k0aun9 Ā· 8 years
Bring back the Printers in Ubuntu
I was working on my laptop which is running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I was about to print some of the documents and noticed that I couldnā€™t findĀ ā€˜Printersā€™ in System Settings anymore.
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After digging for a few mins, found what I needed to restore.
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Install the system-config-printer and itā€™s all good again.
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k0aun9 Ā· 9 years
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New toys for project has arrived
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k0aun9 Ā· 9 years
Loading Private MIB in qtmib
So, I was playing around with some networking devices and want to monitor some stats via SNMP.
qtmib does a good job for quick reference and looking up.
In order to use the private (vendor specific) MIB, place the MIBs under
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k0aun9 Ā· 9 years
Uninstall ZawGyi font on Ubuntu 14.04
While I was browsing a certain Burmese website and downloaded a ZawGyiOne font and installed it. Then, I noticed that system wide Burmese fonts got messed up.
I installed the Font Manager but unable to find the font to uninstall.
The font is located atĀ ~/.local/share/fonts
Remove the font by
rm ~/.local/share/fonts/ZawgyiOne.ttf
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k0aun9 Ā· 9 years
Disable FastBoot on Windows and Linux Dual Boot Systems
Nowadays, most of the systems running Windows 8 support a feature called FastBoot which greatly boosts the Windows boot up time. For users who're running both Windows and Linux dual boot system, you might run into situation where you are unable to mount partitions with NTFS file system from Linux.
I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Windows 8.1 in dual boot. I also have a storage partition on NTFS shared by both OS. In Ubuntu, I keep getting error saying that there is a Hibernation file from Windows and need to shut down Windows. I remember that I shut down the Windows, not Hibernate.
Fixed it by disabling the FastBoot feature in Windows Control Panel, Power Options. After that, there is no issue mounting the partition.
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k0aun9 Ā· 9 years
WriteConcern in MongoDB
WriteConcern is mongodb allows developers to select how their application interacts with the database write operation and have impact on performance and data integrity.
Available modes are -
Replica Acknowledged
Weaker WriteConcern allows faster performance while reducing data integrity and vice versa.
This articleĀ on blog.mongodirector.com explains beautifully.
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k0aun9 Ā· 9 years
People who does extra than ordinary becomes extraordinary
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k0aun9 Ā· 10 years
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Business Solutions Hackathon in Yangon. I wonder is there any python developers wanna team up.
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k0aun9 Ā· 10 years
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Found an old photo of my cute neighbor #cat which used to visit my room in 2011
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
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Setting up project ewmm
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
How to Change the Priority of Wireless Profiles in Windows 8
I've been using Windows 8 for a while and noticed that it's connecting to the SSID which I don't want to be first priority. I have 2 Wi-Fi in my home.
1. First, list all the current profiles.
netsh wlan show profiles
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2. Secondly, update the priority of the profile you wished to modify
netsh wlan set profileorder name="MyRepublic3085" interface="Wi-Fi" priority=1
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3. Finally, confirm the changes made by listing all the profiles again.
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
Changing the default keyboard layout from "gb" to "us" in Raspbian "wheezy" for Raspberry Pi
Soon after I've finished the Raspberry Pi setup, I came across a problem with the keyboard layout. The default layout turns out to be "gb". So, I had to change to "us" for my environment.
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo vi /etc/default/keyboard # KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION FILE # Consult the keyboard(5) manual page. XKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS="" BACKSPACE="guess"
change the XKBLAYOUT value to "us" from "gb" and reboot the box.
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
Using underscore in numeric literals
Starting from Java SE7, underscore character can be used between the digits in numeric literals. It can be used like a comma in writing.
class NumericalDelimiter { public static void main(String[] args) { int price = 300_000; System.out.println("The price is : " + price); } }
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
web2py DAL with existing sqlite3
Database connector for sqlite3 is shipped with the web2py package. If you already have a sqlite local data storage, you can specify the directory with the 'folder' parameter of DAL and establish connection. For example, database 'emp.db' located under '/usr/src/data/' has table 'employee'.
sqlite> .schema employee CREATE TABLE employee ( id integer, name varchar(100), department varchar(1000), primary key(id) );
In db.py code
dbemp = DAL('sqlite://emp.db',folder='/usr/src/data/') dbemp.define_table('employee', Field('name','string',label='Employee Name'), Field('department','string',label='Department'), migrate=False)
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
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French Fries at the House of Robert Timms served in a big glass
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
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I bought a totoro hoody today!
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k0aun9 Ā· 11 years
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What if superman needs a tooth extraction?
A friend of mine (Nawaratt Aung) has a solution - Bring kryptonite near superman, dentist gets the job done as quickly as possible before the kryptonite drains all power out of superman. It will have to be a super top secret mission though because he will be too weak to defend against anyone and his arch enemies will not miss this kind of situation to kill him.
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