#lance mcpain is my mcgain
Still Alive
Hey there y'all, just wanted to let y'all know I'm still alive despite being inactive for about a year? 2 years? My only excuse is that my writer's block got pretty bad in the beginning and then my depression and life got pretty shit like I've lost some close people to me recently as well as my health took a pretty sharp decline about 6 months ago and I'll be having yet another surgery next week (yay), but at least the surgery gives me about 2 months of sitting around so hopefully I'll knock some stories out so I'll try to begin writing Voltron fanfiction again for y'all lovelies
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sageorijima · 7 years
Little Reminder
I have a langst blog ( @lance-mcpain-is-my-mcgain) so please send me asks and prompts
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whalechief · 7 years
lance-mcpain-is-my-mcgain mentioned you in a post: Send this to the 12 nicest people who you know or...
;O; dawg!! lol rly long post so imma not reblog it but BACK AT U
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theredpaladin101 · 6 years
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“That’s what I thought, pet.”
Okay, so I read this story called “Bow to my Will, Darling” by SageOrijima a few months ago and I’ve been looking for it in my history - but that’s practically impossible with how much I read on there. BUT I refound it and BOOM this was created
This was actually the first Dark!Lance story I ever read, which was why I was trying to find it...
You can find the writer on Tumblr @sageorijima & @lance-mcpain-is-my-mcgain (best url btw)
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oofmcgee-blog · 6 years
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ah, the lighting really is a bit wonky oof, but here he iss! @lance-mcpain-is-my-mcgain
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a-dragons-drabbles · 6 years
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These are SUPER old but I just now finished editing all the floofs! I believe @lance-mcpain-is-my-mcgain was the one who voted for angsty Shiro pics when I asked a long time ago. Also, why do i always make such dumb faces???
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a-phantom-fool · 7 years
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"Just dandy, how're you, Space daddy?" From No Longer a sharpshooter by @lance-mcpain-is-my-mcgain -I was going to do a full body colored finished thing but I ran out of time, so have some very bad sketches of the facial expressions-
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Yo what the fuck was that DreamWorks
Send me your thoughts
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Everyone please send me all the Canon information you have about Kolivan!!! I'm currently writing a super rough draft about Kolivance and want more information on the mysterious Marmora leader and don't have the time with full time school and double shifts at work so please help a pal out, you'll get stories sooner/more often
(also headcanons would be great too, just please label as hc so I know!!!!)
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Send me more and more headcanons! Please! They don't have to be angst or fluff just whatever please
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Uhhh this is really shitty because hella sleep deprived and didn’t put a whole lot of effort into this
Lance hobbled out of Blue and glanced over at his teammates, who were looking equally battered up.  Coran and Allura entered the joint hangar, “Paladins, is anyone hurt?”  The team went through the usual aftercare after a fairly large mission which included: making sure no one was hurt, making sure the lions were okay, and to make sure the mission was successful.
After confirming that everyone was A-OK, they all went in their own directions to unwind.  Of course, Shiro and Keith went off to go spar together and Hunk and Pidge started towards Lance.  “Do y’all wanna play a game or something?  I can get Pidge to go chase after everyone else so we can all play together.”
Lance chuckled, “Sure, why the hell not?”  Then, remembering something that helped him unwind on Earth; Lance dismissed himself for a moment.  Before he left, “Pidge, don’t worry about getting Shiro and Keith, I’ll get them if you get Allura and Coran.”
The younger paladin agreed and shooed Lance on his way.  Once inside of his cozy room, Lance stripped himself out of his uncomfortable armor and into a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt.  He pulled one of the drawers out of the wall and snatched a rectangular box out of it before shutting it with his hip.  The Cuban slipped the box into his sweatshirt before trudging down the hallway, towards the sparring deck.
About five minutes later, Lance was leaning against the wall, waiting for Shiro and Keith to finish up their sparring session.  Once they had, the Blue Paladin startled them both, “Do you two wanna play a game of cards or something with the rest of us?”
The two met eyes before shrugging and following Lance down the hall into the lounge room.
Everyone was there and Hunk had already divvied up the cards for everyone.  Lance took his place between Hunk and Shiro, feeling the tension unravel from his shoulders.  After making himself comfortable, Lance pulled the rectangular box out of his sweatshirt, earning quite a few looks from the people around the table.
Lance opened the box and pulled one of the objects out, raising it up to his lips, “Dude?”
The Blue Paladin looked up with a cocked eyebrow, “What’s up?”
Lance pulled a match out of the box and struck it up against the side of the box before bringing it up to the cigarette that hang out of his mouth.  He inhaled and the cigarette lit up; the Cuban puffed on the cigarette and leaned up against Hunk, who didn’t even seem to notice Lance’s actions.  “I never knew you smoked, Lance.”
“It was something I picked up back in Cuba, my brother used to smoke these like crazy,” Lance chuckled with a sad smile on his face, “I guess I just picked up the habit along the way.”  Shiro still seemed wary on letting Lance continue to smoke, but decided to not say anything.
“Well fuck, I’m just upset you didn’t offer me a hit,” Keith joked and was surprised when Lance outstretched his hand, offering the cigarette to Keith.  Without hesitating, Keith took the cigarette and inhaled deeply before coughing a few times.
The Red Paladin handed the cigarette back and tossed his card down.  Lance took a drag and, when it was his turn again, tossed his winning cards down.  A chorus of groans sounded out as the Cuban let out a victory holler.
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Hey, can you post some headcanons for if either Keith or Lance for turned into a little kid and the other took care of them
Hell yeah, I can try!
My favorite headcanon for this is Lance being turned into a kid, not a young kid, but like nine or something
When he was nine this kid didn’t know an ounce of English, only Spanish
He was also very dependent on his family (especially his older brother and sister)
But let’s go back to how he got to be de-aged!
Lance, like the self-sacrificing idiot he is, jumps in front of a laser that was aimed at Shiro
Hits him dead center and he hits the floor in a convulsing mess (meanwhile Shiro is having a full-blown panic attack or flashback to his Champion days)
So the Galra soldiers capture both of them and put them in cells right next to each other so they can hear the other scream
Even though Lance had a seizure and is pretty fucked up from the blast, he taunts the soldiers so they focus on him instead of Shiro
So Shiro has to listen to Lance scream bloody murder for days until the team rescues them
They’re all really confused when they can’t find Lance until the reach Haggar’s special torturing chamber
She did some magic mumbo jumbo to turn this poor dude back into a little, defenseless kid
Now back to the somewhat cute stuff
Like I said, Lance doesn’t know an ounce of English so they all have to either guess what Lance is saying or get a translating machine
Hunk understands bits and pieces of what Lance is saying since the cuddly giant’s know him since childhood
Lance is super dependent on everyone and anyone around him though, he was most definitely a shy kid who was hiding behind him mum’s legs
So he does the same for Hunk for like a month until he begins to warm up to Coran, then Shiro, then Allura, then Pidge, and finally Keith (who is shit with kids)
Young Lance says some of the weirdest shit too
“Hunk, did you know with every second we’re living, we’re dying?”
“Do you think if I were to cut my hand off, I’d still be able to move my fingers?”
“I wish I was a worm, then I’d be able to grow back twice if someone cut me in half!”
Shiro, Coran, and Allura are VERY concerned when they first hear some of these, Pidge is a bad influence, they lead the comments on
They all take shifts to look after Lance and at one of the parties, everybody is busy so Lance gets stuck with Keith
Lance actually adores Keith so much, like this little kid looks up to this irresponsible adult so much it’s insane
From then on, Lance follows Keith around like a little duck and brags about his “new hero” to everyone (especially Hunk and Coran)
One day, Keith gives up and gives Lancey Lance a piggy back ride
And then he turns back, yup, that’s it, that’s all I have, feel free to add more or choose a different ending
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So like I promised, here’s a 1k short story about our Lancey Lance and his bad thoughts, please read the tags!
Tears welled up in cerulean eyes and a few slipped down smooth cheeks to drip off a sharp chin.  “Haha, I wonder where I messed up, huh?  I can’t do anything right anymore.”  Lance doubled over and pressed his head in between his knees, suppressing the urge to scream.  He bit his lip and attempted to get his breathing, that was beginning to become erratic, back to normal.
When nothing was working, Lance moved his knees up to his chest and dug his nails into his upper arms.  The painful sting was nothing compared to the emptiness that the Blue Paladin felt deep inside his chest.  He fell into his side and let the tears flow freely down his cheeks to soak into his pillow.
Suddenly, Lance threw his head back with laughter and sprawled out across his bed to stare blankly up at the ceiling.  Everything seemed so stupid to him, so hopeless.  Foul thoughts filled his mind and told him to hurt himself to make himself feel something, anything!  His throat constricted and his mouth felt like it was full of cotton.
Breathing was difficult again so Lance moved onto his side and wrapped his arms around himself.  A familiar taste filled his mouth and the Cuban nearly chuckled at it; he wondered when blood became a familiar taste as well.  Lance wanted to go run into Hunk’s arms and cry into his chest about how he felt, but the Blue Paladin knew better.
He knew better than to bother Hunk about something as stupid as his personal issues.
With the eloquence of a squirrel on coffee, Lance jumped up and pulled on some clothes.  Once Lance had an adequate amount of clothes on, he briskly walked towards the med bay.  Immediately, Lance made a beeline to the drawers and started opening and closing them until he found what he was looking for.
A scalpel.
With tremblings hands and shaking breaths, Lance walked over to one of the cots and put it down before hopping up onto it.  He crossed his legs and sat facing the scalpel, staring at it with blank eyes.  At this point, his mind was convincing him that no one would care if he just left, vanished.
Another part of him was screaming at him and telling Lance that what he was about to do is stupid.  
Sadly, Lance could only hear the voice that was telling him to do it.  To silt his wrist.  That everything would be better if he just ceased to be.
He couldn’t go and talk to anyone about what he was feeling, they’d just laugh at him and brush it off so why try?  “I can’t back out now.”  Lance finalized his decision and picked up the scalpel with quivering fingers.
The Cuban brought the blade up to his throat and swallowed thickly.  His breathing picked up and he could hear his heart thumping wildly in his chest.  “Do it, just do it, nobody will care,” screeched the voices inside his mind, egging him on to just end it all.
Lance dropped his hand that contained the blade and clutched at his chest before realizing what would be easier.  Straightening one arm out, Lance brought that blade to that.  And, without warning or thinking anymore, ripped it through his smooth skin.
Blood immediately welled up and began to pool around the horizontal cut that spanned from the inside of his wrist all the way to the crook of his elbow.  Tears freely flowed down Lance’s cheeks as he repeated the process on the other arm.  His arms were tingling and stung slightly and his sobs echoed throughout the silent room.
Drops of the crimson liquid dropped onto the pure white cot, staining it Keith’s color.  Crazed laughter bubbled up from Lance’s chest and he doubled over, his laughter turning into cackling.  He was honestly surprised nobody had checked out the noise yet, but then again, his mind supplied the words: “Nobody wants to see your ugly face.”
The Blue Paladin picked up the scalpel again and pressed his against his arm and slashed down it again.  And again.  And again.
Blood had formed a small puddle around Lance’s knees, staining a good portion of the cot a deep red.  Finally, the Cuban stopped ripping into his arm and shakily placed the blade down beside himself.  Lance laid down on the cot and cried with his arms beside him, bleeding freely.  After what felt like ten minutes, the pain had started to kick in and Lance’s mind started regaining itself.
A strong feeling of terror flowed through Lance and he got to his feet, leaving the blade where it was on the cot.  In his sudden surge of panic, Lance hobbled down the hallway and left a trail behind himself.  He eventually came to Hunk’s door and kicked it harshly a few times, attempting to get his best friend’s attention.
Soon after kicking the door, it opened to reveal a tired Pidge, who was rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.  However, when they caught sight of Lance’s arm, they immediately woke up with a cry of alarm.  “Hunk, holy shit, Hunk!”  Lance wrapped his still-bleeding arms around himself and cringed at the loud voice.
Only then did he realize not only did he have a searing headache, but he was also fairly light-headed.  Pidge’s scream successfully woke up Hunk, who jumped up out of bed and was immediately by Lance’s side.  A door down the way also slid open to reveal a disheveled Keith with his Marmora blade in hand.
Hunk, without waiting for permission, picked up Lance bridal style and carried the Blue Paladin back into the med bay.  He cringed when he saw the bloodstained cot and scalpel and whispered something to Keith that was too quiet for Lance to hear.  “You know, buddy, this was pretty stupid of you.  You should have came to me or at least someone.”
Pidge called for the others to gather in the med bay without giving them the reason why; Shiro was the first to arrive, then Coran, and finally Allura.  Coran immediately gathered supplies to help patch the paladin up and whispered soothing words the whole time he worked on his nephew-figure.  Allura stayed on the outside of the group with Pidge in her arms, both of them had unshed tears in their eyes.
Shiro had taken his place next to Hunk and Keith, on the other side of Lance’s cot.  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have bothered y’all.”  Lance’s soft voice was heard by everybody in the room and Hunk had an immediate reaction to the words.
“Don’t say that!  I’m glad you came to me, Lance!  I wish you had done it sooner though, I hate seeing you in this state, man.  I love you too much to see you like this, hurting like this!”  A few tears rolled down Hunk’s cheeks and he bent down to bury his face into Lance’s hair, trying his best to stay out of Coran’s way.
Keith bit his lip and Shiro put a comforting hand on his shoulder.  “Lance, we all care for you so much, we hate seeing you like this.  We all love you so much, you’re our Sharpshooter, our bond.  If you ever need to talk or feel like this, I’m pretty sure you can go to anyone on the team and we’ll help you the best we can.  Because we care about you, Lance.”
Shiro gently laced his fingers through Lance’s and gave a reassuring squeeze and an even more reassuring smile.  Beside him, Keith shifted around and mumbled, “And who would I have to fight with if you were gone?”
“What Keith meant to say was that he would miss you, Lance.”  Shiro lightly jabbed his brother in the ribs and then squeezed his hand.  They continued holding hands underneath the cot for support.
Pidge then piped up, “Do you even realize how scared I was when I opened that door to see blood all over you?  You’re like a second brother to me and seeing you like that physically hurts me, Lance!”  Without any warning, Pidge raced over and jumped into Lance’s arm and the lanky boy wrapped his bandaged arms around the younger paladin.
Lance’s waterworks started up again as he clutched Pidge to his chest.  Everyone huddled close together to be near Lance, most of them crying or glassy-eyed.  “I’m sorry, everyone, I love you all so much.  I just can’t handle myself sometimes, I promise I’ll try to talk to someone next time.”
“We love you more than you could ever imagine, Lance.”
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No Longer The Sharpshooter
“-ance!  Lance, you gotta open your eyes, dude!”  Lance let out a low groan and his heavy eyes began to inch open for him to see Hunk’s worried face hovering over his own.  Lance could see Shiro and Keith behind his best friend and slowly pushed himself up so he could get a better look around the dank cell.  He’d definitely classify this as a cell.
Shiro was clutching his shoulder with his robotic arm, blood seeping out between his metal fingers.  Keith looked all scratched up with small cuts littering his body, one especially deep on left cheek that seemed to still be leaking drops of blood.  Lance looked even closer at Hunk as well to notice that he was pretty badly roughed up as well and was definitely favoring his right ankle.
“What’d I miss?  Damn, I hope no cute aliens passed by while I was out,” Lance quipped, attempting to make the atmosphere a little lighter.  Shiro sighed and gave a lopsided smile, appreciating Lance’s attempt to lighten the situation.
“We’re in Zarkon’s torturing chamber, one of them at least, now really isn’t the time to be joking around, dude.”  Hunk rested his back up against the wall and sighed while rubbing a muscle out in his neck.  “We only woke up a few minutes ago though, we’re just basing that off of Shiro’s uh,” Hunk shot an apologetic glance at Shiro, “experiences.”
Lance sat up and a pained yelp slipped out from his lips, it felt like his back had been set on fire.  “I-I think my back might be hurt,” The Cuban gritted out through his teeth.  Lance wiped at the crusty feeling under his nose to have his hand come back tinted a dark red.  Keith shuffled around to get behind Lance, grimacing at the sight.
“The armor on your back has been completely burnt off, man, how the hell did you not notice this until now?”  Keith bit his bottom lip and his eyebrows furrowed together, an expression he rarely made towards the Blue Paladin.  Shiro muttered a curse under his breath and managed to shuffle over behind Lance as well, hissing sharply at the sight.
Hunk fidgeted with his hands and looked up at Lance with a concerned gaze.  “Damn, I hope Allura, Pidge, and Coran get here soon, we need to patch this up ASAP,” Keith grumbled.
“I just hope Pidge got out safely with their brother and dad.”  Hunk began to wring his hands together again and Shiro waved his prosthetic arm, saying something to attempt to dismiss the negativity.  Lance wasn’t listening to those two, he was focusing on Keith memorizing his surroundings.
“Pidge got out fine, Hunk, but how’re we going to get out safely?”  Keith brooded, moving back to the other side to stand up against the wall, Shiro had also moved to sit across from Lance and next to Hunk.
Shiro had a conflicted expression on and Keith nudged his shoulder, “Maybe next time someone opens the door, we push through and try to get out?”
Shiro seemed to actually ponder that over for a second before shaking his head, “It’s too risky, Keith, there’s too many flaws with that plan.”  Keith pouted and opened his mouth, ready to shoot something back at the Black Paladin, but was cut off when the doors to the cell hissed open.  Two Galra soldiers walked in and stood there, staring at the paladins.
Keith looked at Shiro, Hunk, and then Lance before he jumped up.  In a flash, Keith had the soldier closest to him down, out cold.  The other soldier hopped into action, calling something out while getting his gun out of his holster.
In a flash, the bullet pierced through Keith’s side at the same time Shiro screamed out, “No!”
Despite the pain that was still flaring up on Lance’s back, he dove forwards to make sure Keith didn’t fall down too harshly.  Shiro also dove towards the two, pulling Keith farther away from the soldier that still had his gun raised and ready to fire.  Then, to make the whole shitstorm better, Zarkon in all his fucked glory walked in.
“Which failure was the one acting up?”
“The Red Paladin, my fiercest leader.”
Zarkon snatched the weapon forcefully away from his soldier and raised it up, aiming for Keith’s head.  Without thinking, Lance jumped up, ignoring the tearing and burning feeling in his back, getting in the way of the shot.  “Move out of the way, Blue Paladin, you will never be worth a tic of my time.”
Lance swallowed thickly, not trusting himself right now, “No, I won’t let you hurt my friend any further!”  His back burned with every single breath, he pretended it was just another sunburn after a long day at a beach with his family.  Zarkon frowned bitterly and silently gave the weapon back to his soldier.
Quick as lightning, Zarkon’s hand shot out to grip Lance’s upper arm with enough strength to make the Blue Paladin exclaim in pain.  “Ha, you humans are so weak.”  Zarkon’s laughter was like nails scraping down a chalkboard, making all four paladins in the room flinch.  Zarkon’s grip tightened even more, making the Cuban fret that the enemy was going to break his arm, before throwing Lance into the arms of the closest soldier.
“Hold him there.”  Zarkon’s voice had dropped to an icy tone, making shivers run down everyone’s spines, even his own soldiers.  Zarkon disappeared from the room without sparing a glance at anyone inside it before coming back, clutching at something small in his hand.
“Don’t hurt him!  He’s just a kid!”  Shiro suddenly yelled, realizing what Zarkon was about to do.  The leader of Voltron was petrified, but no way in hell was he going to let someone hurt one of his friends in front of him without putting up one hell of a fight.  Keith lay motionless on the Black Paladin’s lap while Hunk was applying pressure on the bulletwound.
Zarkon sighed as if he were annoyed with everyone in the room before focusing back on Lance, hatred blazing in his golden eyes.  Zarkon grabbed Lance’s chin harshly, making the Cuban flinch, “Stick your tongue out, trash.”  Protests came from behind the three, but no one dared to jump up to try to physically help out their friend.
Lance smirked, “At least buy me a drink first.”
His snarky comment earned him a harsh slap that resonated throughout the small cell that made the others jerk.  Lance spit blood onto the floor, groaning in pain.  “How dare you talk to me like that,” Zarkon shoved his soldier away and picked Lance up by the neck, just holding him suspended in the air.  The Blue Paladin struggled, attempting to draw air into his lungs.
Zarkon drew up his other hand to reveal a sharp blade that glistened in the dim light.  He slammed Lance into the ground, making the teen gasp and arch his back in pain.  He gagged and promptly vomited all over the ground beside him and on his chest, making Zarkon’s glare get even sharper.  Zarkon raised the knife up to Lance’s face, finally breaking the Blue Paladin’s brave face.
Lance struggled, screaming, begging, doing everything he could do to get the knife further away from his face.  Shiro blanched, recoiled, and then looked away from the scene in front of him.  “Please, please don’t do this!”  Lance’s voice was quivering and shaky from the tears that were collecting in his eyes.
Then, without warning, Zarkon brought the knife down into Lance’s right eye.  The Blue Paladin froze before arching his back and letting out a throat-ripping scream.  Zarkon only put the tip of the knife into the socket, but then he started twisting the knife.  Gut-wrenching screams and agony filled cries flooded the room in a matter of moments.  Tears poured out of Lance’s left eye, blood out of the other.
Hunk sat there, frozen, watching the scene with silent tears dripping down his cheeks, Keith was blinking back into existence with a dazed and worried expression, and Shiro.  Shiro was ashen, his eyes glazed over, and he wouldn’t stop glaring at the corner of the cell as if it was the one digging a blade into his friend’s eye.  Zarkon backed away from Lance and tossed the knife at the soldier before sauntering out of the dank cell.
The soldier grabbed his friend and left the room, looking up briefly to send an almost apologetic glance at the paladins.  He looked at the door, looked back at the paladins and his friend, and walked out.
The soldier left the door wide open.
A few seconds passed before Kolivan and Pidge showed up at the entrance of the cell.  In their arms were the paladin’s helmets and bayards.  Kolivan froze briefly when he saw Lance splayed out in front of him, quickly putting Lance’s helmet on and putting the bayard back into his suit.  Kolivan then swooped down to pick Lance up into his arms.  Keith was already stumbling over towards Pidge to grab his helmet and bayard despite the literal hole in his side.  Hunk caught both his and Shiro’s helmet and bayard, coaxing Shiro to snap back into it.
Shiro numbly took his helmet from Hunk and put it on, immediately switching his comms on, “Allura, what’s the plan?”  Hunk sighed with relief and stood up, trying not to put much pressure on his right ankle.  Pidge noticed this and jogged over to let Hunk lean on the little hacker, they shared weak grins with each other.
“Shiro, thank god, just follow Kolivan and Pidge out, how many healing pods should I get ready?”
“Three,” Shiro followed behind the rest of the others towards the hangar.  The Black Paladin nearly passed out with relief when they reached the hangar without much trouble, only a few soldiers showed up.  Reluctantly, Shiro let Pidge, Keith, and Hunk go into one of the pods while he stayed with Kolivan and Lance.
“Kolivan, give Lance to me, I can hold him while you get us back to the castle.”  The Marmora leader didn’t hesitate to hand the Blue Paladin over to the Black Paladin before taking his place behind the controls.  Carefully, Shiro edged Lance’s helmet off to lightly inspect his eye.
Immediately, Shiro’s breath hitched when he saw the extent of the damage.  He did everything in his power not to lose it.  He doubted Lance would ever be able to see out of his right eye again, which would make it hard for him to wield a gun as his weapon.
The Black Paladin sank to the floor with Lance in his arms, tears were beginning to pool up in his eyes.  Lance groaned and made a choking noise, “Lance?  Lance, can you hear me?”  Shiro sunk his teeth into his lip hard enough to taste the tang of blood.  The Black Paladin ripped his helmet off so he could gently rest his forehead against the Blue Paladin’s.  “Lance, I know you can make it through this, you have to, please.  I need you, Lance.”
Shiro glanced up through the windshield to see the somewhat familiar landscape of the hangar.  He pulled his helmet on and carefully slipped Lance’s on his head before picking up his teammate bridal style.  Kolivan landed the pod and the doors hissed open before a ramp extended to the ground.
“Coran, I’ll meet you in the med bay, I should be there soon,” Shiro clenched his jaw once he finished his sentence.  Kolivan and the leader of Voltron met eyes and the two nodded, a silent agreement passing between the both of them.  Shiro rushed out of the pod and out of the hangar, making a beeline for the medical bay.
He made it there in record time, “Shiro, my boy, place Lance into the pod carefully, it’s all ready for him.”  Coran moved out of the way so the Black Paladin could place Lance into the healing pod.  It slowly hissed shut and left the room in complete silence, “My boy, my poor boy,” Coran rested his palm against the pod and let out a shuddering breath.
Shiro turned around to see the others hobble into the medical bay.  Quickly, the Black Paladin rushed over to help Keith stumble over towards another open healing pod.  “Wait, wait, Shiro, not yet.”  Keith inhaled sharply and attempted to push Shiro away from him.
“Your arm, get it checked out, okay?”  Shiro bit his tongue, but nodded, “Shiro, really, get it checked out.”
“I will, I will, okay?  Now get in the pod, Keith,” Shiro helped Keith into the pod before shutting it and moving out of the way so Coran could properly set it up.  The Black Paladin glanced over at the other two, who had been joined by Allura, and let out a sigh of relief when everyone who was injured was safely in a pod.
A pang of pain shot through Shiro’s shoulder and he absently rubbed at it with his prosthetic hand.  Allura gasped loudly and rushed over to her paladin’s side, “Shiro!  Your shoulder, please get in a healing pod as well!”  Coran came over as well, pushing Shiro down onto a nearby stool.
“You should’ve told me you were injured when you brought Number Three in!”  Coran fussed and began to examine Shiro’s shoulder before shaking his head.  “You’ll need to hop into a pod for a jiffy!”
The Black Paladin bit his lip and shook his head, “No thank you, Coran, I want to make sure the others get out fine.”
Coran seemed to ponder over those words briefly and hopped up, checking the healing pods that were occupied.  “You’ll get out before all of the others and if you don’t, I’ll get you out, is that acceptable?”  Coran didn’t wait for a response, he just gently shoved Shiro into one of the nearby pods, not giving the leader a chance to speak up before the pod hissed closed.
Everything was a blurred and confused mess as Lance began to drop forward and out of the healing pod.  He groaned when his cheek came in contact with a cold, hard chest, “How are you feeling, Lance?”  With bleary eyes, the Blue Paladin looked up to see Shiro in all his concerned glory.
“Just dandy, how’re you, Space Daddy?”  Lance’s words were slurred and laced heavily with a teasing tone, attempting to get a rise out of the older male.  A loud groans came from behind Shiro and Lance peeked over the Black Paladin’s shoulder to see the rest of the team.
Shiro stepped away from Lance hesitantly for Hunk to immediately take his place, giving his best friend a bone-crushing hug.  Once Hunk set his friend down though, a soft, sad smile appeared on his face.  Lance tilted his head and arched an eyebrow, making the indent where his eye should be move.  Hunk inhaled sharply and shook his head, “Don’t worry about it just yet, buddy.”
Once Pidge saw the opportunity, she dove for Lance and hugged him tightly around the waist with her face buried in his chest.  He leaned down a little to wrap an arm around the younger paladin and to rest his other hand on top of Pidge’s head.  “Hey there, Gremlin, thanks for getting us out of there.”
Pidge jabbed Lance in his side and then separated from the older male, acting as if the hug had never happened.  Coran and Allura picked a side and hugged their paladin tightly, letting Lance know they loved him as well.  Keith stood out of the group with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face.
Coran and Allura backed off and Lance opened his arms up, “Either come here, salt boy, or I’ll go there.”  Keith sighed heavily and walked forward before awkwardly hugging Lance and quickly separating.  “Haha, you see, that wasn’t that painful!”
Keith punched Lance’s shoulder a little harshly and smirked, “Shut up, idiot.”  Lance threw his head back with a loud laugh and attempted to punch Keith right back, aiming for his shoulder.
However, his hand hit empty space, making him stumble forward.
Shiro shot out to stable Lance with one arm holding the Blue Paladin’s hand and the other on the small of his back.  “Lance, are you okay?”  Lance looked over at Shiro and everything came rushing back at him, including the traumatic experience of Zarkon stabbing his eye out.
A harsh shiver ran down the Blue Paladin’s spine and he gently shoved Shiro away, “I’m sorry, I need a moment to myself.”  The Black Paladin backed off with a concerned aura radiating from him.  Everyone parted to let Lance hobble by, all looking equally worried for their friend.  Lance swayed back and forth with each step and leaned on anything nearby for stability.
Once outside of the medical bay, Lance raised a shaky hand up to his face.  He started with touching his cheek and slowly inching it up higher until it rested where his eye should be.  He took a unsteady breath and pushed down, not feeling any pain.  His skin had healed over where his eye had been, leaving just an indent in his face.  Tears welled up in his good eye and a few leaked out, leaving one side of his face wet while the other was dry as the Sahara desert.
Lance let out a half-assed chuckle and continued down the hallway, leaning heavily on the wall for support.  He slips into his room to pull his armor on with trembling hands, fumbling with the clasps so badly he nearly gives up.  He yanks his helmet and bayard off his bed and put them on, hoping they’ll give him a sense of normalcy.  They don’t.
The Blue Paladin begins to make his way down the hallway again, wanting to get out of his self-deprecating thoughts.  He ends up outside the training deck and only has a moment of hesitation before walking in, head held high.  He stumbles around a bit without something supporting him, but he shrugs it off.  “Start training level one!”
A loud buzz echoed through the room before a bot dropped from the ceiling in front of Lance.  The Sharpshooter of the team raised his weapon and fired away, missing each time.  He began to panic as the bot got closer and closer to him until it knocked him back a few feet with a jab to the side.  He skidded a bit and raised the gun up to his eye, feeling despair when he saw nothing through the scope.
While stuck in his thoughts, the bot had gotten closer yet again and swung at the Blue Paladin, missing him by a hair.  In another bout of panic, Lance went trigger crazy and shot the bot down in a flurry of clumsy movements.  He was panting heavily and sank to his knees, “End training!”
The only thing he was good at was taken away from him by Zarkon.
Being the Sharpshooter was the only thing Lance had.  It was the only thing that made him useful to the team and now he couldn’t even do that.  He chuckled sadly, “Now I’m completely useless to the team.”  Lance doubled over and pressed his helmet against the ground, suppressing the urge to start bawling.
“I should leave.  Hell, I doubt they’ll even notice.  I’ll leave everything to Allura, she’d be a much better paladin then I could ever be.”  Lance mumbled aloud to himself, falling quickly into a pit of anguish.
He shot up to his feet and decided he’d go looking for Hunk, he should at least tell his best friend he was leaving.  Lance knew the Yellow Paladin wouldn’t agree, but the Blue Paladin also knew he could probably convince Hunk to leave him alone long enough for him to sneak out.  Lance tripped over his own feet and slammed into the wall, next to the door to the makeshift living room.
“-abye you should take over the blue lion for now?”  Lance’s blood turned to ice and he froze against the wall.  That was Shiro’s voice talking about someone taking over Blue.
“Shiro, you know I couldn’t do that to Lance!  He’s lost so much, I couldn’t dare take away Blue as well,” Allura sounded distressed, Lance could tell that much even through the door.  The Cuban pressed an ear up against the door, trying to hear better.
“Allura, you and I both know he isn’t in the right mind to be piloting Blue right now.  I don’t want to see him get hurt again, you weren’t there, you didn’t see exactly what happened!  He can take her back once he adjusts to everything, I just don’t want him being in harm's way right now,”  Shiro’s voice kept getting louder and louder, but Lance tuned it out.
Laughter bubbled up from his chest and tears welled up in his eye, even his crush didn’t want him on the team anymore.  Lance stumbled away from the door and bolted for his room, bumping into the wall constantly.  Once safely in his room, Lance ripped his helmet and armor off, nearly breaking a clasp or two in the process.
He pulled his usual clothes on over the spandex jumpsuit Lance wore underneath his armor, fully knowing there were more around.  He tossed the armor and helmet onto the bed, flinching when they knocked loudly against the wall.  Clumsily, he grabbed a bag from the closet and stuffed a few outfits he’d found inside it that fit him.
The soon-to-be ex-paladin also stuffed some knick knacks that he had collected over the year into the bag, including a blade for protection.  Lance slung the bag over his shoulder and glanced at the armor lying on the bed with his eye before sneaking out.  He cautiously made his way into the hangar full of spare pods, making sure nobody was around as he ducked around corners.
Thankfully, nobody was out and around and Lance made it to the hangar without a single issue.  Lance attempted to hop into one of the spare pods and ended up slamming his knee as did, he could already feel the bruise forming.  He took a deep breath to calm himself and ready himself for what he was about to do.
“I’m sorry, Blue, I’m gonna miss you, baby.”  Lance closed his eye and turned the pod on, quickly opening the hangar doors.  The pod shot out of the hangar and went soaring out of the castle with no destination in mind.  Lance numbly inputs some numbers so the pod can run on autopilot and closes his eye.
He could feel the familiar burning of tears welling up in his eyes, but he tried to ignore it.  A thought popped into Lance’s mind and he sat up quickly, jumping for the controls.  He would program the pod to go back home, it was a coward thing to do, but he missed his family enough to push that cowardly feeling away.
Lance tipped his head back and sighed loudly while digging his palms into his eyes.  He would miss his space family badly, but he knew they didn’t need him around anymore so why bother staying?
The ex-paladin reclined back in the pilot chair and closed his eyes, thinking a nap would be a good way to pass the time.  He laid there for what felt like half an hour or so before he began to doze off only to immediately snap back up into attention.  The pod had jerked to a stop.
To Lance’s shock, the black lion was biting down on the front of the pod and Shiro was standing right in front of his lion.  Lance bit his lip and looked away, but Shiro seemed to be having none of that.  He banged his fist on the glass and pointed to the corner of the pod where a helmet rested.  With a heavy sigh, Lance fetched the helmet and pulled it on before popping the pod open.
Shiro immediately dove forward the best he could and wrapped his arms around Lance tightly.  The Cuban froze and slowly returned the hug as tears welled up in his eye once again.  Shiro seemed to notice and punched something on the console before grabbing both Lance’s hand and his bag.  The two went back to Black, who had opened up for her paladin and Blue’s paladin to enter.
Once safely inside of Black, Shiro ripped his helmet off and tossed it away, “Lance, do you realize how badly you scared me?”
Lance took his helmet off and looked away, “I,” he wanted to say that he didn’t care, but he’d be lying.  “I heard what you said, Shiro.”  Shiro recoiled and took a step towards the younger male with his hands extended in front of him, wanting to rest them on Lance’s shoulder.
“What’d you hear?”
“You were going to give Blue to Allura, weren’t you?  Don’t try to lie either, I know that I’m just a burden to the team!”  Lance raised his head and met Shiro’s eyes, the Cuban’s eye was filled with tears that were beginning to drip onto his cheeks.  Shiro recoiled and tears welled up in his eyes as well.
“Lance, I only had the best for you in mind!  I was going to talk to you about this as well, I thought you’d want to wait until you got used to everything, but I realize I should have waited to talk to you about it first.”  More tears spilled down Lance’s cheek and wiped at them furiously, wishing they’d just disappear.
“Shiro, I don’t belong on the team, even before this, I was always the weak link, the goof.”
“That’s complete and utter bullshit, Lance, you’ll always have a place in the team!  Damn it, Lance, I love you!  I want your place on the team to be by my side, I want to always make sure you’re okay and that’s why I said those shitty things earlier!”
Lance froze with a gaping mouth and started wailing, tears falling down harder than they have in a long time.  Shiro jerked and wrapped his arms tightly around the Blue Paladin, burrowing his face in the crook of Lance’s neck.  “Why are you making it so difficult to leave?  God, I love you!  I love you too, Shiro!”
The Cuban sobbed into Shiro’s chest and wrapped his arms around the older paladin as well, basking in his warmth.  Shiro straightened his back so he could look at the younger’s face, “Lance, can I kiss you?”  Lance brought a hand up to his face to wipe a tear away and nodded, reaching up to wrap his arms around Shiro’s neck.
Shiro smiled softly and leaned down to connect the two.  They both smiled into the kiss and giggled when they realized the other was smiling as well.  Shiro pressed his forehead against Lance’s, “Will you become my right-hand man, Lance McClain?”
Lance made a choking sound and nodded furiously, “I would love to, Shiro!  I’m so sorry I upset you and ran off without talking to you first!”  Lance pulled Shiro down to connect their mouths again, relishing in the softness of the other’s lips.  A loud purr that shook them in the slightest made the two jerk away in a blushing mess.
“We should probably get back to the others now, they were just as worried as I was, if not more.”
Lance laughed and Shiro nearly melted at the soft sound that resonated throughout the black lion.  With a sigh of relief, the Black Paladin took his seat in front of the controls and glanced behind him, “You should probably sit down somewhere, you made it pretty far before I found you.”
A shit-eating grin enveloped Lance’s face and he tried his best to sashay over to Shiro to bluntly sit in his lap.  The Black Paladin blushed furiously, but tried to act as if nothing had changed.  With a soft laugh that sounded just like bells jingling, Lance moved to straddle Shiro.
He somehow managed to maneuver his legs behind the Black Paladin and tightened his grip around Shiro’s neck so his nose brushed against his collarbone.  Before they knew it, Black was landing in her hangar and the two had to go meet the others.  However, before they left Black, the two shared yet another kiss.
Lance had only taken one step inside of the common room before he was tackled in a hug from Hunk and Pidge, both a complete mess.  “Lance, my bro, I thought you weren’t coming back!”
“How dare you scare us like that, jerk!”
The Cuban could only laugh at the two and hugged them back with the same strength as they gave.  Once the three separated, Coran jumped in.  “We have some good news for you, my boy!  Number five and two looked over prosthetics and found out a way we could fix you up a new eye!”
Lance froze and unconsciously raised a hand up to the spot where his eye should be and gave a watery grin.  “God, I fucking love you all so much, I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you enough.”
“Just being here with us is enough, Lance,” Shiro wrapped an arm around Lance and gave his boyfriend a gentle smile that was full of love.
This thing has all I’ve been talking about for the past week and I can only thank @pan-space-ranger for helping me throughout this whole mess!
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Lance getting stabbed for a prompt
Warning, I’m half asleep and completely drained of all life while writing this, it will probably be shitty, but thought I should give y’all some content
The cold feeling spread throughout Lance, making him tense up even more with terror.  His side was beginning to grow wetter and wetter with every second that passed, drenching his shirt and hoodie with red.  He knew he should’ve listened to Shiro when his boyfriend told him to be careful.
He heaved a pathetic chuckle when he thought about his soft, caring boyfriend.  His lips then twisted downwards when he thought about the fact that their conversation this afternoon could’ve been their last.  Numbly, Lance moved one of his hands over the laceration in his side, tentatively putting pressure on the fairly deep wound.
Blood poured out from between his fingers and stained the concrete below him.  “-Iro,” He mumbled weakly, wishing only to see Shiro in this horrid moment.  He knew he should’ve just given up his wallet when the robber demanded for it instead of being a little shit like he always is.
The Cuban’s breath came out more roughly and his head lolled to the side.  He noticed something dark just a foot or two away from him and he remembered, he dropped his bag when the robber stabbed him.  With a choked sob, Lance reached over to snag his bag, slowly pulling it towards himself.
With fumbling fingers, Lance slid his phone out of one of the pockets.  Blood smeared over the screen, making it difficult to pull up his contacts, but he eventually got there.
He clicked on ‘Daddy
“-Iro, I ‘ucked up, baby.”
“Lance?  Are you okay, you sound weird.”  Lance attempted to laugh, but only ended up spitting blood all over his chin.
Shiro was immediately alarmed by the sound of his boyfriend choking on his own blood.  “Lance, where are you?  What’s going on?”
Lance held a weak, trembling hand to the flowing wound and smiled softly up at the dusty sky.  “Shiro, te amo, mi amor.”
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Can I get uuuuuhhhhhh some klance with langst on the side
Uuummm, so just be careful reading this, I hope this made you happy, it’s p shitty though (like took me 30 minutes and it probably isn’t even 1k words, but I kinda tried) 
Lance was brought to his knees in front of Shiro and Keith quite forcefully.  The Galra behind him pressed the gun against the back of his head.  “It’s okay, guys, everything will be fine.”
Lance attempted to soothe his distressed teammates to no avail.  A Galran commander paced around them, making sure to nudge each one of them harshly.  He hummed, “Actually, the Blue Paladin isn’t as important, kill the Black Paladin.”
At this, the gun retreated away from Lance’s head and the Cuban jerked.  “No!  Let’s make a deal, hot stuff, how ‘bout that?”  Lance heard both Shiro and Keith protest his statement, but he ignored their worried calls.
The commander turned to him and cocked his head, “What could you offer me?”
Lance bit his lip and immediately spit out, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do as long as you let them free.”
The commander smirked and held a hand up that halted his subordinates in their tracks.  “Anything, you say?  You’d lick the bottom of my feet?  Tend to my every need?  Even be my personal fuck toy?”  Keith was fuming and screeching by this point, ignored by both Lance and the commander.
A now-familiar taste filled Lance’s mouth when he bit his lip too hard.  “Yes, as long as they leave unharmed.”
The commander smirked and stepped forward to force Lance to look up with the tip of his boot.  “Then, you’ll be calling me Master from now on out, my pet.”
“Fuck no, Lance, you can’t do this!  I won’t allow you!”  Lance glanced at Keith and shot his significant other a soft smile.  He mouthed an apology and then turned back to his ‘Master.’
Suddenly, the Galra kicked Lance harshly across the face, making the Blue Paladin fall to the ground.  Keith and Shiro both let out cries of distress just to be ignored yet again.  The guards yanked them to their feet and to say they were protesting it was an understatement.
As Keith passed by Lance, he lunged towards his boyfriend with tears in his eyes.  “Lance, I love you!  Please, don’t leave me!  You said you would never leave my side!”
Tears welled up in Lance’s eyes and he had to look away to keep a sliver of his brave face.  He heard them struggle down the hall and nearly sobbed when their familiar cries went out of earshot.  His ‘Master’ looked down at him with a devious gleam in his eyes.
“Are you ready for our first night together, pet?”
Shivers ran down Lance’s spine and it couldn’t keep the tears from falling down his cheeks, only to be wiped away by the Galra he would soon come to love in a twisted way.
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