jerusha-abbott · 11 years
An experiment.
Yes, it's Friday: A day after I owed you all a video. Sorry for those of you who follow me and look forward to these videos. But it was intentional. I'm trying an experiment: For the next few "episodes" I'll just have links to text posts I make in Tumblr. Let's just say that a) I'm busy and shooting is REALLY hard to do, and b) I'm preparing for finals, meaning I have to review things, like the scientific method. I have two hypotheses. One has already proven true--which is unfortunate. I have a feeling the second hypothesis will be proven true as well.
But I don't want to judge before it's proven one way or another. So, I'm going to choose to be my usual optimistic self. 
Expect a post/episode sometime tonight or tomorrow.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Sorry. The upload took forever again. Happy NaNoWriMo, ladies and gents! I got 600 words in. I'm off to bed.
Also, I swear: There may come a day when I learn proper filming techniques such as lighting, but IT IS NOT THIS DAY.
(Did you guess which movies the girls and I watched recently?)
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
...and proves that rich people ARE douchebags. Except you, Daddy-Long-Legs. On the plus side, I found my HDMI cord and my hair actually looked half-decent wh...
BAHAHAH Look at my face in the thumbnail! YouTube, you never fail to crack me up. Anyway, check it out--a new video! My eloquence really shines through here. Should've just made a Tumblr post!
By the way, if you watch this video soon after it's uploaded, YouTube had an option to fix the shakiness, but it made the video look weird instead. So before it reverts back to its usual look, you may notice that the image kind of seems to "swim" a little in the background.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
The new episode. Good night.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Yes, there will be a video today.
It's just gonna take a long time because there are certain things I want to tell Daddy but I'm also fully aware of our conditions and that I'm just being stupid and ugh I'm just tired screw everything.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
I know, I know, a LOT of radio silence on my end. But I am pleased to announce that the lack of internet lately has brought forth lovely results: I UNDERSTAND MATH. At least, the concepts of it. And only what we've learned up to this point, of course, not all of it. But, you know, PROGRESS. HUZZAH. AND HUZZAH FOR CAPS LOCK.
But yes. Tutoring has sucked up so much of my time, but it's been going well. I've been getting much better results on our weekly quizzes and things are now clicking for me. Also, I may have a bonus video coming up? Like, an actual bonus video, not just one that was supposed to be scheduled that week but was posted a few days early. Ok gotta get to class let me know how you guys are doing bye!
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Me freaking out, indulging in excellent literature, and determining to communicate like a normal human being. In that order.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
one-quiet-night said: Just breath. It’ll be fine. Also, how do you know he old enough to be either your dad or grandad?? He could be in his 30’s…
I'm feeling better now. Thanks for your concern. :') I spent most of the day reading ("Anne of Green Gables" is the most delightful thing ever. I couldn't put it down. Gilbeeerrrt...<3) so I feel relaxed now. But I AM still going to upload the freak-out video I made to Daddy, because otherwise it'll just be me internalizing things again, and I don't think I should do that anymore.
Also, I can't imagine a guy who's young-ish to decide to fund me. The guys I've known have never been really the selfless sort, and I feel that funding an orphan through college is a very selfless act. Unless he's doing it to pass the time. In which case, I still feel persuaded to think that someone would have to be really weird. Why would a typical guy in the age range of 16-35 decide tossing money for tuition is a good way to pass time? Wouldn't that usually go to visiting villas in Europe or throwing elaborate parties? Plus, to be honest, I feel like it would probably be a little depressing if it was a youngish guy. I want a family. So I'm still considering that Daddy is around 93.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Freaking out. Panicking. Why did I think this was a good idea? Daddy-Long-Legs is probably a lovably senile old coot who thought that I was an appropriate candidate for college but the issue is that he's SENILE and I'm a complete joke and I don't know what to do. I just feel ridiculous, like a kid dressing up in their mother's shoes when obviously she can't walk in them. Maybe a shower will help. Or maybe I should discuss this like a normal person and actually talk out my feelings.
Or maybe now's the time to actually treat Daddy-Long-Legs like a dad. (Or grand-dad.) Do you think he'd appreciate it?
You know what? I'm going to hold myself to it. I'm going to learn to talk things out instead of retreating inside myself. Expect a video later today, folks.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Tech-savvy I am NOT
My prologue videos didn't have those black bars at the sides, but my newer videos do. How do I get the black bars off??
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Love, Judy: Episode Two
I'm super late to class guys but I really wanted to upload this I'll make a prettier post later byeeee
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Tumblr media
one-quiet-night answered: I think Daddy would be a fool not to appreciate your book reviews.
I hope you're right! Hopefully I can include some in my next video.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
I am SO sorry guys! I suck! I've been so busy I haven't hardly had time to keep anyone updated. Things are going good here. Just finished shooting a vlog and editing today. I think the lighting's gotten better! Huzzah, improvement! Still need to get more comfortable in front of the camera. I wonder if Daddy-Long-Legs wouldn't mind if I started focusing more on my normal life as opposed to my academics? Not that I'm doing too bad, all things considered, but I feel like it'd be so much more interesting for him and all of you to hear about--plus it'll be more fun for me to record.
Because I've been absent so much from the world of the internet, I'm going to try and upload the episode fairly early tomorrow afternoon. Hope you guys like it. Thank you all again for watching! It means a lot. P.S. Do you think I should include book reviews in my vlogs? Do you think Daddy-Long-Legs would care about them?
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
I took a tour around campus today. So. Beautiful. I wish I had the words to describe it. My college (I will never get over that phrase) is sort of in the countryside, just outside a small town. For a girl who pretty much grew up in the ghetto of Philadelphia, seeing the rolling green hills and the hundreds of trees makes me feel as if my heart has wings. Is this what they call food for the soul? And have I mentioned how good the food is? By the way guys, thank you so much for sharing my first "real vlog". I can't believe people find my life interesting, but hey, it's certainly a confidence boost! But I do wonder how Daddy-Long-Legs took it. Hope I didn't bore him out of his mind.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Here's the first episode. Finally. It's derpy, but practice makes perfect, right? I have more to say in the description of the video, but I just can't type any more. So tired. Please like, favorite, comment, and share if you like it, and don't forget to check out my prologue video if you haven't yet. Thank you, guys! Love you!
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
A hiccup.
Sorry everyone! I tried the HD setting for exporting the file (man, don't I sound fancy and intelligent?) and YouTube doesn't seem to like it. I can't really say when the episode will be up because it said it would take over three hours around ten minutes ago, and now it's saying it'll take an hour and a half. Hopefully if we're reaaaally lucky it'll be up by 7:15 EST. Ugh, in the meantime I'm going to grab some food quick that way I have no qualms with passing out on my bed. It's still light out and I'm just exhausted.
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jerusha-abbott · 11 years
Sleepy sleepy sleepy.
But don't worry guys! I promised you--and Daddy-Long-Legs (you'll see who I mean when I upload the video)--a vlog, and a vlog you shall have! I COMPLETELY underestimated the time it takes to vlog and edit it. Ye gads. But it will hopefully be on YouTube within the next half hour. I'll let you all know when it's up!
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