Targaryen tresses.
Her moans were sounds of gratification... All I've ever wanted was someone, anyone to wish me a job well done. Commend me of my efforts and assure me that I was indeed a good boy. "Is it good for you?"
Her choked sobs were enough of an answer... Her flesh flushed red as her pussy began to pulse and I knew she would soon climax across my lips.
Tabitha's hips began to grind across my face as she reached urgently for her precipice. Her pleads made her voice crack as the sound of her brain-rot echoed through the dining hall. My thumb circled her pearl as my tongue dipped in and out of her core. She came with a flavorsome cry, I groaned into her pussy and drank her release like a man starved. My tongue soaked her sweet cum up as freshly baked bread does balsamic oil.
My trousers so full of sticky precum and a hard cock, it made me brutish. I lifted Tabitha in my arms bridal style as she lay tiresome and still in shock. I warned her of my plans... I warned her that I was to take her to my chambers and we were to spend the night... the coming days... the coming weeks and months with nothing but earth shattering sex. I was to take her maidenhead, and make her part of the Red Keep, part of me.The argumentative minx had not one issue with what I had informed her with. She no longer cared to save herself for a husband because in that very moment, I was just as much hers as she was mine.
I carried her out of the dining hall with orders to the Hand of the King of what I wanted completed.
"Have the cooks prepare the same supper and have it delivered to the Atkins residence." I demanded. "Make sure it's enough for them to share with whomever they may desire."
"Anything else Your Grace?" I was asked.
I stared in the round brown irises that won my heart over.
"Aye." I nod. "Gather the council by morning-fall. King's Landing is starving, their King needs to mend their trust. Rationing... will be the subject matter of discussion."
Otto Hightower, My Grandsire and King's Hand stared at me with looks of daggers... I could see that he saw me as a foolish King, changing plans and making differences for the likes of a woman... but I couldn't have cared less.
With the title of being King of Westeros, anything is possible and everything is in my hands.
Hightower bowed. "I will relay your message to the council, Your Grace."
I looked towards Tabitha and the scowl that stained her face was finally gone... Now left with a magnificent smile that seemed to be gifted by the Gods themselves.
Our lips met as we journeyed to my chambers. As I stole her maidenhead, she stole my heart. We drank, we laughed, I even found that we shared the very same night of birth under the summer season and full moon twenty-two years ago. She was me, and I was her. Finding her was the sense of completeness I had been looking for my entire life.
"Aegon! I hate when you do that." Tabitha complains. She takes notice to my quiet daydreaming as she continues to ride me as if I was saddled. "Focus on me, baby."
I chuckle sweetly as I find my bottom lip bitten between my teeth, refocusing on her tight cunny that chokes my manhood and drains my stamina. "I always am focused on you my love. I found myself reminiscing on the day that I made you mine. Nearly a year today, an approaching anniversary... Thoughts help me holdout a bit until you have reached yours, now it's my turn."
"Ah yes... The day I met you upon the iron throne. I should've known trouble was amongst me." Tabitha softly flirts.
"I waited." She begins to smile, whispering against my lips. "Wanted to reach ecstasy, together."
"Mmm." I hiss lightly, adoring her wildly. "Tabitha Atkins of King's Landing... I love you with every being of my body."
"Then show me." She insists.
I do as I'm told.
As I lay Tabitha onto her back, my hand slips across the soft skin of her belly, through the full globes of her breast, and to her throat where I begin to choke lightly. Her legs spread, inviting me into her warmth and it only takes a second for me to find my flesh sheathed in the depths of her core.
I find a rhythm that is rough and commanding and I watch her lips fall open with strangled gasps. Tabitha attempts at a wiggle to separate us. Wanting me to allow her a momentary second of rest before she melts into the sheets. However, overly dizzy for her sex, I refuse the escape... pressing my heavy body further against hers and deepening my impale. The walls of her cunt contract against my cock, I begin to feel numb and see stars as my words stammer dumbly. Gods... Her sex could rise a dead man from the ground, and I'm the only one lucky enough to have had it.
"Fuccckk." A groan escapes the depths of my throat as I nearly give in and spill into her.
Tears of passion fill her luscious lash line and she can only squeak out soft sounds as her digits grip the sheets beneath us.
Licking my lips like a hungered man, I begin to grin as I watch her in her blissful pleasure. I cup Tabitha's face and kiss her tenderly as the kisses create faint bruises down her neck and soon down her chest where I begin to enjoy the swirling of my tongue across her aroused buds.
"You looked incredible wrapped around my cock." I softly appreciate her breathtaking beauty.
I roll my hips in a speeding passion as my cockhead knocks impatiently at her g-spot. "Aegon— please."Tabitha weeps out a beg as her nails find way into my skin.
Her pussy sops for me, creating lewd music that echoes within the walls of my chambers.
My mouth hangs ajar as I moan out worships for her.
"Gods!" I complain. "My sweet girl, does that feel good?"
She nods immediately. "So good— so good, Aegon."
My pounding weakens as I feel the need to erupt. I grab Tabitha's full hips, dimpling them with the strength of my fingers as I stretch her with the full length of my cock... I bottom out into her until my sack is flushed against her cunt and begins to drain. Tabitha dissolves into pleasure as my hot seed spickets into her core while she reaches her peak.
I expel constant grunts, body jerking each time my cum stutters a bit of its load out of me until I am left limp and soaked in a mess of our love.
Tabitha's eyebrows furrow as she powers her way through an intense climax, legs shaking until the thrill passes by her. Her chest rises and falls as she draws in breath, soon beginning to chuckle in disbelief of the moment that we have shared together..
"Gods!" She pants sweetly. "Again, Aegon?"
I chuckle gently as I place a gentle peck to her lips. I begin to peel her knees further apart. My lip catches in between my teeth as my pupils dilate, watching closely at the foray I caused upon her pretty little mound.
"Let me watch it leak out of you." I insist as my body heats again with arousal while I  watch my pearly spend seep out of her pretty flower.
The corners of her lips begin to quirk upwards, teasing me gently as she pushes the semen out of her core and let it seep down her thighs.
My jaw clenches, eyes rolling back into my skull. "Fuck that's good, and you my dear— are terribly delicious and absolutely evil."
Tabitha finds her way to my chest, having me to lay backwards in the pillows and wrap my arms around her as she listens in on my heartbeat.
She sighs gently. "What's evil, is having to drink another of your Maester's tea."
"Aegon." Tabitha begins to pout over the awful medicinal herbal tea used to prevent or abort pregnancy. "If I am to drink another Moon-Tea, I think I'll die."
My hands gently comb through her wild mane of jet-black curls, full and thriving in its natural state after another day of addictive fucking. "So don't drink it... give me child, my dear."
She immediately lifts her head from my chest with a scorning frown. "You've gone mad."
"I haven't." I insist. "What will come of us? How will we create a stain, evidence of our love?"
"Aegon." She refuses the thought. "You and I cannot marry. You must marry a high-born, not the daughter of one of your subjects. Our children would be Targaryen bastards!"
"Yes!" I continue to plead. "Haven't you given it thought? My Targaryen hair, your tawny skin, and big brown eyes... the most handsome children in all of Westeros. They'll have it all. They will speak High Valyrian and ride their own dragon... Tabitha, please."
"Aegon, don't begin with this." Her refusal is unbending. She begins to dress in her nightgown, giving my voice not another thought. "With your hair, it would be clear that my children are Targaryen bastards. You'd be looked down upon as a whoring King, and I'd be looked down upon— well, as the whore!"
I scoff. "So we will wrap their hair in garment in the eye of the public if we must! It does not matter Tabby, they will be protected always and live under my roof as Princesses and Princes."
"You asked me if I have ever given it thought..." She rejoins me on the bed with a gentle hold to my hand. "I've thought about it every day since we've met, Aegon. Don't you think that I would love to be your Queen and have your children? It would be my dream to have a family with the man that I love. But sadly, that's all it will ever be, a dream.We both knew the risks of being together. We recognized that our relationship would be kept forever secret and we still went on about it. Aegon, please don't make this any harder than it already is."
Dying to continue the conversation, I even begin to imagine her womb full with my seed. I'd be sure to have the servants wait on her hand and foot... She'd wear the prettiest gowns, and her essence would make the Red Keep the most beautiful it's ever been as she would fill it with her fertility and grace.
However, the tears in her eyes pain me more to see... I can't bear to stress the situation any longer.
"Let's have a night of rest." I smile softly. "Only sweet dreams for thoughts."
I softly wipe Tabitha's fallen tears as she nods in agreement.
Becoming meek and childlike, she dissipates into my arms as I blow out the candles that light our chambers, and I tuck her into the satin sheets.
"Goodnight." I coo faintly. "No more worries my love, rest now."
Morning light stings my eyes as they begin to open, I find my dearest Tabitha above me, already dressed for the day.
I sit up from bed with playful and light jester. "Out of the many hours of morning sex that we should be having, why are you already dres—"
My words are cut short with a cruel slap across the face.
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My ears ring from the forceful strike and when they finally stop, I find my lover absolutely distraught and in tears...
As my hearing comes back, my heart aches from the way that she sobs. "Tabitha?" I instantly whimper.
"You vile— sick, sick, man." The words grit through her teeth and I worry frantically for what it is that she has found out.
"YOU FILL ME WITH YOUR DISGUSTING SEED!" She begins in thunderous shouting. "You speak of a life where we are to have children together, when you have already fucked two inside of your own sister!"
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My blood runs cold knowing that she knows my darkest regret... "I need to explain."
"I awaken early on the search for your Maester! For him to begin a batch of the Moon-Tea, and that is when I overheard it all!" Tabitha begins to lose color... her brown skin paling from heartbreak. "Your mother, the Maester, and your seventeen year old sister Helaena! She was lying on her back! Having an inspection by the Maester beneath her skirt when she was congratulated by him and your mother for bearing your twins! They congratulated her as the bloody Queen of Westeros!"
"Tabitha, damn it!" I spazz and my mind begins to spin with shame and anger. "The nerve of you to slither around your King's castle! Eavesdropping in on business of not your own!"
"FUCK YOU!" She spits. "I am so disgusted that I can hardly breathe without the need to vomit! Not only have you lied, withheld from me that you had already found your Queen and have been married! But for the sake of the Gods, SHE IS YOUR BABY SISTER!"
"DON'T YOU THINK I AM ALREADY DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF ENOUGH?" I stand to my feet to argue and my height frightens Tabitha enough to flinch at the tone of my voice. "I had no say in this Tabitha! Helaena and I hated the thought but it was pushed amongst us by the council! By our mother! They did not want just a high-born queen! They wanted the bloodline strictly Targaryen! This was forced upon us, Tabby!"
Tabitha's delicate hand graces her forehead as the other places on her stomach as she begins to feel even more ill. "You bedded your sister...Relieved yourself of pleasure inside of her..."
"Hear me when I tell you that it will only ever be once..." I tremble as I notice the love drain from in between us. "I was promised that giving the title of Queen to my sister and giving her an heir to the throne on our wedding night, that you and I would never have to separate... I was promised your very own knights of protection for you and your loved ones and that you all could live permanently here in the Red Keep. You are to by my only lover! Helaena maybe my Queen, but she and I view each other as only siblings!"
I clench my eyes tightly shut, reminiscing on the night I was forced to take my sister's virginity. I drank myself silly with wine just to bear it, and poor Helaena and I stuck it through for the sake of the crown.
"Gods! So now I am to blame for this incestral breeding!?" Tabitha scoffs. "You are absolutely sick in your head Aegon! I never would have agreed to this! EVER!"
As I step closer to her to beg for her forgiveness, Tabitha steps back.
"I must leave now..." She gulps. "I cannot— I cannot be apart of this, the Gods aren't happy."
"I love you." Tears begin to drop down my face and I stutter like a child being disciplined. "I need you. You cannot leave! I can— I can fix this."
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I plead aimlessly. "I am the King of the seven kingdoms. You will never need nor want for anything regardless of your status here in the castle. You're mine."
She ignores me...
Tabitha wipes her tears and grabs for her cloak to leave the Red Keep through the secret exit.
Without a thought of what to do, I become a mad man... using my title and authority to get what I want.
Tabitha freezes with tears and hatred burning within her eyes.
"Fine." She gulps, suddenly stripping out of her garments and lying back in bed. "As you make clear a million times a day or more, you are King Aegon Targaryen of the seven kingdoms. If you shall want me your Lordship, there is nothing I can do other than to continue being yours. But I'll have you know, from this day on I will never love you the same."
"Tabitha, please."I beg softly for her to stop the act of kissing loyally at my arse like the rest of King's Landing... I just want her back, I want everything the way that it was.
"Will you have me, or am I free to be dismissed your Lordship?" She lays on the unmade bed, still and avoiding eye contact.
"YOU WILL STAY!" I explode.
"Yes, Your Grace." She continues calmly. "I am ready to be used whenever you are ready to use me."
"What are you doing? Get up!" Her act of a common whore aggravates me further.
She continues anyway. "I am your loyal servant, Your Grace. Do as you please with my body."
"Get up!" My voice breaks as I continue to argue one-sidedly. "Quit with this foolishness. Your taunting is unacceptable!"
"Tabby, call me Aegon." I beg sheepishly. "Baby, I am your Aegon."
She continues robotically. "Whatever you ask, Your Grace."
I fully erupt. Grabbing hold of the full steel canister of wine, I throw it across the chambers until it hits the wall... crumbling stone to the ground from the force.
The throw startles Tabitha, she breaks out of her act and tearfully attempts to run past me. I grab hold of her wrists, pulling her into me as I beg for another chance. "Tabitha! Please! Please stop, I need you."
"Get away from me!" She fights senselessly, bruising herself as she tries to pull from my grasp.
The large double doors of my chambers open... The racket causes my mother Alicent to intervene. "What is going on in here!?"
"Mother!" I demand. "Out of my chambers!"
She watches upon the love of my life as if she was a stinky street harlot.
"You should leave." She speaks to Tabitha. "The King's Queen will be visiting her husband shortly."
"You mean his sister." Tabitha quickly bites.
"Aegon, I'll have your whore's tongue for less." Mother begins to boil over from the unfamiliarity of Tabitha's sharp tongue.
"No worries, Your Grace." Tabitha wipes her tears, bowing to my mother respectfully as she laces the last loop in the corset of her dress. "I was just leaving."
"Tabitha!" Although still bare and only wrapped in a sheet, I still attempt to chase after her as she exits. However, my mother stops me...
"It's for the best." Alicent's hand stops me at the chest. "A King who is at war over his throne does not have time to worry about the heart of a common girl. Aegon... You are King now. The responsibility of the crown is in your hands, act like it."
I watch my mother with pure hatred...
So quick to worry about the well-being of the crown, and never once the wellness of her children.
If she hadn't brought me life, I would have had the guards take her head many moons ago.
"Your chambermaids are on the way to dress you, my King." Mother smiles maniacally and caresses my face with her soft hand. "You must sit the throne today for King's Landing's requests... They need their King, Aegon. You'll have to let her go."
Let her go?
Easier said, than done.
Together, we watch Tabitha run out of the trailing hallways of the Red Keep.
Her image and the sound of her footsteps become smaller the further that she runs... And the further that she runs, the more prominent my heartache grows.
Mother stares in disgust. "She never had the strength of a Targaryen anyways... it wasn't meant to be."
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Doing as told... I dress for the day as mother leaves.
Although I am escorted to the hall of the iron throne to answer the requests of my subjects, my eyes continue to fill with tears. I push them back, needing to find strength for my people. But, how am I to answer requests, when there is no one to answer my own?
Who is there to request a plead from a King? Perhaps the Gods...
Perhaps the Gods will fulfill my one and only request, to bring back the love of my entire being... My forever lady, Tabitha Atkins.
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Three years later
I wake up in absolute agony, shouting for more Milk of the Poppy to dull my pain.
Ever since my incident, I tend to sleep all day due to the medicines given to me by the Maester. As I sleep, I either dream about the love that I lost years ago, or I dream about the terrible events of my most recent near death experience.
I've made awful decisions in my short term of being King, but nothing as bad as riding my dragon into a battle while being inebriated off of too much wine.
I had a death wish... A foolish one at that. But tired of living a life of depression, loveless, and never taken seriously... the mind will drive you to do insane work.
I may be the face of the crown, but my council and my mother feel that my ideas are idiotic and simple... They feel that I was never fit to rule, and that I should sit quietly and be useless, let them take control of the rulings of Westeros.
First they take a man's love, and then they take his power. What could be next now that they've taken it all?
I became careless with the things that I do... I decided to get wine drunk and I rode my poor dragon Sunfyre into the battle at Rook's Rest... A battle I had no business being at. Somehow I survived it... Third degree burns laced across my body, yet I am still here.
But the worst part of it all is knowing that the reason Sunfyre and I were burned to the ground was all out of one person's spite.
My own brother... Prince Aemond...
My last memory before everything went black for months was Aemond's dragon Vhagar opening his gullet of fire after Aemond's command.
"Dracarys." He attempted to kill me with this command.
I realized then how much I have absolutely no one in this life... Aemond, just like our mother Alicent, thirsty and jealous for the crown to the point of sabotaging their own blood.
My brother expected me to die that day. He expected to permanently become the King, but because I survived, he only fills my place on the throne momentarily...
As I become better, I still fear for my life. If he tried to kill me once, he is sure to try it again.
I spent my days childishly being my brother Aemond's first bully... and now I am reaping what I sewed. But as dangerous as he is, and the things that he is capable of doing... I could never trust the innocent people of Westeros in his hands, especially not with Tabitha Atkins and her family still living here in King's Landing.
With Aemond in charge, there will be war and there will be blood... Not just bloodshed from each fighting side, but deadly war crimes to Westeros' innocent subjects.
If all things are out of my control in this very moment, the least I can do is get word out to Lady Tabitha... thus I owe to her.
Grand Maester Orwyle enters into my chambers with more Milk of the Poppy, but being that there are things to be done... I cannot take it.
"Maester..." I begin. "No more Milk of the Poppy."
"But for your pain, Sire?" He frowns.
"I understand." Even the small things like gulping down my throat or speaking pains me in this day. "But my mind must stay sharp, I have a task I need you to complete with the guards... I need it done discreetly."
"Yes, Your Grace." Maester Orwyle nods. "Whatever you may need."
As I lay here, I begin to create a plan. I order the Maester to discreetly bring Lady Tabitha Atkins to my chambers here in the Red Keep. I ask him to bring help if needed be, knowing that Tabitha could good and well stubbornly refuse my command... I demand that if the girl attempts do dismiss Maester Orwyle, that he will instruct the guards to take her from the residence by force. Speaking with her is a dire need of mine not knowing what may happen in the future with my brother in charge as Prince Regent.
Maester Orwyle begins to leave with haste...
I stop him once more... Suddenly I become insecure with my injuries, wondering how my deformities look being that I haven't seen my reflection since my injuries were fresh.
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"Maester." I gulp. "My skin... Am I able to even take a visitor, or am I still leaking of pus and absolutely hideous?"
Having to ask a question like such is the hardest thing I have ever done... I never in my life expected to ask another man if my flesh was still charred and horrid.
A tear rolls down my face and Maester Orwyle kindly takes my hand... "Your Grace..." He assures. "Your incident was months ago, although you may be forever disfigured, your skin has healed, and your heart is still gold. If the Lady ever truly cared for you, Sire... The last of her worries will be of your appearance."
His words stick with me... I begin to pray to the Gods that he is right. My only hope is that a moment within my gaze is enough to help Tabitha look past my monstrous image... Enough to let her hear me out for just a second of her time.
As I lay in bed, battered and bandaged, I continue to wait to see Tabitha's presence.
Three years have passed and I continue to think about her daily... I wonder if she has changed any, I wonder if she still hates me, I wonder if she's happy.
After many hours, my chamber doors finally open and Tabitha hurries in with haste. Tears melt down her cheeks as she crawls in beside me in bed and she lays on my scarred chest.
The weight of her body pains me a bit, yet I've never been more grateful to feel a pain in my life.
"Your Grace..." Maester Orwyle grins. "The guards were not necessary, when Lady Tabitha heard word of you being alive, she nearly beat us all here."
I immediately begin to sob. I wrap my arms around Tabitha tightly and Maester Orwyle leaves us to our long embrace.
Her curls smell of smoke and fire, clearly having been working in her father's steel shop. I inhale her missed scent deeply.
"I apologize Your Grace that I am not put together." Tabitha gulps. "I have soot and ash all over me. I've spent the day working with my father... There has been an order from Prince Aemond and the crown for a hundred swords by the end of the week or my father will be hanged!"
"Don't apologize." I insist. "You look glorious. Pretty as the very day that I met you at the iron throne. Fear not of your father's death... I'll be sure that it will not happen."
"Tabitha..." I gulp. "Why were you so willing to accept my invitation? I believed that you hated me for so long..."
"I did." She admits. "But we have had years apart, Aegon. I was able to mature and came to realize that you and Helaena were victims of something horrible... Victims of the unjust treatment of the crown's council, and forgive me for saying, but— the unjust treatment of your mother as well!"
"I know... I know."The thought of what the council forced upon my sister and I still haunts me to this day.
"I was disgusted... even a bit jealous the day that I left the Red Keep." Tabitha continues. "But what I regret the most is not standing up for you, my King. The news spread like wildfire through the streets of King's Landing... We saw your dragon, Sunfyre's lifeless body dragged through town and the rumor was that you were dead as well. When your Maester found me with the news of you being alive and wanting to see me, my feet never stopped running the cobblestones of the city until I was here in your very chambers... being able to see you for myself."
I begin to hate the way her eyes examine my body, I no longer look of the man she once knew. "I'm hideous."
"You're brave." She cups my face. "You are heroic and you survived a dragon's fire... A death that no man has ever escaped! King Aegon, stories and songs will be sang about you for centuries."
Tabitha smiles sweetly. "Cry not, Your Grace. You are a legend, and you are still here in the land of the living."
"Shall we change our thoughts to joy?" She asks with an enchanting giggle. "As I was led to your chambers, I heard youthful laughter in the courtyard. I assume they were your children? Your twins, a boy and a girl, yes?"
I pause... Not sure of how to relay the bad news out of my own mouth.
"At one time, yes..." I begin. "But as this battle for the throne continues, a criminal was sent to the Red Keep... As my son, my heir, slept in his crib... he was beheaded. My three year old child was murdered in his own bed by our enemies... His life, drug through the dirt and taken in war crimes to prove a point! To one up me for the throne."
Tabitha's eyes immediately glass over, turning pale and frozen with shock. "Gods... Aegon... I'm— I'm so sorry."
I softly refuse her pity. "I've done my share of grieving. I've cried until I dehydrated myself and my sister has not left her chambers since the day that it happened..."
I groan in pain as I sit up in bed with urgency "But this is what was so important for me to tell you. Dear Tabitha, the war has gotten out of hand. I believed that I was only fighting a half sibling for my throne, but it seems that I am fighting my full-blooded brother as well."
I continue to explain. "Tabby, in the battle at Rook's Rest my own brother Aemond is who burned me to the ground with his dragon... I realized then that every beating heart around me wants what I have. For the throne, there is no love lost... they will attempt to kill me for it, weaken me by killing the ones that I love most! After my boy was taken from me, I began to think of who else my heart beats for that my enemies could injure me with... My heart only is full for my children, and for you.A woman who time could not even stop me from loving."
"Tabitha, you're in imminent danger." I finally am able to warn her. "I called for you here today, knowing that my brother is out of the Red Keep running an errand... It was the only chance that I had for him not to see you."
Her head spins with all that I have to say... So much information that her and the rest of King's Landing have been kept from knowing all this time. "Aegon! And you are in danger as well! Your brother tried to murder you and now you still lay within the same walls of the Red Keep as him!? Has he come to you since?!"
"Daily." I admit. "Daily with threats to keep my mouth shut... Threats of keeping me unwell so I can never heal and come back to the throne. I lay in this bed, broken and exhausted... Afraid of every door creak, just awaiting and expecting Aemond to come inside and finish me off."
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"Tabitha, I am terrified everyday." My voice begins to tremble. "But what is more frightening is imagining him come after you instead. My brother wants to see me pained and ill. As I lay nearly paralyzed in this bed, I can only imagine the evil he'd commit to break me further down. Aemond would have you captured. He'd bring you to these very chambers to beat, rape, and torture you in front of my very eyes, knowing that I am unable to stand and rescue you."
Poor Tabitha's eyes fill with fear.
"I am to leave King's Landing..." I continue. "A dear colleague of mine, Larys Strong is helping with my escape. He was born crippled, walking with a limp and a cane. He has taken pity on me now that I am crippled as well. Larys and I will escape King's Landing and he will take me to a proper place to heal and be protected from my brother and all who have ill intentions towards me. But the Gods know... I cannot leave this castle without knowing that you have escaped too. I will not leave, until I am absolutely sure that you are safe and out of King's Landing."
She begins to refuse. "My family and I— we cannot leave, Your Grace! We have very little means, we only get by each day by the grace of the Gods."
"The table, first drawer to the left." I interrupt. "Hurry Tabitha, make haste and come back to me."
Confusion eats at her before she is able to do as told. Sweet Tabitha sniffs her many tears back, wiping her eyes to see the contents of the drawer. She takes out a small burlap sack filled with coins of gold...
Gold shillings, that I have prepared for her to take.
Her eyes widen at the contents of the sack. "Your Grace, I cannot take this."
"You will." I demand.
"I won't!" Stubbornly, she hesitates.
I snap, drawing in the fullest breaths of air that my wounded lungs can hardly manage; I begin to shout. "Tabitha! Damn you! You will take it and you will flee to safety at nightfall, do you understand!?"
I begin to cough as the shouting drained me of my energy.
"Your Grace..." She cries. "I am not worthy of taking anything from you."
Now that we have gone on living very different and separate lives, I hadn't planned to bring up her personal business... But if it will help our cause, then I must.
I sigh. "Do you feel not worthy of my gift, because you're with child?"
Her eyes grow largely once more... She nearly begins to stammer. "Y-Your Grace?"
"Tabitha please..." I reject her lies. "I memorized the every freckle of your body as if it were my favorite poem. You wouldn't think I would notice your glowing skin, full bosom, and womb?"
Her head swivels as shame begins to embarrass her. Tears fall down her cheeks as she covers her mouth in shock. "I don't know what to say. Your Grace, I thought I wasn't to ever see you again... I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize." I plead softly. "I'm not angry, just please, come sit.Tell me of your husband. Does he treat you well?"
She tearfully chuckles, relieved that I am not angered for her moving on without me.
"Yes, my King." Tabitha joins me back onto the bed where my right-side isn't burnt and destroyed. "He's a good man. James Bartholomew of King's Landing... A Fisherman at the ports. We wedded five months ago, and he loves me."
I smile. "How could he not? You are perfect. And in another four more months, you'll be a mother. A fantastic one at that, Lady Tabitha Bartholomew."
"He loves you." I gulp. "But do you love him?"
"I'd like to believe so... But if I am honest with myself and to the Gods, what you and I shared many moons ago, is a love I believe that I'll never see again in this lifetime." Her honesty breaks me apart... Yes, the love that we shared is something we could never find twice.
My eyes wonder at her charming baby bump. "May I?"
Tabby nods in agreement.
Beneath her skirt, my right hand reaches towards her stomach where I begin to feel the child's kick. "The bairn will be strong, I sense a little lad. I can already feel his strong presence and movement."
Tabitha blushes sweetly... Her adorably round cheeks blush and swell into large red apples.
I feel sorrow as I begin to wish the child was mine... I can't help to think about the many opportunities Tabitha had to carry my own child just as beautifully. But sadly, our titles never were to allow it.
I begin to pull away, and my hand slips further down... Beneath her navel I find my digits awfully close to the warmth of her cunt and my breathing begins to shutter.
Tabitha gently gulps. "Will arousing you relieve your pain, my King?"
I tighten my eyes closed. "Your sex would make me whole again, Tabitha."
I sigh. "But I can't... I am burnt, disgusting, and alone... I am a cripple. My cock is destroyed, did they tell you that? It burst in the flames like a sausage on a Spit. I can't even piss without it running down my leg." (🤣 Actual quote from the show)
My jaw painfully ticks in irreparable low self esteem. "There is nothing down there to arouse, my love."
Tabitha pauses. "Perhaps... your mind?"
Is it even possible to release endorphins without using my cock?
Could it be?
I frown with confused thought. "Perhaps."
My only good eye watches as Tabitha takes her petite hand to my wrist... She guides it between her thighs where I am suddenly able to feel her slick.
Quietly I gasp, never in my life expecting to be able to have sexual romance ever again.
My fingers begin to become slippery as I tease through her folds...
Lying on the pillow next to me, Tabitha's sweet whimpered breaths dance across my face. I watch as her eyebrows furrow in pleasure and she begins to nibble on her bottom lip.
As I find her pearl, my fingers lightly tap at it as her nails begin to dig in my arm as she holds on to it tightly.
As I slap lightly at her clit, my digits make the sound of quiet splashing. So wet and horny, I would have been buried my cock in her if I still had my staff of flesh.
The intense teasing on her bulb causes her knees to collapse in on each other. "mm'Aegon—" Deliciously she begs. "You'll have to stop that, I'll finish too quickly."
I bite my lip, brain fogging with pleasurable need. "Just keep your knees open, be good for me little one."
Forcing her legs open longer, Tabitha begins to moan and squeak.
I become appreciative that I was able to at least keep one strong arm. A strong arm and hand with fingers to feel her addictive flesh... and sight in one eye to watch her melt over my caress.
My longest two fingers in the middle of my hand plunges into her core, fucking her like a cock and nearly arching her body from off of the bed.
Her walls clench down upon my digits, crushing them as I bang upon her sweet spot.
Tabitha begins to lose herself in enjoyment.
"Gods! Aegon, don't stop. Keep touching me— just don't stop." She dissolves into pleasure.
My heart flutters as if I can still feel my member become erect. I can't find satisfaction until I see her gorgeous face contort into tears from a good cum. "You like that? Fuck, you are absolutely beautiful my love."
I overheat, sweating from the most exercise I've had in weeks yet ignoring my pain to enjoy Tabitha's orgasm for the both of us.
"You'll have to ride it baby." I quickly demand. "Fuck my hand as if it were the last time you'd ever be touched."
Onto her knees, Tabitha sits on my hand as my digits find the insides of her tight cunt once more.
She begins to rock her hips... shouting as I swirl each finger against her cavity and let my fingers prune with her juices.
As Tabitha continues to buck, inching closer to her climax, her large pregnant tits bounce out of the top of her corset as does the curls out of her neat updo.
I beg earnestly for her to hover closer to me... As she leans my direction, my mouth suctions to her full breasts... nipping and sucking at her nipples as I devour her image and sounds, melting the memory of this day into my brain.
I kiss her neck and face as my hand begins to lose its feeling in it, I thank the Gods that my tongue once again has the chance to dance across her skin and I try my hardest not to leave love-bruises on her for her husband to find later.
A slow pace to her hips causes her to sink further down my fingers and my mouth hangs agape as I groan from the feeling of her pussy collapsing in on me.
"Yes..." I coo. "Yes, yes, sweet Tabitha, that is so good."
Twitching as her orgasm peaks, I notice her draw a breath in and feel the dire need to catch her exhale into my mouth. I swing my injured left arm to the back of her head and force her lips against mine, inhaling her expressive explosion and swallowing her choked sobs and the yummy cracks in the tone of her voice.
"Perfect." I worship. "—Just perfect."
Tabitha catches her breath, lightly smiling as our gaze meets and watching me devour her sticky nectar from off of my fingers. We moan in an overly satisfied kiss, sharing the sweet taste of her explosion.
I capture all of her beauty as I tuck her curls back into place and protect her virtue as I cover her bust back into her corset, easing the burlap sack of gold beside her breasts where no one shall find it.
Seeing her with my gold brings me joy, I could even die peacefully knowing that the gold will keep her and her family forever out of poverty.
My sweet girl's eyes begin to water. "Aegon—" She begins words that could only feel like a coming goodbye now that our time is running so short.
"Shhh." I softly hush her. "Just lay with me."
Regardless of my ugly scars, Tabitha lays her head against the skin of my chest... We enjoy the moment together, intwining our fingers as we hold hands... something we spent a many romantic night doing during our year together.
"Your Grace?" Maester Orwyle soon interrupts our nestle with the worse news. "It is time, Your Grace. There has been word that Aemond and his dragon Vhagar are nearing King's Landing. He is home early from his excursion. If I am to get the girl home safely, I must do it now."
My heart shatters, however, I must nod and do what's best for the safety of Tabby and her unborn child.
"Take her." I demand.
The Maester begins gently. "Lady Tabitha, please come with me."
She suddenly refuses. "Aegon, wait. Just another hour or so of conversation?"
I shake my head. "If I could, I would make it a lifetime. But I just can't spare it."
Maester Orwyle quietly gestures for the help of my guards.
I notice my knights in steel on their way to steal my lover from my arms, and I watch the pain and fear bubble into Tabitha's eyes.
"Wait!" She argues, pushing the men off of her. "Wait, what?! Damn you, Get your hands off of me!"
The guards tug on her roughly, lifting her off of the bed and to her feet as they pull her away.
Tears and anger begin to cause me more pain and distress than any burn ever could. "BE CAREFUL WITH HER DAMN IT." I begin to cough as I grit the words of my demands out strictly.
"Aegon, wait!" Tabitha begs as her arms are captured by two guards on each side of her. "Please! Just wait! Just hear me now."
"Guards." I demand. "Just—halt. Please, For one moment."
I take in a deep inhale of ragged breath that instantly burns my chest. "I am listening."
"I love you, Aegon." She bursts with a sudden admission.
My heart shatters into pieces. "Tabitha, please—"
"It is true." She interrupts. "I wish I fought harder for you. I love you, just please— just please say it back."
"And tell you what you already know? My dear, I will always love you." I gulp. "Tabitha, I never stopped loving you and I never will..."
I watch her gulp... she nods, hearing all that she needed to hear from me before finally being able to leave.
"Will we ever see each other again?"A soft final whimper escapes her tongue.
Gently I smile... "If the Gods allow it."
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janicekao · 4 months
Nothing in the world is prettier than this man
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168 notes · View notes
janicekao · 5 months
mine — t.n.
pairing: toxic ex-boyfriend!theo nott x fem!reader
summary: your ex-boyfriend theo sees you flirting with draco, which causes his possessive behaviour to show
warning(s): smut, vaginal sex, cursing, unprotected sex, creampie, oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, possessive and toxic behaviour, dirty talk, degradation, exhibitionism, overstimulation, manipulation, hair pulling, spanking, dubcon, rough sex
word count: 1.6k
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“Just shut the fuck up for once, will you?” Theo snapped at you, tears streaming down your face.
This wasn’t anything new to you. This wasn’t the first time you’d seen Theo flirt with another girl and this certainly wasn’t the first time you’d broken up with him. You kept coming back to him, looking like a fool to the outside world as you bearded the constant judgements of your surroundings. But you couldn’t help it. You were still deeply in love with him, and he loved you too… right?
“Fine, I’ll leave. I don’t want to see you again!” you shouted as you hurriedly gathered your things and left his dorm, wiping your tears with the sleeve of your sweater.
“You’ll come back anyway” he managed to say just before you slammed the door shut.
You didn't want to admit it, but he was right, as was the case this night. You were at a Slytherin party with your friends, trying to get Theo off your mind after yet another break-up while drinking glass after glass. With your blurry vision and unsteady walking, you made your way to Draco, who always had a little crush on you but wouldn’t dare to act on it, knowing that Theo wouldn’t hesitate to knock the life out of him.
“Draco!” you happily called out as he wrapped his arm around your waist with a drink in his other hand, a kind smile appearing on his handsome face.
“You look beautiful” he whispered carefully, still not wanting Theo to hear him even though you two broke up.
You scanned the room to see if Theo was anywhere near and when you couldn’t find him, you wrapped your arms around Draco’s neck, moved your head closer to his and kissed him, both his hands travelling to your waist.
Draco tasted like mint, which was refreshing and nice, unlike Theo, who usually tasted like cigarettes, alcohol, or both. Draco was also much gentler when it came to kissing, whereas Theo was nothing but rough.
Before you could compare the two men further, you felt a hand wrapped firmly around your arm, pulling you away as you turned your head in shock, Draco’s hands instantly leaving your waist as he looked around uncomfortably.
“Come with me, now” Theo commanded, his face stern before shooting Draco a furious glare as he led you away. Theo was a very intimidating person; simply a look from him could make someone back off quickly, fuelling his already massive ego.
You followed him through the chilly corridors, unable to look at him as you felt a wave of fear wash over you. Theo dragged you inside his dorm room, not saying a word while closing the door behind you. He approached you slowly, forcing you to move back before your back legs collided with the bed frame, causing you to tumble onto his bed. He grabbed your jaw as his face came as close to yours as possible.
“Are you really that dumb?” you gulped in fear as you tried to look him in the eyes, making it hard to not look away as his deep blue eyes stared sternly into yours.
“What do you mean? We broke up” Theo simply chuckled before pulling away from you and folding his arms, his back towards you.
“Ah, so you really are that dumb” not knowing what he was going to do made you feel uneasiness through your entire body. Theo was never physically abusive; in fact, he would never ever lay a hand on you but he wasn’t very understanding either as could get angry very quickly, his moods changing rapidly. He rarely really listened to you during arguments and it was clear that he had major trust issues, which only added to the small arguments you occasionally had.
Theo sat down next to you and stroked your cheek, surprising you with his sudden warm behaviour. His angry face shifted into a compassionate expression, not sure if it was all an act or if he was being genuine.
“I missed you baby” he said sweetly, his eyes softening as he gazed at you adoringly, still warming your heart instantly. It was more than obvious that he had you wrapped around his finger, unsure if that would ever change.
“I missed yo-“ before you could finish your sentence, he cupped your face with his hands and kissed you hungrily. His hands moved to your butt as he lifted you, causing you to let out a small squeal while wrapping your legs around his waist. He walked towards his desk and placed you on it, all while still kissing you eagerly. His hands slid beneath your skirt before grabbing your thighs firmly, causing you to hiss softly in pain as his mouth moved up to your neck. Theo began sucking on your neck, disregarding the fact that it would leave visible marks, as his hands slowly unbuttoned your shirt before moving on to your skirt, stripping you down to your bra and underwear.
He has seen you like this plenty of times before, but it still made you feel somewhat shy, especially with his hungry stare eyeing your entire body from head to toe. He kissed you from your neck to your thighs, feeling yourself get wetter with each kiss he planted on your body.
“You’re. Fucking. Mine.” Theo grunted in between his kisses, knowing full well that he has complete control over you. He slowly spread your legs and you could feel his hot breath right where you needed him, making you whimper in desperation which led him to smirk arrogantly.
“Theo… please” you pleaded, growing more desperate with each passing second.
“Fucking hell, can’t even talk properly? Please what, y/n?”
“Please, just touch me” He pressed his right palm against your dripping core, feeling the dampness through your underwear before removing it and tossing it behind him. His face got closer and closer, before his tongue finally tasted your swollen clit, sucking on it sloppily, causing your hands to clutch his hair forcefully while you gasped his name. His tongue began to move rapidly as he slipped two fingers into you, hitting you in all the right spots. You looked down at him as saliva started running down his chin, the arrogant expression on his face never fading. Just as you were about the cum, he abruptly stopped what he was doing, causing you to whine.
“What? You really thought you deserved to cum? You dumb bunny” he chuckled before he dragged you to the bed, your legs already trembling. He removed your bra and kissed you deeply as you could taste yourself.
“On your hands and knees” Theo ordered while he fully undressed as well. You did as he told before he positioned himself behind you, teasing your folds.
He slammed into you all at once, causing you to arch your back while he set a steady but rough pace. He massaged your inner walls perfectly, making you moan his name loudly over and over again.
“Bet Malfoy can’t make you feel like this. Fucking slut” he was right, no one could ever make you feel as good as he could. You covered your mouth with your hand to avoid being too loud but he quickly grabbed it and pinned both your hands behind your back.
“Don’t. Let everyone know that you’re mine” he whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You clenched around him when he kept hitting that one spot inside you, the pleasure building as you could feel his cock twitching inside you.
“Always so fucking tight for me” Theo groaned as you moaned in response. You could feel yourself approaching your release, your eyes rolling back inside your head.
“You’re not allowed to cum without my permission” he instructed, but you couldn't take it any longer. Another forceful thrust and your orgasm struck you, causing you to see stars as your vision blurred.
“Fuck, so fucking worthless. You’re in trouble now” Theo didn’t give you a chance to recover from your orgasm as he dragged you off the bed and to the large windows of his dorm room.
“Theo, w-what are you-“
“Shut up and make yourself useful for once in your life” Theo snarled, pressing your naked body against the window, in full display of anybody passing by who happened to look up.
“Everyone can see me like this!”
“That’s the fucking point”
He pushed into you in one quick thrust, causing you to gasp from overstimulation as he grasped your hips roughly, setting a merciless rhythm once again.
“Who do you belong to?” Theo asked sternly as he grabbed a handful of your hair, moving your head closer to his.
“Y-you. I belong to you”
“I’m going to fuck you so hard every day until you won’t think about any cock but mine” Theo whispered into your ear as he slammed into you at a brutal pace, only caring about his own nearing release. His gaze was fixed on his cock disappearing into your body, hand reeling back to strike against your behind, hitting your ass as you moaned out loudly.
With a loud groan, you could feel Theo push even further into you as he spilt himself inside of you, your cunt becoming flooded with his cum.
“You’re so beautiful” Theo praised, staring at your cum-dripping cunt with a grin on his face.
Theo pulled out and grabbed his clothing, which was scattered all over the room. As you cleaned yourself up, you noticed him hurriedly putting on his clothes and shoes.
“Where are you going?” you asked, a puzzled expression on your face as you gathered your clothes as well.
“Common room”
“Now?” you arched an eyebrow at him, confused as to why he was in such a rush.
“Yeah. To beat Malfoy up”
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tags: @xolaylaxo @Heartthc @one-direction-harry-potter1 @whoslunaaa @kayleiggh @daddysfucktoyslut @Abaker74 @thingzonlyhogwarts @anahcruz15
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janicekao · 5 months
My turn
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Infinity Pool (2023) dir. Brandon Cronenberg
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janicekao · 5 months
BRB Barking
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Alexander Skarsgård II Big Little Lies (2017)
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janicekao · 5 months
waiting for a nerdy boy with glasses to rail me until I can’t remember my name.
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1K notes · View notes
janicekao · 5 months
One day, yes one day, I will learn how to correctly format a master list lol
3 notes · View notes
janicekao · 5 months
The best love interest he has ever had in a movie!!😍
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I need them physically, emotionally, mentally, biblically, carnally, entirely with my whole entire soul. From the dusk til dawn, in the bed, in the shower, on the counter, on the floor, till I can no longer walk.
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janicekao · 5 months
My Forever
Pairing: Count Dracula/Gerard Butler x Black oc (dark smut) Summary: Based off of the movie plot of "Dracula 2000." After years of being locked away, the charming Count Dracula visits New Orleans in the year of 2000. As he wanders away from the loud celebration of Mardi Gras, he runs into a damsel in distress... A young woman on the verge of su!cide whose image absolutely takes his breath away. Warnings: vampire, cnc, n0ncon,dub!c0n, narrative pov, rough s3x, d0m&femsub, agegap, bl00d, vi0lence, smut, su1c1de, murd3r, v1rginity taking, s0mno, s0mnophilia etc. 5438 words Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 -----------------------------------
The year is 2000 and Count Dracula has finally been set free.
Being locked away in a chamber for the last seventy years has dried his body out to a state of decomposed dust. He needs blood, and he needs it now.
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A group of thieves expected to encounter fortune and riches as they broke inside millionaire Mathew Van Helsing's property, Mathew being the direct decedent of the famous Vampire Hunter Abraham Van Helsing. Little did the thieves know that Van Helsing's chamber had no riches... The chamber was only used to protect mankind from the evils of a vampire that simply cannot be destroyed.
The thieves opened Dracula's bolted shut coffin and met their immediate demise. Dracula drained each of them of their blood, one by one.
The blood pouring down his throat sends a chill down his spine each time. His crumbling skin turns back into lively-youthful flesh, and Dracula becomes handsome once again.
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Awoken! And back to being the womanizer that he's been for thousands of years, he's eager to see what the minxes of this generation will be like... the thought alone hardens his cock and protrudes his fangs.
Before he can enjoy himself and prey on women, Dracula however is seeking revenge... Revenge on the man who captured him and kept him locked away for so very long. And what better way to retaliate than going after his captor's daughter?
Mary Van Helsing, Mathew's only daughter and the latest victim of Dracula's power of seduction and infiltrating one's mind.
She has seen him in her dreams and sometimes even while she is awake. Never knowing to fear the man inside of her dreams, being that each time he comes to her... he is charming, gentle, and even trustworthy.
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Little does she know his charisma is all part of the deception. Her life is in jeopardy and now that he has awakened, her dreams are soon to become reality.
As Dracula walks the streets of New Orleans searching for Mary, he is nearly shocked to see the differences in today's women. Shorts as tiny as underwear, blouses as tiny as bras, and daring red lips on faces full of makeup.
Although the sight makes him aroused, he recognizes that the women who dressed like this were once seen as easy. Dracula isn't interested in seducing women that are whores, he enjoys the challenge... The challenge of virtuous women that he is used to seeing when he was awake and roaming the world in the early 1900s. Women who dressed head to toe in long gowns, refusing seduction however would always fail, falling in the arms of Dracula.
Unimpressed with the scantly dressed of Bourbon Street, Dracula feels that maybe his adventures this time will be strictly business... No seductive fun after all, just revenge.
Being that MardiGras is currently being celebrated, the extremely old school vampire decides to leave the racket of loud music and crowded streets behind as he makes his way through the woods, swamp areas, and backroads.
Now in the quiet peace of Louisiana's countryside, he brainstorms his plans that he has for the young and innocent Mary Van Helsing.
He plans to seduce her into sweet sex. He will then have her drink his blood and take her life in a blink of an eye. She will then not only become a vampire, but because of his blood in her system, Mary will be forever attached... Forever linked to the vampire who made her this way, and forever his servant.
During Dracula's walk, he begins to hear the soothing sounds of a lake. He peers through the trees, following the sounds as he longs for the missed breath of nature's fresh air.
He finds this lake, silently enjoying the wind off of its small currents and deeply inhaling its beauty, and then exhaling.
Noticing a bridge that crosses over the beautiful lake, Dracula meets the eyes of the prettiest woman he has ever laid eyes on.
"Wow."His breath hitches in his throat, being immediately taken in awe of her presence.
The girl swings her feet off of the side of the bridge as she sits on the bridge's concrete and watches the tiny ripples of water beneath her.
Her hair large and full of black curls, eyes brown, and lips plump... perfectly kissable. But what makes his heart pace the most, is her skin. Tawny and made of silk, however marbled in spots of peach, like the finest China you'd ever see.
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Dracula however also notices the sadness in her eyes. Although being at least a hundred-feet apart, he still can see the tears that bubble in her mysteriously dark eyes.
Within a blink of an eye, she jumps...
A suicide attempt.
Dracula wouldn't be himself if he didn't pursue after a woman that caught his eye the way that she did... So just for a moment, Dracula switches his nature from a villain to the hero.
Jumping into the lake, Dracula swims to her, finding her near the bottom of the swampy lake.
Wrapping his arms around her waist feels too perfect for him. Almost like the fitting of the last two pieces of an extremely complicated puzzle.
His determination to save her kicks into high drive.
Although he has many plans of seducing her and keeping her chained to him, at the moment he'd be satisfied with just hearing the sweet voice that will escape her perfect pout when she breathes again.
The two resurface and he swims her lifeless body unto the bank.
Laying perfectly still, the girl doesn't have much life in her. Like sleeping beauty, it's evident that she's inhaled too much water.
Her beauty, so very enamoring and overwhelming, Dracula even hesitates to approach her.
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"Magnificent." He coos.
Pressing his strong palms onto her chest and stomach, he begins to pump water out of the girl, watching it pour out of her mouth and down her face.
Hearing her gently cough as she regains consciousness is relieving. However, her wet skin is enticing... Dracula already knows that she will become his, so why wait?
His fingers grace across the vitiligo that perfectly stains her skin as his thumb traces her plush lips and deep onto the bed of her tongue.
Her mouth, so warm... Dracula immediately groans.
The girl's blouse is soaked and as her chest rises and falls with each breath, he can't help but notice her top unbuttoned and revealing the fullness of her breasts and perky brown nipples.
His pale lips press against her neck as his hands gently cup and dimple her breasts. Her skin blushes, drawing warm blood back into her, and damn does it smell good to him.
He wants to drink her blood dry, but he wants to fuck her much more.
Although her eyes are still closed as she finds her way back into consciousness, the girl begins to purr underneath his touch as her malleable tits writhe with goosebumps beneath him.
He smiles, whispering gently against her tiny breaths. "Sweet little kitten. That must feel so good to you, yeah?"
Pressing a kiss onto her lips, Dracula moves down her body into taking her full breasts into his mouth... inhaling and sucking ruthlessly on her flesh.
His fang draws light blood with a nip to her hardened bud. The pleasurable pain makes her gasp, body gently bucking beneath him.
Her eyes slightly peak open and Dracula's immediate seduction calms her worry...
His cock begins to ache in its tight confinements. "Should I continue?"
She hesitates, unsure of why she wants to nod yes, but she does it anyway.
Satisfied with her submissive answer, Dracula immediately drips with his first bead of precum of this century. "Good girl." Grunting out gentle groans, he continues to seduce.
His talon like nail reaches beneath her skirt. He scratches her like a knife from her thigh up to her fabric covered cunt before cutting the lace panty off of her with just a flick of his nail.
Using the soft bed of his palm and fingertips, Dracula's hand dampens as he rubs her plumped cunt until her hips begin to buck.
She gulps. "I-I'm so tired."
Her sweet tone forces him to release his hard cock before it tears out of his zipper. "And that's why you must let me take care of you. What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Dovie." Her sweet voice is barely audible.
"Dovie..." Dracula repeats. "The dove... a symbol of peace, innocence, and beauty. Your name is fitting my love.Dovie, I have been needing you."
He leans furthermore against her, beginning to slide his erection back and forth against her slickness. His hands hold tightly onto her hips, waiting patiently for the perfect time to stretch her with his aching cock.
"Hey!" A woman on a walk around the lake with her dog intervenes... "What the hell are you doing to her?"
He ignores her, overly enamored with his newest love.
"I'll call the cops asshole!" The woman refuses to move on. "Step away from the girl!"
Dracula becomes annoyed. He attacks the woman at the speed of lightning.
As he scratches the woman and draws blood from her neck, his seduction is interrupted and taken away from Dovie.
Dovie sits up in the grass, half nude and confused. She gasps as she takes notice to the man she was just enamored with as he threatens to take a woman's life.
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"Just say the word, Dovie." A handsome yet dangerous grin appears across Dracula's face. "Say the world and I'll drain her of her every drop of blood."
Fright fills Dovie like hot lava. "What?— NO DON'T!!" She shouts.
He clicks his tongue with taunt. "Tsk tsk tsk, wrong word Dovie."
Dracula's fangs latch onto the woman's throat as he empties her body like a juice box. He tosses her into the lake as if she weighed as much as a feather, letting a Louisiana crocodile chomp on her for a Saturday brunch...
Dovie screams in terror, she tries to get up from the grass however her wet sneakers cause her to slip, making her tired frame fall back to the ground.
By time she gets herself back onto her knees, she feels a hand on the back of her skirt, refusing to let her run.
Dracula forces her still with hands gripped around her waist, he kicks her knees wider apart and she becomes frightened feeling the air beneath her skirt where she is clearly bare. Settling himself behind her, Dracula feasts on her fear. Rubbing his even more aroused cock quicker through her pussy lips.
Dovie cries, trying her best not to become so wet for him even though her body has already been conditioned to his touch. She attempts to pry his fingers from her waist, however all it does is force his hands higher... Higher to the point of rolling her hardened nipples through his fingers and making her squeal with unwanted arousal.
The lake is so empty... Calling for help is a waste of time being that the only one who will hear her is the woman's dog running away and dragging its leash.
Her fear overpowers Dracula's seduction, making him having to kick it into high gear. Dracula bites his wrist, forcing the girl to drink his blood. With his blood inside of her, the worry will pass and only obsession will be left. She will be his until it fades out of her system.
Fighting the wrist against her mouth, the first drop of his blood is all she needs before wanting to hold onto him and drink him empty.
What seems to be the finest red wine oozing down her throat, Dovie's eyes roll back into her head. She continues to drink from his wrist and intwines her fingers with his as he allows it.
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Her sweet nature is so intoxicating... His baby.Wanting to hold his hand as he feeds her his blood.
The sensation becomes too much for him. As Dovie drinks, becoming more obsessed with him, she arches her back... beginning to tease him as she glides her wet pussy on the shaft of his cock, even pressing his tip into her tight entry as she taunts him.
Dracula's breath is caught into his throat as he fights the urge to release.
He loses.
His throbbing tip releases a load of cum. Jerking forward each time his nut spickets out of him. He watches her pretty brown skin covered in his milky glaze, nearly falling in love as he watches the girl finger it inside of her.
Becoming dizzy, he realizes how long she's been drinking from his wrist... far too long.
He snatches his wrist from her and the girl immediately pleads for more. "Please! I-I wasn't done!"
"Trust me, you were." He gulps, watching his wound slowly heal. "Dovie, how are you feeling now?"
"I feel incredible!" She falls back into the pillow of grass, unworried about the fact that she's soaked from her suicide attempt of jumping off of a bridge.
Dracula became the way that he is from his suicide many moons ago. He hung himself, and for that sin, the good Lord cursed him with immortality as the beast that he is today.
Suicide has a special place in his heart, he absolutely hates that a pretty girl like Dovie was sad enough to take her own life. No one ever deserves that very last feeling a person gets before deciding to commit suicide... A feeling of being so alone and at an all time low.
"Why did you jump off of that bridge, Dovie?" Full with confusion, Dracula asks the question he was curious about all along.
"Oh.." Her smile fades.
She shrugs. "Honestly...Because life just isn't what it's made out to be. Like in literature, or films, and celebrities. It's nothing like it. Reality is being twenty-four, having student loan debt, a nonexistent love life, and a job that pays less than eight-fifty an hour. I just... didn't have a reason to live... I just felt, tired."
"Hey!" She begins to smile again. "Ya know what? I never got your name!"
"I need to know it if I plan on screaming it all night."Dovie pushes Dracula onto his back as she crawls over him and sits unto his lap. Although he's already zipped up, he almost takes his cock out again as Dovie grinds her bare cunt into his crotch.
"Vlad Dracula, but Dracula is just fine." He instantly stops her hips. "Dovie, when you say nonexistent love life, what do you mean?"
"Hmm, let's see..." She sarcastically teases. "A loser virgin! Duh!"
A virgin.
Could she get any sweeter?
Dracula instantly feels the need to make her forever his, but if he does that... it wouldn't help her situation very much.
What the girl needs, is the opportunity to live.
He knows that he's here in New Orleans for one thing... But, what can he do when he runs into a damsel in distress as pretty as Dovie?
He decides to momentarily put his Van Helsing revenge on hold, now that something much more important has come up.
His newest mission: Give Dovie Larson the life that she'd quite literally kill to have.
Romance, fun, wealth, and whatever the depressed girl's heart desires.
Stopping first at a shopping mall, Dracula thinks that maybe the girl would enjoy dressing like the other women he has come across today. Scantly, however intoxicatingly delicious.
With a body like Dovie's, he is sure the world will soon stand at attention as they admire her beauty. She deserves to see herself as something beautiful, not 'a loser virgin.'
Holding each other's hand as they walk through the store, Dracula still manages to draw attention from his overpowering charm and power of seduction.
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"How do you do that?" Dovie perks a curious brow.
"Do what?" He chuckles.
Dovie being territorial, rolls her eyes at the gawking women in pure jealousy. "How do you make every woman, young or old, stare at you like that?"
He hasn't a reason to lie... "Don't let your thoughts deceive your eyes... You know exactly what you saw. I am a vampire Dovie, my powers are to charm and to seduce in order to kill."
She freezes in her path. Dracula sighs, patiently awaiting for her to freak out, hate him, and even storm off..
"I know what I saw." She begins. "I know what you are. But I don't believe in your charm and seduction... Are you saying that that's what you have done to me? Is that why I love you?"
Dracula chuckles, sucking his teeth trying to control his growing feelings for the cute girl.
"You love me." He repeats. "Sweet girl, that's only the obsession talking. You barely know me Dovie, but it's okay. It's still nice to hear sometimes, even for an old decrepit blood sucker like myself. But you don't love me dear, however maybe you will after all of this fun we will have today, yeah?"
She blushes. "Yeah."
The two search for overpriced dresses and outfits that Dovie will feel her best in. At one point so obsessed with him, the girl began to beg for his sex in the fitting room.
Dracula becomes even more amused with his powers. His ability to seduce at an all time high the older that he gets.
The older the wine, the better. Right?
But their sex will have to wait, the girl needs to see that there's more to life than bills and depression.
After modeling a few outfits for Dracula, his temptation gets the best of him as he begins to gently treat her body like royalty...
He loves every inch of this girl... The poor old man can hardly take his hands off of her.
Dovie struts around the dressing room in a gothic blood-red and black lingerie set and instantly sets fire in Dracula's loins.
"Perfection." He kisses her skin gently, leaving hickies at her neck and even on the plushness of her breasts and behind. Her skin tastes heavenly.
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As Dovie grins, a heartwarming smile of perfectly white teeth, he yearns for her even more.
She coddles his strong arms as they caress her body and she accepts every kiss that he gives. "Is this something we can have forever?"
Dracula's compulsion on women usually has them at his feet like a loyal dog, never has he felt the literal romance that Dovie continues to drown him in.
He gulps. "If that's what you want Dovie."
She smiles. "It is."
Dracula and Dovie head towards the cash register where he begins to show her another of his powers. With just a look in his eyes, he can compel whatever he wants out of any living soul.
The young cashier pops his chewing gum as he rocks out to the music in his headphones, he hardly even looks at them as he continues to scan each of Dovie's new pieces of clothing. "That'll be $1,300."
"You have such nice eyes young man." Dracula persuades. "Can I see them?"
"Yeah dude!" The cashier laughs. "They say I get them from my granddad—"
Dracula immediately compels him through the eye contact.
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"Tony." Dracula reads the cashier's name tag as the compulsion keeps him in a still hold. "These clothes... they are free today."
"Yes." The boy almost sounds zombie like. "The clothes are free today."
Dracula grins. "Very good."
Impressed with Dracula's powers, Dovie can't believe all of the expensive designer clothes that they walk out of the store with, her smile is never ending.
"Dracula, you've done so much for me!" She begins. "What can I do for you?"
"Hmm." He begins to ponder. "Well I am quite hungry..."
Dovie begins in excitement. "Perfect! I know this Burger place that is half off during MardiGras—"
"Not for burgers, my dear." He chuckles, gently placing a kiss to the back of her knuckles.
"Oh..." She gulps. "That's right, sorry, I forgot. You're hungry for human blood."
Dracula nods.
She smiles. "Luckily I know just the place for that too!"
The compelling doesn't end at the shopping mall, it continues to the Lavrone Palace, the swankiest and most expensive hotel in Louisiana.
Dracula compels his way through the front desk, scoring him and his newest lover the biggest suite the hotel has to offer.
The room... so dark and mysteriously gothic, Dracula feels immediately at home.
"Now this— this is way better than a steel coffin." He stretches his old and tired body onto the suite's mattress.
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"Would you just look at this place!?" Dovie squeals. "It's absolutely stunning!"
She takes her shopping bags of a brand new wardrobe into the bathroom, singing with joy and excitement.
Dracula begins to smile.
Just this morning, the girl was taking her own life. Now she is seeing every reason why she shouldn't have.
"Dracula?" Dovie's voice becomes muffled on the other side of the door.
"Yes Dovie?" Dracula yawns, stretching his popping joints on the comforts of the hotel's decorative pillows.
"Just curious..." She begins. "With your blood in me, are we like... connected?"
Dracula grins over her curiosity. "Yes dear. Almost as if we were one. I feel your presence, as much as you feel mine."
He begins to feel aroused, reminiscing on the way that she looked in her lingerie today at the mall. "Dovie my dear, come back out here. Let me see that little red number you wore for me in the dressing room."
She doesn't answer...
"Dovie?" Becoming worried Dracula continues to call for her.
He gets up from his comfortable lounging, slowly opening the creaky bathroom door... Dovie is long gone, and a window swings wide opened...
He sighs in annoyance.
He often forgets the other attributes of receiving his blood. Although his victim becomes infatuated with him, they also have a sense of adventure and exhilaration.
Dovie's burst of energy has her playing games, wanting Dracula to find her with his sense of connection.
Tired and hungry, the vampire rolls his eyes in aggravation, soon following after the girl with his heightened sense of smell.
Through the streets of New Orleans, Dracula closes his eyes and attempts to follow his instincts.
His senses directs him into a night club. Just opening for the evening as night falls, Dracula pays his door fair and soon finds himself in a packed club full potential victims and blaring House Music.
(A/N: play for throwback club aesthetics😙)
Strobe lights aggravate Dracula's sensitive eyes and per usual, the women can't keep their eyes off of him. But, he isn't interested in any of them, only wanting to find his lover and get out of the treacherous dance club.
He senses Dovie... But she isn't anywhere to be found...
Nearly giving up on searching for her, his eyes immediately meet with hers as she struts down the staircase, coming from the second floor.
Her beauty demands everyone's attention and as beautiful as she looks, she deserves it all.
The song even heightens her strong presence. "Be my lover. Won't you be my lover?"
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"Hello handsome." Dovie flirts, twisting Dracula's heart in one of her brand new outfits. "You found me after all."
"I told you I would." Dracula gulps. "Dovie, don't leave again."
She smiles. "You missed me? It's okay. I have a surprise for you, and then we will spend the night dancing."
"Dancing?" Dracula laughs. "The last dancing I've done was in 1920, I had just learned the Charleston, and now I'm guessing that's long out of style."
Dovie chuckles as she places a gentle kiss onto Dracula's lips. "We will have to work on it... But first, come with me."
Dracula takes Dovie's hand as she leads him upstairs. The twisting of her hips infront of him puts his head on dizzy swivel.
"Dracula." She begins. "I'd like you to meet my new friend, Ashley. I told her about my handsome boyfriend that was dying to meet her."
"Hi." Ashley begins to blush, already succumbing to Dracula's charm and seduction. "Dovie here told me her boyfriend was handsome, but you... you are extraordinary. There is a private room down the hall, are you guys up to a threesome?"
Dracula hovers over the girl, he smells the warm blood flowing through her neck and kisses where he plans to puncture her skin.
"What do you say Dovie?" He manages to ask within a devious smirk. "Up to a threesome my love?
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Dovie knows not to feel jealous being that Dracula's pure intentions is to drink the stranger dry.
She nods. "I'm right behind you baby."
Into the private room, Dracula locks the door behind his ladies.
He cant seem to take his eyes from Dovie as her new found confidence is breathtaking. She sits on the couch, popping a bottle of chilled champagne as she pours herself a glass.
Dovie crosses her silky brown legs, letting the long slit of her dress tease at the opened flesh of her thighs. She waits patiently for the show, not realizing that the real show, is her.
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With focus completely on Dovie, Dracula hardly even notices Ashley latched onto his body as her lipstick leaves stains of kisses on his skin.
As Ashley's hand moves into his pants, Dovie becomes annoyed.
She rolls her eyes, swirling her expensive champagne in her glass. "Foods getting cold, Drac."
Her jealous sass turns him on, forcing a grin at the corners of his lips.
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"Yes baby, then I'll make haste." Dracula tears the clothes from the girl's body with his sharpened nail.
Ashley gets pleasure from it. Orgasming from the force and expecting a night of insane sex.
"Ohh pretty Dove?"The girl swoons, singing as she chuckles. "Why don't you join us?"
Dovie shrugs. "I think I'll watch, wouldn't want my new dress to get messy."
"Mmm." Ashley coos, arching her back as Dracula drags a welting scratch down her body with his fingernail. "So take it off."
He pierces the girl's skin. Groaning from the taste of her blood as he licks it off at the tip of his finger.
Ashley gasps, beginning to giggle in drunken laughter. "Kinky! Be easy with me okay?"
"Yes..." Dracula lies. "Easy."
Ashley's eyes grow in shock as his fangs protrude and eyes redden as he tears into her jugular... far too late to scream.
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Her body goes limp as the blood splatters on each wall of the room.
Dracula continues to drink... Gulping and feasting on a girl who never expected her life to end tonight.
Finishing his meal, Dracula drops the pale and completely drained corpse to the ground, wiping his mouth to rid his leftovers from his face.
Out of breath, he pants... Satisfied and gently groaning as his cock enlarges and tightens his pants.
"Shall we go dancing now?" Dovie questions.
Dracula has other plans...
He takes the mostly full bottle of champagne, throwing it with all of his force as he shatters the glass window.
"No dancing." He takes Dovie's hand. "Just fucking."
Horny and impatient, Dracula refuses the stairs. He wraps his arms around Dovie's waist and introduces her to another of his powers, the ability to fly.
When Dracula is in his form of a bat, he's able to fly with his black leathery wings. However in the form of a man, he glides through the air with impossibly large jumps.
He takes Dovie to the roof of the nightclub. Forcing her eyes open, he promises that when she's in his arms she'll always be safe.
With eyes wide open, Dovie watches as they soar together rooftop to rooftop. The wind through her curls is perfect, and Dracula was right, in his arms... she feels more than safe.
Reaching the roof of their hotel, Dracula and Dovie enter their opened window as the romance begins.
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Lips against each other, their kiss is lewd and sinful. They strip each other of their clothes and obsess over each of their bodies.
Strong arms and a plumped-lengthy cock eager to split her open, and a soft curvy body that has never had its cherry popped.
The air is thick and overwhelmingly hot.
Dracula's power to seduce is nothing compared to Dovie's natural power. She's undeniably perfect.
He can't believe it... A woman who cared enough to sacrifice a life for him to feed... He's never had a woman to care for him in his entire life.
Is it possible to find true love within a day?
His tongue glides up her body. Sliding from tongue kisses on her dripping cunt to leaving a trail up her smooth belly and to her puffy areolas and hardened nipples.
Dracula grabs her by the throat. Not to choke her, just to kiss her so deeply that she'd forget whose air she was breathing.
Spreading her legs further apart, he begins to pump his erection into her tight entry. Only his bulbous head penetrating her, however they both near a climax.
Before it's too late, he goes for it... Plummeting his cock into the tight tunnel of her insides, he loses his breath in unbelievable shock of how fantastic she feels.
Light pink blood begins to cover his member mixed with her nectar... How fucking perfect? Two of his favorite things, blood and pussy.
His thumb circles her throbbing clit until she begs him to stop, he doesn't. He grabs her wrists above her head, continuing to torture her pretty little pink cunt until she trembles with orgasm. "Dracula, have mercy!"
"Fuck me Dovie." Switching positions, Dracula lays on his back as the cutie rides for her first time.
Slowly sitting on the aching eight inches of his girthy cock, Dovie hisses and bites her lip as she takes it all.
Eyes rolling back in pure pleasure and ecstasy, Dracula groans as he watches Dovie's pussy stretch around his erection, taking it so far until the tummy bulge coming through her belly is evident.
He grabs her hips and directs how he wants to be fucked, precum already beetling out each time she bucks against him.
The sounds of lewd skin slapping together, has never sounded so good. Dracula's obsession for the girl is overwhelming, wanting to die in this pussy if he had to.
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Her purrs are so enticing. Squealing angelic whimpers through the pleasurable pain, obediently submitting to whatever he wants.
Enamored by the bouncing of her flesh, Dracula cups her breasts and runs his fingers all throughout her body. Feeling his cum erupting, he stills Dovie's body onto his lap, forcing his every inch against her cervix as her sopping wet cunt soaks his balls.
Snatching her by the back of her neck, Dracula tongue kisses her. They both watch as his drilling cock slows to a finish and she gushes his hot seed from her tiny battered hole.
His mind fills with thoughts that he begins to share as Dovie sweetly continues to ride him soft.
"You and me, forever." He gulps, gently heaving tired yet overly stimulated breaths. "This everyday, every second. I need this.You and I can rule the world Dovie. Just close your eyes, with my blood in you, you'll wake up and we can be together forever. I'm in love with you... I now see that the only reason for coming to New Orleans was the universe bringing me to you, nothing else."
Dracula cups her face, staring into her large brown eyes with pure infatuation. "The same way that you brought me Ashley... You will bring me more, my sweet girl. Our next victim, a college girl Mary Van Helsing is her name... you will bring her to me."
Dovie quietly begins to redress and pack.
So full of himself and high off of the love they made, Dracula lays back into the red silk sheets imagining what else the two of them can do in an immortal life together.
"Dovie?" He finally begins to question her silence.
"No, Dracula... I can't." Dovie disagrees with his plans.
He immediately frowns... If she's able to resist him, his blood has worn out of her system.
"How long have you been off of my blood?" Feeling bamboozled, his tone darkens.
"Since the club." She admits.
"Then why'd you come back here with me? Why did you fake all of that?" He snaps.
"I faked nothing." Dovie explains, whilst her shopping bags in hand. "Can't you believe that a woman would still sleep with you without your compulsion? Dracula, I have had the most wonderful day with you. So much joy, that I actually want to continue to live. Our sex was only something that I could dream of having before today! But, I can't be what you want me to be..."
"But you've already done it?" Nearly wanting to drop to his knees and beg her to stay, he attempts to convince her to be his forever. "With Ashley? You fed me, you must love me as much as I love you?"
She smiles. "I do! I will love you forever for being the man who saved my life! Isn't this what you wanted? For me to change my mind about suicide?"
It is what he wanted... But is it a shame that now he wants more?
So tempted to grab her and force his blood back into her mouth, he just can't do it. He's never felt like this for anyone in his thousands of years of living. Even with all the evil he's done in life, harming Dovie Larson, won't be one of them.
"I'm not a killer." Dovie continues. "I can't continue to bring you victims because the reason that I gave you Ashley, was because she deserved it. Before you found me, I watched this woman drugging women's drinks at the bar... When they began to get sleepy, she continued to bring them upstairs to her private room and assault them. I decided that the world is better off without people like her. So, I hit on her, told her that you and I wanted to have some fun with her... and then you took her life, as she deserved. I don't regret it, but I don't plan on making it a habit."
She's become so strong. His hypnosis long over with and faded, now that she has finally found her own will to live.
Dracula although heartbroken, he is proud.
"Well, where will you go?" His eyebrows furrow, worried that he will never see the love of his life again.
Flashing her heartmelting thousand-watt smile once more, Dovie gives him a final kiss on his lips. "Home."
He watches the girl leave... Strutting like a reborn superstar, Dovie leaves their suite with her bags of luxury clothes. She gives off an aura of immense confidence and joy... it makes Dracula smile.
Soaring out of the window, onto the hotel's window ledge, Dracula watches Dovie catch a taxi and soon forever leaves his view.
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With his blood out of her system, he has no way of tracking her... she's just, gone.
They both will never forget each other.
Dracula wished to show the beautiful and innocent girl how to live, what he didn't realize, is that she had done the very same for him.
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janicekao · 5 months
Pairing: Pennywise/Bill Skarsgard x Black oc (dark smut) Summary: Going after his next victim: a little boy named Booker Jones, Pennywise the clown becomes intrigued by his older sister instead, and no... what he is hungry for is not her fear. Warnings: Horror, violence, entity, monster, monster s3x, rough s3x, dub!con, cnc, age gap, dark romance, smut, tummy bulge k!nk, dom&femsub cr3am pie, etc. 7130 words Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 ----------------------------------
Rumors have begun to spread that Pennywise the clown has returned back to Derry.
But who would believe the rumors being that they were coming from kids? Being gossiped around Elementary and Middle schools.
As children started to disappear again, the adults of Derry have also picked up on believing in this rumor, but luckily most of them have common sense.
Although this myth of a supernatural clown has been told in Derry for hundreds of years, the adults have been in contact with the police thinking that instead of something as crazy as a fictitious clown, some insane Pennywise fanatic has entered the town and is preying on children to keep the fable alive.
"He lives in the sewers."
"He can reach you through the drains of your house."
"He can make you hallucinate and you will see awful things to frighten you."
"He survives off of fear."
Sadly, the children are more than right.
Worst of all, they are going unheard. Parents are ignoring them as they search for what makes the most sense to them, a psychotic murderous pedophile on the loose.
And as the adults of Derry waste their time not believing in the supernatural, Pennywise is preparing to strike again.
Booker Jones, an eight year old boy is Pennywise's next victim.
Pennywise has been stalking his dreams, showing up each day at the boy's school, and whispering through the drains of his home.
Pennywise is infatuated with Booker's fear. Each time he plays with the young child's mind, his mouth waters with excitement to devour the boy and absorb his fear to keep him alive.
It's almost time now.
Booker has told his friends and family... But no one believes him. His parents tell him to stop listening to the gossip of the town because of how bad he's getting nightmares now. Little do they know, Pennywise is sizing him and getting his levels of fear exactly where he wants them to be.
Sunday nights are usually Booker's bath nights. Finally ready for Pennywise's taking, the clown plans on slithering inhumanely through the drain and drag Booker to his death into the sewers where Pennywise will consume his fear and let his decaying body be found in the streams that lead out of the tunnels of Derry.
As Pennywise listens into the pipes of the Jones' house, at eight-pm he finally hears the bath running... he knows that his time to feast, is now.
Pennywise slithers quietly through the pipes, opening his eyes in the sudsy lukewarm water as he expects to see the tiny feet and draggable legs of an eight year old boy...
The clown nearly gasps, almost choking on water as the gaze of his eyes latch onto the spread legs of a young woman...
Confusion takes over his mind, never once has he ever had to take a pause during one of his killings.
Still watching from the impossibly deep pits of the filled tub, Pennywise watches long brown legs soak in the sweetly fragrant bath. The girl's toes are painted a light pink and she taps her feet lightly to what seems to be music coming from her headphones.
What disgruntles Pennywise the most is the powers coming from between her thighs... he even momentarily begins to think that maybe, just maybe, she could be a supernatural herself.
Pennywise is hungry... Usually for fear, but this time, for a taste of the soft flesh between her legs.
Peaking out of the water for just a moment, he craves to see the face of the enchanting creature.
The girl nods her head to the rhythm of the music, luckily eyes closed as she relaxes... Because if they opened, they'd view upon the gray crumbling skin, patchy red hair, and demonic yellow eyes of Pennywise, and surely would die of a heart attack on the spot.
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Pennywise is puzzled by her beauty...
Full dark brown curls drenching at the ends as she soaks in the water, face red and blushing due to the humidity of the bathroom, full lips, long eyelashes, and breasts large... nipples upturned and beaming with water droplets...
Fucking hell...
She isn't a child... no, she isn't a child at all.
What Pennywise didn't realize about Booker Jones, is that he has a sister. Quinn Jones, an older sister, age twenty, and home from college for Summer Break.
Tonight won't be the night for feeding after all... However, Pennywise can't leave without a taste, of something.
Seeping back into the drain, the clown's unbelievably long snake-like tongue slithers between Quinn's legs, swiping a powerful lick that goes from the crack of her bottom, through her folds, and to the delicious flesh of her clit.
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She immediately gasps. Breath hitched in her throat as her eyes dart open. She flips her headphones from off of the top of her head and frantically kicks her legs, searching for what violated her in such way... however, the bath is empty.
As Pennywise ventures back into the sewers, the taste of Quinn stays on his tongue... a taste that he will forever crave until his dying day.
Pennywise paces the sewers, mind full of thoughts about the girl.
He isn't used to this feeling... and being an evil entity born Before Christ, he doesn't understand why after all these years, obstacles are now getting into his way?
He hears the snickering of preteens walking through the sewers with flashlights, probably dared by each other to see who is the bravest to meet the myth of Pennywise...
Sadly for the youngins, there is fear that Pennywise needs to feast upon, and once they lay eyes upon his stature of eight-feet tall, his dingy and torn clown costume, and his shards of glass like teeth, fear is exactly what they will have plenty of.
Pennywise tears them to shreds, consuming each drop of their fear. Finally becoming full and energized, he can prepare to tackle the obstacle known as Quinn Jones.
For the first time ever, Pennywise doesn't want to cause fright. He is so curious about the beauty that he just wants to be around her, to know her... However, if push comes to shove, killing her works just as well.
But to get close to the girl without her fleeing from him, he can not appear to her as a clown...
He once would appear human at times around the town of Derry, in his opinion his human form is a handsome man...
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But being that the last time he tried this appearance was nearly sixty years ago, it's probably best to appear as something the girl could be attracted to nowadays.
He will have to appear as young as she is. In his twenties, charming, handsome, less forehead, less evil grin, and just more modern all together.
Contorting his appearance into what he needs to be, he finally becomes satisfied with his look as he stares at his reflection in the shard of a broken mirror, dumped in the sewers like the rest of the trash around him.
"This'll do." He finally agrees with what he sees. "This'll do just fine."
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Before being able to show himself, Pennywise wants to be familiar with the girl he plans on meeting.
What does a clown who only knows of murder know about charming a girl?
For weeks of the summer, Pennywise quietly stalks Quinn until he knows her every detail.
Quinn even begins to think that her little brother's irrational fear of Pennywise the clown is rubbing off on her, ever since she's been home she sees the clown in her dreams...
He fills her every thought and at night as she sleeps, Quinn even feels him in the corner of her room.
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She thinks that she's just going crazy, but she is far from crazy. Pennywise is using his abilities to infiltrate Quinn's mind, as he does his victims. But instead of frightening her, he just wants her to know of his existence.
Finally mustering up the courage to meet Quinn, things go surprisingly smoother than Pennywise could ever have expected.
In his new appearance, Pennywise purposely runs into her as she grocery shops dinner for her family. He compliments her, asks about the music she is listening to in her headphones, and lies that they are too his favorite band.
He enjoys speaking with her for the very first time... It is like a breath of fresh air.
Pennywise introduces himself to the girl as "Bill", a twenty-seven year old accountant who is interested in taking her out on a date.
Impressed by the man's charm and their almost impossible similarities, Quinn quickly accepts.
Over weeks of hanging out with each other daily, a bond has began to grow. They trust each other and Pennywise enjoys hearing her talk for as long as she wants to.
Each day that he picks her up from the Jones' residence, Quinn's blushing cheeks proves each time that his plan is working, it proves that the girl is crushing on him as much as Pennywise is crushing on her.
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A month of knowing each other passes quickly being that the two have become immediately infatuated with each other.
Today, to celebrate a month together, Pennywise has planned a night at a drive in movie theater... a perfect place for romance, and to also scope out the scenery for potential children he can feasts upon when he's ready to.
Wearing a brown mesh dress that fits her body to perfection and compliments her mahogany skin beautifully, Quinn answers Pennywise's knock to her front door.
Pennywise can barely speak... Awed by her beauty, he can barely breathe.
She smiles. "Do I look okay?"
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Voice sweet as candy, his heart begins to melt.
"Yes Quinn." He gulps. "More than okay, absolutely perfect."
She blushes. Quinn reaches up on the tips of her heels to place a kiss on the cheek of his handsome face.
She accepts his flowers. "Happy one month, Bill."
As Pennywise discretely digs through the wallets of his previous victims, he also drives a stolen car.
He impresses the girl with his willingness to care for her, to pay for all of their dates... although nothing that he has belongs to him, not even his own appearance.
Parked in front of the large movie screen, the two share a bucket of popcorn.
Pennywise listens to Quinn as she talks about her last year of college coming up in August. She'll then graduate and become a local Elementary School Teacher here in Derry.
As if she were made just for him. Pennywise's lips nearly begin to drool. Oh what perfect career for her... this way they'll never be apart, she can bring him the kids, and he absorbs their fear.
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Curious with her thoughts on the rumored clown of Derry, Pennywise brings it up in conversation, wondering will he forever have to keep up with this appearance around her, or if one day she can accept him as he is.
"Like most adults, I don't believe in entities and things that just don't make practical sense." She shrugs. "But ever since I've been home in Derry, I too have had many thoughts of this clown... it started with my little brother's nightmares, he was sure this evil clown was out to get him... So as a big sister would, I comforted him, calmed his nerves, and reminded him that everything would be okay. But recently, something tells me that the myth of the clown may be true. It's like I can feel him, like he's always near to me... Like I know him personally."
Quinn smiles, shrugging off the goosebumps caused by just the thought of Pennywise the clown. "But honestly there is something else I'd rather talk to you about..."
Chomping on a hand full of popcorn, Pennywise agrees. "Sure, go ahead."
"Bill..." She gulps. "We've been seeing each other for a month now, and I'm a bit confused on where we stand... I go back to school in a month, I'd just like to know if I'm going back single, or is this something... more?"
Pennywise frowns.
Has he not been clear?
"You're mine." The only words he can conjure up at the thought of Quinn seeing anyone else.
Blush heating her cheeks, she accepts his answer with the prettiest smile. "I can be yours."
He nods. "Good."
Taking the popcorn to the floor of the car, Quinn reaches over to kiss Pennywise. Their lips meet, and their affection and adoration for each other melts into each of their breaths.
Although they have taken things very slow over summer, they still have had a few gentle kisses every now and then. But Pennywise realizes that this kiss is a bit different...
Quinn moans into his full lips, body closing in on him in the driver seat of the car as she clearly hungers for more.
His heart begins to beat out of his chest and his human form suffers with keeping up with the seducing kiss.
Pulling away from her, Pennywise watches her almost startled, confused by the bite she has to her full bottom lip yet his pants grow as she squirms in needy arousal.
He gulps. "Quinn, the movie?"
"I'd rather watch you." Her voice drips with seduction as her hand unzips the front of his pants.
Quinn calms his worry as her other hand caresses the back of his neck gently. "If I'm yours, let me take care of you Bill."
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He watches puzzled, with a racing heartbeat, however he allows Quinn to do whatever she wants with him.
Quinn gracefully tucks her full mane of curls onto the other side of her shoulder as she bows into his lap.
Her lips line with his up-turned erection as she sweetly kisses the tip of his cock, staining it with her pink strawberry flavored lipgloss.
Staring down at his handsomely perfect member, thoughts of having him inside her chokes her mind. The best looking cock she's ever seen in her life, for now she'll satisfy her hunger with just his taste.
Hallowing out her cheeks, Quinn takes him fully into her mouth. Slowly wetting his cock with her spit as she gently tugs his shaft lubed with her drool.
Breaths caught in Pennywise's throat as he watches his sweetheart take him completely in her throat. Her delicious moans and sweetly scented perfume plagues his mind, he can't control the groans coming from the depths of his stomach.
She feels fucking perfect to him. Willing to choke herself to tears for his pleasure, he knows that he absolutely loves the girl.
As Quinn continues to slurp, stroke, and suck, Pennywise can't control the bucking of his hips. Gently fucking into her throat at the rhythm that he needs.
Quinn opens her eyes, peering up at him with her innocent doll like eyes as she slaps his cock on her drooling wet tongue.
His eyes roll back into his skull.. "Quinn.." He gulps. "Honey I—"
Forcing him deeper into her throat, Quinn inhales his balls along with the entirety of his cock.
Coughing and dripping mascara as her only care is to bring him to a pleasured finish
Fucking hell... he can't take it. Never having this sense of pleasure in his impossibly long lifetime, he feels the need to explode.
Noticing her deep arch in the passenger seat of the car, Pennywise can't help but to run his hand onto her firm backside, slapping her ass as she sucks his cock with absolute perfection.
His mouth hangs ajar as the pressure to cum continues to build. Stomach tightened as he listens to her intoxicating chokes and moans, he can't hold out any longer.
Quinn takes him into her throat once more as he blows his load.
He shouts a pleasured groan as the cum bursts streams into her mouth and down her pretty chin.
The pleasure is too much for him to handle, Pennywise loses focus on his appearance... and absolutely drops it.
He watches Quinn's satisfied smile turn into eyes of fear as he begins to reveal his truest form.
"P-Pennywise.." The shock causes her face to whiten into a pale fright.
He smiles, the jingle of his bells chiming out of thin air. "Pennywise, The Dancing Clown!"
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Thrashing around in the arms of the clown, Pennywise leaves the car for the nearest city drain.
Crying and shouting to be let go, he doesn't listen to her once.
"Close your eyes." He calmly demands. "It'll hurt a lot less."
Fearing for her life. Quinn tightens her eyes closed as she notices them slipping into the sewer drain.
She knows it's impossible for them to fit and expects to be squashed to death... But underestimating the powers of Pennywise, gets her nowhere. As she opens her eyes, she's surprisingly unharmed and in the sewer tunnels of Derry.
As she's being carried, she notices her dangling legs nowhere near the ground being that her date has grown into a whopping eight feet tall.
As she cries and continues to lash out, Pennywise isn't phased or harmed by her gentle fists. However, he doesn't know how to calm her...
When he's killing for the absorption of fear, he would have snapped his victim's neck by now, but not wanting to hurt Quinn... he's at a loss for a next step.
Taking her to the driest and deepest part of the sewers, he leaves Quinn by herself beside a pile of his victim's belongings.
She becomes a mess of frightened tears as she looks up at the massive pile, noticing the floating children in Pennywise's possession, decaying and have been hanging there for many, many years.
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As hours pass, and night darkens.
Pennywise decides to revisit Quinn. He finds her exhausted from tears and asleep in a dirty corner, however he's glad that she is calm.
He never wanted this to happen, but now that he's infatuated with her he can't let her go.
Waking up from her stressful nap, Quinn is startled by his quiet watching in the pipes of the sewer.
Balling herself up into bended knees, she refuses to even look at him.
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He jumps down, creating a cloud of dust around him as he lands right in front of her.
"Open your eyes." He demands. "See me as I am."
"As what?" She argues. "Accept that you're Pennywise the clown? Or accept that you're a liar?"
Her smart tongue aggravates him as he forces her into his strict yellow gaze. "Everything I've said, I've meant."
"You're a murderer." Tears of sadness wet her cheeks.
"Don't bring up what you don't understand." He denies being called such things.
"You were after my brother weren't you?" She continues. "You wanted to kill him! Turn him into the children above-"
"But I didn't." He interrupts. "And I won't."
She scoffs. "You have been an entirely different man since I've known you, how am I ever to believe a word that you say!"
"Because you'll just have to trust me." His voice although sensitive to her fear, he is clearly demanding and intimidating. "Do it, because you don't have any other choice to."
Rolling her eyes, clearly heartbroken and confused, Quinn attempts to leave.
Stretching his arm like taffy, Pennywise pulls her back to him from many feet away.
Can't she see that he's inhuman? Whatever she does he can correct without even dropping a bead of sweat.
She can't win, and she never will.
Pennywise softens his stare into something less threatening... He slowly bends to the crook of Quinn's neck, placing gentle kisses on her skin. "I am still me."
Uncomfortable with his caress, Quinn begins to frown.
He continues to press his lips to her body and Quinn quickly realizes that she isn't uncomfortable with his kiss at all, she's uncomfortable with enjoying it... Uncomfortable with still feeling safe with a creature that shouldn't even exist.
Pennywise pulls from his kiss and watches her quiet expression... he feels hopeful, now that she's trembling less and her eyes have softened.
He wants to tell her that he loves her, but it just isn't in his character to say something so forward.
"Do I still call you Bill?"Her voice meek and sweet makes his heart beat loudly.
"Pennywise." He responds.
"Will you take me home Penny?"Pennywise shuts his eyes, soul melting at the cute nickname she has quickly came up for him.
Pennywise becomes hungry, wanting to give her what he received in the car.
"Yes Quinn, you'll go home." He whispers sweetly pressed against her face. "Right after I return the favor."
Tearing the panties from her body, Pennywise pins her wrists above her head.
She gasps, squirming in refusal. "No! Please Pennywise, I don't want that!"
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Widening her legs her dripping cunt says otherwise.
Pennywise's insanely long tongue swipes between her thighs as he did the first time he met her.
She gasps, body arching in pleasure... Quinn remembers that feeling immediately. "It was you, i-in the bathtub."
Grinning deviously he nods. "Of course, who else could give you a kiss below like that?"
His mouth returns to her sweet succulent flesh. He's wanted badly to feast on this pussy for so many days now.
Hands forcing her dress above her chest, his eyes widen at her perky breasts... nipples hardened and painfully aroused.
Biting a glove off of his hand, he bites his lip as he enjoys the skin to skin contact of caressing her full bust.
Covering her face, Quinn becomes embarrassed. She tries to cover the moans from her tongue, but Pennywise hears them, Pennywise loves them.
Rolling the bud between his fingers with sudden gentle pinches, Pennywise dives back into her cunt.
His mouth is too good for her, she can't keep still.
He grips her ankles folding her legs to her chest to refuse her from moving his mouth from her pussy.
He circles his tongue around her swollen clit, nipping it to watch her body jolt. He slurps on her every drop of pleasure, swallowing it as if his thirst could never be quenched.
His tongue plows into her pussy, bringing shameful squeals through her begging lips. Tongue long enough to fuck her like a cock, he pushes it in and out of her hole and brings her to tears.
His monstrous cock aches, forced against his tight clown costume, and ready to burst from her taste and squeals alone.
Pennywise's face dug deeply between her thighs, his nose and mouth slide vengefully prodding inside the slick folds of her smooth cunt, forcing her to quake as she pulls on the red strands of his hair.
The clown's eyes shutter closed, rolling back into his skull in pure satisfaction. Mouth usually dripping with blood however tonight dripping with Quinn's sweet nectar.
"Please Pennywise..." Her sweet voice stabs at him. "Will you kill me too?"
"You hush now Quinn, you'll be back in your bed, sleeping the best that you've ever had." Breathless and eager to make her orgasm, Pennywise continues.
She moans... pleasure becoming far too painful for her. "When?!"
"Don't act as if you want me to rush, I can feel how much you're enjoying this Quinn." Nearly offended, he shuts her up with a deep tongue plow against her cervix.
She shouts in pleasure... Ashamed of knowing how incredible his tongue feels, and feeling like an absolute little slut for an evil clown.
However soon he answers her anyway. "You'll go home when I get you to that point , when you realize that I won't stop seeking after you, and when you realize that with me— you'll never want to be sought after by anyone else again."
"Do you understand Quinn?" His question is threatening.
She nods. "Yes."
"Good girl." He grins. "Now release for me... release for me, and you will be home sweet girl. You'll just have to do it, right here on my tongue."
Lying on his belly, face devouring Quinn's pussy as he grips the thick indents of her hips, Quinn begins to buck her hips... fucking his face until the tightened spring in her stomach releases.
Tears dropping from her eyes as she shouts out from a mind blowing orgasm, Quinn's vision fades into a bright light.
Seeing only white and hearing a ringing similar to after a bomb, she fades into an unexpected slumber, waking up peacefully tucked into her bed back at her home...
Days pass and Quinn still doesn't understand what has happened to her this summer.
She's painfully alone with this knowledge, knowing that no one would ever believe her about Pennywise, nevertheless believe that she's been intimate with him.
Her thoughts of the night with Pennywise in the sewer plagues her mind... the memories make her drip with desire and because of it, she feels embarrassed.
What's even more embarrassing, is that she can't help but wonder why he hasn't made contact with her again...
Tempted to visit him in the tunnels, she doesn't want to seem desperate. Her mental health fights with her, filling her with shame knowing that longing for this creature is extremely wrong.
As the weekend draws closer, it'll be a week since they've seen each other. Quinn has gotten to the point of believing that maybe she's just going crazy, maybe she dreamt all of this!
She forces herself to drop him from her thoughts so she can prepare herself for the school year, and get back to everyday life.
Quinn showers in her parents' bathroom, refusing to bathe in the hall bathroom being that was where she first encountered the clown.
As she dresses for bed in a black silk night gown, she brushes her wet curls and brushes her teeth in the mirror of the hall bathroom.
As she spits the toothpaste out, she hears the calling of the clown.
"Oh Quuuiiinnn.."Pennywise nearly sings for her as he calls her name, echoing throughout the bathroom's pipes.
She gulps, realizing that everything that happened between them is absolutely true.
His voice taunts with seduction. "I've missed you honey..."
Cutting off the bathroom light, she decides to ignore the noise and leave.
"Don't you dare leave this bathroom."His threat startles her. "Come here Quinn."
She rolls her eyes, kneeling to the tub as she begins to whisper aggressively at the tub's drain, looking like a psychopath if anyone were to catch her. "What do you want from me? It's been a week, I thought I was free of you."
"Never." He chuckles. "It seems that you've been counting our days apart... if I'm correct, you've missed me just as much?"
"I waited for your bath." Pennywise causes Quinn to blush in embarrassment. "You never came."
"Showered in my parents' bathroom." She shrugs stubbornly. "Felt safer."
Pennywise laughs. "Then we'll just have to have our fun now."
Pennywise's gloved hand reaches through the drain...
"Take the glove off." He demands. "Then sit on it."
Quinn trembles as she pulls the clown's white glove from his hand.
His hand is revealed, gray, monstrous, with talon like nails.
She flinches at the thought of being fingered by that. "Put that away!" Quinn complains. "I will not do anything with that."
He sighs. "Fine."
Pulling his hand back into the drain, he soon brings it back up... handsome, soft, human, with enticingly long digits...
"Now." Compromising with the girl, Pennywise sighs. "Be a good girl, and come sit on this hand Quinn."
She licks her lips, becoming convinced to find pleasure on the handsome hand.
But she refuses... "No!" She snaps. "Pennywise, I won't! I'm going to bed!"
"So help me god Quinn." The threatening tone of his voice stops her dead in her tracks. "If you don't sit on this hand, I will come through this drain and fuck you to absolute pieces."
She wishes that his demanding threat didn't make her melt between her thighs... but interestingly enough, it does.
Quinn enters the tub. Hiking up her silk nightgown, she kneels to the floor of the tub, taking a seat on the warm hand coming from the drain.
His deep baritoned chuckle echoes through the steel pipes. "You know what to do."
And that she does.
Quinn begins to buck her hips... fucking the hand with slow trembled breaths.
Pennywise massages her clit with his thumb, making her slick and preparing her for his probing fingers.
Quinn continues to soak his hand, sticky webbed dripping from her needy little cunt oozing down Pennywise's wrist.
He places two of his longest fingers inside of her, bending at the knuckle to caress her g-spot each time they thrust into her. Quinn closes her eyes and enjoys the pleasure of each bounce onto the hand, a moan escapes her tongue as a broad thumb seeps into her asshole.
He's marked her as his own. Having the girl obsessed with the many ways he can fill her.
Quinn gyrates the lacy dress past her shoulders, her hands begin to toy at her now revealed sensitive breasts as she reaches closer to her cum.
Drawing the faint taste of blood from her full bottom lip, she bites down hard enough to silence her need to squeal.
"I have such the surprise for you.."Mysterious temptation clouds over Pennywise's voice. "Tomorrow, I'll come get you. Be ready for me, be ready for your gift."
"W-What is it?" Quinn's breath hitches in her throat, being choked by a moan.
"Be patient little lamb." He chuckles. "You will see."
Quinn clinches around Pennywise's fingers, nearing her finish. "Cum for me." A sweet command from Pennywise, sends Quinn into hysterics. She jolts, body quaking as she releases for him, soaking and pruning his fingertips.
Panting for breath after her climax, she watches the wet hand slide back down the drain... Quinn listens into the drain, hearing the sudden lapping of his tongue over his fingers, obsessed and constantly thirsty for her taste.
Realizing how much he craves for her, Quinn's crush grows larger. She's utterly fixated on her new lover.
"My glove?" Pennywise waits calmly for her to send it down the drain, but she refuses.
She gulps. "Tomorrow."
"You want to keep it?" You can nearly hear the joyful smile in Pennywise's voice.
"Yes." She admits.
He accepts it. "Fine, as long as you sleep with it pressed against your chest, or even better, between your legs."
"Quinn?" He calls once more. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow, sleep well sweet girl."
Quinn gets dressed early today not knowing which time to expect Pennywise.
Her knee shakes nervously as she waits all day on the edge of her bed, wondering if she should warn her family to not expect her home tonight... Hell, dealing with an evil entity, she even thought to warn them that she may never be back.
But the clown asked for her trust... so trust is what she has to give.
If he were to kill her, she's sure that he would have done it by now.
As the evening darkens, a nervous Quinn refuses to eat any meals... Her stomach is too anxious to accept any food to eat.
Quinn's eyes become tired, she accidentally begins to fall over into her pillows as sleep takes over her...
Before her head hits the pillow, the side of Quinn's face is carefully placed into the wide palm of Pennywise's hand.
She notices the feel of his skin instead of the pillow on her cheek, not once caring to ask how did he get inside of her room.
"You're late." Quinn's voice so very quiet and sleepy, plays gently on his heart strings.
Pennywise leans into the girl, wearing his human appearance as he softly kisses his tired love.
"I'm sorry sweetheart." He coos, taking his borrowed glove from her bedside table. "Just needed time to get things perfect for you."
As Quinn blinks her heavy eyelids open, she watches Pennywise puff on a cigarette. "So now you smoke?"
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He shrugs. "Thought I'd see what's the hype around it to you humans."
Quinn disapproves, up from lying on her bed, she takes the cigarette from his lips and tosses it out of the opened bedroom window. "There is no hype to it, it's bad for you."
Amused with her sexy authoritative side, he wraps his arm around her body. His hand graces the small of her back gently as he lifts her to his kiss.
The tender kiss, mind blowing for them both as Quinn enjoys finally seeing his presence again, and Pennywise enjoys her beauty. Long brown legs in a pair of light blue denim short-shorts, dirty red converse tied in a bow on each of her feet, and braless in a nearly see through white summer tank top.
She's so gorgeous, it physically pains him.
Enjoying every detail of grace and beauty on her face, he pauses momentarily as he takes her image in. "Close your eyes."
Expecting to be transported somewhere, Quinn does just that. She closes her eyes, grasping onto his broad shoulders as she trusts him to take her wherever he wants.
Feeling ground beneath her feet, Quinn soon opens her eyes. She notices her house a few feet away as her and Pennywise walk hand in hand into the woods of her backyard.
She frowns in confusion. "The woods? Why?"
"So you can see how to get to me, and where to find me, whenever you need me." The calm comfort in his voice takes her worries away. She agrees with a nod, tightening her hand around his.
As the two walk together in the woods for a few short minutes, Pennywise follows a stream that leads them to the canals.
He makes sure that she's paying attention as he watches down upon her, she nods, memorizing the path of how to get to him.
They cross the dense rocks surrounded by water as they head towards the sewer. An older gentleman packed up from late night fishing stops them in their path.
Quinn instantly worries about how Pennywise will react... If she is to spend time with him, she never, ever, wants to see him kill.
"Penny, don't." Her voice a quiet plead for him to behave.
The man shines his flashlight into their direction, and Pennywise can hardly decide to kill him or not as he watches  the man shine the bright light into his eyes.
"Hey kiddos! You shouldn't be out this late, especially around these parts. Haven't you all heard about the bodies being found around here? Apparently a murderer is on the loose, some even say an evil clown who lives in the sewers... although that's just a fable." The man chuckles.
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"Can't say we're ones to believe in the clown." Pennywise laughs. "Like you said, it's just a fable, right?Have a good night sir!"
Quinn finally breathes again, glad that Pennywise never lost his cool.
He sighs. "The things I do for you."
Together they make their way into the sewers, sloshing through the mucky waters until they've reached the dry area of the tunnels.
Quinn notices how different it looks from the last time she was here...
Cleaned out, floating bodies taken elsewhere, and no pile of his victims belongings.
Even a bedroom is built...
Candles lit around the two of them for romance, and to mask the horrid smells of the sewer.
She begins to chuckle, impressed with the effort he put into making her feel comfortable with where he hides out at...
She walks around the bedroom touching the furniture and the decorations he put together to feel like a home.
Quinn knows the stuff is stolen, but it is the thought that counts.
"Too much?" Nervous and nearly sweating, Pennywise can't get a good read on her expression. "I over did it, huh?"
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"I think it's beautiful." She admits. "The reason you went missing for a week?"
He shrugs. "I didn't like you being on the floor, you deserve better... A bed, a place to stay whenever you want to free yourself from the outside world."
Quinn's cheeks blush, clearly falling in love with the clown.
"The bed is awfully big..." Kicking off her shoes, Quinn lays back onto the pillows. "Should I expect to share it?"
Pennywise chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully however noticeably infatuated with the girl.
"Quinn?" He curiously asks. "Do you only like me like this? Does the clown frighten you?"
She smiles. "I like you for the man that I got to know over summer, regardless of how he appears to me. Penny, I like you, for you."
Pennywise gazes into his reflection of the bedroom's mirror with guilt... suddenly becoming unsure of which version that he even likes, himself...
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He chuckles dryly. "So I'll change it up, keep things interesting with my different appearances."
She agrees with him, yet begins to sigh. "I'm sorry that I can't do the same."
Her feelings of not being enough for him snaps Pennywise out of his gaze.
"Don't ever say that again." He quickly leaves the mirror, joining her as he sits on the edge of the bed. "You don't need multiple appearances. I love just the one that you have, I'll never want for anything else."
"You love my appearance?" She asks. "Or you love me?"
He gulps, finally admitting the truth. "Quinn, I love you."
Feeling relief as he finally gets those three meaningful words off of his chest, he doesn't even care to hear her say it back... for he is sure that the day will come.
The two share a longing kiss.
A tongue kiss that heats into their clothes being stripped off of each other.
As he pulls the daisy dukes along with her panties off of her body, he bites his lip as he watches her lift enough to slide them off of her legs... just as impatient and horny as he is.
Pennywise watches Quinn tremble with excitement, as she glistens between her thighs, ready for his taking.
Lying on her back, Quinn nearly begs for missionary sex. The type of sex where the wider she spreads, the more she can feel him dig into her.
"Are you sure?" Surprisingly gentle, Pennywise asks for her reassurance.
Biting her lip and already panting, she nods.
He doesn't think twice.
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Lying over her gorgeously nude body, Pennywise begins to place slow, bruising kisses along her skin. Sucking the flesh of her chin, neck, and breasts... Marking her with his affection.
Accepting another of his tongue kisses, Quinn moans into his mouth as he loses himself down her throat.
Pennywise begins to slowly lube his cock, thrusting slowly through her slickness until he's covered in her nectar. Just the gliding of his cock through her folds causes her body to arch, pleading aimlessly to be fucked into.
Pussy slapping her with the tip of his weighty cock, he grins deviously as he watches her body jolt each time it smacks her on her throbbing clit.
Toyed with enough, already to the point of soaking his brand new sheets, he gains momentum to seep into her entry.
Slowly thrusting his tip into her, Pennywise holds her hips down as she attempts to run from the pleasure.
His plows deepen..
He watches Quinn take half, then all of his cock as he stretches her to her max. Watching his cock spread her wide is the prettiest thing he's ever seen, his groans tremble as he watches each time he slides out, and rams back into her.
Quinn grips the sheets as Pennywise kisses her salty tears away.
"So pretty.." He coos. "And such a good listener. Quinn, baby, are you with me?"
The girl nods, body blushing red as she endures his brutal fucking, however enjoying the restraint on her breathing from his crushingly heavy body and the fullness of his veiny erection.
Catching a bouncing breast into his mouth, Pennywise's tongue laps teasing circles around her hardened nipple.
Picking up speed and listening to the wet fapping of their bodies and the squeaking bed frame, Pennywise is determined to bottom completely out into her.
Finally doing it, pushing his cock in to the base of his happy trail, Quinn presses her hand against his chest, begging for mercy. "Please—" she pants. "Penny, I-I can't!"
Taking the hand from his chest, Pennywise kisses the girl's palm gently before placing it above her head. Holding her wrists back from interrupting his heavy bucking. "You can baby, you can."
Taking his free hand to her fleshy clit, he massages her in a way that makes her squirm underneath him.
Finishing his handsy caress with a sharp slap onto her pussy, he sends her into oblivion.
Quinn's body begins to quake, squealing inaudibly as the orgasm melts her into the mattress.
Wanting that same incredible finish, Pennywise's speed picks up, aiming for his cum. Her orgasm spasming around his cock as he grunts, mercilessly fucking into the girl.
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"Fuck!" He shouts as he nears his finish.
Pussy quivering around his erection, already doused in his sticky precum, his sweetheart lays tiredly beneath him...
Sweated out, dumbly drooling, and looking so beautiful half-lidded and absolutely slutty for only him.
To bring him to his climax, he begs to hear her perfect little voice.
"Is this what you want?" He grits through his teeth. "Could we have this for a lifetime?"
Quinn nearly cries, numbly taking the rough fucking like a champ. "Yes Pennywise, God yes— just continue to be good to me, be good to Derry."
He nods, simping immediately to whatever she wants. "Mmm- fuck! This pussy is fucking fantastic. Yes baby.. Haven't killed since we met, I'll do whatever you want."
"Haven't killed since we met..."
"Haven't killed since we met..."
The words replay, strangling his mind.
How hasn't he killed, since they have met?
Pennywise comes to a slow pace, not understanding how he has been surviving if he hasn't fed off of fear?
Or has he been feeding off of it all along?
Quinn, she fears him.
He only has been surviving around her, because she's fucking faking it...
Pennywise believes that Quinn doesn't feel the same about him at all, she loathes him, she's frightened by him and doing whatever she needs to do in hopes of keeping her family and this town safe from him.
He can't hold his appearance any longer, as anger fuels him, Pennywise bursts into full clown...
Eight feet tall, ravenous teeth, hands that tear through his white gloves due to the black talon sized nails, and a monstrous cock that fills Quinn to the absolute brim.
She hisses in immediate pain, "Pennywise it hurts!"
The bed breaks down to the floor now that he's massive and impossibly heavy. However, Quinn's tight little cunt feels sooo very good to him.
"It hurts?"He begins to deviously taunt. "Does it now? I think you can take it Quinn. Be good for me."
She squeals. "Please! You're still inside me, you'll have to go back to your human appearance!"
Becoming familiar again with his evil nature, he refuses. "I think I'll fuck you just like this."
His hands wrap around her entire waist as if she were a can of soda, the clown's form being so large over her petite frame it's like fucking into a Barbie doll.
He huffs, nearing a mountain size amount of cum as he nearly splits Quinn into two.
The clown's mouth begins to drool as he places his hand at her womb, feeling his cock and watching the insane tummy bulge he forces into her guts.
So fucking sexy, he feels his explosion erupting.
Eyes rolling back into his skull, the clown releases to the sweet sounds of her cries.
Muscles tightening as does the vicious grip on her skin as he stills himself inside of her and coats her walls with his hot sticky cum.
"When were you going to stop wasting my fucking time?" Pennywise watches his cum spill out on each side of his cock that still penetrates her. "I can taste the fear on you, so don't dare lie."
Aggravated with her silence, he slams her against the bed. "Faking everything that you've said... Why, because you think it would keep you alive longer?"
He clicks his tongue with taunt. "I'm too old to be made a fool of, but you almost had me Quinn... you really did."
"Penny please!" She begs, although now on soft his giantly inhuman cock continues to sit deeply inside of her. Without barely any movement, she still feels as if she's being fucked due to his size and the pulsing veins of his cock. "I-I can't speak to you like this."
Not being able to catch her breath, and seeming to be seriously ill. Her poor body can't take much more.
She begs tearfully. "It's too much!! S'too full!!"
Pulling himself out of Quinn, she jolts at the lewd pop of the head of his massive cock exiting her.
He watches his cum seep from out of her with more plans of revenge sex and doing this all night to her.
She can finally breathe as her body relaxes, pouring out his messy load into the middle of her trembling thighs.
"Talk!" Pennywise shouts.
"I'm not afraid of you!" She cries.
Pennywise's finger nail sticks uncomfortably into her belly button, with just the slightest drag, Quinn's steaming hot intestines could be lying right in front of her eyes. "Oh Quinn... I've enjoyed every minute with you, but don't think that I won't tear you into fucking shreds if you lie to me again."
"I'm telling you the truth, I don't fear you!" The poor girl, now heartbroken and regretting becoming the lover of a demonic entity continues to weep until she runs out of tears.
"The fear that you are surviving off of is my fear of the future. Fear of our fate together being that we are in an impossible relationship..." Quinn explains herself , unable to even look at him anymore. "A girl and an entity— a fear of the universe pulling us apart when I have too fallen in love with you."
His eyes soften with immense guilt... Finally realizing what he has done...
Looking at his love lying exhausted, half-lidded, and fucked to a pulp, he worries that he has injured her... For the first time feeling fear himself.
What Pennywise failed to realize, is that the girl never feared him at all. What she feared, was losing him.
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367 notes · View notes
janicekao · 5 months
My bw/wm! smut stories
Also can be found on Wattpad @ janicekao
36 notes · View notes
janicekao · 5 months
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x stepsis reader(dark smut) Summary: Rafe Cameron and his step sister secretly have been hooking up and he is extremely possessive over her. She's a plus size black goddess and he wants her all to himself, although they often quarrel and bicker, she is his and only his. (reader may use Y/N or choose any name of your liking for the fem character)
Warnings: stepcest, dark romance, smut, hate s3x, rough s3x, cr3ampie, violence, br33ding kink, possessive, d0m&femsub, dub!con, etc.
3890 words
Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 -------------------------------------
The house quiets down just the way that you like it. Each of your family members have their own plans as they do everyday in the beautiful OBX.
You enjoy the beach, but what you enjoy the most is the new mansion you and your mom just moved into when it's nice and empty.
It's only been you and your mother for as long as you have known it, but just last year, she married the millionaire real estate developer, Ward Cameron.
Not only did you have to get used to having a stepfather, but now you have three step-siblings. Two sisters, Sarah and Wheezie Cameron, and a brother, Rafe Cameron.
You enjoy Sarah and Wheezie's company. Sarah is a year or two younger than you, but she's really down to Earth. Wheezie is the baby, she's much younger than the entire house and seriously looks up to her big sister Sarah.
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The girls are nothing like Rafe and Ward...
Rafe and Ward are two of the same kind. Arrogant, selfish, spoiled, and most of all pure evil. Labeling themselves as "Kooks" they believe that they are better than the lower class people on this island who are known as the "Pogues."
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You're not sure what your mother saw in Ward Cameron, but you have no right to say anything being that for the last few months, you've been fucking Rafe behind everyone's back.
Started as a drunken mistake, now it has become a necessity to you both.
He needs you so badly, that if he weren't as stuck up as he is, he'd worship the ground you walk on... But then again, maybe he wouldn't with the amount of hate you both have for each other.
You see him as a cruel, rich, arrogant, asshole... And he sees you as a boring, loser, with a bad attitude. So why put up with each other?
Because the sex is fucking incredible.
Incredible to the point that he spoils you with skimpy lingerie and has put you on a birth control regiment.
Each time you do it, you promise yourself it's the last... Hating the fact that you and Rafe were supposed to become family, and now embarrassing enough, you two can't stop boning.
Maybe it is a kink that you both share together... An exhilarating fear of getting caught and the excitement of doing something so extremely wrong...
Whatever it is, you just can't stop.
Lounging in a pair of black shorts, you enjoy the quaintness of your room as you flip through a magazine on the bed.
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Sarah and Wheezie are out for ice cream, Mom and Ward are out shopping and spending alone time together, and Rafe is out on the town being devious as always... so you thought.
Bursting through your bedroom door, Rafe comes inside as he searches your purse for money...
You sigh, here we go again.
"What is it this time?" You continue to read as you ask in sarcasm. "For coke, or molly?"
"Shut up, y/n." He takes the only money you have, quickly storing it in the pockets of his pants. "It's my Dad's money anyways. If you need more, just go ask your slutty mother."
"What did you just say?" Hearing the insult about your mother makes your blood boil.
You leave your bed to quickly check him, however he only finds your short and innocently chubby stature amusing. You're far from threatening, voice too sweet to strike fear into anybody.
Staring down at you he chuckles deviously. "You heard me right. Every single night, they keep me up as she loudly fucks my dad out of all of his money."
Rafe caresses your full bottom lip as he gently pulls it down. "Like mother, like daughter, huh?"
You slap Rafe clean across his face.
He takes it like it's nothing.
A low toned growl heats his throat. "Do it again."
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You do.
Face hot and red from the second slap, he absolutely loves it.
Rafe tightens his grip around your wrists pulling you up against him. His face should be stinging with pain but instead you feel his hardened cock poke against your bellybutton.
"When was the last time we—"
"Fuck off." You immediately interrupt his lewd intentions as you find yourself back onto your bed and reading your magazine.
Rafe gently lays next to you. He's quiet, too quiet as his intense blue eyes watch you.
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Rolling your eyes you immediately turn your back on him. You try and hide the fact that his cologne from after his fresh shower has you almost dizzy with arousal, but he knows.
He watches the goosebumps fill the skin of your arms and begins to smirk.
"What is it this time?" He gently taunts. "Was it my presence? Maybe lying beside you? Or was it the cologne?"
Rafe chuckles as he watches your body tense up. "My cologne. It's always my smell isn't it, y/n?"
"I'm in a rush." He snaps.
Rafe pulls the tiny shorts off of your hips and down your legs before he tosses them to the floor. "I have places to be, not time to waste here with you. Lay on your back."
"You came in here to bother me, remember?" You play hard to get as you bark, knowing that your panties are soaked for him. "Go fuck yourself Rafe."
"Yeah?" He questions. "Well I can do that too."
As you ignore him, you hear his khakis suddenly unzip and the sounds of lewd fapping.
You peel your eyes from the magazine and notice Rafe stroking himself at the sight of you in your underwear and T-shirt.
His mouth hangs agape as he whispers your name. You continue to peek and your mouth begins to water for his handsomely long cock.
His large hand seems to swallow yours up as he takes your attention from your magazine and places your digits over his shaft for you to continue the hand job.
You sigh. "Rafe, what do you want from me?"
"You know what I want." He groans lightly. "I'm going to give you this cock and then I have to go and meet up with Barry."
Rolling your eyes at the thought of Rafe's friend Barry, you know for sure that the money he stole from you is to party. Barry is the worst company to keep... OBX's drug dealer.
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Taking your hand away from him as he nears his cum immediately aggravates him.
Rafe takes your magazine and throws it out of your bedroom's opened window, vexed from the aching blue balls you've now given him.
"I was reading that!?" You whine as you watch the pages of your favorite magazine soar through the wind and out of your window.
Rafe puts himself away as he scoffs and begins to leave your room. "You're just a fucking tease."
You hate being called a tease.
You aren't a tease, you two just... hate each other.
Sitting up from your comfortable position, you begin to demand an exchange. "What's in it for me?"
Rafe hardly hears you as he becomes nearly hypnotized by the way your thighs expand as you sit on the edge of the bed.
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"Rafe!?" You complain.
"Whatever you want." He can't pull his eyes from you as he licks the drool from his lips in temptation.
You begin to ponder over what it could be that you want in return... You are having a bit of trouble making friends in this new state, maybe getting out more could help. As much as Rafe parties, you are sure that tagging along will help you meet new people.
"Let me come with you to the beach party this Friday!" You finally decide.
"The beach party?" He frowns. "No fucking way. I know you too well, y/n. You'll do something stupid like wear that black string bikini I bought you... That's only for me to see."
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You laugh. "Rafe, I'm fully grown, you forget that you're my stepbrother... not my dad."
He gags. "Trust me, I remember quite well."
You reach to aggravate him further. "You're just afraid you'll see me flirting, having fun, and ready to fuck someone else, huh?"
His sarcastic grin fades until his eyes darken. He hates when you push him there, and somehow you're the only one who knows how to do it.
"Do you remember the last time you tried to make me jealous?" Rafe begins to threat.
You reminisce on the red and blue lights that approached the fist fight that nearly knocked you to the ground as you tried to step in between Rafe and your potential one night stand. The evening at a local bar that you wished you never had visited... The evening when you realized how possessive Rafe was truly over you.
You gulp, "I try not to actually."
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"Good." He fumes. "Now take off your panties, you're wasting my time."
Tempted to watch the spoiled rich boy plead for something that only you have control over, you begin to toy with his patience.
"Hmm?" You taunt. "Beg for it."
"What? Beg? You?" He laughs in a way that most would see as him bullying you.. Laughter that seems like you're not shit to him, but you know that you are. Your confidence has always been your most powerful trait, also what drives Rafe mad the most. "I can get pussy somewhere else."
He gulps as your cold siren eyes wait for his childish laughter to end. "So do it."
Rafe's jaw clinches. He's terribly angry that the only sex that he actually wants, is yours.
His skin begins to redden as you break the arrogant spirit of the powerful six-foot-two-inch man of pure muscle. "Please, y/n?"
You ignore him... it inflames him.
"You fucking want it too!" He scoffs. "Stop playing so hard to get!"
"So what? I also want a million dollars Rafe." You argue. "I want to hear you beg or you're not getting a fucking thing."
You gently part your plush thighs apart to drive him a bit more crazy... It's nearly comical the way you can melt him. Far from his usual type, however you have just what he needs.
"Yeah, fine. Whatever, fuck you— fine." He struggles with his thoughts and words, wanting you so bad that he nearly stutters words of hatred. It's hilarious.
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Eyes of hunger, he finally submits to you. Rafe sits at the edge of your bed, tossing you into his lap as if you were weightless.
He wants you to feel his heated gaze as he does what you ask him to do. He begins to beg for you.
"Y/n, please let me eat your pussy and fuck you until your flesh is raw and you finally shut the fuck up." His erection prodding against you out of his tight khakis nearly takes your breath away.
"Nicer." You whisper quietly.
His voice shudders. "Please baby.." Rafe is finally the begging puppy that he deserves to be brought down to. "Let me fuck you so good."
A smirk creeps across your face. "Baby?" You coo. "You must really want it, seeing that you've already gone to pet names."
"Shut up."His kiss takes your breath away, thirsty for your essence, Rafe chokes you with his tongue.
He strips you out of your clothes, letting your T-shirt and panties hit the floor as he stands over your completely bare body.
The way he watches makes you redden with shame. You're nude and he's fully dressed as you become more vulnerable by the second.
"At least undress Rafe!" You frown as you go to stand.
Your breath is sharply taken from you as he pushes you roughly back onto the bed. "Shut up, let me look at you." He demands.
Your goosebumps are back and at full force.
"Oh god.." You become embarrassed as the glistening waterfall between your legs begins to reveal your arousal. Tightening your knees together was a bad move... All Rafe does is pry them apart to watch the slickness even closer.
Enticed and licking his lips, his shirt finally comes off. He enjoys watching the gripped indents around your thighs, so soft and malleable like two pillows as he pulls you further down to the edge of the bed.
Rafe doesn't hesitate any longer. His mouth begins to swallow you up causing you to gasp from how sensitive you are down there.
Your back begins to arch as he devours your pussy and the flicking of his tongue on your clit makes you squeal uncomfortably.
You can't take it.
Your hand presses against his head, fingers through his buzzcut as you shove him away.
Rafe growls. Eyes of pure evil watch up at you as he pins your wrists to the bed. He doesn't stop.Slurping, nibbling, and tongue fucking you as he wants badly to see you cry from his pleasurable torture.
Adding his long digits into your tight cunt, Rafe curls a singular finger at your g-spot.
"Fuck! Rafe please—" Your begging is pathetic.
"Shhh." He coos gently. "You can take it, I need to work you open for me a bit."
You hate how at times he can be almost gentle and romantic... It gets to be so confusing, and in this case, it doesn't help the orgasm tightening in the midst of your stomach.
His indecent finger-fucking has your brain a puddle of dumb mush, not being able to take the precious tongue flicks and kisses on your clit along with the rough thrusts inside of you A second long and strong finger takes you to the moon. Pussy too full of his tanned digits and melting down his wrists, you sinfully cum and lay tiredly into the mattress.
He comes up for air, panting lightly as the alluring muscles in his chest writhes with each breath.
His smile melts you, wet and devious as he presses his lips to yours. "Taste that?" He taunts breathlessly, "Pussy too good for someone so fucking annoying."
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Stripping out of his pants, you watch Rafe's weighty erection near his bellybutton as it stands at attention.
He strokes himself softly, making his skin slick with the drop of wet precum that's already beaded out of his needy tip. "Turn around."
He tosses you onto your stomach without much of a warning. You still can hardly think for yourself since your last cum, so Rafe does the thinking for you.
Putting you onto your knees, he arches your back and smooths his fingers through your curls as he presses your face into the mattress for the coming back-shots.
Sliding through your slickness a few times, he lubes himself enough to fuck into you. The tip of his cock plunges through your already sensitive cunt, forcing you to take a gasp of air as you fist the sheets under you.
You hear a gulp that chokes his throat as Rafe continues to push his cock forward. "Fuck, you feel so good baby."
Clinching your eyes shut, you feel his swollen bulbous tip kiss at your cervix. It makes your body shudder. He's so far deep in you, you almost feel sick.
His balls slap against your cunt as he bottoms out into you. Your pussy feels so tight around him that you're sure you can feel his every vein probing out of his hardened flesh.
Rafe follows his own speed, paying most of his attention towards his needy want to reach his own finish. Fucking power drives into you because he knows that you can take it.
His groans are music to your ears, but you can hardly hear them over your own weeping and curses.
"Stay just like that, y/n." He nearly pleads. "You're so tight for me baby, whose pussy is this?"
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Although clearly fucked to a pulp and pussy clearly belonging to him, you'd rather die than to let him know it. Eyes half-lidded and drooling onto your sheets, you refuse to let him have it.
"Mine." You pant.
Rafe laughs, plummeting his broad thumb into your tight asshole. "You're so fucking hardheaded, that's okay, you'll learn."
"Rafe! St-Stop!" Your fist tighten the sheets further until your knuckles turn white.
"Next time it'll be my cock.." He threatens you to behave as he forces his thumb in deeper and suddenly snatches it out. "Keep playing with me."
Your body lewdy continues to slap against his. Rafe is so obsessed with it, loving your extremely thick figure and knowing just how to handle it.
He slaps your ass. "Fuck me back."
You do. You throw your ass back in away that has Rafe biting at his lip, trying to hold back from cumming his load too soon.
His strong fingertips seep into the plushed flesh of your waist as he hammers his last strokes into you. Chain dangling against your skin with each thrust.
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He groans, deeply growling out his words as he tries to help his own anticipation. "The other day when you babysat for our neighbors, I watched you bounce that baby on your hip and all I could think of was breeding you. Wanting so badly to take the pills from you and pump you with my seed."
"M-fuckkk." You mewl, pussy numb, obliterated, and needing a break.
Rafe chuckles. "The family knows how reckless I am, but what will Mommy and Daddy think of their precious-America's Sweetheart daughter when they find out she's a slut who fucks her stepbrother? A dumb slut who loves her stepbrother's cum so much that she let him fill her until she grew his baby?"
He snatches a handful of your hair, making you yelp and drop tears as he continues to tear you apart. "You deserve the hate that I get it..." His jealousy has his jaws tightened, and gritting his words. "They should know you aren't as innocent as you act."
Rafe harshly slaps your ass, you can feel the handprint swelling into a stinging welt on your flesh.
You can't help but to moan. The sex is so good but the embarrassment of loving it causes you to cry.
"Fuck you." You manage to speak through your wet lips and trembling breaths..
"Anytime you want, sis." His laugh is pure mockery.
"Fuck."Rafe fawns over your body, his hand reaches beneath you, cupping your large breasts and slowly choking your air away.
With a grip on your chin he forces your head around to watch his final act.
Deviously impaling your insides as he sputters his hot cum inside of you. "You're so pretty with a cock in you.Stop acting like we're going to stop, you know that we never will."
"Mmm."His muscles tighten as his many inches still inside of you, jolting as he spills his milky seed. "Tell me how much you love to be fucked by me..."
You feel shame as the hot nut causes you a second climax. Biting the sheets, you can't answer anything as your eyes cross and roll to the back of your skull.
"I swear to god, y/n, answer me." Rafe impales you further making your tummy ache and your cunt nearly tear against him.
"I love it." You weep a final act of submission. "I love to be fucked by you Rafe, my god, just don't go any harder."
Spreading your cheeks apart, he grins at the masterpiece of mess he's made on your swollen flesh. "I won't baby, you did good."
Melting into the mattress, you flatten out of your arched back.
Rafe checks his watch... he's extremely late to meeting up with his drug dealer.
He redresses, grinning as he watches you ache from his ruthless fucking.
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"Ice it." He cruelly demands. "I'll be back again when the house falls asleep."
You roll your eyes, reaching for your clean beach towel to wipe his cum from dripping down your thighs.
A phone begins to ring as you redress. You think that it's probably Barry calling Rafe's phone to see where he's been so held up at...
But it's not Rafe's phone, it's yours.
Rafe immediately beats you to the ringing iPhone. "Ohhhh?" He taunts. "An unsaved number? What are you being sneaky about?"
You snatch for your phone, angry that he keeps it high out of your reach. As he answers he tightly wraps his arm around your waist to keep you from fighting it.
Rafe answers your phone quietly, waiting for the caller to speak first.
"Hello?" The voice asks. "Y/n? Where are you? I thought you wanted me to come meet you halfway? Anyways, you know where we are! Bonfire at John B's baby! I already got the beer."
Rafe's blood boils.
Hearing a Pogue's voice has him heated. But hearing that out of all people, the voice belongs to JJ Maybank? It makes him furious.
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He hangs up. "Getting drunk at John B's house, huh? My sister Sarah has you hanging with those fucking Pogues?"
"Give me my phone back!" You argue. "It isn't like that.."
"So then what is it like?" Rafe frowns. "You're fucking JJ Maybank?"
You scoff. "What is wrong with you? He's the only friend I've made here in Outerbanks. He waits tables with me at the Waterside restaurant."
"Oh does he now?" He taunts.
Rafe begins to laugh sarcastically. He suddenly snatches your arm into both of your views, forcing you to see how your skin is again riddled with goosebumps.
The same goosebumps that you get when indecent thoughts make you horny.
Fuck... He knows you better than you thought.
"Look at you." His jaw tightens. "You might not be fucking him, but you want too."
Your eyes widen and your large guilty irises give you away.
You are smitten with JJ, and you can't help it. He's the opposite of Rafe... He's kind, gentle, and extremely sweet to you.
You love his innocently dimpled smile. He's the largest crush you've had since you were in middle school and watched your first Justin Timberlake video.
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"I guess I have to stop by John B's house tonight, huh? Pay a visit to JJ?" You're able to feel the heat raging off of Rafe's body.
You grab his arms, pleading for him not to make a scene. "No don't! Please, Rafe! What do you want? Aren't I giving you enough?"
"No." Rafe firmly grasps your wrists, flinging them away from touching him. "Block JJ's number, and stop talking to the fucking Pogues."
You agree, nodding as tears swell in your eyes.
"You live in this house, you're a fucking Kook!" His raised voice rains frightening screams upon you. "...Better yet, you're not even a Kook, you're mine.You're Rafe's, and if you continue to be hard headed and act like a fucking child, I'll release hell on Earth... you know that I can, and that I fucking will."
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"Tell me you understand y/n, before I make you hate me even more." His voice lowers into a final threat.
You've seen him get rough with people, better yet, you've seen him already kick JJ's ass once for something that had nothing to do with you... doing it again would only make his day.
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You gulp. "I get it Rafe, I understand."
Silence fills the room as he continues to gawk deviously over what is his, you.
Rafe wipes a fallen tear from your face. "Kiss me."
He tilts your chin to reach his lips and places the most tender kiss he has ever given you.
Rafe claims you as his as he grabs a handful of your ass, prying your sweetly soft lips apart as his tongue locks with yours. Rafe Cameron's tongue kiss is the only thing that has ever made your knees weak. Sadly, you can't decide if you still hate him or if his need to be possessive over you is actually causing you to love him.
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janicekao · 5 months
This scene makes me feral…
The watch, the jaw, the wrist flick, the VEST….🤤
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11K notes · View notes
janicekao · 5 months
Good lordddddd
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janicekao · 5 months
This shouldn’t have been so hot
Second Chances
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Emmett x reader
Summary | Emmett takes advantage of your kindness and hospitality.
Warnings | Smut, 18+, non con, emotional manipulation, praise, guilt tripping, very large age gap, painful sex, first time, breeding, crying, bro has hella trauma fr.
Words | 2.5 k
Notes | Direct result of my Emmett brain rot (Also two fics in one day??🫣)
Ao3 link | <3
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“Here you go.” You smiled, handing the steaming mug to him. 
“Thanks.” His voice was quiet as he took it from you and held it in his lap. 
“What’s your name?” You asked, sitting down next to him, hoping you weren’t intruding too much. He paused for a moment, seemingly debating if he actually wanted to make conversation with you and give you “personal” information about himself. 
“Emmett.” He finally said. 
You gave him your name and watched as his eyes dragged down your body, taking in every inch of you. With a blush, you cleared your throat and looked away for a moment to gather your thoughts. “Are you sure you don’t need anything else? Are you warm enough?” He looked over you again with a neutral expression that made you squirm a little. 
“Actually I’m still a little cold. Is there anywhere I could go that’s inside?” 
“Oh- yes! Of course.” You said quickly as you got to your feet. “My parents will be out of the house for another couple of hours so you can use some extra blankets and maybe lay down on the couch for a while.” You smiled. He didn’t return the expression as he stood up and followed you for a couple minutes until you finally walked up a porch to the front door. 
“Okay, let me just grab another blanket and then I’ll start the fire place as well.” You ran off to retrieve a blanket and when you came back, he was sitting on the couch looking around the room. 
He gave you a small “thank you” after you handed him the blanket and you could feel his eyes on you as you walked forward, then kneeled down in front of the fireplace. “You live here with your parents?” He suddenly asked, almost startling you. 
“Yeah. Since there’s three of us, we got our own place. A lot of other people had to share.” He hummed in acknowledgment and you finished up with starting the fire before turning around to face him, finding his eyes already on you. “Can I get you anything else?” 
“This is more than enough.” He said softly. 
“Okay… Well, I’ll let you rest. If you’re hungry I can try to make something?” You offered with a kind smile. 
“Actually I’d rather talk with you.” 
“Oh-” You said, eyes widening in surprise— He didn’t seem like the kind of man who would want to make small talk with a stranger. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes. It’s been a while since I’ve talked to someone like this.” You hesitantly got up and sat down next to him on the couch. 
“Like what?” You asked curiously. 
“So loud… and about things other than survival.” His voice was still quiet, but this time there was a bit of a solemn undertone to it. 
“Oh.” You bit your lip, trying to think of what to say, but not really knowing how to approach this. “You never… had anyone to talk to about normal stuff? Surely it wasn’t all survival.” You can’t even imagine what he must have experienced. When he suddenly looked away and clenched his jaw, you realized that you might’ve over stepped. “I’m sorry, that was— I shouldn't have pried…”
“It’s fine. I had a family, but they’re gone now.” He still wasn’t looking at you. Taking one last sip from the mug, he leaned forward, then placed it on the coffee table. 
“God, I- I’m so sorry.” You said quietly. 
“It’s silly, but… I miss being able to hug them— to hug people.” He finally looked at you again, this time with a sad smile. “I remember the last time I felt someone’s touch… 11 weeks ago.” That must have been when his family died…
“Would you like a hug?” You offered nervously, hoping you weren’t too bold again. He studied you for another moment before nodding. 
“That would be really nice.” Once you had his approval, you moved closer and wrapped your arms around him, letting him do the same even though his wet clothes were starting to dampen yours. He let out a quiet breath and relaxed into the embrace. “Thank you… I’ve been so lonely.” He whispered, making you frown. 
“You won’t have to be anymore. The people here are very kind, you’ll make plenty of friends.” 
“I can tell.” His voice was a little amused now and he pulled back just enough to look at you. “If it’s not too much trouble… could I hug you a little more?” 
“Of course.” You said instantly, then let out a startled sound when he lifted you onto his lap so you were straddling his thighs. You thought he meant more as in for a longer period of time, not.. this…
“Thank you.” He said again, pulling you closer and burying his face in the crook of your neck. You were stiff for a few seconds, still trying to process this new development, but finally you relaxed into him and hugged him a little tighter. “I’ve almost forgotten what it feels like.” He whispered against your neck. 
“To hug?” You wondered, trying to understand. 
“Yes. But also the gentle touch of a woman.” A blush took over your face and you cleared your throat awkwardly. “You know, my wife… I was with her when she passed.” He said quietly. You were already dreading where this was going, not sure you could handle learning about any more of the pain he’s suffered since the start of everything. “I had a really hard time understanding and accepting this… but she said she wanted me to move on. To be happy again.” One of his arms stayed wrapped around your upper body, but the other moved a little lower, pulling you closer so your hips were also flush with his. 
“Emmett…” You said quietly, trying to pull away, but he just tightened his grip and you finally felt the bulge pressed up against your heat. You tried not to gasp at the realization.
“Shh… It’s okay. I just— You look so much like her…” You had no idea what to say. You’ve never been in a position like this before. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly pulled away and you stared down at him in confusion. “I’m sorry. I don’t deserve this. Not after everything I’ve done— everything I didn’t do.” Your lips parted, but no words could come out for a moment.  
“You deserve feeling safe and cared for. Everything you had to do was for the sake of staying alive.” At least you assumed it was. Honestly you have no idea what he’s done. “And it’s not your fault— what happened to your family. You did everything you could.” You said softly and he started shaking his head. “Yes. You can’t blame yourself, Emmett. Maybe that’s why your wife said that to you before she passed… because she knew how much you’d struggle with it.” 
“You remind me of her so much.” He said through a choked sob, making you freeze. You had no idea he’d get so emotional. Not knowing what else to do, you just pulled him back into the hug and held him tightly. “That’s exactly the kind of response she would’ve given.” He croaked. In response, you just hugged him even tighter. 
“It’s okay…” You whispered. “I’m so sorry, Emmett. No one deserves to go through what you have.” 
“It hurts.” He cried, making your heart ache for him. 
“Tell me what you need. How can I help?” You said quickly, not wanting to see him like this any longer. 
“Can I— can I kiss you?”
“What?!” You choked out, making him pull back to look at you. The tear tracks on his cheeks were far less than what you thought they’d be, but maybe they just wiped off on your dress. 
“Please. I miss her so much and… god you look exactly like her.” He whispered, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. 
“I…” You’ve never kissed anyone before. Are you really about to give it away to a stranger you just met less than an hour ago? “Emmett…”
“I know I don’t deserve it— I know. But I just… it hurts so bad, I can’t take it.” He all but whimpered, making your hesitant expression melt into something softer and more sympathetic. 
“…I’ve never kissed anyone before.” You admitted quietly and you swore his eyes darkened, but it was too hard to really tell. 
“I know I’m asking far too much of you— I know I don’t deserve your kindness,” 
“Stop saying things like that.” You frowned. “You deserve kindness, you deserve to feel loved, just like everyone else.” He stared at you for a moment, his eyes still glossy with tears, then he was suddenly leaning forward and capturing your lips in a kiss. You let out a muffled sound of surprise and brought your hands to his chest, trying to push him away. In response, he snaked his hand around your head to grasp your hair, holding you still as he moaned quietly. 
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled against your lips. You let out another startled sound when he suddenly threw you off of him so you were laying on your back on the couch. Before you could move away, he was crawling over you, kissing you again as his hands roamed your body. 
“Emmett-” You tried to say as you continued pushing his chest, but he was too strong. “Stop!” 
“I know.” He panted before snaking his hand down your stomach all the way to the apex of your thighs. He slipped under your dress easily and roughly cupped your sex, making you whimper. 
“Emmett, please stop.” 
“I will. I will— I just need this. I haven’t been with a woman in so long…” He whispered. “I promise I’ll be fast.” 
“Please don’t,” You whimpered, already feeling tears brimming in your eyes. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” His hand suddenly left your body to open his pants and free his cock, then he was pulling your panties to the side and lining up. 
“Please! I- I’m a..” You sobbed, trying anything to get this to stop. 
“I’ll be gentle.” He promised, then faltered and added, “At least… I’ll try to be.” When you felt the head of his cock drag through your folds, your body went completely rigid. 
“Please! Emmett, please don’t,” You cried, still trying to push him away. 
“Shh…” The blunt head of his cock was against your entrance now, pushing as hard as possible, trying to fit inside you. When he finally breached your opening, his hand slapped over your mouth, muffling your shrill scream. “Oh— fuck… I'm not gonna last.” He moaned loudly, letting his head drop down for a moment. The tears in your eyes were finally falling and you sobbed almost violently behind his hand. Your crying only got worse though when he continued pushing in. 
“Almost there.” He whispered and you let out an anguished sob in response. It felt like you were being ripped open as he continued pushing deeper, a lot farther than what you could comfortably take. “Good girl… Just a little more.” Your body was trembling from the pain and you started clawing at him, trying anything to get this to stop. But he was undeterred. When he finally bottomed out, he let out a low groan that was overshadowed by your cry of pain. 
“I know… I’m sorry. Fuck, you feel so good. Just like how she felt.” He whispered. “I think she’d be happy that it’s you.” He gave you a small smile, then slowly pulled out until only the tip was inside before forcing it back in. 
“Please!” You cried, the word coming out muffled from behind his hand. 
“God- your cunt is so good.” He groaned, picking up the pace, making you cry harder. 
“Stop! Please…” You whimpered brokenly. 
“I know, baby. I’m almost done, I promise.” He said breathily. You tried kicking your legs, thrashing under him, pushing him away, but he was too strong. “Just a little longer, you’re doing so good.” He removed his hand, but before you could scream, he was kissing you again. This time, he shoved his tongue passed your parted lips, licking into your mouth in a desperate, almost feral manner. That, along with the fact that you couldn’t focus on this kiss because of how hard you were crying, made it incredibly messy and sloppy and wet. 
He snapped his hips into you, chasing his orgasm as he kissed you like he’d never be able to kiss anyone ever again, making it feel like you could barely breathe. Mostly because of the kiss, but also because of how overwhelming the pain of the stretch was. He continued kissing you and his facial hair felt scratchy against face, only furthering your discomfort. 
“I’m close.” He whispered against your lips. At least it was almost over. “I haven’t filled up a cunt in over a year.” He practically growled, making you stiffen again. 
“N-no… Emmett, please don’t. Please pull out.” You begged desperately, trying to speak coherently through all of the crying. 
“I thought you said I deserve this? That I deserve to finally be happy after everything.” He frowned, making you falter. 
“I didn’t mean… this.” You choked out, not sure what else to say. 
“I know…” He said quietly, letting his eyes flutter shut. “I’ll try to pull out.” 
“Emmett, please. You have to,” He leaned down and cut you off with another kiss as his thrusts became even rougher. 
“You’re such a good girl…” He murmured against your lips, breathing heavily as he neared his release. “So good. I’m gonna make you mine. I’ll take care of you, just like I took care of her. But we’ll be safe this time...” You shook your head, unable to do anything else. “No monsters, no illness— It’s gonna be perfect. We’ll even have some boys, yeah?”
“No,” You sobbed, quickly feeling defeated. You couldn’t stop this no matter how hard you tried. “Please, Emmett… I just turned 18, I- I can’t…” He moaned quietly when you said that. 
“Shh. Yes you can. I’ll help you, baby, we’ll do it together.” You shook your head in disagreement as you continued to cry. “Fuck,” He choked out, eyes closing again. “Ready?” 
“No— no, Emmett… please. Please pull out!” You yelled, making him curse under his breath. With one final groan, he forced his cock all the way in, pushing up against your cervix uncomfortably. 
“Oh, good girl.” He moaned, lazily rutting into you as he rode out his high. “So fucking good. So tight… milking every fucking drop.” He said proudly, making you cry harder at the verbal reminder that he just came inside you. 
“Emmett…” You whimpered, feeling his cock twitch inside you. 
“Thank you.” He said through a breath. “Thank you so much.” He almost sounded like he was about to cry in relief and that made you falter. This man has been alone for weeks, just haunted by the memories of his family with no real outlet or source of comfort. So when someone finally offered him some… he jumped at the chance immediately. You probably would’ve done the same, had you lost your entire family. 
“And I meant what I said. I’m going to keep you safe this time, I promise.” He said quietly, reaching down to feel where his cock was bulging your stomach— where a baby would be growing soon enough. “All of you.” 
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janicekao · 5 months
Need him astronomically
for those of you asking for the audio of cillian saying “like drugs or like good sex” here it is :)
(video creds to discopiigs on x)
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