kristynaarashid · 6 years
(CZ) Když jsem nastupovala na vysokou školu tak jsem neměla ponětí, že něco takové existuje. Skončila nám přednáška a já měla tehdy zřejmě 2 hodiny pauzu do další vyučovací hodiny. Seděla jsem se spolužáky v “odpočívající části 😀 ” A v ten den tam ve stánku propagovali program pro studenty – Work and travel od Czech-us agency. Okamžitě jsem přiklusala k té televizní obrazovce, kde promítaly videa bývalých účastníků toho programu 😀 No já čuměla jak blbec- v hlavě mi lítalo tisíc amerických myšlenek. Řekla jsem si “tam kurde musím jet, to je úplný sen..” Jenže co, ejhle jela jsem tam až o rok později, protože jsem měla strach, že se mi rozpadne vztah s tehdejším přítelem. Pak se to vyřešilo, rozešli jsme se a bylo to, tooo nejlepší co se mi mohlo stát yuhuu. Pokrok. Začala jsem s cestováním, nikdy jsem se necítila lépe 🙂 Měla jsem schůzku v Praze s koordinátorkou Lenkou a tam ten velký sen začal. Udělala jsem si kurz plavčíka, zaplatila veškeré poplatky, udělala pohovor se zaměstnavatelem, přijato, hotovo a hurá do Washingtonu. Měla jsem to nejlepší léto mého života. Až tam jsem si vlastně uvědomila co vlastně chci a že je všechno možné, i to co se nám zdá být nemožné 🙂 Prostě báječný americký život. Agentura splnila všechno co měla ve smlouvě. Ty  investice se opravdu vyplatily a vrátily se mi zpět.
(EN) When I went to college, I had no idea there was such a thing. The lecture ended and I had a 2 hour break in the next lesson. I sat with my classmates in the “resting room: D” And on that day they promoted a program for students – Work and travel from Czech-us agency. I immediately went to the tv screen where we were watching the videos of the former participants of the program: D I just looked like a fool- I was thinking about a thousand American thoughts. I said, “Shit..I have to go there!! it’s a complete dream.” But what, I just went there a year later lol, because I was afraid that my relationship with my then boyfriend would collapse. Then it was resolved, we broke up and it was the best thing happened to me yuhuu. Progress. I started traveling, I never felt better 🙂 I had a meeting in Prague with the coordinator Lenka and that big dream started there. I took a lifeguard course, paid all the fees, interviewed the employer, accepted, done and hurried to Washington. I had the best summer of my life. I’ve actually realized what I really want and that everything is possible, and also what seems to me to be impossible 🙂 Simply wonderful American life. Thumb up for the Czech-us agency.
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  (CZ) Bydleli jsme (v pěti lidech) v moc pěkné rezidenci ve Virginii, která měla bazén, posilovnu a společenskou místnost kde jste se mohli dívat na telku nebo si prostě udělat kávu,cokoliv.
Do práce jsem se dopravovala na kole, bylo to asi 20 minut cesty. Pracovala jsem pro Atlantic pool service, Inc. Byl to takový pěkný malý bazén ve Vienna. Náš šéf Shawn byl fajný týpek, všechno bez problému vyřešil. Léto skončilo, peníze vydělány a já začala balit ten zatraceně těžký kufr 😀 23 kilo to nemělo ani náhodou. Tak tedy začátkem září jsme s moji českou partou vyrazili na západ. Hurá yeees, konečně. Viděla jsem tolik nádherných míst, že se mi tom ani nezdálo. Byl to neskutečný zážitek. Vím , že hodně lidí by rádo cestovalo, ale nemají odvahu nebo se bojí, nezoufejte a jděte si za svými sny! Myslím že pro začátek je dobrá volba vycestovat skrz tyto studentské WAT programy. Když jednou okusíte potom všechno půjde už samo 🙂
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(EN) We lived (in five people) in a very nice Virginia residence that had a pool, a gym, and a social room where you could watch a TV or just have coffee, anything.
I was transported by bicycle to work, it was about 20 minutes. I worked for Atlantic Pool Service, Inc. It was such a nice little pool in Vienna. Our boss Shawn was a good guy, he solved everything. The summer was over, the money earned, and I began to pack the damn heavy suitcase: D 23 kilos did not happen by accident. So at the beginning of September, me and my Czech team set out west. Hurray yeees, finally. I’ve seen so many wonderful places that I did not even think that. It was an incredible experience. I know a lot of people would like to travel, but they have no courage or fear, dont despair and go for your dreams! I think for the beginning is a good choice to travel through these student WAT programs. Once you taste then everything will go alone 🙂
Jestli se někdo taky zúčastnil programu WAT, tak mi určitě dejte vědět vaše názory do komentářů 🙂
If someone also attended the WAT program, so definitely let me know your thoughts in the comments 🙂
Work and Travel/ Pracuj a cestuj WORK AND TRAVEL USA (CZ) Když jsem nastupovala na vysokou školu tak jsem neměla ponětí, že něco takové existuje.
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kristynaarashid · 6 years
Road trip playlist
(EN) Music is a great “buddy” for long road trips. It will come in handy when I’m just bored on a train, on a plane, in a car, on a bike … or when you are just passing through the beaches and watching the sunset. Some lyrics inspire me ��� For me, music gives me some kind of positive thinking and power 🙂 I’m using my really amazing Ipod nano (3rd generation) to play. Yes, a lot of people now say…
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kristynaarashid · 6 years
Have you ever dreamed of living like a queen? 🙂 I have some tips for you where to find beautiful and pleasant accommodation in magical Morocco. This spring i was on a trip to Morocco and we were staying in two the most beautiful moroccan riads (I bet that there is much more amazing accommodation). A riad is a traditiona Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden  courtyad and with two or more storeys around an Andalusian style courtyard that contained a fountain
Dar Zouar, Marrakech
Guest rooms are comfortable and equipped with a fan, heating and en suite bathroom, decorated with either tadelakt or zelliges (typical Moroccan tiles).  Rich breakfasts served in the lounge or on the pleasant patio. I felt like in a historical movie 🙂 i didnt want to leave this magical place. I was enchanted by decorations, a very big tasty breakfast and excellent Mint tea.
One room from 25$/ per night                                                                                                      Free wifi                                                                                                                                      Breakfest included
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   Defat Kasbah guesthouse, Ouarzazate
Defat kasbah is a traditional guesthouse, located in the midle of the ounila valley, the old way of the caravanes between sahara and north of morocco. Very friendly owner, cozy room with small bathroom. Hotel perfectly located with amazing  mountain views. Moroccan dinner+breakfast tastes soooo good. You feel there like in paradise. You can also enjoy the outdoor pool 🙂 The owner and his brother invited us for their evening musical performance, it created a family atmosphere.
from 29$/ per night                                                                                                                         Free wifi                                                                                                                                           Breakfest included                                                                                                                       Mountains view
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Check my video trip around Morocco 🙂
  Morocco: beautiful houses for cheap money honey Have you ever dreamed of living like a queen? 🙂 I have some tips for you where to find beautiful and pleasant accommodation in…
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kristynaarashid · 6 years
Morocco: Luxury housing for cheap money honey
Have you ever dreamed of living like a queen? 🙂 I have some tips for you where to find beautiful and pleasant accommodation in magical Morocco. This spring i was on a trip to Morocco and we were staying in two the most beautiful moroccan riads (I bet that there is much more amazing accommodation). A riad is a traditiona Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden  courtyad and with two or…
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kristynaarashid · 6 years
If you like good coffee and have a trip to Southern California, then make sure to stop at these my top tried coffee shops 🙂
This is a must see. Its shaded and quiet (near the beach), peaceful place to enjoy a good cup of coffee or smoothie. I highly recommend try their special Chai Latte! The Cafe is decorated by plants cactuses and succulent decorated walls. Some of the plants and ceramics are for sale. Its pet friendly. Its located it two places:
Carlsbad (505 Oak Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008) and Oceanside (314 N Cleveland St, Oceanside, CA 92054), Open time: 9am-5pm
Oceanside Succulent Cafe
Carlsbad Succulent Cafe
I really love going here. The beach is right down the street. You can sit inside or outside. Pet friendly. Good coffee, draft beer, good food. Very friendly service 🙂
Location: 206 Wisconsin Ave, Oceanside, CA 92054, Open time: 6:30am- 10pm
My favorite coffee shop in down town. Cute decor, friendly baristas, delicious coffee, tea, muffins and vegan cakes. I recommend Flat White coffee. I like the record player (retro music). They also sell coffee and tea blends. Location: 408 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA 92054, Open time: 6am-7pm
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Cool retro friends house. Books and games are available to customers. Nice variety of  meals, salads, desserts too. You can enjoy life music on the weekends 🙂 Location: 1080 W San Marcos Blvd, Ste 176, San Marcos, CA 92078-4005, Open time: 7am-9pm
Cute coffee shop in downtown Oside with art on the walls a friendly services. Delicious variety of toasts, smoothies, coffees and teas. They sell their branded products too. Location: 115 S Coast Hwy, Oceanside, CA 92054, Open time: 7am-5pm
Hope you enjoyed this post. Thank you.
Kristýna 🙂
5 must try coffee shops in South California If you like good coffee and have a trip to Southern California, then make sure to stop at these my top tried coffee shops 🙂
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
Oceanside or Oside is a coastal city located on South Coast. It’s the nicest city I’ve ever seen in California. I spent this summer there with my friends. Those who like sun, ocean and surfing then you are here in the right place. Oside has one advantage, its not so crowded with tourists 🙂
Oceanside neboli Oside leží na jížním pobřeží. Je to nejhezčí město co jsem v zatím Cali viděla.  Strávila jsem tam celé léto s mými přáteli. Kdo má rád slunce, oceán a surfování je tady na správném místě. Oside má jednu výhodu a to že není tak zalidněný turisty:)
  The nearest airport to Oside is in San Diego, from there you can go by Coaster train directly to the main destinations. Train to Oceanside takes about an hour and the ticket price is around 5-7$. It is a 30 minute drive by car.
Nejbližší letiště k Oside máte v San Diegu, od tamtud můžete jet Coaster vlakem přímo až do hlavních destinací. Do Oside cesta trvá asi hodinu a cena lístku je okolo 11 dolarů. Autem dojedete za 30 minut.
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What can you see in Oceanside? First stop at Oceanside Pier – a beautiful long pier with a Ruby’s Diner restaurant with stunning sea views. There are plenty of boutiques with clothing, souvenirs and cafes, also restaurants specializing in seafood. I recommend going to Hello Betty Fish House. For coffee lovers I definitely recommend going to Succulent Cafe, The Cup Coffee and Banana Dang. Walk further along the beach to get to the Oceanside Harbor where you can also dine or watch the sea lions in the water.
Co můžeš vidět v Oceanside? První zastávku si udělejte na Oceanside Pier-krásné dlouhé molo s restaurací Ruby’s Diner s úžasným výhledem na moře. V okolí naleznete spousta butiků s oblečením,suvenýry a taky kavárničky a taky restaurace, které se specializují na mořské plody. Doporučuji si zajít na jídlo do Hello Betty Fish House. Pro milovníky kávy rozhodně doporučuji zajít do Succulent Cafe, The Cup Coffee a Banana Dang. Když se vydáte dále podél pláže tak dojdete k přístavu kde se také můžete najíst nebo sledovat lvouny ve vodě.
  Sunset Market-every Thursday there is a Food festival. They have a little bit of everything here like different types of food, lots of desserts, clothes, jewelry, etc. There is even live music every Thursday night as long as the sunset market is still going. I fell in love with Vagan’s desserts its really like a “foodporn” Heaven 😀 😀
Sunset Market– každý čtvrtek se zde koná něco jako gastro festival. Na ulici jsou stánky s jídlem, šperky či oblečením. Festival je doprovázen živou hudbou či představením. Zamilovala jsem si tady vegánské dobrůtky, člověk opravdu zažije ten pravý “foodporn” ráj 😀 😀
…hope you like my post 🙂
Enjoy your day,
Why should you definitely visit Oceanside? Oceanside or Oside is a coastal city located on South Coast. It's the nicest city I've ever seen in California.
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul.
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
(EN)Before I went on a trip to California, I thought Los Angeles is the top. Everywhere on the webs you can find those fantastic, stunning photos of LA surrounded by palm trees, a walk of fame, Hollywood and more but reality is different as I have convinced myself.
(CZ)Předtím než jsem se vypravila na cestu do Kalifornie, jsem si myslela že Los Angeles je prostě topovka. Všude na webu najdete ty fantastické, ohromující fotky LA obklopující palmami, chodník slávy, Hollywood a další. ale realita je ovšem jiná jak jsem se sama přesvědčila.
When you arrive at the LAX Airport, you can enjoy (if there is no fog) a beautiful view of the mountains, the coast and the infinite number of buildings.
Když přilétáte do LAX airport , můžete se kochat (pokud nejsou zrovna mlhy) krásným výhledem na hory,pobřeží a taky neskutečný počet budov a budov.
The airport is quite clean and very chaotic. It will take some time to get out of that maze, and I’m not talking about the immigration control – you are waiting a few hours, of course it depends on busy time 🙂 😀
Letiště je celkem čisté a velmi chaotické. Zabere to nějaký čas než se z toho bludiště dostanete ven a to nemluvím o imigrační kontrole na kterou čekáte ve frontě i hodiny 🙂 😀
taken from the train
The view of LA did not make me much. Everywhere dirt, homeless people, unfinished buildings …. So if you are planning to travel to LA, dont  stay for more than 2 days, go to the well-known Venice beach, Santa Monica and Malibu. Hollywood hill – only if you want to take a photo with the sign, otherwise that Hollywood sign  can be seen from Walk of fame– this trip takes an hour and a half. What definitely worth seeing is Hollywood Universal Studios or Disneyland (I will write about this next time)
Pohled na město LA mě moc neuchvátil. Všude špína, bezdomovci, rozestavěné budovy…. Takže pokud plánujete výlet do Kalifornie respektive do LA tak se déle jak 2 dny nezdržujte, zajděte si na turisticky známou Venice beach, Santa Monica a Malibu. Hollywoodský kopec jen kdyby jste si chtěli pořídit fotku s nápisem, jinak ten nápis jde krásně vidět z chodníku slávy, takže zbytečná zajíždka. Co se týče chodníku slávy tak to máte za hodinu a půl projeté. Co rozhodně stojí za vidění je Hollywood Universal Studios nebo Disneyland (o tomhle budu psát v dalším článku).
Finally, I would like to say that, of course, everyone has a different view/opinion of Los Angeles. What is yours?
Na závěr bych chtěla říct, že samozřejmě každý má jiný pohled a názor na Los Angeles. Jaký je ten Váš?  🙂
Why i dont like LA? (EN)Before I went on a trip to California, I thought Los Angeles is the top. Everywhere on the webs you can find those fantastic, stunning photos of LA surrounded by palm trees, a walk of fame, Hollywood and more but reality is different as I have convinced myself.
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
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One year anniversary! Love you Bro :) He is the most kind person on this planet! We had so much fun ,it was brlliant year :) But here I am, next to you, the sky is more blue in Malibu
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
Hey Guys :) i just made video about my best summer ever! Would be cool if you give me like and follow, i hope you like it, Thanks :)
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
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beautiful view
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
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girls on the trip :P
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
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That view
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
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whats up lifeguard :P back soon I Oceanside Pier I 
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
to travel is to live
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
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Marrakech “The red city” is magical in the night
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kristynaarashid · 7 years
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I am Khaleesi not a queen
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