kookiepalette · 4 years
The Seven Deadly Sins
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—pairing(s); park jimin x older female character
—summary; seven deadly sins; pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. those seven words you never thought you would see together as a lead detective in a string of murders across new york city. you soon realized in the beginning how calculated and dangerous the murderer was, but the most challenging part was catching him, as he always seemed to slip away from your fingers as soon as you thought you had him in your grasp. 
with a young up and coming new partner by your side, you both have to figure out what is going on. his name was jimin, park jimin, and he was honestly a pain in your ass. but when it was time to get down to serious business, he was an essential part of solving the time-consuming case; rather you like to admit it or not.
and maybe, just maybe he was starting to play a significant role in your life as well. 
—genre; detective au, romance, angst, fluff, smut in future chapters
—word count; 7K
—warning(s)/tag(s); detective, alternate universe, romance, angst, fluff, based off the movie 'seven', explicit content, the mention of blood and gore, murders of second-tier characters, sexual content, partners in the police world, still acab though, mention of the seven deadly sins, age gap, older female reader, younger park jimin, infidelity  
—playlist; come back home by bts // chocolate legs by eric benet // tomorrow by bts // if by Janet jackson // perfect timing by hoody // house of card (full edition) by bts // stigma by bts // smooth criminal by michael jackson // all eyez on me by tupac // are you that somebody by aaliyah
—author's note; hey y'all! this is my first attempt at a detective au. i hope that it is okay as it is my first attempt at it. also, happy valentine's day! ❤️
part one / part two / part three / part four  / part five / part six / part seven 
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You were bored. 
You know what—scratch that. You were beyond bored. It was beyond the point that you wanted to chew gum to create some entertainment.
Yawning into your hands as you stared at your computer's screen, you were itching to leave your desk and jump into the comfort of your own bed with no care in the world. The dark, starry night was prominent outside the office's window, and it just made you even more tired, but you knew deep down in your heart that it was just the start of your stressful day. 
You wanted to have your heated blankets tucked under your chin and your fuzzy socks that were a gift from your grandmother for Christmas on your feet to keep them warm. It sounded like a dream that was too far away to reach, but you so desperately wanted to grab it and experience it. With the rumbling of your stomach and the clock hitting past midnight, it was tempting to call it a night. Only you were in the office, along with a few custodial workers as they were picking up after your co-workers' unsanitary. 
It never failed for them to see you here with a look of distraught on your face. 
You knew it was wise for you to go home and relax before you had to reenter the life of crime, but you just could not get up from your rolling chair and grab your keys from one of your locked drawers. In the back of your mind, you knew that it was in your head to wear yourself out until you couldn't even think straight and your fingers were aching from typing information into the database all day. 
Being a detective in a busy city that never went a day without crime was something you had to get used to, no doubt. The long nights as the horn of cars could be heard and the shouting matches of different individuals kept going outside of the building, you knew that this job was certainly not for the weak. 
At the age of 33, you were a detective who was known to get the job done and put away the bad guys, despite the misogyny thrown at you from time to time from your male co-workers. While fighting that load of bullshit, you were also the only one that currently did not have a partner to work on cases with, and the bags under your eyes were a product of it. It meant that you had to work twice as hard to feel productive and not a waste of space even if that was far from the truth. 
Overall, being here did not always feel like you were in hell with gasoline underwear on, and no doubt did put a great deal of strain on your already-non existent life, but you wouldn't have it any other way. 
Ever since you were a little girl, you knew within yourself that you wanted to help people seek justice and put away the criminals in your city. Of course, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a lawyer that made a lot of money and marry a rich man, but finally, after a shit ton of convincing, they understood what your passion in life indeed was. 
Even if you didn't have a six-figure salary or a high rise apartment to your name, you enjoyed having a badge under your belt and a gun in your holster. You felt powerful, and despite being somewhat soft-spoken, you knew you could do some good in the dangerous streets you called home. 
But you also could not deny that you wished that your boss wouldn't be such a jackass and assigned someone to be your partner as the one you had before, retired last month. 
Jack, his name, was a great partner, but hitting the age where he wanted to spend time with his grandchildren and his wife, who was also a retired detective, you didn't blame him. Even if you were drowning in unsolved cases and you felt like screaming into an empty forest because you were beyond tired, you shed a tear on his last day and hugged him for the last time. 
"Now, I know your parents raised you to be a tough young woman," he chuckled as you broke down into his jacket. You told yourself that morning that you were not going to be a little bitch when he wore his badge for the last time, but when you saw him drunk his final cup of coffee at the office, you cried like a baby. Everyone around you rolled their tired eyes and made sure to have the scene in front of them inked into their brains for later use against you, but you still didn't care. This man was the first person to greet you when you were in your early twenties, bright-eyed, and ready to fight crime. He was the one that taught you everything about the streets, and to see him leave you, had you sad and scared all at the same time.
"It is selfish of me that I don't want to see you go," you sniffled into the breast of his jacket, and you made a note to yourself to send a gift card to a cleaner's that was close to his house. You knew you were ruining the polyester suit, but both of you couldn't care about that for the time being. 
He patted your hair as you wept like a big baby and flipped off the people behind him as they laughed behind their computer screens. They did not understand why you were taking it so hard when he was just leaving. He wasn't dead, and you could simply just visit him outside of work if you were up to it. 
But Jack knew what was really wrong with you. 
He knew you saw him as a father figure, and he hated that he was leaving you, but with your brains and everything that he taught you about the business, you were going to be okay. 
Believe it or not, you were the only one that kept him afloat in that damn place, and it was you that solved almost all of the cases that you guys worked on together. 
He knew you were going to be okay as a detective, and you were going to kick some ass while doing it. 
"It is time for you to spread your wings, Miss Y/N," Jack mumbled into your hair as your hiccups traveled towards his ears. His heart broke at your devastation, but he knew his heart wasn't in this type of work anymore. Fortunately for him, his happiness was finding the passions of what his grandchildren liked and disliked. 
"Do you want me to stay a little longer?" He asked tenderly, and you pulled away from him with tears streaking your puffy face. Wiping the saltiness away, you gave the older man a crazy look.
"And having your wife hate me for keeping you away from her?" You scoffed. "N-no way," you stuttered, and he swooned over your adorableness.
"You know she loves you," Jack couldn't help the smile that formed onto his face, and you pouted your lips in return. Looking up at him for what probably will be the final time for a little while, you could tell that he was tired but would stay for you if you wanted him to. That was Jack, and that made you want to ball up with tears even more.
He truly was not going to be your partner anymore. 
"It was great working with you, Jack. But I know that you have a great life waiting for you outside of this depressing building that you need to tend to," you saluted him for the last time, and his face wavered. You could see the tear leaving from one of his eyes, but he pulled through and saluted you in return. 
"Mrs. Y/L/N," he kept his hand above his brow, and you felt the tears forming again on your side. "I will hold you to come and visit me, and when we do, we will sit down and have a cup of coffee. When we do, we will not discuss past cases or none of these assholes here; we will just talk about things that make us happy."
You could hear the complaints from others as they overheard Jack's statement, but you didn't care. Your heart melted, and you promised yourself that you would ring his doorbell from time to time and just have a pleasant conversation with him. 
"Sir, yes sir," you smiled, and he brought you in for another hug, and this time, the last one while he was an employer for the city. 
Smiling at the memory of you and your first and only partner, you looked at the calendar on your computer and noted that you were due for another coffee talk with him. It's been several weeks since the last one, and you knew it was definitely needed in your life again. As you sat in his living room while his wife tended to her garden in their backyard, you guys talked about anything and everything that did involve detective work.
The conversations were light, and the way he talked about his grandchildren and children made you smile. It was like a light just went on in his eyes, and you felt the happiness radiating from his aging skin. Even when you weren't feeling up the part, which was quite a few times, it gave you energy and a reason in your life to find that light. 
He was pleased with his life and wondered if you would be in that position one day.
But as you took a sip of the dark liquid that you brewed in the makeshift kitchen at the office, you were still looking for that light that you wanted to experience for yourself. Unfortunately, it was more difficult to find than you had planned. 
 As you hear the sound of a vacuum going and picking up the crumbs from the carpet, you wished you had Jack here to talk to you as you scratched off the tasks on your to-do list. 
Instead, you were here all alone and finding yourself staring at your favorite coffee cup from time to time to keep yourself entertained. The thick liquid was the third cup since six in the afternoon, and it was certainly not doing its job in keeping you awake. 
Instead, it was only making you pause your work for a short period every hour to go to the restroom and release your bladder. 
Sighing at the taste of the coffee as it left a bitter impression on the tip of your tongue, you placed the ceramic on the New York State-inspired coaster you bought on Etsy a while ago. You thought it was cute when you came across it while surfing the online shopping world to quench your spending habits, and you wasted no time adding it to your cart with a few other products as well. 
"Don't stay up too late now," one of the custodians you grew to adore walked by your desk with a duster in his hands. He smiled, showing the front row of his teeth, and you could not help but return it. 
"You know how I am," you grabbed the papers from your desk and straightened them out to the best of your abilities. "I can't go home until I know that I am beyond tired and on the verge of passing out." 
Laughing, Leonardo—his name—shook his head at how stubborn you were. He has been going at this job for the department for over a year now, and there was not one night where he didn't see you here and no one else. Only the bright lamp on your desk illuminating the entire floor, and it created an ambiance feel that the two of you liked. With pens tucked behind your ear and you mumbling in-coherent words from time to time, it never failed him to not see you here, going full force when everyone else was at home. Sometimes when he was wiping the dust off the computer screens and watching you from the corner of his eye, reading something in a folder nines out of ten, he couldn't help but wonder if you ever had fun. 
You were a pretty young lady, and Leonardo just knew you had a long line of men waiting for your hand in marriage. 
He just knew it, but that certainly was not the case with you. When there were extended hours at the office, there were longer nights where you were at home, all alone and silence engulfing your presence like second nature. Most of the time, it did not bother you that there wasn't someone waiting for you at home or having cute messages sent to you on your phone throughout the day, but when it did, it hit you like a ton of bricks. 
You tried to put on this facade of being this independent woman who did not need a man, but deep down inside, and it will be repeated, way deep inside, you wanted to feel what they felt in romantic movies. The ones that you watched in the comfort of your own home and no one scrutinizing you for crying over a kissing scene that you desperately wanted to experience for yourself. 
It was a depressing subject, but you tried to push in the back of your mind and focus on the cases that were piling up on your desk.  
"Well," Leonardo stopped for a minute and put a hand on his hips. You looked up from what you were reading and at the gray-haired man and waited for him to continue. The gray hair was falling in front of his face, and the dark-rimmed glasses he wore made the petite man look so adorable. "As an elder, it is my job to scold you for not getting that much sleep," he frowned, and you sucked your teeth. 
Please don't let it be another one of his infamous talks that he had with you from time to time. You felt like a child when he pointed cleaning objects at you, and you couldn't help but feel like a baby when you were already past your twenties and way into your early thirties. 
It could definitely be said that Leonardo took the spot of Jack. He always checked up on you from time to time to know if you were genuinely okay. 
"After I finish this last thing," you held up a paper that had mugshots on them and them waiting for you to look them up and see if they were part of a homicide case you've been trying to solve for the last forty-eight hours. "I will cut everything off and retire for the night." 
"You promise," he held out his pinky finger, and you grabbed it with yours and squeezed it. 
"I promise," and with your word, he nodded his head and went on to finish his work on the first floor and continue until he reached the eighth floor, which was at the top. He was glad he had a few buddies with him to clean up the building for the next day, and his lousy back felt more appreciated to have them as well. 
Shaking your head, you cracked your fingers and got to work. You promised that you would be done in a short amount of time, and you wanted to keep it. 
That was the least you could do.
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Your apartment was cold and dark. 
Turning on the lights to your home and peeling off the layers of clothing you had on to keep you warm during the cold winter, you hurriedly made sure to click on your heat. 
You barely felt your fingers, and the warmth of your cheeks was nonexistent at the moment. 
Your feet were numb for walking from the small distance of your car to your door, and you desperately wanted to take a bath and be able to relax for a while. Dinner would probably wait until the morning, and the missed call you saw from your mom would just have to be dealt with when you had the time and the energy. 
Not trying to be funny...you loved your mom to death, but sometimes she could be a little too time-consuming and never let you forget that you have never had a Valentine's, and you were currently banking on extending your streak. 
You were going for thirty-three, and that might have been the longest record you have known or seen. And maybe, just maybe, you could apply to the Guinness World Records if they had that sort of record. 
It wasn't that you never had a boyfriend before or never been sexually active. It was just something about February 14th that the guys you attracted avoided, like the bubonic plague. 
The last man you had was two years ago, and you thought he was the one that was going to be different. You were together with the asshole for about eight months, and then when February came around, and you stated that you wanted to do something on that particular day, he fucking ghosted you. 
One day he left and said that he was going to take a trip to the store, and you never heard from him again. After trying to reach him for so long, you soon gave up when you were met with silence from his side, and your heart was stomped into the ground. 
How depressing was that? Painful to know that you were not worth an explanation of anything. After then, you knew that love wasn't for you, and you had to be okay with that. 
The walk to your room was probably more depressing, and you couldn't help the yawn that escaped your mouth. You were really tired, but you knew that your body would enjoy it if you would just soak in Epsom salt for a little while and then head to dreamland. 
Plopping onto your bed with a thud and taking off the black heels that were another product of your excessive online shopping, you felt your body start to shut down. Your satin pillows looked so fluffy, and the cold air in your room made you want to snuggle with the teddy bear you also bought, but this time in a department store last week. 
It was a golden brown, adorable, and took up half of the bed. The little red ribbon around its neck made it even harder not to buy, and with a large cart from the front of the building, you hauled it away with a smile on your face. The lifeless bear made the chilled nights less unbearable, and you had something to cuddle with for the time being. 
"Maybe it wouldn't hurt if I could close my eyes a little bit," you mumbled to yourself as you looked over at your companion, who was sitting up against a pillow and staring into your soul. "It wouldn't hurt," you chuckled at it as you crawled to your designated side of the bed and quickly got under the covers. 
You sighed into a slumber bliss as your head hit the soft pillow and the feeling of worries slipping into a faraway land. 
But because the universe was moving mad funny and you never had anything go in your favor, your heart fell flat into your ass when your eyes opened. The sun was beaming onto your face, and the birds were chirping like they had a story to tell. 
Shit. You thought as you frantically sat up and felt the crust from the corner of your mouth with your fingers. Looking at the clock and its red numbers, you quickly stood up as you only had an hour before you needed to be at your desk. 
There were many things that you disliked in the world, and one of those was being late. 
And you were currently in the grasp of reaching it.
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With skipping breakfast, and you might say last night's dinner as well, you promised yourself that you would treat yourself to a big whopper on your lunch break to satisfy the intense rumbling of your stomach. 
It was a struggle to get inside the building's doors that morning, but doing two things at once to get there was needed. Washing your face and brushing your teeth in the shower and applying concealer under your eyes as you drove through the busy streets of NYC was something you had to do.
Just the idea of having people look down on you if you walked in just a minute late made your skin crawl. 
Pushing open the door to the precinct, you thanked your body for waking you up at a decent time to not walk that walk of shame. You had multiple years under your belt now, and you weren't going to start being like those people who came to work three hours late and acting like nothing was wrong. 
That just wasn't your brand. 
Stretching your neck as your heels made clicking noises as you walked on the tiled floor, you wore the lantern like a necklace, and it touched the beginning of your stomach. The purse on your shoulder was starting to weigh you down, but you kept it pushing as it was the least of your worries. 
As soon as your eyes made eye contact with the front desk, the receptionist that you grew to hate called you over. Typing swiftly on her keyboard with her red-coated fingernails, you waited impatiently as she typed up something, not caring that you had a job to do, and just standing there, waiting for her to say what she had to say, so you could go on with your morning. 
"Is there something you need from me?" You spoke up as you looked at your wrist that had a watch wrapped around it. You had ten minutes before you had to clock in, and you hated when people wasted your time. The popping of the gum at eight o'clock in the morning was also not called for, and you had in you to just walk away and leave her to the point of calling after you to come back. 
"Peter wants to see you in his office first thing," Karen—her name—looked up at you and gave you one of those smiles that you knew weren't genuine. It was more like those smiles you knew were evil and just waiting for your downfall. 
"And do you know for what reason?" You raised an eyebrow, and she only shrugged her shoulders with a smug look on her face. 
"Now, why would I not tell you if I knew something? What is the point of being a receptionist then?" 
You pursed your lips, and it took everything within you not to roll your eyes in front of her. 
Now she knew that the two of you were enemies, and anything that she could use against you, she would. That's just how unmatured she was at her significant age. 
"Are you being serious right now, Karen?" 
"And If I did know why he wanted you in his office, I most certainly would not tell you." 
"Ah yes," you smiled and sucked your teeth. "That is what I truly wanted to hear from you," you finished off and left her with a scowling look on her caked face. The eyebrows she had drawn on were not pleasing to your eyes, and the hideous purple blush she had on her cheeks needed to be thrown in the trash. 
Not letting her ruining your day any further, you waved her off and made your way to the elevator. 
As you played the different things that you should have said to Karen that was way snarkier and made you feel empowered, your thoughts were soon interrupted by the elevator's digging. Signaling that you were close to reaching your boss, you followed the cue of the other people that were also in the small space and got off before it dragged you down back to the ground level.
While the men made their way to the designated spots, some at the desks and the other half making a beeline to the coffee machine, you kept walking, hoping that what you were about to enter wasn't going to be your downfall. 
Glancing down at your watch and seeing that it was the exact time you would be at your desk, you sighed and moved your knuckles to his office door. Knocking on it for a quick second, you waited patiently before you heard a grunt and then him telling you to come in. 
Walking into his spacious area and closing the door behind you to keep the conversation between the two of you private, your hands tightened the plastic that covered your id around your neck. You knew that whatever he wanted was going to be either fantastic or some shit he pulled out of his ass for the fun of it. 
"You needed me, sir?" You got straight to the point, and the blonde-haired blued eyed man pursed his lips as he looked up from the laptop that sat in front of him. You could tell that he was handsome in his younger days, but being the commander-in-chief over the whole department for over ten years now, was definitely present in his physical appearance. His hairline was receding, and the wrinkles around his mouth were very prominent. 
Peter was aging terribly, and maybe the infidelities he had with his wife with Karen were a factor too. 
"Y/N, meet Jimin," Peter moved his eyes toward an individual that you haven't noticed beforehand as he was seated in the corner of the office, not saying a word but watching you. You gave a slight chuckle at the arrogant smirk he had on his face as his legs were crossed and his jacket placed on his lap. He wore a buttoned-down white shirt with a few of the buttons opened at the top—leaving nothing to the imagination, and his feet covered in red bottom shoes. With the dangling of a necklace sitting on his chest and rings enclosed on the majority of his fingers, you could tell that you wouldn't like this Jimin at all.
He was the type to think that he knew everything, and you not only wanted but needed to stay clear for him. 
"Hello Jimin," you nodded your head at him, and he returned it with a wave. 
"Hello Y/N," his airy voice filled the silence of the room. "It's so nice to finally meet you," he clasped his hands together, and you squinted your eyes.
"Sorry if I may sound a bit rude," you started. "But why are you looking forward to meeting me?" You asked suspiciously as all the things you did in the past six months came back into your mind's forefront to be analyzed. 
It couldn't be the IRS because your mom was a pro at filing your taxes on time, and he couldn't be a loan shark because you weren't into organized crime at all...so who was the hell he is? 
"Yeah, that did sound a bit rude," he chuckled, and you shrugged your shoulders. 
How were you supposed to say it then? 
"He's your new partner," Peter interrupted the short conversation you had with this Jimin guy, and you swiveled your head back at him. 
Did he not know your personality? 
You were more of a laid back person, and by the way, Jimin carried himself in the short time of knowing him; he was not the right partner for you. He was oil, and you were water—two things that did not belong together. 
"Excuse me, sir—"you voiced out, but the rest of your sentence disappeared as Peter gave you a pointed look. 
"I don't want to hear no shit coming from you, Y/N," he tilted his head at you, and you rolled your eyes. 
"But, he is a baby!" Your shoulders sagged while looking at the younger man who was the topic of the discussion at the moment. "No offense, though." 
"None was taken," he shook his head and crossed his slender arms over his chest. He heard it all before, and he was used to it. Because of his baby face, people thought he wasn't past eighteen and probably applying for colleges. But with his practical skills and his way with words, he liked to prove people wrong, and you were just another one to add to his list. 
With practically no make-up on your face and the dull suit you had on as an outfit, Jimin could tell that you were by the book and didn't like change. He also could be wrong, but he could see you looking down at other people that you thought were below you. But then again, he could be mistaken as he took in your rigid posture, and he just knew you were going to be a handful. 
"Y/N, I don't know why you are so difficult," Peter sighed as he watched you pouted your lips. "We are lucky to have Jimin as he decided to move here to this precinct and take this job. His last boss said that he is very effective in his detective work, and trust me, you could use someone to help you," he took a jab as he knew that you were struggling to complete the misdemeanor cases that were assigned under your name. 
It was just like Peter to hit below the fucking belt. He didn't know how to shut the fuck up sometimes. 
"Just give me a chance," Jimin pleaded quietly, and you snapped your neck towards him once again. He just needed a chance, and by the way, Peter was describing your struggles recently—you definitely needed him. It was basically like a win-win situation here. You have the extra pair of hands and eyes on cases, and he has the opportunity to work again after moving to the big city a couple of weeks ago. 
Pinching the skin between your fingers, you knew you weren't going to win this round, and to be fair, he didn't do anything specifically towards you. "Fine," you let out, and Peter clapped his hands together, making you and your new partner slightly jump at the loud sound. 
"Great," the older man exclaimed and looked at the both of you as Jimin made his way to the left side of you. You could smell the sweet perfume that tainted his skin, and you wondered what he had on. Of course, you weren't going to ask him and let him get a big head on the first day, but you could not deny that he smelt good.
 It wasn't too vital that you got a headache, nor was it too sweet that made you nauseated.
It was just right, and you were a sucker for things that smelt good. If you weren't a detective, you would probably be the person that would smell samples of scents before they were put on the market for society to buy. 
"Jimin," Peter pointed his chubby fingers at the person beside you and raised an eyebrow. "You will take Y/N's old partner's desk." 
"And I will show you to your new spot," you finished off as Peter nodded at your statement and let the two of you go for the time being. 
"So Y/N..." Jimin trailed off as he kept both of his feet in front of him while you maneuvered your way towards the elevator. You knew he was trying to buy time, and you did not have time, not to Lolligag. With your watch reading past eight-thirty, you were itching to get started on your cases. 
Seeing everyone already having chit chats on the telephone and highlighters hitting the papers like it was 1999, you wanted to be like them and engrossed in your own work. 
You wanted to fill the rush of accomplishing things on your to-do list before you head off to your scheduled lunch break and just do it all over again once you got back. 
"Yes?" You answered as you hit the button to the elevator, and you stepped in with the younger male following behind. You kept your eyes on the metal doors as they closed and waited for the questions that you knew he probably needed answers to. 
"So..." he trailed off for the second time in five minutes, and this time you rolled your eyes. 
Was he like this in the interrogation room too? Because if so, maybe he should leave that part up to you if you both wanted to get the job done and a conviction. 
Feeling him shift his body uncomfortably beside you, maybe you needed to break the ice. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I've been at this precinct for about eight or nine years now. I say this because I don't know what year we are right about now, and I simply don't care. I am a very straightforward person, and I do not care for social media, so you don't have to do any snooping around to know more about me. If you want to know something, you could just ask."
"What an introduction," he laughed and shrugged. 
"I'm just a boring person that just doesn't have a lot to tell." 
"I hardly doubt that," Jimin responded, and you looked over at him with a small smile, but to Jimin, he could have categorized it more of a grimace than anything else. With only knowing you for only five seconds, he could tell that you did not smile much. He wondered why when life was precious and essential to enjoy, but he kept that thought to himself. You were now talking to him freely, and he did not want to get on your wrong side. 
Not just yet. 
"What about you? What made you decide to leave your hometown, I am guessing to here—a city that never seems to sleep, no matter how much you want it to sometimes." 
Jimin slightly cocked his head to the side as the elevators opened, and he followed you to what he would guess was his new desk. "I wanted to try something different, you know? I felt that I could do so much more than I did back at home, and most of the time, it felt like watching paint dry on a wall." 
"Not much crime in your city?" You raised an eyebrow at him, and he shook his head with a 'no.' 
"Not really," he frowned at the memories of the place that still had a special place in his heart. "I just outgrew the cases of misdemeanor crimes, and I wanted to work with the big boys—" he stopped midway when he caught you sucking your teeth, and he frowned. "You know what I mean, Y/N," he groaned, and you patted him on the back. 
He really meant well, and you weren't going to hinge on that for now. 
Showing him to Jack's desk—well, he's now, the once frustrated Jimin now had a massive smile on his handsome face. His cheeks were still flushed from his little slip-up, but it overruled as true happiness seeped out of his pores.
"This is real," he plopped down into his chair, amazed, and you took a seat at your own, which was perpendicular to his. You put your things down on your desk and watched as he gushed at his new workspace. You could remember yourself in this position, and you felt like an elder, but in the right way. 
"I might be a bitch sometimes," you spoke up, and he swiveled his chair so he could get a better look at your face. He held eye contact with you, challenging the idea of 'sometimes.' But you shrugged it off and continued. "Like I said, I could be a bitch sometimes, but I'm not that terrible. I would like to think that so don't disagree, and if you need anything, you could always come to me." 
"You might not think this," Jimin paused, and you scratched the back of your neck in anticipation. He tilted his head up at the ceiling before the words that made your heart jump just a slight bit escaped his pink, plump lips. "But it means a lot coming from you." 
"Please don't get mushy on me," your eyes fell to your desk, and the eye contact was unbearable. "You will know soon enough that I don't do so well with mushy stuff." 
Hearing the wheels of his chairs going into overdrive all of a sudden, you were surprised when he was by your side in a split second and moved his head down so he could see your face thoroughly. 
"But I like mushy stuff," he pouted, and you looked down at him, and you rolled your tired eyes. His voice's easiness was evident, and you stopped the grin from showing up on your face. 
"Jimin, if you want to keep your fingers and your ten toes connected to your feet, it would be best for you to back the fuck up." 
"Aish," Jimin pushed away from you with his raised hands as a signal of not wanting to bite off more than what he could chew. "I don't want no trouble Y/N." 
"Well, stay out of my personal bubble," you gave a tight-lipped smile as he scooted back with widened eyes. 
"When are we going to go shopping for supplies?" Jimin asked as the phones went off around the both of you. Your co-workers were busy at their jobs and giving you and the new guy the 'what the fuck look' for not doing anything productive while they struggled to stay afloat. 
Not paying them any mind, you raised an eyebrow at your partner. "What supplies are you talking about?" 
"Staplers, pens, and etc., for my desk," he gave you a 'duh' look, and you scoffed. Who do he think you were to him?
"No offense Jimin, but we don't know each other that well to be going to the store together." 
"But we're partners now," he poked his lip out and gave you a sad look. "You're supposed to show me the stores to shop at and where I should stay clear from." 
"But this is not a movie or a fanfiction," you expressed your disdain with the idea of spending more time with him outside this building. "I think you are a big boy, and you can google reviews on your own time."  
"Wait—"your partner looked genuinely confused, and you wondered what was going on in that head of his. "Now, I know at your big age, you're not still reading fan fiction." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, taken aback. "I do not see anything wrong with enjoying something you loved as long as it is not hurting nobody and makes that person happy." 
"Don't get mad at me! I'm just asking a simple question!" He raised his arms in surrender. "I don't mind that you sometimes live in a fantasy world that will probably never happen. But hey, I can't knock you. My fiancé used to write them when we were in grade school." 
Your ears perked up at his statement, and you were somewhat intrigued. "Do you know what your fiancé wrote about?" 
"No Y/N," Jimin shook his head at you, and a strand of his hair fell onto his forehead. "You probably stay up until the sun comes up again, reading pure filth. I don't need to feed into the addiction that you probably have." 
"And If I did, it should only be my concern," you cut in. "And why won't you and your fiancé shop for supplies? It's a good way for you to explore your new home and as well as a great opportunity for a date." 
"It was her idea to get to know my new partner," Jimin gives you a pointed look, and you sighed. Maybe she was trying to push him to you, so he could leave her alone. Hell, you didn't know. 
"She probably doesn't know that I am a woman," you thought about it and voiced it to him. "You should call her and tell her that I am a female." 
"She's not insecure," Jimin threw it back at you with a smirk. "Jiwoo knows I only have eyes for her." 
"Dammit," you huffed in annoyance, and Jimin cackles.
"So, what's this shopping spree looking like?" He rocked back and forth in his chair, and you could hear the squeaking noises that it made very clearly. 
"I don't know if I would have time today," you nodded her head to the stack of papers you left to work on from last night for today. "Maybe some other time?" 
"What if I helped you?" he rubbed his chin and looked at you. "With an extra pair of hands and eyes, I think we would be done in no time." 
"I mean, if you say so," you motioned him over, doubting that anything would be done anytime soon. He seemed like the type to stare off into space after a while, and the stacks of paper long forgotten. But you would give it to him. You liked the dedication to going shopping for office supplies with you. 
Handing him papers to file and a pen to write notes with, you both started, sharing a few words here and there to keep each other's company. You would admit that work was beginning to get done at an incredible speed, and you could taste the juicy burger on the tip of your tongue. Highlighting a specific note that you wrote on the edge of a case file, your fingers soon halted when your phone began to ring. 
Picking it up as you clicked the top back onto the highlighter, you heard Peter on the other end. 
"We have a murder on 15th street," you heard him say on the other line, and you looked up from the file, and your eyes connected with the back of Jimin's slicked back hairstyle. "I'm putting you and Jimin on the case. I believe that it's more than what meets the eyes, and you're good with those kinds of things. More information will be handed over to you when you get to the crime scene," he finished off, and the detective in you started to shake with excitement and anticipation. 
"We're on our way," you responded and hung up. 
Getting up from your seat and putting on your coat and scarf, Jimin felt your sudden movements and turned around with a raised eyebrow. 
"What's wrong?" 
"Do you have a car?" You asked as you grabbed your gun from the drawer and put it on your holster. It was hidden away under your jacket and snuggled around your waist. 
"Yeah," he noticed your swift moments and put the brakes on, highlighting the countless charges of one person. He could feel your demeanor's change from earlier, and he knew it wasn't playing time anymore. 
You grabbed two notepads and handed one to him, and he thanked you. You made sure you had a pen in your slack's pocket, and you reminded him to have one on him as well. 
"What are we doing essentially?" He asked, and he was somewhat awestruck by your professionalism. You seemed to be sure of your work, but now, seeing you in action was something serious. Your face showed no emotions, and you moved like you had a purpose...totally different than before. 
You seemed confident, and Jimin liked that. 
"The date we have together might have to wait," you responded, and Jimin grabbed his keys from his own drawer. "We have a murder that we have to go investigate," you mumbled, and Jimin trailed behind you as he struggled to put on his protection for the cold weather outside.
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kookiepalette · 4 years
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kookiepalette · 4 years
The Official Post: Applications (open)
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We are a new, tight-knit, community for writers of the BTS fandom who want to collaborate with others. This is a supportive community that wants to help every member grow in their abilities.
We will have regular projects that the members will contribute to. 
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To join, this is what you need to do:
Read the rules.
Follow the network.
Re-blog this post.
Fill out this application.
There will be positions for beta readers that will be discussed with members once the applications process is completed. We are also looking for those who are interested in creating graphics. If you aren’t a writer but are talented with banner design, message the blog directly or contact Eva.
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For affiliates:
Please read the rules and then fill out this form
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533 notes · View notes
kookiepalette · 4 years
Would You Still Love Me?
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—synopsis; a morning in bed with no care in the world is ideal, but adding seokjin into the mix is a place in life y/n could stay in forever. filled with kept promises and surprised kisses, her heart couldn't help, but be in a fluttering mess. 
—pairing(s); kim seokjin x you 
—genre; fluff and more fluff 
—word count; 1k 
—warnings; none 
Snuggling cozily in your man's arms, you felt more than ecstatic as the sun started to peep behind your bedroom's curtains, and its rays beamed unto your golden skin. The feeling felt excellent, and you knew that alongside your body, the flowers outside also enjoyed the cold break in the weather.
You could also hear the lawnmowers tending to their lawns and the mailman stopping by your mailbox to bring you your mail. Not caring to get up to get it, you knew that they were just bills ready to be opened and be paid to the greedy people in government. 
Having a schedule plastered on your refrigerator to remind you and Seokjin who turn it was to get it, you mentally high-fived yourself, knowing that it was his turn. Fortunately for you, it was not your day, and that means that alongside of having unopened envelopes in his hands, he also had to bring in the trashcan from the side of the road. 
Maybe Seokjin did not know how calculated your mind worked, but you certainly did. You made sure that one of his days was on a weekend so he could do the extra chore and not you. 
"What are you thinking in that pretty little head of yours?" Seokjin whispered into your nightcap, and you smiled at the ceiling. His morning voice rumbled out of his throat, and the goosebumps formed on your arms. 
Even though you and Seokjin had known each other for about five years now and married for the last two, you still felt giddy about his voice. It was like music to your ears, and you knew you would never get used to it. 
Not for a chance. 
You cleared your throat, and you could feel the smile radiating from your husband's face. "I'm just glad that we don't have anything to do today, and I can just lay up with you for a while," you told him most of the truth, but leaving out the trashcan part for only you to think on. 
"So, my wife has the same thoughts as me," he beamed, and you could not help the laugh that erupted from your throat. "And if I am being honest, I could spend the rest of my life here in this bed with you," he confessed, and your heart swelled. 
He always knew how to say the right thing when you needed it the most, and this was one of those times. 
Placing a sweet, tender kiss on your forehead, he felt beyond contempt in being in this position. He held your smaller frame from behind, with his feet brushing up against yours. His humming of a non-particular song bounced off your beige-colored walls, and it filled the silence that you shared with him. You appreciated his soft, soothing voice, and you could feel your eyes drifting off into a slumber bliss. 
Knowing that it was past midday and both of you should have gotten up to start the weekend off with brunch, you couldn't help the thoughts on your mind recently and them escaping from within for your husband to hear. 
"Baby," you mumbled to him, and his soft humming abruptly stopped, signaling that you go on with finishing your sentence. "Could I ask you a question?"
"You know that I could never say no to my princess," he laughed, and you could feel his broad chest shaking as he waited for you to continue. 
"If I was a pigeon," you started, "would you still love me?" You turned your body towards him, wanting to get a better look at his handsome face. 
You could see the fondness dancing in his brown orbs, and you had to stop yourself from reaching out and touching his cheeks. You wanted to shower him in kisses just for looking so darn cute, but you kept your hands to yourself, wanting to know his answer to your question. 
"Is that what you were thinking about when you were starring out in space?" Seokjin eyes crinkled, and you hit his chest playfully. 
"Answer the question, Jinnie," you whined, and he pulled you closer to his chest. Having your naked body collapsing into his made you blush. Even though you guys were sexually active and the bruises on his neck were a product of one of those times, it still made your heart flutter when you were that close to him. He was breathtaking, and the thought of him only being yours and no one else made you feel on top of the world. 
And the same could have gone for Seokjin. 
Not knowing your full beauty and what effect you had on him, he loved you to the moon and back. From the dips of your hips to the shape of your eyes, you were so beautiful to him that he sometimes had to pinch himself to see if you were truly real. 
You were his world, and he wanted to cherish you for the rest of his life. 
He was lucky enough to have you in his arms like days like this with no care in the world, and only the two of you basking in each others' presences. 
"I would love you even if you were a rock," he endearingly smiled and landed another kiss on your body, but this time on the corner of your eyebrow. 
"But a rock is no fun," you pouted at the thought of being a non-living thing and not breathing. What would you do? How would you dress if you were on the ground all day, eroding? "I'll be gray and boring," you continued, and he could only let out a sigh. 
"And I will still love you the same and carry you wherever I go," he responded and took the time to pepper you with more kisses. His lips felt like feathers, and you laughed at how they felt against your hot skin. "Even if I am a hundred years old and my mind starts to slip away, I will still carry you until I can't no more," he looked at you intently as if he wanted to make sure that you knew that he meant every word that was coming from his heart. 
Smiling at him, you trailed the pad of your fingers to the different areas of his face and just explored them. 
He was beautiful inside and out, and he always had a way with words. 
"I love you, Seokjin," you said truthfully, and he licked his lips, enjoying the exploration you were currently in the process of doing. 
"I love you more, Y/N," he threw back at you. 
"Impossible," you whispered, and he smiled.
 It felt like you could have conquered anything as long as he was with you and in his arms. He was your anchor, and you were his.
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kookiepalette · 4 years
Official Post
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Welcome to Bangtan University! Bangtan University is a network dedicated to supporting BTS fanfiction authors. Our campus is a safe space for authors to connect with one another, improve their writing skills, and cultivate their creativity. 
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「 To Apply… 」
        › Follow the network.         › Reblog this post.         › Read our rules.         › Fill out the application.         › Contact President Lainey with any questions you may have!
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「 After Acceptance… 」
       › Reblog the acceptance post.         › Place a link to the network somewhere visible on your blog.        › Start tagging your BTS fanfiction with #bangtanuniversity.        › If you opted to live on campus (join the discord server), keep your DMs open so an Admin can send you a join link!
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Keep reading
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kookiepalette · 4 years
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—synopsis; y/n y/l/n did not think that she would be in this type of situation. accidently clicking on a camboy's video and getting caught, y/n wasn't expecting to be under him as well, wanting to catch his release.
she just clicked it—a mistake she would like to reiterate, but jungkook didn't see the problem with it. he was more concerned on whether or not she came from his video.
—pairinig(s); jeon jungkook x reader
—genre; comedy, smut
—word count; 16K
—warnings; sex, romance, angst, alternate universe, college-aged, masturbation, choking, jeon jungkook is a camboy, explicit sexual content, explicit language, unprotected sex, foul language, dirty talk, teasing, tattoos
—playlist; 34+35 by ariana grande // can i by kehlani // after a long time by george // none by crush // let me by crush // come back to me by janet jackson // golden by hoody ft. jay park // confetti by little mix // touch me by victoria monet ft. kehlani
—author’s note; hey, ya’ll! this is my first attempt at writing a long imagine. this is a drabble that one of my followers requested on my wattpad profile, and i hope it is okay. with that, i would like to open up requests on here as well. just shoot me a message, and i can see what i can do (but bear with me...as i am a college student).
also, i would like to give a shoutout to @eerieedits for making this amazing banner and as well as the divider for this imagine. i greatly appreciate it and i will most definitely request again.
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"I think I'm going to turn in early tonight," Jungkook ran his fingers through his tousled hair before sitting his plate into the sink. He didn't worry about cleaning it as it was Taehyung's turn to wash the dishes.
"But I thought we were going to play 'BTS RUN,'" Seokjin whined, causing the rest of the men at the table to agree. The game was based on dares, and they decided that tonight was the perfect night while everyone was at home. With school and different aspects of their lives becoming more prominent, they were itching to spend some time together.
"I'm sorry, y'all, I have school work that I need to catch up on," Jungkook played with the back of his neck, not entirely telling a lie to his friends. He indeed needed to complete a deadline, but it had nothing to do with school. Instead, it was posting a video of him touching himself to a website to satisfy his customers that were waiting for him to return. It's been a couple of days since he last posted, and the emptiness of his pockets didn't go unnoticed by him.
He has only been a cam boy for a couple of months to earn extra cash for college. With his dashing body and his charismatic voice, his following count grew in a matter of days. He made a set amount of cents on each view count, and from others' points of view, it might not seem a lot, but really, those cents added up. It paid for his books and as well as his school tuition, and he thought, why not? He masturbated for free when he was in his room or in the shower after a night of wet dreams, so why not get paid doing it?
Jungkook never thought he would be doing this kind of profession without his friends knowing, but he liked it that way. Within his four white walls covered in music artists ranging from Michael Jackson to Ariana Grande, he could be whoever he wanted to be. When the red light came on and saw the comments scroll through his phone's screen, he was no longer Jungkook, but instead was Kookie.
Kookie only wanted attention from his followers and no one else. He wanted to be kept a secret, and Jungkook respected that.
"But when did you care about school?" Yoongi peeked under his bucket hat and questioned his maknae, who seemed deep in thought. Even though the tattooed man was brilliant and excelled in all of his studies, he could not stand to do work. He was like one of those people that didn't need to study. The lectures were all that he needed and made everyone around him envious of him without even trying.
"Would you stop pestering him?" Jimin spoke up for the first time since Jungkook announced that he was leaving. "We taught him to be a good student, and now, after all of these years, he's starting to listen to us."
"Yeah, I agree with Jimin," Taehyung shrugged as he propped his head on his hands.
"But I want to play," Seokjin wined at the boys, and they all laughed.
"We can still play," Hoseok chimed in. "Maybe after Jungkook gets done with his studies, he can come back down. Yeah?" Hoseok looked from Seokjin and then at Jungkook, who nodded his head.
"Of course," Jungkook finished off, causing the temper tantrum from Seokjin to escalate even further.
Waving goodbye and practically running up the steps to his room, Jungkook needed to satisfy his viewers first before going back down to enjoy himself in a fun game of daring.
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"I don't believe you," you looked at your roommate as she slurped a fair amount of noodles from her fork.
"Why not?" She swallowed and looked at you as you took a bite of your peanut butter jelly sandwich. You both had different taste buds at twelve o'clock at night, and it showed as you guys sat in front of each other at the kitchen table.
"It sounds too good to be true."
"Well, it is the twenty-first-century Y/N. The internet has stayed defeated."
You looked at her, still not believing the words that were coming from her mouth. You knew Sofia for three and a half years now, and with the last year of school for the both of you, you guys decided to room together. You loved the funny woman to pieces, but sometimes the words that reached past her tongue was not always reputable.
"I'm telling you Y/N. I tried it myself, and it works, like no shit."
"It's just hard for me to believe that there is this site that posts good movies for free."
Sofia shrugged her shoulders. "Believe it or not, that's how we watched Wonder Woman last night," the brunette stifled a yawn. After drinking the last bit of the spicy noodles she craved since yesterday, she definitely was going to hit the haystack afterward.
You continued to munch on your own snack, and you were starting to come over to the dark side little by little. You remembered that neither of you had HBO Max. The only way the movie came across the living room's television screen had to be because of that website she was talking about. Maybe it was also because your eyes started to droop, and your mind became hazy. Still, the thought of watching something for free—even if it was illegal—had you intrigued.
"What is it called?"
"I'll send the link to you tomorrow," Sofia leaned over the table and whispered. "You don't know who's listening, and I don't want to get caught."
Watching as Sofia looked around the kitchen suspiciously, you couldn't help but laugh. Who really had the time to listen to two young adults' conversations, who were just trying to survive society.
"I don't know why you have that look on your face," she mumbled.
"What look are you talking about?" You lazily smiled and took the last bite of your sandwich. You had a particular urge to make another one, but you decided against it as you didn't want to be greedy. A few sips of water from your coffee cup just had to do for tonight.
"The look that you always give when you think I'm just talking out of my ass," Sofia scoffed. "Just know that the FBI is tapering people's homes to keep us under control."
Choking as a bit of water went into the wrong windpipe, you couldn't stop the laugh from escaping your chapped lips. Sofia watched those conspiracy theories on YouTube in the wee hours of the morning, and they were doing their job in making your friend believe.
Hopefully, she will be free from those crazy channels soon, but only time would tell.
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Jimin was confused, or to better describe it, he was awestruck.
The bright-eyed man didn't know if he should be concerned at the fact that there was a life-sized teddy bear in the middle of the dining hall or that the life-sized stuffed animal was dancing in front of them.
"What have we come in society," Namjoon took a seat at the crowded table, which was filled with his friends who were wondering the same thing. There was this confusion in everyone's minds, but the pact leader was the one to voice it. He needed to get the opinions of his brothers as he didn't know what to think.
"Why is it dancing like that?" Hoseok cocked his head to the side and pursed his chapped lips. The tight-lipped that was overcasting his once bright demeanor was now in a frown. He so desperately wanted to tell the little furry guy to stop dancing and just go on with his life.
The floss that it was attempting to do was so last year, and it did not help that it kept starting over and over after many failed attempts.
"To answer your question Namjoon," Taehyung turned his brown eyes away from the disaster and towards the blue-haired man. "I think that we are being punked, and in a couple of minutes, the cameras will come out of imaginary rooms. Then the host will congratulate all of us for withstanding this mess," the more than amused boy finished off as he tucked his curly, dark hair behind his ear.
Taehyung did not think of the simple action of styling his hair differently. Still, it did not go unnoticed by the swooning girls at the table beside them. Fanning their flushed cheeks and sighing at how the seven gorgeous men at their university were right there, in front of their precious eyes, they squealed.
Maybe it was cynical for them to stare at the men and wish that they were beside them, having conversations with them as if they were in reaching relationship statuses. But it also did not help that the seven men were the most pleasant, purest souls that someone would ever meet.
They weren't those assholes you saw on K-Dramas or read on Webtoons, and you hoped that the main protagonist could change them for the better. Instead, they were presidents or vice-presidents of their respective clubs, and you would never see them peering down at anyone. They saw everyone as equals, even if they were in the top seven of academics, which made everyone at the university love them more.
"And I will answer Hoseok's question," Yoongi chimed in with the click of his tongue. "What we have here is the epitome of a social butterfly. That butterfly saw the opportunity to make someone laugh and ran with it," Yoongi gave his honest opinion and earned head nods from most of the team.
"But wouldn't the social butterfly wouldn't want to be caged in a bear costume?" Seokjin, the eldest of the brothers, questioned as he wanted to play the devil's advocate for a second. He always thought that people like him wished to have their face shown, but he remembered that he wasn't like everyone else.
Maybe he was the only one that liked his handsome face to be shown to the whole world—or at least to the school's population. But hey, everyone did not think like him, and he thought of himself as being unique.
"But what if she's paying off a debt for her actions?" Jin raised yet another question, and Taehyung gave him a quizzical look.
"No offense Hyung, but the person who thought that this was a great idea has truly lost their mind."
"But I think that it is a great idea," Jin counterattacked, and the boys laughed as their elder started throwing yet another temper tantrum. At the same time, the tip of his ears turned different shades of pink. "And whoever put her up to it was a genius," he defended with his arms folded across his broad chest.
Jimin looked at Jin with an amused look. "If I did not know anything, Jin, I would say that you are the cause of this somehow."
Earning a yelp as Jin could not help but get frustrated, how dare they accuse him of doing something like this? I mean, it was a good idea, according to his brain, but he did not like the way that all of his friends were now looking at him as if they knew something that he didn't.
Maybe he was, or perhaps he wasn't, but the idea was brilliant, and he was going to stick to that statement until the day he died.
"I think that it is adorable," the youngest one spoke up with his own opinion of the matter. He was not always the one to voice what was going on in that head of his, but he tried to make it positive when he did.
"I agree," Jimin snorted. "I think it takes a lot of courage to come in here and start dancing in front of all of these people, knowing that you are going to get scrutinized for it."
It was time for Yonngi to have a laugh. "Even if he doesn't have the dance moves, at least he has the heart of a lion to do it," he finished off, and that was when everyone at the table nodded in agreement. But that was far from what you had in your pacing heart.
Having the sweat cascading down your back and your hair plastering around your face, you couldn't help the pitter-patter that you felt in the middle of your aching chest. The stupid costume was no help either, and it just made you even more annoyed.
You honestly felt for the people who had to work in amusement parks with these costumes on, let alone in the middle of the summer. You were closer to your own death right then and there, and you felt you needed to be placed in a tub filled with ice—disregarding the fact that the season just turned cold.
In the back of your mind, you knew that the teddy bear outfit wasn't the cause of your feet sweating or your stomach feeling queasy. It was the hundreds of eyes on you as you tried to dance away the pain.
"I can do this, I can do this," you closed your eyes and just started your first attempt at doing the running man. The dances you saw earlier on Tik Tok were not the easiest, and you gave up after hitting yourself countless times. There were just so many times that you could do the floss unsuccessfully and not be discouraged at the fact that people were laughing at you.
You swore you did not have this on your schedule at the beginning of the week at all. Nor did you have this activity on your bucket list to complete before you died—but now, on a Thursday afternoon, this was something you had to do.
It was not something you did willingly. It was more so due to a threat by a specific annoying creature.
And that threat had you scared shitless if you were being honest.
Why were you in this position in the first place was a great question, and you were definitely not going to forget it until you were buried in your grave and your children reached their late sixties.
And as a result of getting caught doing something that wasn't like you, you were now dancing for your fucking life.
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"Please shut your mouth," you remembered yourself saying as you got up from your desk and clasped your hand in front of the jerk's mouth. You did not know that an annoying pest was peeking over your shoulder when you clicked the link, and as a result, a boy with tattoos showed up on your phone's screen, touching himself.
Your eyes widened as you saw the brown-haired man on a bed, palming himself. Still, you felt your stomach dropped to your ass when a paper note fell beside you, and you opened it.
The handwriting could be best described as chicken scratch, and you wished you could shoot fire from your eyes and burn it until it turned to a pile of dust. "I did not know that the quiet girl liked to watch masturbation videos during study hall,' it read, and you could see the cheekiness of it.
Who in the hell was watching you?
Looking over your shoulder to get the answer, you widen your eyes at the boy who you did not even know the name of as he gave you a wide smile. His coconut shaped head was tucked in both of his palms, and his dark eyes were nearly closed from grinning so hard.
That Bastard.
Quickly scribbling furiously at your explanation at what he saw, you felt your world collapsing, and the whole lecture hall was watching with antagonizing gazes even though most of them were half asleep or head over heels in a book that was too good to be true.
Making sure that you didn't get scolded by the professor for passing notes, you sailed the paper plane back towards his direction, and he caught it with ease. His eyes scanned your writing for a split second and then at your heated face.
Blowing his pink bubblegum, he popped it with his tongue. He shook his head and started writing under your lengthy response.
Hopefully, he will understand what you were trying to get at when you clicked on the link and ultimately put this incident behind the both of you guys. You were damned near embarrassed, and you thought being caught was already a painful hit to your pride.
Being shaken to your core, you turned your body back to your original position. You immediately exited out on the video that now had you in a shit ton of trouble. It wasn't even your fault that the video was on your phone, and you could hear the subtle moans coming from the man's mouth as his large hands gilded against his girth. You thanked the heavens above as your earphones were in, and you saved yourself from another disaster.
You could not even fathom the thought of being outed by the whole classroom, but especially the professor that held high praise for you.
Feeling the note hit the top of your shoulder once again before falling quietly towards the ground, you picked it up and felt your head throbbed at its message.
"You should explain yourself after class. I do not want to get caught passing notes. At the same time, we are supposed to be doing something productive, and we sure don't want the teacher to know what you've been doing instead of studying, do we?"
Reading the threatening words over and over again, you just hoped that you could explain better verbally. You had a reputation to keep, and you didn't want a damn video that wasn't even yours to be your downfall. You wanted a reputable job in the next couple of years, and you felt that it could possibly hinder you from it.
You just couldn't take that change.
Giving him a thumbs-up as a confirmation, you rolled your eyes as he pinched his cheeks and gave you an air blowing kiss.
You could already tell that the lengthy man was going to be a thorn in your ass, and you just hoped that it wouldn't be too much to get it out. It was your fault in the end, and you just had to deal with it in the best that you could.
Not even wanting to turn your phone on to keep yourself entertained for the rest of the class time, you put your head on the table and closed your eyes. You only had ten more minutes until it was time for you to drag your feet to the library or, at this rate, just going back to your dorm to sleep your problems away.
It was a deserving activity after today's event. Maybe if you went home and took a shower, the realization of getting caught for basically having porn on your phone would fade away to the back of your mind.
Maybe when you told this KSJ person that the reason why you had the moaning man on your device was, in fact, due to a mistake, hopefully, he will give you a break. You even had what you wanted to say planned out in your head, and you knew that you had to stick to it. If you did not waiver on your excuse, he would see that you were telling the truth, and you were actually the victim.
Hell, you didn't even know how to touch yourself properly, let alone reached an orgasm in the last few months. So again, you were an innocent bystander who was caught with criminally charged evidence against you.
Hearing the turn of pages from the active readers and sighing as a light snore came from the person beside you, you wished for the time to go faster so you could know your fate.
The nervousness in the pit of your stomach did not help either. As time dragged on, you could not wait to get your hands on Sofia. She brought you into this mess, and she probably didn't have a clue that you now had a bone to pick with her.
Having the professor interrupt your thoughts by telling everyone that study hall was now officially over, you stayed in your seat with your head still down. You did not want to face reality as of yet. You knew as everyone left the room in groups, the annoying boy was behind you. He probably had that stupid smirk still plastered on his deviously face as well.
Not even having the energy to put the books you had on the table in your bag, you waited until you felt his presence in front of you. Being a menace to society, he snapped his fingers beside your ear.
"Wake up, porn watcher," the male sang into the now deserted lecture hall, causing you to jump up with the quickness and covered his big, fat mouth with your sweaty hands.
"Can you shut your ass up," you gritted through your teeth as you could feel your blood boiling.
First of all, you were no porn watcher, and if you were, that was your business and no one else. "People could hear you, and I don't think I can handle that!"
Mumbling something as his voice was constricted, you eyed him suspiciously. "If I let go of your mouth, will you lower your voice? You are being loud for no reason."
Nodding his head as he tried to talk again, you slowly let go of him.
"God, your hands are sweaty!" He wiped his mouth in disgust and gave you a look that screamed disappointment.
"Sorry," you quickly apologized, somewhat self-conscious at how your body reacted to tense situations. Wiping the wetness off of your hands with the bottom of your shirt, you rolled your eyes as Jin turned his nose up in disgust.
"What?" You huffed in annoyance, and he could only shake his head and made a popping noise with the gum that you knew had to be flavorless now.
You did not know what was more annoying. The man himself or the gum that had you tempted to grab it and throw it far away from him as possible.
He looked at you incredulously.
How could you be the one mad at him when he was the one who caught you doing something unimaginable while around your peers? He didn't know if he should be more annoyed at the fact that he was the one that saw you watching it or amazed at how you had the balls (or the man's balls on your phone for that matter) to watch it with the high chance of getting caught.
"So," KSJ looked at you and rocked back on the heels of his feet. "I did not know I had study hall with a porn watcher."
"I was not watching porn!" You groaned.
"But your phone said otherwise."
"But it was a mistake!" You stressed, hoping he could sense the truth that was trying to get out. "I thought it was a link for a Disney movie, and we all saw that it wasn't!"
"But why were you staring at it for five minutes straight, and don't worry, I was timing you."
You gave him a look in disbelief. "Maybe because I was in shock? I was confused to see a half-naked man almost reaching an orgasm and not Elsa letting it go."
"What do you mean by letting it go?" He egged on, causing you to lose your wit's end with him. "I did not know you were into cartoon porn as well."
"Please do not say that out loud!"
"What?" He looked at you and frowned. He was just stating what he saw, and you definitely were a porn watcher.
"You don't want me to say that you like to watch explicit things on your phone while having a high chance of getting caught."
"I don't want no one to think that of me, and again, I was trying to watch a movie on my phone, and you could even look at the link that my friend sent me. She was the one that sent it to me," you desperately grabbed your phone from the table, but the man pushed his hands away from him.
"First of all, no one is in here, so there is that," he pointed out while giving you a serious look. "And secondly, I do not want to see what you typed up to get that kind of stuff," he smiled then ever so slightly released the annoying name under his breath.
"Please don't call me that."
The man sighed as he caught the sincerity from your voice and the way your eyes wavered before solidifying them again with a cold stare. He could feel that you were being sincere with your words, but he still couldn't let the foot off the gas just yet.
He needed to see how far you would go to prove your innocence.
"What's in it for me?"
"Whatever makes you shut up about it," and that is how you both ended up in a starring contest, wondering how you both could get this situation under control.
"Before I make a proposition for you, my name is Kim Seokjin or better known to the school's population as WWH," the now-named man grinned and stretched out his long arm for you to shake. He had an idea in mind of what he wanted you to do, but because Jin was a gentleman—or at least that is what he thought—you needed to know who you were dealing with first.
"Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N," you eyed his large hands at first but went against your better judgment and shook it. You never saw this man in a day of your life, but you were also marred with facial recognition, so there was that.
"What does WWH stands for?" You let go of his grasp and thanked your heavens that your hands weren't as bad as before.
Seokjin squinted his eyes in disbelief.
Not only was he in a class with you, but you did not even recognize him as the male with the most dashing looks at the whole university that you both attended.
"You can't be serious with me?" He side-eyed you, positioning his face for you to get a better look at it.
"I'm dead the fuck serious," you shot back, and Seokjin pursed his lips. Not only did you watched people get off with their hands, but you also had a pouty mouth. Tsk tsk tsk. 
What was he going to do with you?
"It means worldwide handsome, and I am appalled that you didn't take the hint as you looked at my face," he motioned towards his indeed beautiful face and pouted. You sighed. This was not your concern right now, as you needed to clear your name from the depths of pure evil.
"You are indeed handsome, Seokjin," you said truthfully. "But I need to know how I can clear my name from whatever you have made up in your mind, and again, I am NOT someone who watches porn while at school."
"So, you DO watch porn!" Seokjin beamed as if he was a kid at a candy shop. "I knew it, Y/N!"
"Okay, okay, okay," Seokjin held his hands up in surrender. He saw the disgruntled look on your chubby face, and he made a promise to act like an adult from now on.
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After listening to his proposition with the goal of him remembering nothing from what he supposedly discovered about you, that was the reason why you were in this predicament now. You were standing in front of hundreds of eyes two days later in a bear costume that you didn't know was possible to get at short notice. In the back of your mind, you just knew Seokjin was waiting for your downfall and had it stashed away in the back of his closet.
Looking through the mouth of the bear and catching a glimpse of the person that put you in this challenging position, you wanted nothing more than to slap him upside his head.
He had that look of amusement on his handsome face while you were basically fighting for your fucking life. You could just tell he was trying to play along with his friends as if this was the first time he saw you himself.
The annoying five foot something of a man even gave you a few dance pointers to try out, and you wished you could tackle him onto the ground and start hitting him with all your might. That's how much you were done with him and that stupid look he had on his face as if he wasn't the mastermind of this whole shitshow.
Feeling your throat closing in on you and your body wearing out from running in place, maybe there was another dance you could do to earn a few brownie points. At the rate you were going, it even was going to be a 'no' from Simon Cowell.
Hearing the scuffs of your tennis shoes hitting the tiled floor as no one said a word and just watched, you decided to stunt on these hoes and hit the Woah. You earned a few yells of appreciation from a group of boys who kept up with the tik tok dances these days.
You could tell that Seokjin was enjoying it by the smile that made an appearance on his face, so with the little energy you had left, you skipped over to the table where he sat and stood behind him.
Maybe you should give him a little taste of his own medicine.
You rolled your eyes as you could hear everyone swooning over your child-like frame holding your gigantic belly. They were like babies who played peek-a-boo for the first time, which made you even more annoyed than you already were.
Have they not seen a teddy bear dancing in public before?
Good grief.
Seokjin knew you were behind him, but he kept his back turned, not wanting the boys to know he was in on this after all. If they did, he would hear it for the rest of his life and, more importantly, on how he should act more like his age.
"I think someone wants to get your attention," Namjoon looked over his Hyung's shoulder and watched as the teddy bear waited for Seokjin to turn around.
"She's not here for me," Seokjin said a little too loudly for the boys' liking and took a bite of his pizza. He hoped you would get the hint and leave, but Jimin had to open his big ass mouth.
Jimin found it very interesting that Jin knew the bear's gender. "How do you know that it is a girl?"
Seokjin narrowed his eyes. Jimin was starting to be a pain in his ass with all these questions all of a sudden.
Interrupting their little conversation once again as you wanted to be in the center of attention, not Seokjin, you tapped him on his broad shoulders.
"Yes," he turned around with a smile on his face. Still, you looked him in the eyes. You saw what he was really trying to say to you without voicing it because his friends were present, and basically, the whole dining hall was staring at you both.
You gave a cheeky grin in return as if he could see you, and an idea popped into your brain. Chuckling to yourself when you waved for him to join you for your next dance number. His eyes started to pop out of his eye socket, and you enjoyed getting under his skin.
Jin could not believe you. This was definitely not part of the plan, and he needed to discuss it with you after this little debacle you have created.
"Why won't you dance with her?" Jungkook pouted his lips over at Jin, who, in return, gave him a pointed look. Jungkook thought it would be fun if his older brother gave the school some more entertainment alongside the bear. "People deemed WWH would dance with the bear," he egged on, and the rest of the table laughed.
"I can't believe I am doing this," Jin puffed his cheeks before getting up and joining his new nemesis. He definitely needs to have a conversation with you afterward. When Jin saw you walking to your classes this morning, he couldn't help but skip over to you with the costume in his arms, wanting to see your face as a result of it. But looking back at it, maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all when he found himself joining you as well. "What do I need to do?" Jin asked, and you started doing the shoot.
"But I can't do that," Seokjin groaned as he watched you move your arms and legs with your body. Wow, you were a good dancer, he thought, but he wasn't going to admit that to you...not after you pulled this little stunt.
"Try it," Hoseok egged on, causing the now blushing man to flick him off. Mustering up all the courage he had and feeding off the cheers he heard from the whole dining hall, Seokjin joined along, causing an eruption of cheers from his peers.
Laughing inside your suit, you disagreed with the now blushing mess of a man she created. He was a good dancer, and you felt kind of bad that he put himself down for believing that false statement that he made in his brain. You were enjoying it to the fullest, and you as well were feeling the crowd, but as all stories went, those few unforgettable moments were short-lived.
Caught up by Seokjin's face as his eyes crinkled and giggles erupted from the pit of his stomach, you did not notice a person behind you until you felt a stiff jab. Not realizing the unknown elbow's strong impact, you lost your balance and could feel yourself falling.
Letting out a yelp and closing your eyes in fear, you waited to feel the impact of your back hitting the hard floor and you being paralyzed from the hard contact. You could hear the claps abruptly stopping, and the dramatic gasps from the cafeteria as your life flashed before your eyes.
You just knew that this was the end all be all.
"Did I just die?" You asked in a panic mode as that feeling of having the wind knocked out of you never came, but was instead, met with something else entirely.
"Hyung, she's also funny," you heard an unrecognizable voice laugh, and you sighed as you could feel your body calm down from his soothing voice. It was beyond beautiful to hear, and you needed to know who decided to save you from a bad back for the next couple of days.
Slowly opening your eyes to see your savior, you could have sworn that the cloudy sky forecasted by the weatherman today suddenly opened up. The sun was now beaming onto this individual's face, and he looked ethereal. The long hair undercut combo was lethal, but you could still see the child-like manner twinkling in his dark, stormy eyes.
The smile he wore as he peered down at you did not help at all.
It was like time stood still, and everyone around you was stuck in their respective places. You most definitely could stare at the person for the rest of your life if you wanted to.
"Y/N, are you okay!?" Seokjin stopped mid-shoot and looked over at you, breaking the millions of thoughts that were running through your head as you stared at the man you deemed your future husband.
Remembering the hundreds of people that were still watching you as you laid in the arms of this perfect human, you moved away from the stranger's strong grasps.
Groaning as you were met with a hug from Seokjin and him scanning your furry face to see if you were okay, you slapped his hands away.
"Hey!" he pulled his arms away from you. "You young lady has some heavy hands on you," he whispered in a horror hammer.
"Oh, shut up!" You stuck your tongue out at him as if he was looking directly at your facial expressions. Of course, he could only see the two eyes and a smile that was painted onto the costume's face to make sure that it was always cheery, but you still felt good afterward.
"Can you please forgive me!" A girl started pleading beside you, which caused you to turn your whole body around to a better look at who was talking.
You frowned.
You could see the tears forming in the girl's eyes, and you knew she didn't mean any harm by it. It was just a simple accident as she was intrigued by the phone in her hand and not at her surroundings, and you understood that. Your phone was part of your life as well.
Doing what you thought was best in that situation, you opened your arms and motioned for the girl to bring it in with a motion from your larger than life head.
"Are you sure?" The timid girl sniffled as tears fell from her pale face. If there was anything about you, you hated when someone cried, and it felt like you were on your deathbed when it was because of you.
"Don't cry," you frowned as you couldn't stand it. She was adorable as you took notice of the BT21 keychain on her backpack. They were your favorite band, and your throat was itching to fangirl, but you did not want to scare her away. "And please, I want to give you a hug to let you know that all is well, and I like the keychain on your backpack."
Watching as the girl looked down at her converse with a small smile and battled whether she should give in or not, you decided to push it one step further.
"Fluffy likes hugs," you smiled, referring to yourself, and that scored more brownie points from the people around you. "And fluffy would definitely like one from you as well, but only if that's okay with you?"
"I'm okay with that," the woman looked up with a smile and slowly walked into your—well fluffy's embrace.
Hearing the eruption of applause as the two of you hugged it out, the beautiful rendition of kumbaya was interrupted by the handsome human being from earlier.
"Miss Fluffy, if you don't mind, who are you really?" Jungkook asked as he wondered who was behind the suit that made Jin act a fool when he usually didn't.
Breaking away from the hug, but not without patting the woman's back to signal that everything was okay, you decided that why not show your face by taking off your headpiece. No one was really making fun of you, so why not?
Everyone decided that their food was now more critical than the bear. You now only had seven pairs of eyes watching you instead of hundreds.
Seeing that you were getting ready to show your face, Seokin stepped in and tried to stop the disaster that was ready to happen. He couldn't let you blow your own cover, but most importantly his. Especially not when the boys had amusing smirks on their faces.
"What's wrong with her showing her face?" Yoongi spoke up, saying what was really on the minds of each group member. He was definitely hiding something, and it was fun to see him squirm, trying to get out of it.
"Nothing," Seokjin gave a firm answer before pushing you towards the exit. "She has to go perform at a kid's birthday party, and I don't want her to be late," he quickly added. "You know how kids are when they don't have a dinosaur entertaining them."
Hey," you hit on the forearm playfully. "I am a teddy bear, not something that roamed the earth millions of years ago," you sassed, and the boys laughed.
You were a feisty one as well.
"Could we come?!" Jimin's eyebrows shot up at the mention of the non-existent event as he most definitely had a sweet tooth for ice cream and birthday cake. The two desserts sounded delicious, and he wanted to get his hands on them. "We could be like your little helpers."
"Who said I wanted to go?" Yoongi butted in, looking at the blonde-haired man in confusion.
"We did," Hoseok answered for Jimin and turned his attention back towards the bickering couple. "So can we go? We won't bother anything, and we will be on our best behavior."
Watching as they gave you sad eyes, hoping that they could tag along, you couldn't let them down. They were just too adorable to say 'no' to. "Sure you guys can go," you started, but you looked up at Seokjin, who gave you a look. "But there is no—"
"There is no outside guest allowed," chimed in Jin before pushing the most challenging person that he had ever met on Earth onto the quad that was just right outside the dining hall.
The boys couldn't even give you a farewell as you were out the door within a heartbeat.
What in the hell was that?" Seokjin looked down at you in bewilderment.
You were really the annoying brat that almost got him caught.
Folding your arms across your chest, you couldn't believe this dimwit. He had you dancing in front of the school in an embarrassing costume and performing awkward dances, so you did not see what the problem was. If anything, he should have been questioning his own damn self.
People looked at Jin with concern as they passed by and saw that he had a full-on heated conversation with a larger than a life teddy bear.
Was he on some sort of drug? They thought, but they shrugged it off and returned to their phones. Hopefully, he'll get help soon.
"Why are you not explaining yourself right now?" He tapped his foot against the pavement, and that made you even more furious. He was not your father and not your mother, either.
"You look here, Mr.," you gritted your teeth. "You are the one that had me do all of this, so I don't see what's the problem."
"But you almost gave your identity away. That's my problem!"
"And why is that a problem?"
"We're not going to talk about this no more."
"Yes, yes we are," you challenged back, and Seokjin pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why is me showing my identity to your friends such a big deal?"
"Because you just can't, alright. They aren't even supposed to know that I was in on this."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing coming out of his mouth. Was he trying to hint you at something?
"Are you embarrassed by me, Seokjin, and don't lie?"
"No Y/N," Seokjin looked down at you and sighed. Why was he even having this argument with you when he has only known you for a week. Catching the eyes of his six best friends staring out of the window at the two of you, he rolled his eyes. "I am not embarrassed by you. If anything, I shouldn't be embarrassed by myself."
"Yeah, you did do something terrible."
"Terrible?" Seokjin stared at you incredulously. "If anything, that is you. I caught you watching porn, and you wanted ME to shut up about it."
Kicking Seokjin in the shin as bypassers' heads popped up at the mention of 'porn,' you internally screamed. He just couldn't shut up about it even though it had been a few days since.
"What did you do that for?" Seokjin gapped at you as he started hopping on one foot in pain.
"You told me that after I did this little stint, you would shut up about it," you jabbed your hand against his chest, a bit surprised at how solid it felt.
Who knew a wimp could be so strong.
"I said, I will!"
"But you're not keeping up your end of the bargain."
"Whatever, I'm doing the best that I can in difficult times."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," you frowned as you were ready to leave his presence. You wanted this conversation to end already. Even though it was at the beginning of the winter, you were burning up in the costume.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he mimicked, and you could have slapped that stupid grin off his face.
"Anyways, you said that you were embarrassed about yourself," you reminded him, and he nodded. "Why is that?" You asked, wanting to know his answer.
"Because I told the boys that I was turning over a new leaf, and I was going to start acting my age."
"And what happened to that?"
"Shut up," he groaned, and you decided that he didn't deserve that command.
"No," you challenged.
"No," you finished off, and that is how the friendship started between you and Seokjin, whether both of you like to admit it not.
You guys were like star crossed lovers, minus the love part, and that didn't go unnoticed by the boys who could wait to clown their Hyung when he got home.
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"I knew you had something to do with it," Namjoon cackled as soon Seokin stepped into the apartment that he shared with the boys. The weight of his book bag took a toll on his back, and his stomach started to growl. Why were they still on this?
After the debacle between him and you took place outside of the dining hall, he made his way back to the table, telling them not to say a word about this for a little while.
For most of the day, they stayed clear of the dancing teddy bear's topic, and Seokjin thought he could live his life in peace now, but that was short-lived.
"Namjoon, I thought we would not discuss this."
"But we have to," Namjoon got up from the couch and followed Seokjin into their kitchen.
"No, we don't," Seokjin mumbled as he opened the refrigerator and took out a carton of yogurt and a bottle of water. He hoped that it would last him until Yoongi cooked for them later on that tonight.
"Are you keeping that person inside the costume away from us because you have a crush on them?"
Peeling off the foil of the banana flavored yogurt, Seokjin snorted.
"Me? Having a crush on Y/N? Absolutely not."
"So her name is Y/N. What a pretty name," Namjoon laughs, and Seokjin shuddered; still a little shaken up at the fact that he thought he had feelings for you. He would admit that you were pretty, but he thought of you as an annoying sister that he couldn't get rid of, granted that he was the one that made you dance in front of the whole student body as they ate.
"We should meet her," Namjoon suggested, and Jin snorted.
"Over my dead body."
"If we don't meet her, then that means that you like her."
Seokjin turns up his nose. "She'll be here tomorrow night," he finished off and made his way towards his room.
How was he going to get you here?
He didn't know, but he needed to come up with something before them thinking that he was a lovesick puppy.
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Pulling off the costume that had you a sweating mess, you were glad to be back into your apartment and an inch closer to soaking yourself in bath water filled with bubbles.
The t-shirt and sweats that you wore alongside the costume were clinging to your body for dear life, and you so desperately wanted to get the articles of clothing off.
The thought of warm water hitting your skin after a long day of fighting with Seokjin has you running into your bathroom excited. You dropped your belongings onto your bed without a second thought.
Knowing your roommate was out because of a scheduled class, your speaker, and your favorite pajamas tagged along with you.
Turning on the faucet to the bathtub and adding a cap filled with bath soap, you couldn't forget your phone that was in your backpack, and as you got it out, your eyes caught the costume on the floor.
"It's been fun," you smiled. "But it is time for me to depart from you and give you back to your rightful owner."
You kind of grew attached to it as it's been in your possession for a day or so, but then you remembered the heat stroke you almost had in it.
Next time you saw Seokjin, you definitely had to ask him why he had it in the first place.
Connecting your phone to the speaker's Bluetooth, you discarded your outfit and took a seat into the now filled bathtub. It has been a while since you treated yourself to something so relaxing. There hasn't been much of a space to treat yourself with school and work overtaking your life, but it was well worth it when you did.
Your body aches after you attempt to do the shoot, and you promised yourself to not try it in your life again. The rhythm you wanted to have was not there, and you needed to give it up.
Wanting to hear the sweet sounds of your favorite artist belting out your favorite song's lyrics, you opened your phone and found your music provider.
Having the problem of always double-tapping your home screen, the forbidden video that got you in tons of trouble was back on your screen with a vendetta. You could have sworn that you exited out of it once you got caught by Seokjin, but as you laid in the tub with your heart pounding, the moans of an unknown man seeped through the speakers.
You felt the heat between your legs, and even if you tried, you couldn't look away. The way his head tilted back in pleasure and his hands glided his shaft as his precum wetted his fingers made you feel things that you have never felt before. His tattoos were noticeable on his knuckles, and you couldn't help to trail your heated gaze as they spread throughout the different parts of his body.
You knew you should have excited out of it like you should have the first time, but you were too far gone to reason.
You couldn't see parts of his face as his eyes were covered with a mask, but the way he created sweet sounds as he came undone, made you want to continue watching, hoping he could find his release soon.
Finding one of your hands in between your thighs and the other one holding your phone to make sure you didn't lose him, your fingers find their way to your center, not wanting to let go until you come undone as well.
The sensation of being touched created a buzzing sound in your head. And you felt more satisfied when one of your digits entered inside of you slowly.
As you rock back and forth, hoping you weren't causing too much of a mess in the small room. Your moans intertwined with his, creating a sweet sound that was music to your ears.
You never thought that you were the type to watch someone else in a personal setting get off, but the way he squirmed on his bed while his feet tangled into his dark sheets had you rethinking your life.
"You've done so well baby, please cum for me," he moaned and looked directly into the camera. You don't know how he did it, but your legs started to shake, and your abdomen clenched in arousal. The water began to shake, and some splashed onto your tiled floor.
Your eyes were still closed as his own voice hit a pitch higher than you expected and a part of you felt warmed that he came with you. You could hear the bed shake and his breathing halting. It was the sexiest thing you ever heard, and you wished you could thank him in person.
That was one of the best orgasms you have had in a long time, and you wondered how he was so good at it.
The feeling of pure bliss soon dissipated, and reality hit you like a ton of bricks.
Quickly exiting out the explicit video and only hearing nothing but the heater, you felt embarrassed. You let a man who was probably getting paid to do this make you reach a place you wanted to catch forever.
How was the one video making your life turn upside down all of a sudden?
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"I'm home!" Sofia sang as she walked into your guys' shared apartment. The overdramatic woman was glad that the day was finally over, and she could spend the rest of her day cooped up in her room, watching her favorite cartoons.
Folding your arms over your chest as you looked at the television, you still didn't want to give in as you still were not in the mood to deal with her and her shenanigans.
"Please, Y/N, don't tell me that you are still mad at me?"
"It's only been a couple of days," you heard her place her keys on the kitchen counter and made her way to the couch you were sitting on. Even though the little session you had in the bathroom earlier was still playing in the back of your mind, waiting for you to think about what you indeed did, you were still mad at her.
That link that she sent with no care in the world and with no real repercussions had your life in a haze and an annoying Seokjin sitting on your shoulders.
"You are right," Sofia took a seat beside you with her bubble jacket still engulfing her small frame. The weather was freezing cold out there, and she was glad to be home. "It's been a couple of days of you going off on me, so you should definitely forgive me. I am a changed person now."
"Are you really?" You narrowed your eyes, and Sofia sighed. What did she need to do to get you to see that she was a victim as well? Sofia swore that she didn't know she was sending you a porn link instead of 'Frozen.' If she knew, she would have definitely kept it to herself.
That day when you got caught by Seokjin as you clicked on the link, you went straight home afterward and had a few words with your best friend. You told her because of her careless mistake that you were now in the wrath of Seokjin's path, and you frowned at what she did after your hour-long lecture.
She swooned at you and told you that you should be thankful that she sent the link because now you befriended one of the most handsome men at their school. You were, in fact, lucky to cross his path, and she thought you should give a thank you to her for finding www.oppastotherescue.com.
Now granted, Sofia should have mentioned that sometimes the uploaded content wasn't what they always say. It was stated clearly on the website's guidelines page, but at this point, it was a blessing in disguise.
"I could hit you right now," you stifled a yawn and tucked your knees under your chin. It was only past six o'clock in the evening, and maybe touching yourself after a long drought took a toll on your body after all.
"Do you want to watch a movie with me tonight?" Sofia wiggled her eyebrows at you, and you didn't know if she was talking about a movie movie or a movie that was only for mature adults.
"I know you're not serious," you tell her, even though you were ninety percent sure that she was just joking and just trying to push your buttons. The same way you were guilty of when you found it funny to push hers when it came to her different crushes throughout the years, but you just had to make sure.
"I mean," she shrugged.
"Go to hell," you laughed, and she giggled.
"So, that means that you're not mad at me anymore?"
"Only if you make dinner tonight."
She gave a thumbs up at you and winked. "You got it, dude."
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"Y/N! Wait up!" Seokjin yelled across the quad as he saw you hunched over, walking across campus to get to your first class of the day. The wind was cutting through your skin like a sharp blade, and your legs moved with the swiftness. You wanted to get inside before you were frozen to death.
"Y/N!" You faintly heard once again, and your eyes cut towards the snowy grass and caught a glimpse of a bundled up Seokjin who wore everything in a shade of bright pink. Even his cheeks went along with his outfit, and that caused you to groan.
What an eyesore.
Stopping as you watched him jog to where you stood on the sidewalk, you rubbed your hands together, hoping to warm them up until you could get inside. The tumbler that was tucked away on the side of your bookbag had you wanting to grab it and drink from it, but you decided to wait.
The coffee cup made by Sofia that morning to make up for what she did to you had to be spread out in increments if you wanted to be alert all day and not a sleepy mess.
"What do I owe the pleasure of meeting you this cold morning?" You asked in a monotone voice, sounding much like Stanley from 'The Office."
"I thought we were past the hostility," Seokjin dusted off the snow that had fallen on your shoulder and smiled, showing the straight line of his perfect teeth.
"Sorry," you apologized as you were not always that grumpy. "It's cold, and I'm also annoyed when I am cold," you gave your explanation, and he nodded in return.
"Sounds like Yoongi."
You perked up at that name as the pages started to turn in your head. The name sounded familiar, and you just couldn't quite put your finger on it.
"Why do you have that look on your face?" Seokjin snapped his fingers in your face, and you leaned your head back. Who did he think he was putting his hands in front of your precious eyes in the wee hours of the morning?
Quickly dismissing the familiar name, you sighed at your friend. "Let's walk and talk. I only have a couple of minutes before my class starts."
"What's your major?" Seokjin asked as they started making their way to the building across the street, and you could hear the snow crunched below your boots.
"Education. You?"
"Business Management and a minor in acting."
"Sounds fun and stressful at the same time."
"Tell me about it," he groaned, and that caused you to laugh.
"Oh, I haven't forgotten about your costume. I didn't know I was seeing you today since there is no study hall."
He shook his head as he opened the door and waited for you to go in first.
"Thanks," you smiled, and he shrugged.
Walking through the deserted hallway and catching a lift into the elevator to the third floor, you narrowed your eyes as he kept following you like a lost puppy.
"I know you want something, so spit it out."
He smiled and pulled his hands closer to his heart. You totally forgot how dramatic he was. "You know me so well," he beamed, and you laughed. After a short time of knowing him, you wouldn't trade him for the world.
"So," he trailed off as you reached your destination and leaned against the wall, waiting for him to continue. "Theboyswanttomeetyouandinvitedyoutodinnertonight."
You looked up at him in confusion.
"Can you repeat that for me, but a little bit slower this time," you hummed as you couldn't help but coo at how his cheeks were still pink even after being in the warm air for over five minutes now.
"The boys wanted to meet you, and they invited you over for dinner tonight at our dorm."
"Change of heart, Seokjin?" you commented as he shook his head. "They'll think that we are dating if you don't come."
"And what's wrong with me?" You scoffed at him, playfully pushing his chest. "You don't think I'll make a good wife for you."
He looked at you in disbelief. You always thought you were fun to play with his emotions like that. You were a menace to society.
"Y/N, no offense, but you're just not my type. Maybe if we are both alone in twenty years from now—which I think you will be—then we can think about marriage between us, but until then, no way, Jose."
"And you just burst my fantasy of you being my husband, "you laughed, and Seokjin plucked you against the forehead.
"Owwww, that hurt," you moved your fingers to your aching forehead and frowned.
"That's what you get," he puckered his lips and made funny faces at you. "But for real, though, can you please save me?"
"What's in it for me?" You still felt the stinging from his little perfect manicured nails, but you tried to act bravely in front of him. You were not going to let him see you faltering just a little bit. You have a reputation of being tough to keep, and he couldn't catch you slipping.
"I am a great cook, and I'll make you breakfast every morning for a week."
"I've already got that covered," you sighed as you tried to make yourself uninterested. You were telling the truth as Sofia promised to take up that position this morning, so he needed to come up with something more appetizing for your appetite to be treated like a queen.
"I'll—" he stalled and looked around the hallway before an excellent idea popped into his head. "I'll buy anything you want."
"And where will you get that money from?"
"I do have a job at a grocery store," Seokjin said matter of factly, earning an approving look from your face.
"What if it's pricey?"
"Just please keep it in my price range," he begged while clapping his hands in a prayer formation. "I'm still a college student."
"What prices are you putting on the table?"
"No more than $100."
"I like it," you thought over his range and settled on it after a while. You didn't plan on reaching $50. You just wanted to see how far he would go.
"Type in your number, so I can send you the address," he pulled his phone from his jean's pocket and put in the passcode. "And you can think about what you want to buy and text it to me," he handed the Samsung over to you, and you couldn't help but turn up your nose.
"Don't tell me you are one of those people who suck the dick of Apple?"
You shrugged as you typed in your number and handed the phone back to him. "At least I'm on the winning side of history."
"Of course," he rolled his brown eyes at you. "You are too far up their asses to even see that they are mediocre, and every type of technology is better than them."
"You're just hating that your messages turn green when you send them, and mine doesn't," you shot back, and he scoffed.
"No, I don't!"
"How are you hating from outside of the club...when you can't even get in?" you laughed and opened the door to the classroom that wasn't scheduled to start for at least five more minutes. There were students already in their seats, waiting for the professor to come in. Their heads turned towards you to only be disappointed.
Smiling at them, you turned your head back at Jin with a smirk. "See you tonight, loser."
"Back at you," he lets out with a chuckle before giving you a wave and making his way to his own classes.
Watching as he disappeared into the elevator, you shook your head.
You wouldn't admit it out loud, but you were excited to meet his other friends. Plus, it was free food, and you couldn't wait to ask them how they put up with your annoying new friend.
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"Where are you going?" Sofia said through a mouthful of cereal as she walked into your room and saw you stuffing the bear's costume into a large duffle bag that you luckily found under your bed. It was a struggle to get the bulky items into a compacted space, but you weren't taking a 'no' for an answer and forcing them inside.
"Seokjin invited me to dinner tonight," you casually said as you heard the smacking of cheerios stop and a bowl being slammed onto your nightstand. "He wants me to meet the rest of his friends," you finished off.
Looking over at her as she wiped the milk mustache off of her face, you wrinkled your eyebrows in confusion when you started to see the wheels turning in her mind.
Here this girl go.
"Oh my word, Y/N!" she squealed, stopping you from covering your ears as she grabbed your hands in excitement. "Do you know what this means?" She asked as her bowl filled with HoneyNut cheerios was long forgotten.
"What does it mean?" You whined, wanting to finish what you were doing before you were rudely interrupted.
"It means that he likes you!" She fangirled and started jumping up and down, probably making the neighbors that lived below you furious.
"You too?" You groaned, and you remembered Seokjin saying it earlier that his friends also thought that the both of you were together—when it was further from the truth.
"Because I am right!"
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am."
"No, you are not," you pulled away from her and wanted to clear your name for the umpteenth time this week. "Seokjin is like a brother to me."
"Are you sure?" She looked into your eyes and smiled. She didn't believe you quite yet, but she let it go for now.
"Yes, I'm quite sure," you laughed, and right on cue, your phone started to ring from a notification.
"He even has your number," Sofia sighed in content as if she's been shot by Cupid. "So romantic."
"That might not even be him."
Sofia could only grin at you. Taking a seat on the bed with her bowl of soggy cereal coming along with, she couldn't wait to rub it in your face and have you admit that she was right. You didn't have that many peers that would call you at this time of the day, so it had to be him. Your new friend.
Not even entertaining her shenanigans, you picked up your phone from your bed and opened it. It was indeed Seokjin, and you peeked over Sofia, who only cackles in return.
"Never underestimate me," you heard her say as you clicked on the message and rolled your eyes. This definitely sounded like Seokjin.
From: Unknown Number
here's my number, so you better save it.
To: Unknown Number
and if I don't?
From: Unknown Number
can you not be so difficult.
From: Unknown Number
i'm starting to regret becoming your friend.
Reading his back-to-back text messages, you could picture him looking at his phone in an annoyed look, probably waiting for you to text back. It was so like him to make threats to end the newly developed friendship, but you knew that they were completely empty. Seokjin did not want to admit it, but you knew he enjoyed bickering with you.
To: Seokjin
here's a screenshot for you to see that I saved your number :/
Hitting the send button as you indeed sent a screenshot along with the text, you waited for his response.
Sitting up on her knees while making sure she wasn't wasting any milk on your bedspread, Sofia peeked over your shoulder. She wanted to read the exchange of text messages herself.
"Y'all bicker like an old married couple," she commented as Seokjin sent the eye roll emoji before sending the address to the dorms that he and the boys shared.
From: Seokjin
Be here at 7 or get dealt with.
Narrowing your eyes at the words, this man was such a lame. Turning off your phone and leaving him on read, you decided on a quick shower before heading over for dinner. It was going on six o'clock already, and seeing that his apartment was across town, you needed to get going.
"Oh, my," Sofia held her hand to her mouth, causing you to look over at her with a raised eyebrow.
"That means you're going to see my Yoongi," Sofia's heart quickened as she mentioned the name. The quiet man had her heart since they were freshmen, and you were so lucky to be in his company tonight. "Can you sneak a few pictures of him?"
Now realizing why the name sounded familiar when Seokjin mentioned it earlier, you returned to your senses when you processed what she just said. Did she want you to commit a felony?
"You know I can't take a picture of him without his consent," you immediately shot down, and Sofia puckered her lips. She wanted you to give in to her puppy dog face.
"Pretty please," she whined as she took a large gulp of her milk.
With the pout of hers and the milk-making another appearance on her face, you gave in.
"I'll try to sneak you one in," you said, and you could hear her squealing.
"I'll love you forever," she started dancing in place as she took the last swig of her milk. Even though you liked to give people a hard time, you ultimately could not say no. Even if the punishment was a charge of taking pictures without someone's consent.
"Well, if you'll excuse me," you grabbed your favorite sweater and a pair of jeans from your closet. Not forgetting your undergarments, they were now under your arms. "I have to go get ready," you finished off, and with that, you left a grinning Sofia on your bed.
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"I am here," you spoke into the receiver of the phone after you heard shuffle on the other end of it. Your phone was held by your shoulder and your ear as your hands were tucked away in your coat. You were both excited to meet the boys and as well as a bit nervous. You were always nervous meeting new people for the first time, and this time was no different. The knots you felt in your lower region could also be because you were meeting the man who saved you from your fall the other day.
He had to be here, right? He had to be part of 'the boys.'
"Give me a minute," Seokjin responded, and you could hear something sizzling in the background. Your stomach growled at the thought of eating for the first time since breakfast, and you couldn't wait.
"Don't do anything too crazy until I can get to where you are."
"I'm just going to knock on the door, and maybe one of the boys can open it."
"They're in their rooms." You could hear the laugh erupting from his throat. "It looks like someone is getting a little impatient."
"Oh shut up," you shot back. "My feet are freezing, and you got me out here standing in the freezing cold. What some guest you are."
"See, why you are talking, I'm here," he finished off, and you were a little startled when the door opened and the aroma of what was cooking hit your nose for the first time. It smelt so good, and you wondered what it could possibly be.
Hanging up your phone as Seojkjin motioned for you to follow him, he told you to leave your shoes at the door as he had some slides for you in the kitchen.
He took your coat from you and put it on a rack.
"You have a lovely place," you hummed at him as you followed him to the kitchen and was met with it being in disarray. You thanked him as he handed you slippers, and you slid them on.
"Thank you," he answered back as he told you to take a seat at the kitchen table. He scratched the back of his neck and told you dinner would be ready in the next couple of minutes.
You smiled.
"I didn't know you knew how to cook," you got comfortable as you watched him stir something inside a pot.
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," he sassed back while keeping his back towards you.
"You're not going to poison me, are you?" You joked, and Seokjin kept quiet. "I said you're not going to poison me, are you?" You repeated, and he swiftly turned around with his spoon.
"You try me sometimes, Y/N, not gonna lie," he wagged the spoon before continuing. "But I'm not going to waste my beef stew on you. What do I look like?"
"I'm just saying," you smiled with a shrug, and you guys were soon not the only ones in the kitchen.
"Hi Y/N," someone with deep dimples came into the kitchen with earth tones overtaking his appearance. "I'm Namjoon," he held his hand out for you to shake, and you returned it. "Nice to meet you, Namjoon," you smiled sweetly at him, and Seokjin scoffed.
"You act so differently around other people and treat me like I'm dog shit."
"Because you are dog shit," you gave him a 'duh' look, and you were met with laughs from two other men.
"Hi," you waved at them, and they took you by surprise by engulfing you with hugs, each going one by one.
"I'm Taehyung, and this is Jimin," the one with the curly hair said with a deep voice as he pointed to himself and then at the shorter one. You could remember seeing them both at the table the other day. The dyed blonde hair the quiet one once had was now orange, and you would definitely give it to him. The color did look good on him, and you wondered how that was even possible.
The three of them took a seat at the kitchen table, with Taehyung beside you and the rest in the front, their backs turned towards Jin.
"So you're the one that has befriended our Seokjinnie," Namjoon smiled, earning a slap at the back of his head from Jin.
"Hey, don't fight, don't fight," a boy with blue hair came into your peripheral vision, and you laughed. He must be the party's life amongst the friend group, as his smile was like a ray of sunshine.
"Hi," you waved at him, and he waved back in return. "I'm Y/N," you smiled as he took a seat beside Jimin.
"I'm Hoseok, but you can call me J-Hope," he grinned as he pinched the cheeks of his friend. "What's wrong with Jimin?" He asked, causing the boy in question to look down at his lap with pink coating his cheeks.
"He's just embarrassed because he didn't realize how pretty Y/N was until he was peeking out the peephole at her?" Taehyung answered for him, and your ears perked up at the accusation. Hearing an 'ow' from beside you as Jimin gave his friend a kick to the shin, Jimin groaned at the fact that his best friend was telling you all of his secrets.
"So you're telling me," Jin turned off the stove to let the stew simmer. "I stopped my cooking to go get her," he pointed to you then back at Jimin. "When you were right there at the door? How did you get back to your room when I opened it."
"I didn't," Jimin said with a small voice. "I hid behind the couch."
"Aish," Seokjin stumped his feet in place, and you decided to add in your thoughts to the situation.
"Don't get mad at him. It was your responsibility to come get me."
"And if I had burned the food?"
"You wouldn't." The man whose eyes were half opened and the letters "FG" printed on his oversized shirt came into the kitchen and took a seat on the other side of you. "I'm Yoongi, by the way," he said in a groggy voice, and you low key started to panic. You could tell that he noticed the small things in life, and your confidence level of getting that picture for Sofia was slim to none.
"HI Yoongi," you turned your head towards him, and he nods in return. You could see why Sofia had a crush on him. He was quiet and straight to the point. Two things that your friend found attractive.
Counting everyone that was now in the kitchen, you noticed there was a missing individual.
Noticing your actions, Namjoon decided to quench your curiosity.
"We're missing Jungkook," he explained as he pushed his glasses further onto the bridge of his nose. "He says that he is studying, and he will be down in a little while."
"He's our little scholar," Jimin made eye contact with you after being outed by Taehyung and quickly broke it as you gave him a gentle smile. You were way too beautiful, and he couldn't handle knowing you were looking at him. You made him nervous.
"Mmmhh, I bet" Yoongi licked his lips and smirked as if he knew something that the boys didn't. With sharing a wall with the maknae and always having his room quiet, he knew he wasn't studying. But hey, was he going to say anything?
He couldn't as it was now his story to tell.
Feeling your bladder hitting the point where you couldn't hold it any longer, you turned your head back to Taehyung, who was playing thumbs war with Namjoon. "Where's your bathroom?" You asked.
"You can use the one that's down the hall and three doors to your left," he spoke up after celebrating his match with Namjoon leaning back in his chair in defeat.
"Thank you," you got up from where you sat and excused yourself to let out the fluids you drank in the last hour or so. The boys nodded as Seokjin pulled his apron from around his waist.
"When you come back, we can start dinner," he called out to you before collapsing into one of the few remaining empty chairs.
Following Taehyung's directions, you found their bathroom with no problem and quickly did your due. After finishing up and washing your hands, you stopped dead in your tracks when you stepped out, and you were met with the eyes of who you would have guessed, Jungkook.
"Y/N?" He questioned as he spoke in a soft voice, and your eyes widened. Bitch! That was the exact same voice you heard when you touched yourself in the bathtub.
Not even reacting to his question as he looked at you in concern, you glanced at his arms. Your throat went dry, and you felt your heart race. Those were the same tattoos you memorized when you saw them slide to their owner's private parts.
"It is you?" You looked up at him with horror on your face.
You were now a certified creep for watching him jack off, probably thinking about some pretty girl that had his heart. He was also the one that caught you, and you wanted to pinch yourself for not realizing that that was him then.
"What is me?" He egged on as he looked at you with an intense gaze, causing you to squirm.
"This can't be real," you mumbled to yourself as you tried to come up with a solution. It had to be you to get caught in this fucked up situation. With your eyes jumping all over the place, you missed Jungkook staring at you. With the countless rambling coming from you and you running your hands through your flushed face, he found you both amusing and adorable.
"What can't be real?" He continued to push your buttons.
"You're the man that was on my phone!" You shrieked, and it was Jungkook's turn to start freaking out. Were you a fan of his and trying to out him?
He wore a mask in his videos for a reason, and he didn't know he would get caught this fast.
Not wanting his Hyungs to hear you, he pulled you into his room, closing the door to keep the outside world from getting into his business.
"I didn't mean to watch it!" You cried as you paced back and forth, not realizing that your environment had changed. For all you knew, you were still in the hallway, and Jungkook was still in front of you, looking at you crazy. "My friend sent me a link, and I thought it was a movie. You have to forgive me," the tears started to form, and Jungkook laughed. You were acting like you committed treason in your country when he created content he created for you to watch in reality.
"It's okay, Y/N," he beamed.
"No, it's not," you looked at Jungkook, who was now sitting on the bed with his tattooed hands holding his head. You realized you were in the same room that was in the video, and you were mortified. "This is even the same room!"
"You think I would have rented out a place just to jack off?" He asked, amused, and you nodded.
"Is that what pornstars do?"
He was not taking it seriously enough for you.
"First," he said matter of factly. "I am not a porn star. I would like to consider myself more of a camboy than anything," he frowned before continuing. "And secondly, why not my room. It's not like the setting is special. It's the actor that makes his viewers go crazy."
You couldn't help but feel the shift of the room take a quick left as he licked his lips at you. Realizing what he was doing, your mind decided that this was the time to do a full profile intake on the man in front of you. His features and the way he carried himself was something you just could not get used to. The brown hair you remember seeing on him was now coated in blonde. His jawline stretched from under his chin and up to the bottom of his ears, and You swooned. It was sharper than new knife sets.
"Did I make you go crazy, Y/N?" Jungkook looked up at you with his dark, dreamy eyes, not even a glimpse of what they were in the short time of meeting him.
"I don't know," you lied, and he smirked. From the short time of knowing you, he could tell you were a lousy liar, and this was one of the times he read you liked an open book. "I just clicked on it, and you were just...there," you explain, and Jungkook didn't like your response at all.
You were beyond beautiful, and he wondered if he could push your buttons a little bit further.
"I like to think that I am a good pleaser," Jungkook confessed, and that created shockwaves throughout the entirety of your body. "But can I ask you another question?"
"You deserve it after I breached your privacy," you rocked back and forth, and his eyes crinkled. You definitely had a way with words.
"You don't have to answer this if you don't want to," he started. "But are you and Jin a couple?"
Looking over at him as you really thought that he had lost his damn mind, you quickly put an end to that concept. "Eww, no," you whined, but that did not convince him.
"Is it bad that I think that you guys are together?"
"Well," you slapped your knees, not knowing how to convince him. The shyness you once possessed was now long gone and not replaced with a plan, and that agenda was to put an end to the ship with you and Jin. "I don't know what else to tell you. Jin is like an annoying bug that just doesn't go away when you already called pest control, and trust me, that man can't stand me."
Jungkook couldn't help the giggles from escaping his mouth, and Y/N smiled. She knew it was far from the truth, but she also felt her heart tugged just a little bit. If she could, she would make him laugh at every chance she got.
"I think Hyung is quite fond of you," he smiled, and you scoffed.
"I need him to say that to myself."
"I'll make it happen next time," Jungkook finished off before changing back to the subject that had him intrigued by you.
"But like I was saying, did I make you cum?"
Choking on your saliva, you weren't prepared for that discourse. You shrugged your shoulders as if you didn't know the answer to the question when in fact, it was the best feeling you had had in a long time. The shyness you once was now back in full force, and Jungkook took notice.
"Now we're in a debacle," he frowned, and you cocked your head to the side. What did he mean by that?
"What are you trying to—-"
Not even finishing your sentence, you were immediately met with the softest lips you have ever touched, and you couldn't help the moan that escaped your throat. Jungkook's lips felt like those fluffy clouds you saw during a thunderstorm, and you couldn't seem to get enough.
Signing into this kiss as you felt your temperature rise, you wished you could stay like this forever.
Feeling a strong arm taking its place at your back and moving your body towards an unknown territory, the feeling of fingertips touching the base of your neck caused another embarrassing moan to escape from your throat. You could have stayed like that forever and gloat in Jungkook's kisses. Still, with his name registering in your brain and what you both were currently doing, your eyes widened.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry," you pulled away from his grasp and jumped out of his reach. You tried to get away from him as soon as possible. Your shaky fingers traced the outline of your own lips, and you swore you could still feel his on yours.
This was not it.
"Why are you apologizing?" he made his way closer to you. "I'm the one that kissed you."
"But it was a mistake, right?" You walked backward as you didn't want him to get near you. You did fine for the first few steps, but it all went downhill when your back hit a wall, and you were engulfed in his natural scent. You could smell a faint scent of his fabric softener, and you wondered what he used to make him smell so heavenly.
"Since I am assuming from your answer that I didn't make you cum," Jungkook bent down with his hands on each side of your face, sending shivers down your spine ever so effortlessly. "I want to make you cum now."
"I lied!" You hoarsely said, and he smirked. 'You don't have to do anything," you finished off, not wanting to waste his time with you.
"And I would also like for you to know that I don't like being lied to," he firmly gripped your neck, and your body acted in a way that surprised you. Instead of being afraid, you wanted him to choke you harder and do something about the river that was waiting to be released from your lower region.
"I—I'm sorry." Inwardly you cringed as you thought you could have said it more robust and more determined, but all you sounded like was a horny and desperate girl.
God, he smelt so good, and you were definitely at your end wits.
You didn't know if it was the laundry detergent that he scented with his clothes or the strawberry shampoo he washed on his scalp. Still, it was like those combinations, and the way he was looking at you gave you wrecked nerves. You ultimately could not keep the eye contact, and that resulted in you looking down at your feet and fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
"That's not the answer I was looking for," he placed your chin between his fingers and made sure that you were looking at him in the eyes. He wanted to see those eyes of yours when you buckled down and begged for him.
"What should I say?" It was pathetic to ask, and you never thought you would let a man talk you down like this, but in some way, shape, or form, you were begging for him to state his dominance over you.
He doesn't say anything for the longest time, and his eyes wandered all over your face, searching for something you can't quite get.
"I want your beautiful ass to call me Kookie," he drawled out, looking at you through his hooded eyes with intent to devour your plump lips as soon as you surrender to him.
"I'm waiting," he grabbed your ass and pushed you into him. You could feel the small tent in his sweatpants as he waited for your response. You let out a sigh of relief as you were not the only one who was in the space of lust and pain.
The pain came from him not ravishing you and marking his territory.
"I don't like waiting," he darkly chuckled, and you gulped.
He was beyond sexy in this situation.
"I'm sorry, Kookie," you started, and Jungkook closed his eyes at the use of his nickname. He didn't know the name could sound so sexy, but it did when it came from your sweet mouth that he so desperately wanted to taste again.
"I'm sorry for lying to you and keeping you waiting," you spoke quietly, and he sighed.
"What should I do to you?"
"Maybe kiss me?" you whispered shakily, and he shook his head.
"But I'm not done," he moved his head closer and planted butterfly kisses on your nose, not quite where you wanted them, but it had to do for now.
Placing one more kiss on your nose, he continued. "When you started freaking out when you found out I was the camboy, it took every fiber in me to not bend you over and fuck you."
"Then what are you waiting for?" You chuckled, not understanding the effect your words had on him.
It takes a quick second before his lips were on you again, but this time it was more intense and rushed. His hands found their way to your lips, and they gave you a light squeeze, causing a whimper to fall at how they felt on you. He bit your lower lip when you didn't at first let him in, and when you quietly yelped, he took the chance of exploring your mouth with his tongue.
Gripping his broad shoulders, the boys downstairs were long forgotten.
Just sharing a kiss with Jungkook was something you never experienced before, and you could shamelessly admit that he turned your world upside down.
Having his hands find a home inside of your pants, your head pulled back in a satisfying sigh. He didn't have to look in between your legs to know that you were wet, and it made him proud to know he was the cause of it. Pulling his fingers from the inside of your underwear, you watched as he pulled his soaking digits towards his mouth and sucked them.
Your heart warmed at his actions as he looked you dead in the eyes. He wanted to let you know that he was tasting you, and he enjoyed it.
"What are you doing?" You asked him as he sucked the rest of your justices off his fingers and pulled your pants down to your ankles. Your underwear went along with them, and he parted your legs to get a better glimpse of you. His mouth watered at your swollen clit, and he wanted to devour you until he was suffocating.
He doesn't say anything as he looked at you from his squatted position and raised an eyebrow.
Motioning for him to continue, his mouth opens, and wasted no time to suck you dry. The feeling of him drinking your fluids had you in a messy state of mind, and your shaking fingers found their way to his tousled hair.
Running through it and causing a moan to escape his lips, you gasped, loving the vibration he produced.
He licked a long stroke against your cunt and collected all of the wetness he could soak up with his tongue. Not only did you smell so good against his face, you also tasted heavenly, and he didn't want to stop any time soon.
Pecking your clit as he deflowers you, your back makes contact with the cold wall, hoping it would support you as you started to feel your core tightening. He didn't stop as he was basically making love to your pussy, and you honestly wondered if this was what heaven truly felt like.
The sounds of your moans and his slurping were music to your ears, and you did not want it to stop. "Fuck...Kookie," you sighed into his room as the shyness you had at the beginning of this meeting was long forgotten. Instead, boldness and desire overtook your stimulating body.
The pit of your stomach started to clench, and you pulled his head closer to your aching core. "I am about to c-cum," you struggled out, and when you did, you felt your relief and the overdrive Jungkook was doing to catch all of your milk.
Slurping your cum until you were all cleaned up, he stood up and pulled you into a kiss.
You could taste yourself on his tongue, and you closed your eyes at the thought. His chin and nose were still wet from eating you out, and you wanted nothing else but to make love to him until the sun came up.
Wanting to return the favor, your hands trailed down from his abdomen and towards his dick, which grew more than what you could remember.
"Turn around," he commanded, and you gave him a confused look.
"I wanted to repay you a favor," you pouted as you wanted to taste him for the first time. You just knew he tasted good, and you wanted to say 'thank you' for taking care of you.
"Not tonight," he grunted as he pulled down his sweats and turned you around. Your face was squished against the wall as he slowly entered you for the first time that night. "You can just repay me next time," he whispered fondly into your ear, and you shuddered.
Not waiting until you responded to his statement, he kissed the back of your nap. Your walls clenched against his length as it was familiar to your body and caused Jungkook to throw his head back in pleasure.
Fuck, you feel so amazing," he stayed in you for a while, wanting you to get used to his size before he started ramming inside of you.
You were beautiful to him, and he couldn't wait to make you cum so hard that you fell against him with exhalation.
It was a challenge, and he was willing to chase it.
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"Maybe her stomach is hurting?" Jimin voiced his opinion at the table, and the boys looked over at him. They all had their bowl of soup in front of them, and they were waiting for you to return, but it has already been half an hour since you left.
Namjoon was ready to get up from his chair but paused when he heard moans coming from the distance.
"Maybe we should not," he sat back down and took a bite of the garlic bread.
"Yeah," the boys all agreed, and you were glad because your cheeks were getting clapped at the moment, and you didn't want any interruptions.
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kookiepalette · 4 years
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kookiepalette · 4 years
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Geography Progect (Pt.1)
pairing(s): min yoongi x reader
summary: everyone has that one class that they hated the most and there was nothing in the world that could make that person like it. it was like a pain in the ass that wouldn’t just go away.
geography was that pain in the ass for y/n as it was a requirement for the junior to graduate the next academic year. with the help of her crush and countless of youtube videos, maybe geography wasn’t so bad after all.
word count: just over 3k
warning(s)/tag(s): love, pinning, one-sided, two sided, romance, procrastination, mean professors
Starring at the mouth of the professor who just went on and on about the creation of rocks, Y/N sighed into the palm of her hands, wondering what she did to deserve this type of punishment.
This wasn't the first time that Geography was becoming a bore to her as time ticked on and her eye lids were becoming heavier, and it certainly would not be the last time she experienced it.
The class did not spark anything within her tired body and Y/N dreaded waking up on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and pushing herself to be in her seat by 9:00 am, with at least something to take her notes on.
Looking down at the bareness of the first page of the designated notebook for the class, it was going on the third week of school and she still did not have any notes written down. It was a shame to say, but there was no motivation whatsoever on her part.
Every week since the semester started, she promised herself that she wouldn't slack off like she did the prior semester, but once she took a seat in her unassigned, but assigned seat, it was already game over.
This class was basically a bore to her and just another requirement for her to graduate on time.
If she could, she would have dropped the class in a heartbeat, but that would mean that she would have to take Astrology instead, and trust and believe, she didn't want to have that class either.
Why in the fuck did she had to learn about streaming discharge when ultimately she wanted to be a elementary school teacher? It did not make any sense to her, but then again, a lot of things was questionable in her mind.
Having that thought of leaving this forsaken place that she paid thousands of dollars for to a classroom that was hers, but filled with eager learning children, made her heart swell.
Matter of factly, the thought made somewhat of an impact on the young woman as she grabbed a pencil from her pencil pouch that resembled a panda and wrote down the last sentence of the slide before the professor went on to the next topic of today's discussion.
Of course, that determination only lasted for about a minute before the pencil once again found its home in the pencil pouch and that one sentence was all she wrote on that piece of notebook paper.
Focusing her attention back of the movements of Mr. Jackson, he was the epitome of a boring person. Having a pair of slacks as choice of style and a white buttoned down to compliment it with, that was what he wore every time she visited his classroom. There was never a different color shirt or even a pair of jeans whatsoever.
The gray-haired geography teacher never knew how to change it up and the colorful Y/N was frustrated.
Did he not have a wife or a husband to tell him to add some colorfulness into his wardrobe?
Sighing again for the umpteenth time today, Y/N moved her wondering eyes from the aging professor to different spots around the lecture room where other students made the cut of waking up this morning and having the energy to be present for today's class time.
Watching as some held pens in their mouths, listening actively to what the old man had to say, others were typing furiously on their laptops as they didn't want to miss anything for the upcoming exam that was in two weeks.
Which that reminds Y/N. She mentally made a note in her head that as soon as this class was over, she needed to go to the library and watch YouTube videos on Geography to ace her first exam this semester.
And lastly, there were students like her that wasn't paying any attention to the man who never sat down to teach, but just watch the clock above his head mocking them as it was ticking by slower than usual.
It was only Monday and those students, just like Y/N, wanted to call it a day and do nothing else that was deemed productive.
Drumming her painted fingers that were starting to chip on the table in front of her and keeping a hand on her chin, her tired eyes finally found what they were looking for, and the fire inside her cheeks could not stop spreading.
That something or that person rather, was no other than Min Yoongi and there was not a day that goes by that Y/N did not think about this man and what he brought to the table.
The way he tapped his pen on his composition notebook when he was also bored or to they way he puffed his cheeks when he wasn't done writing down the notes from the slide, but the professor only speeding to the next topic to fit everything in during class time, was fascinating to her.
She wouldn't say that she was in love with the dark-haired, browned eye man.
But she couldn't deny the jump in her chest when he was in her presence.
Taking in his appearance and what he wore that day, Y/N could only spread her lips at the figure below her.
The slender man wore a somewhat oversized brown sweater and paired it off with some dark jeans. With the countless of earrings taking a seat in the different holes in his ears to the Chelsea boots gracing his feet, who couldn't take note and at it to their Pintrest board later on?
It was simple outfit to say the least, but the way that he wore it and because it was Min Yoongi, it was the best outfit that anyone could have created.
And please don't let her get started on that hair of his.
It was back to his original black state at it has been blonde for the last couple of weeks, but the way he ran his slender fingers through it to create a disheveled look, made it so much more attractive.
But shit, anything he wore was attractive in the eyes of Y/N and she only had feelings for this man ever since this class started and that was three weeks ago.
She has been at the University of Stalworth for three years now and not once did she have to privileged of having this man grace her presence not once and she was still flabbergasted.
Feeling someone starring at the black of his head, Yoongi turned his hunched figure slightly to catch they eyes of that said person, but he cocked his head to the side as he was only met with his classmates focusing their attention to the lecture at hand.
Shaking his head while frowning, Yoongi turned around and focused back on writing notes to pass the time.
Feeling her heart petter patter at almost getting caught starring, Y/N thanked her quick reflexes as she focused her attention back on the man that was twice her age.
She really had it bad for the man that never said a word to her, but of course, she knew that this was only a crush that will probably disappear with time, just like the other ones that she had in the past.
Shrugging her shoulders at the thought of another crush being added to her list and nothing ever happening with any of them, Y/N new she was destined to live the rest of her life teaching and coming home to millions of cats waiting for her at her doorsteps.
And the worst part of that though that came crashing into her head at this time of day is that the fucking cats would probably not be happy to have her home, but more mad that she was invading their space!
As if they were paying the rent for her apartment and not her!
But now thinking about it as she cocked her head to side and actually thought about it.
How much would it cost to have that many cats in one apartment?
The cat that she already had cost her an arm and a leg every month! What about a hundred of those pesky little things?
Just thinking about it made her want to try even harder in life to not be in that situation no time soon.
Just a couple of years at least.
"Miss Y/LN?" Mr. Jackson stopped his lecture and looked up a few rows of the hall  and made eye contact to the person that was interrupting his teaching. "Is there something more interesting at the back of Mr. Min's head than listening to something that will benefit your grade?"
Blinking her eyes as if she was waking up from a trance, Y/N was confused as she heard her name coming from the older man's mouth as he tapped his foot as if he was for her to say something.
"Sir?" Y/N asked in confusion as her voice rose a few octaves than it normal was.
Why was he coming for her when she did not do anything to be a distraction to this class?
"Once again, is there something more important on Min Yoongi's head than what is on my PowerPoint because if it is, I would certainly like to know," Mr. Jackson gave the disbelief girl a pointed look as a frown made its way to his wrinkled mouth.
Inwardly, Y/N wanted to shrink herself as tiny as possible as she was being called out in front of the whole class.
And shit, it did not make it any better that everyone had their eyes glued to her face, including the Min Yoongi.
Now he most definitely knew that she was a fucking creep to stare at him so openly and she could not wait to end back at home and drown in her misery.
More specifically with a carton of Ben and Jerry that was sitting in the back of refrigerator waiting to be eaten.
"No sir," Y/N finally broke the deadly silence as everyone in the room was waiting for her to answer. "There's nothing more interesting than your lecture," she finished off as she downcast her gaze with shame spreading throughout her body like wildfire.
"Well, I would like to think so as well," Mr Jackson shook his head at the young child before clicking his clicker to the next slide which so happens to be the last one for the day. "Please do not let it happen again Miss Y/L/N. I do not want it to become a reflection of your grade."
"Yessir," Y/N could only squeak out as she was beyond embarrassed.
This was a blow to her self-esteem and how could she ultimately rebound from this?
The snickers from the people beside her made her ears ring and it didn't make it any better that the stolen glance she made at Yoongi was the final nail in the coffin.
Seeing the ghostly smile tainted his pink lips as if he was enjoying the scene that played out in front of him as well, Y/N knew that that one carton of ice-cream waiting for her at home would not be enough to drown her misery away.
She most definitively needed more than three and that was just being generous.
Pulling the pink bubble jacket with one of her cold hands and grasping the now lukewarm coffee in the other one, Y/N cursed herself for deciding that today was the day to get out of the comfort of her bed and be productive today.
Of course, every day was supposed to be a productivity day, but when the weather app on her phone says a ninety percent chance of snow for the entire day and as well as for tomorrow, her body wanted to go back to sleep.
That meant nobody was in her presence at any time of the day and she could be comfortable in her own home.
Away from wandering eyes and the likes of others.
Finding where she wanted to spend the next couple of hours at, Y/N sat down her things and pulled the coat that was a Christmas present from her grandma years back. She knew that the quicker she get started, the quicker she would be done for the day.
Plopping down in one of the library's chairs with and uncomfortable grunt, Y/N should have recommended the university to put more money into the well-being of its students and not into the pockets of the higher ups.
But who was she exactly?
She was just a student just getting by, paying thirty thousand a year to get an education for the job she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
Getting past the hardness of her seat and the way the air conditioning in the building had her fingers trembling, Y/N turned on the computer to jump start her studying for the day.
Despite not wanting to do nothing on this Tuesday afternoon, she knew she needed to prove to that stinking professor that she was allowed to not do anything as long as her grades were high enough to do just that.
Typing into the engine bar on YouTube, Y/N could not stop herself from rolling her eyes at what she was typing.
Remembering the debacle she had to face in yesterday's class made her shudder in annoyance, and trust her, it wasn't from the below freezing temperature that she was currently stuck in.
Grabbing more ice-cream from the convenient store that was in route of her apartment and creating a safety net in her full size bed, Y/N truly kept to her word as she ate in misery.
Again, how would she know that daydreaming about anything and everything was not only going to get her in trouble with a certain individual that should not be named, but as well as called out in front of her newfound crush.
How embarrassing could her life get, knowing that Min Yoongi knew she was starring at him like he was the last piece of meat in a scarcity world.
"Fuck my life," she huffed as she clicked on the first video that hopefully would give her answer on the different glacial landforms on the North America continent.
Plugging her earphones into the computer and shoving them into both of her ears, Y/N could already feel the drowsiness over washing her.
Poking her lips out and focusing on the countless of videos that played after one other, Y/N felt more confident on what was going on in one of her classes now.
Who knew that the Green brothers with CrashCourse was going to be the answer to some of her problems?
Writing down the necessary things--well what she thought was important--and highlighting the main points, the notebook that once had just a sentence, was now looking more like a textbook.
Of course, as time went on and her handwriting was turning into chicken scratch, the snow outside was becoming heavier and as well as the sky becoming darker.
But that did not stop the determined woman. There are not a lot of times where Y/N had this energy to take notes, but when she did, she wanted to get the most out of it.
Ending a sentence with a period and stopping the video before autoplay went to the next one, Y/N decided that it was break time, and took the last sip of the now cold coffee.
Cracking her fingers and giving her body a much needed stretch, there was time for her to check her emails before finishing strong with her notes for today.
Clicking the email logo and waiting for it to load, Y/N sighed in tiredness as she could already feel her bed calling her name.
"Let's do this for a couple of more hours and when can head home," Y/N spoke to herself as if she was talking to a child.
That was the motivation for her and it always led to positive things in the past, but when her email loaded, all she could do was close her eyes and pray that this semester would not be her downfall.
The very first message that was on top of the food chain and waiting for her to open it, was no other than an announcement from Mr. Jackson, the devil himself.
Forcing down the insults that she wanted to scream from the top of her lungs to the pit of her stomach, Y/N clicked on it, knowing there was bound to be some bullshit spewing from his side of things.
Dear GY 103-011 students,
I hope all is well and you're guys are staying safe in this inclement weather. Per syllabus, this class has a project coming up that will be considered the first exam of this semester. I am reminding all of you now as the exam date is only two weeks away.
What the project is and based on is included in the link attached at end of this email. Because I am a nice professor, I am willing to let you guys work by yourself or with partners. Just to keep in mind, everyone should participate and I will know if it is last minute and or you didn't contribute at all.
Again, please stay safe as we are in the middle of bad weather and hopefully to see you guys tomorrow.
-Mr. Jackson.
Rereading the email over and over again, Y/N was somewhat content with having a project instead of an exam that was on paper. After realizing that she suffered from test anxiety after fainting during her ACT exam in high school, she always was thankful when she didn't have to take one.
Licking her chapped lips as she click on the link that told her the specifics of the project, the thankfulness for Mr. Jackson was starting to dwindle down once again as she read what she had to do to get a good marking on her first attempt of this class.
As clear as day, the project was basically collecting different types of soil around campus and determining what its type, its origin, and many other things that made Y/N more confused on everything.
Before this class, there was not a time that she thought that her small town, let along the world, had different types of fucking dirt.
Quickly reading the last part of the pdf, Y/N could only groan as the final thing to do was to write a lab report for her findings.
Remembering that all hope wasn't lost as she remembered the email, Y/N pulled her phone from her backpack and clicked on the GroupMe app for the class that was overtaking her simple life.
Typing into the chat, Y/N hoped someone in the class wanted to be her partner, and as well as teach her the different types of soil.
This wasn't a feat she wouldn't like to conquer herself and she was going to need someone to help her as well.
Not getting a response from anyone after awhile, Y/N just knew she was doomed from the start.
Knowing that she had her high school picture as her profile, they probably didn't want to work with her, knowing she like to stare at people.
Frowning at the words forming in her mind, Y/N decided that she needed extra time before going back to writing notes or starting on this project on her.
Typing in 'Funny Videos of Agust D in America" was the first thing she put in the search engine as she wanted to feel better and not cry in the middle of a library that barely no one used.
Before she could click on the video that she never seen, Y/N perked up when two GroupMe notifications popped up on her phone's screen.
Seeing that someone named Suga liked her message in the chat, Y/N could not help the smile forming on her face as he sent a private message as well.
SUGA: I saw that you're looking for a partner for the project and I was wondering if we could be partners.
SUGA: I also do not know shit about soil so I need help.
Hovering over her keyboard as she didn't know what to type exactly, Y/N was in the same predicament that he was in.
Y/N Y/L/N: What if I told you that I do not know anything about soil either?
SUGA: Well...
SUGA: Let's struggle together then.
Feeling like some type of weight has been lifted off of her shoulders, Y/N was glad that this person wanted to go with war with her.
Realizing that she didn't even know what this person looked like as their profile picture only showcased a cute, fluffy dog, Y/N wanted to know who was this person that she signed herself up to be partners with.
Not even wanting to delay anything, Y/N needed to finish the introductions and get started with this project.
Y/N Y/L/N: If you don't mind me asking, what's your name or is Suga your real name?
Waiting for the response to her question, Y/N decided to watch a funny video of her favorite artist.
Not even one minute into the video that she had gotten a reply and Y/N was ready to put a name to this mystery person.
SUGA: I'm the one that has the back of the head that you kept starring at in yesterday's class.
Dropping her phone onto the table and causing a loud thud that could be heard throughout the quiet room, Y/N could honestly say that her hear dropped to the bottom of her ass.
"Fuck my life," she mumbled to herself as she hit her forehead in annoyance.
How was she going to do a project with him when she can't even look him in the eyes.
But then again, she never had a one-on-one conversation with him to know that, but Hell, you get the point.
She was going to make herself look weirder without even trying around him and there was not enough Ben and Jerry's to go around for that.
Not at all.
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