kjthegingerone · 4 years
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Fleeting Affection In brief and brutal dalliances we fill empty spaces within, chasing joy with bleakest optimism, chasing contented existence under weight of dark depression. It's unnerving just how quickly love turns into tortured silence, we spill feigned expressions upon vague strangers, fawning in desperate, angsty attempts to impress and seduce fleeting affection, a synapse firing, hormone flood of tangled misery and soft bodies. #kylerush #glistenandflow #growingup #poetrycommunity #poetryofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #poetryporn #poetry #poetrylovers #poetrygram #poetryofinstagram #poetryislife #poetrysociety #poetryinmotion #poetrybooks #poetryislove #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #Depression #anxiety #chronicillness #chronicpain #crpswarrior #crpsawareness #crps #spoonielife #spoonie #spooniewarrior #depressed #anxious https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1J5JvBbNk/?igshid=11zsk65xqu0na
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kjthegingerone · 4 years
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Right I think this is going to be part of a bigger poem but I kinda really like it on it's own. Don't have a title yet. I'll keep this wisdom in my head, that love is broken but not dead. The break is what makes it beutiful, just fill the cracks with love and joy and soon it will be whole again. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #wisdom #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #love https://www.instagram.com/p/CARXJsBBZTI/?igshid=13fur4buquujb
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kjthegingerone · 4 years
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Incandescent I can see the fire that will devour us beginning to smoulder as we fan the flames, waving our arms in aggressive fists while the kindling begins to blaze. It can't be stopped now, we're feeding it with every vicious word that spews from our lips, each exasperated sigh sends the temperature higher and the inferno laughs at the fuel we provide it, scorching our belligerent incandescent bodies for feeding it what it needs. The fire doesn't care that we don't mean what we say, it only cares that we say it. We feed the very thing that destroys us, we sustain it with stubborn, shallow, festering thoughts and arguments, now all we have is the hope that the fire burns out while there's still something for each of us to save from the ashes and the embers, amongst the smoke and the coals. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #love #relationships https://www.instagram.com/p/B7b9_sdlK48/?igshid=8db8qj02iwz9
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kjthegingerone · 4 years
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Acquiescent Watch me walk into the darkness like it means nothing, see it wrap around me and embrace me like a friend. The darkness knows me like no one else will, all the dark secrets and harrowing thoughts. There's a voice at my ear in the tenebrous gloom, murmuring words of subtle subjugation, whispering of traumatic memories better left alone. Watch me walk into the darkness as a willing accomplice, watch me, watch me just give in. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #acquiesce #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #dark https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WtyLqBsbX/?igshid=15cq8z6ajia8o
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kjthegingerone · 4 years
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Follow the Lights Let your dreams breathe, they deserve to have breath in them, they don't have to suffocate because they haven't yet come true. We give up so early on what we want, suck the air out of things we love enough to dream of. Let them breathe and continue to be, give them breath that they might be seen. Follow the lights that guide your eyes, follow the feeling of the butterflies, keep dreaming, keep giving them life and let the world know that your dreams are alive. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #tonguetied #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #awkward https://www.instagram.com/p/B8P5hyhBl8-/?igshid=13tknnljzvplh
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kjthegingerone · 4 years
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Ornamental Stars The last words you uttered in my direction, were of a dissatisfied, morbid confession, the sordid truth of your own infidelity, scarring words cut me to the bone, while the sweetest memories decorate my mind, like ornamental stars in midnight skies. Soon your words begin to just fall away, as you talk, as you tear my heart out, I fall into empty space, into misery and all I want is somber silence, to stop the torturous sentences and end what's being said. #kylerush #glistenandflow #growingup #poetrycommunity #poetryofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #poetryporn #poetry #poetrylovers #poetrygram #poetryofinstagram #poetryislife #poetrysociety #poetryinmotion #poetrybooks #poetryislove #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #Depression #anxiety #chronicillness #chronicpain #crpswarrior #crpsawareness #crps #spoonielife #spoonie #spooniewarrior #depressed #anxious https://www.instagram.com/p/B-yAqhKBTqe/?igshid=s9tnd1orj4g9
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kjthegingerone · 4 years
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This has been half finished for about 6 months because I started it and felt like shit and never came back to it, until today, so this is Just Gone. Give me a comment, let me know what you think. Just Gone Don't cry for me, I'm just a man in a box, cover me with earth and move on, save your tears for the living, not this pile of dirt and rocks, I'm not in pain now, I'm just gone, just another soul lost in the ether, haunting the thoughts of those sad enough to remember. Don't cry for me, I'm not worth the sting, forget me like the rest, let go, I know I'm not going to be forgiven, I can't be not after what I've done, please know I'm not in pain now, I'm just gone, just another spirit in the sea of life, haunting everything hoping someone will remember me. #kylerush #glistenandflow #growingup #poetrycommunity #poetryofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #poetryporn #poetry #poetrylovers #poetrygram #poetryofinstagram #poetryislife #poetrysociety #poetryinmotion #poetrybooks #poetryislove #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #Depression #anxiety #chronicillness #chronicpain #crpswarrior #crpsawareness #crps #spoonielife #spoonie #spooniewarrior #depressed #anxious https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Fyy6DhBGm/?igshid=18zlqhs63wuos
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kjthegingerone · 4 years
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Is madness really as bad as it seems? Asking for a friend 😉 Let me know what you think, this is... The Poet & The Madman Two sides of the same disfunctional coin, both wrestling to face the light of day, both fighting to see the other obey. A neverending battle for some semblance of control. The Poet endeavours to quell the insanity, with beguiling words of love and wonder, enchanting and illuminating prose of darkness and misery. Trying to soothe the madness as he's come to understand him, the words fall on angered ears to no avail. "Enough!" Cries The Madman, palms clutched against his head, rantung and raving of the horrors in his mind, wailing at the words The Poet tries to make him see. Hatred and confusion spew from his mouth at every turn, every insane notion he can summon he hurls at his enemy in the hope that he'll be left alone, in the hope he'll go away. The Madman feeds The Poet the haunting words and unbearable pain he can only imagine. The Poet feeds The Madman a glimpse of his sanity and the peace he desperately craves. #kylerush #glistenandflow #growingup #poetrycommunity #poetryofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #poetryporn #poetry #poetrylovers #poetrygram #poetryofinstagram #poetryislife #poetrysociety #poetryinmotion #poetrybooks #poetryislove #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillness #Depression #anxiety #chronicillness #chronicpain #crpswarrior #crpsawareness #crps #spoonielife #spoonie #spooniewarrior #depressed #anxious https://www.instagram.com/p/B_PvX5Th0kZ/?igshid=7m7eocnh0nur
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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I think at the moment we live in a society that blames the victim before blaming the culprit, "Well what did you do to deserve it?", "What did you do wrong?", "Why would someone do that without being provoked?" instead of asking these questions maybe just listen to the person, let them know they're being listened to instead of being targeted, "Are you ok?", "You can talk to me.", "I'm here for you.", "I'm listening." Be part of the solution, not the problem. Let Me Show me your heart, show me all of your dreams, show me this world isn't as sad as it seems. Tell me your hopes for the rest of your life, tell me you believe in an end to this strife. Let me hear you, let me make you feel seen, let me help carry the burden of all that has been. We can make it together, we can lighten our hearts, we can help each other mend our broken parts. Take my hand I'll help you up, take my time and I'll hear you out, take all I have to give, my love will never be in doubt. Take all that I can give to you, let it breathe life into your soul, take it with you and use it to make others whole. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #Stopthestigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LBj1hFY1x/?igshid=1l6yliuy6u9r8
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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"Stand with those who are suffering the way you have suffered, show them they can make it, help them to see a way out of the darkness" #Gingerbuddha #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #gingerbuddhalives #wisdom #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #support https://www.instagram.com/p/B47SqPQBDwB/?igshid=1w0wxrktnpzqb
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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This has been a long auld week, I won't go into details but it's been tough, I've been in family mode so social media has been backburnered until now. This is Suffocating (not the family, the poem 😂). Suffocating There's too much weighing down on me, the pain, the sadness, the anxiety, throttling all that's good in me, my laughter, my love and my empathy. It's killing me slowly, feeding the ache, bending my will to pinpoint where it breaks, the cold side of the pillow held over my face, soon I'll be falling through space, asphyxiated by my own existence, suffocating beneath my own failed resistance. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #Stopthestigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B467WoEhfbu/?igshid=1h14vghyuwkx4
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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Feeling pretty down today, in desperate need of one of those cosy, contented "I love you" hugs and it's not there 😔 so let's write about it Can You Hear Me? This is my loneliest scream, my most violent sadness that no one hears, vocal chords torn at the seams, an angry cry with heavy tears and once it's out I can't put it back in, it hangs in the air, obscuring the light, a painful coarse din, a sound once made can't be put right. This is my loneliest scream, excruciatingly expelled by virtue of fear, in a miserable melancholy stream, unnoticed on this forsaken celestial sphere. I need someone to hear me for a change, without disdainful looks or noises, without thinking that I'm strange, I'm tired of scream 'til I'm voiceless. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #loneliness https://www.instagram.com/p/B4r1ceXBmL4/?igshid=1gero3t75wifn
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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Guardian Angel A gentle hand to guide me through the dark days, to keep me from the worst in me, a beacon in the haze. I feel your arms around me when I feel nothing more, an embrace that calms my soul and heals my core. Gasping for air and it's your breath that fills my lungs, you're always there with a hand on my chin when my head is hung. So let me thank you for being that angel, the one who makes everything less painful, you lift me up when my spirit is on the ground and give me the belief that hope can be found. My guardian angel behind the scenes, you'll never understand how much your love means. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #Stopthestigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B4p537rBZaS/?igshid=i9la6a83mon6
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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Not sure about this one, let me know what you think. Aftermath So this is what I'm left wi', tiny fragments all around, a broken heart and broken promises, when my world crumbled tae the ground. I saw the wa's were buckling, I saw the lies were there; but still I just did nothing as you slowly didn't care. I could see all of the signs, all the hollow, distant conversations, shook to our foundations 'cause I didn't read between the lines So this is what I'm left wi' in the aftermath, an empty shell and misery and two souls on different paths. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #Stopthestigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B4inNfGnQsB/?igshid=ngu12jp60d0p
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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Fighting depression is a battle with your own thoughts, arguing with your own mind, calling yourself a liar and not being able to properly trust a thought at face value. Mental illness is torture, it requires support, understanding and compassion, the more we talk about our illness the more others will reach out and join us. Mental Health stigma has no place in our society, let's stamp it out, let's talk. Insidious There's a place in my mind that just never stops, it builds up the darkness and tears down good thoughts, it spreads like a sickness with a slow, sadistic release, it's insidious nature helps the symptoms increase. I have tried to fight it with so many acquired tools but nothing has rid me of my despicable ghosts and ghouls. It starts with a ringing deep inside my ears, constantly rising until it brings me to tears, a pressure keeps building at the back of my eyes and burns through my mind with its perilous lies. Overthinking is the anchor that is tied 'round my feet, depression is the water drowning me in defeat. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #Stopthestigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Y7FuxFJCa/?igshid=hut9f1648hbe
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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Sorry I've been MIA lately not been doing too well of late, I'm a bit up in the air and down in the dumps all at once a kind of limbo state. The Flames and The Fall I fuel the flames that engulf me, I am the petrol, the spark and the blaze. I am the concrete that accepts my mirthless soul, I am the gravity rushing me to the rock-hard ground. I want someone to stop me now, I want someone to talk me down, to strip me of these matches and of my need to fall. I torture myself, tear down my self-esteem, when all I want is to feel more like the real me. Take my hand, take me away from my self-created misery because I'm just burning and falling in this constant agony, when all I need is someone to listen, someone to hear, just let me know I'm enough as I am and I belong somewhere out here. #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #Stopthestigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B4NaS8ohRoQ/?igshid=1qmibqvavr29f
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kjthegingerone · 5 years
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This came about because of one simple thought I think we've all had at some point "What if I just run away?" and what I think I would say to someone thinking it. Let me know what your thoughts are. You Belong You can run but you can't hide and you know 'cause you've tried, you've fell down and you've cried, you can't escape what's inside. You've fought your feelings so hard and they've left you broken and scarred and now everyone's barred it's your crippled hearts calling card. Please don't run just stand strong, just trust this is where you belong, know that I won't ever do you wrong. I've loved you all along, take a look in these eyes ' cause by the stars in the skies, I'll help you realise they will tell you no lies. The brilliant photograph is by @serjosoza #Writer #Writers #Scottishwriter #instawriter #poet #poets #ScottishPoet #igpoets #poetssociety #poetrybook #poetrygram #Scotland #Scottish #Glasgow #peoplemakeGlasgow #poemsofig #chronicpain #chronicillness #spoonie #writing #creativewriting #Scottishlife #Glasgowlife #Scotlandlife #mentalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Depression #anxiety #Stopthestigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B29Kdzyhoie/?igshid=ytbfy0inx93p
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