no offence but lance is in the middle of telling keith about all of the things he missed “uh, pidge got a sweet new jacket, hunk gave us all food poisoning again, i died, shiro- well, not shiro, tripped in front of an empire of–“ and keith.exe has stopped working and the goofy smile that had surfaced on his face when lance had told him about his birthday spent at the mermaid planet just slides off his face because “you DIED, lance?” and lance just kinda nods continues to list things but keith ??? keith is furious and heartbroken and confused and what the fuck lance died and no one thought to tell him. he turns to lance and is like “why didn’t you tell me? did no one think to tell me… that you died?” and lance just shrugs again and replies “it happened. it doesn’t matter anymore.” and this ridiculous surge of anger hits keith right in the chest heart and keith just GRABS lance by the shoulders and wrenches him forward (because how DARE this amazing boy doubt himself and dismiss dying as something that wasn’t important) and gives this ten minute, huge ass speech, about how lance dying does matter, and that lance matters and how he is selfless and kind and brave and how he is an IMPORTANT and a valued member of voltron because that is exactly what my baby needs to hear
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Last shooting.
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So I’ve been through one hell of a fucking shitstorm lately yall like first my so moved 15 hours away, my little baby boy died from an incurable disease, my mental health has been wack, i had surgery and it had complications, i got beat the fuck up and given a concussion and a black eye, i almost got admitted because i had a giant mental breakdown, i’m going through a million doctors offices cuz i might have a brain tumor, my work hours have fucking tripled and it’s actually destroying my body, i’ve practically lost my entire hearing, so yeah my life’s been really fucking shit yall
in an attempt to cope with the loss of my darling golden boy, I will be writing a story loosely based off his life, the story was heavily inspired by my aunt’s constant nagging of how “evil” and “plotting” my darling boy was, here’s a brief little synopsis for those who are interested underneath the read more line (also I’ll be trying to write more Voltron fanfiction for yall so please send me ideas!)
So I lied, I don’t really have a synopsis for it since I don’t really have a main action point, but I do have a list of ideas and shit loosely based off my little boy’s life (I’ll also include a photo at the end, he was the light of my life <3) 
I named my sweet boy because he was the next-day runt of the litter and I was heavily addicted to the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson so hence, I named him Maximum Moore (The title of the story right now is The Maximum Runt of the Mafia)
His half-brother, Duke, was a rough asshole to Maxxi, but they were as close as two could get (I have millions of photos, just DM me for em if you wanna see)
The main supporting cast is all made up out of all the doggy friends he made during his short life
Set in the Prohibition Era so y’know, when the mafia was fairly present due to the speakeasies and whatnot
I’m sorry this is all I really got at the moment, but if y’all are interested, hit me up and I’ll keep you posted on the progress of the story and I’d be down to toss ideas back and forth (but I am sticking heavily based off life events that happened or characters we met along the way)
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Rest In Peace, my darling Maxxi, I hope the pain is gone 5/17/19
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Still Alive
Hey there y'all, just wanted to let y'all know I'm still alive despite being inactive for about a year? 2 years? My only excuse is that my writer's block got pretty bad in the beginning and then my depression and life got pretty shit like I've lost some close people to me recently as well as my health took a pretty sharp decline about 6 months ago and I'll be having yet another surgery next week (yay), but at least the surgery gives me about 2 months of sitting around so hopefully I'll knock some stories out so I'll try to begin writing Voltron fanfiction again for y'all lovelies
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Everyone please send me all the Canon information you have about Kolivan!!! I'm currently writing a super rough draft about Kolivance and want more information on the mysterious Marmora leader and don't have the time with full time school and double shifts at work so please help a pal out, you'll get stories sooner/more often
(also headcanons would be great too, just please label as hc so I know!!!!)
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Every chapter. Every one shot. Every drabble. Every ficlet. Whether it’s on a personal website, a blog, or an archive. Whether you’ve read it a hundred times before or you’re reading it for the first time. Whether the fic was posted years ago or minutes ago. Whether you sign your name or leave your thoughts anonymously. Whether your comment is paragraphs in length or a few short words. Comment on every fanfic you read and enjoy in the month of January.
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Voltron Season 8
For all you people:
Regarding Romance
Voltron WAS NOT a romance show. It’s a show about the main characters finding the strength within themselves, surpassing their insecurities/weaknesses, and growing along the way.
This is a recreation of a beloved cartoon, not a romantic space honeymoon
It’s ok that they sprinkled romance into some aspects of the show but it is NOT the main topic
Regarding LGBT+ Rep
LGBT rep doesn’t need to be guys making out for it to count as rep. Showing a strong, passionate, loving character that is also LGBT is perfect for what the world needs.
There was no queerbait. Shiro is still gay isn’t he? Queerbaiting is saying that a character is gay to get an LGBT audience and then not making the character gay at all. They said Shiro was gay, and he still is. Not. Queerbait.
Regarding Lance
The creators DIDNT change his race!!
Allura left a part of her with him in the form of Altean marks so that she would always be with him
He. Is. Still. Cuban.
His ending fits him perfectly because he is spreading Allura’s messages while living on a peaceful farm with his family. Surrounded by flowers to remind him that he needs to grow and move on
To all those saying he gave up on his dreams of becoming a pilot: did he? For my whole life I wanted to go to school to be a clothing designer but a few years ago I realized I wanted to persue a programming career instead. It’s normal to change what you want to do with your life. After everything Lance went through, it’s understandable that he wanted to settle for a peaceful farm life with his favorite cow
Regarding Shiro
His ending is good. Really good. Amazing.
The world doesn’t need a mediocre character whose only personality is: gay
Shiro is not his sexuality. He is strong, caring, intelligent, fearless, and inspirational
Shiro is a perfect rolemodel to boys that you aren’t defined by who you love, you are defined by your character
You never saw Keith transform the BoM into a humanitarian organization did you?? You never saw Lance set up his farm. You never saw how Hunk establishes his beloved cooking franchise. You never saw how Pidge helped her family train future defenders. OF COURSE YOU DIDNT SEE HOW SHIRO AND HIS HUSBAND BUILT THEIR RELATIONSHIP. THATS THE POINT OF END CARDS. You are supposed to know that they got there, not HOW they got there
Regarding Klance
Stop complaining. Just stop.
They had a good friendship bond that was left open ended at the end. Be happy
Maybe after the end cards they got together? Nice. Just don’t hate on the show/creators/VAs over it
Why are you guys so crazy over every interaction they had??? I shake hands with my (same sex) friends. I have meangful bonding time with my friends. Are we in love?? Dating? No we are not.
I actually quite like the theory that Allura left Lance a reminder to move on and keep loving. If you guys want to say he ended up with Keith, perfect. If not, that’s ok too. Just please stop spreading hate
Crazy shippers are ruining the show not only for the rest of the fandom, but for the creators as well
In conclusion
Season 8 was well written (just like all the other seasons) and some people are only hating on it because they didn’t get what they wanted. I won’t deny that Voltron did have a few inconsistencies and it definitely wasn’t perfect, but it also doesn’t deserve as much hate as it’s getting
You do realize the animators created the show WAYY before it was released? They couldn’t have changed anything if they wanted to (+ Dreamworks wants to keep making money and knows that many parents don’t want their kids watching LGBT content. That’s just how it is. The world is growing but right now Voltron has provided a step in the right direction by doing everything they could)
Please continue to make fanart, fics, theories, whatever, but do it RESPECTFULLY.
Respect the canon you were given. Respect the choices of the creators. If you don’t like the ending: calmly make fics/art/content set in the different realities (that we were given in S8) instead of shouting at the people who put so much work and effort to bring this show to life
Thank you
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To everyone saying Keith didn’t go to Shiro’s wedding:
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Hey, will you be leaving tumblr as well? If so, can we find you on Twitter or something?
Aaahhhhhh I'm not gonna leave Tumblr cuz I'm lazy but I'll post any writings here
Thank you so much for wanting to continue to support me!!! I really appreciate it, love ❤️
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Yo what the fuck was that DreamWorks
Send me your thoughts
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[deleted scene]
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Getting your writing or art on @taylortut blog is the tumblr equivalent of your mum putting it on the fridge
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Thank you to everyone who responded!!!  I’m going to answer everyone now and really appreciate all the loving help <3
Hello, all!  I’ve been currently working on a lot of little tricks up my sleeve and need someone to really rake through them and pick out my silly mistakes
WARNINGS: I need someone who will be able to handle very mature themes like depression, self-harm, mental illnesses, torture, graphic violence, possible mentions of non-consensual situations, among other issues that I will brief the person ahead of time
SHIPS: Shance (Shiro x Lance), Shklance (Shiro x Lance x Keith), Klance (Keith x Lance), Kolivance (Kolivan x Lance), Lancelot (Lance x Lotor), Svance (Sven x Lance), and many generic stories
“PAYMENT”: I don’t have a lot of money currently so the payment would be a fic of their choice or I can beta their works as well
Please send me a message if you’re interested in taking up this position!  I would appreciate it greatly and would love to create a new friendship from it as well
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Hello, all!  I’ve been currently working on a lot of little tricks up my sleeve and need someone to really rake through them and pick out my silly mistakes
WARNINGS: I need someone who will be able to handle very mature themes like depression, self-harm, mental illnesses, torture, graphic violence, possible mentions of non-consensual situations, among other issues that I will brief the person ahead of time
SHIPS: Shance (Shiro x Lance), Shklance (Shiro x Lance x Keith), Klance (Keith x Lance), Kolivance (Kolivan x Lance), Lancelot (Lance x Lotor), Svance (Sven x Lance), and many generic stories
“PAYMENT”: I don’t have a lot of money currently so the payment would be a fic of their choice or I can beta their works as well
Please send me a message if you’re interested in taking up this position!  I would appreciate it greatly and would love to create a new friendship from it as well
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im staying in a hotel and i honestly feel bad for just screaming and sobbing as i finished the last episode of season 7
i have no words
just pure s h o c k
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Hello can you write a short shance related fic about Shiro having a breakdown/remembering Adam thank you
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm I’m not sure, I might, but it’s not too high up on my list (YOU CAN GET IT PUT UP AT THE TOP OF MY LIST BY GIVING ME A COFFEE OR BECOME A PATREON)
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Season 7 SPOILERS (slightly)
somebody give me the guts to finish Voltron season 7 because only Ronnie died I was just huegfkjsafena shutdown
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