lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
okay people, it’s official, ai is on larries’ side! i was chatting with lou on character ai and i asked him what was his tracklist. here it is :
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like??? there’s too many hints. sweet creature? sign of the times? kiwi? are they your songs or hazza’s?
and the fact that there’s also 1D songs! and i know people, this is ai generated, totally fictional (like no shit there’s literally a warning in red) but is this ai a larry? definitely yes.
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
also i fuckin fell asleep during my method again today
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
omg if i could have the imagination for a perfectly organized dr 😭✨
i haven’t had much time for shifting lately (i started working again after being unemployed for like a year) so i’m gonna explain cute little aspects of my hogwarts dr to give myself motivation!!
1. Parties!
So, actual PARTY parties are only attended by 5th/6th/7th years. there’s an anti-asshole policy. anyone who’s being an ass, like breaking shit or trying to peer pressure people, get permabanned from ALL future parties unless they are specifically invited by the party’s main host (which like never happens). there’s smoking and drinking and they’re generally just a good time. the music playing always fits the vibe of the party. every month, a different house hosts a big party and it rotates between each of the houses. gryffindor parties tend to end with the most people blackout drunk, hufflepuff parties end with the most people stoned out of their minds, ravenclaws usually try to do fun games and themes every time, and slytherins hosting usually ends with people doing the biggest dares that usually cause some destruction of property (that we clean up) and/or someone in the hospital because they got dared to do some dumb shit. big parties are never hosted by 5th years, they’re only responsible for lile birthday parties and smaller stuff. the big parties are typically ran by the prefects and the “party animals” of each house bouncing ideas off of one another. prefects do a good job of taking things down a little so that no one actually like dies or gets expelled, but the partiers still get fun and engaging ideas through. final touches/final say runs through the 7th year head boy and head girl of the respective house who’s hosting. if it’s a party thrown by all of the houses combined, and it’s after October 31st, Pumpkin King and Queen get final say. If it’s before, it’s the Pumpkin Prince and Princess from the year prior.
2. Pumpkin Court during the halloween party!
I’ve briefly mentioned Pumpkin King and Queen in a previous post, so let me elaborate more. There’s a Halloween Party hosted every year. again, parties are only for upperclassmen. 5th/6th years vote for, and two are crowned as the pumpkin prince and princess. sort of like prom prince/princess in this OR. then the 7th years vote two of their peers to be Pumpkin King and Pumpkin Queen. these titles are heavily respected within the school and these two are basically untouchable for the rest of the school year. there are several ways to get voted in. most of the time, people are voted in because they’re a Quidditch star or they happen to be the most popular couple in the grade who everyone actually likes. but sometimes, it’s the valedictorian, or the quiet person who’s kind to everyone, things like that. but it’s always someone fully deserving of the title and the acclaim that comes with it. of course everyone would want to hold the title, but there’s no bitterness afterwards because the two voted in always actually make sense and deserve it.
3. Family!
I’m a muggle-born witch. my parents noticed some odd things surrounding me when i was young, but never could have suspected that i’d be a witch. no one in my family tree (to our knowledge) has ever been a witch or wizard. if they were, it was kept secret from our family. this is intentional so that when i arrive in my dr, i can ask stupid questions because i’m not supposed to know anything about the wizarding world. my parents are kind, and considerate. above all else they trust that they raised me well enough to be self-sufficient and make good choices for myself. they’re proud of me for standing up for what’s right, in their eyes, i can do little to no wrong. i strive every day to honor them. my father, Anthony Adler (face claim David Harbor), runs his own business. he practices ethically, and he’s very successful in his endeavors. enough to always keep both of our bank accounts stocked with money, at least. And my mother, Willow Adler (face claim Winona Ryder), is incredibly mothering on nature. if i lose something, she’s always able to find it. if i need advice, she always knows the best course of action. they never judge me and they practice rational, gentle parenting. we have two dogs, named after two dogs I had in my OR. they’re both dobermen, though- so they’re not exactly the same dogs. more so to honor them i guess.
4. Experiences!
I’m shifting to the morning of my eleventh birthday, so that I can experience the magic of receiving my Hogwarts letter! Dumbledore comes personally to talk to my parents about what everything means and to invite them to a muggle-born orientation where staff further explains things to parents with magic children. i also want to experience shopping for first year for myself. i want to be fitted for robes at the robe shop. i want to pick out my owl at the owlry. but most importantly- i really want the feeling of my wand choosing ME. i’m shifting so early in the story so that i can experience everything for myself in the moment.
5. Camp!
Incoming first year muggle-borns are invited to a sort of summer training camp before their first year of school. It’s a ten day retreat in the Scottish Highlands that runs from june 1st to june 10th. You’re still invited to go to the camp if your birthday falls between the start of june and the start of school, that just means that all of the letters have to come out by may 31st. if you’re born before then, you get your letter on your birthday. if not, and you’re muggle born, you get it may 31st. The founder of the camp is a muggle-born witch who went to Hogwarts and was completely blindsided by how many of her peers already knew basic magic spells, while she could barely hold a wand. she eventually decided to open the camp as a way to teach kids who were starting out like her get ahead in the wizarding world. it’s completely free of charge in any way, and all muggle-born first years from any wizarding school worldwide are invited. they teach you things like when it’s appropriate to wear robes, a very loose rundown of how the ministry works, how to hold wands, how to set up for potion-making, the brief history of wizarding magic dating back to ancient greece, etc. it’s all the stuff magic born kids know so no one is ahead of anyone else unfairly going into school.
6. Alternative world magic!
Not all magic is sourced through the greek pantheon or lesser greek gods. there are different magic practices that are real and almost as powerful as wizardry that stem from other world religions and practices. for example, voodoo is practiced by certain people of African decent reliably in my dr. there are other branches- hoodoo, wicca, paganism, nordic, etc. wizardry is the most prominent, though. and other magic practices keep to themselves in their own secret societies. i just like knowing that there are other cultures out there practicing magic in different ways than we are.
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
hi everyone !
i made a playlist with some underrated french songs that i find beautiful.
there's two links, one for spotify and one for deezer (its a french music platform)
deezer :
i hope you guys gonna like it 🌟
update : i made a youtube playlist. it’s the same name and my user is laane__
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
hey, why do you always run away when i start to open myself ? when i start to became myself ? i’m always asking why.
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
saw this on twitter rn, if you ever feel discouraged about writing fanfiction, read this again
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
little sad quote for your day
he was never mine, but losing him hurt my feelings. you can’t imagine how.
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
ok so guys, i’ve just talk to the person i love the most in this world and he loves me back !!
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 1 year
list of reasons why we need another tfota book
tfota series spoilers
cardan doesn’t know that jude knows about the dress
cardan doesn’t know that jude used to poison herself ( i need his reaction )
we need a cardan pov.
we need more jurdan.
i want to see their relationship develope further :D
i need some flashback to qon where cardan was in the mortal world
because millions of ppl agree with me
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 2 years
Requested by anon
Pls reblog if u vote :)
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 2 years
haha, gay power for me 💅
Pls reblog if u vote :)
I started saying it ironically but now I just say it gayly
If you do say y’all, is it in a southern, gay, or other way?
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 2 years
wilhelm : *(to his old friends)* this is simon
simon : hi, i’m simon
wilhelm : *(to simon)* act like you’re not my boyfriend
simon : i’m not wille's boyfriend
wilhelm : fuc-
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 2 years
Radical Acceptance and Simon's Arc in Season 2
There's a lot of discussion about Simon's character arc in season 2 floating around in the tag over the last few days, so I thought I would add my 2 cents.
I actually love Simon's arc in season 2, because to me it is a journey towards radical acceptance. Radical acceptance is something I think about a lot as someone with chronic pain. It means "ability to accept situations that are outside of your control without judging them, which in turn reduces the suffering that is caused by them." Simon starts the beginning of season 2 doing everything he can to deny his own feelings. And by the end he has admits that he is in love, that he cannot control the fact that he is in love, and that being in love might lead to him getting hurt. The fact that he radically accepts his emotions, regardless of the possible consequences, is an act of incredible vulnerability and bravery.
In the beginning of the season, Simon tries so hard to move on from Wilhelm. In my mind, Simon's season 1 arc was largely about him learning to establish boundaries. He learned to stick up for himself, and of course I was cheering him on as a viewer. So he starts season 2 with these firmly established boundaries, and he's trying to figure out how to live with them. He tries so hard to move on with Marcus. He listens to his friend's advice and agrees that he needs a rebound. He tries to pursue a physical angle with Marcus (hooking up with him at his house), and then a more romantic angle (relying on him for emotional support, inviting him to the dance), but it never quite works. Meanwhile, during this early part of the season, Wilhelm is constantly testing his boundaries and Simon is constantly defending them. Simon has to tell Wilhelm that he doesn't want to talk in episode 1, that he can't continue to be his confidant. He relents a little in episode 2, when the royal family tries to remove Wilhelm and Simon tries to come to his defense. But Wilhelm immediately tries to leverage this slight crack in Simon's armor and asks him, once again, to be his secret boyfriend until he turns 18, when his family has assured him he will be allowed to come out. (I love Wilhelm to bits, but this is not his brightest hour). Simon, rightfully reacts negatively to this.
So Simon doesn't have a chance to consider how he really feels because Wilhelm doesn't give him space to do so until late episode 3/early episode 4, when Wilhelm decides he has to let Simon go. And that little bit of breathing room allows Simon to gain some startling clarity.
The other thing I love about Simon's arc this season is how imperfect it is. I think a lot of times as audience members we want our heroes' journeys to always leave them wiser and more mature than where they began. But Simon is a teenager, and the way he learns about himself in this season is messy and immature. At first I was a little disappointed that he let his boundaries drop so quickly and kissed Wilhelm at the dance. If I had a friend who kissed someone who had treated them the way Wilhelm had, I probably would say something like, "girl (in a gender neutral way) WHAT are you doing?". But here's the thing: Simon figures out something about himself in that moment, and that self discovery is valid. He's not ready to move on. Wilhelm tells him earlier in the evening that he's figured it out; he has to let Simon go. I can practically see the cogs turning in Simon's brain, the thoughts "how DARE he tell me that I want him to move on. I don't want that!" sparking behind his eyes. The irony, of course, is that Simon wouldn't have admitted to himself that he's still in love with Wilhelm if Wilhelm hadn't made an effort to move on.
Simon has always had little sparks of impulsivity and ferociousness that make this move feel totally in character, so it's one of my favorite writing choices of the season. The Simon that will call the royal family out for tax evasion in class is the same Simon that will kiss Wilhelm half out of desperate desire and half out of spite, and I love that about him. It's also the Simon who feels the need to hold the system that wronged him-- the Hillerska class system and August in particular-- to account.
So after the dance, Simon is left with two irreconcilable facts. He is in love with Wilhelm, and being in love with Wilhelm isn't going to lead to a healthy relationship (at least as far as he knows at that time). Wilhelm might be willing to give up the crown for him, but is unwilling to sacrifice his family and the royal system as a whole for Simon. Dating Wilhelm would mean allowing August to go unreported and sacrificing some of Simon's moral code. So Simon is torn, unsure of what matters more to him.
So much of Young Royals is about the struggle to live authentically. It's about the battle between what you feel in your heart and what other people are telling you is the correct way to live. It's also about the systems that keep us in our place, and whether we choose to defy them or not. I think other marginalized people can relate to the fact that sometimes you just can't fight all the battles. You can advocate and protest as much as you can, but sometimes you have to walk away in order to keep your heart intact. (I feel this way a lot with disability advocacy, especially in the time of covid as an immunocompromised person.)
At the end of the season, Simon's attempts to defy the system have been defeated. August has trapped him, eliminating his ability to report August's crime to the police (or so Simon thinks, until Sara does it for him). Everything has been taken away from Simon except for his heart. And he knows what his heart is telling him. His heart is telling him that he's in love with Wilhelm. There's defeat there, but there's also victory in realizing that his emotions are still real and strong and undeniable even after everything he's been through. So he radically accepts his emotions and gives in to them. He tells Wilhelm he'll be with him. Forget about August. They'll cope with the secrecy. None of it is ideal. But Simon is prepared to deal with the unideal if it lets him live truthfully. Even though this decision is about his relationship with Wilhelm, the journey he took to this decision is about his relationship with himself. So I don't agree with people who say that Simon's season 2 arc is only about his love life.
To me Simon's final decision is like taking a step off a cliff with your heart exposed, and hoping the new wings you just bought will allow you to fly instead of letting you crash to your death. It's so brave. It's so vulnerable.
And then Wilhelm returns that bravery and vulnerability, and Simon's wings are working after all. They're flying, and I can't wait to see where season 3 takes them..
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 2 years
“I used to play catch with my dad, except the ball would just hit the wall because he wasn’t there.”
— Cardan
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 2 years
this is so fk true. cardan always loved jude. but i have a question. when jude wasn’t born, did he know her ? bc don’t forget that cardan is immortal while jude is a mortal girl.
Cardan had some bangers throughout the series but nothing, I repeat nothing, hits me as hard as “I knew little else, but I always knew you.” Because you realize that he’s not talking about just the time he was cursed, he’s talking about every other time before. Years before. And everything that’ll follow after.
In his novella, we go through his life since he was a kid. When Balekin took him home, when he met Nicasia, when she took him to the Undersea, when he went to the mortal world to the first time. And the one thing common in all this was that he always mentioned Jude, or that mortal girl, at least once (I’m serious, go open HTKOELTHS quick and check each chapter.) He’s always felt like she’s the only real thing, she kept him grounded. When he was hurt beyond measure and not in his senses for days after Nicasia and Locke’s betrayal and rode into the palace school drunk out of his mind, it’s Jude and her voice that cuts through everything and brings him to his senses. He said the sight of her, of the hatred in her eyes, warmed him! He knew only her, even then.
Because he felt like she saw who he really is. He might have hated it at first because he’s been hurt so many times he didn’t want anyone seeing him for who he is beneath his mask, but this very thing also lead to him falling madly in love with her. So yes, this line is one of the truest and deepest things he’s ever spoken and I will love it to death. 😭😩
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lanesprettyworld ¡ 2 years
‘’If you can’t handle a heart like mine, don’t waste your time with me.’’ with reader saying it to Marcus please Ik not getting requests is frustrating but I love your weit bf style
I've based this song on one of my favorite Nessa Barrett song 'Lovebombs' (another fic inspired by her music is in my wip). Please look her up!
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Marcus was your favorite person, but that also made him your favorite target. It’s not what you wanted. That deep attachment made you a very loyal partner, but it had a reverse side. An ugly side.
You didn’t remember how it started — something must’ve set you off. All you remembered was being in the middle of the fight and feeling this intense hatred toward Marcus. You lashed out on him, told him horrible things. Your words had been bullets to his chest, hitting and hurting him in all the right places.
‘’Why do you keep doing this?’’ He was trying to hold it together, knowing if he let his emotion mix with yours, it would be a molotov cocktail.
‘’It’s the way I am, Marcus!’’ you snapped at him, feeling the anger inside you turn into fire. ‘’Sorry that I’m not a perfect girlfriend like Ginny. Sorry that I’m a constant ticking time bomb and ruin dates and parties.’’
‘’Why do you keep bringing Ginny into every argument?’’
The corner of your lips curled into a crooked smile. ‘’That’s an interesting question, uh? I’m not the one that still has pictures of her in my bedroom.’’
Marcus groaned. Shit. You saw them. ‘’I forgot to take them off. They don’t mean anything.’’
‘’Do you imagine her face when we have sex?’’
‘’What?!’’ Half of him wanted to laugh at your ridiculous question, but he bit his tongue. It would only add fuel to the fire. ‘’I can’t believe you’re asking me this… I love you, not Ginny. Can you stop making things up?’’
The sad truth was, you couldn't. Jumping to conclusion, blowing things out of proportion and overreacting was something you were trying really hard to control. It was unfortunately part of your mental illness.
‘’If you can’t handle a heart like mine, don’t waste your time on me.’’
Marcus punched the bridge of his nose and sighed, trying to find something to say that you won’t turn around on him. ‘’I’m not saying— I just want to understand you.’’
‘’I can’t understand myself so, good luck with that.’’ A manic laugh spilled from your mouth.
A few days had passed and an intense guilt filled your body. The war was finally over. A part of you was relieved, but the other was realizing the damages you had caused. All the pain you had caused to the person you loved the most.
With your head hung low, you knocked on Marcus’ door and waved the white flag. He accepted your apologies and wrapped you in his arms, glad the storm was finally over.
‘’I know I’m hard to love sometimes and that I make you the villain of my story. I’m sorry. I really am, Marcus. You don’t deserve all the pain I put you through. It’s not fair to pull you into my chaos.’’ Your eyes were glassy, thinking back at all the horrible things you had said to him the other night. 
He pulled back and tipped your face gently. ‘’When you love someone, you love them regardless of the whole baggage they come with.’’
You looked down. ‘’You say that now, but you’ll change your mind.’’
Marcus shook his head. ‘’Not a chance. I can handle the mean things. I’ve got thick skin.’’ He gave you a soft smile, but you didn’t reciprocate it. 
 ‘’What I said about Ginny—’’
‘’Is all forgiven and forgotten,’’ he finished, shushing you. ‘’I haven't been the most faithful person before, but I love you and that's what makes all the difference to me. I don't care that you're not perfect because I'm not either. I do impulsive things, smoke too much weed and some days I can't bring myself to leave my bed or shower. We're imperfect and it's okay. Perfect people are boring anyway.’’
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny 
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