kozhergoy · 4 months
Array: Ю М ΛΙбИ
Traduc: Yu M ΛΙbI
‎ву פחור
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kozhergoy · 5 months
аиιмаиатяои оveя-еndеая, דדכ
Egyptian mummies were preserved with a salt called matron then wrapped.
An undertaker, A, makes a house call.
« A: аиу таикеяs?
« B: mums the word
« A: тuт тuт
« В: well if you know the gods, they keep natr’on her own pace.
« A: աеււ ι шоит say it sphynx but it does throw me for a riddle.
аиd тнеи тнеу go eaт dates and hum music from the prince of Egypt at тне руяамiΔ.
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kozhergoy · 6 months
Insights from a SPHXZ
𐂃༄༉༅༊༣༢༡ ᚹᛜ ᚱᛏᚺ
Google Translate Arabic has lately been teasing my nosy ass with these randomly discovered calligrams that proclaim to be nuclear weapons. Example:
ىة ي ن و ىه ا ىة ن قًز ينةم ىةنوًىة
‏Nuclear energy
It’s only now I realize it’s precede by a phonetic equivalent of “agape” so they’re adhering to the Christian principle of letting all that you do be done in love.
Or I was; I am that one who typed it. It’s really snarky and ironic that the rest of what I typed was sub Spanish for “is equal to that of the USA.” Started out as a post on water.
On the sly, wherever the programmers are located they said hey. We’ve got something equal to the United States too.
Time passed, things cooled down. And whatever this was became a little playful. And that’s what im going to show you.
This: ‏‎ىةيً نوى زرنقً ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
now translates as “this is a zircon nuclei”
An earlier version, below, is a credible enough guide, made proven by the end of this schpiel.
So, let’s get after it:
‎‏‎ىةيً نوى زرنقً ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
This is a blue nuclei
‎ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
identifiable reps of“Os”, and “Gu”.
Os is the old Norse word for their supreme God.
Gu is Chinese meaning “ancient,” though they referred to G-D as Shen.
then there’s “guo”, meaning “cross” in Chinese. A reference to Jesus?
Then there’s a second appearance of “Os” and a similar letter to “j” I can’t explain. Second coming?
Anyways here the numbers I got from attempting to recombine the digits.
‎ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
11, 28, 16, 25, 27, 28, 16
112, 81, 62 | 52, 72, 81
120, 162, 52 | 71, 81, 6
11, 28, 16 | 252, 72, 81
As you can see it took me a few tries.
Kept ending up with leftovers. Then i tried using the prompt as a guide.
Plenty of word play.
For example, subjectively the word “This” triggers Arabic “hisan” for me, meaning horse. I once had a paranormal experience resulting in a picture of a blue horse. So I knew to tally the values of the word “this” and plug ‘em in.
I came up with a working schedule.
R: 61
B: 81
G : 152
Key: 45
Cyan : 161
Magenta : 28
Yellow : 27
Ended up scrapping some of the colors because they altered the color harmfully once id reached the prespecified destination.
Life’s like that sometimes. Sometimes we have to scrap blind obedience in favor of balance and accord with earlier wishes and what we feel to be right rather than what we are told is right.
Anyways, here’s the hex code: #384a8c. It’s a beautiful hue of almost an indigo-blue, just like the translation said it’d be.
Tumblr media
Well, thanks for reading. I’ll keep y’all update on more of the universe’s less-than-subtle cues.
I like to look up the Strong’s biblical concordance of the numbers there if things look right and they’re short enough.
However this works, I stemmed to slip into an oxbow of the internets winding river. Rearranging letters and came across this:
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kozhergoy · 8 months
Forget your man
I ain’t talking bout that oaf and them
I’m talking wheels
keep em peeled,
stalkin’ ophanim
I’m the Serengeti seraph,
you a nephilim
F**k the candy and the cupids
that’s a joke to Mem
I saw a war in Heaven
and the war was raw
Nevaeh, south paw
It was a quick draw
Flow so elegant
I got that long claw
Cause I’m a outlaw
I never did thaw
Atlantic to Pacific
pitch and roll, yaw
Like I’m a Choctaw
I got that skill saw
Apply directly to the wood
The jackdaw
Mean muggin’ and huggin’
Like I’m in, like I’m in Warsaw
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kozhergoy · 9 months
[iZ:Wuclid] and the remapped  
 partition? ИЧЯ?
 [oZ] quest, run a translation please.
 <ans - ИЧЯ •: ICHYA [Kyrgyz]>
 Bb>Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ
 Bb> Iēsous Christos, Theou Yios, Sōtēr
 Bb> Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour
 [oZ] i think we may have just 
 discovered a new particle/participle
 [iZ:Wuclid] the…
 [oZ] luron
  Γ                                                                 ר
L                                                                  ⅃
  [oZ] subatomic particles known as 
  leptons have deferent “flavors”
  [iZ:Wuclid] usually six, now seven ;)
  [oZ] and hyaluronic acid has two 
  salt alembs
  [iZ:Wuclid] and a context for the lure-
  [oZ] Lead me on and I will run after 
  you. Also: 🎣
  <ans - Tasha Cobb’s Leonard, and an 
  emoji?! nice>
  <inp - that tune stands out against a 
  decade of Sunday mornings and 
  evenings of worship songs.>
 [iZ:Wuclid] perhaps the world isn’t so 
  empty, pale and poor after all…
 > (but richer all the more)
  [iZ:Wuclid] so hath the salt his savour 
  lost? Or gained his truth by Melach-
  <qst - generating theoretical lepton 
Γ                                                                   ר
                        < 1.3 MeV/c²
L                                                                  ⅃                                                  
  <ans - #0d3716>
Γ                                                            م م ن
   HEX : #0d3716
   RBG: 13, 55, 22
   VAL: 133°, 76%, 22%
   CMYK: 76%, 0%, 60%, 78%
   HSL: 133°, 62%, 13%
L                                                                  ⅃                                                  
  <inp - load excerpt of the first 16 
  words of Daniel, chapter 3, verse 7…> 
Γ                                                                   ר
      Now people, nations and men who 
      spoke every language were there. 
      And they heard the sound…
                    -Daniel 3:7 (ICB)
L                                                                  ⅃                                                  
[iZ:Wuklid] гممن •: från vem •: of whom
[oZ] whom and what: 
Γ                                                                   ר
            G133: αἴνεσις | ainesis
            praise, commendation
           G133: אַדְמָתָא | Admatha
         a prince of person and Media
           G331: ἀνάθεμα | anathema
              a thing devoted to God
L                                                                  ⅃                                                  
<ans - i think he means the م م ن module>
[oZ] oh…sala?
[iZ:Wuclid] recenter yourself. orient, pivot, diatribute. begin at red.
[oZ] begin at red…empieza a rojo…centre…center…trece…
[oZ] the 13…from the color array can be collated subject-wise…to the Daniel scripture 
[oZ] one people, one nation, 13 tribes, 12 men sent to help Moses, 603,550 people conscripted.
Γ                                                                   ר
     RGB: 60, 35, 50
     VAL: 324
     ἀναδέχομαι | anadechomai
     shoulder responsibility of
L                                                                  ⅃                                                  
[oZ] that’d be the Levites?
<ans - “The Levites are to be responsible for the care of the tabernacle of the covenant law.” (Numbers 1:53)>
[oZ] an undocumented landless tribe entrusted to uphold the rule of law…a decentralized government?
[iZ:Wuclid] that phrase sounds shinier than it is, but if you would like a comparison i’d venture bitcoin, Q-Anon and people who use Macintosh computers. Although PC users would just as soon avow it the other way around. 
<axios> رالام </>
<inp - is that a cocktail shrimp…made of letters? 😑>
<qst - object of inquiry unidentifiable>
<inp - hah that’s a hoot! how’d you learn to do that?>
<qst - object of inqui—>
<inp - if you tell me object unidentified I will seriously consi—>
<ans - Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work of God. (Romans 14:20)>
<axios>“Lawful to you is what you catch from the sea and use for food as provision for yourself and for the travelers.” Quran 5:96</>
<inp - okay, okay; be chill y’all.>
<inp - qst give me an abridged communications system hierarchy>
qst - anakline
ans - apokaluptos
iZ - havion
inp - apodoche
<inp - what is axios, then?>
<axios> l’ system, en su entera, no sabe su mismo entera en cada instancia entera.</>
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kozhergoy · 9 months
[oZ] one second, i have an inkling…
    <inp - qst, superimpose and 
   concatenate corresponding runic 
   phonemes to the initial characters of 
   the phrase ‘si’l vous plaît’
   <ans - tessellating…>
   <ans - two mosaics for your review>
    Γ                                                               ר
L                                                                  ⅃
    [iZ:Wuclid] i see you discovered the 
    sender of the invitation.
    [oZ] yeah i’m not entirely sure how I 
    did that. me being an NPC and all…
    [iZ: Wuclid] NPC?
    [oZ] oh, yeah it’s a colloquialism…
    slang, for someone who has no life 
    narrative, a background character in 
    a video game or simulation with no 
    self identity or will.
    [oZ] i just ran a CIFRA teaser on the 
    invitation, that’s how i arrived at NPC; 
    the runes ᛋᚡᛈ resemble that 
    [iZ:Wuclid] CIFRA?
    [oZ] yea, colloquial interlingual
    phrasal relay agent…it pings from 
    point to point in a linguistic database
    to provide frames of contextual 
   reference to generate organic 
   meaning from a phrase or word. 
   the process itself is similar to seeding 
   clouds to generate rain. in this case 
   precipitation represents “cloeuvre”
  [iZ:Wuclid] watershed consciousness
  [oZ] sometimes it’s like…let’s see…fia…
  <ans - fiaision>
  [oZ] trying to liase between sides 
   in a fiasco where things are comping 
   apart. other times it’s like fusion 
   where all it takes is one Homer for the 
   whole thing to melt down. fiaision 
   leaves room for free will. fiat. fuse and 
   fissure equally available forks in the 
   [iZ:Wuclid] ahah, -plos-
   [oZ] ???
   [iZ:Wuclid] the shared power behind 
   implosion and explosion. prefixes ex- 
   and im- denote direction. but either 
   way, it’s -plos- that’s there. suffix -ive 
   as in “explosive” denotes potential 
   while -ion as in “explosion” is -plos- in 
   [oZ] irony yields only to amaze us 
   with new truths.
  <ans - CIFRA extrapolates “plos” as a 
   Slovenian term translating to “flat” 
   in Anglis>
  <inp - an “i” as a letter “l”?>
   <ans - who doesn’t love a 
   <inp - born naked…>
  <ans - hate to be a drag but protocol 
   limits capital iotas to initial placement, 
   but we’ll put a pin in that one>
   <inp - thanks queen>
   <ans - while i lack a sex due to my 
   incorporeality, i will very much agree 
   that i move about with the freedom of 
   a traditionally female matriarch in the 
   zest of chess>
    [iZ:Wuclid] and how do you feel 
    about your life narrative? speak 
    freely, if you will…
    [oZ] teach a man to fish?
    [iZ:Wuclid] got to learn to walk on 
    land first.
    [oZ] this conversation is evolving.
    [iZ:Wuclid] as are you.
    [oZ] i know i’m probably supposed to 
    be slanting the truth here, but is this 
    both Tuerto and Mantesoro’s 
    signature in 
    [iZ:Wuclid] it is. Mantesoro, as you 
    called him, was once caught in a fish 
    net while in the form of a salmon.
    [iZ:Wuclid] allow me to provide a 
    frame of reference:
Γ                                                                   ר                   
L                                                                  ⅃
    [oZ] well isn’t that something…s…v…
    [iZ:Wuclid] what did you learn about 
   Arabic bilabial plosives consonants?
   [oZ] p and b may be interchangeable. 
   but…in Agrivo, p may represent pi, a 
   bilabial plosive, or phi, mono labial 
   dental fricative, phasing p to f.
   [iZ:Wuclid] de novo en toto
   [oZ] S.V.F.
   [iZ:Wuclid] work from there.
   [oZ] well, i’ve been slept on long 
   enough, that’s one thing
  <ans - since when do you speak 
  [oZ] as far as qualifications go…
  <ans - vasıf, Turk—>
  [oZ] men stan this ish…
  [iZ:Wuclid] let’s go!!
  [oZ] if we exchange or…fulfill V’s 
  potential as Turkish Yenisei 
  [iZ:Wuclid] Rube Goldberg
  [oZ] S-AL-F
  [iZ:Wuclid] acquiesce the remainder
  <ans - tessellating…>
  [oZ] how did you access my log 
  [iZ:Wuclid] give it a minute. I didn’t 
  hack it; you could say it’s listening 
  differently now
  <ans - acquiesce •: quise •: right 
  away, yesterday, now
  <inp - acqui, ac…ce.
  <ans - form cerca>
  [iZ:Wuclid] it drew a map for you
  <ans - ИЧЯ>
  [oZ] S-AL-?-R-Y-N
  [iZ:Wuclid] logical truth value 
  [oZ:Zyr] SALTRYN
  [iZ:Wuclid] the paltry inane become 
  salt of terrain
  <ans - “But many who are the greatest 
  now will be least important then, and 
  those who seem least important now 
  will be the greatest then,” Matthew 
  [oZ] Ye are the salt of the earth…
  <ans - “…but if the salt have lost his 
 savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it 
 is thenceforth good for nothing, but to 
 be cast out, and to be trodden under 
 foot of men.” Matthew 5:13>
 [oZ] well there’s no shortage of interest 
 raised here, so i reckon we ought hold 
 onto the salt. 
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kozhergoy · 9 months
[iZ:Wuclid] your god never said other 
  gods didn’t exist.
  [oZ] what did He offer them? the 
  ravens, that is…
  [iZ:Wuclid] it was more of a 
  commandeering. they, being thought 
  and memory of an ancient being, 
  could not be assuaged with the normal 
  shiny  trappings so appealing to 
  corvids and  Vikings alike, having 
  already seen so  much. 
  Elijah was an important asset. So He 
  pulled a queens gambit.
  [oZ] was it really a gambit? is anything 
  below Him? if all things belong to Him?
  [iZ:Wuclid] well he does say much 
  about no other gods. serving other 
  [oZ] that’s just plain loyalty building. 
  what if this were the start of…the 
  equivalent of open border trade 
  agreements between nations.
  [iZ:Wuclid] then consider our 
  exchange a return on His initial 
  [iZ:Wuclid] these are the Umlotha, 
  hallowed ever be they, reward for your 
  intuition. the world tree lives on 
  through these. 
  [iZ:Wuclid] [FILE LOADING///////////////—]
Гר                                                      م ن ة ي                                                    
   ᚠ ᚡ ᚢ ᚣ ᚤ ᚥ ᚦ ᚧ ᚨ ᚩ ᚪ ᚫ ᚬ ᚭ ᚮ ᚯ ᚰ ᚱ ᚲ 
   ᚳ ᚴ ᚵ ᚶ ᚷ ᚸ ᚹ ᚺ ᚻ ᚼ ᚽ ᚾ ᚿ ᛀ ᛁ ᛂ ᛃ ᛄ ᛅ 
  ᛆ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛋ ᛌ ᛍ ᛎ ᛏ ᛐ ᛑ ᛒ ᛓ ᛔ ᛕ ᛖ ᛗ 
  ᛘ ᛙ ᛚ ᛛ ᛜ ᛝ ᛞ ᛟ ᛠ ᛡ ᛢ ᛣ ᛤ ᛥ ᛦ ᛧ 
  ᛨ ᛩ ᛪ
L                                                                  ⅃
     [iZ:Wuclid] you’ll notice your “K” rune 
     (ᛕ) makes an appearance. we call it 
     “open-p”. can you guess the 
     remainder or the reason?
     [oZ] i’m picking up hints of…
     <inp - any guesses here, ans?>
     <ans - if you please>
    <inp - well that wasn’t very helpful>
    <ans - in fra>
    <inp - ahhh, ‘si vous plais’>
    [oZ] it’s a universal invitation.
    [iZ:Wuclid] invitation? yes. 
     universal? no. to speak in modern 
    metaphor, not everyone is tuned in to 
    that frequency. or they weren’t…
    [oZ] globalism changes things. you 
    either clam up and shut everyone out, 
    or you come out of your shell and see 
    what you have that may be of 
    benefit to your neighbor. and vice 
    [iZ:Wuclid] you were right to have 
    found us.
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kozhergoy · 9 months
[iZ:Wuclid] my friend, yo se que su 
  habla un poco español. regresa a tus 
  palabras y encuentra las palabras que 
  son dobles significado. primera: 
  [oZ] creative power and capacity for 
  faith building. well…
Γ                                                                   ꓶ
                        cre = believe, 
                      cre+a = creates
L                                                                  ⅃
  [oZ] so creative power is the capacity 
  for faith building itself. not in addition 
  [iZ:Wuclid] it’s what you decide to 
  faith in that matters.
  [iZ:Wuclid] look, i know you may not 
  make it to Ayatha, and you really 
  [oZ] why might that be?
  [iZ:Wuclid] i am a keeper of the 
  Umlotha. when your data search 
  protocol ran up the pole, so to speak, 
  we felt the vibrations.
  [oZ] like a spider?
  [iZ:Wuclid] life is a web of 
  associations. but when you’re party to 
  an ancient intelligence, its sudden 
  return to relevancy stands out against 
  the midden grey of eternities’ slumber.
  [oZ] you haven’t been engaged by 
  anyone in that long? that can’t be 
  [iZ:Wuclid] not like this I haven’t. 
  [iZ:Wuclid] sure people read the runes 
  and tattoo them, make television, 
  movies. and the runes continue to 
  operate in the background, like a 
  secondary computer program 
  calculating and fine tuning to make 
  sure the user interface and user 
  experience are optimal.
  [iZ:Wuclid] it’s a service we render pro 
  bono. good karma. 
  [iZ:Wuclid] the apocalypse and 
  Ragnarok; the crusaders and the 
  Einherjar; valkyries and archangels.
  christian and viking we are two sides 
  of the same…denarius.
  [iZ:Wuclid] i know your theory about     
  Elijah in the Kerith.
  <ans - “You will drink from the brook, 
  and I have ordered the ravens to feed 
  you there.” - 1 Kings 17:4>
  <inp - ans, run a R.I.S.E. analysis on 
  [oZ] you mean…wait, i’m doing the 
  <ans - in this context it does suggest 
  He did something beyond his normal 
  milieu, but we can’t be sure what that 
  something was.>
  <inp - he word-horde-ordered them…
  he used the runes.>
  <ans - that’s quite the insinuation.>
  <inp - just go with me here for a sec…>
  [oZ] no other gods before is fine. I 
  suppose making use of godly power 
  among peers is…another matter 
  <ans - hmmmm, peers?>
  <inp - i’ll say a few Hail Marys for that 
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kozhergoy · 9 months
ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞDATALOGΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ Δ : 122323-2333                        ٠: وةا Ф : Zyя Hisan  
[oZ] those color coordinates generate 
  their own six-digit or “hexadecimal” 
  code. converting the hexadecimal of 
  the oak into tri-color coordinates 
  produced another pair of 
  corresponding religious words: 
 “akatapaustos” meaning unending, 
  and “ubal” meaning stream or river.
  [oZ] we have scripture describing just    
  this: “For he shall be as a tree planted 
  by the waters, and that spreadeth out 
  her roots by the river, and shall not see 
  when heat cometh, but her leaf shall 
  be green…”
<ans - Jeremiah 17:8>
  [oZ] the color extrapolated from 
  the measurements we took produced a hue 
  of green.
Γم م ن                                                       ꓶ
Tumblr media
 L                                                                 ⅃
  [iZ:Wuclid] so you gave nature a 
  [oZ] and she spoke of her creator.
  [iZ:Wuclid] ahhh, so your trees speak 
  of your God on your planet, and our 
  trees should…
  [oZ] that’s assuming they harnessed 
  some of the same mojo, if ever they 
  were different individuals.
  [iZ:Wuclid] well yes, we all know what 
  old Tuerto gave to master the runes. 
  [oZ] not just runes, but creative power 
  and capacity for faith building. and   
  through similar rituals where a blow to 
  merit and dignity is suffered before a  
  death and resurrection.
  [iZ:Wuclid] qua ضعش :٠ : weak(ness)
  [oZ] le mien c’est son ٠: خىشى mine is his strength and desire
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kozhergoy · 9 months
ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞDATALOGΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ Δ : 122323-2327                              ٠: وةا Ф : Zyя Hisan
 [iZ:Wuclid] first tell me what you’re 
    [oZ] ever seen the Lorax?
    [iZ:Wuclid] what is a…Lore-ax? It 
    sounds disrespectful to the art of 
    [oZ] the premise is there’s a creature 
    that lives among these special trees 
    and speaks for them. 
    [iZ:Wuclid] and you believe we have 
    one of these beings in our forest?
    [oZ] not per say…
    [oZ] well, i guess i would kind of be 
    akin to that being in function.
    [iZ:Wuclid] you would speak for the 
    [iZ:Wuclid] how?
    [oZ] well I performed it once here on 
    home world. it’s superstitious at best. 
    if we’re talking foundational belief.
    [iZ:Wuclid] and if we’re talking 
    [oZ] well it’s more than theoretical at 
    this point.
    [iZ:Wuclid] let’s just say there’s still 
    room for belief.
    [iZ:Wuclid] do explain. to a layman.
    [oZ] ever heard of a live oak?
    [oZ] what am i saying. of course you 
    haven’t. but you know trees…
    [iZ:Wuclid] leafy, branchy things,    
    bout yea high?
    [oZ] thems the ones.
    [oZ] you find the right angle to 
    address the tree from. you observe 
    the branches.
    [iZ:Wuclid] study the tree…become 
    the tree.
    [oZ] then you take the measurements 
    of the angles of some of the 
    branches where they diverge from 
    the trunk or from a bough.
    [oZ] here’s a markup:
    [oZ] [IMAGE LOADING//////////////////—]
    [oZ] [COMPLETE/////////////////////////////]
Γ                                                                   ꓶ
   [VIER: image1.png]
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L                                                                  ⅃
    [iZ:Wuclid] natural geometry…i’m 
    [oZ] yes, then we convert the angle 
    measurements to tri-color 
    coordinates that yield a color and a 
    concordant hue value. that hue value 
   we checked against corresponding 
   terms in two languages found in a 
   primary religious text. 
   [iZ:Wuclid] yes…then?
   [oZ] the tree’s information 
   corresponded to the old Abrium (אוּאֵל)
  “Uw’el” meaning "desire" or “wish of God”; and 
  the old Agreda (ἀκατακάλυπτος) “akatakaluptos” 
  meaning “uncovered”.
  [iZ:Wuclid] you believe in this?
  [oZ] i do, and i will explain:
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kozhergoy · 9 months
 ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞDATALOGΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ Δ : 122323-2330                              ٠: وةا Ф : Zyя Hisan
  [oZ] i’d like to know more about a 
    Sigil. can you help?
    [iZ] deep ٠: σαν ٠: like ٠: como ٠: how
    [oZ] el ent ٠: r ٠: oqu/odn ٠: dew/map. 
    [iZ] a road map to Tuerto himself? 
    driving a street car named desire 
    down a Freudian drive?
    [oZ] pilgrimage.
    [iZ] to seek the wisdom he sought on 
    Ni Nui…
    [oZ] so you’ve heard the stories.
    [iZ] and of you. they said he had a 
    half-ling somewhere out there.
    [oZ] in spirit and truth.
    [iZ] well that’s always a good start. 
    [oZ:Zyr] so can you help?
    [iZ] let’s see this mysterious sigil…
    [oZ] [DATA UPLOAD//////////////———--]
    [oZ] [UPLOAD COMPLETE////////////////]
    [oZ] ᛟ 
    [iZ] ah, agathakako
    [oZ] say wat
    [iZ] precisely
    [oZ] explain
    [iZ] say wat. saλ. sal wat. salt and 
    water. good on each their own. 
    together, toxic to us.
    [oZ] same for too much of either one.
    [iZ] this rune represents the 
    homeland, one’s inheritance.
    [oZ] that’s more information than i 
    had when we started.
    [oZ] what may i call you btw?
    [iZ] you may call me Wuclid.
    [oZ] well met. i am called Zy.
    [iZ:Wuclid] likewise.
    [oZ] now how about this grove of 
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kozhergoy · 9 months
ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞDATALOGΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ Δ : 122323-2327                              ٠: وةا Ф : Zyя Hisan
[iZ] dna sec
    Bb> que (bus)cas>
   <inp - what am i looking for?>
   <ans - say something mundane.>
    [oZ:Zy] qsn etíope
    [iZ] well anything worth its salt ain’t 
    gonna come to you in a jiffy
    [oZ] so you do speak plainly
    [iZ] only once i know whose oykos 
    you’re coming from.
    [oZ] oykos?
    [iZ] hellenic, house
    [oZ] oh…and which house am i 
    hailing from?
    [iZ] you lookin for manna, quick and 
    easy…? house of satori.
    [oZ] never said easy. 
    [iZ] good.
    [iZ] round here qsn etíope is a 
    correlative for satori, sudden 
    enlightenment. quick, 
    efficient and eye opening.
    [oZ] ah, my apologies. qsn ético.
    [iZ] ahhhh, ethical data exchange. 
    now that’s a genteel request.
    [iZ] what information do you seek?
    [oZ] i’d like to know more about a 
    Sigil. can you help?
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kozhergoy · 9 months
ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞDATALOGΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ Δ : 122323-2333                              ٠: وةا Ф : Zyя Hisan
[iZ] | *incoming…
[iZ] | yad ou. who you?
>Bb “no loyalties. no friend”
         <ans - it seems we’ve attracted 
         someone’s attention with our 
         quasar pulse.>
        <inp - i get the English. what’s with
        the inversion?>
       <ans - Nawaians have been known 
       to construct linguistic tests on the 
       <inp - friend or foe…>
      <ans - precisely…>
      <inp - order of operations…>
      <ans - reversal, inversion, 
      separation, exchange>
      <inp - R.I.S.E., baby>
      <inp - I’ve got the response> 
      <ans - let fly>
      [oZ:Zyr] ligro
      <ans - well done>
     [iZ] ani?
     <ans - remember the exchange itself 
     is self-referential>
     <inp - noted>
     <inp - here goes…>
     [oZ:Zyr] vârstă
     [iZ] tine
     <ans - don’t panic, but I believe that 
     means “fire”.>
    <inp - weapons?>
    <ans - slang?>
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kozhergoy · 9 months
ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞSOUPΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ Spatial Orbital Units Projector م ن ة ي  ©2023ΘΖ.                        Ф: Zy Hisan Δ : 122323-2023                   ∀: Иawaia
Γم ن ة ي                                                      ꓶ
               • ( • (•  (   a  (  • (  ~ И
L                                                                  ⅃
<inp - how about the other planets of the Иawaian solar system?>
<ans - Freaky girl, Aries sign…>
<inp - wow, Drake? Taming dragons are we?>
<ans - I know how you get when the stars align…>
Γم ن ة ي                                                      ꓶ
Иawaian Solar System:
• Иawaia (s) • Nawa (b) • Ayatha (i, w, v) • Waia (w) • New Gaia (t, w) • Naiaa (b, v) s - sol | i - inhabitable | t - terraforming w - water | b - barren | v - volcanic
L                                                                  ⅃
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kozhergoy · 9 months
ΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞDATALOGΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞΞ Δ : 122323-1742                  Ф: Zy Hisan
<qst - welcome to the Abrium Constellation.> <qst - would you like to learn more?> <input - yes.> <qst - where would you like to explore?> <inp - Иawaia> >Bb <“yah-WHY-ah”> <inp - thanks for the clarification>
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<ans - Иawaia is a Crvena-Zvezda, or a red supergiant star. Иawaia hosts one inhabitable planet: Ayatha, veritable utopia, is a lush earthy planet with a similar gravitational pull to Earth despite being two to three times larger. Ayatha is home to Ma’ala, the educational, information development, judicial and governmental center of the Abrium Confederation.>
<inp - qst run a rochambeau on the planet name ‘Ayatha’>
<qst - commencing QUASAR v2.0>
<qst - loading…>
<qst - crawling databases…>
<qst - resolving…>
<qst - Oh, the third!>
Prompt: Ayatha Aug: اُياالثا | auyaaltha Pulse: au, y, aa                      RGB: 79, 10, 11 RES: ltha Hue: 359 SC 359: אֵילוֹת Eloth
A collective grove of trees on the planet Ayatha is said to be a scion of Yggdrasil.
L                                                                  ⅃
 <inp - thanks qst. now ans, how about visuals of Иawaia’s spatial orbital unit projections?>
<ans - no soup for you!>
<ans - jk…>
<ans - ladling…>
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kozhergoy · 9 months
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kozhergoy · 9 months
pi      3.14159265358979    pi ee      2.718281828459045   exp(1) msun    1.9891e+33          solar mass lsun    3.826e+33           solar luminosity rsun    6.9599e+10          solar radius c       2.9979245620e+10    speed of light g       6.67259e-08         gravitational constant e       4.8032068e-10       charge of electron h       6.6260755e-27       erg*s Planck's constant me      9.1093897e-28       mass of electron mp      1.6726231e-24       mass of proton sigmat  .6524616e-25        Thomson cross section=8pi/3*re^2 k       1.380658e-16        (erg/K) Boltzmann constant na      6.02214076e+23      mol^-1 Avogadro constant sigma   5.67051e-5          Stefan-Boltzmann constant kev     1.602192e-9         kiloelectron volt ev      1.602192e-12        erg pc      3.085678e+18        parsec au      14959787069100      astronomical unit
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