katescorner7-blog · 6 years
September is Suicide Prevention Month
September is Suicide Prevention Month #suicidepreventionmonth
Things to remember this month (and always) when talking about suicide.
Don’t sensationalize it. I really believe we need to talk about it, but it should not be in the form of gossip. We should always promote suicide helplines, websites, chat sites and other resources when we talk about suicide. If you’re writing an article or blog on it, include a couple resources at the end of it.
You don’t need…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
The internet is becoming a less friendly place.
The internet is becoming a less friendly place. #reddit #technology #shade
I joined Reddit about a week ago, and was immediately reminded of why I hadn’t joined Reddit earlier.
I followed a couple subs of tv shows I watch, a couple psychology subs and a couple horror subs that were recommended by other horror fans. So far so good. I even joined a Facebook group that was spun off of r/sharpobjects (one of the tv shows I watch).
I really do most of my socializing online.…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
Are things as good as they used to be?
Are things as good as they used to be? #90s #nostalgia
Pretty frequently, my husband and I will have a discussion about whether things aren’t as good as they used to be, or if our tastes have just changed.
I’ve mentioned that when I was growing up, I didn’t have fast food until I was in my teens. My husband, on the other hand, grew up eating it more often. So when I met my husband, he kind of introduced me to a lot of things I’d never had before. I’d…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
#backtoschool #nightmare #anxiety
Classes start again in about 2 weeks for both me and my son.
Normally, I think a lot of people have the common nightmares about school, even if they aren’t taking classes anymore. For years, I had dreams about the public high school I attended for one year. Classic dreams about not being able to find my classroom, not knowing what class I was supposed to be in, and not having done any homework.
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
Mainely Maine
Well I see that I did not get many good vibes as requested in my previous post! Thanks a lot!
Going into our Maine vacation, as I noted in my previous post, I knew there would be some problems. Us being a very tech-dependent family and being in the middle of nowhere led to some problems, but my aunt was kind enough to let us use the hotspot at her house, so we were able to browse online while we…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
The Maine Event
The Maine Event #travel #socialanxiety
Tomorrow we head off to a few days in Maine. My aunt has lived in Maine for many years–she has moved a few times but always stays in the same general area. It’s very far north, and Maine is a huge state.
My husband and I worry about trips to places in New England for a few reasons. Mostly because New England is mainly known for its scenery. If you’re from any of the New England states, you kind…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
When is it bullying?
When your kid says they're being bullied. #bullying
My son gets along with most kids. I had a meeting with the assistant head of school once where she marveled that he so easily crossed the lines between the kids who like sports, kids who are into gaming, and other social groups.
Sometimes he’ll get offended easily and will think that someone was bullying him when it wasn’t intended that way. But one day he’ll say they aren’t friends and then the…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
And now for something a little more fun
@nkotb 10 years later...
At this moment, the NKOTB cruise themes are being announced on Twitter, so I’m taking this opportunity to distract myself from it.
If none of that made any sense to you, that’s okay.
New Kids on the Block was a boy band in the late 80s-mid 90s. They meant a lot to me at the time and they mean a lot to me now. For the past 10 years, they’ve been reunited and they’ve also been doing a cruise (yes,…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
The straw ban has been a hot topic lately. Since then, I’ve gone out and seen a number of options at the food places I go to. Some still have plastic straws, some don’t offer straws at all but will give you a plastic straw on request, some have paper straws, and my favorite, a local cafe still has plastic straws and serves their drinks in plastic one-use cups, but sells stainless steel straws.
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
So about that lunar eclipse...
So about that lunar eclipse... #astronomy #lunareclipse
I see a lot of people on my social media talking about the lunar eclipse. Being from North America, most of my followers and people I follow are also from here, and I see everyone getting all excited for it.
I’m torn, though.
Do I tell them they won’t be able to see it from North America??
Do I also tell them that no, that meme they saw about Mars appearing as big as the moon tonight is not true?
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
#keto #fitness #weightlossjourney
If I seem a little cranky lately, it’s because I’m making a lot of major changes that supposedly will make me healthier in the long run, but kind of suck in the meantime.
At first, I was taking it kind of casually. Oh, I’ll just watch my calories, I can still eat whatever I want as long as I’m in my calorie range. That wasn’t working. So I cut major carbs like bread, pasta, pizza, and obviously…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
But I'm bored!
But I'm bored! #parenting #technology
Things have been a little busy around here. With my son out of school and done with camps it’s now on us to entertain him.
When I was a kid, I remember pretty much entertaining myself. The greatest technology I ever used as a kid was a Gameboy, so I wasn’t begging to chat with my friends or Google everything that crossed my mind like my son does. I drew, colored, went outside, climbed a tree,…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
I’ve started a diet again.
I call it a diet and other people turn up their noses and say it’s a lifestyle. I get it. I know if you go back to your old ways then you’ll gain the weight back, so anything you do should be a lifestyle and not a crash diet. But I mean “diet” in the sense of, this is what I eat. Like you would say elephants have a plant diet. That doesn’t mean they go on plants to lose…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
I'm still here!
I’m still here!
I’ve been gone for a few days because my mother-in-law passed away on Tuesday. Leading up to that, she was in the hospital for a while. She’d had COPD and was in and out of the hospital for the last couple years. Last time she went, she stayed.
Now that she’s gone, things are moving along quickly to go through her things. She had enough jewelry and clothes to stock a store. Most of it, I don’t…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Gifted Child
Harry Potter and the Gifted Child
I wanted to write more about our journey as parents with a gifted child.
Our child is not profoundly gifted. He can’t do calculus and often makes mistakes on his grade-level work (he’s going into 6th grade). However, he is capable of higher-level work, especially in math and reading, and he understands the difficult emotions and motives that people have, and is very eloquent in expressing himself…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
Do adults want friends?
Do adults want friends?
I’ve come to the conclusion that adults want friends, but don’t want to make them.
It’s tedious, meeting new people as an adult. You join a group, online or real life, maybe you meet someone you think you’ll click with. So then maybe you text for a while and then one of you is busy for a week, and the other person thinks they’ve been forgotten about. The person who was busy feels bad because…
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katescorner7-blog · 6 years
Can't we just take things for what they are?
Can’t we just take things for what they are?
I love musicals. No secret. Ever since I was little, I’ve listened to them, attended them, been in them when I could. I love a musical with foot stomping, anthemic music, swaggering choreography and a handsome leading man.
So, I basically knew in the first five seconds that I was going to be a big fan of The Greatest Showman. (spoilers, obviously)
Yes, I know it’s a story about an awful man who…
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