krisyeolalways · 7 years
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krisyeolalways · 7 years
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krisyeolalways · 7 years
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Most of tumblr activity is on mobile and this feature is hurting many small creators like myself. Our activity is dropping rapidly as our content is being buried under more “popular” content creators that automatically get put on the top of your dash.
Support ALL content creators and turn this off, please. It sucks having our work be pushed to the bottom never to be seen.
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krisyeolalways · 7 years
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part of a fantasy collage for an upcoming story on asianfanfics starring Lee Sungjong and a male oc
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krisyeolalways · 7 years
Sometimes, it's us who let the monsters in. They don't always get in on their own.
Shin Jineul (OC), The Asylum
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krisyeolalways · 7 years
The Blade of Amethyst
“Be my Champion!”
Running footsteps and a breathless voice cut off what would have been the warrior’s greatest speech yet. Annoyed, the man turned. He had a biting word on the tip of his tongue, but it quickly faded when the warrior saw who had spoken.
The only son of Eglasia’s queen stood in the center of the market, catching his breath. The people had parted respectfully for him, creating a seven-foot radius of empty space around the prince, as though the very ground around him was sacred and not for mere mortals to step upon. All of those in the market were kneeling, or in the case of the women, sank low in a graceful curtsy. In the distance, two annoyed men in royal livery sank to their knees as well.
“Prince Chanyeol.” The warrior knelt, respectfully lowering his gaze to the ground.
“Be my Champion,” the prince repeated. He shuffled closer to the kneeling warrior, his white robes billowing around him as he walked. “You will have anything that you desire. Money, women. Name it, and it will be yours.”
“I have no need for any of those things, Highness,” the warrior stated. “I am afraid that I must decline your offer. Forgive me, but you must search for a Champion elsewhere.”
Prince Chanyeol proudly lifted his chin. “I will not have another Champion,” he stated boldly. “You shall be him, and shall accompany me in the Dance of Blades.”
Want to read the rest? Click here to redirect to Asianfanfics!
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krisyeolalways · 7 years
We Don’t Eat Out Much
Chanyeol's impatient shouting from the doorway reminded Yifan that they were running on a schedule, and the taller man checked his hair in the mirror one last time. Swiping his keys off of the bathroom counter, he headed for the door, pushing his sunglasses up on his nose. 
"Relax, we'll make it on time," he assured as Chanyeol bounced out the door and down the porch steps. With a small smile, he shut the door and locked it behind him. "Taking the car?" 
"Obviously," Chanyeol replied, sliding into the passenger seat. Yifan shook his head and leisurely descended from the porch, opening the driver's side door. 
"Such an impatient brat," he teased, earning himself a small hmmf.
"You guys are early," Minseok greeted. 
Yifan laughed. "Yeah, Chanyeol was in a hurry to go. He thought we were going to be late." 
Chanyeol flushed. "Yifan was being slow," he defended, avoiding Luhan's knowing smirk and Minseok's amused smile.
"Ah, yes, I must have been taking forever for us to arrive fifteen minutes early," Yifan drawled. Chanyeol hid his face in his hands when Minseok started laughing at him. He was tempted to punch Yifan - but that would require lowering his hands and dropping his protection against the mockery. 
Luhan saved him from further embarrassment. "Why don't we head in, then?" 
"Sounds good, I'm hungry," Minseok agreed. 
Yifan was the one who lead the way inside the establishment, Chanyeol glued to his side. Luhan and Minseok were walking behind them, but Chanyeol could hear them whispering. Knowing his friends, he didn't want to know what they were whispering about. 
Chanyeol let his boyfriend order for them both, choosing to instead play with the fingers of one of his lover's hands. They twitched in his hand eventually before pulling away as Yifan retrieved his wallet to pay for their meal, and Chanyeol glanced around. There weren't many other people within the restaurant, so the place was rather quiet. 
Chanyeol followed Yifan to their table as Luhan and Minseok made their orders, humming softly as he walked. His taller boyfriend stood beside the booth so Chanyeol could have the spot against the wall - the spot he always wanted.
Before sitting down, Chanyeol gave a mocking curtsy. A soft snort of laughter burst forth from Yifan, and as their friends approached, Yifan took the seat next to Chanyeol. 
"Not fair," whined Minseok, "I wanted to sit next to Chanyeol!" 
"Order faster next time, and maybe you'll get the chance," Chanyeol smirked, draping his arm over Yifan's shoulder. His boyfriend turned his head and playfully nipped at Chanyeol's fingers, eliciting a small shriek. "Don't try to eat my fingers, Yifan!" 
"Want me to eat the rest of you instead?" Yifan joked. Chanyeol snorted at him and flicked his nose. 
"Nope, I'll pass." This comment made Yifan whine about not being loved anymore, and Chanyeol playfully jabbed his boyfriend in the ribs. "Shut up, you know I love you. Or I wouldn't put up with your shit." 
"Watch your mouth," Yifan replied, trying to look stern. He utterly failed, though, due to the snickers escaping his lips. 
Their order numbers coming over the loudspeaker cut off anything Chanyeol was going to say in reply, and Minseok rose. "I'll go get the trays," he said with a soft smile. "Luhan, go get ketchup and straws." 
Minseok gave him a dirty look, and Chanyeol stifled laughter. "Luhan, go get ketchup and straws." 
"He's whipped," Chanyeol announced to no one in particular as the couple departed. 
When Luhan and Minseok returned, Yifan and Chanyeol were engaged in an intense game that consisted of stealing the receipt from one another and trying to keep it away. The game was complete with random bursts of profanity and underhanded tricks such as stepping on one another's feet under the table. 
"Children, please stop," Minseok sighed, his tone only half-teasing as he set the trays down on the table. Beside him, Luhan carefully deposited their ketchup and straws, alongside a pile of napkins. Chanyeol absently wondered how he managed to carry all of that over without dropping or spilling any. 
After a brief prayer, their meal commenced in silence broken only by the sounds made as they ate, such as the crinkling of paper or shuffling of french fry packages as they moved them. 
Chanyeol swallowed a mouthful of burger and tapped Yifan's sleeve. His boyfriend glanced at him and dipped a couple fries in ketchup, holding them in front of his face. Chanyeol beamed and leaned forward, closing his lips around the fries and leaning back in his seat when Yifan released them. Tilting his head back, Chanyeol opened his mouth so the french fries would fall all of the way inside, and closed his mouth to chew and swallow the fries. 
"What kind of burger did you get?" Chanyeol asked. Wordlessly, Yifan held the burger out to him, and he gleefully took a large bite out of it. The taste of spicy peppers, Swiss cheese, meat, mayonnaise, and lettuce exploded in his mouth as he chewed. Humming appreciatively, Chanyeol leaned away, still chewing the large mouthful. 
Minseok, who looked like he couldn't process what was going on, held a napkin toward Chanyeol. "There's... mayonnaise," he explained, voice faltering.
Quick as a wink, Yifan leaned over and kissed the side of Chanyeol's mouth, cleaning the mayonnaise off with a quick flick of his tongue. Leaning away, he glanced over at Minseok. "What mayonnaise?" 
"...Never mind..." their friend mumbled as Yifan fed Chanyeol more fries. Their table had become the source of interest, most of the other occupants of the restaurant staring at them. "Um..." 
"We don't eat out much," Yifan offered with a shrug. 
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