So bloody majestic.
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not me
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Warmed Soreen banana loaf with Alpro custard and crushed Lotus biscuit. Easy comfort food/dessert and completely vegan!
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My favourite part of bake off
Paul: If they follow the recipe, they'll be perfect
Baker, reading from the recipe: Step 1. Make it. It doesn't tell me how.
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Kat tries... Vegan duck and scampi!
So this week has been my birthday week, apologies for the lack of posts! I’ve been drinking rum, adventuring in Burley, meeting some monkey pals... and obviously eating a lot of food! 
First up was the Linda McCartney shredded duck. I got hoisin stir fry sauce (I couldn’t find dipping sauce, I think they would be better with that but anyway!), cucumber and pancakes to accompany it in a bit of a fakeaway move. Top tip - if where you live has a Chinese supermarket/grocery shop nearby, they will most probably sell the pancakes that you normally get with duck. We got 17 lots of 6 pancakes - took a bit of a gamble that we’d like this duck ha! - for about £3 from their frozen section.
I was really happy with the pancakes overall, and think they’re a great vegan alternative. The texture is slightly different but the flavour is there and both Dave and I really enjoyed our dinner.
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The next thing we tried was the Linda McCartney vegan scampi. As someone who found out she was allergic to scampi aged 20ish, I’ve missed it immensely as a go-to comfort dinner. I was SO excited to see this at the supermarket, and bought it super speedily!
Dave said that he couldn’t tell any difference from normal scampi - I was less easy to convince (little miss texture fusspot over here..) but I did really enjoy it and it had a good fishy taste. I made homemade chips with it so again it was a fakeaway Friday!
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Dave and I are going to try eating only vegan food at home from the start of March, so we’ve got some stuff to use up but, positively, I’ve given my mum all of the frozen meat that I had and our cat will be finishing off the tuna, much to his delight! 
Have you got any amazing vegan recipes or ideas for us? Let me know :) I also want to buy some vegan recipe books so would love to hear about any winners.
Have a great weekend,
Kat x
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Kat samples... veggie burgers
Anyone that knows me knows that, before I went veggie, I absolutely loved a beef burger. A Burger King Whopper with cheese was my weapon of choice, and I was quite panicked I wouldn't get the same level of satisfaction from a meat free burger. Well, I'm happy to report that I was wrong! I've reviewed 5 veggie burgers and given my ratings below.
Tesco Onion Bhaji Burgers, £1.50 for two. Vegan? Yes
I absolutely love onion bhajis so I was super excited about these. Unfortunately, they just didn't live up to my hype. I can be massively put off by texture and for me, these were too mushy and also didn't have the onion crunch you get from a bhaji. They're also quite expensive compared to other burgers I've had. I think next time I'll just buy the real Indian snack fave and put it in a bun! 2/5
Sainsburys Meat Free Burgers, £1.50 for eight. Vegan? Yes
I was pretty happy when I found these, as you get so many for the price. However, they have a pretty overwhelming onion flavour, so I'm not sure they're the ones. They’re much more palatable in buns with ketchup and mustard, so I think that’s the only way I’d eat them.  3.5/5
Aldi Spicy Bean Quarter Pounders, £1.25 for four. Vegan? Yes
I'll own up, I was eating these before deciding to stop eating meat. Theyre just the right amount of spicy (I'm a wuss), and are good firm burgers. They're delish on their own or in a bun, and are really nice with salsa. Big fan, and they're super cheap too! I absolutely love Aldi so I hope they introduce some more veggie/vegan options soon. 4/5
Tesco Meat Free Meat Style Burgers, £1.75 for eight. Vegan? No
You know those days when you just need junk food? If you really crave a shit burger, pardon my French, these are for you. Unfortunately they're not vegan so not everyone can enjoy them and eventually I won't be able to, but I got such a pleasant surprise when I ate them. The quest will have to continue to find ones this good/crap that are vegan too! 5/5
Sainsbury’s Indian Style Lentil Quarter Pounders, £1.50 for four. Vegan? Yes
These are everything I was hoping the bhaji burgers would be and more. Love the Indian tastes (again, not too spicy for a wimp like me!) and the texture is ace. I had one in a pitta with salad and it was a taste sensation. Would definitely recommend to everyone, what a bloody lovely burger! 5/5
A vegan health store by me (Sunrise Organics in case any of you are in the Dorset area!) sells Frys, so I'll be giving their burgers a try in the next week or so. I've heard great things about Frys so I'm pretty excited to try them. Does anyone have any different burger recommendations? Hit me up :) Also it's my birthday celebration tomorrow and I'll be trying the vegan pizza at The Stable, so you can expect a post about that in the next few days. Kat x
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Hi I'm Kat, and I'm a vegetarian. That's a sentence I really didn't think I would ever type! I'm bringing my Tumblr out of what I thought was permanent retirement, as I wanted to share my steps into veggiedom, and also absorb any tips and good recipes that I can. It's been 4 weeks without meat now, and the thing I'm most shocked at is that I don't even miss it at the moment. The only thing I've really craved is a sausage roll, which thankfully is a problem Linda McCartney has fully solved for me. I didn't even eat a lot of real sausage rolls so that was an odd craving to have... Anyway! I digress. My husband Dave is doing this with me - in fact it's him that was the main driving force to ensure that this evolved from more than a pipe dream into a reality. We've had great fun going to different supermarkets to discover their veggie and vegan goodies. My two favourite friends are veggie (one is vegan), and they've been a real inspiration to me in changing my lifestyle. Dave's sister is also vegan and she's been great for giving us some tips and letting us try new food! Dave has watched some documentaries that seem to have truly inspired him to completely change his ways - he can't believe that a month ago we were eating meat and have done a complete U-turn. Neither can I to be honest; initially it was about cutting down our meat, but the more we've looked into it, the less appealing eating it has been until we've completely cut it out. The ultimate goal is to go vegan, but I think that will be a gradual change and I don't want us to run before we can walk. Has anyone got any great veggie or vegan recipes to share? I'm going to order Thug Kitchen's book and also Feed Me Vegan by Lucy Watson, but would love to get all the recipes I can to give them a go and get some more variety in my kitchen. Some advice with what to hashtag to find like-minded people would also be ace.  You can expect some food reviews/photos, general blogging and also cute animals/things I find funny/music/a bit of West Ham. This may be veggie focussed but I still want to show all aspects of my personality :) Welcome to my veggie adventures x
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The passion❤️
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Make yourself a priority. At the end of the day, you’re your longest commitment.
(via poetic)
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“A wolf pack: the first 3 are the old or sick, they give the pace to the entire pack. If it was the other way round, they would be left behind, losing contact with the pack. In case of an ambush they would be sacrificed. Then come 5 strong ones, the front line. In the center are the rest of the pack members, then the 5 strongest following. Last is alone, the alpha. He controls everything from the rear. In that position he can see everything, decide the direction. He sees all of the pack. The pack moves according to the elders pace and help each other, watch each other.” -Unknown Cesare Brai’s photo.
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You sing along to Panic At The Disco or you hop out of my car and walk
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What she texts: I'm finw
What she means: I'm fine
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Still ridiculously attractive.
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