joeliz99 · 8 days
MET GALA- Joe Keery
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Description: (Y/N) navigates her first MET Gala with Joe by her side. After the glamorous event, they both share a tender moment alone.
Warnings: None, Fluff, Established relationship
Word count: 1314
For the first time ever, (Y/N) was invited to the Met Gala, donning an exquisite creation by Gaurav Gupta. It was the most elaborate and breathtaking outfit she had ever worn.
Relatively new to the public eye and experiencing this level of recognition, (Y/N) was both thrilled and petrified about what the night would bring. After all, being one of the few Latinxs at this exclusive event only added to the significance of the evening.
Joe, who had been on the verge of canceling due to a Heineken promo deal for the F1 races, managed to make it work. She had also been there as his plus one, so they both traveled from Miami to New York on separate days to beat the tight schedule.
While (Y/N) and Joe prepared in different rooms—given the numerous people involved in perfecting (Y/N)’s look—the moment of transformation was nothing short of magical. When she finally saw her reflection, she was left speechless, her heart racing at the sight of her stunning appearance. This transformative moment was captured for later promotional content on social media.
After expressing heartfelt thanks to the designer, Joe knocked on the door. His reaction was probably the highlight of her evening. Overwhelmed with awe, he struggled to find the right words, simply gazing in wonder at all the details of (Y/N)’s look. He hesitated to touch (Y/N), as if afraid to disturb the perfection before him.
“I’m absolutely floored,” Joe finally said, his smile lighting up the room. He took (Y/N)’s hand, his eyes never leaving theirs. “You’re going to be the star of the night, baby. You guys nailed it!”
They shared a few more quiet moments together, savoring the intimacy before heading out. As they approached the Met Gala, the swarm of paparazzi was already buzzing with anticipation.
In the quiet of the car before arriving, (Y/N) leaned in close to Joe. “I feel like I’m going to burst from nerves. Can you feel my heartbeat?” (Y/N) whispered, guiding Joe’s hand to her chest.
“You don’t need to worry about a thing,” Joe replied softly, pressing a reassuring kiss to (Y/N)’s cheek. “Just be yourself and enjoy every moment. Remember, this is your night. I’m right here behind you if you need me. You’ve got this.” (Y/N) nodded, sighing in relief, and gave him a tender peck on the lips. He returned the kiss as the car came to a stop. “Let’s do this,” he said with a grin.
The initial moments at the gala were as overwhelming as expected. With a team directing (Y/N) on where to go, who to talk to, and when to pose, she began to feel more at ease. The girl's charisma started to shine through as she smiled, waved, posed, and engaged in conversations about her projects, taking every opportunity to express gratitude for the chance to be part of such a special night.
Joe, as promised, stayed a few steps behind, allowing (Y/N) to bask in the spotlight while enjoying the evening himself. They did, however, carve out a few moments for themselves amidst the festivities.
In one particularly charming moment, Joe pulled (Y/N) close for a photo. With his arm wrapped securely around (Y/N)’s waist, he leaned in and whispered, “I could spend the entire night just admiring you.” The chemistry between them was palpable in every photo, their connection evident to everyone present. As they approached the final interviews, reporters turned their attention to the couple.
“Let me start by saying, Joeliz, you look absolutely stunning tonight.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” (Y/N) replied, her face lighting up with a genuine smile. “I really appreciate that.”
“So, this is your first time attending the gala together, right? How are you feeling?”
“It’s honestly surreal,” Joe said, his hand resting gently on (Y/N)’s waist. “We’re beyond excited to be here and surrounded by such incredible people.”
“Let’s talk about you two,” a reporter said with a grin. “We’re all thrilled to see you together tonight. Is this your first event as a couple?”
“It is, sort of,” (Y/N) chuckled softly. “There’s no one else I’d rather share this moment with than my husband.”
The reporters' eyes widened in surprise at this revelation. The fact that (Y/N) and Joe had been married for two years and had kept their relationship a secret until now was unexpected to many.
After a few more questions, they bid their farewells and headed to the official dinner. The dinner was pleasant but lacked excitement, so after it they decided to make a quick detour to their hotel for a change into more comfortable after-party outfits.
The after-party was in full swing, with upbeat music and lively chatter filling the room. The venue was beautifully decorated, and the crowd was a mix of high-profile artists and industry insiders.
Joe and (Y/N) were on the dance floor, surrounded by a sea of people. Joe, ever the social butterfly, was effortlessly moving through the crowd, introducing (Y/N) to various guests. The atmosphere was electric, but Joe kept glancing over to ensure (Y/N) was comfortable and enjoying herself.
With a mischievous grin, he gently tugged her away from a particularly enthusiastic conversation. “Come dance with me. I think it’s time for a little break from the mingling.”
(Y/N) smiled, allowing Joe to lead her to a quieter corner of the dance floor where the music was softer and more intimate. As they began to sway to the rhythm, (Y/N) rested her head on Joe’s shoulder, savoring the warmth of his embrace.
After a few songs, Joe excused himself to fetch some drinks. He soon returned and, having heard from others that the rooftop area was also available, decided it was the perfect place for a more private escape.
He guided (Y/N) through the bustling party and toward a discreet stairway. They climbed up to the rooftop, where the city lights stretched out below them, and the night sky was clear and serene. The rooftop was a tranquil haven, adorned with cozy seating areas lit by soft, twinkling string lights.
“Welcome to our little escape,” Joe said as he led (Y/N) to a comfortable couch set against the backdrop of the shimmering cityscape. He gestured to the inviting seating area. “I thought we could use a moment away from all the chaos.”
As they settled onto the couch, (Y/N) lay back against Joe’s chest, feeling the strength of his embrace. The quietude of the rooftop was a stark contrast to the party’s energetic buzz, allowing them to fully enjoy the serenity of their private retreat.
“I know it’s been a whirlwind tonight,” Joe murmured, his lips brushing against (Y/N)’s ear. “But I just wanted to say how proud I am of you. You’ve been incredible.”
(Y/N) sighed contentedly, resting her head on Joe’s shoulder. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you. Tonight has been magical.”
Turning slightly, (Y/N) faced Joe, their hearts beating faster as their lips met. The kiss was both sweet and passionate, a perfect blend of tenderness and desire. After a moment, Joe pulled back, looking into (Y/N)’s eyes with a warm smile. He reached for the champagne glasses they had brought up, handing one to her. They clinked glasses, enjoying the bubbles and the calm atmosphere.
“Here’s to many more nights like this,” Joe said softly, his gaze warm and loving.
Smiling, (Y/N) snuggled closer. “Here’s to us.”
As the night wore on, they reluctantly left their rooftop retreat, their hearts full and their spirits high. They returned to their hotel, eager to unwind and reflect on the unforgettable evening before heading home the next day.
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joeliz99 · 8 days
Updated: 9/14/2024
Danny Ramirez
A Proper Hello (RPF)
Getting the Falcon Role (RPF)
Joseph Quinn
Crossed Paths (RPF)
In Your Embrace (RPF)
Joe Keery
A Taste of Italy (RPF)
Harry Potter Fandom
George Weasley
Unspoken Connection
Second Chance
Ron Weasley
My Good Luck Charm
Theodoro Nott
Under the stars
Regulus Black
By my side
Dean Thomas
The Space Between Us
Remus Lupin
Beneath the Surface
Draco Malfoy
The Weight of Expectations
Neville Longbottom
Wish I Didn't Love You
9 notes · View notes
joeliz99 · 8 days
Unspoken Connection- George Weasley
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Description: After leaving Hogwarts, (Y/N) and George Weasley develop a unique and deep friendship that soon turns into something more. One night, their feelings for each other push the boundaries of their relationship. Will they embrace the new dimension of their bond, or risk losing what they have?
Warning: Slow burn, friends-to-lovers, after war fic, grief, mentions of death, smut implied, major fluff.
Word count: 2588
The power of appearance demanded immense willpower and concentration. It was a skill (Y/N) thought she would have mastered by now, after years of practice. Yet, standing in the middle of the desolate Diagon Alley, she realized there was still much work to be done when it came to controlling her thoughts.
Carrying her heels in hand, the young woman sighed with annoyance as she walked towards her shop. If she wasn’t able to get home due to distractions, she might as well spend the night where she worked daily, brooding and selling potions to all sorts of consumers. Softly glowing chandeliers illuminated the street where she dragged her feet, feeling the tiredness spreading throughout her body. Her vigilant eyes scanned every corner, ensuring her solitude and safety. She almost managed to ignore the big, flashy Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes stall just a few shops away from her own. However, a second glance shattered her attempt when she noticed the lingering light within the joke shop.
In any other moment, she would have continued walking and minding her business, just as she had planned. However, contrary to her intentions, (Y/N) found herself halting in her tracks and veering toward the entrance of the building. She attributed this deviation to perhaps the two or three drinks she had that night or an unexpected surge of curiosity. Nonetheless, she saw nothing wrong with ensuring everything was alright. It took merely a fleeting moment before she decided to continue on her way. But before she could take a step, she glimpsed a tall redhead navigating the aisles with a few items in hand. Her heart skipped a beat, an unwarranted nervousness suddenly washing over her.
She certainly didn’t want to appear nosy, though truthfully, she was. Hastily, she turned and began walking toward her intended destination once more. However, the same man spotted her through the window, detecting her presence immediately. George set down his things on the shelf and hurried to the door.
“(Y/N)?” Her feet froze, and she muttered under her breath as she turned toward him.
“Hi…” He regarded her with a puzzled expression, noticing her attire and the shoes she carried in her hand. “Is everything okay? What are you doing out here so late?”
“Mhm…” (Y/N) smiled casually, sweeping a few strands of hair from her face with her free hand. “I’m headed to the shop. Just wanted to catch up on some work. You?”
“Stocking up the inventory.” His gaze lingered on her for a few more moments, now at ease knowing she was fine. “Special occasion today?”
“Yeah. Draco’s wedding.”
“That’s nice. You must have been the reason for some distraction.” George offered a cheeky smile, eliciting a similar response from her. “You look radiant today.”
“Thank you.”
“Let me walk you to the shop then. It’s not safe for you to be walking alone at this time of night.” He barely got the chance to take more than two steps before she interrupted him.
“Oh no, don’t worry. I’m okay. In fact, do you want an extra pair of hands? I can help if you want.” He raised an eyebrow, a puzzled but mocking look on his face.
“Didn’t you just say you were going to get on track with some work?” The girl’s eyes widened, almost feeling faint from self-shame.
“Right, yeah. I totally forgot about that. I should get going then.” George chuckled, rolling his eyes as he watched her turn away.
“Hey, I never said no! Come in. I wouldn’t mind having your company.” (Y/N) attempted to maintain her composure, ignoring him in an attempt to salvage whatever dignity she still had. Her resistance only prompted George to follow her, taking her hand and coaxing her into the shop. Before she could protest, he placed a couple of items in her hands, instructing her where to put them.
Despite having felt exhausted mere minutes ago, the girl began bustling around the shop, climbing and descending stairs, shifting boxes, and rearranging shelves, with George ensuring her dress didn’t catch on any edges. Since his brother’s passing, he preferred to spend his time alone. He found solace in working in silence, functioning better when he had no distractions. However, with (Y/N), it was different. He enjoyed, could almost say loved, having her around during everyday moments. They seemed to effortlessly understand each other’s needs and worked together seamlessly. Some might call it a natural fit, and to an extent, it was, but it was also the result of the considerable time they’d spent together, getting to know each other over the past few years.
After a while, (Y/N) settled on the first step of the stairs, sighing as the ache in her feet became increasingly noticeable. George glanced at her, abandoning his task to approach her.
“I think we’ve done enough for today.” He observed how her hands attempted to alleviate the discomfort. “Why don’t you come upstairs? I can grab some ice packs for that. I might have some medicinal balm too.”
“Don’t worry. It’ll fade soon. Besides, I should be leaving. You must be tired too.”
“Nonsense.” George extended his hand, which she accepted not long after, prompting her up. He led the way to the fourth floor, where the Weasley Twins had settled since opening their shop. Upon opening the door, he gestured for (Y/N) to take a seat while he retrieved the items he had offered. Once he returned, she thanked him and immediately used them for relief.
“Would you like something to drink? I can also rustle up some snacks. There must be something edible in that fridge.” Without awaiting her response, he headed to the kitchen, eliciting laughter from (Y/N) as she watched him from the sofa.
“Why are you even thinking about food? It’s like 2 in the morning.”
“What do you mean? This is the perfect time for a snack!” He peeked out of the fridge. “How about fried eggs and toast?”
“Sure.” (Y/N) shrugged. “Whatever you want.”
George took out the necessary ingredients, adding seasonings and miscellaneous items he found while cooking the eggs. After a few minutes, she decided to help, ensuring he didn’t burn the toast while he was engrossed in the other half of the meal. As everything neared completion, she grabbed the first two plates she found, while George rummaged through his cabinets for a bottle of wine.
“I’ll be back in a second.” (Y/N) nodded, engrossed in making the meal more presentable and finding two glasses for the wine. George took longer than expected, but when he returned, both burst into laughter as she noticed he was wearing a suit that seemed about four sizes too small for him.
“I figured since you look so elegant today, I had to play the part too. How do I look?” He did a careful turn, trying not to tear his pants or sleeves. “I wore this for the Formal Dance at Hogwarts. I think I still rock it.”
“You do.” She beamed, getting up and approaching him after fetching her wand. “It just needs some small adjustments.” With a flick of her wand, George’s suit transformed before their eyes, fitting him comfortably and perfectly. “That will do.” He smiled, glancing down at her. “You look very handsome. Good thing I don’t have to share this sight with anybody else.” His face reddened upon hearing that, laughing shyly as he offered his arm for her to take, leading the way to the kitchen where he offered her a glass of wine.
“What are we toasting to?” She inquired, mirroring his gesture.
“Whatever comes to mind. Doesn’t have to be anything big.” (Y/N) chuckled and clinked her glass with his as they began their meal, engaging in a conversation that constantly shifted from one topic to another.
“So, how was Malfoy’s wedding? Did you have fun?”
“I did. It’s actually the first time I’ve been to one.”
“Really?” He glanced at her, surprised, while (Y/N) took a sip of her wine.
“Yeah… You know, I’ve always heard about the beauty of being a part of something like that. But I never truly understood until now. It almost makes you want to experience it too.” He smiled lightly.
“Do you see yourself marrying someday?”
“I don’t know… Honestly, I’ve never envisioned it. But that could be a result of being raised to be comfortable in solitude. It’s not that I lacked love or anything. But, you know, we’ve talked about this before. I suppose that could change if it feels right with the right person at the right time. What about you?” George paused, contemplating his response, uncertain of the best way to answer.
“At some point, I did consider it. I’ve witnessed that type of compromise in my family my whole life. But I guess circumstances have changed. I’m just not sure if that will be part of my plans in the future.”
“Why not?” (Y/N) queried, curious about his perspective.
“Ever since Fred passed away, it doesn’t feel right. I don’t see the joy in experiencing things that my brother will never have the opportunity to experience too.”
“I never really got the chance to know Fred personally… But I feel that, above all else, he would have wanted you to find happiness in every aspect of your life. He’ll always be part of your life just by you existing and loving him as much as you do.” George glanced at her, a pause hanging in the air, before clearing the table.
" Ever since Fred passed away, it just doesn’t feel right. I don’t see the joy in experiencing things that my brother will never have the chance to experience."
" I never really got the chance to know Fred personally... But I feel that, above all else, he would have wanted you to find happiness in every aspect of your life. He’ll always be part of your life through you existing and loving him as much as you do." George glanced at her, a pause hanging in the air, before clearing the table.
" Maybe you’re right, but we’ll never know that now." (Y/N) chose to stay silent, understanding it was time to shift away from the topic. Instead, she got up to help clear the mess from cooking, despite his protests.
" You should stay here tonight." George’s statement confused (Y/N), prompting him to elaborate.
" You haven’t slept at all, we’ve had a couple of drinks, and I don’t think you’ll be able to get home safely."
" I’ll be fine. It’s one thing to visit for a while; it’s another to intrude on your personal space."
" It’s not intruding if I’m the one asking you to stay," he asserted firmly. " It’s settled. I’ll take the sofa tonight. I imagine you’ll want to change clothes. Let me find a towel and some clothes for you."
" George, wa—" Her words trailed off as he vanished and reappeared with the items.
" Here. The pants might be a bit big, but they should do the job."
" Thank you." (Y/N) accepted everything gratefully. " But you really don’t have to sleep on the sofa. I’ll be fine wherever."
" You can’t expect me to do otherwise, (Y/N). Go on, don’t worry." He nudged her playfully toward the bathroom, prompting her to follow his suggestion.
Once alone in the small space, she removed her accessories and let her hair down, reaching for her dress brooch to slide it down. However, during the process, the zipper got stuck, and despite several attempts to fix it, she made little progress. Frustrated, she tried lifting the dress up to remove it from the top, but that didn't work either. Growing more exasperated, she paused for a moment before doing something out of character.
“Hey, George,” her voice was raised slightly to get his attention. “Can you come here for a second?”
It didn’t take long for him to appear, knocking on the door with a look of confusion. When (Y/N) opened the door, he turned his eyes to the side to respect her privacy.
“Everything okay?”
“No, not really. My dress is stuck. Could you help me, please?”
“Uh, sure.” After fully opening the door, he took in the sight of her messy hair and the look of frustration on her face, as she held the dress in front of her. “Turn around.”
The girl did as told, sensing his hand brushing her hair away. George's large hands worked with the zipper for a moment before managing to fix it and unzip the rest of the dress, leaving her back completely naked. He deep swallowed, making an effort to focus and maintain some distance between them. George wasn’t sure whether it was the wine’s influence or just utter desire in his body, but he allowed himself to trail her back with his index finger, going from the hollow of her lowest part to her shoulders and finishing on her neck, (Y/N)'s skin crawling in an instant.
-There you go…- 
His voice came out as a low murmur, a product of their proximity and the charged atmosphere. (Y/N) turned around, murmuring a soft thank you. George nodded, his gaze lingering on the familiar features of her face. She noticed his scrutiny and, moving a little closer, found herself drawn to his lips. Her feet rose, giving George the sign to lower himself to level her height, sneaking his arm behind her back and lifting her easily, removing any effort from her part. With her hands still holding her dress, (Y/N) took the lead, brushing her lips against his in a gentle touch. She lingered for a moment before pressing her lips to his again, this kiss lasting just a few seconds. As if it wasn’t enough for either of them, George dared to kiss her with more intensity, bringing one of his hands to her neck and slowly tangling his fingers on her messy hair. Their lips intertwined with an ease as a result of the memory of kisses they had exchanged before. She felt as if she could melt in his arms, and he seemed more than capable of doing anything to keep her close.
The moment continued to intensify, both feeling the heat and desire when their hands started to wander more, and the kiss got messier. Even when they didn’t want to stop, (Y/N) felt George taking a step back, his lips swollen and his breathing fast.
They stayed silent for a moment, recognizing what they had done, yet there was no trace of regret between them.
“It’s best if I give you some space… I’ll see you outside,” he said. The girl nodded, still at a loss for words after their intimate moment. He offered her a final smile before stepping out of the bathroom, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water to steady himself.
With a heavy heart, (Y/N) stepped into the shower, letting the water wash over her as she replayed the moments of intimacy in her mind. After finishing, she went to George's bedroom, lying down and noting his scent lingering on the pillow. Meanwhile, George was in the shower, struggling to clear his mind and not let thoughts of her overwhelm him.
How could you not want more than that? The desire for a deeper connection lingered, unspoken but palpable, as they both lacked courage to express it.
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joeliz99 · 9 days
A Taste of Italy- Joe Keery
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Description: In a serendipitous turn of events, (Y/N) celebrates her birthday alone in Positano, only to find unexpected companionship and romance as she shares a day of cooking and exploring Positano's beauty with the charming Joe.
Warnings: None, Pure Fluff, Non-established relationship, RPF Fic
Word count: 2378
The small, intimate kitchen was filled with laughter as (Y/N) stood uncomfortably in front of her designated table. Usually, she considered herself a social butterfly, but today, it felt like her social skills had been drained. She was still trying to get over the fact that her friend had missed their flight to Positano, Italy, after planning this whole day for so long. Instead, she found herself alone in a cooking class she had refused to cancel at the last minute.
The instructor, with a thick Italian accent, provided an overview of the class. Almost every ingredient was laid out in front of her, and a glass of wine stood invitingly on the table. She stared at it for a moment before taking a sip, savoring the various flavor notes on her tongue. As she was about to go for a second try, someone stood next to her, removing his sunglasses and fixing his messy hair while muttering an out-of-breath hello.
"I'm sorry. Do you mind if I station here?" the guy asked, noticing her glance.
"Oh, not at all. Make yourself comfortable," she replied with a smile as he put on his apron.
"Thank you. I almost didn’t make it, you know? The streets are so confusing around here. I’m still sweating," he said. (Y/N) genuinely laughed. He was a bit of a mess, but he didn’t seem to mind at all.
"You'll get used to it. Give it a day or two and you'll have them all memorized."
"Are you sure? I’ve been here for a week now. I think I'm past that point," he replied with a grin, his sunburned cheeks now making complete sense.
(Y/N) was about to respond when the instructor’s voice filled the space once again. It was time to learn about Italian cuisine. Soon, the small kitchen was filled with low lounge music and the aroma of homemade sauces mingled with aromatic herbs and light chatter. Joe and (Y/N) worked on their pasta, each having a different experience. While (Y/N) had a natural gift for cooking, Joe struggled to knead the flour and ingredients into a smooth ball. (Y/N) glanced over frequently, almost wanting to help, seeing him with flour on his face, his hair messier than before, and a funny frown of concentration.
"Um... Mind if I help?" she asked after a moment. He looked up, noticing she was about to cut her dough, and nodded sheepishly. "It’s easier if you use your knuckles and press down. I don't know the logistics, but it works." She moved closer and demonstrated. "See?"
"Uhh... Yeah. Let me try," he said, taking over the job again. "How do I keep it from being clumpy?"
"Just keep kneading. It’ll come together soon."
They continued working with concentration, engaging in constant chatter while flattening the pasta, cutting it, and spiraling it into balls to cook in the boiling water.
"I'm going to need another glass of wine at this rate," Joe exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips dramatically. (Y/N) laughed, shaking her head as she took both empty glasses and walked over to the counter to refill them. He smiled excitedly and thanked her as she handed him a glass, and she took a sip from hers.
"I'm Joe, by the way. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand for a formal greeting, regretting it almost immediately when he noticed his hand was covered in flour. However, (Y/N) smiled and shook his hand without hesitation, her own hand looking nearly as floury.
"(Y/N), pleasure to meet you."
Joe took a sip of his wine and leaned against the counter, glancing at the bubbling pot. "So, if I don’t mess this up, maybe I’ll actually be able to cook this at home. Though, I’ll probably end up with takeout pizza instead."
(Y/N) smiled, swirling her own glass. "Pasta’s easier than it looks. If you can navigate a new country solo, this should be a walk in the park."
"Who said I was traveling alone, though?" Joe's teasing made (Y/N) blink in surprise, feeling her face flush with embarrassment as his laugh and friendly tap on her arm made the situation worse. "I’m just joking. You’re right, though. But you’re giving me too much credit. I almost burned my kitchen down trying to make toast once."
"Toast? That’s impressive," she teased, trying to regain her composure. "I think you might be in the wrong class."
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, everyone has their talents. That’s exactly why I’m here. My life motto is: When in Italy, be a new man."
"Oh my God," (Y/N) muttered, rolling her eyes with a smile as they noticed it was time to finish and assemble their first plate of pasta.
Everyone had the chance to plate their pasta, adding homemade sauces, grating some cheese, and sitting down to enjoy their creations while listening to local music and comedic stories from the chef.
Joe and (Y/N) sat together, savoring every bite of their simple yet satisfying meal. It felt like an explosion of flavors, enhanced by good company and an amazing ambiance. After such a delightful meal came (Y/N)’s most awaited part: Tiramisu.
Joe noticed the happiness on her face as she helped the chef assemble the dessert, having been pushed to volunteer. Tiramisu was her favorite dessert. After a fantastic demonstration, they all tasted the chef’s recipe, and Joe smiled widely seeing (Y/N) enjoy every bite with her eyes closed and muttering praises.
"Amazing, right?" he asked.
"Every time I come to Italy, I need to eat like a thousand of these. No questions asked," she replied with a satisfied grin.
"So, you're a regular traveler of these parts? Lucky girl."
"Not really," she said with a shrug. "I wish. But who has the money to come here often?" She laughed softly, unaware of Joe’s thoughtful expression. "It’s my second time, actually. Last time I spent two weeks traveling around Italy. One of the best experiences ever. This time is kind of different."
He leaned in slightly, intrigued. "Special occasion, or just a much-needed getaway?"
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, then sighed with a sheepish smile. "Well… It’s actually my birthday today."
Joe’s eyes widened. "Wait, what? Your birthday?" His voice was full of surprise and warmth. "And you’re spending it here, in a cooking class?"
"Yeah, well… I actually love cooking," she chuckled. "My friend was supposed to be here, but she missed her flight. So, I’m making the most of it on my own."
"Well, happy birthday!" Joe said, lifting his wine glass in an impromptu toast. "You should’ve told me earlier! We could’ve made this a full-on celebration!"
(Y/N) laughed softly, clinking her glass against his. "It’s no big deal. Honestly, the day has been fun enough. And the food makes it worth it."
Joe looked at her with a lingering smile, as if something clicked in his mind. After the class finished, the two stood outside the small, rustic kitchen, the sun starting to dip behind the cliffs of Positano, casting golden hues across the town.
"Well, this was fun," (Y/N) said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "Thanks for being such good company, Joe. I hope you have the best time for the rest of your stay."
"Yeah, same to you. Take care, (Y/N)..." he replied, but as she turned to leave, something tugged at him. He hesitated, watching her walk a few steps away, before suddenly calling out, "Hey, wait!"
She turned, eyebrows raised. "Yeah?"
Joe took a deep breath, stepping closer to her. "I was just thinking… You shouldn’t have to spend your birthday alone. I mean, not if you don’t want to."
(Y/N) tilted her head, intrigued. "What are you suggesting?"
He smiled, a little shyly at first but then with more confidence. "Why don’t we spend the rest of the day together? I know a few places around here that will make this a day you won’t forget. We can grab drinks, maybe hit the beach, whatever you want." He paused, looking sincere. "I promise you won’t regret it."
(Y/N) blinked, taken aback by his offer but touched by his spontaneity. She felt her hesitation melt away as she smiled and nodded. "Okay, so... lead the way."
They began their afternoon by renting bikes to explore the charming streets of Positano. As they pedaled through the winding roads, the vibrant, stacked houses and stunning water views unfolded around them. The town’s narrow streets were a delightful maze, with antique cars parked along the curbs and locals strolling leisurely.
(Y/N) found herself wobbling a bit on the bike, struggling with the numerous curves and inclines. She tried to hide her clumsiness, but Joe noticed her occasional near-falls. “Having a bit of trouble there?” he teased with a grin.
“Not at all,” (Y/N) replied, though her tight grip on the handlebars gave away her struggle. “I’m having the best time of my life.”
Joe chuckled, adjusting his pace to stay beside her. “You’re doing great!”
Their banter continued as they cycled past picturesque scenes and lively street vendors. The vibrant energy of Positano made their exploration both exhilarating and memorable.
After a while, they parked their bikes and walked along the beach, where she eagerly began collecting seashells. Joe watched her with an amused smile, noting her focused effort. “Is this something you always do?” he asked.
(Y/N) looked up, a handful of colorful shells in her hands. “Only sometimes. I’m kind of amazed by everything that comes from the ocean. So... yeah. Something special to have with me.”
Joe nodded. “Let me help you then.”
They finally arrived at a beachside café, the sun beginning to dip, casting a warm, golden light over the scene. Joe and (Y/N) found a quaint spot where local musicians played lively tunes. They settled at a table with refreshing drinks, taking in the ambiance and the stunning view. As the music gradually picked up its tempo, Joe couldn’t resist doing what was on his mind.
With a playful grin, he extended his hand to (Y/N). “Care to join me?”
At first, (Y/N) hesitated, but his infectious enthusiasm and the cheerful music coaxed her into the small open space in front of the café. As they danced, the rhythm carried them into a joyful, carefree moment. Joe attempted to teach (Y/N) a few dance steps, and she couldn’t help but tease him about his “unique” moves. Their laughter and playful banter filled the air.
As the music slowed, they found themselves in a quieter, more intimate moment. They exchanged stares filled with unspoken understanding, their connection deepening in the soft glow of the setting sun. It was a silent acknowledgment of the bond they were forming.
After their dance, Joe suggested they head to a secluded restaurant he knew about. Tucked away from the bustling tourist spots, it offered a cozy atmosphere with a stunning view of Positano’s twinkling lights. They enjoyed a delectable meal, and their conversation flowed effortlessly. Their genuine interest and attentiveness created a deeper connection as they discussed favorite foods, travel experiences, and personal aspirations.
“So, what kind of cake would you like for your birthday?” he asked, his eyes sparkling.
(Y/N) laughed softly, shaking her head. “Actually, I’m not much of a cake person. Gelato’s more my style.”
Joe’s face lit up with a bright grin. “Perfect! Then we’ll do gelato.”
Following dinner, he led (Y/N) to a charming gelato shop renowned for its rich and colorful flavors. As they entered, they both ordered their own cones with an assortment of flavors. With a playful flair, Joe thanked the cashier and turned to begin singing “Happy Birthday” in an endearingly off-key voice. Patrons in the shop glanced over with amused smiles as (Y/N) looked on, touched by the effort and attention.
With their gelato cones still in hand, they took a final, peaceful stroll along the same streets they had explored earlier. When they arrived at (Y/N)’s BnB, the moonlight bathed the entrance in a soft glow. They stood there, the tranquil night around them creating a serene backdrop. Joe took a deep breath, his gaze lingering on (Y/N) as he hesitated.
After a moment, he leaned in slightly, his eyes searching hers. The warmth of their shared day seemed to wrap around them like a blanket. Joe's hand gently grazed (Y/N)’s cheek, his fingers tracing the delicate curve of her face. His touch was soft and tentative, savoring every second of their close proximity.
“I’ve really enjoyed today,” he said, his voice low and sincere. “I know this will sound somewhat crazy, but... I was wondering...” He hesitated again, his hand moving to rest on her waist, pulling her just a fraction closer.
(Y/N) could feel her heart racing as she looked up at him. The intensity in his eyes matched the tenderness of his touch. “Wondering about what?” she managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.
Joe took another deep breath, his gaze roaming over her features—her eyes, her lips, the way the moonlight made her skin glow. “If maybe... we could do this again again sometime. Go out, explore more together.”
There was a charged silence as they both felt the weight of his words. Joe’s fingers lingered at her waist, his thumb gently brushing her hip. (Y/N) could see the hope and earnestness in his eyes, and she found herself drawn closer to him.
Finally, (Y/N) smiled, her eyes softening. “I’d like that very much.”
Joe’s smile widened, and he leaned in, closing the remaining distance between them. His hand gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing across her delicate jawline and placing finally his hand on her neck. Their kiss was soft and tender, an intimate connection heightened by the serene surroundings. The world seemed to fall away as they shared that perfect moment, each touch and caress magnified by the gentle moonlight.
As they pulled back, Joe looked at (Y/N) with a hopeful smile. “So, tomorrow sounds good?”
(Y/N) laughed softly, her heart full. “Yes, definitely.”
They parted with a warm, lingering hug, both feeling that this birthday had become a day to remember, filled with new beginnings and the promise of more to come.
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joeliz99 · 16 days
Crossed Paths- Joseph Quinn
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Description: Joe's stressful day at LAX takes an unexpected turn when he reaches out to (Y/N), a flight attendant, but most importantly, the girl he has been in love with for so long.
Warnings: None, RPF Fic
Word Count: 2434 (A long one!)
Joe was going through a particularly rough day. He had been at the Los Angeles airport for hours, desperately trying to find a flight to London. With cancellations, fully booked flights, and limited options, it was looking increasingly unlikely that he’d make it in time to be with his family for the birth of his godchild. His frustration was palpable, a gnawing sense of urgency mingling with helplessness.
In a moment of desperation, he pulled out his phone and hesitated before typing a message to (Y/N), the woman he’d been trying so hard to forget over the past month after their last interaction.
Joseph Q.
“Hey (Y/N),”
The message felt strange and awkward as he tapped away, but he pressed on.
“Sorry to text you out of the blue, but I think I might need your help.”
“Is there any way you can help me get a flight to London? Ashley’s labor started a bit earlier than expected, and I’ve been stuck at LAX for hours with no luck finding a flight.”
“I’m really sorry to bother you with this, but you’re my last resort.”
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was in the middle of a private flight to her next destination, fully absorbed in her responsibilities. It took nearly two hours before she could check her phone. Seeing Joe’s name pop up made her heart skip a beat, but she quickly set her emotions aside and decided to respond setting her feelings aside.
(Y/N) ✈️🖤
“I’m on a flight right now, but once I land, I’ll see what I can do to help. I’ll let you know once I have news.”
Joe’s sigh of relief was almost audible as he read her reply. His fingers fumbled a bit as he typed his thanks.
Joseph Q.
“Thank you so much. We’ll be in touch.”
As soon as (Y/N) landed, she dove into the post-flight procedures with a sense of urgency. With only an hour before her next flight, she made her way to the airline’s ticketing desk. Despite her efforts to expedite the process, the options were grim; no flights available for several hours. Frustrated but undeterred, she moved to a VIP lounge and began making calls, hoping for a miracle.
After about fifteen minutes, her persistence paid off. An operator managed to secure a seat for Joe the following day at noon. As soon as she had the details, she shot Joe a message requesting his passport number and payment information. The minutes felt like hours as she awaited his response, but soon enough, Joe’s details arrived. Moments later, she was on the phone with him.
“I got you the flight,” she said, navigating her way to her next gate. “It’s private and at noon tomorrow, but at least you’ll get there.”
Joe’s smile was wide, the tension melting away from his shoulders.
“You’re literally the best. You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“No worries. I know how important it is for you to be there with your family. Listen, I have to go, but I’d suggest you go back to where you’re staying, take a shower, eat something, and get a bit of rest. There are quite a couple hours left before your flight. Make the most of them.”
“Yeah… Yeah, for sure, I’ll do that. I’m going to let you go now, okay? I know you’re still working. I’m sorry and once again, thank you so much.”
“Okay, Joe, I got it,” (Y/N) laughed softly, the warmth in her voice evident. “Take care.”
She hung up and quickly transitioned to boarding her own flight. Meanwhile, Joe grabbed his suitcase and backpack and called an Uber to head back to his apartment. Despite his exhaustion, his mind was a whirlwind of anxiety and lingering thoughts about these last months events.  That night, sleep came reluctantly, interrupted by worries about missing out such an important moment with the people he loved and the memory of that last conversation he had with (Y/N). Suddenly, his mind transported him all over again to that late afternoon of the 8th of January.
A warm sun cast glow stood over the park as Joe and (Y/N) settled onto a bench after Joe ditched an event he had been invited to. They’d both decided it was worth stealing a couple hours for them to spend time together before (Y/N) needed to leave for work again. The conversation flowed easily at first, punctuated by comfortable laughter and complicity. Yet, beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of tension that neither of them could ignore after some of the last situations that had been occurring.
(Y/N) shifted nervously, her fingers tracing the patterns on her coffee cup. “Joe, there’s something I need to talk to you about,” she began, her voice tinged with hesitation.
Joe looked at her with a mix of curiosity and concern. “What’s on your mind?”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about this.. I mean, us.” she said, struggling to find the right words. “I just don’t see how our lives can really be together in any way beyond what we have now. I mean, we’re in such different places, and it feels like we’re trying so hard to fit puzzle pieces together that are never going to be meant for each other…”
The words hung heavily in the air, and Joe’s heart sank. He had feared this moment but hearing it out loud made it feel more real than ever.
“You think we can’t make this work?” Joe asked, his voice barely masking the pain he felt. “I can’t accept that. Not after everything we’ve been through, not after all the time we’ve spent together. I don’t want to see you as just a friend. I can’t.”
Joe’s heart dropped at her words. He leaned forward, his voice cracking slightly. “I can’t accept that, (Y/N). We’ve built something real here, something worth fighting for. This can’t be over before we’ve even had a real chance…”
(Y/N) looked away, her own heart feeling like it was about to explode. “Joe, I care about you more than you know, but sometimes that just isn’t enough… You know I’ve tried. But our realities just seem too far apart. I don’t want us to get hurt. It’s just not real.”
The park grew quiet around them as the sun began to set, leaving the two of them in a silence heavy with unspoken words. Joe was mad. It wasn’t fair to him to be denied the one person he wanted most. He felt frustrated and helpless, knowing that even though she faced her own grueling work demands, he their own needs and desires were being overshadowed by the reality of his status in society and of the amount of pressure that came with that. The world seemed to stand still for a moment, and Joe’s voice broke through the quiet with a final, resolute statement.
“If we’re not willing to fight for this, then what’s the point of all the effort we’ve put in?” Joe’s voice trembled with conviction. “I’m not willing to just settle, (Y/N). I refuse to let everything we’ve shared be for nothing.”
But he did settle. He let it go, and the weight of that decision still felt like a crushing blow, one of the deepest regrets he’d ever harbored. The echo of his own words haunted him as he lay in bed, wrestling with the sting of lost possibilities and unspoken promises. Despite his restless mind, he managed only a few fitful hours of sleep before his alarm jolted him awake. He hurriedly prepared for the day, his movements automatic. Once he reached the airport, the check-in and security process went smoothly. He slumped into his designated area, waiting for his flight to depart in three hours. An hour into his wait, Joe’s phone buzzed with a new message, interrupting his music.
(Y/N) ✈️🖤
“Are you still at the gate?”
Joe paused the music and leaned forward, eager to respond.
Joseph Q.
“Yeah. Still got an hour of waiting left.”
(Y/N) ✈️🖤
“Have you eaten anything?”
Confused, he quickly replied with a no.
(Y/N) ✈️🖤
“Okay. Remind me of your gate number.”
Joe’s heart raced as he read the message. He sent his gate number and then scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of (Y/N). Just as he was about to give up, he saw her approaching, her suitcase in tow and a few items in hand, and he couldn’t help but smile. He stood up and waved, trying to make his presence known.
They met in the middle of the bustling terminal. (Y/N) greeted him with a warm smile, and Joe took some of her bags, their hands brushing briefly.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, though he was already half expecting the answer.
“I work here,” she said, raising an eyebrow, causing Joe to chuckle.
“I mean here as in literally here… Like right in front of me.”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged with a hint of playfulness. “I figured you hadn’t eaten with all the nerves, so I wanted to make sure you had something in your stomach. You have a long flight ahead of you.”
Joe shook his head, a smile spreading across his face.
“You making this so hard for me, you know? Doing all these things when you don’t have to… I don’t even know what to thank you.”
“You don’t have to say anything. It’s just how I am…” She glanced away, then looked back at him. “I’m supposed to be done for the day. I could stay a bit while you wait for your flight if you want some company.”
“Oh, hell yes. Come on,” he said, already pulling her suitcase. “Let’s find a spot to sit.”
They found a quieter corner of the terminal, a small oasis amidst the chaos. (Y/N) pulled out a coffee she’d picked up for herself and took a sip, her eyes softening as she watched Joe. He was hunched over a sandwich, his exhaustion evident but still somehow striking.
“So…” Joe ventured, his attempt at casual conversation tinged with nervous energy. “How have you been?”
(Y/N) flashed him a warm smile, her gaze lingering just a bit longer than usual. “I’m good. Just the usual grind. How about you?”
“I’ve been well,” Joe said, his tone casual but his fidgeting betraying him. “I’m wrapped up in a project for the next few months. Back in LA soon, though. You know how it is—work.” He hesitated, glancing at his coffee cup as if it might offer some solace. “It’s been a while, and I…”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh softly, a sound filled with affection. “You’re really nervous, aren’t you?”
“Am I?” Joe asked, trying to sound nonchalant but clearly failing. “I guess I didn’t know how things would go after we hadn’t talked for a while.”
(Y/N) leaned in slightly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Chill out, Joe. We’re just catching up. It’s not a performance.”
Joe chuckled, looking both relieved and sheepish. “I guess I’m a bit rusty at this whole ‘casual conversation’ thing.”
“Oh, come on,” (Y/N) teased, her grin widening. “You’re an actor! If you can handle dramatic monologues and intense scenes, surely you can handle a simple chat with me.”
Joe raised an eyebrow, his smirk growing. “True. But I’ve always had a weakness for certain people. I turn into a bit of a mess when I’m around you. You know that, right?”
(Y/N) playfully rolled her eyes, but her smile remained. “Well, that’s good to know. At least I can still make you nervous. It’s nice to have that kind of power, don’t you think?”
Joe’s smile softened, and for a moment, the weight of their complicated past seemed to lift, leaving behind a shared sense of ease and familiarity.
After chatting and sharing a few laughs, Joe glanced at the clock and realized it was almost time for him to head to his private flight area. 
“Well, I guess it’s time for me to go,” Joe said, looking a bit reluctant. “I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
(Y/N) stood up, smiling softly. “I’ll walk you to your gate. It’s the least I can do after all the trouble you’ve been through.”
Joe smiled gratefully. “I’d like that.”
They walked together through the bustling terminal, heading towards the private flight area. The conversation remained light, filled with easy laughter and casual comments about the absurdities of airport life.
As they reached the entrance to the private flight lounge, Joe stopped and turned to (Y/N), his expression a mix of gratitude and something else—something deeper.
“Well,” he said, his voice softening, “I guess this is where we part ways for now.”
(Y/N) nodded, her eyes meeting his. “Yeah. It’s been really nice catching up. And, uh, good luck with everything.”
Joe hesitated for a moment, then took a step closer, his gaze lingering on her lips. “You too. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.”
There was a brief silence as they both seemed to hesitate, unsure of the next move. Finally, Joe gently cupped (Y/N)’s face with his hands, his touch tender but uncertain. 
(Y/N) looked up at him, her heart racing. “Joe…”
He leaned in slowly, and (Y/N) met him halfway. Their lips brushed in a soft, lingering kiss—hesitant but filled with a quiet, shared longing. It was brief, but it held the weight of their unspoken feelings.
When they finally pulled away, both were a little breathless, their eyes still locked. 
“I should go,” Joe said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah,” (Y/N) replied, her voice equally soft. “I’ll see you around.”
Joe gave her one last, heartfelt smile before turning to enter the private flight area. (Y/N) watched him go, her heart aching with a mix of warmth and sadness. She took a deep breath, turning to walk away with a sense of bittersweet contentment.
As Joe disappeared into the private lounge, he glanced back one last time, catching (Y/N)’s gaze. He gave her a small, appreciative nod before disappearing behind the door. 
(Y/N) stood there for a moment longer, then turned and walked away, her heart full of a quiet hope and the lingering echo of their tender farewell.
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joeliz99 · 18 days
A Proper Hello- Danny Ramirez
Description: After being apart for months, Danny and (Y/N) have a warm interaction at the airport. 
Warnings: None, Fluff
Word count: 506
“Where are you? I can’t see you.” Danny's voice crackled through the phone as he awkwardly balanced it between his shoulder and ear. He was struggling to secure the strap of his backpack while maneuvering his suitcase through the bustling crowd.
“I’m right where I told you—behind the exit sign. Look, I’m waving my hand. Do you see me?”
Danny squinted and scanned the area. After a moment, he spotted the sign and lowered his gaze, only to see a glimpse of her hand, with the rest of her obscured by a taller person standing directly in front of her.
“You’re lucky I recognize you anywhere, midget. I’m on my way.” It took only seconds for him to appear in her line of sight, and her face brightened with relief as she hurried toward him.
“You’re such an asshole!” She laughed, though her tone was affectionate. He rolled his eyes with a teasing smirk. When they were finally close, Danny stopped, opened his arms wide, and enveloped her in a big, tight hug.
He hummed contentedly, swaying her from side to side. She could feel herself melting into his embrace, savoring the warmth and comfort that was so familiar.
“Finally,” she whispered in his ear, causing him to smile even wider. He placed a quick kiss on her cheek before reluctantly letting go.
“Come on. I want to give you a proper hello without all these people around.” Danny took her hand, his other hand still clutching his suitcase, and they walked toward the parking lot. As they made their way, they chatted casually, catching up on the time they’d been apart.
Once they had loaded his belongings into the trunk and got into the car, she continued to describe how the last few days had seemed to stretch on endlessly, knowing that his return had been imminent.
Danny, however, appeared distracted, his eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure they weren’t drawing unwanted attention.
“Mi amor,” he said suddenly, interrupting her. She fell silent as he gazed at her, his eyes dropping to her lips. A playful smile touched her face as she anticipated what was coming. She raised an eyebrow and reached up to play with the chain of his necklace through the gap in his shirt.
“Are we about to kiss?”
Danny chuckled, his smile widening as he placed his hands gently on the back of her neck, pulling her closer. His lips brushed hers with a lingering, teasing touch, making her heart race after three months apart. With a playful nip at her lower lip, Danny finally sealed the kiss they had both been waiting for, relishing the familiar warmth of their connection.
One kiss quickly turned into several, each one slightly shorter and more playful than the last.
“Seems like you missed me, Mr. Ramirez,” she teased, raising her eyebrows with a playful laugh.
Danny’s grin was unmistakable, his eyes twinkling with affection. “You know I did. Now, how about we get home as soon as possible and continue this properly?”
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joeliz99 · 19 days
Getting the Falcon Role- Danny Ramirez
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Description: Danny gets exciting news regarding his career and the first person he delivers it is his wife.
Warnings: None, Pure fluff
“I made you some breakfast so you can take it with you. Try to eat something before the audition,” I say, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, watching Danny focus on his reflection in the mirror.
A few seconds pass in silence. His brow is furrowed in concentration as he struggles to get his hair just right. I step closer, reaching out to smooth the back of his head, and press a light kiss where his neck meets his shoulder.
“You’re going to do great… Don’t stress about it. They’ve worked with you before, and they know how talented you are,” I reassure him softly.
“Yeah, I know,” he replies, his voice coming out almost too cockily, with a hint of bravado that doesn’t quite mask his underlying anxiety.
I catch his eye in the mirror, giving him a teasing look. It only takes a moment for him to notice and turn to face me.
“I’m sorry. I’m so nervous I could shit my pants right now. I don’t even know what I’m doing with this,” he says, gesturing vaguely to his hair. I raise an eyebrow—he looks perfectly fine to me.
“Alright, sit down. I’ll handle it for you,” I offer.
He sits obediently, allowing me to stand between his legs to get a better angle on his damp hair.
“Just don’t use too much product, okay? I want it to look natural,” he murmurs.
“I’ve got it,” I assure him. A couple of minutes pass in silence before he speaks again.
“Babe, I don’t want it to look too neat. Don’t overdo it,” he insists, his nerves peeking through.
“I’m not overdoing it. Just relax,” I reply calmly.
Another couple of minutes pass before he interrupts again.
“Can I see? I just want to—”
“Danny! Can you please let me finish?” I interject, laughing. “I’m literally two curls away from being done. Chill! I’ve done this a thousand times.”
That’s enough to silence him, though I can tell it takes some effort. When I finally step back and let him see the finished result, he breaks into a reluctant smile, realizing he has no complaints.
Ten minutes later, he’s ready to leave, having spritzed on some cologne and put on his wedding ring along with the two chains he always wears.
He doesn't want to eat, but he won’t refuse the breakfast I made, even if I know he won’t touch it until after the audition.
Before he leaves, we say a quick prayer—something he’s grown accustomed to over the six years we’ve been together.
I pull him into a tight hug, wishing him all the luck in the world, then rise on my tiptoes to give him a few light kisses. He thanks me, still holding me close, and before stepping back, he gives me one more kiss, deeper and more lingering.
“I’ll let you know how it goes. I love you,” he says, his voice filled with sincerity.
“I love you, too,” I respond with a smile as I walk him to the door, watching him until he disappears into the elevator.
Hours later, we speak on the phone. His voice is noticeably more relaxed and cheerful than it was this morning.
“I think I’ve got a good chance. They had a lot of positive things to say, you know? And Sam told me the role is pretty much mine. But I don’t know… I don’t want to get my hopes up. Or maybe just a little,” he says, grinning at me through the phone camera. I can’t help but smile back.
“I mean, if Sam said it, why wouldn’t we believe him, right?” I reply encouragingly.
“But we could just be delulu right now. Sam loves me. That’s definitely something he’d say,” Danny laughs.
“Who cares? Let’s be delulu, then. Nobody can play that role better than you.”
Time passes by and Danny keeps working harder every single day. New projects keep coming his way, and he is profoundly grateful for every opportunity. After so many years of navigating an industry with limited roles for Latinx actors, this is a major breakthrough.
Nearly four months after the audition, he finally receives the news he had been waiting for during a meeting with the production team and his agent.
As soon as Danny steps out of the building, a surge of adrenaline pushes him forward. He sprints down the bulding, his heart pounding in sync with his racing thoughts. He hardly notices the people he weaves through, the city blurring around him as he focuses solely on getting home. When he reaches our front door, he bursts through with such force that the door almost bangs against the wall. His bag slips from his shoulder and thuds to the floor, forgotten in his excitement.
“(Y/N)! Baby, where are you?!” he calls out, his voice carrying a mix of exhilaration and urgency.
I don’t hear him at first. I’m in the studio, headphones on, fully immersed in the process of layering tracks, the bass reverberating through me. It’s only when I catch a faint sound through the music—a distant, frantic shout—that I pause, lifting one earphone.
He bursts into the office/studio, his face flushed, eyes bright with an intensity I haven’t seen in a while. I swivel around in my chair, startled by his sudden entrance.
“What’s up? Are you okay?” I ask, concern flickering in my eyes as I take in his breathless state. Before I can react, he scoops me up from my chair, lifting me off the ground with an unexpected burst of strength. I gasp, caught off guard, my hands instinctively clutching his shoulders.
“I got the part! They just told me! I’m going to be the Falcon, (Y/N)!” he exclaims, his voice a mix of disbelief and euphoria, the words tumbling out in a rush.
“Wait, what?” I blink, trying to process what he’s just said. My eyes widen as his words sink in. “You got it?! Shut up!”
“I got it, baby!” he shouts again, his joy utterly infectious. A laugh bursts out of me—a mixture of relief, pride, and sheer happiness—as I wrap my legs around his waist. I pull his face down to mine, capturing his lips in a quick, jubilant kiss.
“I knew it! I told you you’d get it!” I whisper breathlessly against his lips, my fingers running through his hair. “There’s no one better for the role than you. You have no idea how proud I am of you.”
He grins so wide it lights up his entire face, his eyes glistening with emotion. He presses his forehead against mine, letting out a shaky breath before leaving a tender kiss on the tip of my nose.
“I still can’t believe it,” he says, his voice softer now, as if speaking any louder would shatter the moment. “This is such a big deal. I have to call Mom, Glen, Paola...” He starts listing names, his excitement bubbling over.
“Do you want to make a list?” I tease, a laugh escaping me as I watch him roll his eyes playfully, still wearing that incredible smile. “Call them. They’ll be over the moon.”
“Yeah, I’m going to do that. I can’t wait to see Glenn’s reaction.” He chuckles, heading towards the door but stops mid-step, spinning around again.
“Oh, and Sam wants to celebrate tonight with some of the team. Maybe go out for drinks or dinner. You’ll come, right?”
“Absolutely,” I reply, my smile mirroring his. “I should be done with work in a couple of hours, and then I’m all yours.”
“Okay.” He smiles again and as he reaches the door; his body turns around and walks back to where I still stand, wrapping his arms around me one more time. His voice softens, “Thank you for being my rock through all of this. I really appreciate all your support.”
I hug him tightly, feeling the warmth of his words. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Te amo (I love you)."
“Yo también te amo (I love you too),” he whispers, his voice thick with emotion.
He finally leaves to go tell the others, and I watch him go with my heart still full of excitement for what this meant for him.
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joeliz99 · 19 days
In Your Embrace- Joseph Quinn
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Description: Joe has a rough day at work, but at the end of the day he gets to unwind and distract himself with the only person he would rather spend time with.
Word count: 1772
Warnings: None, Pure Fluff
Joe had only been home for about an hour, still shaking off the exhaustion of a long day filled with back-to-back meetings and endless tasks. He hadn’t had a moment to reach out to Y/N, the one person who could always make him feel grounded. Now, finally settled in bed, he picked up his phone and scrolled through his apps, feeling the quiet of his apartment settle around him.
It was just before 9:30 p.m., their usual time to reconnect when the chaos of the day would finally quiet down. With a tired but eager sigh, Joe tapped on the FaceTime icon. A wave of anticipation mixed with the weariness still clinging to him as he waited for her face to appear on the screen. 
Y/N had just stepped out of the shower when her phone rang. She wrapped a towel around herself, glancing at the screen before answering the call. Her hair, still damp, clung to her cheeks, and she greeted him with a soft smile. "Hiiii," she said, showing just half of her face through the camera, her eyes narrowing in that familiar way when she smiled.
Joe appeared on her screen, a small grin tugging at his lips. “Hey, love,” he greeted, his voice warm but edged with noticeable tiredness. He could see she was still finishing up her routine, her usual products on sight.
“Do you want me to call you back later?” he asked softly, noticing she was still getting dressed. His tone was gentle, trying not to rush her.
Y/N quickly shook her head. “No, it’s alright. I’m nearly done,” she replied, disappearing from the screen momentarily to pull on some clothes. Her voice was slightly muffled as she added, “How are you? How’s your day been?”
Joe’s smile faded a bit, and he let out a small sigh, his accent a little thicker, making his words sound heavier. “It was alright,” he said vaguely, his tone subdued. “Just thought I’d call you before you go to bed.”
When Y/N returned to view, her body fully in the frame now, she noticed the shift in his expression. “Did something happen? You seem a bit off,” she pressed gently, a playful yet concerned lilt to her voice as she searched his face through the screen.
Joe shook his head, trying to make himself comfortable, shifting his position on the bed while keeping his gaze fixed on her. “I’m fine, don’t worry about it. Just tell me about your day,” There was a hint of effort in his voice, as if he were trying too hard to sound casual.
Though not entirely convinced, Y/N decided to play along. She began recounting the events of her day, adding in some of the gossip they both enjoyed. Joe’s lips curved into a small smile, his dimples deepening whenever he laughed softly at her stories. He made the occasional comment, enough to keep the conversation flowing, but his usual energy was missing.
Despite the lighthearted banter, it was clear to Y/N that something was weighing on Joe’s mind. She could see it in the way he occasionally rubbed his temple or how his fingers tapped restlessly against the bed sheets.
“Okay, I’m sorry. But... Are you sure you’re okay? It doesn’t seem like it.” 
Joe let out a long sigh, his shoulders relaxing slightly as he finally admitted, “I’ve had a rough day with press interviews and handling logistics for the next project. Just a bit under the weather. Nothing specific. But it’ll pass…”
Y/N nodded, her expression softening. “Is there anything I can do to cheer you up? We could watch a film or do something else you fancy.”
Joe’s lips curved into a faint, tired smile. “I wouldn’t mind one of your hugs right now.”
“A hug?” Y/N chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. “I'm always down for that. What are we gonna do about that then?”
His smile widened, his dimples becoming more pronounced. He glanced at his phone, considering it for a moment. “Fancy a drive? I can pick you up if you’re not too tired.”
“Sure. Can I go like this?” Y/N asked, showing him her oversized T-shirt and biker shorts.
“Yeah, you’re fine like that. I’ll be there in 15 minutes, alright?”
“Sounds good. See you soon."
They hung up, both moving quickly to get ready. Joe grabbed a blanket and an extra hoodie, just in case, then left his flat and fetched the car from the garage. He sent Y/N a quick text as he arrived, and she hurried out, shivering slightly in the night’s chill.
When Y/N slid into the car, she greeted Joe with a smile and a quick kiss. He smiled back, letting her choose the music as he drove. The hum of the engine and the familiar beats of their shared playlist filled the space, creating a comforting backdrop for their light chatter. Y/N kept her conversation minimal, sensing that Joe needed some quiet to process whatever was on his mind.
After a few minutes, Joe reached out, his free hand searching for hers. Y/N intertwined their fingers without hesitation, and he began gently stroking her hand, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles, his eyes never leaving the road. His serious yet calm demeanor reassured her, even as his arm flexed slightly with each turn, veins visible in the dim light.
They made a quick stop at a petrol station for snacks and drinks. Y/N chuckled at Joe's snack haul, grabbing a chocolate bar while Joe picked an assortment of crisps and a couple of fizzy drinks. Back on the road, he took a sip of his drink and grinned mischievously.
“Did you know that cows can have best friends? They get stressed when they’re separated from them. So, if you ever see a cow looking sad, it might just be missing its BFF.”
Y/N looked at him with a blank face, biting into her chocolate. “Hmm, exactly how you act when you're not around me,” she quipped back, a teasing smile playing on her lips.
Joe raised an eyebrow, trying not to smile. "Alright, your turn."
"Okay, I got one. Why don’t scientists trust atoms?"
Joe gave a mock sigh, playing along. "Why?"
“Because they make up everything…” Y/N said with a smirk. She paused before adding, "Kinda like you do."
Joe rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically. "Oh, so we're going there, are we?"
They continued their playful banter, tossing silly jokes back and forth. Joe’s tone grew more animated as they went on, his laughter becoming more genuine. Y/N could see the tension melting away from his features, his smile becoming more relaxed.
“Alright, alright. I think you’ve won this round,” Joe finally conceded, a wide grin spreading across his face. The trivia game, filled with side glances and stifled chuckles, had turned into a riot of laughter. Their playful competition kept the mood light and joyful, making the drive an enjoyable experience despite Joe’s earlier down mood.
Eventually, they arrived at a quaint park with a panoramic view just outside the suburbs. Joe grabbed the blanket and hoodie, and Y/N followed him.
They both took in the view, and he handed Y/N the blanket to keep her warm while he wrapped himself in the hoodie.
“I’ve only been here a handful of times,” Joe said, his voice softer now. “But there’s something about this place that I really love.”
“I mean... The view alone is reason enough,” Y/N replied with a smile. “I don’t think I would have experienced England the way I have if it weren’t for you.”
“You probably would have,” Joe said, mimicking her expression and sitting on the edge of the car. “There’s still so much more I want you to see.”
“Good thing we’ve got some time.”
Y/N lingered for a few moments before turning to Joe with a playful grin. Joe was already looking at her, his expression shifting from confusion to a small smile as she moved closer and opened her arms for a hug.
He welcomed her with open arms and a warm laugh, letting her hold him tight as she wrapped him in the blanket. His arms rested gently on the lower part of her back, and his chin rested on top of her head, leaving a soft kiss there.
Since they’d met, Joe had noticed Y/N wasn’t a big fan of physical touch with just anyone. Only a few people got that kind of affection from her, and thankfully, he was one of them.
He never turned down a hug, kiss, or even the smallest touch from her, even if they were upset with each other.
“Hey,” Joe murmured after a while. Y/N lifted her head to meet his gaze. Joe smiled down at her, taking in her features and the pimple patch she had on before leaning in for a kiss.
Joe’s kisses usually started soft, almost as if offering a preview of what was to come. When he deepened the kiss, his hand, adorned with rings, cupped her face while the other hand held her waist securely.
Their lips moved together in a rhythm that seemed to crave more, and when Joe bit her lip, Y/N melted, letting his tongue explore as the intensity grew.
They only broke apart when they needed air, both of them noticing how their lips had turned red and slightly plumper.
Y/N smiled shyly, her cheeks flushed as if it were the first time they had shared such a tender moment. She rested her face against his chest for a brief second, making Joe genuinely laugh.
“Only gave you a kiss and your knees are already weak?” Joe teased with a laugh, his eyes becoming smaller with the act. 
Y/N playfully punched his chest, laughing. “Shut up, Joe.”
“But am I even lying? ” he said, trying not to laugh as his hands wandered to her backside and gave it a playful squeeze.
“Joseph!” she exclaimed, half-laughing, half-protesting.
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry! Don’t be looking so good then. It’s not my fault,” Joe said, his tone light and teasing.
“I literally look like a bag lady,” Y/N laughed along with him. “Leave me alone.”
“I haven’t done anything to you. It’s my presence that makes you nervous.”
“No, it doesn’t. Don’t let it go to your head,” Y/N retorted with a small, playful smile.
Joe laughed even harder and pulled her closer, allowing himself to enjoy all of her presence. Spending time alone together turned out to be exactly what Joe needed, making the hours of stress and exhaustion seem now like a complete distant memory.
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joeliz99 · 2 months
Draco Malfoy- The Weight of Expectations
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Draco Malfoy
Sixth Year at Hogwarts
As the train rumbled along, a girl walked through the moving corridors—one whom many knew but few dared provoke. (Y/N) Athens was fierce, impenetrable, and self-sufficient. She needed nothing and no one to fulfill her own needs. Her movements were calculated yet subtle, with an impeccable elegance. Her gaze swept from compartment to compartment, searching for a young man with platinum-blonde hair whom she had spent the entire summer with. Draco Malfoy had grown up with the girl from as far back as they could remember—learning to walk together, celebrating holidays at each other's homes. They weren’t inseparable or soulmates, but they had each other nonetheless. They understood the aspects of a life based on appearances; a life complicated where perfection only masked hidden imperfection.
(Y/N) and Draco had started a relationship in their fifth year at Hogwarts. Not out of love or even attraction, but to shape a marriage that would occur once they completed their education at the school of magic. They seemed made for each other, complementing each other naturally. So, when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named made his grand return, both were swept up by the reckless decisions their parents had made. With his father imprisoned in Azkaban and a task to complete before the end of the academic year, Draco was forced to mature and make decisions that not only protected his family's reputation but also their lives. There was no room for error. And if anyone knew the strengths and weaknesses of the young man with gray eyes and pale skin, it was her. She was determined to help him even when she had no reason to get entangled in the mess Draco was in. Both were strong on their own, but together, they were unstoppable.
When she finally locates him, she approaches with her chin slightly raised and clears her throat to announce her presence. His Slytherin companions look up, but Draco keeps his eyes fixed on the window showing the path to Hogwarts. He didn’t need to turn his head to know it was her—he had memorized the scent of the lavender perfume she always wore.
— Parkinson, Zabini. — She nods in greeting, and they return the gesture. — I’m afraid it’s time for you to find another place to sit. Draco and I need to catch up. —
— Why should I find another seat? You’re the one who just arrived, — Pansy replies bitterly, shooting her a look of disapproval. (Y/N) smiles cynically and adjusts the sleeve of her shirt to make sure it’s perfectly in place.
— You know I don’t like repeating myself. Gather your things and leave now. — Pansy clenches her jaw at this and looks to the dark-haired boy for support, who is already in the process of gathering his belongings and getting up from his seat.
— Draco... —
— You heard her, Pansy. — The blonde interrupts before his companion can finish her sentence, and the people seated on the other side of the aisle laugh mockingly. — And the same goes for you, Crabbe and Goyle. Get out of here already. —
The laughter dies instantly, and the two boys leave with barely audible complaints. (Y/N) waves Pansy off with a hand and a smile still on her face, which fades as her companions disappear from view. For the first time, Draco meets her gaze and watches as she sits down across from him, her eyes never leaving his.
— I thought you’d be sick of seeing me after spending the whole summer together. I definitely need a break from you. Honestly, you’re starting to seem like my babysitter. — The girl laughs at this and rolls her eyes playfully.
— Is that how you talk to your girlfriend, Malfoy? Should I remind you of that last night we saw each other when you started to...—
— Shut up, (Y/N). — His jaw tightens as he recalls how he had turned to her with tears in his eyes and his breathing uncontrolled. Draco had been scared then, and he was still scared now. He feared becoming a killer, losing his family, and not being able to escape the reality that was closing in on him. And even though he hated to admit it, (Y/N) was the only person who truly understood him and made him feel better in moments when nothing seemed right.
— That’s what I thought. — The girl smiles with satisfaction and casually checks her manicure. — Shouldn’t you be doing your prefect duties right now? —
— I don’t feel like it. — He shrugs nonchalantly and plays with his hands as a distraction.
— You don’t want to attract attention, Draco. — (Y/N)'s features harden slightly, showing seriousness on the matter. — If you want things to work, you can’t fail in the most basic aspects of a plan. You’ll have to act as if nothing is happening, otherwise, you’ll have too many eyes on you. We don’t need that, do you understand? —
— I don’t need you telling me what to do. — The blonde retorts disdainfully. — And don’t speak in the plural as if this is something we’re doing together. I’ve told you a thousand times I don’t want you involved in any of this. This is something I have to handle alone, so focus on your own problems and leave me alone.
A silence settles between them for a moment, and Draco opens his mouth, ready to apologize, but he can’t bring himself to do it. The corridor darkens suddenly, and all the students in the compartment begin to wonder what is happening. (Y/N) frowns and, hearing footsteps approaching, rises from her seat and takes a step towards Draco, bumping into someone she couldn’t see due to the darkness. The girl murmurs a small 'sorry,' but receives no response in return. Draco stretches out his hand to guide her towards him, and as she sits down, the corridor begins to return to its normal state, with everything back in its place. However, Draco’s gaze shifts to the luggage racks above them, noticing something wasn’t quite right. (Y/N) quickly notices this and tightens her grip on the table to snap him out of his trance. He licks his lips, shifting his attention from what was above to her.
— So, how much did you miss me over the holidays? — Draco drapes an arm over the girl’s shoulders, and she doesn’t protest, fully aware he was trying to divert the conversation due to an unexpected visitor.
— I won’t say what you want to hear, Malfoy. — She smiles, turning her gaze away, and he laughs, leaving a small kiss on her neck. — But you do seem to have missed me... a lot.
— You have no idea. — Draco whispers in her ear with a mischievous grin and nibbles on her earlobe, causing her to shiver, though she tries to maintain her composure and engage in normal conversation.
The next 30 minutes of the journey feel long and heavy for both young people, but they manage to keep their composure. As the train comes to a stop, night has fallen, and everyone is eager to reach the castle and fill their stomachs with the comforting, hot food awaiting them in the Great Hall. Students disembark from the carriages as quickly as their bodies allow, and when only Draco and (Y/N) are left to disembark, the girl heads to the exit and closes the door. She turns after drawing the curtains of the carriage with a flick of her wand and sees Draco holding his briefcase in one hand and his wand in the other.
— I think we have a visitor, love. — The boy comments with a serious expression, and (Y/N) nods, scanning the carriage casually.
— Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s rude to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, Potter? —
Draco raises his wand and quickly utters 'Petrificus Totalus,' and a body immediately falls to the ground. The blonde walks over and removes the blanket covering the body of his most prized enemy, his face contorting with the hatred and disdain he felt.
— Oh yes... She was dead before you could even wipe the drool off your chin. — He lifts his knee and strikes Harry Potter's nose with force, likely breaking it with the impact. — That’s for my father.
— Alright, Draco... That’s enough. — (Y/N) approaches him and extends her arm, which he intertwines with his. Draco hesitates for a moment but ends up doing what she wanted after covering the young Potter with the blanket again. — Enjoy your trip back to London, Potter.
The girl nods, signaling to the blonde that it’s time to leave, and they both exit the train with their heads held high and their expressions neutral. As they are about to board the carriages that will take them to the school entrance, (Y/N) stops and adjusts Draco’s tie in silence. The boy watches her closely as she does this, and when she feels his gaze, she looks at him in return.
— There you go, we don’t want you looking disheveled... — Draco nods and licks his lower lip, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
— Thanks. — He leaves a small kiss on (Y/N)’s lips, taking advantage of the closeness between them.
— We’re in this together... — Draco nods, listening to her words, and with a sigh, he separates from her and extends his hand, offering help to her as she climbs into the carriage. (Y/N) smiles at this and ignores the gesture, easily getting into the carriage on her own. — Draco raises an eyebrow when he notices this, and the girl mimics his action, looking at him.
— Come on, Malfoy, what are you waiting for? — The boy rolls his eyes and gets into the carriage, heading towards a place that no longer felt like a second home and that would change his life completely in a few months. Hogwarts would never be the same.
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joeliz99 · 2 months
Remus Lupin- Beneath the Surface
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Remus Lupin
Marauders Era
Year 1977 (Sixth Year at Hogwarts)
(Y/N) Bristol had always been a focused young woman with very few friends. While many of her peers spent their time goofing off or falling in love, she meticulously set goals for her future. That’s why working on a poison antidote essay with Remus Lupin didn’t seem like a great idea. The brown-haired boy was associated with Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew, who always seemed to be in trouble or seeking attention. This group of boys disliked following rules or apologizing for their mistakes; they were simply reckless. Therefore, it was understandable that the young woman was reluctant to be paired with the sixth-year student.
However, over the course of their meetings, (Y/N) realized that Remus Lupin was much more than he appeared when surrounded by his friends. He was shy and reserved, respectful in his interactions, and incredibly intelligent. But to be fair, everyone knew that. The now-prefect of Gryffindor House was always on the list of top students in most of their subjects. She was also on that list, of course, but she often went unnoticed.
Up until now, Remus had acknowledged her existence only a few times, and he occasionally wondered how he hadn’t paid more attention to her before. (Y/N) always seemed to have answers for everything. She was prudent, serene, and genuine, truly herself. Talking to her felt like taking a breath of fresh air—an experience he could repeat over and over.
Sitting on the clock tower’s courtyard, they discussed trivial matters while adding final touches to the essay they had been working on for the past two weeks. She held a parchment and quill, while Remus had several books resting on his lap.
“So, what do you want to do after you leave Hogwarts?” The girl glanced up from her parchment when she heard the question.
“I definitely want to be a Healer. It’s been a dream of mine since I was little.”
“Can I ask why?” Remus inquired curiously, leaning back on his arms.
“My grandfather was a Healer until recently. From a young age, I saw how passionate he was about his career and how many people he helped with his knowledge. I loved sitting with him in the afternoons and hearing about his workday. I want to help as many people as he did and never forget to be empathetic or humble with my roots.” A smile appeared on Remus’s face upon hearing this, and (Y/N) mirrored his expression with a small smile of her own. “What about you?”
“Um... Honestly, I’m still not sure what I want to do when I leave here. Maybe teaching? I don’t know.” He shrugged dismissively. “I hope to have a clearer idea before we graduate.”
“I’m sure you will. Don’t worry too much about it.” The young woman responded before continuing with the next question. “How did you get all those marks on your body?”
“What?” The boy’s brow furrowed, and his body tensed immediately—a reaction that did not go unnoticed by (Y/N), who instantly regretted asking the question.
“Forget it, I shouldn’t have asked that. Let’s move on to...”
“Wait, (Y/N),” Remus interrupted. “It’s nothing. You just caught me by surprise...” His mind wandered for a few moments, trying to figure out how to answer the question while sounding truthful. “I’ve always been clumsy. My parents always had to keep an eye on me because turning away for a second meant I’d end up hurting myself. We thought it would stop when I grew up, but it didn’t.” He shrugged and avoided her gaze, knowing that if he looked her in the eye, she would know he wasn’t being entirely honest. “I got these latest ones a few days ago playing with the guys near the Whomping Willow.” He rolled up one of his sleeves to reveal several healing wounds. “But they’re healing, so that’s good.”
“You shouldn’t go near the Willow,” (Y/N) frowned, scrutinizing the young man’s arm. “It’s dangerous, and next time the results could be much worse.” Remus laughed awkwardly at this and nodded.
“I think we’ve figured that out by now…”
“Can I ask you another question?”
“Go ahead.” (Y/N) seemed to think carefully about what she was going to say, and after a few moments, she dared to speak.
“You’re very different from your friends... Before we started this project, I judged you based on everything I’d seen and heard about you, especially from Sirius and James. Why would you want to spend your time with them? Besides the fame and attention that comes with it, what else could you gain from such a friendship?” Remus sighed upon hearing this and took a moment to process what the girl had just said.
“They can be many things, but they’re still my friends... And you’re right, I’m not like them and I don’t agree with everything they do, but they’re important to me. The guys have supported me in my darkest moments when no one else could. We’re inseparable, so if one gets into trouble, the rest do too. It may sound silly, but that’s how we are, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.” He shrugged and looked at (Y/N). “When you get to know them, you realize they’re much more than they seem, just like with me. You should give them a chance; you’d get along well with them.”
“I don’t know, Remus.” (Y/N) sighed, turning her gaze back to the parchments in her hands. “What they did to Severus Snape wasn’t right. And let’s be real, I’m not much different from him. What makes you think they wouldn’t do the same to me?”
“Because I wouldn’t let something like that happen. Besides, the situation is completely different. Not that I’m defending them—never would I do that—but there’s been a rivalry between them and Severus for years.”
“I’m not sure that makes me feel any better, to be honest...” She sighed. “Let’s just forget about it and finish this, it’s getting dark.”
Remus nodded in agreement to not press the issue further, and they spent the rest of the hour solely finishing the work. The next day, both students handed in the essay to Professor Slughorn, and as class ended, they began to gather their things in silence.
“It was nice working with you.” (Y/N) broke the silence after a few seconds. “You know I’m here if you ever need me.”
Remus looked at her upon hearing this and nodded, unsure of how to respond due to the nerves overtaking him.
“Yeah, same.” He managed to articulate, and the girl smiled awkwardly, finishing gathering her things.
“See you later, Remus.” She smiled one last time and left the classroom, leaving behind a blushing and embarrassed Remus.
“You’re such an idiot.” A voice came from beside him, and when he turned his head, he found James grinning at him mockingly. “Is that how you say goodbye, my dear Moony? I thought you were more polite.”
“Shut up, James.” The brown-haired boy rolled his eyes, leaving the classroom with his friends trailing behind him and laughing at his embarrassment.
“You should ask her out without using work as the perfect excuse,” Sirius commented this time, wrapping his arm around Remus’s shoulders once he caught up with him. “She seems like a nice girl.”
“She is, and that’s exactly why I’m not asking her out.”
“Oh, come on, Remus. What’s wrong with having a date with Bristol? You should relax and enjoy yourself a bit.” James interjected again.
“Do I really need to remind you why doing that is a bad idea?” He stopped abruptly, his muscles tensing at the thought of the disastrous possibilities if he lost control near her or anyone else. “It’s a risky move, and she’s too curious... She asked me about the marks on my body yesterday, and I had to lie because I had no other option.”
“Remus, mate...” James sighed, glancing at his friends before speaking. “We’ve got it under control, okay? No one needs to find out or get hurt. We’ll keep doing things the way we have been, and that’s that. Ask her out! You’ve got nothing to lose.”
“And if you don’t like it, just don’t do it again, simple as that. If you want, we can do a group outing to make you feel more comfortable,” Peter added this time, and Sirius nodded, smiling.
“No. That’s definitely not happening.” Remus shook his head repeatedly, clutching the books he was carrying even tighter. “Just... I’ll think about it, okay? I’m not promising anything.”
“Well, that’s better than a no.” Sirius laughed, ruffling the brown-haired boy’s hair, which he swatted away with a complaint. "Don’t make us do it for you, Moony.”
“Whatever. Let’s get going. We’ll be late for Transfiguration class.” He fixed his hair back into place, and his friends laughed, following him as they greeted everyone in the hallways and raced to see who would reach the next classroom first.
The following days passed without any new events. Remus still hadn’t mustered the courage to ask (Y/N) out, so he had settled for small talk with her during Potions class or greeting her in the hallways. His friends hadn’t stopped pressuring him about it, just as they were now, seeing the Ravenclaw girl enter the Great Hall. Remus’s cheeks were red, as always when the subject came up, and his heart raced at the thought of her possible rejection. Since hitting puberty at Hogwarts, he had been accustomed to attention from girls. Not many approached him, but some did. However, he had never even considered having more than a cordial conversation with them. The reasons were endless—starting with the fear of what his nature could provoke, then the little interest he had, and of course, his shy nature. With (Y/N) it was different; being near her was appealing. Conversations flowed naturally, silences were comfortable, and neither of them felt the need to put on an act to impress the other. Even though a part of his mind kept repeating how bad an idea it was to ask her out, there was another part that urged him to take the plunge. Taking a deep breath, he stood up from the table and, ignoring his friends’ comments, walked toward the end of the Ravenclaw table where the girl was seated, already preparing a plate of food. When he arrived, he cleared his throat and put his hands in his pockets to hide his nerves, while (Y/N) turned to look at him.
“Hi...” Remus smiled shyly, trying not to pay attention to the curious eyes watching him at the Ravenclaw table.
“Remus.” (Y/N) smiled back. “How are you? Is everything okay?”
“Yes, of course.” He hurried to say, feeling his face warm up again and his stomach flutter as if hundreds of butterflies were inside him. “Listen... I was thinking that our next trip to Hogsmeade is coming up, and I was wondering if you’d like to join me for a butterbeer and a chat...”
“Oh.” (Y/N) swallowed hard at the proposition, feeling instantly nervous. Was he inviting her on a date?
“You don’t have to say yes.” Remus rushed to add, noticing her reaction. “You probably have better plans, and I don’t...”
“I do want to go.” She interrupted him to prevent him from continuing. “Sorry for reacting that way. I usually go to Hogsmeade alone, so you caught me by surprise.” She smiled faintly without breaking eye contact, even though she could feel her nerves showing.
“Well, there’s a first time for everything, right?” Remus laughed, scratching his neck, and (Y/N) nodded. “How about we meet in front of the carriages at nine in the morning, and then we can take one together? I promise it’ll just be you and me. I know the guys can be overwhelming sometimes, and we don’t want that.”
“Yeah, that sounds perfect.” (Y/N)’s smile widened a bit more.
“Great, then I’ll let you eat. See you on Friday.”
“See you on Friday... And thank you for inviting me.”
“No problem...” Remus smiled again and waved before turning and heading back to the Gryffindor table with a sense of happiness and excitement he could hardly contain. He couldn’t believe it...
He was going on a date with (Y/N) Bristol!
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joeliz99 · 2 months
Dean Thomas- The Space Between Us
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Dean Thomas
Sixth Year at Hogwarts
After a long day of classes, dinner time had finally arrived. Having dropped off my books and parchments in my room, I made my way down to the Great Hall, eager to get some food in my stomach. Upon arriving, I scanned the Gryffindor table for Seamus and Dean, looking for the seats we usually occupied. Spotting one of my friends, I continued over and sat down across from him. Seamus looked up, and upon recognizing me, he gave a nod of acknowledgment before taking another bite of his meal.
— How was Herbology today? Did you have any luck with the Snargaluffs? — he asked after a few minutes, giving me a chance to get some food.
— No. Honestly, I think I’ve realized that I'm just not good at that subject, and that’s not going to change. — Seamus laughed mockingly, making me roll my eyes. — Anyway, where’s Dean? He was supposed to help me with an assignment after dinner. —
— I don’t know. — He shrugged, tossing a piece of almond into his mouth and catching it. — Probably in the dormitory, wallowing in his sorrows or something. Nothing new, really. —
— Did he fight with Ginny again? — I deduce within seconds, and Seamus nods, munching on another sugared almond. — Merlin... Never let me get into a toxic relationship like theirs. —
— I don’t think you have to worry about that as long as you’ve got your eyes on him. — He commented casually, causing me to look at him immediately, feeling a pang of discomfort. —
— Stop repeating that stupid thing. — I clenched my jaw, making him smile again. Seamus loved provoking these reactions from us for his own amusement. —
— Before I stop repeating it, you’ll have to accept what’s pretty obvious. Honestly, I’d rather have him with you than with Ginny. She’s great and all, but listening to the constant fights and complaints is getting old. Don’t you think? I say you’d make a perfect match. Don’t worry about the height difference; nothing we can’t fix. —
— Okay, Seamus, enough already. — I got up from the table with a complaint, quickly grabbing some portable food. — You can’t even let me eat in peace! —
— Oh, please, don’t be so dramatic. — He laughed even more, watching my actions. — Where are you going with all that food? Going to find Dean? — I rolled my eyes and flipped him off before turning my back and walking out of the Great Hall. — Tell him to enjoy his meal from me! —
I huffed at that last remark and continued on my way until I reached the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. After reciting the password, I walked in and stood there for a few seconds, debating whether to look for Dean or not. I hated that Seamus was right about my feelings for our best friend. I had tried to push them aside a million times, distance myself from him for a while, ignore the fact that he noticed someone else and that he hardly spent time with us anymore because he was chasing after Ginny Weasley. Yet all my efforts had been in vain, and here I was once more, setting aside my feelings to worry about Dean Thomas.
With a sigh, I continued up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. When I reached the door, I knocked a couple of times but got no response. I waited a few seconds and knocked again, but still, no one answered. I hesitated for a moment about whether to leave, but before doing so, I decided to open the door just a crack to make sure Dean wasn’t inside. I scanned the beds quickly and saw him sleeping in his bed, still in his uniform. I opened the door all the way, trying not to make any noise, and approached, placing the food I had brought on his bedside table. I wiped my hands and then took the blanket at the foot of the bed and covered him up. Once I had finished covering him, I took one last glance before turning to leave the room. However, I couldn’t do so, as I heard his groggy, sleepy voice calling out to me.
— (Y/N)... Is everything okay? What time is it? — I turned to see him sitting up in bed, yawning, and still covered with the blanket.
— Sorry... I came to bring you some food since you didn’t come down for dinner. Seamus said you’d probably be here. — He nodded, looking at the food and then at me.
— Thanks... You didn’t have to do that. Come, sit down. — He gestured with his head towards the bed, so I walked over and sat down beside him, leaning against the headboard. Dean reached for the two pieces of pumpkin pie and handed me one, which I accepted before taking a bite. He mimicked my action, and now that we were closer, I could see that his eyes were puffy as if he had been crying recently. I swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in my chest, but chose to remain silent for the next few minutes so we could eat in peace. When we finished, he took another piece of food while I hesitated about whether to speak or not. What was the right thing to say in a situation like this that hadn’t already been said?
— So... Are you okay? — Dean hesitated for a few seconds when he heard me speak, and I could feel his gaze on me. — It looks like you’ve been crying... I want to know if everything is alright. —
— Hmm. — He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. — I’m fine, nothing to worry about... —
— Alright. — I sighed, looking up at the ceiling to diffuse some of the attention between us. Then I stayed silent for a few more minutes, unsure of how to articulate my thoughts. — Listen, Dean, if this is about Ginny again, then you should think carefully about what you’re doing... I know you like her a lot, and that’s understandable. But if you’re going to be fighting every week over trivial things, then maybe it’s not worth being in a relationship. Seamus and I believe... — My sentence was cut off by Dean asking me to be quiet.
— That won’t be a problem anymore. — He cleared his throat while running a hand through his curls. — Ginny and I broke up today. —
— Oh... —
— Yeah. — He sighed, rubbing his eyes repeatedly without looking at me. — I think I'm finally done. Everything I did was wrong. If I tried to help her, it was a problem; if I acted a certain way, it was also a problem. I’m tired of competing for Ginny’s attention. She never takes her eyes off Harry. It’s like I’m just there to get his attention when she feels like it or to fill the void Harry left in her life. I don’t want to be second, (Y/N)... —
— I’m glad you made that decision then. — I smiled faintly, though it ended up looking more like a grimace. I took his hand, intertwining it with mine and giving it a squeeze. I then rested my head against his neck, and within seconds, I felt his head resting on mine and his hand holding mine affectionately. — You deserve to be loved the same way you love others, Dean. Ginny is an amazing person, but she doesn’t seem to be the right one for you. And that’s okay. We’re young, and we’re supposed to go through heartbreak and disappointments. I know it hurts right now, I do, but in time it won’t matter. — Dean sighed, closing his eyes and taking his time to process the words I was saying.
— I don’t know what I’d do without your advice and your affection... You’re too good for me. — I laughed at that and pushed him away slightly.
— It’s not that big of a deal, Thomas. I’m your friend; that’s what friends are for. —
— I’m not exaggerating. — He smiled wryly and tousled my hair, causing me to complain. — And I hope whoever you like is someone who truly deserves you. Never settle for less than you deserve, (Y/N). —
— Whoever I like? — I frowned, fixing my hair back into place. — I don’t like anyone. Where did you get that idea? —
— Seamus. — He shrugged nonchalantly, making my eyes widen and causing me to cough in surprise. — Relax. — He laughed loudly, seeing my reaction, and placed a hand on my back to soothe me. — It’s not that big of a deal! —
— What else did Seamus say? Did he tell you who the person is? —
— No. — He squinted at me. — He just said that you had your eyes on someone and that this someone was apparently too stupid to realize. —
— Oh... — I sighed in relief, feeling color return to my face.
— So... Are you going to tell me who the blind idiot is who hasn’t noticed you yet? You know we can do something about it if you want. —
Oh, Dean... If only you knew that you are the idiot.
— No. I don’t need help because Seamus is just being silly. I only said a guy was cute, and he’s made a big deal out of it. — I rolled my eyes and started fidgeting with my hands nervously.
— Sure, whatever you say. — He raised an eyebrow, watching my nervous hand movements, and then stopped them by taking both of my hands in his. — Anyway, I’ll find a way to figure out who it is. Whether you like it or not. — He smiled. — And if they’re not worth it, I’ll scare them off. We don’t want bad prospects in your life. Learn from me. —
— Since when do you have the right to scare off my romantic interests or whatever you want to call them? — I raised an eyebrow, and he laughed even more, moving a bit closer until our foreheads were almost touching and our breaths mingled. Dean, what on earth are you doing?
— Since the day you decided to call me your best friend. — He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. The gentle contact sent a shiver down my spine and a sudden rush of warmth to my cheeks. y heart raced, and a mix of surprise and turmoil surging through me. Why on earth would he do something like that? Did he even know the impact his actions had on me after so many years of being by each other sides? — Now stay a bit longer with me; I could use a distraction. —
He pulled away from me as quickly as he had come, and I stayed where I was for a few seconds, not moving. Dean settled back onto the bed, propping a pillow behind his back, and gestured for me to lie down against his chest. I looked at him for a moment, took a deep breath, and then accepted his invitation, resting my head on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat and the warmth radiating from his body. As much as I tried to resist, I couldn’t help but wish that every day could be like this. Him and me against the world. Together, holding each other, expressing our affection even in silence where words were unnecessary.
But even as I basked in this fleeting sense of intimacy, a sharp pang of reality hit me. Was I setting myself up for heartbreak by letting this continue? The more I allowed myself to be close to him, the deeper I was digging my own emotional hole, one that would likely leave me bruised if he never saw me the way I hoped he would. And even though the affection wasn’t the kind shared by two people who loved each other romantically, I was content knowing that Dean Thomas cared for me and needed me in his life as much as I needed him in mine.
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joeliz99 · 9 months
Ron Weasley- My Good Luck Charm
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Ron Weasley
Sixth year at Hogwarts
The atmosphere at Hogwarts during Quidditch matches is electric, pulsating with euphoria and excitement. Students go all out, painting their faces in the vibrant colors of their respective houses, crafting banners, waving flags, and even plotting celebration parties in anticipation of a victorious outcome. Today marked a significant event as Gryffindor was making its debut in the season, facing off against their arch-rivals, Slytherin.
Ron Weasley, recently appointed as the guardian, found himself engulfed in nerves, his thoughts muddled and unclear. Although deserving of his spot on the team, he couldn't shake the feeling that Harry had made a grave mistake in choosing him. Gryffindor peers passed by, offering encouraging words and reminding him that today was not the day for mistakes. Ron managed a smile and a nod, yet deep down, he contemplated fleeing the Great Hall and seeking refuge in the castle's most secluded corners.
Seated at his table, Ron tried to deflect the expectant gazes of his friends, focusing solely on the breakfast plate crafted specifically for him. Hermione, sensing the tension, exchanged a knowing glance with Harry. After a brief silence, she cleared her throat, attempting to dispel the awkwardness that lingered between them.
– Today is the big day... How do you feel?– The weight of those words hung in the air as the boy took a deep breath, locking eyes with his best friends before uttering his thoughts.
– I'm going to quit. After today's game, McLaggen can take my place.–
– No, of course you won't.– Harry interjected swiftly, a frown etching his face as he sought support from Hermione with a pleading gaze. – You've been waiting for this opportunity for a whole year!–
– Well, I don't want it anymore. I know how this will all end, and I'd rather spare myself the embarrassment and the disappointed looks that everyone else will give me when that happens.–
– Good morning!– The recognizable voice sliced through the tension, causing Ron to tense up. He avoided any reaction as the girl sat next to him.– I heard that snow will fall today; it will be an interesting game.– (Y/N) smiled, grabbing a piece of toast. For the first time, she looked at her friends and her boyfriend, sensing that none of them were in good spirits. –What's wrong?–
– Ron wants to quit the team after today's game– Hermione replied, rolling her eyes and setting aside the newspaper she had been reading with interest until that moment.
– Why would you do something like that?– The girl who had just arrived observed the redhead with a grimace of confusion on her face.
– Because I'm not interested in hearing the complaints and insults of others when I lose the game.– The young man murmured, casting a sidelong glance at his girlfriend, anticipating her reaction.
– That's the stupidest excuse I've ever heard in my life.– Harry whispered, taking a sip of his orange juice. Ron raised his face to glare at him.
– I don't think I asked for your opinion, Harry. Not all of us can be as talented as you, so save the comments.– Ron stood up from the table, his facial features and muscles tense, ready to leave.
– Ron – (Y/N) stood up instantly, intending to stop him. Before she could do anything, though, Ron had already left. She sighed, shook her head, and picked up the small package he had left on the table.– I'll go talk to him... See you in a while.– Hermione nodded, giving her a small smile, and the young woman left with hurried steps, trying to catch up with the Weasley who had just departed.
Luckily, she managed to find him a few steps ahead and called out to him, but he didn't stop. (Y/N) tried once more and ran until she was behind Ron, grabbing his arm and forcing him to stop.
– Please don't make me chase you like you're a little child.–
– I'm not in the mood to talk right now, (Y/N). – The redhead muttered, turning around to face his girlfriend.– I don't want us to end up arguing because of me.–
–Then let's not do it.– (Y/N)'s grip on Ron's arm loosened, and he took her hand as they walked toward a quiet corner of the hallway, avoiding the attention of people passing by. – Listen, you can't let the nerves dominate your mind. It's normal to be anxious, but this is supposed to be fun, Ron. After all, that's why it's still a game.–
– It's easy for you to say.– He snorted, rolling his eyes. – The only thing I've heard since yesterday is how much they expect of me in this game, while the disgusting snakes have made my life miserable by reminding me of all the possible ways in which I will fail once the match starts.–
– And you are giving them the pleasure of having their words affect you. You are capable of winning this game and more, but with this mentality, you won't achieve anything. I wish I had the ability to make you feel better, but the reality is that if you don't trust yourself, there is nothing I can do about it.– Ron hesitated, listening to the girl's words, and stopped avoiding her gaze. – Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy this day and stop thinking so much about what other people think of you. –
– And what if I care what you think of me?– He whispered, relaxing his shoulders a little and intertwining her hand with his.
– My affection for you will never change because of the results of some silly games, Ron. You could be making a fool of yourself, and I'll be there cheering you on as if you were the star of the show.– Ron laughed lightly at that, and (Y/N) smiled, noticing the positive impact her words had on him.
– I don't know how you do it, but you always manage to calm me down.– His hands slide towards his girlfriend's waist, lifting her a little to bridge the height difference between them. (Y/N)'s smile widens, and she rests her arms on the shoulders of the redhead. – Thank you for putting up with my childishness.–
– You're welcome.– She laughed softly and left a small kiss on his lips before revealing a small cardboard box in his hands. – This is for you.–
Ron observed curiously as (Y/N) offered him the box, nodding to give her permission to open it for him. (Y/N) opened the small box and took out the leather bracelet inside, showing it to her favorite Weasley. 
– It's a lucky charm. I don't know if it really works or brings you some peace of mind, but I wanted you to have something that will remind you that there will always be someone who believes in you no matter what.–
–(Y/N)...– A smile even bigger than the previous one appeared on his face, and he placed the young woman back on the ground to take the bracelet in his hands. – You didn't have to do this... Thank you.– He watched her for a moment, and she nodded with a smile to help him place the bracelet under the wool shirt she was wearing. – Come here.–
He pulled his girlfriend closer around her waist and lowered her face to his level, their lips now touching. (Y/N) laughed softly and tangled her hands in Ron's hair, letting the redhead kiss her as he has done many times before. Even though they had been together for a year, the butterflies in their stomachs had not faded. (Y/N)'s lips were soft and tasted like cherry from the lip balm she always wore. Kissing her was like being in the best of dreams that you didn't want to wake up from. For the girl, there was nothing better than being in Ron's arms—warm, comforting, and intense all at once. They both separated for air, and Ron rested his forehead against hers, gently touching their noses. (Y/N) slided her thumb over the redhead's blushing cheek and left another small kiss on his lips before breaking the comfortable silence between them.
–I think it's time for you to go with the others... The game is going to start soon, and we don't want you to be late.–
–I wouldn't mind doing it if it means I can kiss you again.– He laughed softly, earning a light blow to his chest.
– It's not going to happen. Also, you have to apologize to Harry for what happened a while ago.–
–Do I have to? – Ron rolled his eyes with a complaint.
–It's the right thing to do, Weasley. Don't think about it too much.–
–Okay...– He sighed, separating from her, prolonging the moment where their bodies part completely. –I hope to see you in the stands shouting for me.–
–Don't doubt it.– (Y/N) smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. –I love you, Ron.–
–And I love you too... I'll see you shortly.– The boy smiled, winked, and forced himself to turn his back, leaving with a newfound wave of confidence and tranquility in his body that a few hours ago he could never have imagined he would have, thanks to her.
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joeliz99 · 9 months
Problems only writers understand
Having very chaotic notes on your phone
Having secret files that you will NEVER let anyone ever see
Why cant I think of a name?
Writing 10k words in a day then never again
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joeliz99 · 9 months
things you can do at any stage in life:
love yourself
have a fresh start
go back to school
make new friends
fall in love
go to therapy
learn a skill
discover your passion
repair relationships
change the world
find a new hobby
be happy
it isn’t too late for you. you’ll be okay. there’s no time limit on happiness.
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joeliz99 · 9 months
Wish I Didn't Love You- Neville Longbottom
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Neville Longbottom
Seventh Year at Hogwarts
I have never run as fast and desperately in my life as I am doing right now. Even with the pain spreading throughout my body, the only thing I can think about is not being caught. My feet directed me on their own, knowing perfectly well the path they should take. Alecto Carrow had stopped hot on my heels thanks to the Locomotor Mortis I had recently thrown at him. However, that wouldn't last for long. I take the last curve towards my final destination and my mind repeats over and over again what I needed to appear at this moment. Just when I reach the wall for which I had run so much, a door appears in front of my eyes and without thinking twice I enter it. Instantly, I feel all eyes on me and even when I try to get the words out of my mouth, it is almost impossible due to uncontrolled breathing.
– What are you doing standing there? Help her! — Seamus moves through the mass of students, hurriedly approaching me while he takes a quick look at me. 
— Have they followed you here? Did anyone see you enter? —
—No—I manage to say between breaths—I gott rid of Alecto on the way. He won't make it this far. —
—Good. — Seamus' frown deepened as he took in my appearance. I could still feel the intense pounding on my bleeding nose, but nothing compared to the pain in my left arm. — Wake Neville up , he needs to know what happened. —
Padma Patil instantly darts toward one of the hammocks seeking out Neville, while Seamus holds me firmly by the waist and with Colin's help we head towards one of the available chairs. Colin wastes no time and begins to examine me more exhaustively, noticing the multiple blows spread across my body and the arm that made it impossible for me to move. 
—We'll need a bone-growing potion for this...— He hurriedly walks to the other side of the Room of Requirement, being swiftly replaced with a familiar face. —
— (Y/N) — Neville kneels before me, cupping my face in his hands and his expression etched with concern. —What the hell happened? —
—Alecto.— I limit my words to that as Colin had returned with a bottle in his hand. —
—Her arm is broken— He comments to Neville as he sits next to me.—This is what we have left of the Skele-Gro.—It may not be enough to completely repair the damage, but it will help at least. We can heal the nose easily. (Y/N), I know this will hurt but it's necessary, okay? —
—Do what you have to do...— I responded, my voice trembling due to the pain. Neville, sensing my distress, settles beside me, clasping my hand gently, offering a reassuring squeeze. He signals Colin to continue, who seconds after whispers 'Episkey', causing my nose to return to its original state with a small 'crack'. I let out a painful moan when I feel that sensation and I squeeze Neville's hand harder. He begins to gently rub my back while he rests his chin on my head. —
— Here you go — Seamus hands me the Skele-Gro. — it will take some time to do its effect so once you drink it you should lie down. Maybe it will help you with the pain. —
I nod listening to his words and without thinking too much I down the liquid in a single movement. The disgusting taste takes over all my senses and I grimace, handing the bottle to Colin before leaning back against Neville, closing my eyes. The boys leave giving me space and a few minutes later the pain I felt in my arm multiplies four times more, causing me to make multiple complaints of pain and some rebellious tears to escape from my eyes. Neville doesn't leave my side for a second and whispers in my ear that the pain would pass soon and I would be fine. A few minutes later I start to feel a little better and he gets up looking for a piece of cloth that he tears and ties to his liking to put around my arm so that I have some kind of support. The next few minutes were spent in silence allowing my body to get a little used to the pain to the point where I could breathe somewhat normally again.
—How... How did he do this to you? — Neville whispers after a while, causing me to come out of my little trance. —
—I was leaving the library when Alecto saw me. — I sigh, brushing the hair away from my face with the hand that was still healthy — He stopped me and began to question me about where you were hiding. I told him I knew absolutely nothing and he stressed to me over and over again how close you and I were... He couldn't get any information out of me so he decided it was time to take me to the dungeons. Anyway, I escaped before he could do anything else. That's when he started following me and along the way he managed to attack me a couple of times. On one of those times I fell down the stairs and ended up with this.— I point to my nose and arm vaguely. — I knew that if that woman ended up capturing me I would end up dead so I got up and continued my way here. —
—Then you're not going back out there.— He whispers with a thick voice and tense muscles as he observes me carefully. His features were strong and somewhat wrinkled, giving me the impression that he was angry. — I knew that it was a mistake for you to return after the Easter holidays. You should have listened to me (Y/N). —
—And what did you want? That I would sit at home with my hands folded when the school is falling apart and you're basically shouldering the burden alone? What kind of person would I be if I did something like that Neville? —
—Someone who wants to live (Y/N)!— He raises his voice a little, causing my body to tense and the anger to increase.—
—That is the most stupid and selfish thought I have ever heard you say. —
—Selfish?— He laughs sarcastically, shaking his head— Don't you realize? Ginny and Luna are gone. Who knows if they are still alive after all this time. Dean is on the run because his life is in danger and no one is safe here, no one (Y/N). And I’m selfish for wanting to protect you? Look how you are right now! Do you think it's worth it? —
—Why wouldn't it be worth it? Neville, we're in this together. I can't be far from my friends, from you, knowing the type of people we are facing. You and I made a promise and I won't be the one to break it. So forgive me if you don't agree with my way of thinking, but it is what it is and that's the end of the matter. —He snorts, shaking his head and crosses his arms, remaining silent for a few minutes.—
—Sometimes, I wish I hadn't fallen for you…— Neville's words pull my gaze to him, and as he sighs, I see the weight of his feelings mirrored in his eyes. — Not in this reality we're trapped in. I wish I didn't have to fear losing you, seeing you hurt, or wondering if each kiss might be the last. But that's not the hand we've been dealt. I can't stop loving you, can't shake off these fears, can't help being selfish when it comes to you, because, (Y/N), you're everything to me. Just try to see it from my side, even for a moment, please.—
His voice wavers, and my heart clenches, a lump forming in my throat. Shifting on the couch, I lean against his chest, feeling his arms envelop me in a cocoon of warmth.
—That's what I do every single day.— I murmur, hiding my face in the curve of his neck.— I've seen you hurt so often, I've feared your life slipping away in my arms. I've watched you champion others, devise plans to protect them, and take risks just to show us reasons to keep fighting. I hate that you constantly put yourself in danger, yet I can't help but believe you're the person we all need in these times. Let me support you. Don't push me away, asking me to see things your way because I can't, not when I'm here to care for you and others just as you do.—
Neville sighs and pulls me a little tighter in his arms, careful not to touch my injured arm. We remain silent for a couple of minutes until he separates himself a little from me so he can look me in the eyes.
—Let's clean you up a little so you can rest. I'll be back, stay here. - I move away from him so he could go get some things and he returns with a cloth and some water. He sits down next to me and begins to wipe the blood off of my face with such gentleness that it seems as if he were afraid of breaking.
My gaze traces his face, lingering on his pink lips and the newly grown beard, a testament to the weeks spent confined in the Room of Requirement. Stress had etched maturity onto his features, evident in the shadows beneath his eyes—common to all of us—but he retained the same handsome allure from last summer, perhaps even more so. As he finishes tending to me, a tender kiss graces my cheek, eliciting a half-hearted smile that cherishes every display of affection from him.
Resting my forehead against his, I toy with his hand before our lips brush fleetingly, fulfilling the longing that had brewed within me for days. Our mouths meet in a soft, unhurried kiss, an expression of emotions unspoken. When we separate, Neville's faint smile lingers, punctuating the moment with a final kiss placed gently upon my forehead.
—It's better that you rest for a while. I have to go get more food. When I get back I'll wake you up, okay? — I nod and he gets up from the couch so he can lie me down on it. — I'll see you later, try not to scare me anymore today, okay? —
—Only if you try not to give me headaches either. — Neville laughs lowly, rolling his eyes and nods. —
— I can try, I don't promise anything. —I smile and Neville waves goodbye, while I close my eyes trying to fall asleep.—
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joeliz99 · 9 months
By my side- Regulus Black
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Regulus Black
Seventh year at Hogwarts
Regulus Black was not one to be hurt easily on the field. In fact, he was considered one the best chasers on the field since becoming part of the Quidditch team at Hogwarts. However, that day turned out to be different. Word on the bleachers stated it was a mixture of bad weather and the longest game seen since the start of the season, while others think it was just the result of lack of attention. Either way, the main point was the young man was hit heavily with one of the Quaffles, demanding him to stop playing almost immediately as he could not even move his arm. 
It didn’t take long for him to be on his way to the Nursing Wing of the school, being chaperoned by one of the nurses assigned to assist any emergencies that occurred at the games. Once there, the quietness of the place disappeared, being replaced by instant haste and seriousness. It wasn’t uncommon to see this kind of injury, but nevertheless it was still just as important to treat it with the utmost importance. Madame Pomfrey didn’t take too long to make a presence, demanding different sorts of things that were delivered in an instant. With water dripping down his chin and clothes, Regulus had a tense jaw and a big frown on his face while trying to not concentrate on the pain that extended all over his arm.
- Miss Bennett, come assist me- The girl, who stood a few feet away from the scene, looked nothing but surprised at the request of the head of nursing services, as she was only an apprentice. But that didn't stop her to be on Madame’s Pomfrey’s side in a second, being ready for whatever the superior asked.
- See the shape and limpness of the arm? - She nodded now observing him- That’s an indication that the arm is broken. You can also notice how it’s starting to swell. - Regulus grunts once he feels his arm being lifted moderately, just to assess the rest of the situation. – We’ll need to give him a shot of Murtlap Essence just to ease a bit of the pain. What else do we need in this situation?–
- Skele-Gro- responds the girl and the young man snorts being annoyed with the whole situation–
- Could you please choose another moment to give a lesson?– 
- Oh dear, don’t confuse this as a lack of efficiency- The old nurse extends her arm to receive the potion she just mentioned a minute ago by another of the employees on shift- Either way, it’s not like you’re going to have too much fun in the next couple of hours. - Regulus’s expressions worsens once he drinks what he was offered, just as the girl decides to add something in almost a whisper–
Don’t mind that. You’ll feel better soon...- He raises his gaze to look at her, noticing just now that she was someone he already knew. They had two classes together, Potions and Transfiguration to be exact, and she was oddly good in the first one. He, however, did not know what to say at that moment or why exactly she was there, so he preferred to stay quiet as he was helped by the same girl to lay down in one of the dozen beds spread throughout the big room.
The next couple of minutes were honestly a blur. One moment his arm was being stabilized and the other he felt what could be described as excruciating pain once he had drunk the disgusting Skele-Gro. Madame Pomfrey said the process of his bones getting back in place could take a couple of hours, maybe a whole day, so he had no other choice than to stay there until being back to his most normal self if taking the situation into consideration.
Hours passed by and no one really came to see how he was doing, making it clear that at least Slytherin still won the game and people, and his so-called “friends”, were probably celebrating the recent victory. Regulus didn’t expect any less, he knew he had no one to count on, especially now that his brother was out of school and even worse, out of his life. His classmate, on the other hand, was not okay with that thought. So even when she was free to go and rest for the rest of the night, she decided to stay there and make sure he was okay, dismissing Madame’s Pomfrey disapproving look. She only left his side to go get some food for both, coming back to find him awake and in complete silence.
The young Black heard her footsteps and looked to his side, just to see her being a few steps away from him with her hands full of bags of food.
- What are you doing here? - He asked, not arrogantly, but confused. –
- I figured you would be hungry after everything that happened today. - She placed the food on his lap, sitting then on the chair next to him. –
- You didn’t have to…- He extended his good arm to open the bag and see what was on the inside. He wasn’t hungry at all. But either way, he took the pear lying on top of everything else and gave it a bite just to show her he was thankful. - Thank you. –
She just nodded, being more concentrated on her own food than anything else. Minutes passed by with just pure silence and occasional looks from one to the other. Regulus was not sure on how to act around her. To be honest, he didn’t know her at all, not even her name. They probably exchanged not more than ten words in almost seven years they have been studying together, so surely, it felt like there was nothing to talk about. The silence, opposite to what he was thinking, didn’t last much longer as the Hufflepuff decided to talk.
-Slytherin won the game. They said it was the toughest game of the year, but you’ll probably keep being on the lead. –
- I imagine…- He murmurs not being as excited as he could be in other circumstances. – Better luck next time for Hufflepuff? I’m sure you’ll do better in the next games. - He wasn’t sorry, of course, but he didn’t know what else to say. –
-Oh. I don’t care if we win. I don’t even understand all the fuss and excitement behind that game. –
- Okay now… You don’t have to insult Quidditch that way. - She laughed seeing he was actually a bit offended by that comment. - I’m sure you would think otherwise if you went to the games instead of doing whatever it is you’re doing over here. —
- Well, I’m also sure my education is way more important than staying there for hours watching people be… Kind of dumb, to be honest. —
- Ey, you’re taking it too far… Bennett- He remembered from earlier- So what is it exactly that you do here? –
- Contact hours. I want to study medicine when I’m out of here, and since I have some free time to spare, the headmaster let me be an extra pair of eyes and hands so that I start getting used to what goes around in this field. It’s a bargain if you ask me. —
- I’m sure it is. – She’s a curious girl, he thought. There was something in the way she talked and acted that was so new and different to him- So when was the last time you went to a Quidditch game? –
- I don’t know. Maybe two years ago? Can’t remember exactly. —
-No.- He looked at her as if she was crazy. - You must be lying to me. —
- I’m not- She shrugs, looking at him unbothered- It’s not that big of a deal. –
- Umm yes, it is. There is a reason why it’s considered the biggest game in the wizarding world. You should give it a second chance. –
- Sure… Maybe I will. After all, I need to see if my potion did the job- There was something in her smile now that screamed ‘mischievous’, and he didn’t know how to interpret that. —
- What do you mean? –
- Who do you think made the Skele-Gro? - Her smile widened- I told you, I’m an extra set of hands here now. - His face probably got whiter than it was originally, and she apparently found it even more funny, but he didn’t. – Guess I’ll have to go to the field to see how that arm works after today. —
-Okay…- He took a deep breath trying to not freak out right there. Regulus knew she was good at Potions, that’s how he remembered her. However, it was different when he knew there was a possibility for her talent to fail. After all, they were still in the same grade and everything. - I don’t really want to hear more about it. —
- Don’t worry Black- She smiled, now more laid back than before- You’ll be good to go before the sun rises. Or at least that is what Madame Pomfrey said. —
He was, indeed, almost back to normal once the morning came. Regulus was free to go with the order to return the next day to see how his arm was doing. He did not see the girl that stayed with him the whole night until he fell asleep, as he thought he would, however, he did get to see her at class the next day. He wanted to say thank you, but he didn’t even know when or how to approach her, so he didn’t. They both shared a look as they were going out of class, and he was almost sure he saw a small smile coming from her, which he didn’t have time to return before she was gone. Bennett wasn’t either at the Nursing Wing that day, so he figured maybe it wasn’t the right time to come close to her. 
That did not stop him from learning her name a couple days after. (Y/N) Bennett, just as Professor Slughorn stated while making sure that all students attended class that day since they were going on a special trip to find key ingredients for their next assignment. That day (Y/N) could swear she felt Regulus staring a couple of times, something that never happened before during all these years. But, instead of thinking much more about it, she just put it to the side, seeing it as a sign that she was overthinking the whole situation. 
The next time they saw each other was at the library, just an hour before its doors closed. Regulus was nose deep into his book, not even realizing that (Y/N) was walking around the shelfs looking for some books. However, she did see him, and after debating with herself for a minute or two she decided to approach him. The young man only lifted his eyesight from the words when noticing that someone was clearing their throat to get his attention, being actually surprised when he saw it was her. 
- Hello, Bennett.- She smiled nicely as he talked and just gave him a nod before talking.—
- How’s that arm doing?— 
- Well, I haven't had any problems yet. Although Madame Pomfrey said something about a 30 day period of trial. I guess that comes with being drugged by a classmate.- He was joking, and she knew it just by the way his body was relaxed and his voice was coated with a sweetness she couldn’t really describe.— 
-The best, may I remind you– She smiled, coking an eyebrow on the process, which was mimicked by him.—
-You’re pushing it too far… Anyways, about the whole thing, thank you. I hadn’t had the chance to tell you before.— 
-No need. It was nothing… Anybody would do it.—
-But it was you that did it. Nobody else was there, right?- For the first time she felt intimidated with his stare, feeling obligated to look somewhere else before the unknown feelings on her body made a bigger presence.—
-Right… Well anyways, I better get going now. I’ll see you at class?—
-As always- he gave her a small smile before going back to his previous position on the chair- Rest well. —
A week or two passed with little interactions between the two. From time to time there  was a stare, a hello or even just acknowledging their presence by sitting closer at class. However, that changed when they were paired together in an assignment in Transfigurations class. Others would see it as casualty, but Regulus knew it was all thanks to him. The professor already told them that she would be choosing the groups that day, so opposite to his normal self, he made sure to get to class a few minutes late and state loud enough that he had a headache. Of course, (Y/N) gave not long after that the suggestion for him to go to the nursery to get checked up, since it could be something related to his rough Quidditch practices. In any other moment, he would immediately shrug it off and completely ignore the unsolicited advice, but that day that was exactly what he wanted. And that’s how the girl ended up being asked to chaperone him to the other side of the school, which also resulted in being paired together for the assignment since they were the only two left without a partner. 
In those next two weeks they both got to know each other more. Remus noticed how demanding and perfectionist she was when it came to homework, which was slightly annoying, and cute, when thinking that he was, too, one of the best of his class. (Y/N), on the other hand, saw him more comfortable when talking and expressing his thoughts than the past six years. Remus was, in fact, a whole new being to unpack. He was sarcastic, funny, a bit dramatic and definitely smart. They found themselves debating about different topics, laughing, eating together and also learning a bit about Quidditch and medicine, much to both dismay, always with the excuse of having to do the project together. 
Remus often had to ignore the comments of his friends and other Slytherin’s classmates, which thought they had the right to say something about the girl because of her house or her coming from a family of mixed-blooded people. He knew what his parents would think about it too, he didn’t care, since he knew it was just a friendship, or whatever else someone could call it, that mattered only to both of them. That’s why it was disappointing when they turned in the assignment and had to go back to their normal routines once again. It was a shame, really, because if it was up to her, or him, she could spend way more time with Regulus than anybody else.
Two weeks after, the third game of the season finally arrived and Slytherin was playing against Ravenclaw. As always, the field was full to the brim with excited students and professors from all houses. Anybody could feel the nerves in the air, being this the last game before the semester ended for Christmas break. Regulus was seated on the bench inside the locker room, staying in complete silence as he always did before the beginning of any game. It was the best way he knew to concentrate and not get stressed with all the comments and loudness there was around him. However, he was interrupted when they let him know it was time to get checked and approved to play today. He went to do the usual line, being behind some of his fellow players and classmates, and he almost went back to his bubble if it weren’t from seeing a familiar face not far from him. Regulus couldn’t lie to himself even if he wanted to. His heart started to race a bit quicker when connecting eyes with (Y/N), who smiled almost immediately not paying attention to anything else at the moment. He smiled back, being a bit more discreet, and she made sure he would end up being checked by her when the time came. 
-You’re here.- He whispered, while she made sure he didn’t had any visible injury- I thought you didn’t like Quidditch.—
-I asked for permission to help on the field today. I need to make sure your arm works fine, remember?- He smiles, nodding just one time.- Also, it turns out I know more about Quidditch now than I have for my whole life. Maybe I’ll enjoy it a bit more.—
-I have no doubt you will. I’ll make sure to impress you today. You know… Just so that you wanna come back next time.- The girl laughs shyly, trying to not bring any attention to the both of them.—
-You better keep your word, Black.— 
-I always do.- He smiles back, looking at her attentively while she extends his arm, looking at him the same way.- What are you doing on Christmas break?—
-Umm… I don’t know? I guess just the usual. Spend time with the family and stuff… Why?- He shrugs, but never stops looking at her.— 
-You should write to me. Maybe we can plan to go out sometime and do something nice.— 
-Outside of school?- she raises an eyebrow, not sure if he was actually proposing to take her out on a date.— 
-Yes. Outside of school… How does that sound?— 
-Umm yeah…- She smiles, feeling how her cheeks start to feel a bit hot under his gaze and the closeness between them.- I would like that.—  
-Great. We’ll exchange addresses later. Maybe a pseudonym too? I can explain later.— 
-No need. I already know why.- She pads his shoulder- You’re good to go. Are you ready to kick some ass?— 
-I was born ready.- The girl laughs and rolls her eyes before looking at the room, making sure nobody else was there, and then taking a step towards him, kissing his cheek before losing any bravery she felt at that moment.—  
-Just for a little bit of extra luck then. I’ll see you later.—  
Regulus didn’t say anything. He was too surprised or nervous to answer that before the girl left the room. But he knew, right there, that was just another excuse to get this game over with and make sure to impress her, just so that he could do the same exact thing.
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joeliz99 · 9 months
Under the stars- Theodore Nott
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Sixth year at Hogwarts
Theodore Nott had always been a quiet young man, with a calm and reserved demeanor. He could count with one hand the number of friends he had made since entering Hogwarts. That detail didn't bother him; on the contrary, it had spared him from bad times and unnecessary enmities. His life was serene and somewhat monotonous, but he was content with that. After all, it was better than being at home with a father who never seemed pleased with what the young man did and the longing for a mother lost at an early age.
(Y/N) Greenwood lived to meet the expectations of the parents who had given her a home when no one else did. Always with the mindset of owing them everything she had achieved in her 16 years of life, and she had no plans to disappoint them in the slightest. From being sorted into Slytherin house, to being a polite and refined young lady, and showing disdain for those who weren't pure-blooded. It didn't matter if she agreed with it or not; it was the least she could do to show gratitude to her parents.
One night, while the rest of the Slytherin house students rested, Theodore and (Y/N) found themselves in the common room. Each in their own world. However, that very night, the two found a mutual interest that rested entirely on the power of a book that seemed uninteresting to others but captivating enough for them. What started with polite greetings in the common room, or the Great Hall, progressed to them sitting together in some classes. Later on, they became study or reading partners when they wished, and not long after, they found themselves spending time alone when there wasn't any other excuse to be together. That good friendship slowly transformed into affection, and that affection grew into love. Genuine and mutual love.
Theodore felt appreciated, just as when his mother was still alive, and his father became someone he faintly thought off. (Y/N) didn't have the pressure to pretend to be something she wasn't, she was simply herself. With her imperfections, her interest in the unknown, and her clumsiness. And Theodore accepted each of those things without a word of complaint.
Everything seemed perfect, and to a certain extent, it was. That was until the plans of a greater power interfered with the happiness of the young couple. Both were forced to serve Lord Voldemort even when they didn't support the cause. However, they yielded to the pleas and threats of their parents, who were loyal to the Dark Lord. Moments of tranquility ceased to exist, and the pressure on both young individuals to fulfill what had been imposed upon them was reflected in their lack of sleep, their little concentration in classes, and continuous paranoia. Yet, they still had each other, and sometimes that was enough.
Nights in the Astronomy Tower was a spectacle worthy of silent appreciation. The stars seemed to move to the Earth's rhythm, and the moon shone upon the two who layed against one of the arches in silence. Theodore's thoughts had drifted to a possible future that now seemed impossible, while the girl he loved remained lying on his chest, gazing attentively at the starry sky above them. The young man sighed and gently slid his hand down (Y/N)'s arm before planting a kiss on her head.
—(Y/N)... —
—Yes? — She didn't take her eyes off the sky, even though she was paying attention to what her boyfriend was about to say. —
—Do you think we would have had any chance to escape from all this? You know... For things to be different. —
(Y/N) takes a few seconds to respond and when she does, she simply shakes her head.
—I don't think so...— She adds after a moment. —We're too afraid. And if we had, we'd probably be dead. — Theodore clenches his jaw at the mere thought of losing her. He had already lost enough in this life.
—I'm sorry things are like this... You don't deserve any of this. I wish I could do more. — He murmurs, intertwining his hand with hers, who smiles bitterly and squeezes Theodore's hand.
—We're in the same position, Theo. There's nothing we can do... I just want you to promise me something. —
—What? — She lifts her face to look him in the eyes, and he smiles slightly, watching her intently.—
—Stay alive. — The girl whispers, brushing her lips against Theodore's. —I know it might sound selfish, but I don't care about anything else, Theodore. I know how things will be, and I know what we're facing. I can't even bear the thought of losing you because then none of this will be worth it. So please, promise me you'll do whatever it takes to stay alive. — Theodore remains silent for a while, just gazing intently at (Y/N)'s face. He places a gentle kiss on his girl's lips before nodding.
—Only if you promise me the same thing. I don't know what the hell will happen in the future, I don't even know if it'll be worth being in it. But maybe, just maybe, we'll have a chance to start from scratch. And I don't want to do that without you... So please, stay alive. —
The girl smiles slightly and nods, just as he had, gently caressing the boy's cheek before joining her lips with his. This time, the kiss was prolonged and filled with feelings and words too strong to be expressed with mere sentences. Their lips seemed made for each other, always syncing effortlessly and with so much love it seemed impossible. And right at that moment, even if it was just for a few seconds, everything seemed okay, like it used to be.
—I love you...— (Y/N) whispers as she breaks the kiss, her face inches away from Theodore's.
—I love you more. —
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